The equipment that Anubis brought out is quite beautiful. According to system conventions, such a beautiful thing should be very powerful. But to be honest, the function of this thing doesn't seem to have much to do with its appearance, because even if I see something, I don't know what it is for.

In fact, it’s not just that I don’t know exactly what this thing Anubis gave me is. I haven’t even figured out whether this thing is a weapon or an armor because of the shape of this thing. It's really weird.

The thing in Anubis's hand looks at first like an octopus with arms and legs spread out. Its central part is a raised structure that resembles the head of an eagle, but in this one The eagle's neck is not connected to the body, but a full twelve open metal arms. The structures of these metal arms are not exactly the same, some are slightly longer and some are slightly shorter, but the difference is not big, and they are obviously symmetrical. In addition, each of these metal arms has three joints, which can bend inward, but the angle of outward expansion is very small. Obviously, the main function is to lock inward rather than outward.

When Anubis handed this thing to me, these metal arms were hanging there like dead fish, and because the metal joints on this thing are very flexible, so as long as I turn the With this thing, those metal arms will dangle due to gravity, and it feels as if the force is holding a dead mechanical octopus.

"What the hell is this?" Although Anubis said it was for me to see, the shape of this thing is really weird. Even if I see something, I am not sure about it. How to use it.

"Can't you see what this is?" Anubis asked.

"Do you think I can see it?" I held the thing and shook it, "Are these paws a weapon or a fixed strap? Why do I always feel that this stuff seems to have been seen somewhere? Look like?"

Cohopura looked at me in surprise and said: "Your memory is so good?"

I was taken aback when I heard Cohopura’s words. . "I guessed it right? I've seen this stuff before?"

"I'm sure you haven't seen the real thing, but I'm sure you must have seen the portrait of this thing."


"Such a portrait?" I turned my face to put my hand in the shape of a duck, and then asked. The portraits on the Egyptian side seem to be in this style, with a unified profile.

Kohpra didn’t care about my ridicule, but directly said: "Didn’t you see Nu’s secret room here before?"

"This stuff is from I got it from there?"

"No, but there is a picture of this thing in there."

When I heard Cohopra say this, I started to search for my own Memory, I soon found the corresponding information in the rarely used memory, recalled it and looked at it again. Sure enough, there was a row of murals at the gate of the treasure room at that time. In one of the paintings, many people were fighting with this thing on their heads.

"This thing turned out to be a helmet?"

"No no no, this is not a helmet." Kohopra said: "This is actually a controller."

"The controller? What's the control?" I asked when I looked at Kohopra and Anubis.

Anubis explained to me: "It is not controlled by something, but controlled by something."

"Controlled by what? Is this a remote control receiver?"


"This will not be clear for a while, it is easier to understand if you try it." Kohopra said.

Cohopura just finished talking here, and Anubis next to him reached out and took the thing, and then opened the beak, took out a red gem from it and placed it in his own With a light press on the forehead, the gem actually melted and gradually sank into Anubis' forehead, but it did not disappear completely. Instead, half a gem was left at the center of the forehead, which looked like Put a gem sticker on the forehead.

After fixing the gemstone, Anubis moved towards me and threw it towards me. I instinctively turned my head and let it go because I didn’t know what he was going to do. But then After the thing flew past, it turned out to be like a big spider with its twelve legs quickly ran back towards me on the ground, and the speed was so frightening, it came to me almost in the blink of an eye, and then Jumped onto me, even though I was already trying to get it down, it didn't hinder its action. The thing rushed to the top of my head like lightning at an unimaginable speed, and then opened the twelve metal arms and snapped onto my head. After the twelve metal arms were completely dropped, my head was completely fixed. When I got up, the twelve metal arms just completely locked my head, and the sharp claws of the metal arms directly hit my neck. As long as I pull the upper thing hard, these claws will tighten, and the lower spikes will stick into my neck, so if I don't want to hurt myself, I can't pull this thing hard.

Although I was hung on my head by this thing, I was not at all worried. After all, it was Anubis who was showing me this thing. It was not the enemy who was fighting with me, so I knew he was not. Will hurt me.

I figured out how to do it a few times, and after I was sure that it was really impossible to do it without some special methods, I turned to Anubis and asked: "If someone else wears a helmet, wouldn’t it be useless? I’m not in a combat state. I didn’t wear a helmet. This thing can lock my head. If I wear a helmet, wouldn’t this thing be blocked from the helmet?"

" It is true for you, but not necessarily for others." Anubis said.


Cohopura explained: "Because this thing can be directly attached to the outside of the helmet, it is basically the same for most people to wear or not to wear a helmet. As for it’s ineffective for you, it’s mainly because of two reasons. One is that your armor is fully sealed. After the helmet is worn, it will automatically connect with the neckline of the breastplate, so the following spikes can be used to lock your neck. , In this case, you can pull it off with brute force. So, as long as you wear a helmet, this thing is invalid for you. But as far as I know, it is very rare that the helmet and armor can automatically dock with suit type equipment. So it is useless for most people. As for another reason that is ineffective for you, your helmet is equipped with mental resistance, and the strength is too high, so this thing can’t help you. But others may not necessarily. "

"Do you mean this thing is actually used to control others with mental spells?"

Anubis laughed directly when he heard what I said, and then fiercely I raised my hand and said, "Yes, that's it." Following his words, I suddenly felt that my body was moving on its own without my control, and what was worse was that even if I resisted it, it would only It can barely stop the body from acting according to that will, but it can't stop completely.

"I rely on, I can actually manipulate other people's bodies."

"Yes." Anubis said with a smile: "Not only can you manipulate other people's bodies, Even the soul can be controlled, so it can still be like this." After Anubis finished speaking again, I immediately found that the magic power in my body was actually flowing, and then my hand unconsciously raised up and pointed forward, and then A Fire Dragon suddenly rushed from my arm to the palm of my hand, then suddenly compressed, turned into a dazzling white ball of light and flew out.

"Damn, can I actually manipulate my body to release skills?"

If I was just a little curious about this thing, now I'm really starting to know this thing Interested. If this thing can manipulate others to release skills, then this effect is too great. Imagine suddenly on the battlefield that an expert among the enemies was covered with this thing, and then turned around to make a big move to his own person, the effect is absolutely great.

"Does this thing only need the gem to be manipulated?" I looked at Anubis and asked.

Anubis shook his head and said: "The gem is only a medium, equivalent to is a messenger, and what really works is your will. This thing does not require high levels of its own magical power and other abilities. But you need to have a super willpower. When you use this thing to control others, if the other party resists, it will become you and the other party's willpower competing. Of course, because you are a user, this thing will be biased towards you , You only need to output 80% of others’ willpower to have the same effect as the other party, which means that as long as the other party’s willpower is not much higher than yours, there is no problem."

"If this is the case, I Don’t worry, I’m still confident about my willpower.” As I said, I looked towards Cohopura on the other side, and then asked, “What are you going to exchange for this stuff? I won’t ask for Power again. of Faith, right? I don’t have any extra Power of Faith."

Cohopura shook his head and said: "I originally planned to let you trade with Power of Faith, but you just traded with us. More Power of Faith, so we also know that you definitely don’t have much Power of Faith on your body. However, we can allow you to pay on credit. You can give us nothing and wait until you have Power of Faith before using Power of Faith to repay the debt. That’s it. And we don’t charge interest."

"There is such a good thing? Then I'm welcome."

Since Anubis and Kohope Ladu said that this item must be credited to me first, so of course I will not be stupid. I must give the money now. Anyway, they are not giving it to me in vain. Later, we still need to exchange it with Power of Faith.

To be honest, I can get this Power of Faith right now, but Power of Faith is a very rare thing for most Divine Races. I occasionally bring some out for trading, but it’s nothing. , But if you can take out a lot of Power of Faith at any time, it will be suspicious. So I’m impossible to have too much Power of Faith with a certain force in a short time. Otherwise, this Power of Faith will not bring us any benefits to the Frost Rose League, but may be destroyed by our Frost Rose League. fuse.

I didn't plan to stay here any more when I got the stuff. I told Anubis and Kohopura that I wanted to go, and asked them to quickly prepare the troops for me. The two of them kindly agreed to prepare it for me right away, and during this period, I can only wait here first. Anyway, these troops need to be sent to the United States and Anubis needs to open a Transmission Gate for us. , I would rather wait for Anubis to build up the troop and go back to the Transmission Gate with the team instead of running back for a long time by myself. Maybe it would be faster than going back by myself.

The efficiency of Anubis and Cohopura are both good. In about an hour, the troops I need have been assembled, and then the guy Anubis drove one directly in front of the team. Huge space door. After completing the handover procedures, following my command, this huge army immediately began to run through this space gate. It only took about two hours for these soldiers to completely pass the Transmission Gate and reach the U.S., and Anubis, after confirming that your people on my side arrived in a single lap, closed the Transmission Passage together with Kohopura. .

In fact, when I returned to the United States, the troops from the Dark God Palace had just arrived, and now the plains outside the Sea King Palace have been almost completely filled by the army I bought. It’s full. When the players in the Aquaman’s Palace first saw this unit, they didn’t take it seriously, because they weren’t high-level goods, so they thought our Frost Rose League must be sloppy-work, and they only bought some cheap ones. The arms fooled them. However, with the increasing number of these skeleton soldiers and the emergence of troops from Egypt afterwards, those players finally stopped talking, because they already knew they could not say anything.

Although I bought low-level units, the players here did not expect that I bought so many. These forces are already so great that just standing there to scare people can have a great effect.

Such a huge army is standing in front of you. If anyone says I have no sincerity, then people around will definitely despise him immediately.

In fact, compared to ordinary players, some knowledgeable high level players are more surprised, because they already understand why I bought all low-level units.

In fact, just by looking at what kind of pawns I bought, you can already understand some of the reasons why I bought these pawns.

Many kinds of creatures in the arms I bought this time are miscellaneous. Although they have a high level, they are not many. Even if these miscellaneous troops are all counted together, they would not be one ten thousandth of the total number of the troops I bought. It can be seen that the number of these high-level miscellaneous troops is not large, and the low-level troops that make up the real army actually only have three creatures. They are skeleton soldiers, mummies and Death God guards. Ninety-nine percent of the soldiers I bought this time are one of these three types of arms. From this we can see how professional the troops I bought this time are.

Don’t think that low-level units must be scumbags. It depends on what they are doing. Some things are actually better for low-level units than high-level units. Besides, the game "Zero" has a clear mutual-generation and mutual-control attribute. So some things are inherently capable of suppressing others.

Who are we going to fight against this time?

The answer is simple, that is, American players.

Which is the most among American players? Of course it was the Musketeer.

Although musketeers use muskets, muskets are actually flying weapons in the game, and our three main forces are almost all units that specialize in flying weapons.

Because the skeleton only has a bone frame, there are many gaps in the body. Even if the opponent is standing still, the hit rate does not exceed 60% when shooting at close range, and if it is in sports, it can have Even if you are a sharpshooter with a 20% shooting rate.

In addition, the skeletons themselves have self-repair capabilities, and skeleton soldiers are different from ordinary creatures. They reduce their health according to the actual damage, not according to the enemy. Attack power to reduce the value of life. The only thing that determines the enemy's attack power is the destructive ability, not direct damage.

Take a simple example. A lowest whiteboard skeleton soldier with only two hundred health points, for most players, it can be easily beaten in a single second. However, if you are not using a knife, but a gun, or a bow, or a stone, that may not be the case.

If you shoot a skeleton soldier with a bow, if the arrow passes through the gap between the skeleton skeleton, it will not produce damage at all, and if it hits the rib, it will be interrupted. , Then the damage value may be only a dozen points, which will not cause fatal injuries to the skeleton soldiers. This is the characteristic of the Skeleton Soldier. No matter how high your damage is, it will only reduce its health based on its damage. Therefore, if the Musketeer confronts a skeleton soldier, unless he can headshot and smash the Soul Fire in the skull bone, otherwise it will not cause fatal injuries, and the skeleton soldier itself can recover the damage, so the general damage will soon be recovery.

The situation of the mummy is similar to that of the skeleton soldier. Although the mummy itself is fleshy, there is no such thing as letting bullets or arrows pass through the body, but although it will be hit every time, the mummy's health is not a little bit like that of a skeleton soldier, but very, very much. In fact, the defensive power and health of the mummies are quite exaggerated. This unit is born as a meat shield. Their attributes are similar to zombies, and they are both anti-hypertrophy types. However, slightly different from zombie is that the defensive power of the mummy is slightly lower than that of the zombie, but the blood volume is slightly higher, and the regeneration ability of the mummy is much better than that of the zombie, and at the same time, the speed at which the mummy can recover its own damage when gnawing a creature Also much faster than zombie. In other words, a mummy is actually a type of unit that can quickly recover its own damage.

The only thing left after the mummy is the Death God guard. Compared to mummies and skeleton soldiers, Death God guards are not to mention. These Death God guards are all undying creatures created by Anubis' divine force, and their body is sand, soul, and Anubis' divine force.

The divine force itself will not dissipate, and a regenerable divine force is used to create the Death God guard, so the divine force in the Death God guard will never die. As for sand...Although this thing can be destroyed, sand is a replaceable part for Death God guards. Only Anubis’s divine force and soul are irreplaceable. That is to say, even if you put Death God The sand in the body of the guard is completely destroyed, and it can also reshape the body with other sand. Besides, although sand is not the kind of invincible material, you can disperse it in battle, but it is not a simple matter to say that sand is completely destroyed. Therefore, the sand in Death God's body is actually indestructible.

The only real weakness of the Death God Guard is the soul. As long as the soul is destroyed, the Death God Guard will be completely finished. However, the soul of Death God's guards is a blank soul, and the memories and things in it are all imprinted in the body with divine force, which means that Anubis's divine force is the fundamental driving force of Death God's guards movement. The soul only equivalent to is the hardware facility of the thinking system, without any memory. Therefore, after the Death God guard's soul is destroyed, it can be used as long as a new blank soul is filled. Moreover, although the soul can be hurt, it is not so easy to completely destroy it. After all, according to the laws of nature, the souls of the dead should go to the underworld to report, that is to say, the souls of the Death God guards have to return to Anubis’ embrace after death, and the Death God guards themselves are Anubis’s men. , Then can the Death God guard who returned to him be considered dead? The answer is obviously no.

In other words, although the soul weakness exists in Death God's guards, this weakness is actually difficult to exploit. The so-called killing of Death God's guards is just to let them disintegrate for a short time. At most, it means that these guys can't fight again in a short time, and it won't really let the Death God's guards die.

According to these circumstances, we can know that the three main arms that I bought are actually those that are not afraid of death or have a certain immunity to missile weapons, and the Americans have the most The Musketeer died. If you add some archers in a normal proportion, the number of American players who use flying weapons will be very large, and the units I bought can reduce the combat effectiveness of this part of the enemy by a lot.

In addition to these American players, one of our enemies this time will also include an enemy, that is, Free Divine Race.

Free Divine Race Although we have not formally reached an agreement with the Rainbow League because of our obstruction, I even suspect that the Free Divine Race might not know what the Rainbow League will let them play. . However, free Divine Race to participate in the battle is basically a certainty, there is simply no other ability. We can delay the free Divine Race to participate in the battle, but we cannot change the result. So, sooner or later we still have to fight the free Divine Race.

If our Frost Rose League is fully committed to the American Civil War this time to help the Aquaman Temple and the Rainbow Alliance start a full-scale war, then the free Divine Race is actually not terrifying to us. After all, our Frost Rose League has caused major damage to two Divine Races before. Among them, the Kotenhara Divine Race in Japan was defeated by us, and the former Divine Race in Russia was completely wiped out by us. The current Siberian Divine Race is also We were beaten up to find teeth, so we said that our Frost Rose League not only has experience in dealing with Divine Race, but also has a lot of experience.

The free Divine Race is indeed better than the Kotenhara Divine Race. After all, although the overall battle strength of the Japanese Kotenhara Divine Race is stronger, it is not unified internally, there are too many factions, and they are not very harmonious with each other. So battle strength is not easy to form. But the free Divine Race is only the leader of the free Goddess, so the battle strength is concentrated, and the strength can be more exerted in the battle. However, even so, the Free Divine Race has never been able to do us, because our Frost Rose League is not an ordinary guild, we still have chaos and order Divine Race.

As a guild with its own exclusive Divine Race, our Frost Rose League is different from most guilds. Even now because of the eight-pointed snake, the guild Divine Race has appeared in Japan. As a result, the Frost Rose League is not the only guild in the world that owns the Divine Race guild, but we are still the guild that owns the exclusive Divine Race guild.

Although Baqi Nobunaga is only cooperating with Nobunaga Onitou, in essence, Nobunaga is still an independent Divine Race, and Nobunaga's Guishou League was only accepted by him. A guild, and our Frost Rose League is just the other way round. The Divine Race of Chaos and Order is part of our guild. Therefore, we can command the Divine Race of Chaos and Order to participate in the battle, and make the Divine Race of Chaos and Order to attack or defend according to our will, but the Guishou League can only discuss with the Eight Disciples.

Because the gap between our two sides is so obvious, although there is also a guild Divine Race, the difference in battle strength between the Ghost Hand League and our Frost Rose League is still so big.

As for the free Divine Race, although the free Divine Race is an independent local Divine Race force, the battle strength should be higher than the guild Divine Race. However, the guild Divine Race has the benefits of the guild Divine Race. On the one hand, Divine Race of Chaos and Order has all kinds of support provided by our guild, which can guarantee a stable supply of Power of Faith. On the other hand, Divine Race of Chaos and Order can control casualties in battle under the protection of our guild.

The local Divine Race can only rely on themselves in the battle, so they can't do their best when fighting, because once they can't get out after being surrounded, they may hang up. Divine Race has only one life, so Divine Race in these places are very careful and impossible to fight with all their heart and soul. However, in contrast, Divine Race is different from chaos and order. Although these gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order have only one life, our Frost Rose League adopts a one-plus-two combat protection configuration. That is, every Divine Race of Chaos and Order will be protected by two dedicated mobile angels.

Note that these two mobile angels are not fighting with the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, but are specifically responsible for taking them away safely when there is a mortal danger in this Divine Race of Chaos and Order.

These two mobile angels are both special models. One of them is similar to the 30-second Superman. All the mechanisms in its body are specially designed, because lifespan and the like are not considered Problem, so once you start to enter the combat mode, this mobile angel will exhaust all of its energy reserves in a short time, and in exchange for its use of lifespan is only 3 minutes. Of course, these 3 minutes mean that you can persist for 3 minutes in combat mode. It does not mean that this thing will be finished in 3 minutes.

Although this explosive mobile angel fighting time is only 3 minutes, but paying such a large price in exchange for super high damage output. Basically within these 3 minutes, the battle strength of this mobile angel can be equal to the sum of the battle strengths of the three mobile angels used for Divine Race.

The task of this kind of mobile angel is that once our chaos and order Divine Race has a dangerous situation, he must go up, and then use his own high burst to resist the enemy's attack and give chaos and order to the Divine Race. Get time for evacuation.

When this highly explosive mobile angel blocks the enemy’s attack, the remaining mobile angels will go up and take away the chaos and order Divine Race. This mobile angel responsible for rescue is not strong in battle strength, and it can even be said that there is not much battle strength, but this guy is a mobile fortress. This mobile angel is equipped with an energy protection device. The defensive power is very strong. It will definitely not be able to sustain it in a long battle, but it is almost impossible to break its defense in a short period of time. In addition, this mobile angel is also equipped with a super disposable thruster, and this thing is actually the same thing as a home-made rocket.

When the chaos and order Divine Race encounters danger, the explosive mobile angel will go up to resist the enemy, and the rescue mobile angel will rush up and use its own protective field to protect the chaos and Order Divine Race, and then directly take him out of the combat area at hypersonic speed. Moreover, once off the battlefield, this guy himself can also use the positioning and teleport ability to send the rescued chaos and order Divine Race directly back to the base camp, which is the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Therefore, the chaos and order of our guild, Divine Race, is not to say that it will not die, but at least the chaos and order of Divine Race is much more assured and bold than those where Divine Race is completely dependent on itself.

Moreover, we also have a lot of high level players in the Frost Rose League itself. We will fight with these Divine Races in chaos and order when fighting. If there is any danger, we must first let chaos and order. Divine Race evacuated, anyway, the player can be resurrected after death, the loss will not be as big as the Divine Race of chaos and order.

Because of these reasons, although the battle strength of the chaotic and order Divine Race is not as good as the local Divine Race, it is actually not much weaker on the battlefield.

However, our problem now is that our Frost Rose League is engaged in two wars at the same time. Although the fighting on the Russian side is not going on, in fact it has always been on the brink of fighting, which means it may start at any time. Therefore, the Divine Race of Chaos and Order now needs to take control of Russia, at least not all of them can come to the war. Besides, our guild still has a dungeon that needs to be managed, because the biggest secret of the Divine Race, the Power of Faith collector, is hidden there, so we must ensure that a certain deterrent force is maintained there at all times to ensure that the Power of The Faith collector will not cause problems. So, although our chaos and order Divine Race is very difficult to deal with, we can't participate in this battle against Free Divine Race, at least we can't participate in the battle on a large scale. This caused us not to have enough power to resist the free Divine Race.

Although our Frost Rose League also has some experts that can compete with the Free Divine Race, the Free Divine Race is a complete Divine Race. They have a large number of people. Among our experts, I and Zhenhong are the exceptions. One can fight against Divine Race one-on-one or even one-on-one. Most people can’t compete against the free Divine Race one-on-one. Besides, even if it is possible, the expert of our guild has to separate some people to deal with the Rainbow League. Expert, in this way, we are definitely not as crowded as Rainbow Alliance and Divine Race in terms of high level battle strength.

Then, free Divine Race has more high-level personnel, and these people will attack our low-level personnel unscrupulously. And at this time the benefits of the soldiers I bought can be reflected.

Because Divine Race is a god, their battle strength is very strong. For them, unless it is the experts of our guild, ordinary players or NPCs are basically a move for them. This is like an anti-tank missile. The formidable power is too large. Whether it hits a tank or hits a person, it must be killed in one shot. Therefore, if the soldiers I bought were all tanks, the number would definitely not be too much. Every time the opponent fired a missile, a tank would soon die out on our side.

But on the other hand, we are all small soldiers, but the opponent uses missiles. One missile can only kill one person. Soon the opponent’s missiles will be used up and the ones that die Although there will be a lot of people, the loss will certainly not be as exaggerated as the high level arms. Compared to the overall battle strength, this loss is completely affordable.

Of course, Divine Race is not an anti-tank missile launcher. In addition to using single-piece skills, they also have big moves, which can be hit one by one. However, the reason why the big move is called the big move is that the formidable power consumption is also large, so the free Divine Race impossible throws the big move unlimited, and although their big move can clean up the miscellaneous soldiers piece by piece, it is for me to buy this time. For these miscellaneous soldiers, this loss is completely nothing difficult. When the time comes, when the free Divine Race runs out of divine force, they will find that the enemies they have killed are not much compared to the total number.

So, this is the advantage of the low-level arms. Although they die fast, they are not afraid of death at all because they are large enough. Even if you lose a few million, it is only a small part of the amount I bought back, so don't worry at all.

So many troops have arrived in the United States. Of course, Terry learned the news soon, and then led some people to find me. I looked at him and asked with a smile: "How is my sincerity enough? Much?"

At this time, Terry was so excited to see so many troops that I had brought that he didn't know what to say. He patted my shoulder with excitement and stiffened for a long time before shivering and saying: "Enough, absolutely enough."

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