Although Moon Shadow seems to be a little reluctant, this can be considered the best way at the moment, so in the end, Moon Shadow has no choice but to agree to Supreme Taoist's suggestion.

After finalizing this matter, Jade Emperor gave away his personal affection for nothing, and promised to help us get the dragon body in the seal to the Celestial Court side to refining. There is no need for us to intervene in the middle, which saves us. We have a lot of things.

After the Moon Shadow’s affairs were dealt with, I talked to Jade Emperor about the invasion of foreign forces. After listening to my report, Jade Emperor frowned and said: "According to what you said, our original setup was indeed a bit improper, but we didn't expect these wild forces to develop to where they are today."

I understand the situation at Celestial Court. After all, Great Desolate Era was too early. At that time, the Divine Race in Europe hadn't appeared yet. Celestial Court was almost completely established at that time. The system, it can be said that Celestial Court was much more advanced than other regions at that time. Naturally, it was impossible to think of the problem of external forces. But now it seems that the setting of the year was really a mistake. It was like this time in Locking Demon Forest. There was a situation where foreigners could enter at will, but players from our own country could not enter. Thanks to the news before we got the news in advance. To stop it, otherwise, once they release the monsters inside, then we will be really miserable.

"I don't think there is a big problem with the situation of the lock demon forest." Dahiru said: "The current situation is nothing more than because foreigners can enter and exit at will and our own people cannot enter, so we do it. So much trouble. In this case, we don’t need to modify the original seal at all, and just add another seal to intercept all foreigners. Wouldn’t it be okay for this to happen?"

Jade Emperor finished listening Immediately said: "You don’t know the great day Tathagata, the Empress Nuwa banning secret technique was used to block the Demon Forest back then, not to mention adding one, even if you use other spells in the vicinity, it’s very difficult. We simply can't make any changes!"

"Can't you use spell for the seal entrance?" I looked at Jade Emperor in surprise and asked.

Jade Emperor knew what I was wondering, so he explained: "It’s not that it can’t be used, it’s just that it’s impossible to set up that long-term stable Formation, because the seal set by Empress Nuwa will absorb the power of other seals. So even if we set up other seals, they will be automatically scrapped within two days. Unless we refurbish every two days, the seal is simply a decoration. If we really want to send someone to refurbish it every two days, we might as well simply renovate it. Just send a team of heavenly soldiers to garrison for a long time, why bother to spend so much effort to get the seal?"

Supreme Taoist suddenly said: "Then garrison."

"Huh? "Jade Emperor looked towards Supreme Taoist in surprise, but soon he reacted and his eyes fell directly on my face.

I found that Supreme Taoist's eyes were all focused on me, I was surprised and asked: "You don't want us to garrison the Frost Rose League, do you?"

Jade Emperor said with a smile: "Purple Moon! Look, you have the position of Yama, and you can be considered a member of my Celestial Court. So it is reasonable for you to do this. And, you know, we Celestial Court is inconvenient to stay in the world for a long time, but you are different. So, this matter is only suitable for you."

"By the way, it is a famous leveling zone in China. , If our Frost Rose League rashly builds a gate in such a place to prevent others from entering, it will have a great impact on our reputation!" I am not bluffing and deceiving benefits, but I am really worried about this. Although it is very common for large-scale guilds to book venues in some leveling areas, this kind of thing is always hateful, and some better small leveling areas also account for it, but it is like the lock demon forest. This kind of super-large leveling area also has many types of dungeon entrances. If this is occupied for a long time, then Heaven's Jealousy is really complaining. This will definitely have a major negative impact on the reputation of our Frost Rose League. So I don't want to do this very much. You know that reputation is very difficult to build, but it is super easy to destroy.

Jade Emperor probably also knows that this kind of impossible place really allows us to control it, but he obviously has his own ideas.

"In fact, regarding the issue of garrison, I don’t think it will affect your reputation, because you don’t have to restrict the entrance and exit of the adventurers in our country. What you need to do is to block the foreigners. This It shouldn’t be troublesome for you, right?"


Dainichi Tathagata also took the opportunity to say: "Yes, yeah! You can even take the opportunity to claim this There is an important Divine Item left in our country, because it can’t be found in a short time, so in order to prevent it from being succeeded by foreign forces, this area is blocked to prevent all foreigners from entering. This will not affect your domestic reputation, but on the contrary. It can improve your reputation."

"That's what I said, but..."

Supreme Taoist suddenly said: "I know you think that building a city here will be a It’s a huge investment, and there is no return, right?"

In fact, Supreme Taoist said what I thought, but I can’t say that about it, but I didn’t refute it. It was a tacit understanding. Supreme Taoist and Jade Emperor are both human spirits. I figured it out after a little thought, and then they started to think of ways to solve the problem for me.

Da Ri Tathagata first said: "The Lock Demon Forest has a large Restriction Seal. Except for the only entrance, no other places are a problem, so the city does not need to be repaired too much. Moreover, I think Celestial Court You can cooperate here."

"Cooperate? How do you cooperate?"

Jade Emperor heard that Dainichiru said that he cooperated and immediately reacted. "Yes, we can cooperate with you." As Jade Emperor said, "I will give you a warrant when you go back. You can mobilize the mountain Divine Land to make some modifications to the nearby terrain, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack. You can make a defensive barrier with only a few modifications. Isn’t it a lot easier? As for the issue of building materials and manpower... We have high level materials, and ordinary building materials need your own I figured out a way. As for talking about people...As long as you think it is useful, you can call the people in Celestial Court until you repair the defensive wall. After the fortress is built, we will give you some rewards to offset your cost of building the city. What do you think?"

"According to this method, the construction of fortresses is not a big problem, but then we will be stationed for a long time, and there is no profit in this kind of place. Our Frost Rose League is just a free investment. There is no return of the military strength. How do you count this?"

"This..." Jade Emperor groaned for a while and then said: "Yes. I'll give you 20,000 Heavenly Soldiers plus fifty. The famous gods will be dedicated to garrison here. You can buy these celestial troops and generals, but you don’t have to pay. Is that the head office?"

"Then the players on our side always have to go to the town. Right? How is this calculated?"

"Just use this as a reward." Supreme Taoist suddenly took out a small sword and said, "This is a high level Immortal Artifact, and it is enough for compensation. Right?"

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