Since these people want to invade our network, we simply let them in. For our Dragon Clan’s heart-spirit net network, human computers cannot be hacked unless they use artificial intelligence to act as agents and only download data, rather than activities in the network. Because our network speed is too fast, all terminals are in dynamic computing, and the speed is dozens of times faster than the highest recognition ability of human beings. At this speed, the data will be scrolled all over the screen like swiping. Oh yes, one more point. The spirit net network of Dragon Clan is a fuzzy dynamic network. It uses a directional fuzzy algorithm for data definition, that is to say, there are a lot of uncertain things in our network information, a lot of data They all just represent a tendency concept, not a definite conclusion.

This kind of fuzzy data is originally the field that electronic computers are the least good at, because electronic computers are binary, no matter how complicated the final program is, in the end it can only be represented by zero and one or two codes. . Therefore, the data of the electronic computer is always in a black and white state. This state is often an advantage, but it is a disadvantage when thinking about problems.

Our Dragon Clan's biological brain uses a sixteen-bit calculation mode, which means that we can use sixteen states to define the most basic thing. For example, for a person, we have to define whether he is a good person or a bad person. According to the thinking mode of an electronic computer, it can only think that this person is a good person or a bad person, and there is no other situation. Of course, many people will doubt that computers can actually rely on a sequence of numbers to encode, and then use complex coding to define whether a person is a good person or a bad person. In this way, there are countless choices, and even good people and bad people can be divided into tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of millions of levels, and then gradually defined.

However, the above definition modes are all artificially compiled programs, and the final result is used for people to see. No matter how perfect and complicated you design this code, the computer just accepts the artificial definition, it still doesn't understand whether this person is a good person or a bad person, because in the final analysis, the computer can only understand 0 and 1, and there is no third case. This is the reason why the artificial intelligence developed on the current electronic computer is all analog intelligence, because the artificial intelligence based on the 0, 1 code, no matter how complicated the response mode you set, it is only using the response designed by the programmer. It’s just a way to respond appropriately to other people’s actions. The computer itself never understands what it is doing. It is just imitating and executing the prescribed instructions in accordance with the regulations. There is no self-thinking, because the computer has no self. Don't understand anything.

We have sixteen basic codes for Dragon Clan, so our thinking model is three-dimensional. We can use the most basic cognitive model to define everything we see, which determines that we have Human beings have the same or more advanced thinking ability, and the most important thing is that we have "self-awareness". This is a feature that all living things have, but it is the most rare step for man-made products.

These counterfeit goods pretend to be our Dragon Clan and access our heart net network. If they are using electronic computers, then the result is that nothing can be recognized, because our spirit net network is a huge combination of consciousness. Using a computer to invade our heart spirit net is equivalent to using one computer to force one into another. The same as the human brain. No matter how advanced this computer is and how powerful its computing power is, do you think this computer can invade human consciousness? Obviously impossible, because the instruction mode of the computer is completely different from the human thinking mode. The two are like black and white. Even if the computer is involved in the human thinking, it will immediately attract human attention, because of the two The gap is too obvious.

Of course, the greater probability is that computers cannot read human thoughts at all, because human brain waves are not computer codes. For a computer, 0 is 0 and 1 is 1, but for a person, 0 is sometimes not 0, and 1 may not necessarily be 1. Even everyone’s understanding of the world is different. They There may be completely different ways of defining the same thing in the brain. For example, your father, he is a human, this is an established fact. For computers, this person is a certain human individual with the code number XXX. No matter which computer it is, as long as the person's data is read, the final definition is exactly the same. This person is the number XXX.

However, humans are not like this. For you, this is your father, for your grandfather, this is his son, for someone this is his best friend, and for another person, this is a very annoying guy. Everyone has their own definition of your father, and these completely different definitions actually correspond to a completely fixed existence in reality—you father.

The result of this huge difference is that even if the computer is connected to the human mind, it cannot understand the data, and because it cannot understand, it can only copy the data. Then, if the computer downloads data from our heart-spirit net network, what it downloads may be a lot of completely contradictory descriptions about a thing. Are these instructions and data wrong? No, they are all right, but they are recorded according to the different expression habits of different people, and have a variety of independent cognitive definitions, but the computer is impossible to understand these, it can only copy the data, and the result is copied The thing is a messy and contradictory conclusion that is completely incomprehensible.

In this state, unless all individuals of Dragon Clan have a completely consistent view of something, the computer will be impossible to download data that can be understood. But although our Dragon Clan is a highly compatible networked thinking, our way of thinking does not mean that our thinking is exactly the same. The reason why we are unified is that we compare different conclusions in the thinking process, and then choose a conclusion that everyone feels the highest probability to implement. To put it bluntly, we seek common ground while reserving differences. Our way of action is after seeking common ground while reserving differences, so everyone is in the same step, but as far as the thinking itself is concerned, we actually think a lot. Therefore, from the very beginning of our spirit net is chaotic, and there is simply no conclusion. .

Based on this theory, computers cannot invade our thinking, and the reason why our electronic brain can work with our biological brain is because the two are subordinate. The part of our electronic brain is an extension of the biological brain, which is a kind of subordination. The electronic brain is like a personal portable computer for the biological brain. It is an aid used to complete the repetitive calculations that the biological brain is not good at and do not want to do so hard. The electronic brain itself is more like a tool and is dedicated to the biological brain. Kind of existence.

Just like the different thinking modes of humans and computers, this does not prevent humans from using computers. The thinking modes of our biological brains and electronic brains are completely different or even incompatible, but this does not prevent them from working together.

However, the intention of the intruder is to allow the computer to invade our spiritual net network, and they want the computer to directly join our spiritual net network. We must know that in the spirit net network of Dragon Clan, the electronic brain is actually more like a router or a switch, and the biological brain functions as a computer in the network. This is the true face of the spirit net network. And this group of guys expected to use a router to invade the entire network, which is a bit too whimsical.

Of course, if you don’t use an electronic computer, you can use a quantum computer or a biological computer. These two kinds of computers just don’t have the characteristics of an electronic computer, and can completely link the fuzzy thinking network, that is to say Can be incorporated into the heart spirit net network.

However, there are also troubles here.

Although the thinking mode of this thing of quantum computers supports obfuscated data, its behavior is excessively rational. Although our Dragon Clan behavior is rarely impulsive, we still have emotions. However, quantum computers do not understand emotions such as anger, because emotions are controlled by hormones, and the computer itself has no body, it does not produce emotions, even if it does, it is simulated. This kind of false emotion can deceive an ordinary person in life, but it will be particularly conspicuous in the high-speed communication mode of the spirit net network, so once the other party is connected to the network, it will be discovered immediately. And, because of the design principles of quantum computers, it cannot be scaled down.

Because of some special principles, the volume of the legendary quantum computer has a minimum limit. That is to say, no matter how advanced your technology is, the quantum computer will never shrink below this volume. Because once the compressed volume is less than this critical value, the quantum stacking effect will not occur and calculations cannot be completed. Therefore, quantum computers may have strong computing capabilities, but they are definitely not suitable for individual soldiers, even vehicles. At least large ships are required to qualify for equipment.

The other party is impossible to use quantum computers. As for biological computers, let alone. Let’s not say whether the other party has any calculations in this regard. Even if there is, then an obvious biological computer with its own personality is connected to our heart spirit net network. And the spirit net network is not reserved, it is a completely open network. Here, your thoughts will be directly displayed in front of everyone, so hiding your privates is impossible.

This is actually the most fundamental obstacle that prevents humans or human computers from accessing the Dragon Clan spirit net network. Because our Dragon Clan heart spirit net network has no privacy, any individual who enters the Dragon Clan heart spirit net network will immediately expose all of their information, which determines that the disguise intrusion is absolutely impossible. You can imagine that in a bathhouse where everyone is naked, you stand fully armed and tell everyone that you are one of them. Do you think this can fool others? Of course, my analogy is not appropriate, but it probably means that.

The signal used by the other party to invade obviously comes from an electronic computer, and it should be a group of humans operating it, and the other party probably has a certain understanding of our Dragon Clan spirit net network, but this Understanding but not as good as not understanding.

There is a folk slang saying "half a bottle of vinegar chaotically" means this. If you don’t understand at all, you will definitely not show off, because you don’t know anything, and if you really understand everything, then you will definitely not show off, because you know the depth of it deeply, and What you said is actually correct, so it's not a sloppy display. Only those who know a little bit, but don’t understand people very well, are the ones who are the most able to show off, because they know some but not much can understand. When they want to show, they can only say something indiscriminately. This is The so-called half bottle of vinegar is out.

These intruders know that our Dragon Clan heart spirit net network is extremely fast, and humans cannot keep up with this speed, and electronic computers cannot correctly define the total data of our Dragon Clan heart spirit net network. So the other party thought of a way, that is, to use a group of people to simulate a thinking.

This method is very simple. First let the computer invade the Dragon Clan spirit net network, and then map all the data to the front of the human operator. Although the computer itself cannot understand the data, this does not prevent it from carrying the data. Of course, if it is only carried, then the things that are made are completely incomprehensible, because it must be understood during the transportation process, and then processed after being understood. The recorded part is the correct information.

Computers can carry data, but they don’t understand these things, so they can’t be recorded, and it’s wrong to write them down. But humans can record, but humans can't keep up with this reaction speed, so they adopt a multi-person operation method.

After this computer, there are probably hundreds of people operating this answering program. Every time data in our Dragon Clan heart spirit net network is transferred out, the computer will divide it after receiving the data. , The individual distributed data is passed to a person to analyze and understand. Of course, this person will certainly not give an answer quickly, but Dragon Clan’s spirit net network does not delay screening, so he can answer slowly, but in order not to affect the speed of thinking As a result, the computer still has to communicate with Dragon Clan’s spirit net continuously, so what should I do with the newly acquired things? Simply, pass it directly to the second person and let this person answer the question. Then, in the same way, give the lower three questions to the third person. As long as someone gives the answer, the computer can filter the corresponding questions in the Dragon Clan heart spirit net network, and then record the correct information, so that they can read out their needs from our Dragon Clan heart spirit net network The correct information.

This method is a bit stupid, but it has to be said that as long as there are enough people, it is indeed effective. Because it can really read the required data, but it will be a little slower.

But it’s a pity that although this group of people knows some of our things, they don’t know how fast our Dragon Clan heart spirit net network is. Therefore, they don’t understand how many people are needed to be in it. Under the premise of a problem, deal with the waterfall-like data flow in the Dragon Clan heart spirit net network.

These guys obviously underestimated the speed of our Dragon Clan heart spirit net network. They just know that our Dragon Clan heart spirit net network is fast, but they don’t know how fast it is. As a result, I was dumbfounded just after accessing the data.

The other party used more than 30 people for this action. They thought that although our Dragon Clan's way of thinking is fast, they should always be enough to pretend to be a consciousness with more than 30 people. Bar? After all, this is not about the speed of spelling, but normal network data exchange, so they feel that although the amount of consciousness data in our entire Dragon Clan is terrifying, if we just access and read information, there will be more than 30 people together. Work should be more than enough.

However, when the other party saw the densely packed question and answer data on the large screen in the operating room, they were instantly dumbfounded.

"This, this...what's the matter?" These people were just happy because the unfathomable mystery was successfully connected. Didn't expect the data was like this after it was suddenly opened. . The people in the room were completely dumbfounded in an instant, let alone answering, the screen in front of them refreshed the data offline like a waterfall. They couldn't even read the text on those questions. How do you answer this?

A white old man with strong features stood in front of the big screen and frowned and said: "We still underestimate these monsters! After all, they are alien biological weapons. How can they be invaded so easily? Hey! What a pity!"

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