When the guards in the Temple of Freedom rushed to the door, they saw three bodies lying in a pool of blood. A gust of wind blew through the woods not far away, and something seemed to be leaving. I got here, but because the guard came out a step slowly, I didn't see anything.

Although three people died outside the Temple of Freedom, this is the situation where death can be seen everywhere in the game. Moreover, these three people are not from the Temple of Freedom, so naturally they did not cause much In response, it would make the guards of the Temple of Freedom feel a little strange.

About half an hour after the three members of the Rainbow Alliance who came to contact the Temple of Freedom were killed, Yusina finally learned that her own plan of action had failed.

"Do you mean that you were lying in wait at the gate of the Temple of Freedom?" Usina asked when looking at the three players in front of him.

The three people are the three players who have just come back from the resurrection. The player who took the lead said: "President, I think the person who attacked us this time clearly got the information in advance, otherwise it is impossible. Coincidentally, we were attacked when we got there."

Usina frowned and thought about it for a while and said: "There is such a probability, but it may not necessarily be the case, because you are not sure if the other party is in advance. I suspected that we might contact the Temple of Freedom, so we have sent people to stay there for a long time, but no matter what the reason, at least one thing is certain is that since you were attacked, our plan to ask the Temple of Freedom to join the battle even if it is completely Paul. ."

"Then what shall we do?"

"This is very simple, but there is no need for you to participate in the following things, I will take care of them. You go ahead Yours."


After seeing the three people withdraw, Usina thought about the current situation. After a simple analysis, she looked towards a high level player next to him, and then said: "I should trouble you to take a trip for this matter."

"You are worried that the Sea King Palace and the Frost Rose League will continue to send people to guard the intersection and not let us People from the past?"

Usina nodded and said: "Yes, this situation is quite obvious. The other party can send someone to guard at the gate of the Temple of Freedom is definitely not without purpose, that is to say, no matter what I guessed it myself or the information on our side was leaked. What is certain is that the other party already knows that we will ask the Temple of Freedom to join the battle, so they will definitely prevent us from contacting the Temple of Freedom. There are too many routes in other places, and they don’t Knowing where we will go, so there is no probability of ambush, but no matter where our people start, they will eventually go to the Temple of Freedom, so squatting outside the Temple of Freedom is inevitable. However, the inside of the Temple is forbidden. In the Zone domain, the opponent chases up to the door at most, and it is impossible to enter the Temple of Freedom. It should be very simple to block access to it with your ability."

The player who was watched by Usina nodded and said: "I'm the best at this kind of thing. Just leave it to me."

"Well, it's not too late, you can go now."

" Okay."

At the same time that the player who received the order set off, the people on our guild side were also ready to intercept the person who was dispatched again.

"Can you just send them two to handle it?" Looking at the players in front of him, Terry was obviously a little worried.

I am comforted: "Don’t worry, this is a high-level player in our guild, who specializes in assassination missions, so this kind of thing can definitely be done easily. Besides, they are not acting alone, and there is a double insurance. ."

In fact, the double insurance I was talking about was a bomb carried on the vehicle they took. This is a liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb. Although it does not look large, the formidable power is definitely the kind of heaven shaking, earth shattering. When the time comes, as long as the two assassins throw the bomb first, even if the other's personnel are not killed, they will definitely be hit hard. After the assassin strikes, one strike certain kill, there will never be any accidents.

Things are similar to what we expected. The player sent by Usina thought it was safe to pass the woods in front of the Temple of Freedom, but he didn't expect to be attacked by a bomb that suddenly flew when he first left the forest. The formidable power of this bomb was too big. Although he opened the shield in time, it was blown away. The next thing is simple. After the injured Rainbow Alliance player landed, he was assassinated by two assassins sent by our guild. He was hit by a knife in his throat and eye socket, and he died instantly.

This guy died simply, and Yusina got the news soon, and then she didn’t dare to send another person to report the letter like last time, because she already understood that we are here A powerful interceptor will definitely be sent to intercept her messenger, so ordinary people simply cannot send the information. In desperation, Usina could only take the most extreme way, which was to gather all the high level personnel under her to deliver the letter in person.

This decision can guarantee that we will not be able to stop them anyway, because we do not have such a strong battle strength, but the negative situation brought about by this decision is that we need to transfer the guild at this critical moment. High level personnel, this is very detrimental to their defense.

However, what surprised Yusina and the people she took out was that they were not attacked by anyone this time, and they arrived at the Temple of Freedom so safely.

In fact, Yusina is not the only one who can't figure out the situation, and Terry is one of them.

"I said Hong Yue Vice-President, why didn't we intercept this time?"

Hearing Terry’s question, Hong Yue immediately explained seriously: "Anyway Knowing that I can’t stop it, what else are you going to stop?"


"I know what you mean, but two consecutive teams were attacked before. And the person who was dispatched for the second time is still a very powerful expert, which means that Usina has taken this matter very seriously. In this case, the messenger is still killed. Do you think Usina sent the third? Could the wave personnel be shrimp soldiers and crab generals?"

Terry shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be No way!"

"That is it. Before passing The two times, this time I promise that even if Usina does not go by herself, the two national weapon holders of their guild will definitely go together, so we had better not rush to provoke such a team without Purple Moon. , This kind of meet force with force battle is not good for us."


Hong Yue looked at Terry still seemed to want to attack the liaison unit, I couldn't help but said: "The opponent will transfer all the elites away. At this time, the defense of the place is very empty. We can just take advantage of the vacancy to grab a few more resource points and population cities, so that we can grow our team. Wait until you After Xina and the free Divine Race have negotiated, they will find that the strength of the two sides has changed dramatically."

Terry thinks about it and asks: "Right, where did the president of Purple Moon run? Go there? At this time, he is not here to help us fight, why is he missing?"

"What is missing?" Hong Yue said angrily, "It's not for you yet." Guild. The president said that all the funds you promised him will be used in your war, so the president ran to find those Divine Races to buy NPC troops, and now I'm probably talking about business."< /p>

The facts are like what Hong Yue said. I am helping Terry buy NPC troops at this time, but the number of troops purchased this time is too large, so I can’t buy them from a Divine Race faction at once. , Can only run a few more.

"What did you say? You want to wholesale skeleton soldiers?" Ditans asked in surprise looking at me. "Didn't you always take the high-end route? When did you think of playing Skeleton Sea?"

"Who told you that I only take the high-end route? I chose the right battle according to local conditions. Are the units good?"

"Then why are you buying a skeleton soldier this time?" Ditans asked.

"I say you sell it and you sell it, why so much nonsense?" I slapped a card on the table, and then stretched out my hand and pulled out two from the Fenglong space beside me. One person is tall enough to fit in a huge metal can for two people. "In a word, do you not do this business?"

Ditans glanced at the card I took there, and then at the two huge metal cans I took out. At first there was no reaction, but when I accidentally saw the sealing ring on the can mouth, my expression suddenly became wrong. As if sitting on the needle, the whole person jumped up, and then jumped to my side, pushed aside and hugged the jar, and then said that my eyes were directly on the sealing ring of the jar mouth. After watching for two seconds, this guy immediately turned around in a stunned look towards me and asked: "This is...this is...this is the thing?"

I casually sat on the sofa while drinking Drinks are nodded on the side. "Don't forget that I manage underworld affairs part-time at Celestial Court. I can find some by searching and searching at work. How about? Are you interested?"

Dittens heard After what I said, I was desperately nodded, and then it seemed to have reacted to me, first glanced at me, and then asked: "How is the density of the stuff in this one?"

"The standard concentration of Power of Faith, this bottle At least 20 billion units."

"Two...20 billion?" Ditans didn't bite his tongue in a hurry. After hearing what I said, he looked at the two super-sizes in front of him in surprise. Storage tank, and then asked very politely: "Thank you, is this the primary level Power of Faith, or..."

"It has been refined. All magazines and irrelevant emotions have been removed. Pure Power of Faith should be regarded as a finished product."

"20 billion units of refined Power of Faith?" Ditans looked at the bottle for a long time before suddenly turning his head and asking me: "How many skeleton soldiers are you going to change? The price of this thing..."

"I know you must think I will be Lion's big mouth, because the value of Power of Faith is too high. The value of can definitely be exchanged for countless. However, not all I want to exchange with you are ordinary skeleton soldiers, so you can rest assured. Besides, I am not just skeleton soldiers."

"You said , What do you want? A specific list would be better."

I thought about it a little bit and said: "I don’t have a list. The specifics depend on your sincerity."

"Sincere I am absolutely full." After Ditans finished speaking, he directly patted his hand, and a Lich walked in outside, and then Ditans immediately said to him: "Go gather and curse Legion, I will pass in a while."< /p>

"Yes." Lich left immediately after answering complied.

After that Lich went out, I looked at Titans with a smile on the corner of my mouth and said, "Curse Legion? You are really sincere."

"Of course. President Purple Moon is interesting for you, and I will not play with you. I think you should be very clear about what is in the curse Legion. As long as you need the unit, you can pick it."

I nodded and said: "Cursing the guys in Legion I like very much, but I still need some other special existences."

"Other special existences?"

I nodded and said: "I heard that you have a taboo warrior, right?"

When I heard what I said, Titans took a few steps back, then looked at me in surprise and asked: "How do you... …" He suddenly got stuck just after asking three words, because he suddenly remembered the reason. "By the way, that guy Ling is under your hand, how did I forget her! No wonder you know. But, are you really sure you need those guys? That's very difficult to control!"

< p>"You can just sell it to me, and I don't need you to undertake after-sales service. What are you afraid of?"

"That's right!" Ditans thought about it and asked: " That being the case, I’ll ugly and say it is in front. If you want, I can give it to you, but I’m not responsible for any problems. We often have problems with these things when we use them ourselves. The danger is very high, so If you want it, then you have to bear the consequences yourself."

I nodded and said: "Don't worry, I know this, absolutely don't have to worry about it, I will bear all the consequences alone. Okay, it should be almost the same now. Okay? Let’s see your team."


Ditans took me out of the reception room and detoured to the Transmission Formation side. , And then teleported to the garrison point of Dark God Palace. There are several huge garrison bases near this place, among which a large number of Dark Element system troops are stationed in different categories. Many of these arms are well-known units, and the most famous of them is of course the Skeleton Soldiers.

Actually, skeleton soldiers are not a single certain unit. It is a huge system. The most representative one is the lowest white skeleton soldier, which is the default skeleton soldier of the system. In addition, there are many special types of skeleton soldiers on top of this white skeleton soldier. The levels are messy. There are almost any level. The total number of types may exceed 500, and there are many variants among them.

The Curse of Titans Legion is a Legion composed of pure skeleton soldiers. The biggest feature of this Legion is that it is composed of bone frames from top to bottom. The commander-in-chief in Legion is a Crystal Skeleton King. This guy’s skeleton is said to be a skeleton of a high-level angel before, and then became a skeleton soldier because of the extraordinary natural talent and some fortuuitous encounters, and finally became the Diamond Skeleton King. . Although this guy is also a type of skeleton, it would be miserable if you treat him as a low-level thing like a skeleton soldier. Don't talk about the skeleton soldiers. The body of this Crystal Skeleton King is almost completely diamondized, and defensive power alone can make you a headache. Most weapons have zero damage to this guy, and this guy’s life force is scary. If you want to hack him, unless there is a law weapon with a cut-off rule like my eternity, otherwise. Only to isolate this guy and fight a protracted battle.

In addition to a skeleton king, there are of course many other skeletons in this cursed Legion, such as skeleton mage, skeleton bows and arrows, and even Ancient Dragon and various flying devil beasts. Myriad’s skeleton becomes a flying mount type skeleton, in short, myriad has everything. Of course, the scariest thing about this Legion is not this, but the characteristics of their brown sugar.

As everyone knows, undead creatures have always had the characteristics of replenishing soldiers on the battlefield, and skeleton soldiers are a very easy to replenish unit. There are a lot of low-level skeleton soldiers in this cursed Legion, enough to entangle any enemy, and as long as they are caught in a melee, the skeleton soldiers’ fearlessness of life and death will bring great compensation advantages, and there is also a very important problem. Skeleton soldiers are a kind of undead creatures. When they gather in large numbers, they will form a high concentration of Death Qi around. Fighting in this environment, all creatures will quickly lose physical strength, magic power and even life force. Important things, so if the fighting time is long, the general creatures will suffer.

Of course, because the Skeleton Soldier's battle strength is very weak, it is inevitable to be massively killed. However, because this is a huge skeleton Legion rather than a mere skeleton army, the professional coordination in the team is very complete.

There are a large number of skeleton mages in this cursed Legion, and almost all of these skeleton mages are good at a signature magic-Skeleton Reincarnation.

Although this magic is a magic, it is a panacea magic, that is, a magic manages many things.

The skeleton reincarnation magic is a spell that does not need to distinguish between the enemy and the self for the skeleton mage who cursed Legion. When this magic is thrown on the own skeleton soldier, its effect will be divided into two This situation. If your own skeleton soldier still exists, that is, it has not been crushed, then this skeleton reincarnation technique is equivalent to a healing technique for the skeleton soldier, which can restore a certain amount of blood and repair the damaged skeleton on their body, even if it is missing. Arms and legs can be repaired. Of course, because skeleton reincarnation is a low-level magic, impossible a spell can be completely cured by throwing it over, but as long as you throw a few more, even a skeleton soldier with only one head can completely repair itself and become a full body state.

If the skeleton in the life is not the skeleton soldier who is still alive, but instead hits the skeleton bones that were broken and scattered, then the role of the spell will become-repair technique .

As long as the broken bones on the ground can be assembled into a skeleton soldier, as long as the skeleton is reincarnated and dropped, these bones will be automatically restored and spliced ​​into a complete skeleton soldier. During the battle, skeleton soldiers are rarely completely broken. They are usually just broken or fall apart. That is to say, as long as the skeleton is reincarnated, these fallen skeleton soldiers can get up again to recover their battle strength. .

In addition to losing one's own person in the above two situations, this skill also sometimes loses an enemy.

When the skeleton turns the enemy in life, there are two situations.

If the person hit has a lot of blood, then the effect of the reincarnation of the skeleton on him is equivalent to-attack spell. Yes, it is attacking spell. Skeleton Rebirth will weaken its life force when it hits a living creature, which will not only decrease the target’s HP, but also affect its physical strength. Although the value is not high, Skeleton Rebirth is a covering skill and can be superimposed, so Encountering a large group of skeleton mages on the battlefield is also quite disgusting.

Of course, in addition to players with more health, there must be two types of players on the battlefield, namely players who are dying and players who have died.

When the skeleton turns a dying player in life, the skeleton turn technique will judge the player. This judgment is actually a probability calculation similar to a lottery. If the skill is determined to take effect, then this The player may be directly emptied of the remaining life force, and then the flesh and blood will disintegrate and become a skeleton soldier to stand up. In addition, if the remaining mana value of this player is relatively high when the player is reincarnated, the level of the reincarnated skeleton soldier will be very high. In addition, the player's own strength and level will also affect the skeleton soldier after reincarnation. In short The higher the player's level, the more powerful the reincarnated skeletons.

If the skill determination fails, then the effect of Skeleton Reincarnation on the dying player is to directly reduce the health value, just like hitting a player with more HP. Of course, if the remaining HP is less than the one deducted, then the skill will be compulsorily determined to be successful, that is, it will directly turn the person into a skeleton soldier.

I mentioned a situation before that the reincarnation directly hit the corpse. In this case, 100% of the skeleton soldiers will crawl out, but the specific number of skeleton soldiers who crawl out of the corpse is not necessarily. Anyway, the strength of the corpse during the lifetime will be converted into the total battle strength of the skeleton soldier, but this battle strength is not necessarily in the form of quantity or quality. Simply put, there may be a super high level skeleton soldier, or a bunch of low-level skeleton soldiers, but no matter how many appear, the sum of their battle strength should be the same as the battle strength of the corpse before his death. . In addition, the situation of hitting a corpse does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, that is, the corpse of the enemy and the corpse of the person will explode the skeleton soldier.

In addition to the above-mentioned situations, there is another situation in which Skeleton Reincarnation has been hit crooked, not hitting the target, but falling on the ground. At this time, it depends on the ground. If people have died in this area before, or corpses have been buried underneath, there will be new skeleton soldiers crawling out from below, and the number is determined based on the number of dead people before. However, even if no one has died in this place before, it doesn't mean that it must be okay. When Skeleton Reincarnation hits the ground, it will have an impact on the ground. According to the system setting, it will increase the negative energy content in this piece of land. When the negative energy reaches a certain standard, this piece of land will become a cursed land. Once the Skeleton Reincarnation spell hits the cursed ground, a new skeleton soldier will definitely appear.

In general, this skeleton reincarnation technique is a skill specifically used to summon skeleton soldiers or heal skeleton soldiers, but at the same time, it can also damage the blood of the enemy, contaminate the land, and then make it out. More skeleton soldiers. Considering that the number of skeleton mages in Cursed Legion is very large, and this skeleton reincarnation technique is a low-level spell, it is not expensive, so there will definitely be a large number of skeleton reincarnation techniques flying all over the sky on the battlefield, and then there will be new ones. Skeleton soldiers crawled out of the ground and from the corpse, and then the number of curses on Legion would get bigger and bigger, until all the enemies were overwhelmed.

Because of the above reasons, even if the cursed Legion is full of skeletons, it seems that there is not much battle strength, but this army is one of the main forces counted by the Dark God Palace. If I hadn't come up with so much Power of Faith this time, I guess it would be impossible for the Titans guy to come up with this curse Legion to exchange it with me.

When we arrived at the garrison where Legion was cursed, I saw the whole picture of the army, because Titans had notified them of their assembly before.

The skeleton soldier is absolutely nothing in terms of discipline. So many skeletons standing there densely packed are like the National Day military parade, one by one, it’s really like looking at each line horizontally and vertically. The line, neatly looks like a mechanical Legion.

"Don't you feel a loss if you hand it over to such a big team?" I asked when I looked at Titans. To be honest, although I gave a lot of Power of Faith, and also took out a card with 200 million crystal coins, the price is not low, but the number of Legion right now is a little bit beyond my expectation, because of this Cursed Legion actually has tens of millions of skeleton soldiers. I saw that the team stretched from in front of me to out of sight. I couldn't count the specific number at all. If the skeleton officer next to me told me the statistics, I simply couldn't visually inspect it. The number of this Legion.

After hearing what I said, Titans said directly: "Don’t think about it too beautiful, this is more than 100 million skeleton soldiers, how could I give them all to you, there are many high-level skeleton soldiers inside. ."

"So you didn’t give it all?"

"Nonsense, of course, it’s not all. Otherwise, it won’t be enough to double your money."

I am not surprised by this answer, because this number is indeed too much beyond expectations. I was relieved to hear that Ditans said that it was not all for me. "Then how much can you give?"

"It depends on how you changed."

"What do you mean?"

"It means you Is all that money used to exchange the curse of Legion here. Or do you plan to use part of it to pay it back, and then use the rest for something else."

I thought about it a little bit. "We need these skeletons that curse Legion. By the way, there are those taboo warriors mentioned before. How much can you give me?"

After weighing a little, Titans said: "If you still If warrior is to be taboo, then I can only give you one third for the curse of Legion here. Don’t bargain, I’m the bottom line, I didn’t give you a false price."

I thought about it a little bit. I asked: "Then how much do you give me the taboo warrior?"

"Twenty should be almost the same?"

I nodded and said: "The deal. In addition, you have to help me Open a Transmission Gate and send all these troops to the U.S."

"Don’t worry, you are a large order, and I will be responsible for the free shipping." Ditans confirmed the deal because I am very happy, and I contracted the freight directly and generously. You know that it takes a lot of money to send so many skeleton soldiers to the United States, but considering the amount of previous transactions, these are all small money, and it doesn't matter.

After both parties have finalized the order, we directly completed the transaction. All the delivery matters were entrusted to Titans. I personally asked Titans to open for me with a private Transmission Passage. He sent me directly to Egypt. But Ditans didn’t know if he was over-excited or not good at space spells. He got the coordinates wrong and threw me directly into the Egyptian desert. Fortunately, I have a map of the desert here. Otherwise, how can I get it out? Problem.

Because I have a good personal relationship with Anubis, so I have permission to use his temple Transmission Formation in Egypt, so I don’t need to transfer it, and I sent it directly to the private Transmission of Anubis temple. In Formation.

When I got up and down from the Transmission Formation in the Temple of Underworld, I happened to see two Death God guards walking in from outside. The two Death God guards were also taken aback when they saw me, but nothing happened. It's such a bloody thing to fight directly. The two Death God guards suddenly focused their eyes on me after a bit of a daze, and then suddenly bowed and saluted: "Hello, Death God guest."

I nodded asked: "Is Anubis here?"

"Master Death God is not at home."

"Not?" I was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Where did he go? Do you know?"

"It should be at Master Kohopura."

"Oh, I understand." I replied to complied and turned around and walked to the Transmission Formation again. Then send again.

I also have permission for the Transmission Formation of Kohopura, so I came here directly. Unfortunately, when I saw two humanoid beetles here, I only found out that Kohopura and Ah Nubis went out together.

"Fuck me? Are you here? Why are these two great gods staying at home and running around all day?" The two beetles in front know the relationship between me and Cohopura, so listen There was no response to my complaint, and I dared to interrupt and say a word after I finished complaining.

"My lord, Cohopura and Anubis actually went to the Netherworld River. If you are in the past, you might be able to catch up."

"Netherworld River? How did you go there?"

"I don't know about this."

"Okay, I will chase them. La or Anubis who came back and did not meet me, please let them know and let them wait here and don’t run around. I am looking for them in a hurry."

"Yes, sir."< /p>

There are many ways to get to the underworld, but the problem is that I don’t know how to do it, so I can only go through existing channels. The Yin-Yang road in the country is too far. It happens that there is a Gates of Hell in Anubis’s temple, so I can only run back to Anubis’s temple, and then walk through the gate that separates life and death from here. Arrived in the underworld.

"Huh, as expected, the underworld is cooler! Egyptian temples are so hot! It's no wonder that the mummies are all mummies, and they are probably all baked." As I walked towards the Netherworld River, I ran into two mummies on the way. After inquiring about it, I knew that Anubis and Cohopura were indeed on the side of the Netherworld River. They are still there.

According to the route provided by the two mummies, I quickly saw where Cohopura and Anubis were. Of course, only Kohopra and Anubis were even in that place. How to say Anubis and Kohopura are both famous gods in the Divine Race in Egypt. Of course, it is unlikely that they will come out alone when they go out, and they seem to have something to do this time, and they actually took it. Many people came out, the Anubis guy even brought out the entire Legion, and there were at least tens of thousands of Death God guards standing on the river bank densely packed.

"Damn, what are you doing? I ran a lap before I knew you were here."

Because my identity is not something on Divine Race in Egypt. Secret, so Anubis' Death God guards did not intercept me, but let me walk directly to Anubis and Cohopura.

Because they did not receive the report, they were shocked when they heard my voice suddenly.

"Why are you here?" Anubis was also surprised when he saw me.

"Is it weird to be here?" I looked at Anubis and asked.

Kohpra helped Anubis explain: "It's not surprising that you are here, but it's strange that you actually appear here now."

"What do you mean? Huh?"

"Isn’t this obvious?" Kohopra said: "I have always been concerned about your affairs. I heard that recently your Frost Rose League and Russia’s It started fighting, and, in the last two days, you seem to be helping the Americans in the civil war. It’s not weird that you came to us when you were not commanding at the front line at this time? Have you seen it before? Did the coach go to another country to meet the leaders of other countries when the army was fighting?"

"Of course I came here for a reason." didn't expect Kohopura and Anubis knew so much about my current situation, so I saved a lot of time to explain. "You also know that I am helping the Americans fight the civil war, but now I have some troubles."

"I guess you came to me to achieve eight achievements is such a thing." Anubis gave a hand. "Let’s talk, what help do you want? If you don’t have enough strength, I don’t mind lending you three to fifty thousand." Of course I know that he doesn't really look down on me, and besides my strength, few people are really qualified to look down on me. In this game, people who are qualified to look down on me, except High God, must be brain-disabled.

Anubis has a good relationship with me, so this is obviously a joke, but this guy is different from the general Divine Race, that is, there are more soldiers. Like Dark God Palace or Celestial Court, the troops are all normal troops, whether they are alive or dead, they are all creatures anyway, and undying creatures are also considered creatures. However, the Death God Guards under Anubis is a very special unit. This unit uses Anubis's divine force and a little bit of Power of Faith, plus some sand in Egypt and blank souls. Semi-magical creature. Its characteristics are similar to elemental creatures like Water Element or Fire Element.

Because they are not completely independent creatures, the number of Death God guards of Anubis has always been so scary. Every time there is a war with Divine Race in other regions, Anubis never suffers at the primary stage, because th

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