Lingling, who was stopped by me, looked towards me in a bit puzzled way. I don’t know why I didn’t let her go, but she understood what I meant because in the A large wave of missiles moved towards the sky is flying over here.

This time, in order to deal with this group of people, all countries can be considered to have spared their lives. This wave of missiles was not launched from a certain place, but came from four countries: China, Russia, the United States, and Japan. Among them, China and Russia use medium-range ballistic missiles, while the United States and Japan launch cruise missiles.

Although the missile launch points of Japan and the United States are closer to the target, the speed of ballistic missiles is faster, so the Chinese and Russian missiles come first.

Lingling understood my intentions immediately after sensing the missiles above, and quickly turned and ran with me. I turned around and ran with the two children, while the others behind were on the side. Cover our side and retreat.

The formidable power of Chinese and Russian ballistic missiles is not small, and the accuracy of ballistic missiles is generally not as high as that of cruise missiles, so in order to prevent accidental injury, it is better to run farther.

Not long after we ran out, we heard a string of violent rumbling sound behind us, followed by a blast of wind blowing over. I looked back in surprise and found that there was a problem. The ballistic missile failed to land, but was killed by intercepting weapons in the air. However, although these air defense weapons accurately intercepted the four ballistic missiles in front of them, another warhead flew out of the clouds, and before the air defense weapons below intercepted, the warhead disintegrated in the air. A large area of ​​at least a few hundred small warheads was scattered and continued to fall rapidly.

As soon as those anti-aircraft weapons found small warheads, they started shooting desperately. However, there were too many warheads. In the end, less than one-half of the total amount was blocked, and all the rest fell on the spaceship and The nearby area instantly blasted most of the defensive weapons on the surface of the spaceship into a pile of scrap iron, and after this shot, seven or eight warheads were selected from the clouds at once, with a long white cyclone. Eight warheads hit the spaceship one after another, and then there was a violent explosion. Suddenly fragments flew on the spaceship, and it was blown into a pile of scrap iron in the blink of an eye. The entire spaceship seemed to be intact.

I only feel relieved after seeing this result. The Chinese and Russian ballistic missiles are really not that easy to intercept. Apart from anything else, the air-burst shot-like warhead is definitely a nightmare for near defense weapons, and as far as I know, this kind of warhead can also choose the height of self-destruct. The higher the height, the more difficult it is to intercept, but on the other hand, if the airburst height is too high, the bullet points will be relatively scattered. It is better to concentrate the formidable power.

In any case, the ballistic missiles of the two countries finally completely blasted the defense system of the spaceship, and according to my heart, the spirit net network shows that the American cruise missiles can take another 30 seconds. Arrival, and the Japanese may have to wait for more than ten minutes. After all, the American missiles were launched from the US military base in South Korea, which is relatively close. The Japanese missiles came from the mainland, so there will be more delays on the road. normal.

Because spaceship has been basically paralyzed at this time, so we don't have to run, as long as all the surviving people in the past are tied up and sent to the United States for processing. However, we haven't had time to act on this side, and the spaceship over there has reacted first. I saw that a gate was slowly opening at a certain position on the side of the battered spaceship that had been bombed.

This door should have been opened outwards, but because of the missile attack and the previous fall, the door has been severely damaged, and it was stuck when it was only opened halfway. However, just after the door was fully opened after a few attempts by herself, a hand suddenly stretched out inside the door.

In fact, this should be said to be a robotic arm, but because its structure is very similar to a human hand, it is better to call it a handle.

This hand grasped the deformed position of the door, and then pushed it outwards. Accompanied by a sour sound, the high-strength door was bent directly, and then opened forcibly A passage for people to pass through, and then a man in power armor came out of it.

As this person walked out, another foot immediately appeared behind him, and then the second person in power armor ran out. In an instant, several people wearing power armor appeared here, and after a dozen people like this, the walls around the spaceship’s hatch suddenly burst open, and then I saw a huge robot dog. The same thing popped out from inside.

To be honest, I at first have always been very curious about what is in this spaceship, but now I suddenly feel even more strange after seeing it. What do you say these guys are planning to do with so many weird things on the immigration ship?

Although I don’t know what these guys are going to do, there are so many power armors and a large mechanical beast in front of me. This is our scope of work, so I didn’t waste time. When I picked it up, I started aiming at the crowd over there.

After the guys on the opposite side appeared, they were busy transporting things out of the spaceship, but the large mechanical dog was a girl who had a job, or it was a lookout, so I saw After our attacking intention, the thing immediately moved.

The large mechanical beast in front of me is said to be a robot dog, but in fact it is not the same as the one of our dragon fate.

The size of the mechanical dog produced by Longyuan is about the same as the wolfdog. It looks very thin. It mainly works in close combat and reconnaissance of the former enemy. It is a cheap consumable, and the market price is less than ten. Wan renminbi, it can be said that it is a good thing with high quality and low price. But this thing in front of me is different. Standing on the ground with four legs, the height of the robot dog is more than four meters at the shoulder. It is estimated to be more than six meters in length, not counting the tail, and the painting and some shapes on this thing look completely different from our robot dog.

Because our robot dog is a cheap consumable, its surface is very smooth, and there is hardly any superfluous things on the outside, and there are a bunch of messy things hanging on this thing. That kind of large manned mechanical body.

In fact, there is a reason why the other party loaded such a thing on the spaceship.

The other party’s idea is actually very simple, that is, when the spaceship arrives there, it will definitely need transportation, and the target planet must have roads, so vehicles and other things will not be considered. Although the current professional off-road vehicles are actually quite abnormal in their ability to climb mountains and mountains, even some hillside vehicles that people can't climb with bare hands can drive them. However, those with this abnormal off-road ability are generally professional recreational roller climbers, and practical military off-road vehicles can actually only cope with some bad road conditions or ordinary obstacles, such as the kind of steep. Most military vehicles such as mountain peaks or jungle are actually inaccessible.

After the immigration ship arrives on the opposite planet, it will inevitably require a large amount of transportation materials. On the one hand, it is reconnaissance and exploration, and on the other hand, it is also a necessary process to rebuild the human homeland. However, without a car, hiking on a primordial planet is obviously not a good idea.

In order to deal with this situation, the other party installed this robot dog on the spaceship.

In fact, I don’t know what this thing is called. It’s just because this thing has four legs and a head, and its appearance is similar to that of a dog, so I call it a robot dog. It is estimated that the other party should have another name, and the thing strictly speaking should actually be called a quadruped stepping platform. Of course, the other party considered that the planet over there didn't know if there was any dangerous large creature, so in addition to the four-legged stepping mechanism, this thing also had considerable armor protection and strong firepower. This is all for safety considerations.

It can be said that in order to survive, the other party has thought about the situations that may be encountered during the immigration process. This robot dog will not accidentally reach the opposite planet. It can definitely play a role. After all, On an undeveloped primordial planet, it’s always easier to walk on your legs than on wheels, and you can step over if you encounter a little ditch, while the car will be quite embarrassed when it encounters obstacles that cannot be overcome.

Although this thing was originally intended to be used after reaching the opposite planet, now the other party also knows that they are impossible to complete the immigration. The last immigrant ship was also bombed in rage. It is simply a dream to expect it to fly to another planet. So what these people think now is to run away first and not be caught. The rest are just nonsense.

The firepower on that robot dog is really good. While charging, the two multi-tube Vulcan cannons hanging under his head started to shoot at us, and the dense barrage instantly sent us The fragments shot nearby flew around, but the bullets failed to hurt anyone among us, because everyone immediately deployed their strong magnetic field, and together they blocked the bullets that were directed at us.

"I'm going to tear it down." Lingling waved the holy sword and shouted while rushing out of the strong magnetic field. She stepped directly on the wall and rushed to the second floor, and then suddenly kicked. On the wall, the whole person turned over in the air, flashing past the robot dog, and some sparks seemed to be wiping out in the middle.

After Lingling flew over, the robot dog immediately landed, and then roared at Lingling's side, but the next second the Vulcan cannon hung under her head crashed and fell to the ground. At the moment when she passed by, Lingling had cut off the Vulcan Cannon hanging under her head by the roots.

Without the Vulcan cannon, the robot dog immediately opened two covers behind it. We knew from a glance that 80% of this thing used missiles, because this position on Xiao Bai and Bai Lang's weapon backpacks also had a missile bay hung in it.

Sure enough, immediately after the thing was opened, a missile stretched out like a rolling shutter, and then the thing launched two missiles at Lingling without the slightest hesitation, and then turned to us to continue launching. But just as it turned around, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and wrapped around its head.

This silhouette is not someone else, but Yeyue.

After successfully landing on the robot dog’s head, Ye Yue wrapped her super long tail around the robot dog’s neck, and then the high-frequency vibration blade on her hand kept on, and immediately began to hit the robot dog. His head was cut up.

As mentioned before, this thing is for manned use, so there is no one in the head, but something with the tears of the main monitor and sensor. After Yeyue falls, it will vibrate directly. The blade was inserted into the head of the thing as an electrode, and then four of the hands grabbed the hilt of the sword, the blue arc leaped and ejected between her double walls, and the robot dog below started to twitch in an instant. If you are in the cockpit of the robot dog at this time, you will find that all the equipment in front of it has no images, what you can see is a piece of snowflakes, and many equipment start to smoke, obviously burned out.

Although such semi-military things should have electromagnetic attack shielding devices, Yeyue did not release current from the outside of the thing, but inserted two swords as electrodes directly. Inside the shell, the electromagnetic shielding becomes ineffective in this way. In an instant, more than half of the circuit on this robot dog was burned, and the robot dog that had just regained its prestige collapsed in an instant.

Pull out the two swords from the robot dog’s head, Yeyue stood majestic and majestic on the robot dog’s fallen body, and there were many ordinary persons around who hadn’t escaped looking up. At Yeyue, a small door suddenly opened under the robot dog's belly, and then several people were seen rolling out of it.

As soon as these people came out, they took out their weapons, and after seeing Yeyue standing on the robot dog, they attacked without saying a word. However, Ye Yue completely ignored these attacks and stepped down from the robot dog, raising the sword in his hand, and wandering in the crowd as if he were walking. All those guys were in a different place.

"Scum." Yeyue looked at the corpse on the ground disdainfully, then turned and looked towards the crowd at the spaceship warehouse over there. Compared with just now, there are a lot more people coming out. Among them, besides the armed personnel wearing power armor, there are many unarmed personnel, and these people seem to be working hard to get some large boxes out of the spaceship, but these The things are huge and very heavy, so even with the help of someone wearing a power armor, it took a lot of effort to get these things out.

In fact, I’m very curious about what these people have put in the things, because I just scanned these boxes and found out that this thing is actually made of special materials, which shields all the radiation inside and outside, so I simply don't know what is in that thing. But it's easy to know what's inside, just grab one and open it.

Just as we were about to go there, there was a sudden commotion in the street next to us, and then we saw a whole team of armed special police officers rushing out of the street carrying shields and holding submachine guns. , And looking at the direction of these guys, your sister actually came at us.

"Damn, what are those Koreans doing? Why haven't we informed the police that we are our own?"

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