Looking at the Black Dragon girl quite speechlessly, in the end I could only smile awkwardly. Such a big Oolong is purely a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity A typical representative of, it is easier than me to change to someone who is a little stupid or weaker than me. As a result, I have been working hard for so long because I think too much and have the ability to handle the Black Dragon girl.

Now that it has been said, all that remains is to solve the problem between us. Everyone has the same purpose, so there is nothing to talk nonsense. I open the soul connection directly, and then let the Black Dragon female use the active way to connect the soul to form a relationship. Of course, this process is far from being as simple as what Ling did at the beginning, because Ling was just simply signing a pet contract on his own, and the problem between me and the Black Dragon girl is that there is still a seal between us. Fortunately, Black The Dragon girl has an Avatar. This transfer relationship is used to weaken part of the seal's ability to complete the establishment of the contract. Otherwise, if there is no such Avatar, I only need to sign a contract with the Black Dragon girl's body, and it will be sealed instantly. Power explodes into waste scum.

Although it was a bit laborious, the contract was finally completed in a few minutes, but when I checked the attributes, I found some problems.

Because of the interference effect of the seal, my contract with the Black Dragon girl turned into an abnormal contractual relationship. The characteristic of this kind of contract relationship is that it doesn't occupy the position of the familiar, and what's even more strange is that the attribute of the Black Dragon girl is not found in the attribute column, as if I had not successfully concluded the familiar with the magic at all.

"Damn, why can't I see the attribute?"

"Is there any problem?" After the Black Dragon girl became my favorite, I stopped guarding her and turned it off. The door of the earth came out. Seeing my puzzled eyes, she also asked curiously. Of course I didn’t hide anything from my demon. I opened the attribute column and showed her, and the Black Dragon girl actually said with a smile: "Isn't this great?"

"Okay?"< /p>

"Yes." The Black Dragon woman said seriously: "Look, your adventurer has a limited number of pets, and I will occupy a position if you receive it, but I don't appear in the demon right now. In the pet tray, that is to say, I don’t occupy a place. Doesn’t this save you a place?"

"But according to the situation of the small dragon female, you should be regarded as a humanoid demon pet. And the humanoid familiars themselves have two carrying capacity, which means that after getting a humanoid familiar, not only will my familiar’s rank not drop, but it should have an extra position, but if you didn’t show it, then I’m not in vain. Lost a Familiar Grid?"

"My unrealistic Familiar Qualification does not mean that I don't have a Familiar Qualification." The Black Dragon woman's rhetorical question made me stunned for an instant.

"Yeah!" I suddenly remembered, not seeing it does not mean there is nothing. "Do you know your own attributes?" I suddenly looked at the Black Dragon woman and asked.

Black Dragon female nodded and said: "I can’t see data like yours, but I can feel my abilities, just like you can feel how vigorous you are. This is considered Instinct."

"Then you report your ability status now. I don't know anything about your ability now. It will be very unfavorable in future battles."

Black Dragon female nodded and said: "My basic attribute status is similar to that of a small dragon female, except that all basic attributes are dozens of times stronger, and I am good at all Dragon Clan immortal art and secret skills. In addition, due to my absolute strength, I can use some prohibitions similar to Heaven and Earth Law, and the formidable power will be very large.” I feel like I have made a lot of money this time when I hear this, but I heard the Black Dragon woman suddenly before I was happy for a few seconds. A big turn of 180 degrees came: "...but the above state is the state of my complete body, but because of this seal, my dragon body simply can't be taken away, which means I basically can't perform above. Those abilities mentioned."

"I rely on, what abilities do you have left?"

"There is basically nothing left except this Avatar."

< p>I looked at the humanoid Black Dragon woman in surprise and I confirmed again: "You mean you actually only have the level of an ordinary person?"

"Of course, you will not only have the level of an ordinary person." Black After finishing talking, the Dragon girl suddenly said when I had some hope: "That is to say, a little stronger than the ordinary person."


Some sorry people looked at me. The Black Dragon girl gently touched my arm and said, "You don’t have to be so depressed. Although my strength can be said to be out of ten now, I think I will be yours. You don’t lose the demon pet at all, but you have earned it."

I nodded and said: "I know your knowledge is the greatest wealth, but I thought I could get an extra super thug. As a result, you told me that you are a little better than the ordinary person. The gap is a bit big and I can’t adapt for a while!"

"Actually, it's not just knowledge, but I can also help in combat. "

"You are like this, how can I help?"

"Although my d The ragon body is sealed here, but I can use the special ability to summon the dragon body to the Soul Body and temporarily use the ability of the dragon body. "

"What? Can you still mobilize your previous abilities? "

Black Dragon woman nodded and said very seriously: "Yes, but at most 3 minutes, and it's not all the power, even using the secret technique summon body is only half of the previous ability. "

"Half? And only 3 minutes? "I thought for a while and felt a little better. "Well, although I am still a little disappointed, I can still use it as a decisive weapon anyway. "

The Black Dragon woman immediately said: "Actually, my ability is mainly in normal times." I know a lot of special spells, and I am very good at making equipment. With me, your equipment can definitely improve a lot of strength. And I also know many secret treasures. Although most of them may not exist for so many years, at least there should be some left. In short, I won't let you suffer. Don't worry, summon, I definitely earned it from you. "

"Don't comfort me. Anyway, I didn't expect you to help me with slaughter all sides. The 3 minutes burst time is also suitable. At least the enemy can be completely unprepared at the critical moment. By the way, I have forgotten to ask you before. How do we get out of this horrible place? I came down to explore before because I couldn't get out, and I ran into you in the end. "

The Black Dragon girl looked at me sorry and said, "That...Master, don't be angry if I say something." "

I nodded and said: "Say it, I can hold it." "

"That...In fact, you couldn't get out before because of the seal, but I deliberately didn't let you out. "

"You..." I stopped as soon as I said a word, because I suddenly wanted to understand. The Black Dragon woman can actually sense the situation inside the seal, she used to deliberately Intercepting me and not letting me out, and then I will inevitably look around in order to leave, and then entering the depths of the seal becomes inevitable, and she can just take the opportunity of becoming my demon to get out of the seal, all this is just her plot against. "You really have an idea. But how did you feel the situation outside? Ordinarily, aren’t you sealed here to get out? "

"No, although my body is sealed, my abilities are still there. I actually don't know that you have entered the seal. I just rely on my feelings for Heavenly Dao to know that there is a chance. Get closer, and then I rely on instinct to deliberately struggle to touch the seal every time you want to escape, and the power of the seal intercepts you. As for the process of your coming down, I simply couldn't feel it. I found that you came to me because after you stood in the water, when I drank the water, I tasted the breath of alien creatures in the water, so I discovered your existence. "

"That's not right! At that time, I obviously jumped out hand in hand with my familiar. If the seal was triggered by you, why did my familiar go out when I was stopped? "

"The reason is the same as mine. "The Black Dragon female said: "Before I was an independent existence, so I was restricted by the seal and couldn't get out at all. Now I have become your favorite, so the seal has no effect on me. You are the subjective existence of this world, and we are your familiar, the subordinate existence of your existence. The seal will not intercept these things that are not subjective. Therefore, our familiars can come and go freely, but you can't. "

I was nodded, who seemed to understand, and said: "So now I can go out directly?" "

"Of course. "

"Then let us go out, I really can't stay in this damn seal for a moment. "After I finished speaking, I glanced at the huge dragon body and said, "As for your dragon body...I will find the opportunity to discuss with Celestial Court to buy it. If the seal is opened, can you do it?" Has the battle strength been restored? "

"Complete recovery is impossible. I created this Avatar to separate from the body, otherwise the seal will always restrict my actions, so I deliberately made this seal and the body more like two Creature, I didn't even give this body the ability to transform into a dragon shape. But that is my body after all. If you can help me undo seal to get the body out, I can control my body like riding a mount, and exert at least 80% of the battle strength in the heyday. I believe that for you, the master, it is also a very terrifying strength. "

I nodded and said: "That's good, at least there is hope. "

After a brief exchange, we started to walk outside, and when I was on the road, I also asked about the name of the Black Dragon girl, because I can’t see the attribute column, so it’s different from other monsters. I don’t know her attributes at all, so I have to ask herself for everything.

The Black Dragon girl looked towards me when she heard my question and said, "Since she has become your favorite, then follow the rules, name Of course it's you. "

"May I pick it up? "I thought for a while or looked towards her and asked: "What was your name before?" "

For the first time, the Black Dragon girl showed a sad expression. Before, her expression was either cold, arrogant or fierce, or indifferent. This sad expression appeared for the first time. Her face. "I...no name. "

"No name? "

"After I was born, I was shrunk under the trapped dragon cliff by the people in my clan. No one had named me until I escaped. Those guys call me Demon Dragon or Niezhang. If there is a name, it can only be one of the two, but do you think it resembles a name? "

I can understand the situation of the Black Dragon girl. After all, her life is almost always fighting the whole world. Even the parents who gave birth to her hate her, so it is normal to have no name.< /p>

"In that case, let me give you a name. Or you have a name you want, I don't mind if you name it yourself. "

"Come and pick it up by yourself? "The Black Dragon girl hesitated a little bit or looked towards me and asked: "Don't you want to name me?" "

I understood what she meant in an instant, so I immediately shook my head and said, "I just respect your choice, but in that case, I think it's better for me to pick the name." Let me think about it, what is it called? "After thinking for a while, I suddenly thought of a name. "Yes, what do you think of Moon Shadow?" "

"Moonshade? "

"Yes, Moon Shadow. It sounds smooth and has a good meaning. "

"What do you mean? "

"The shadow of the moon is the shadow of the moon, and the shadow of the moon is a solar eclipse. Although the ground is dark during a solar eclipse, the moon itself is under the sun. The darkness seems to be when the light is in full bloom, just like you. "

"Yes, I will be called Moon Shadow from now on. "Yueying accepted my naming excitedly.

After this name, Yueying's mood was obviously very excited, but when she reached the castle tower above, her mood became even more uncontrollable. The place where all black, no daylight was sealed for ten thousand years, can you imagine what it was like when it suddenly appeared? After appearing on the castle tower and seeing the nature outside, Moon Shadow immediately took a deep breath , And then yelled loudly. It was obvious that she was out of control, but I knew she really needed to indulge. After all, after being trapped for so many years, it will take time for her to change her mentality.

Moon Shadow said it was the same, it came out easily, this thing simply didn't respond to me. But after we came out, we accidentally ran into old acquaintance. Of course, I would rather not encounter this old acquaintance, because this was the chase before Our Banshee.

It is estimated that the gang of Rainbow Alliance were killed, and this monster actually ran back.

I was almost trampled to death by this girl’s foot before.

, I don’t plan to fight with this monster. I quickly grabbed Moon Shadow and started running. After seeing the Banshee, Yue Shadow said unexpectedly and calmly: “It turned out to be her. Master, rest assured, just let me come, I can still deal with this kind of small role. "

"hey hey hey, don't forget that you no longer have the abilities you used to have. "

"Don't worry, you don't need to work so hard to deal with this guy. "After Yueying finished speaking, she did something that made me startled to fall the chin, but the result was quite amazing. The vigorous Banshee was really subdued.

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