"I heard that the building materials have arrived?" I was arranging the unloading of the building materials, but Su Mi did not know where it came out.

I mean that bunch of things. "The compensation materials for Light God Palace are all here."

"Then, is our shipyard ready for construction?"

I look at the list in my hand. "No, there are less than 200 mica flakes."

"Mica flakes? Let me think about it." Somi thought for a while and suddenly said, "Wait for me for an hour." Answered and ran away.

Light God Palace's war reparations can only be described as huge amounts. The amount is terribly large, and the unloading of the truck was delayed for an entire hour. When we finished unloading, Somi came back, and she still had a pile of mica flakes in her hand. "How about? Here are 300 pieces, to prevent you from not using it."

I took the mica piece and looked at it carefully. "Where did you get it? There aren't many things."

"You are so stupid!" So Mi began to pretend to be a veteran again. "Remember Miyun City?"

"It's the city that we burned down?"

"Can't you think of this?" Su Mei exclaimed in surprise: "From Miyun City The port was destroyed, but the mica sheet this thing is the sealing part of the underwater gate of the port. The attack of the giant dragon is impossible to destroy the underwater part."

I immediately thought of the source of the mica sheet. "Did you take the mica sheet back from Miyun Port?"

"I didn't bother to go into the water to demolish that thing! There are spare parts in the port, and I moved back a total of 300 pieces at a time."


"Has Miyun City not been rebuilt after it was destroyed?"

Su Mei shook her head. "Light God Palace is too busy to take care of myself now. There is no time to take care of Miyun City. After the city was destroyed, many players ran to pick up waste, and everything in the city was almost empty."

"No, right? !" I didn't expect it to be so miserable. "By the way, why didn't anyone take such a valuable thing?"

"Who said no one took it! It's just that people take it off-the-shelf, no one thought of removing things from the gate parts . But this time I have taken it and someone will do it."

"That has nothing to do with us, we can build the dock if we have this."

"Then start construction soon. Come on!"

"Okay, I will find craftsmen to start construction."

The war indemnity of Light God Palace is not only the materials of the shipyard, but also some other materials that are in short supply. These things were distributed to various places, and Isengard's special buildings were started one after another. After everyone started to get busy, I didn't have anything to do. As a commander, my job is mainly to arrange. Once the personnel and materials are in place, there will be nothing for me.

The construction of the port is very fast. The No. 1 dock has been basically completed in one day. Dragon Clan has returned to Dragon Island because he cannot live in Isengard for a long time. Besides, they are lucky enough to bear it.

The so-called dock is actually without walls. A roof supported by a few rows of columns is considered a dock. The dock is divided into 4 areas, each area is a separate construction and maintenance area, if all of them are started, 4 ships can be built at the same time. The place where the dock and the port are connected are four large sluices. These sluices can respectively control the closure of the maintenance area to which they belong. When the ship needs to be repaired or built, the sluice can be closed and the water in the sluice can be drained to start work. There are 4 large cranes on the roof of the dock, which are responsible for lifting large hull parts. Corresponding to them, there are comb-like support frames in the work area under each ship lock. The height of these supports can be adjusted arbitrarily. Generally, the bottom of the boat is not flat, so these supports can support the boat and prevent it from tipping over.

According to the current speed, if work is done day and night, all 4 docks can be completed the morning after tomorrow. I don't plan to wait for the four docks to be built before starting shipbuilding. I will rush out one ship tonight to see the situation.

Currently we have the technology to build two battleships, one is a surface ship and the other is an underwater submarine. I discussed with Sumei and the German MM about the finalization of the battleship. Finally, I concluded: "I want to classify surface ships in 5 classifications.

first, armed speedboats. This type of ship requires a length of no more than 20 meters and a displacement of no more than 500 tons. What I want is a speedboat. It must be so fast that others can't catch up, aim inaccurate, or hit. The double speedboat like the one bought from Atlantis is rarely hit, and even if it is shot, it is mostly blind cats and dead mice.

Second, frigate. The length of this battleship should not exceed 80 meters, and the displacement should not exceed 2000 tons. Since it is a small battleship, it is not intended to be too strong. For this type of battleship, mobility is required, although there is no need to interact with it. The speed of a speedboat must be at least 50% higher than that of a battleship of other countries, so that it can achieve high mobility without being hit.

Third Type, a destroyer. This type of battleship requires a length of 80 to 200 meters. The displacement is between 2,000 and 40,000 tons. This kind of battleship requires a speed that is 35% higher than that of other countries’ battleships, and it must have a defensive power of more than 2 times, and its firepower must basically exceed that of similar enemy ships.

fourth, cruiser. For cruisers, my requirements are between 200 and 300 meters in length and a displacement of between 35,000 and 50,000 tons. The speed of the cruiser should be at least 20% faster than the enemy’s battleship, and the defensive power should be 5 times that of the enemy. In terms of firepower, we must be able to suppress the opponent’s overwhelming majority battleship, because in the future we will rely on them to obtain sea dominance."

Su Mei suddenly interrupted me: "Why use cruisers to obtain sea dominance? It is not possible to build battleships. Is it?"

"The fifth type I want to talk about is battleships. This is our largest battleship. Noah’s type of sea city is not a battleship. I require battleships to be more than 300 meters long and have a displacement. It is best not to be less than 50,000 tons. The speed of the battleship does not need to be too fast, more than 1% faster than the enemy ship. But!" I emphasized it with an accent. "The defense and firepower of the battleship must be strong enough. Its armored defensive power must be at least 10 times that of the British super battleship. It must be shot repeatedly without sinking. In terms of firepower, it must be an absolute spike, I don’t I plan to let battleships participate in naval battles, and use it to occupy cities in the future. When the time comes to occupy other country’s port cities, battleships must be able to withstand the attack of shore defense guns and fire at the port’s turrets. Battleships this thing is the maritime turrets, which must be Let it have the strength to match its own identity.

In addition to these 5 types, you can also arrange some special battleships, such as landing craft."

Womadao "Don’t worry about the battleship artillery. The formidable power and range of the Shenwu Cannon are far beyond that of other countries, and our precision strike capability is even higher than that of nearby countries. But the defensive power of the hull might be difficult, right?"

"If it doesn't work, increase the thickness of the hull, as long as it can't sink. If you really can't meet the requirements, you can consider giving up the speed. Anyway, if others can't penetrate our armor, we have an advantage when we are caught up."

< p>"Then we use the first battleship experiment to build the ultimate volume of the battleship in the dock, right?"

"Of course."


"Yes What about the classification of the submarine part?" Woma asked.

I said: "Submarines are divided into two categories. The first category is the main attack submarine, equipped with 4 sets of propellers and Atlantis oxygen separator, so that it can last for a long time. But oxygen separation Both the propeller and the propeller are relatively large, so I estimate that the actual length of the submarine may exceed 200 meters. Although it is too large, there is no way. The other type of submarine I want to make a secret dive is equipped with two propellers and one. Oxygen separators are enough. Do not install weapons on the boats. They are all made into warehouses for transporting people to the coasts of other countries. The cargo compartment is large and it is convenient to pull things back."

"The attack type What kind of weapon does the submarine use?"

"Magic Light Cannon!"

"That thing?" Woma was startled.

Sumi exclaimed: "That's right! The magic light cannon is a problem with cooling, if it is installed on a submarine, it won't be a problem."

Woma said with some sadness: "I have asked people to check the information of the Magic Light Cannon. I am afraid we can't equip the Magic Light Cannon in large quantities."


"There is a key to the Magic Light Cannon. The parts need to use transparent crystals. I have asked Hong Yue and Rose to help find this thing. I even asked the European side to find this thing. The result is that this thing has a small output. Light crystal. I have already calculated it. Even if we buy with all our strength, we can build 8 to 9 doors at most."

"Halo! It's not enough materials again!" I can't help it. "That's it. Just build two or three assault submarines, and other modified magic crystal cannons, right?"

"Of course there is no problem."

"Since There is no problem, we will start construction immediately. The first battleship is made of ink steel. The output is not enough for the time being. I think we will start the installation tomorrow?"


Now Tianyu City , Isinger, and Steel City are all engaged in construction. What Isinger lacks most is the engineering staff, which makes me dizzy. Finally, by the evening of the second day, all the materials needed for the battleship had been transported to the port. In addition to the No. 1 dock, the No. 2 and No. 3 docks were basically completed. Let them continue construction, we start shipbuilding first.

This is the first battleship of Isengard Shipyard. The main members of the guild gathered to watch the construction process. This first battleship used 92,000 tons of black steel and 30,000 tons of refined steel. We also used 15,000 tons of wood and tens of thousands of leathers for the interior decoration. The captain hired tens of thousands of NPCs to work, and the entire battleship was almost made by a large group of people using ants to move house by little by little. A large number of Fire Element magician is used as welding work here, Water Element magician uses high-pressure water jets to polish the seams of the hull and check for water leaks. Tons of materials were moved in and out by several giant dragons of mine, and Hong Yan and the crane were responsible for the final assembly of the final hoisting. This kind of project is obviously not fast enough for one crane.

In the morning of second day, everyone couldn't stand the offline and rest. Only me and a large group of NPCs were still working. The battleship has basically taken shape. Fortunately, they are helping to install the artillery in place. These artillery have only one launching component, which needs to be connected to the ship’s turret and added equipment to be used. The original design was to facilitate installation on different battleships. Everyone knows the benefits of part standardization.

At 8:30 in the afternoon, the dark battleship was finally completed. After everyone was on the workbench, I was forced to give a brief speech, and then I personally pressed the ship lock switch. A large amount of seawater was poured into the ship lock. When the seawater dragged the hull up, the supports under the hull began to shrink to both sides. When the water level inside and outside the ship lock was level enough, the ship lock began to open slowly, and after the ship lock was fully opened, 20 push wheels began to tow the battleship out of the dock and into the Inner Harbor of Issingh.

It fell in the inner harbor and was sent into the shipway by the tugboat. The main lock of Isengard opened slowly, and the lock of the port was opened for the first time since the last fall. Outside the port is a 200-meter diversion channel, which we dug out, otherwise the port cannot connect to the outside water at all.

When the battleship left Isengard, we all got on the boat, the canvas on the side of the bow was violently pulled off, and the glittering silver light lettering appeared on the bow—Eternal.

The first armored battleship built by Isengard has finally been launched. The Eternal super battleship has a total length of 681.7 meters, a width of 128.9 meters, a draft of 22.8 meters, a side of 15.8 meters of water, and a full-load displacement of 198,000 tons. The battleship uses 4 sets of 16 special underwater thrusters, and the unit mass propulsion ratio is higher than that of the original Biling. The entire ship is constructed of graphite steel, with armor thickness of 727 mm in ordinary positions, and 797 mm in important positions such as ammunition depots, turrets, engine rooms, and command towers. The armor thickness of the magic crystal cannon must be sighed, don't think about ordinary artillery.

The main armament of the Eternal is five 5-gun turrets, using the first three rear two layouts. The turret uses a 520mm Shenwu cannon with a range of 130 kilometers, which is definitely a Martial God on the sea. In addition to the main gun, there is also a magic light cannon on the Eternal, which is protected by armor up to 1 meter thick in a sealed turret. This turret is located at the top of the command tower. The magic light cannon will start to charge when it needs to fire. When the energy gathering is about to complete, the armor will be opened and fired, and the armor plate will be closed immediately after the shooting. There is a spray cooling system in the fort, which is specially used for cooling the magic light cannon. Of course, in addition to these things, there are nearly a thousand other artillery pieces of various sizes on the ship.

The Eternity that entered the sea first carried out a propulsion test run, and the King Chuang now stood proudly in front of the bridge to operate the battleship. The handle of the propeller was pushed forward one space, and the hull began to move slowly. As the propulsion handle pushed forward, the ship's speed gradually increased and soon reached the top speed, but I don't know why it feels not as fast as the Biling. The speed measured outside is obviously much faster than the previous Biling, but we don't think it is so fast, probably because of the closed control tower used by the Eternal, so there is no sense of speed that is blowing in the sea breeze.

The end of the navigation experiment is the artillery experiment. Da Guofan proposes a second side salvo. The battleship is known for its formidable power. In the end we also accepted his request, and all the muzzles of the Eternity were turned in the same direction.

Woma picked up the microphone of the external loudspeaker and shouted: "The deck is cleared. The Eternity is about to make a side salvo. All personnel will return to the hull. Don’t stand on the deck, especially don’t stand. On the right deck. All doors of the battleship must be opened, otherwise the locking system will be damaged. Please open the doors around you as soon as possible."

Destroy any nearby creatures. When a 400mm gun fires, it can cause obvious internal injuries to creatures within a 30-degree angle near the muzzle, let alone 520mm.

After clearing the deck, I ordered hundreds of guns to fire at the same time. There was a deafening loud noise. The scalp was numb, and the huge shock wave knocked all the crew to the ground. The 5 gun turrets were the most Frightening, the huge muzzle flame was 10 meters long, and the smoke after the shelling almost covered half of the hull.

I saw King Chuang open and close his mouth to me, but I couldn't hear what he was saying at all. The only sound in my ears was a buzzing sound. After about ten seconds, my ears suddenly burst, and various sounds returned to my ears. faint! I was shocked for a while!

I turned my head and found that I was not the only deaf person around me. Da Guofan was yelling at Asura purple clothed, but Asura purple clothed kept asking: "What are you talking about? Loudly, I can't hear you. "

Bingbing suddenly covered her mouth and ran out, and then many players showed the same actions. Almost one third player rushed to the side of the ship and began to vomit.

"I'm dizzy, exaggerate it a bit!" I looked at the row of people and felt straight in my heart.

Woma is also one of the vomiters, she walked back weakly after vomiting. "No! This ship needs to be remodeled. It won't work. If we go on like this, we will die first!"

Chuang Wang shook his head and said: "It's really enjoyable, it's just a bit more shocking."


Sumei said at the back: "Next time, it’s better to aim at the target in the experiment. The range of this cannon is too far, and you can’t see where the cannonball falls!"

"I’ll talk about it later. Come on! Don't say anything if you haven't resolved the problem of sound insulation! "I am also a little dizzy and nauseous now!

After returning to the port, those who did not have a turn to board the ship began to pull the people on the ship to ask about the situation. As a result, the people on the ship waved their hands with a sad face, and many people couldn’t even move. People need to be supported to disembark. It seems that building a ship is not as simple as imagined. The British dare not build a battleship too much, and this problem is not easy to deal with.

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