Explain to the NPCs that they will be able to go ashore soon, let them be wronged for a while, and then return to the Eternal. Emines has removed the illusion, we hung 11 battleships behind us and started towing back. These 11 cargo ships and 6 captive battleships total 17 ships. We only have 3 battleships, each of which has to tow five or six ships. Fortunately, the super battleship has high horsepower. Even though the Eternity has been hung up with 6 ships, it can still sail through the waves, but the speed is much slower and not as fast as the ordinary ships, but it is not bad to be able to run with so many ships.

The fleet soon entered the Chinese territorial waters, and it was almost home now. The observer found the patrol fleet of the Chinese Guild from a long distance, probably because he was afraid that the little Japan would come back, so he stayed on patrol. Our course remains unchanged and we continue to advance towards Isengard, and the patrol fleet is getting closer and closer to us.

I stood on the aisle outside the control tower and looked at the sea ahead. The Chinese fleet got closer and closer. I suddenly felt wrong. Why did they put the cannon at us? Suddenly the muzzle of the Chinese battleship in front of me flashed, followed by a huge, crisp sound of "Dang", and my instinctive body shrank. A shell hit the wall of the command tower next to me, and the point of impact was no more than 3 meters from where I was standing. But the formidable power of the cannon was obviously not enough, and the shell was ejected after hitting the steel plate.

"Damn! Who is on the opposite side?" I quickly jumped back into the control tower. "Quickly, let them stop firing with a semaphore, we are..." Dang! Another shot from the battleship! "Oh! Standard bearer! Quick!"

"Report!" The observer suddenly called. "Those battleships seem a little weird!"

"Weird?" I picked up the telescope and looked at the opponent's battleship. A very ordinary ironclad ship, with a displacement of about 18,000 tons, and ordinary armament. What's wrong? Suddenly I remembered! "Fuck, China doesn't have such a big iron-clad ship, it is a Japanese camouflage ship! Gun station! All the gun stations, each gun fires back independently!"

bang! The Eternal suddenly violently Shaking, the hull shook. The operator of the hydrophone below shouted: "It's a submarine! They use a paddle instead of a propeller. I didn't hear it at first!"

"What was it just now? Was it a torpedo?"

"No! It was caused by hitting the hull with a collision angle."

"Report damage."

"No damage, no damage to the ship."


"Let the steel claw troops launch and get rid of that submarine."

The damn little Japan actually pretended to be a Chinese battleship, and the Chinese flag was still hung on that battleship! The distance between the two sides is less than 5 kilometers. At such a close distance, almost every shot must be hit. Our ship's body clinked and clashed, but fortunately, there was no effect. The Victory next to us suddenly loosened the towline behind us and began to accelerate, and I quickly ordered fire cover. The Victory rushed forward and ran into the Japanese camouflage ship head-on. The 198,000-ton battleship collided with the 18,000-ton battleship. It was obvious that the hull of the Japanese battleship that was hit was deformed and began to leak and sink. The Japanese iron-clad ship behind started shooting at the Victory, but the magic light cannon on top of the Flash suddenly fired. A dazzling beam of light crossed the sea. Three Japanese camouflage ships were cut off by the beam, and the battleship's cuts were very neat. The battleship that was broken in two quickly began to sink, but despite this, the cannon on the half of the bow was still roaring back. Little Japan was really dedicated!

The magic light cannons on the three battleships flashed alternately, and a dozen battleships quickly turned into Fei iron and sank into the seabed. The steel claws quickly climbed onto the deck, and it seemed that the submarine was basically finished. I really didn't expect that the Japanese still have this hand. If it weren't for our stronger battleship, it would have been troublesome just now!

"It seems that another fleet is coming!" the observer reported.

"Come back? Let me see." Climbed up to the observation position and took a look. Seven wooden shell battleships, all with Chinese flags, seem to be real this time. "Don't be nervous, it's your own person this time."

The two battleships cautiously approached each other and finally leaned in. The captain on the opposite ship greeted us and praised our ship before entering the subject. "Have you seen a group of Japanese ships flying the Chinese flag?"

"You just met when you arrived."

When we heard that we met, that ship The leader immediately said: "Then you crossfire?"

I am nodded. "Fortunately, our ship is so big that we almost got caught! Why? You are also chasing?"

"We have been chasing for more than an hour. They have submarines in their fleet. We are so embarrassed! "

"I know, but it has been sunk."

"That's good." The other party didn't react for a while, and it took two seconds before suddenly exclaimed: " What? It's sinking? Did you see anything?"

"Something? What's it?" I was stunned.

"It's..." He got stuck in the middle of the story, and after a long time he said: "Forget it, it's not an important thing. We still have business, let's say goodbye, goodbye. That's right, Where did you sink the submarine?"

"Over there, about two or three nautical miles."

"Ok, thank you."

Look at I find it strange that the opponent's battleship ran away in a panic, but there is no time to control them for the time being. It is important to return to Isengard first when we pull up our things.

Many people greeted us in Isengard, and the Sea Dragon had already returned before us. Let Rose command the battleship to enter the port to unload the cargo, and I hurriedly pulled the eagle to the side to speak. "Everyone is delivered safely?"

Eagle nodded and said: "We are all sent ashore, we did a very clean job, no one will know. They are Japanese players, and they won’t Someone has found a problem."

"Very well, it's up to them in the future!"

"Don't worry, as long as they stand up to the monster siege at first, they won't There is a problem. Money is a very important factor in this game. If you give them so much start-up capital, their starting point is one section higher than others, and nothing will happen."

I nodded . "Thanks for your hard work. Let's go and take you to see the results of our hunting."


"To be exact, it is looting, but it's quite enjoyable. It's a pity. This kind of thing can't be done forever!"

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