Yeyue stared at the American soldier with his head tilted in place, and the soldier on the opposite side shouted because he couldn’t stand the pressure. Don't move, put down the things in your hand immediately." The soldier tightened his gun as he said. The little girl didn't know if it was the pain from the gun top or was frightened, and suddenly began to cry loudly.

When the soldier heard the little girl’s cry, he became more irritable, and then shook the little girl vigorously to make her quiet, but when he lowered his head and yelled at the girl, Ye Yue’s eyepiece But it bounced suddenly, and he screamed at the soldier over there. The soldier raised his head instinctively when he heard the sound, and then saw the dazzling and beautiful pupils in the dark corridor, and he didn't know anything in the next second.

Looking at the soldier freezes, Ye Yue smiled and swam over, stretched out his hand and tapped on the soldier’s forehead, the guy immediately fell straight back, but the girl cried more fiercely .

Yeyue stretched her head and looked inside the room, and found that the child's parents were in the room, but the man was lying on the ground with blood still on his head, but the heartbeat was very stable, and he should have just passed out. The child’s mother was tied up with something in her mouth, and she could only make the sound of wu wu. Seeing Ye Yue stretch her head, she instinctively started to struggle and hum with her nose, hoping to attract Ye Yue’s attention, but Ye Yue After picking up the child and entering the room, her voice changed suddenly, because she realized that it was not a human being in front of her, but a monster with six arms and a snake tail.

Ignoring the woman tied to the ground, Ye Yue put the little girl in her hand on the sofa, and then stroked the back of the child's head. The child who was crying was quiet instantly. Seeing that the child stopped crying, the woman suddenly became quiet as if she had been cast a holding spell, but at this time Ye Yue slowly lifted the child's small face, and then gently wiped her off. Tears said softly. "Hello, I am Medusa, the gatekeeper of hell. What is your name?"

The little girl looked at Ye Yue obviously nervous, but Ye Yue stroked her head slightly. The child immediately plucked up the courage and said: "I...I'm Evelyn."

"Well, Evelyn, you are a brave child. Do you know that person is a bad person?" Ye Yue pointed out It was the stiff soldier by the door.

Evelyn saw the man crawling in through the window, then knocked down her father, then tied up her mother, and it hurt her hair. Of course such a person is a badass. Therefore, Evelyn was nodded hard. "Yes, he is a badass. He beat my father and bullied my mother and me." Ye Yue smiled and stroked the child's head, then said: "Then you know why he is not moving now Already?"

After a pause, the little girl said: "Did you kill him?"

Ye Yue shook his head and said: "No. He is still alive, just I have no consciousness. Elder sister just said that I am the gatekeeper of hell. My duty is to catch the souls of those bad guys into hell and suffer. That guy was a bad guy just now, so the elder sister took his soul away. So he won't move."

"Will the elder sister take away the souls of me and my father mother?"

"Is Evelyn a bad person?" Ye Yue asked.

Evelyn shook her head. "I am a good child."

"Then father and mother are bad people?"

"No, my father is the best father, and my mother is also the best mother. "

"Then why should I take your souls? I said, my task is to take away the souls of bad guys. You are all good people, you don't need to go to hell. If you take the wrong person , I will be scolded by my boss."

Evelyn suddenly laughed. "Is there a boss in hell?"

"Of course." Yeyue said in deadly earnest: "Doesn't your father also have a boss? The same is true for me. If you do something wrong, you will be scolded by the boss. . Okay, I’ve told you so much, I should go. There are a lot of bad guys outside, I want to take them all to hell." After Ye Yue finished speaking, suddenly moved towards that soldier stretched out his hand and swished, that The dagger that the soldier stuck on his waist flew over and was caught by her, and then handed it to Evelyn. "The elder sister has something to do. You have to leave first. You are a brave and good child. Take this to help your mother cut the rope. Usually father mother helps you. Today you have to bravely help father mother, do you know? "

"en." The little girl nodded hard.

"Goodbye Evelyn, then." After Ye Yue finished speaking, he handed over another piece of cake. "Ah, I almost forgot, this is your prize. Only for the bravest child." Seeing Evelyn took the cake, Ye Yue walked directly to the bed, then got out, her long body surrounded The window sill hovered up, crossing the distance between the two buildings directly to the roof of the opposite building.

Watching Yeyue leave, the little girl's mother immediately hummed again. Evelyn immediately reacted and jumped off the sofa and ran over and shouted: "Mother is not afraid, I'm here to save you. "As he said, he ran behind the mother and used a dagger to cut the rope that bound her. The military dagger was very sharp. The rope was found in the house, not brought by the soldiers. Obviously, it was not of a particularly good quality. Even with a child's power, it was cut in two strokes.

Evelyn’s mother immediately pulled off the towel from her mouth after she broke free, turned her back and hugged Evelyn and kissed her on the forehead, and then quickly climbed to her husband’s side to check and found him After breathing evenly, I felt relieved a lot. At this time, the woman was slightly in the mood to recall the situation just now, and she was surprised by Ye Yue's behavior. She knows her daughter very well. She is definitely not the kind of good baby who listens to what others say. It is definitely not normal to be so obedient today. But the woman just thought it was because the child was frightened, and the other party was more likely to coax the child, so she didn't think about it elsewhere.

Of course, the truth is not that simple. In fact, when Yeyue strokes a child's head, he uses trace electromagnetic waves to simulate the frequency of the brain waves when the heart is calm. The human brain actually responds to electromagnetic waves. As long as the frequency is appropriate, electromagnetic waves can transmit emotional signals. Yeyue is using this method to soothe the child's emotions and assimilate her brain waves to a stable and calm state. At the same time, when Ye Yue speaks, her voice actually has hypnotic effect. This kind of sound wave with special resonance effect is similar to the previous brain wave interference. Although this method cannot directly rewrite people's thoughts , But it can affect people's emotions, which is actually very useful when the opponent's resistance is not strong.

After leaving the room, Yeyue jumped directly to the roof of the opposite building, only to find that several rebels were setting up a kind of equipment that seemed very complicated at first glance. Although she didn't know what it was, Yeyue knew that what the enemy wanted to do must be stopped, so she rushed up and was attacked by a fire, but of course it turned out to be slaughtered. The assault rifle had no effect on Ye Yue, the bullets were completely blocked, and everyone was cut into steaks under Ye Yue's double swords.

Looking at the almost assembled device in front of him, Ye Yue directly pulled out the universal data port behind his neck and connected it to the input port of this thing, then his body shook, and a trace of his face gradually appeared. Smile.

The device that Yeyue discovered turned out to be a data communication command transfer device. Because of the communication interference in this area when we landed, the other party lost command. In addition, there was a problem with our landing, which happened to disrupt the enemy's formation.

Although this is not our original intention, our side is like a special force. The dispersion of forces does not affect us much, because we originally fight with single-player or multi-player squad as the basic unit. . In contrast, as long as those American soldiers fail to establish a system, their battle strength will plummet, so this messy situation is actually better for us. Moreover, our mission is not to completely wipe out these rebels, but to find and control the secret mastermind that they protect. So the other party's mess is only good for us and there is no harm.

We know this, and of course the other party knows it, so they can’t wait to resume command, so they send people to the roof to establish a data exchange center so that the command system can be restored. However, it was definitely an accident that Ye Yue got this thing now.

After killing an enemy, Xiaochun who was playing a target game suddenly froze for a while, then turned and looked towards the top of the building in a certain direction, and then suddenly spread his wings and flew.

Of course, the maneuvering speed in the air is much faster than on the ground. Soon Xiaochun took Jingjing and landed on the top of the building where Yeyue was. At this time, Yeyue had already given this thing Completely spelled it out.

The connection method of the military communications exchange center itself is very simple, so Yeyue just looked at it casually and understood how to use it. After landing, Xiaochun ran to the thing immediately, and then plugged the cable behind her neck into the device. The next second Xiaochun froze like those who had been petrified.

As Xiaochun freezes, a prompt box pops up in the eyes of the people who are at war here, and then a series of red marks appear after a series of data refreshes, and then red marks It began to decrease, and each of us saw humanoid phantoms marked with red appearing in some places near us. Some of these phantoms are in buildings, some are in cars, and some are hidden behind various obstacles. Anyway, all enemy positions are marked. This is the consequence of our own data exchange system being hacked, and the location information of everyone on the other side is exposed to our intuitive sight. Of course, this is only the 1st Step, because Xiaochun is giving instructions to the troops in the name of the commander to mobilize these people to gather together, and the others will directly let us throw a bomb in when they are dense enough.

The result of the complete control of the command system is that the casualties of the rebels have risen sharply, but unfortunately the enemy's commanders are among the escorted bosses, so when the command system is controlled, they immediately You know, after all, other soldiers don't know who issued the order on the command platform, they do. After discovering that the command system was restored, the commander realized that this thing was controlled by us, because the above command was simply not issued by him. After discovering this situation, the commander immediately asked the people around him to turn off the battlefield data link system. Although this would make them lose communication and information guidance, it also made them invisible from the data link network.

Because the other party has turned off the equipment, we can only see the enemy’s ordinary soldiers. Those who are near the commander, including the escorted bosses, are not in the display range, and we can’t pass the data at all. The chain finds them directly. But even with only the command and location information of ordinary soldiers, this makes us a lot more convenient. However, the enemy is not a fool. We just started to use it. Soon the rebels discovered that the command system was purely to send them to death. So soon some people realized that the data link was invaded and started to shut down the data network. . In this way, our command power will naturally disappear, and we will no longer be able to see the enemy's position.

After the battle lasted for almost two hours, it was already close to six o'clock. By this time, the sky was basically bright, at least the light was quite sufficient. Of course, there is no flow of people to work in the city. I played ding ding dong dong last night for two hours. Even a fool knows that he must not go out at this time. However, as the light became better, faces began to appear in the window, and some people even started to move, as if they were planning to blend in.

The United States is a country with a very high rate of gun ownership. If even military weapons are included, Americans have more guns than the population, which means that each of men, women, children and children will have more guns per person. . There is a large-scale war in such a country, and you can naturally imagine what will happen. Although most people will choose to be worldly-wise and play safe without mixing this matter, there will definitely be more impulsive people who will directly rush out to participate in the battle based on their own guesses.

Because the incident cannot be publicized this time, the Canadian travel area is already under the information suppression of the US military, so the communication in this area has been completely paralyzed, except for our special forces because they are in accordance with the prior agreement of the Americans. A good frequency hopping rule is frequency conversion, so it can maintain communication, and no one else wants to use any wireless communication. As for the cable... the local telephone is OK, so don't even think about it outside. Intercity communication has long been cut off.

Because of information control, people here simply don't know what happened. Whether it is the rebels or we will not explain this to the Americans here, so their judgment of the warring parties can only rely on their own guesses. Unfortunately, this guess is mostly wrong, and the reason lies in the dress.

The warring parties are the rebels, and the other is us. The rebel army was originally the American regular army, whether it was equipment or clothing, it was the American army. Moreover, in fact, only half of the rebels who know why they are fighting are actually less than half of them. Most of them are temporarily taken over. Only a small part of the more elite personnel are left behind by the big men. , Is the rebel who really knows the whole sequence of events and will die with us. The remaining people are actually unlucky people who don't understand the complete truth. They think they are fighting for the United States, but they are actually attacking the United States. Of course, because there is no time to distinguish between these people, we can only treat all these people as rebels.

Now even some people in the rebels themselves think that they are the U.S. Army. You can imagine what the common people think.

Look at us again. The Italians, Indians, Japanese, Koreans, and us, none of them are American troops. Although a few of them were originally American allies, they are not American forces after all. In contrast, Americans are of course more inclined to their own forces. As for Terry and the others... This group of unlucky children was originally not a regular army, but a private army. To put it bluntly, they were private mercenaries of large military enterprises. The U.S. government asked them to participate in this matter because they were not originally part of the U.S. military system, which instead put an end to their probability of being infiltrated. Now all American troops simply can't believe it, but these mercenaries are more reliable.

However, because they are not a regular army, Terry and the others are American troops, but their equipment and clothing are different from the American army. Although the equipment of the US military is very advanced, don't forget. These weapons and equipment are all contracted through public tenders and then contracted by the contractor with the lowest bid. Although the military has a quality control system, arms dealers certainly do not use the best things in order to save costs. Conversely, Terry's things are different. It is the private army of the military industry enterprise itself. Because of its limited scale, it can only rely on strengthening individual battle strength to strengthen the battle strength. In addition, there are so many advanced experimental weapons in military industry enterprises. Therefore, Terry and their weapons are basically all It is an era ahead of the current U.S. military equipment, and it looks just like the weapons of the future.

The result of this is that, in the eyes of ordinary Americans, the rebels are the government forces. We are all unidentified armed forces, or simply terrorists. Anyway, most Americans think we are the enemy.

The direct consequence of the unlucky situation is that after dawn, we began to be attacked by local police and various armed men one after another. Of course, the only thing these people can do is add chaos. Casualties...not to mention, one Korean was killed. It is said that it was unfortunately killed by an artificial trap. Ah San's troops also lost two people, both of them were dealt with by a bomb. Except for these three people, there were no other casualties caused by civilian armed forces. We are professional after all, and civil armed forces will not have much impact on us.

In fact, if it were not for Terry and they asked us to be careful when fighting, our side would simply not be attacked, because those ordinary persons would be too vulnerable in front of us. If we can attack first, we will definitely kill these people before they enter the attack position.

"Terry, have you found the target? The rebels are almost killed, why haven’t they found the target yet?"

"I don’t know! Shouldn’t I Will you chase the wrong target?"

"Don't be crow-mouthed!" As soon as I finished speaking, I suddenly heard a weird English shouting in the communication: " Find the target, find the target, we find the target in the E3 area."

"E3 area? I rely on, those people are in the suburbs!"

Now we finally know why we are old The target is no longer found. It turns out that those people are simply not in the first half of the team.

At that time, the rebels had a very long team. After we entered, we used a three-stage attack method. Most of the Indian commandos and our five dragons stuck in the main road into the city, blocking the one third enemy behind, while our Dragon Clan bloomed directly in the center and then searched for the target. Terry and the others should have been with us. Together, they just didn't expect that because the remaining Indian troops had a problem, they ran ahead of the rebels. In this way, it becomes three cross-War Zone domains.

Originally, we thought normally. The opponent ran away in a hurry. In order to run away quickly, of course, he should be in front of the team. If safety is considered, the middle should be a good choice. Anyway, the back is absolutely unsafe, because the chaser is behind, and the opponent has to run, of course, it is impossible to let himself be at the back of the team.

Because of this conventional judgment, our goal at first is to block the following troops. We did not expect to see the target there at all. Instead, we concentrated our efforts on searching in the front, and we fought for a long time. It turned out that the Indians who were responsible for the interception found the target first.

"No wonder I can't find it after looking for it for a long time!" Skeet muttered.

"No wonder the accent is so strange." Eminis murmured.

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