"Terry. I seem to have found an incredible person."

"We are chasing inhumans, no matter how great he was before, now They are all public enemies of mankind. So, even if you are a great person, it is just shit now."

"Uh...this may be a little more complicated."

"Complex? "Terry asked suspiciously: "Okay, Shenlin, tell me who did you find? I don't think you are a guy who cares about an ordinary person."

"Okay, discord You're dumbfounding. I just discovered Eleanor J. Donovan."

"Illinois J. Donovan?" Terry paused for a while before asking: "Who? I haven't heard of it!"

"Yes, you must have never heard of it, but you have definitely heard his father's name."

"His father?"


"Xiuy S. Donovan."

"Xiuy S. Donovan?" Terry repeated the name, and then suddenly exclaimed: "You Do you mean Donovan Academician?"

"Who else can make me unspeakable besides him in this world?"

"But Donovan Academician shouldn't be in... …Wait." Terry said and waited until the message was suddenly interrupted.

I looked down at the four people lying on the ground. Except for Donovan Academician's youngest son, the remaining three people are all women. One of them looked about twenty-five or sixteen years old. He was very beautiful. It was almost like a porcelain doll. It was many times more beautiful than those movie stars. It was not like a human being. One of the remaining two is about 30 years old. According to the data, this is the third wife of Donovan Academician. Of course, Donovan Academician is not the kind of person who loves the new and dislikes the old, but the first two wives were unfortunate and passed away early, so this third wife was born. The remaining woman is a little girl, looking at most eight years old, the daughter of the third wife, but not Donovan's, but the child of Mrs. Donovan and her ex-husband.

Among the four people, apart from the beautiful and human-like woman who didn’t know and couldn’t find any identity information, the remaining three were Donovan’s family members, and this kind of escape Donovan's family actually appeared on the team in China, which is quite abnormal.

If you don’t know Donovan Academician, most people will not notice these people. After all, there is no special place in this family. The economic situation can only be said to be rich, like this in the United States. The place is unremarkable at all, and these few are not celebrities, and there is nothing worth paying attention to. At least the ordinary person will not pay attention to these few people.

However, for those of us who truly control the destiny of mankind, this family, or Donovan Academician itself, is an existence that cannot be ignored. If necessary, we are even willing to exchange the lives of 100 million people for the lives of Donovan Academician, because as long as we get him, we can save many people.

Do you know why Donovan Academician hangs so much? Because he is the general director of reverse engineering research of super-electromagnetic engines.

Everyone knows that one of the most critical technologies of our immigration ship is the super-electromagnetic engine. Space travel takes a long time. It may require multiple orbit changes in the middle, and may also need to accelerate or decelerate. If you just calculate the orbit in advance like a rocket, and no longer start the engine after launch, then the amount of calculation required must be It is impossible to add to it, and human technology simply cannot handle this kind of calculation. Therefore, a spacecraft that can be activated multiple times and repeatedly changes its state of motion has become a necessary tool for human immigration.

However, currently there is only one type of propulsion method used by humans in space, and that is rocket thrusters. This kind of jet propulsion device mainly relies on reaction force to work, so it must emit a certain mass of material in the opposite direction of the direction of movement. Moreover, a lot of energy is consumed in the process of emitting these substances. The mass emitted from the rocket thruster is actually the fuel oxide after combustion, and the power to launch the fuel oxide is the chemical energy released when the fuel and oxygen are combined.

Based on the characteristics of the above technology, if a rocket engine needs to work for a long time, it must carry a large amount of fuel. This is inevitable.

However, the energy ratio of chemical dyes synthesized by humans is not high, and because the device itself must emit a certain mass of matter, it takes a long time to work and the take-off weight is inevitable. To be big. This method is obviously unreasonable, because the take-off weight of a human aircraft is limited. After a certain value, the device itself cannot bear it, even if there is more fuel, it does not raise.

Because of the above For these reasons, interstellar travel requires a kind of power that does not need to launch material. This kind of power must be high-density storage, or it can be obtained in cosmic voyages, otherwise the spaceship will have to increase its volume, and the result of this is that the immigration ship cannot carry too many people, because the space and load are occupied by fuel. NS.

In addition to the need for high-density storage of energy, one more point is that there can be no large material loss, otherwise it will still need to go back to the old path of increasing volume, and then enter an endless loop. The larger the volume, the more fuel is needed, and the more fuel, the larger the volume is needed. In the end, it will circulate indefinitely, and there is no solution at all.

As far as the technologies currently available to human beings, there is actually only one kind of most suitable energy-nuclear energy.

Compared with the chemical energy stored in chemical fuels, nuclear energy is obviously much higher in energy density, and it is not as simple as several times or tens of times. Moreover, nuclear energy can be converted into the most commonly used energy source-electric energy.

Therefore, as long as the technology that uses electric propulsion can be found, the deep-space navigation problem of the immigrant ship can be solved. Because firstly, the high density of nuclear energy determines that you can take a lot of nuclear fuel with you when you take off, and secondly, it is easier to find nuclear fuel in space. Just take the initiative to enter orbit when approaching certain planets, and then send a small collection ship to collect a little. Nuclear matter is a ubiquitous matter in the universe. Compared with the proteins that make up life, it is almost everywhere. Whether it is a meteorite or a planet, almost there are some nuclear weapons, so it is many times easier to obtain nuclear weapons than to obtain chemical dyes.

Finally, there is another way in the universe to get electricity conveniently and quickly, that is-radiation.

The reason why solar energy is not mentioned is because the migrant ship will soon leave the solar system, so solar energy is not accurate. Moreover, the utilization rate of solar power technology is actually very low. However, the sun is not the only luminous star in the universe. Except for the moon and Venus, the celestial bodies we see with naked eye in the night sky are all stars that glow by themselves. Count the stars in the sky and you will know how many stars are.

These stars will radiate a large amount of super strong radiation of various bands. Among them, visible light is only a very narrow band, and there are many other bands of energy radiation. There is no weakening of the atmosphere in space, and the radiation intensity of stars is much exaggerated than on the ground. If Earth does not have an atmosphere, you only need a desktop-sized solar panel, which is enough to drive a medium-sized truck. The reason why our usual solar panels can’t output so much electricity is mainly because the atmosphere absorbs and reflects most of the solar radiation. Drive small light bulbs or micro motors. However, there are not so many problems in space. Without the barrier of the atmosphere, stellar radiation can provide sufficient radiation intensity for solar panels, so that a large amount of electricity can be obtained.

Combining these factors, it can be seen that it is actually very easy for humans to obtain electric energy in space, and it can be realized very easily with existing technology. However, unlike the ground, there is no air in space. Propellers cannot produce propulsion effects in space, and rocket engines cannot be driven by electricity.

Of course, the plasma jet engine equipped on our armor is also a kind of electric propulsion, and it can be used in a vacuum environment, but this thing is actually a kind of propulsion used in the atmosphere. Because it consumes the same electric energy in space and produces less than one-thousandth of the power in the atmosphere.

When the plasma thruster is in the atmosphere, it ionizes the air and then ejects it in the state of plasma. This is actually similar to the principle of a jet engine getting thrust, so its power in the atmosphere is very Strong, not only the output is sensitive to spirit transformation, but also the size is small and the power is large. However, when it reaches space, it will only rely on electrons for propulsion because there is no air. At this time it will not lose power, but the efficiency will drop to a very low state. This weak driving force is almost negligible compared to the electrical energy it consumes. The posture adjustment used as a spacesuit is OK, and it is necessary to promote spaceship... Don't be delusional about that kind of thing.

Although plasma thrusters are not suitable for the space environment, there is a type of thruster that is very suitable in space, and this type of thruster is the super electromagnetic engine.

The propulsion method of the super-electromagnetic engine is completely different from the principle of the existing propeller. It does not rely on the reaction force to advance, but relies on the gravity wave to advance. The strong magnetic field in the super-electromagnetic engine can grab energy like we grab the entity, and the essence of space is energy, so it can also be said that the super-electromagnetic engine can grab the space, and the effect is similar to the space anchor in science fiction. Of course, it is not used to fix, but to advance. Of course, as long as the super-electromagnetic engine can use space as a support point in the space without any matter, then the propulsion becomes extremely simple. It's like people can't climb to the sky, because the air can't be caught by us, so it can't generate support. Therefore, no matter how you climb, it is impossible to step on the air to climb the sky. However, if the air suddenly becomes a substance and you can grasp it, are you still worried about not climbing it?

From this way of working, it can be seen that the basic principle used by the super-electromagnetic engine is far from the known theory of mankind, and the reason is very simple. Because this super electromagnetic engine is not human technology at all.

The super-electromagnetic engine is derived from the wreckage of an alien spaceship and is a product of reverse engineering. At present, we can only say that we have a little knowledge of this thing. Our scientists know how to make super-electromagnetic engines, but as to why these parts can be combined to generate power, it is basically in the stage of guessing. However, even figuring out how to use and build is not a simple matter. In fact, in the whole world, there are less than ten people who are proficient in the Earth-based technical transformation of the super-electromagnetic engine. Everyone must be under their guidance to complete the construction of the super-electromagnetic engine, and that Donovan Academician is precisely the Number One Person who reverse engineered the super-electromagnetic engine.

At present, the less than ten humans in the world who understand this kind of technology are basically directly or indirectly cultivated by Donovan, which means that except for our country, all other countries’ super The electromagnetic engine technology was basically completed under the guidance of Donovan. And although he has cultivated a few disciplines, he obviously has the most things, and he has already touched the thread of this research path. If he continues, the results will definitely come much faster than ordinary people.

Of course, this does not include our country’s super-electromagnetic engine technology, because our super-electromagnetic engine was actually stolen from the American side by Nuwa.

Because our country monopolized the fourth zone before, the United States and Europe were very jealous of us, and because our country did not share the technology of the fourth zone with them, they also refused to share the propeller technology with us. . However, there was actually a space engine in our country at that time, and this engine was named X thruster. X stands for unknown, and X thruster is a type of thruster that we don't know how it works.

In fact, this thing is the finished propeller found in the warehouse of the fourth zone, and it is inferred that it should be a spare part reserved on the spaceship of the aliens. Of course, this thing is definitely not used by the Fourth Special Zone itself. It should be used for maintenance and replacement parts for other spaceships or fighters that are smaller than it.

At present, we only figure out a small part of the structure of this X engine, and they are all peripheral devices. The core part is basically completely incomprehensible. What we can do is to move this thing directly to our immigration ship, and there is nothing we can do to manufacture and imitate it, because this thing is obviously much more advanced than the super-electromagnetic engine.

The super-electromagnetic engine uses electricity to drive, and this X engine has its own power stove, and the working principle of this power stove is so complicated that our researchers almost didn't pull out their hair. There is a small door on the top of this thing, and there is a scale beside the door. The result of our research is that this scale is actually the remaining energy of the X engine, and it is easy to supplement energy. Open the small door next to it and just throw something in. So far we have tested all the elements on Earth and found that all of them can be converted into energy. That is to say, if such a small door is not closed, it is simply a perpetual motion machine on the ground, because the air will also be converted into energy, and the utilization rate is amazing. This thing can convert energy almost 100% according to the mass-energy equation. Any matter entering this small gate can output the same amount of energy according to the mass-energy equation.

Although such an awesome thing sounds like a high-end atmosphere, but because it is too advanced, our imitation work is completely helpless. If you throw a jet fighter at Qin Shihuang and show him the effect of this thing, he guesses it is the same as us and can only watch it, because there is no supporting theory knowledge at all, and even if there is a real object, there is no way to imitate it. It is even more difficult for us to build jet fighters than Qin Shihuang, because some of the principles embodied in this thing even run counter to some theorems we currently have, and since this thing exists, it means that our theorems are problematic. But since it is a theorem, it is something that has been proved. Do you think our researchers can see these things without plucking their hair?

However, our X engine cow is a cow, but the number is not enough, so each spaceship can only install one of this propeller, and the rest of the lack of power needs to be assisted by rocket propellers, which is also One of the reasons why our country’s immigration ships are built so large is because there are so many engines. If the spaceship is small, the number will increase. In this case, the engines are not enough. We can use rocket boosters to solve the lack of power, and plasma thrusters can also be used in the atmosphere, but if the number of engines is not enough, we will be completely lost without the spaceship of the X engine. For this reason, we can only build immigration ships according to the number of X engines, and in order to bring more people, after the final weighing, we will get such a large immigration ship.

Of course, we inadvertently stole the super-electromagnetic engine technology from the American computer center, and then the little difficulties on our side were solved. Of course, even so, Donovan Academician is still a very important existence. After all, the super-electromagnetic engine is now equal to the chief engineer of all the super-electromagnetic engines in the whole world, and he will be indispensable for future upgrades and maintenance.

If people like him are taken away by these human traitors, you can imagine what the human race will end up with. Although without him, the remaining super-electromagnetic engines may not be unusable, but don't you plan to upgrade in the future? Besides, this kind of thing is the same as going to the hospital. There is a special cattle specialist who sits in a hospital in this city. Even if you are not sick, you will always feel relieved. And if you get sick, having experts in this area can save your life. On the contrary, the expert suddenly left the city, ran abroad, and never returned. What would you think. Even if an ordinary person doesn't think so far, wouldn't the local city leaders think of this?

So, Donovan Academician is super important, even more important than the heads of nations. Although national leaders can't say that everyone can be, at least a large group of people can do the job, and for an existence like Donovan, then the whole world is really just one or two. You said how can we let this kind of person be taken away?

I just finished thinking about it when Terry's communication was suddenly connected again. "Shenlin, Donovan Academician's research institute has just been attacked, just fifteen minutes ago. Currently Donovan Academician whereabouts unknown."

"Fuck me!"

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