Although there is a problem with the angle of the two worlds, there is no problem after entering the Divine Kingdom. The gravity direction here has its own independent rules, which has nothing to do with the outside environment, the only trouble When crossing the boundary between the two worlds, there will be a brief state of dual gravity.

After entering this Divine Kingdom, I found that the situation here is quite strange. I originally thought that Divine Kingdom should be a complex of buildings with this Divine Race feature. After all, the area of ​​Divine Kingdom is generally not too large, so it is generally used as the nest of Divine Race, so it will be quite large. Complex of buildings.

However, the Divine Kingdom in front of me is quite strange, and there is no building. In fact, there is no ground in this Divine Kingdom, it is completely a water world. Except for the place where I entered, there was a platform just right for the next person to stand on. At a glance, there was endless sea water in front of me. There was a blue sky above my head, and there was nothing else apart from this.

Such a clean Divine Kingdom is really rare, but I didn't go into it, because I think there should be some leftovers in this place. I didn't see it probably because it was under the water.

After having this idea, I decided to go into the water and have a look. But before I acted, I saw a great distance. A black object floated out of the sea and turned over the water. He fell into the water again. At that moment I realized that this Divine Kingdom is not as simple as I thought. Although the thing in the distance doesn't look big, it's because of the very distance. Based on my visual observation, the actual size of the thing should be more than lucky, that is to say, the body length of the thing is more than 100 meters. Such a large creature still exists at Overlord level even in the sea, and I only saw one in less than one minute when I got to this place. This only shows that the creatures in this place are either very large or I was awarded.

Although I saw something amazing, I didn't just leave it. Even if this place is dangerous, I need to check it out. It's not a good idea to just leave.

After stepping directly into the water, I started all the way down, and soon I could feel that the seawater in this place is obviously different from the seawater outside. The water here seems to glow by itself, because I have dived to a depth of more than three hundred meters, but the brightness in the water is still very high. Although the brightness of the ocean is impossible and the surface water is the same, at least the line of sight will not be affected.

In addition to the high brightness, the transparency of the seawater in this place is also very high. In normal seawater, the line of sight is not too far, but here you can see quite far away. Although impossible is the same as the energy and brightness in the air, the line of sight here is definitely quite large.

I continued to dive with doubts. When I dropped to more than 480 meters, I found that I had already reached the end. There is a solid seabed under my feet, but it is different from the usual seabed. There is no trace of sediment or creatures on the seabed. If it weren’t for the natural rock structure on the ground, I almost thought I was in a swimming pool. .

When I arrived at the seabed, I started to move forward, because behind the border of the Divine Kingdom, there was no way to go back, I could only move forward. Divine Kingdom is a demiplane, not a complete world, it is not infinite, so it is easy to hit the border. The position I entered was on one of the borders of the Divine Kingdom, so after I reached the seabed, my back was still against the border. speaking of which the sea in the Divine Kingdom is really like a swimming pool, because the naturally formed sea will never have this four more than a hundred meters deep vertical coastline, even if there is no beach, it should have a certain slope gradually As it becomes deeper, it is impossible to step forward from the shore to a depth of four more than a hundred meters.

Walking along the seabed, the ground is completely flat. Although it is not the same as the artificially paved floor, the undulations are small. If there is no sea water, the ground can allow bicycles to pass, at most It's just a little bumpy, so you can imagine how flat this place is.

After walking about 200 meters in this way, I found a large black spot moved towards me. I swam over and immediately stopped moving forward and observed carefully. As a result, I soon discovered that it was actually a school of fish. . Of course, this is not piranha, but a fish that doesn't look strange except for being relatively large. The length of this fish is close to one meter. From the point of view on Earth, a fish of this size is already very big. Moreover, there are not two large fish of this kind here, but tens of thousands of fish swimming together.

Although these fish moved towards me straight, I knew they were just passing by, so I simply didn't move, and the facts were the same as I thought. The school of fish swam past me without stopping, without touching me at all. The fish here will even take the initiative to swim around me, so that they can avoid me and avoid hitting me.

After the school of fish passed, I started to move on, but soon I found that the fish were back again, and this time faster than before, but after a few seconds, I suddenly It was discovered that there was a huge silhouette behind the school of fish. The school of fish is obviously still avoiding this huge silhouette, and that huge thing needless to say must be some kind of predator, and it is very powerful existence.

The school of fish is very fast. If it wants to eat fish, it must have a faster speed, so it quickly arrived near me, and by this time all the fish have swam past. I directly It was exposed in front of the monster.

In fact, the shape of this thing is not scary at all, because it looks like a killer whale. Killer whales, also known as killer whales, sound like very dangerous creatures, but they are actually very loving creatures for humans. In fact, according to records, killer whales never intentionally hurt people, and they simply don't eat people. On the contrary, because of their cute appearance, they become the performance champions in the aquarium and the dolphins, and they are very popular with children.

The monster that just appeared in front of me and the killer whale in reality are at least 90% imaginative, and they look the same with round heads and round brains, very cute. However, there is still a slight difference between this thing and the killer whale in reality.

In fact, the biggest difference is the volume. In reality, the body length of the killer whale is slightly longer than that of a normal private car, but the thing in front of you is at least the length of two trains. The body is in a perfect inverted drop shape, and the thickest position is a lot thicker than the locomotive. Circle, not only looks very beautiful, but also full of explosive feeling.

In addition to this super large volume, this thing is different from the killer whale, that is, its teeth. Killer whales are actually quite ferocious predators. Although I don’t know why they are so affectionate to humans, they can actually fight. There have been records of Killer Whales fighting Great White Shark, and some people have seen Killer Whales. Besieging other large cetaceans. All these show that killer whales are actually quite powerful, so it is not surprising that they have sharp teeth. However, although the killer whale's teeth are also very difficult to deal with, they are completely inadequate compared with the thing in front of them. This guy's teeth are completely filled with small daggers in his mouth, and his teeth are all gleaming, they look like they are silver-plated, and they have been mirrored with amazing brightness.

With such beautiful teeth, you don’t need to think about it and know that the biting ability is amazing, and now this thing is swimming towards me, so I just go back, the thing almost wipes me from me Slid over.

What made me feel more fortunate was that the thing seemed to have no intention of attacking me. After sliding over me, it continued to chase the fish away without taking me seriously.

Looking at the thing gradually disappearing into the distance, I can only move on. This time I have been walking for a long time and I haven't found anything of value. I quickly came across several schools of fish, and the types of fish I saw were different every time. Obviously, the fish resources here are quite rich.

After walking a long distance, I finally found something valuable here when I even planned to give up. This is a complex of buildings, but the structure is very strange, it does not look like a marine life building.

We must know that there are generally two types of intelligent species living in the sea, one is more suitable for terrestrial life, and the other is not suitable for terrestrial life. Among them, the marine creatures that are more adapted to life on land will repair the house like a building on the ground, and will not seal the house, because they are marine creatures, and sealing the house obviously does not make any sense. Of course, the use of large energy Formation to prop up the sky of the entire city like the Atlantis Mermaid Race is another matter. But a house built on seabed by marine creatures that are generally speaking adapted to land survival will look like a house built on land.

Another situation is the construction of marine creatures that are not suitable for terrestrial life. These guys are generally very good at building buildings, and if they need to build, the houses they build will show a very strong exotic style. Usually the structure of the building will be very similar to the shape of kelp or other aquatic plants, and the building structure It is also very special. Generally, buildings with higher buoyancy are forced to be locked in the seabed by using soft connections. The role of the foundation in their buildings is not to bear the weight, but to hold the building to prevent it from floating on the sea.

These two types of buildings are very distinctive, but generally speaking are buildings of normal marine life. However, these buildings in front of me are a little strange. The shapes of these buildings are quite regular, and there are only two structures in the entire building area-cuboid and cylinder.

The main body of this building is a large and small cuboid with different volumes and functions, and what is left is a cylindrical pipe connecting these cuboids. The two are combined to form the seabed building complex.

This kind of structure is obviously not like the handwriting of seabed creatures. It feels more like a settlement built on seabed by terrestrial races that can’t survive in the sea, because if it’s marine creatures, there is no need to My own living area has become such a fully sealed state.

I researched around this strange building complex, and found that I couldn’t find the entrance at all. What’s more, I found a few windows. As a result, I could see the inside through the transparent windows. Case. The situation seen from the window has proved that the interior of the building is full of air, not sea water, so I don’t know how to get in even more, because once I break the door forcibly, water will enter this place and it may be damaged. It is a very valuable thing.

Checked repeatedly to confirm where the door of this thing was, but because I couldn't find a way to open it, I didn't dare to destroy it forcibly, so in the end I could only choose not to touch this thing for the time being. I plan to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the internal situation of Divine Kingdom first, and then come back to deal with this thing if nothing else is found. Although I don't know how to get in now, I have already figured it out. If there is no other way, I will use the method of salvaging the sunken ship to get these buildings onto the sea as a whole. I didn't dare to open this thing because I was afraid of water in it, but if it surfaced, it would be fine.

Leave a few ghost worms in this place for me to use as markers, and then I continue to move forward. This complex of buildings has always been a large trench less than fifty meters forward, and when standing on the edge of the trench, looking down, it is completely dark. Although the sea water here seems to be able to shine by itself, it seems that the brightness decreases as it goes down, and it becomes pitch black when it reaches the trench. Of course, the pitch black is the bottom of the trench, and there is still some light on the mountains that are still enough.

I was looking towards the bottom of the trench, and suddenly I found a huge shadow in the darkness below that was coming upwards. I took a step back, and then I saw a The ocean giant beast, which is even bigger than the aircraft carrier, swept toward the sea at a forty-five-degree angle less than five meters away in front of me. The current brought by the huge monster almost knocked me to the ground.

Fortunately, the volume of this thing is too big, obviously I won't be interested in something like me. The body structure of that thing looks a bit like a crocodile, but it has no limbs. Instead, it has four side fins similar to sea turtles. In addition, the skin of this thing is not as rugged as the skin of a crocodile. The surface structure of this thing is similar to that of a fish. It is full of scales and looks very smooth.

This big guy started to float towards the surface of the sea after he got out of the water. The speed was quite fast, and he quickly disappeared from my sight. However, I was not scared by this thing, but became more interested in the situation under the trench. To be able to raise such a large creature, there must be something special below.

Thinking of the possible treasures, I walked directly to the edge of the trench and jumped down, but while I was still descending, I heard the system hint abruptly, and someone was ringing the call bell. .

Anyway, I am not in a fighting state now, so I directly chose to go offline, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a youngster in a suit and tie standing in front of me, who looked like a white-collar office worker.

To be honest, it is really strange to see such people in the base, because there are only three permanent personnel speaking of which in Longyuan’s base: security, mercenary, and scientific research personnel. The clothes of these three kinds of people are quite uniform. Even if it is someone who has never been here, if you tell him there are these three kinds of people, he can definitely recognize who is what occupation at first glance, but the person in front of him is obviously not. Belongs to one of three occupations.

There are basically two types of clothing for scientific researchers, either a white coat or a heavy-duty chemical protective suit covering the whole body. The clothing of the security guards is the same. It's just a little difference. The mercenaries have the most messy clothing, but they are basically combat uniforms. Although the styles are different, they can be seen at a glance. Suits are definitely one of the very rare clothes in our place. Generally, unless it is a senior member of the group, it is rare to see people wearing suits. After all, Nuwa is doing the high-level management of the base here, which means that there are almost no administrative staff, so generally no one wears a suit.

This youngster is not only wearing a suit, but also has a folder under his arm, plus the gold-wire glasses on his face, giving people a strong scholarly flavor. My first feeling is this. The guy is a secretary.

In fact, my guess was really right. The other person saw me take off the helmet and immediately said: "Hello, Vice President Shenlin."

"Wait, what are you calling me?"

"Oh, this is The latest appointment of the board of directors, you are now the vice president of the group, specializing in a type of business."

This so-called type of business is a business that does not make money. Of course, it is not really not making money, but it is not making money directly. That's it. For example, research institutes belong to a category of business. Because we rarely sell research results, research institutes do not directly make profits. Instead, they need constant investment and a large amount of capital. Therefore, the research institute is regarded as a type of business. It does not directly generate economic benefits, but relies on other departments to generate benefits.

I am not concerned about the transfer of this business, because this is just a false title. I am impossible to be in charge of what kind of work. The identities assigned by my father are generally used to bluff people.

"What can you do to wake me up?"

"Oh, that's it. There is something wrong with the 1401 factory under the group heavy industry, and you need to take care of it."< /p>

"1401? Unmanned factory?"


Although the factories under Longyuan Heavy Industry have names, in fact, we all have It is represented by a number. The first 1 in the 1401 factory means that this is a military factory, which means that the things it produces are not for civilian use. The 40 at the back means that this is the 40th factory. This is generally arranged according to the time when the factory was put into operation. The 40th should be opened relatively late. The last 1 means that there is no labor, that is, from production to assembly, the whole process is unmanned operation. People's job is to feed raw materials in from the feed inlet and pull the finished products away from the production outlet. Even some of the more memorable special factories are automated even with the inlet and the outlet.

"What's wrong with this factory?" I asked as I stood up and moved my limbs.

"There is nothing wrong with the factory itself, but it has just been invaded by an armed force."

"What can I do if I was invaded? What about the Security Department?"

" In fact, the security department is already in action, but because of the know that the whole world is messy now. The security department is a bit too busy. At present, most of the intruders have been killed, and some fugitives are chasing after the security department. , But there are also a few stolen items that were used by the other party. The people of the B1 unit happened to be on missions abroad. It is not convenient for us to use heavy firepower in the urban area, so..."

I nodded and said: "I understand. Just give me the briefing. I'll leave in a while."

"Okay, the briefing has been sent to you."

I looked at the electronic brain I just received the mission briefing while walking towards the equipment depot, but after walking a few steps, I realized that the youngster was still with me, so I looked at him in surprise and asked: "What else is there?"

< p> "Nothing." The other party also answered in surprise.

"Then why are you still not leaving?"

"Because I'm going to work with you in a while."

"You come with us Mission?" I looked at this guy in surprise. The other party is not Dragon Clan, but an ordinary person, and after the high-frequency ray band is activated, I can clearly see his whole body scan, just like an MRI. It can be seen from this scan that this guy is an office white-collar worker, and his physical condition is not even as good as an ordinary person. Who made this bad idea? Sending such a guy to follow us on missions, do you think that our work is too simple to make us a little more difficult?

The other party probably knew why I was surprised, so he explained calmly: "You will know after reading the briefing. I have to follow you to help."

I almost blurted out "We don't need your help", but at the last second I resisted it. Instead, I flipped through the mission briefing, and then instantly understood why I needed this guy to follow.

"Damn, you are the key! I said it earlier!"

This time the situation is indeed a bit complicated, but the explanation is quite simple. The first is the 1401 factory. This is an unmanned military factory, and they only produce one thing-military robots.

This factory has a total of more than 20 production lines, which can produce more than 30 different types of military robots. It was invaded by armed forces a few hours ago. The factory’s intelligent security system temporarily activated the robots that were just completed on the production line and the original security robots to defend themselves. As a result, more than 130 armed personnel were killed on the spot and several vehicles were destroyed. The vehicle driven by the intruder. However, in the end, more than a dozen people ran away, and the other party successfully controlled an unmanned transport vehicle containing sixty general-purpose armed robots.

This kind of armed robot is a humanoid machine, and it comes with two miniature submachine guns when it leaves the factory, and can use any weapon that humans use, so it is called a general-purpose armed robot. Of course, these things are in a locked state when they just leave the factory, and the subsequent program replication and user information import can only be started after the consignee starts it, otherwise it will only be in the initial state.

However, according to the mission briefing, there is obviously an expert among those attackers. These people actually bypassed the security program, activated the robot without the key, and used our robot to deal with us in turn. However, it is obvious that our keys are not useless, at least they have delayed them a lot of time.

When the group security forces found those who evacuated, the opponent only activated three armed robots. After being found, they left an armed robot to intercept our security personnel, and the remaining enemies Fleeing the hiding place with the other two activated armed robots, and took away twelve armed robots. Although they failed to take away all the 60 armed robots, the two activated armed robots plus the 12 unactivated ones are quite dangerous in themselves.

Armed robots are not human security guards. These guys can handle any human with their bare hands without using any weapons. Whether you are a Qigong Master or a Taekwondo champion, as long as you are a human, you don’t have weapons. These guys will be killed in less than ten seconds. These guys are the real terminator, more deadly than the iron skeleton in the movie.

Of course, humans generally don’t go to fight with robots stupidly with bare hands, but the problem is that unless they use huge might weapons, general cold weapons and small-caliber firearms are basically ineffective for these guys, while our country is A country with very strict gun control means that it is simply impossible for ordinary people to have large-caliber weapons. Even if some criminals have guns, at most they are submachine guns or pistols, and these weapons are ineffective against armed robots. Even the police do not have suitable weapons. Only those special police teams and our Longyuan security forces in the city have large-caliber weapons, and the number is not large.

According to these circumstances, we can know that these armed robots are very dangerous to the ordinary person, and now there are actually two armed robots that have been activated with 12 armed robots that may be activated at any time. A group of terrorists fleeing in the city, this is definitely a very scary thing. It can be said that if these people engage in massacres frantically, these armed robots can cause hundreds or even thousands of casualties within ten minutes. Don't forget, the attackers are not ordinary criminals. Our Longyuan Group’s unmanned factory has robotic guards. These guards have automatic weapons, and the factory also has eight heavy defense robots. These guys even have anti-tank weapons. The opponent was able to break into the factory under this circumstance and also snatched a transport vehicle. It can be seen that the opponent has not only weapons, but also heavy weapons. After all, our unmanned transport vehicle itself is a computer-controlled civilian-grade armored vehicle. There is no cockpit at all. The only way to get inside is to blast off the top armor with a heavy weapon, then climb in and find the smart core to remove it, and then Use another computer to directly connect to the final control system to manually operate the transport truck.

These intelligence shows that the intruders are not simple criminals. These guys are terrorists if they are not foreign forces. They not only have a large number of light and heavy weapons, but also computer experts. After all, our armed robots All have been cracked, and this technical strength is at least at the national level. Longyuan Group is not a small-name company. How can our security system invade casually? The fact that the other party can open the insurance can only show that the other party is an expert person.

The current situation is that the armed men are at large with 14 armed robots, 12 of which have not been activated yet, and the company beside me is a white-collar worker who has been judged to be powerless by me. Guy, that's the key.

He is the person responsible for receiving the goods. If these armed robots are not robbed, they should be sent to the branch where he is located, and then he will unlock them. His own voiceprints, fingerprints, and iris information are all unlock codes. In addition, his face is also very important. When activating the armed robot, he needs to enter the activation password that only he and the manufacturer know. After that, the robot will be in a semi-activated state, and then it will be recognized by facial makeup. After confirming that it is him, it will start to read the voiceprint, iris and After all the fingerprints are finally checked, a special electronic key card is needed to start it officially.

If we encounter a terrorist, the other party may not be able to escape with all the armed robots. With this key here, he can quickly activate these unactivated robots. Because he is the key, as long as it can be started, even if no information is imported, he can also direct these robots to perform a certain degree of action. Even if all the information is not imported, these robots will not listen to his orders to kill, but if it is subdued Orders such as someone or protecting someone will be accepted.

Because I know the identity of this guy, I won't stop him from following, after all, it really helps to bring him.

According to the mission briefing, the target that needs to be dealt with this time is a very dangerous existence, so I did not dare to ask for it. They were dispatched together, and even to prevent any accidents, I even brought Xiaobudian and Xiaobai with them. The two of them are hidden in the back pockets of two trucks, so they can be used in case of heavy firepower. Of course, Ivorite and Brigitte must have brought them, after all, they are also heavy fire personnel.

Because this operation is in the urban area, it is necessary to minimize the harm, and there is wind and rain that cannot be made all over the city. At this time, the society is quite unstable, and the opinions of the top are very clear. We must ensure social stability, because only a stable society can allow us to build immigration ships wholeheartedly. It can be said that we are robbing lives, and we can save tens of thousands of people by building one more ship. Anyone who is not crazy about this kind of thing knows how to choose.

In order to minimize the trouble, we deliberately chose different models of vehicles when we came out, except that Brigitte and Inverite need special transport vehicles, and Xiaobudian and Xiaobai can only use enclosed trucks. For transportation, the rest of us have tried our best to choose some more ordinary vehicles, and some even drove civilian vehicles borrowed from researchers in the base. The advantage of such a cluttered vehicle is that it will not make people see that this is an official action at a glance. In this way, at least it will not cause any problems when on the road.

Although the enemy ran away, they brought our armed robots. Although these armed robots were activated by the opponent, we can monitor their location. Each armed robot has an independent locator, which is independent and not controlled by the robot’s electronic system, so even if the robot’s control system is cracked, the device cannot be turned off. In addition, because outsiders don’t know about this message. What is the position of the transmitter, and this thing is a passive signal transmitter, so there is no way to simply detect the position of the transmitter. If the other party has enough time to disassemble an armed robot, it is of course not difficult to find the location of the transmitter in a few days, but the problem is that they don’t have so much time, so even if they knew it was there, they didn’t do anything about it. Demolition, at least not for a short time. Moreover, they can't abandon these armed robots now, because once they abandon these armed robots, then their previous efforts are all in vain.

Because these guys know that we will chase them again, and we know where they are, these guys are not waiting for us somewhere, but are always moving, and according to the other side’s moving direction , We found that they actually moved towards the city center.

"Damn, are these guys sincerely trying to get some major event out?" Looking at the other party's moving direction shown on the map, we are all anxious.

Although today is Wednesday, it is not a holiday, but you also know the city center of Nanjing. The difference between a home holiday and a non-holiday place is the difference between crowded and crowded people. I want to be here. If there are no people or fewer people, it is only possible during the early hours of the day. So, once the opponent reaches this position, he is definitely in the crowd. And what we hate most now is that those guys drill into the crowd, because this will expose the attack and cause public attention, and the second is that the action may cause a large number of innocent casualties. Both of these points are something we don’t want to encounter. But now it seems that simply can't hide.

Of course, we can also ask the police to intercept the opponent, but the problem is that they are carrying armed robots! There are only patrolling policemen on the road, and those policemen only have small-caliber pistols. How does this thing deal with armed robots? Want to laugh at the other person to death?

"I knew I shouldn't have driven out!" Skeet complained, looking at the information on the map.

To be honest, I regret it too. At the beginning, I chose to drive out to keep a low profile and not attract attention, but now it seems to have created conditions for the opponent to make a major event. If we knew the opponent’s map a long time ago, we should have airdropped it directly onto the opponent’s head with a transport plane. Although this would be a bit exaggerated when we get down, it’s better than playing a robot war in the city center, right?

"Speaking of airdrops, don't we have some flying here?" Xiaochun suddenly said in the public channel.

"Yes, yes. I can fly with Inverite." Brigitte shouted.

"Little ones can fly." Yeyue added.

"No, it's a little bit bigger to get out of here." Ling said, "It's okay for Ivorite and Brigitte to go out, but don't fly, it's too arrogant."


"What do you do then?"

"Don't you have driving wheels? Drill alleys to block them!"


"I'll follow along." As I said, I turned directly from the seat to the back position, and Ivorite was not far behind me. The vehicle I was in was Inverite’s special transport vehicle, and behind it was the Inverite’s special seat.

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