The smoke and dust blown out by our heavy firepower was quickly blown away by the wind, and the scene in front of us became clear. More than half of the more than one hundred monsters are trying to stand up, and a few of the remaining about thirty monsters are unable to stand due to broken legs, but Not dead. In other words, we just killed more than 20 monsters in this shot.

If it is a gun battle between police and robber, killing more than 20 targets in 30 seconds is indeed a good result, but we are not holding a police pistol. The Dragon Clan special assault rifle and the three-millimeter caliber six-barreled Vulcan cannon fired at close range, even the armored vehicle was screened, even more how it was an organism without any armor. However, with such terrifying firepower, it turned out that it only killed more than 20 monsters.

My combat support system told me with certainty that every monster here was shot, and more than one shot, but it turned out that only a dozen of these monsters died. This result It is really unacceptable.

"Are these things Immortal Body?" Hans's men asked in surprise.

"It's not the Immortal Body, it's just the ability to recover." I said directly using the wireless transmission capability to control the working motor in the gun body to adjust the ammunition mode to the burst mode, and then I raised the gun and aimed at one of them The monster pulled the trigger.

Only heard a crisp sound of Ping, the monster on the opposite side suddenly tilted, but did not fall down, then it stood up again, but soon he was passed on by his chest. The faster and faster beeps were attracted and looked towards his chest. There was a blood hole there, and a small luminous Level 2 tube was exposed outside the wound. At this time, this The little things are shining one after another, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Before the monster could react, I heard a loud explosion sound. The monster instantly turned into a sky full of flesh and blood, and there was only a pair of big claws standing on the ground. Only, the part above the calf is missing.

"Look, it's not the Immortal Body, it's just the ability to resist." I pointed to the front and said.

Hans didn’t talk nonsense, and directly shouted: "Switch ammunition."

Of course, people on our side don’t need to notify Hans. Everyone has changed the attack mode of their weapons. It became a burst bomb, and then began to shoot a single shot, only one monster at a time.

Every time our blasting bomb hits the monster, it takes five seconds before it explodes, but every time the monster can be blown up all split up and in pieces, it is guaranteed that it will never survive. As for the weapons used by Hans, they are not as perverted as ours, but their weapons are also quite exaggerated.

They gave up the attack ammunition directly, but raised their hands, and two thin tubes protruded from the front of their arm armor, and then they flicked with their wrists. , A dozen-meter-long flame burst out instantly, and all the monsters that rushed to our neighborhood were instantly ignited, turning into a burning human-shaped torch.

If it is an infantry battle, then this situation is actually quite dangerous, because the monster did not stop after being ignited, but continued to charge. If it was an infantry line confrontation, then the monster charged with flames. Into the crowd, it is definitely a disaster. But because we are all wearing power armor, the guys on the opposite side rushed over with flames, but they couldn't cause us any harm.

I don’t know the power armor of Nine Headed Snake, but our power armor can carry a high temperature of 2,000 degrees for two hours without any problems. These flames can reach a temperature of seven or eight hundred degrees when they reach the sky. It is dangerous for humans, but it is nothing to us.

Although we are not afraid of fire, the monsters have already rushed in front of us. At this time, the burst bomb is useless. If at first monster used the burst bomb when it first appeared, there is still some hope, but now in this case, the monster is too close to us, so it's a bit late at this time.

Seeing the monster enter our queue, we don't use guns anymore. He threw the rifle directly and took off the hanging sword from his waist.

Om... the sharp sound of the vibrating blade made the surrounding monsters scream, but we have already rushed up with the vibrating blade.

The long sword shaped vibrating blade has a very large attack range, and these vibrating blades are too sharp for the monster's body. Basically, everything is broken. Although the monster rushes up, it is the first We just let the monster go to face-to-face.

Hans and his men don’t use flamethrowers anymore, they just smashed a monster with one fist, then supported the head of the second monster with one hand, and went up and hit the front with one foot. The flipped monster's head was crushed, and then the palm of his hand was pressed hard, and with a click, the monster's head in his hand burst.

The power of heavy power armor is incomparable gigantic. Although those monsters have Dragon Clan genes, they don’t have our metal skeletons, and their genes are incomplete, and their abilities are much worse than ours, at least in our body. The skeleton will not be so weak even if it can't stop the vibrating blade.

The fastest row of these monsters was chopped to the ground by us, but the monsters have no idea what fear or pain is. There was still a raging fire on his body, and these guys rushed up one after another.

Hans just pushed a monster to the ground, raised his right hand and was about to blow this guy’s head with a punch, didn’t expect a monster to suddenly jump on his back, and then The armor on his body was scratching and scratching. Hans was made difficult to start, and he was about to kill the monster with his backhand. The monster below suddenly drilled and broke free of his control. Then he hugged Hans's thigh, and at this time more monsters pounced on. In an instant, Hans was buried underneath, and the monster behind was still climbing up, and soon Hans’s location became a monster mountain.

In fact, Hans is not the only one who is unlucky. Almost all of us have suffered similar blows. I just slashed a monster from the shoulder and waist side, and a monster popped out from behind and jumped directly onto my shoulder. I only came to stab it with a sword and I was hit. I retreated three steps in a row, but fortunately, I was strong. Although I took three steps back, but I was stable. But before I had time to get the monster down, another monster rushed up and then clicked. Pounced on me and scratched my power armor with the monster that was stabbed in the opposite direction. I also wanted to take off my helmet. Of course, the result was meaningless, because my helmet was needed. It can only be removed after I unlock it.

Originally, two monsters couldn’t do anything to me, but there are more and more monsters behind me. Soon I have five or six monsters hanging on my body. They work hard together, and the impact finally Still knock me to the ground.

The people on our side were completely covered by monsters almost instantly and turned into mountains of meat. The densely packed monsters pressed us and tried to tear us apart, but their minions gave us power armor. It is obviously too soft for our power armor. However, although we have nothing to do, Hans and their Nine Headed Snake power armor is a bit troublesome.

On one of the legs of one of the Nine Headed Snake soldiers, a monster desperately bit his calf. Accompanied by a zhi zhi rattling sound, the soldier immediately felt something was wrong, his A perspective view of the humanoid structure of the armor popped up on the facial display, and then the position of the armor's leg armor on the graphic suddenly changed to red and was enlarged, and a bunch of information was also displayed next to it. The soldier's armor leg appeared at high speed. Severe damage.

In fact, even if he didn’t look at this, he knew that there was something wrong with the armor’s legs, because he had already felt a very serious pain in his legs. The main force of deformation is on the squeeze cushioning device, and he hasn't really pressed into his leg, otherwise the pain will definitely be dozens of times stronger.

The player who found that the situation was not right wanted to get rid of the monsters’ bites, but he was powerless, because the monsters pressed on him and severely restricted his activities. He simply climbed does not raise .

"Damn! Ah...Captain, I need support!" As the pressure on his legs increased, the team member began to panic calling for support, because he obviously felt that the opponent was about to tear apart The shell of the power armor is gone.

Although Hans wants to help, he is now powerless to defend himself, and he can only helplessly said: "Try to save ourselves, we are trapped and cannot help you temporarily."

< p>"Wait a minute!" Just when the Nine Headed Snake player thought he was going to die, my voice suddenly rang in the communicator.

I promised that guy to save him, but now I am also under pressure. If I want to go out to save him, I need to get out. After struggling hard, I found that there are too many monsters on my body. Not only their weight, but these guys are still using their own strength to resist my exercise, so I simply can't get rid of the restraints. However, even though my limbs are tightly suppressed by these monsters, it doesn't mean that I really can't move.

“He’s grandfather, he really thinks that a bunch of knockoffs can kill my genuine Dragon Clan?” I looked at the display data in front of me, and then started to operate the armor’s power system. "Connect the emergency power circuit and transfer the energy of the weapon system to the plasma thruster. The rocket is ready to be punched, three, two, one." As I read one in the electronic brain, the wings on my back suddenly slammed outwards Bounce, and instantly bounce two monsters into flight, but more monsters will soon be unable to fill the gap, but what I want is just an activity space, not to open these monsters.

As the wings unfolded, the plasma thrusters on my back, on both sides of my calves, on both sides of my thighs, and the front of my arms suddenly all started. With the increasing rumbling sound, I suddenly took a whole seat. Roshan skyrocketed, and the monsters hanging outside were threw away several times in an instant, but the rest still clinging to me, but my power system has been connected to extra power, and the output at this time is already Reach the limit state. After throwing off a few monsters, the armor soared into the sky almost like a missile, and the speed instantly broke through the sound barrier, and then I suddenly started rolling, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Although the monsters hanging on my body desperately wanted to catch me, but as my speed became higher and higher, the centrifugal force continued to increase. The monsters hanging on my body finally couldn’t catch my armor one by one. Threw it out.

After throwing away most of the monsters, I still have the two most tenacious monsters hanging on my body. These two monsters one after the other hugged my neck without letting go. I helplessly stopped spinning. Then they suddenly rushed down with the two monsters moved towards the ground. The speed reached three times the speed of sound almost instantaneously, and then suddenly adjusted the direction and decelerated suddenly before touching the ground, and all the thrusters and deceleration devices were driven to their limits. This huge reverse acceleration instantly caused the monster behind me to slip out, but the front one was still stuck because of a better posture, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Turn off the main thruster and switch the power to the normal mode. The claws on my wrist suddenly popped out, and then plunged into the monster’s bilateral ribs from left to right, and then pulled it horizontally. Along with the blood splashing, the monster immediately issued a mournful scream, but I suddenly took out a miniature grenade from the back of my waist and stuffed it directly in from the wound on the monster’s stomach, and then grabbed the monster with both hands and held the arms around my neck. With a sudden force, only a click sound, the monster's arms were twisted off by me, and then torn off.

I lost the support of my arms and immediately released the monster from me. I lifted my leg and kicked it flying. At the same time, the propeller ignited out of contact. The monster flew out a few meters and was immediately blown up by the bomb in my stomach. The rain of blood flying all over the sky is everywhere.

After throwing away the monster on my body, I immediately landed again, and then stretched out my hand not far away. The long sword that had fallen before flew over and was caught in my hand. Looking at the monster rushing up, I went up with a sword and cut it in half from the middle, and then raised my hand to a monster that had jumped up on the left front. When my wrist was stretched and retracted, a small barrel popped out, and it was in with a bang. The chest of the sky's monster was blown to pieces, and the monster seemed to have been smashed from the sky with a hammer, and fell straight to the ground.

After the right hand touched the waist, I pulled out a large pistol and raised it to point at the monster rushing to the right. The green indicator light under the barrel quickly lit up, and then I pulled the trigger. With a buzzing sound, something like air ripples was knocked out, and then I saw the monster on the opposite side as if it suddenly hit something, turned over and fell to the ground, but I didn’t expect But this monster actually got up again dangling.

I frowned and looked at this monster. The pistol in my hand suddenly began to deform. The two sides of the barrel expanded automatically, and the barrel rose, revealing a long oval pipe, and some blue ones could be seen in it. The lines are shining.

Looking at the monster who got up again, I pulled the trigger abruptly, but this time there was no sound and no optical effect. If there is any change, the blue light in the barrel has changed to orange red, and the air in front of the barrel is twisted like a road at midsummer noon, as if the air is heated to produce a lot of water vapor.

Although there is no sound or light from this gun in this mode, the monster on the opposite side suddenly started to bubble, and the smooth skin surface turned into a toad in less than two seconds. In the same state, then these blisters began to grow larger. In a total of three to five seconds, the monster turned into a giant sphere of superimposed blisters, and then accompanied by the not too loud bang, the monster suddenly burst and turned into a large expanse of blood in the sky. , How disgusting and disgusting.

"Help!" As soon as I killed this monster, I heard the Nine Headed Snake member calling for help. Turning his head to see that the guy seemed to have been ripped off his leg armor by the monster, and rushed up quickly.

The monsters saw me approaching but didn't intend to let go of that guy. Instead, they began to bite the soldier's leg more quickly, hoping to kill an enemy as soon as possible. Seeing this, I stretched out my hand and a nearby assault rifle dedicated to Dragon Clan that we just dropped flew into my hand, adjusted the ammunition mode to regular ammunition, and then entered the burst mode, and raised the gun to the monster. He squeezed the trigger to the end, and in the roar of gunfire, the flesh and blood of the monster outside was splashed, and the bullet directly lifted the monster outside, and then continued to tear at the monster inside. The monsters screamed as if It hurts, but I don't let it go. These things are exactly like a mad dog, they will bite you a piece of meat when they die. They are so cruel that we can't even imagine.

The soldier’s leg armor underneath has been completely torn apart, and the leg was bitten by the monster. The blood flew out instantly, and the soldier’s screams were heard, and his leg bones were actually killed by the monster. The life is torn down, even the trained soldiers can't bear this kind of pain.

At this time, I am also anxious. Once the power armor is damaged, its protection will be greatly reduced. If you don't hurry, don't expect anything left on the soldier.

"The dog said, this is what you forced me." I quickly backed up two steps, then one leg backed up to support my body, and then the armor on my shoulders suddenly bounced back. , Revealing two things that look like large searchlights. These two things started to turn red as soon as they appeared, and there were golden arcs flashing around on them, which looked super dangerous at first glance. "The gravity cannon is ready, skip the inspection, and fire it urgently."

With a buzzing sound, two black light balls suddenly flew out of my shoulders. Speaking of which is very strange. The light ball was originally impossible to be black, but what I launched was indeed two obvious spheres, and they were really black. In fact, this is not an illusion, but because it is really two black balls of light.

In fact, this thing should be regarded as a kind of small wormhole. The specific working principle is not known, because this thing is a completely black technology, and it is found from the super soldier's special weapon arsenal in the fourth zone. This kind of experimental weapon, although we don't know how this thing works, because we can be compatible with the spaceship main control core of the fourth zone, so we can know how to use this thing.

Before those two little black balls of light flew over the Nine Headed Snake soldier, a powerful gravitational field appeared. The surrounding masonry fragments, dust on the ground, and even the monsters were all destroyed. I sucked up crazy moved towards the black hole gathering, and then all disappeared into the black hole like floating objects disappearing in the vortex.

The monster on the Nine Headed Snake soldier was not reconciled at first, but the gravitational force was too great, and even the dozens of tons of stone slabs on the ground were lifted up, looking at the German Nine Headed Snake. The soldier took off with a group of monsters and rushed towards the black hole over there, but I was not nervous, but stared at the black hole and the position of the soldier. I think that the closer the black hole is, the greater the gravitational force, and this increase method is exponentially. The gravitational force one centimeter forward may increase by a hundred times. Those monsters were previously above, so they are attracted to the front, as they approach the black hole. I couldn’t resist the huge gravitational force at all. Before I got close to the black hole, I was torn into pieces and turned into pieces of flesh and blood and flew into the black hole. And I was when the last monster on that soldier had been shattered for more than half of the time. Suddenly I chose to close, and the two transmitters on my shoulders folded and closed instantly. The black hole disappeared in the blink of an eye. Some of the debris flying in the sky suddenly began to fall down with rustling sound, just like a rainstorm.

The soldier hit the ground suddenly, but he didn't have much major event in his power armor, but his left leg had been gnawed off by the monster, looking bloody and terrifying. In addition, the monster that was crushed more than half still used two big claws to support half of the body to crawl on the soldier, but the soldier of Nine Headed Snake was not weak. It was crushed by a group of monsters before. No way, now there is only one monster left. Naturally, it is no longer a problem. I stretched out my hand and pinched the monster's neck, then squeezed it hard, and the monster's neck was broken with a click.

"Huh, thank you!" The Nine Headed Snake soldier looked towards me and said weakly. One of his legs was gnawed off alive, and it was changed to the hovered between life and death, which he estimated to have already called. He could still endure the pain and not yell, it would be quite incredible.

I walked over and took a look at his leg, then reached out and tore a bit of the leg armor, and then put a burst of anesthetic on his thigh. Our Dragon Clan's medicine efficacy is super good, and his legs are out of sensation within a few seconds. Seeing him nodded towards me, I took out another spray to face his broken leg. After thinking about it, I should put it down first, and cut off the excess part of the leg with a dagger, leaving a slightly flattened one. After spraying the section with a sprayer. This thing can stop bleeding and sterilize, and within a few seconds it can completely solidify and form a rubber-like protective layer to seal the wound.

After getting this done, I asked him to open the armor port on his body, and then touched his pulse and heartbeat. I felt that the blood pressure was amazingly low. I didn't faint and probably all was supported by willpower. He quickly took out a small jar, and then directly inserted it into his jugular vein, and finally turned on the switch on the jar. The guy was obviously relaxed and his complexion improved in an instant.

This bottle contains artificial blood, which does not require blood testing. It is universal for humans, does not clot, does not reject, and can be metabolized by itself. This thing can replace blood transfusion under an emergency payment, and it contains adrenaline in it, which can stimulate the heartbeat and prevent shock. At the same time, there is a certain pressure in the tank, which can gradually press the artificial blood into the blood vessels over a period of time, which can effectively and quickly lift the blood to prevent shock.

patted the guy's chest, I slightly said with a smile: "You are all right."

"Thank you." The guy said last and closed his eyes. Of course it wasn't that he died, but he fell asleep. A large amount of blood loss was refilled. In this process, the physical energy consumption was amazing. This guy should have dizzy long ago. It is purely willpower to support it now.

I looked up around and everyone was busy, but the situation was basically under control. Although there are a large number of monsters, and fierce and unafraid of death, their strength and resilience are exaggerated, but they lack the means of attack. Although their power is great, they are not so strong that they can tear our power armor. Only by biting their teeth can they destroy the weak parts of the Nine Headed Snake's power armor, as is the case with this soldier. If we can't tear off our defenses, they can only be beaten passively. Although we are suppressed, as their numbers continue to decline, our side obviously begins to gain the upper hand. Clearing these monsters is obviously a matter of time.

I was thinking about how to find the remaining people, and suddenly I looked in one direction in surprise. It was not that I found the enemy again, but I sensed that a super powerful energy source was starting, and the ground soon began to vibrate, as if something was burrowing out of the ground.

"Damn, what is it this time?"

As the shaking grew stronger, we obviously found that a large area of ​​ruins in the distance was rising upwards. That location should be the location where the main body of the spaceship fell. Although the spaceship disintegrated at the last moment, but also not completely turned into even small pieces, in which a very large main part fell in that position. This huge part is very large, and we don't know what it is. Anyway, the spaceship was disintegrated, and we didn't take it seriously. Didn't expect can change at this time.

As the object rose higher and higher during the vibration, a large amount of debris and mutilation slipped from the bulging part to the surrounding area. After that, it was even obvious that something flew from the ruins. This is simply not something burrowing out of the ground, but an oversized object about to take off, it's just that it was suppressed by debris and rubble before.

In less than ten seconds before and after this thing has risen to a height of tens of meters, and most of the debris on it has fallen off, so the appearance of this thing is quite obvious at this time Is exposed in front of us.

"Damn!" I was completely stupid when I saw the whole picture of this thing. "These guys are too cautious?"

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