After killing the bodyguards, there are only five people left in the car. The only one who can say that there is a bit of battle strength is the driver in front. This guy is actually a bodyguard, but he wants to drive, so he can’t afford to drive. Come on. The next four people are two men and two women, and they seem to be a family of four, with parents with a pair of children. Of course, these parents are in their fifties, and their children are in their thirties.

Seeing that I turned my gaze back again, the youngster in the front was so scared that he shrank down desperately, fearing that I would pull him out and throw him out of the car like a bodyguard, but what surprised me was The young woman next to her is quite bullish. Reached out and picked up the pistol that the bodyguard had dropped before, and raised it up to shoot at me. Of course, pistol bullets impossible have any effect on me. The fire star flashed, and the bullet flew directly.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw the silhouette of a sickle not far away. Reaching out for a gesture, the sickle leaped a few longitudinally to my neighborhood and kept pace with the car. Seeing the sickle, I immediately reached out and grabbed the young woman, and lifted it up amid the screams of the other person. The remaining three people didn't mean to help the woman at all, they just hid back desperately.

After catching the woman, he moved towards the direction of the sickle and threw it out. The sickle jumped up in the air to catch the target, and then spewed a large amount of spider silk at an unimaginable speed to turn the target into a huge The cocoon hung on a nearby tree, and then quickly caught up.

When I saw the sickle came back, I immediately pulled the older man out again, and proceeded in the same way. In less than 30 seconds, all four of them became cocoons and hung on the tree. Then I asked a ringtone Knight to guard the tree to prevent the enemy from approaching. Although the rebels wanted to rescue, they were afraid to use heavy weapons because of the four people hanging on the tree of fear, but light weapons had no effect on us at all, so their rescue operations were basically High Level death.

After all four of them were done, I looked at the SUV behind me again, but the moment I turned my gaze, the opponent rushed into a house on the side of the road. The house was made of wood, and it couldn't stop this kind of armored SUV at all. The car passed directly through the house and rushed out from the other side with a scream.

I took a look at the surroundings, then turned around and chased up, but when I passed by the broken house, it made a sudden brake. My electromagnetic induction found a faint sign of life, just under the pile of rubble. I glanced at the moving vehicle, after a little hesitation, I turned around and walked over. He grabbed the broken pieces of wood on the ground and opened them, threw away all the things that were pressed on it, and then saw a collapsed small bed. Grasping the bed board with one hand and flipping it up, a little girl holding a doll immediately appeared underneath. There was a small amount of blood on the little girl, and she scanned her body with X-ray band, and found no obvious problems except for superficial wound.

"Don't be afraid, it didn't hurt your bones. Stay here and don't move, someone will come to rescue you." After I finished speaking, I turned around and moved towards the SUV over there and chased after it. A deep hole was stepped on the ground, and every time I lifted my foot, I would bring things on the ground behind me, like a cannonball.

Such a power explosion of course brought super high speed. I almost caught up to the SUV near the SUV in a state of flying on the grass. Although this guy is also very fast, it is not too possible to drive fast in the city. Although there are not many cars on the road now, the flying bullets and shells are more scary than cars.

After easily catching up with the car, I didn't jump on it to catch people, but slammed into the door from the side. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the car door suddenly dented in a large block, and the car body immediately lost its balance and turned over and fell to the ground, and then slid out along the inertia before being intercepted by the roadside building.

Went to the reverse car, reached out and grabbed the edge of the chassis and pulled it down. The car lying on its side immediately turned over and landed on four wheels, but at this time it was impossible to start again. Because I found that the driver has died.

I looked at the situation in the car through the glass, and after confirming that there were survivors, I raised my hand and punched the car window suddenly. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the body jumped fiercely and almost turned over again, but I quickly helped it with my eyes and hands so I didn't turn over.

Looking at the re-stabilized car, only white cobweb-like rows appeared on the glass, and it was not broken. "Damn it, so strong?"

Although I was surprised by the hardness of this thing, I didn't worry too much. I held the body with my left hand to prevent it from turning over again, and recharged my right fist. This time, instead of condensing my strength, I activated all my muscles and punched it. Accompanied by peng sound, the fist penetrates the glass directly into the interior of the car body. I flipped my elbow to grab the edge of the door, and then pulled it back. With a bang, I pulled the door down and threw it aside.

There are also six people in this car, but now only two are alive, and the rest are dead.

What survived was a white male in his forties and an eighteen-nineteen-year-old mixed-race black pearl. Although the man was not dead, he was almost there. Because his lungs were stabbed through, and the murder weapon was an M4 assault rifle. This tells us that it is better not to put sharp objects in the car.

Because the man was completely out of help, so I simply pulled out the large pistol hanging on my leg and shot it at that guy’s head, and then the black that woke up The pearl yanked out.

This girl is really wilder than the white girl. After coming out, she jumped up on the side of the car and kicked my head with a sweeping leg, and she was hit by my inaction. Of course, the result will only develop according to my intentions, because the opponent is a human, and I am Dragon Clan.

With a scream, Black Pearl fell to the ground and wailed in pain with her calf, but I reached out without responding, grabbed one of her legs and carried her upside down to the side of the road. Seeing the sickle catching up, he threw her over.

Open the electronic map in your mind, and you can quickly see the current distribution of the enemy and ourselves. I found a place that no one had taken care of and ran over. There were people chasing and intercepting other places anyway, so we didn't care about it.

During the move, I also communicated with Terry and the others. At present, Terry and the others have reached the city center, which is where we landed before, but they can’t make it for the time being, because The main rebel forces are now right in the center of the city. Terry and the others had originally planned to come over and arrest people, but they were blocked by the main rebel forces and couldn't make it at all. They could only fight against the main rebel forces in the city center. To make matters worse, the main rebel forces actually merged with the city’s police force and some civilian volunteers. These people who don't understand the complete truth are helping the rebels to fight the commando, and Terry is hesitant to know that these people are being deceived. Fortunately, Terry has some scruples. The commandos from Italy, South Korea, Japan and India are not at all polite. Anyway, they weren't from their country, who dared to attack oneself, of course, they fought back without the slightest hesitation.

Although Terry saw other commandos attacking ordinary persons and police officers, he has no position to call for a ceasefire. He can't always say "Don't attack, let them beat you", right?

Because the troops of other countries have been dragged down, we can only do it ourselves here, but this is not the most terrible. The most terrible problem is-the enemy is scattered.

Originally, the running team was a complete team. We only had to chase and kill all the way, but the other party didn’t know what to do and suddenly opened up. The team suddenly dispersed into a two-car or three-car formation. Then it began to rampage on various roads in the city. There were already few people on our side. It is not easy to hunt down the convoy while fighting against the opposing rebel forces. Now it is still full of world pursuits. It's deadly!

"Damn, I can't do this job!" Lingling had just smashed an armored car, and she looked at the empty street weakly and shouted in the channel: "Boss, the enemies are all scattered, other countries What about our troops? Feelings are our mission?"

"Don’t complain. The people from other countries are even more unlucky than us. We are lucky here, at least the main force. Not on our side."

"This is still called good luck?" Yeyue also intervened and said, "Isn't the American air force very good? Where is this going to die? Fighters in the city? I can’t help. How many helicopters will come?”

I was planning to enlighten Ye Yue and the others, but the words came to my lips suddenly, because of the American command center. A reinforcement message was actually sent. "Hey hey hey, look at this." As I said, I forwarded the information I just received to other people, and Ye Yue and they all became happy because the US Air Force that they were complaining about has actually come.

In fact, it is not a simple air force, but an aviation force drawn from multiple places. Among them, a group of A200 thug attack aircraft from a nearby combat readiness base, and some from nearby Another AH-182 ghost gunship took off from another secret airport, and finally several F-48 Super Archaeopteryx support fighters took off from the aircraft carrier. These aircraft come from three directions. F-48 will arrive first, but their task is to cover the battle between helicopters and attack aircraft, and will not directly participate in ground strikes. As for the helicopter formation, although the flight speed is slower, because the distance is relatively close, it will arrive first, and finally attack the fleet. However, the difference between the arrival time of the two is only ten minutes at most, which is not too big.

When we received the notification, the fleet had already taken off for a while, and I even saw the location of F-48 in the radar information on the joint information platform, and it was only two 3 minutes away from us. That's it.

Because we know that there will be air support in a while, we are not in a hurry to arrest people everywhere. Anyway, we only need to clean up the remaining targets after the air force sweeps up. Now we are catching up. When we catch up, it is estimated that the plane will also arrive. We have to leave the convoy to avoid accidental injury, so we should not rush to catch up.

Two minutes passed quickly, and the rumbling sound of fighters rang out very accurately above the head, and then these super archaeopteryx began to hover over the city. But what makes me feel a little strange is that instead of patrolling the whole city, these planes are always hovering over our heads. Their task should be to monitor the nearby airspace to prevent other aircraft from shooting down subsequent attack aircraft and helicopters. In this case, the search radius should be increased. What do you say you are always doing in circles over our heads? We don't need air cover.

We are here at a strange time. The helicopter group quickly entered the line of sight. There are more than 80 ghost helicopters in this group. I can hear the sound of dong dong dong propellers.

After seeing these helicopters, I immediately turned on the battlefield information sharing, and then marked the positions of the enemy and ourselves, so that the helicopter can quickly lock the target and avoid accidental injury. Of course, I also posted a message to my subordinates by the way, telling everyone not to get close to the enemy, so that the air support might accidentally injure us.

As soon as the information on our side was released, the helicopter group came over our heads, and then I found that two ghost helicopters suddenly tilted their noses to my side, and I’ll watch them in the next second The rocket nests under the winglets of the two helicopters suddenly began to flicker, and then a large number of rockets roared. Because the distance was too close, I didn't even have a chance to dodge. As soon as I propped up the protective shield, I was covered by a dense rocket bomb.

The violent explosion shocked my magnetic shield on the verge of collapse. For a while I almost thought I was going to be unable to hold it, but in the end I survived the rocket fire attack.

"Asshole, what did you hit me for? I am the Captain Shenlin of the Chinese Commando, and your target is those vehicles." I scolded angrily in the friendly channel that Terry they told me about, but The answer on the other side was four helicopters and more rockets.

Before I was covered by fire because I was unprepared. This time I kept my eyes on it. I saw the enemy helicopter forming an enveloping formation and quickly turned around and ran, but the opponent immediately followed and the rockets chased me. The back blasted all the way, and the ground along the way seemed to have been overturned, but fortunately, I was faster, but I was not hit.

"Damn it! Terry, your helicopter is attacking me, what's the matter?" I asked flustered and exasperated in the news channel.

As soon as Terry was about to answer, I saw that the Super Archaeopteryx that was originally hovering in the sky suddenly began to dive, and then launched a series of rockets in the direction of the city center, and then I heard There was a series of explosions from Terry. The news channel is full of curses from commandos from various countries. It seems that the Italian commandos were injured or killed and were calling for medical support. However, our side was in a hurry and couldn't help at all, because we were also attacked by the other party.

This group of planes even attacked Terry. It’s not a matter of accidental injury, but that the other party is simply a rebel. We were so stupid that we sent them the personnel location information of both sides. This is simply putting a target on one's body to let the family hit it!

"What's the matter with Terry and your U.S. government? Is your command system controlled? Why are all reinforcements from other people?"

Terry’s side The voice was crying. "I really don't know what's going on! My side was blown up just now. My power armor is now damaged, and my left arm is completely unable to move. If I knew I was so miserable?"

< p>"It's okay, just tell me what to do now?"

"I don't know either!" Terry said cryingly.

I thought for a while and said: "I have a way, but I don't know if you can do it."

When Terry heard that there was a way, he asked eagerly:" As long as I can really solve the current troubles, I will do it. You can talk about the method first."

The method is also simple. "First say hello to the rear, and then cut off the communication. From now on, we will no longer accept the command of the U.S. government, so as not to be used by rebels infiltrating the U.S. government. The higher the level, the more chaotic. Let the U.S. government use the military. The channel issued a notice to keep all nearby troops away from us, and all U.S. troops moving towards us are treated as rebels, lest the enemy get more help."

"But in this case, we still have to Facing the enemy’s superior force attack!"

"Listen to me. In addition to the above, the next step is to let the US government open up air corridors for us. I will inform Longyuan to send reinforcements. , Transfer troops from China. Your American troops have no way of judging which ones are your own people, but our Longyuan troops are absolutely reliable, so as long as our people arrive, we can solve the immediate problems."< /p>

"Sounds good, but it will take at least two hours to fly over from China. Counting the time you spent building up your troops, we may be dead when they arrive at our side, right?"< /p>

"How is it possible?" I explained: "There is our Dragon Yuan guard force in the Long Yuan base. There is no need to assemble time. Just a few minutes to say hello can gather two or three thousand people, and battle The strength is only slightly worse than ours, and stronger than the Italian, Japanese and Korean commandos. As for the time delay on the road... we can use the sealed Moonlight Goddess butterfly sub-orbital bomber. Our Dragon Yuan troops have a single Force-powered armor, it’s okay to leave the atmosphere for a short time. You can get to the United States in five minutes at most. If you include the assembly time, it will take ten minutes at most."

"Well, let me ask first. I rely on... "Before the communication was finally closed, I heard a violent explosion and Terry's cursing. It was obvious that the other side was bombed again. However, we have not seen much better here. Most of the helicopters in the sky began to attack us. We didn't even have the chance to counterattack for a while, because as long as we paused for a while, we would be covered by the fire. If you dare to stop, naturally you won't have time to fight back.

When I was being driven around by a group of helicopters, I suddenly heard a low whistling sound coming from the front, and then I saw a very ugly aircraft almost like Wiped the roof and flew over. However, the plane did not attack me. Instead, it suddenly fired in the air. The three cannons under its wings and under the nose shot out a large barrage, exploding the five or six helicopters behind me directly in the air. The helicopter that got off was evasive.

"I rely on, what's the situation?" I was a little dizzy looking at the whistled past attack aircraft. The American troops are now in a mess. Some help the enemy and some help us. It's totally unclear who is who!

Ling suddenly said to me in the communication: "Shenlin, the attack aircraft seems to be under the command of the US government. They are helping us drive away the helicopters."

"I saw it. Attention, everyone, reset the identification of friend or foe signal, attack aircraft are allies, helicopters and fighters are enemies."


"Lucky, where are you?"< /p>

"On the outskirts of the city, we are clearing away the remnant enemies."

"Leave me alone, come here for reinforcements. Help us clean up the helicopters." As soon as I finished talking, I suddenly found that several fighter jets had left the sky. The formation moved towards our side flew over. I understood in an instant that they were trying to intercept the attack aircraft to cover the helicopter formation.

"Fortunately, the mission has changed, to block the dive fighters and cover the attack aircraft formation."

"Understand. Start to cover the attack aircraft formation."

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