"Boss, we are in the place. But the enemy is moving much faster than we expected, what should we do?"

"Let’s go down first and give special Rui and the others cleaned the landing area. Looking for the location of the other's important figure, we landed on top of their heads."

"Understood." Crystal replied complied and began to accelerate, then surpassed the transport aircraft formation in front and gradually descended. The height almost wiped the top of the building and flew past. Although the previous city is not such a big city, the United States is a developed country after all, and even such a small city has many high-rise buildings. We are now at least one more than a hundred meters above the ground, but this distance is no longer a problem for us.

"Prepare, jump." Following my order, the Dragon Clan commando riding on the dragon's back jumped out of the dragon's back neatly, but after jumping out, everyone's movements were different. NS. Ling and Xiaochun and I quickly spread our wings and started to glide, and each of us was holding one underneath. As for those who are not equipped with wings, it does not mean that they just play free fall, because many of them have rocket backpacks, so the landing speed is also controlled within a suitable range, but it is a little faster than us.

Because it was early morning and there were no cars on the streets, the rebel convoys drove almost in the city at full speed. This brought high speeds and also prevented them from effectively intercepting us, because the city The road inside is too narrow, the shooting range is inherently limited, and their speed is so fast that they will miss the target before aiming. Of course, even if they fire, it is useless, and we are not afraid of light weapons at all.

After putting us down, the dragons did not leave immediately. Instead, they circled back and flew under the floor, flew along the road to the ground, and then suddenly turned out at an intersection, and then violently In an instant, Long Yan ignited all the vehicles on this straight line, and at the same time created a blazing road. Follow-up vehicles slammed to evade directions. Many cars even rushed onto the sidewalk and crashed into the shops on the side of the street. However, these all are armored vehicles and tanks will not be affected by the buildings at all. They rushed in and drove out soon.

The giant dragons that sprayed the dragon flames quickly pulled up, and then flew to the outskirts of the city with a large number of missiles that followed. Let the rebels enter the city smoothly. As long as these rebels can be divided, our actions will be much easier.

The chaos created by the giant dragons before they left was a good cover for us who were descending. At this time, the transport planes in front also opened the warehouses at the back one after another. You can see one by one from me. The little black dot jumped out of the cabin, and then quickly moved towards the ground and flew. In this airborne operation, the US military used power armor for direct airborne, while the Italian troops used individual aircraft. As for the Japanese and Korean commandos, they used a combination of airborne wings and jetpacks. The worst of the Indian troops, they actually used paragliders, and I don’t know when they will land.

"I said Terry didn't you get some airborne positions for the Indian troops before?"

Terry said in the communication: "I don't know they don't have it!"< /p>

"Forget it, let's go down and clean the landing area for you first, you try to protect the Indians, don't fly out of the city! Really, I knew it was better not to take them!"< /p>

The full flight capability of our Dragon Clan will not be mentioned. Although the American power armor does not have the ground take-off capability, it can use the altitude difference for controlled flight. Although it will eventually land, at least Before the gravitational potential is exhausted, the midpoint can be controlled at will. Although the Italian single-man aircraft is a bit larger, its flight capability is actually better than that of American power armor. However, the power armor of others is mainly used for combat. It only has the ability of gliding and airborne. Flying is not a specialty. This single soldier aircraft is completely used for airborne landing, without any battle strength. In contrast, the wingsuits used by the Japanese and South Korean commandos are a little worse, but people know to bring an extra jetpack, because the wingsuit itself has the ability to gliding, and it can be accurately positioned with the jetpack. After all, It is powered flight. The only killer is the paraglider of the Indian Commando. Although this gadget can also control the direction and landing point to a certain extent, after all, this gadget mainly relies on aerodynamic flight, which belongs to unpowered flight. If the wind is too strong, it depends on the heavens. No matter how good your skills are. Using a paraglider is also impossible to fly forward with seven Level 8 winds. So I can only tell Terry and the others to look at the Indian troops, lest they get blown away.

Since we don’t care about the rest, of course we have to concentrate on doing our own tasks.

Because the road ahead was ignited, the vehicles behind could not pass through here for a while and could only move to both sides. It is undoubtedly the best choice to bypass this burning area from both sides. I talked to Ling and asked her to take Xiaochun and the others from the other side to block the rebels fleeing on their side, while I took the other half and parachuted here to block the other half of the rebels.

The rebels who turned on the lateral road immediately spotted us in the air. The unmanned turret on the top of the Rogue assault vehicle in the front immediately turned to our side, followed by a roar, the unmanned turret. A fire whip of orange red spouted at us immediately.

"Disperse." The crowd on our side scattered towards the surroundings, quickly dodge the attack with the help of the building, and then heard a chirp, a small missile flew past me, and then suddenly one The assault vehicle on the ground rushed past. The Rogue assault vehicle dashed out of the road and ran into the shop by the side of the road, but the missile did not lose its target, and then got into the shop. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, a lot of flames and debris spurted out of the shop, and the streets instantly became a mess.

The first Rogue was attacked, and a crack was opened on the top of the second Rogue, and then a four-tube launcher was raised. After this thing rose, flames spewed from the tail section immediately, and then I saw a missile dragging the blue tail flame out of the launch tube moved towards the little dot behind me who just launched the missile and flew past. Although I have left the giant dragons on the periphery to intercept the main rebel forces, the small size can still fight in the city. After all, we also need heavy firepower.

As soon as Xiao Budian saw the missile, he flew into the alley beside him, but the missile immediately turned back. The launch vehicle below simply keeps on. After launching a missile, the launcher immediately rotates ninety degrees to re-send a missile into the launch position, then flame spray, the second missile flies out, and then the launcher rotates again, and the third The launch missile flew out, and the fourth missile ignited three seconds later. This thing began to reload after a four-shot burst, and two of the four missiles were chasing Xiao Budian, and the remaining one actually moved towards me.

"Fuck me!" Seeing the missile flying towards me, I looked down at Ye Yue who was holding me under him, and Ye Yue was also looking up at me.

Nodded at me, Yeyue drew out her snake sword, and then I looked towards the previous one and threw Yeyue down. Rolling around in the air, Yeyue's two snake swords crossed and chopped down, accompanied by a white light flashing by. The two missiles were directly cut in the air by two sections, and then they began to roll out of control, but they exploded in the next second. There are four big Fireballs.

Yeyue, who rushed through the missile attack, rolled a street light pole by the side of the road with her tail, and shook her body and landed steadily. Then she pulled up the street light pole with her tail and drew it sideways. That Rogue.

Looking at the oncoming street light poles, people in Rogue instinctively raised their hands to protect their faces. The next second was a loud explosion sound. Rogue was knocked over by a stick, and then rolled into it. To another store on the side of the road.

As soon as Yeyue killed the Rogue, he was surrounded by sparks flying in all directions. The troops behind had already got off the car, and the dense bullets were shooting like raindrops. Ye Yue turned his head and glanced at the soldiers. A faintly discernible invisible force field suddenly appeared in front of him. All the bullets would bounce off immediately when hitting it, making it impossible to make an inch.

Just when the soldiers were focusing on Yeyue’s fire, Skye and I also landed on the ground, but it was Thunder that gave support faster. Accompanied by a golden lightning, the thunder hit the roof of an armored vehicle directly. The soldiers on both sides of the armored car immediately turned their muzzles and fired at the thunder, but Lei didn’t seem to see it at all. He grabbed the cannon on the roof of the car and pulled it easily, twisting it off easily, and then pressed the roof with both paws. The armor, and then the golden lightning arc flashed all over the body, only a loud explosion sound was heard, and the armored vehicle exploded suddenly.

The thunder that flew out of the flames was unscathed, and took a leap to the side of a tank. The machine gun on the tank immediately turned around, and the bullets swept towards the mine, but the mine suddenly jumped to the side of the tank, and then his two claws slammed toward the side of the tank. With a bang, Lei slid back several meters away by himself, and was pulled out of two large ditches on the ground, while the tank was directly shot over and leaned against the roadside building.

Slapped the tank over with a slap. Not everyone did it, but Ray did get there.

In the chaos created by Lei, the people on our side landed one after another, so all kinds of light and heavy firepower fired one after another. We don't need to worry about our own injury, and we advance very fast, and the enemy can't form an effective defense at all, let alone a breakthrough.

"Okay, the landing is complete, the rush, the whole army rushes." In the communication channel to inform everyone, I began to take the lead in the charge, the US rebels in front opened fire, but we are all wearing power armor. , The sporadic firepower is completely ineffective for us, we don't even bother to open the magnetic field, just like this, we shoot back while advancing.

"Shelling." I was walking forward, and suddenly heard a shout, and then suddenly a red reminder arrow popped up in the air, and there was a dotted line in front of it marking an arc trajectory. This is the trajectory of that shell.

Since I even knew the trajectory and the landing point of the shell, I certainly wouldn't try to hide, I just swaggered and continued to rush forward. Anyway, the landing point of the shell was not by my side, and it didn't affect it at all.

I originally thought this way, but what made me didn’t expect was that just as the shell was getting closer, I suddenly saw the side of the street where the shell fell from the corner of my eye. There is a small face behind his window.

"I rely on it! The sickle."

Although I yelled out, in fact, it is the wireless communication of the electronic brain, not the sound, that really conveys my will, because we Dragon Clan The speed of transmission of information by the network of thinking is much faster than that of sound. Just like many people make gestures with their hands when they speak, we are also used to speaking with our mouths when we communicate with spirit net, but we mainly rely on network communication to complete the communication.

The message was communicated the moment I found the child’s face, and not far behind me, a transmitter hung obliquely on the back of a sickle on a roadside building Suddenly, a red ray flashed past, passing through the falling cannonball, and then there was a bang. The cannonball exploded in midair without landing.

"Fuck, I was scared to death!" Seeing that child was pulled away from the window by the adult, I was finally relaxed. If it weren't for my quick response, or the sickle equipped with a laser weapon behind me, this child would surely be over.

I just breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly gave a warning of a rocket attack in my sight. As soon as I looked up, I saw a rocket moved towards me and flew towards me. With my head tilted to the side, I squeezed the rocket as soon as I stretched out my hand, and the guy carrying the launcher on the opposite side almost didn't stare out his eyes. After playing with rockets for so long, it was the first time someone caught it with bare hands. But I didn't give him much time, flipped the rocket to the guy himself, then let go, the rocket returned to its original path, and the guy and several companions around him would fly off in the next second.

dong dong dong dong...I just dropped the rocket on my side, and suddenly I heard a dull continuous explosion. You can see the top of an armored vehicle in front of you, a 30mm cannon There was a continuous explosion on our side, the bullets hit the surrounding building fragments flying randomly, a bell sound Knight was suppressed in the corner and couldn't get out at all. Although the 30mm cannon can't penetrate our power armor, the kinetic energy of the muzzle is too great for people to stand up.

Looking at the raging machine guns over there, I immediately faced a three-shot burst over there. The firepower of the Dragon Clan special assault rifle is basically a small cannon. The bullet-proof shield on the machine gun can't stop it at all. It was penetrated by three holes in an instant, and the machine gun stopped. But before I put down my gun, someone actually replaced the dead shooter over there.

"Damn, what do you mean?" This time I didn't even need to aim, and I made another shot at the previous position, and the second shooter was finished. However, the speed was faster this time, and the machine gun without the shooter was caught by the other hands before it slumped down. I didn't shoot this time. I grabbed the grip at the bottom of the gun body with my left hand and pulled it back and then pulled the trigger again. The peng sound was muffled, and the armored car on the opposite side turned over and flew into the shop on the roadside. "It's finally quiet."

After we got the armored car, we started to move on, but we didn't expect a roar from the intersection, and then we saw a tank directly hit the corner house. The side wall of the shop opened out from the inside of the shop.

When the tank came out, it happened to face me. The other side didn't even think it was a cannonball against me. Unprepared, I was hit by a cannonball directly. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, I felt like the sky was spinning, and then I was embedded in a pile of rubble.

"Your sister! Don't say hello!" Raising his hand to support a multi-ton cement board pressing on my body, I pushed it out suddenly, and the cement board immediately bounced. Turned over with a boom and flew out. Then I slowly stood up from the rubble, shaking the dust on my body, and then I saw a man standing on the right front with a large-caliber revolver facing me in his hand. Head.

"Don't move." Although this guy was holding a gun, his voice was still trembling. Of course, it is definitely not the hero who is not afraid at this time, but the silly and bold.

"Are you sure you want to use this thing to point at me? You should see how I got in? Your wife and child are here, I don’t want them to see you dying on the spot, so I trouble you to retire After."

Although the man didn't put down the gun, he shivered back to the woman and child. He was protecting his wife and child with one hand, and the other hand was still pointing the gun at me.

I glanced at the man, then I turned my head and looked towards the tank on the side of the road. The thing has been completely out of the shop and turned around, and now it is completely on the horizontal road, but it has not left the scope of the big hole I pretended.

Seeing that the tank was still there, I immediately wanted to kill it, but found that the gun was missing. It must have been shot and flew out just now. Without finding the gun, I simply grabbed the saber at my waist and pulled it out, then rushed out.

This is the second floor. I don't even need to take off. I just ran out to the top of the tank. As soon as I fell on the tank, I cut it off with a sword, and the barrel of the tank rolled directly to the ground like a squat. Then the blade of the sword turned and inserted into the turret anti-gun shield, and then I held the hilt and pulled it back. A large cut was cut on the front of the gun shield. Withdrawing the sword, I inserted my hands into the slit and pressed hard to both sides. With the sound of metal distortion, the turret of the tank was dumbfounded by me torn a big hole. The crew inside stared at me with open mouths, but in the next second a plum-sized bomb fell through the crack, and then accompanied by a blue light, flames burst from the inside of the tank. Regardless of the finished tank, I turned my head and saw my gun, reached out and beckoned, the electromagnetic control was activated, and my gun flew out of the rubble and was caught by me. After checking it, it was okay. The products produced by Longyuan are indeed high-quality products.

"I said Terry has your landing completed? We are upset here, how about you guys?"

"Sorry, we were in trouble!"



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