In fact, gold coin did not keep us waiting for long. The formidable power of the Ten Thousand Swords Array is not a joke, not to mention that the Indian wizard happened to be restrained by the ability of gold coin, and then...there was no more. The Indian wizard tried to interfere with his skills during the start-up phase of the Ten Thousand Swords Array, but the Flying Sword with tens of thousands of handles surrounding the gold coin high-speed rotation is the same as the meat grinder. Anything that tries to cross this barrier will be disturbed. It becomes a mess, and when the skill is fully activated, there is basically nothing wrong with the Indian wizard. Tens of thousands of Flying Swords were inserted together, instantly turning the Indian wizard and the surrounding ground into a piece of "grass" full of Flying Swords, and the Indian wizard did not even have a complete fleshy body left.

"Boss, I'm here."

I just solved an enemy and I was about to look around. I suddenly found that gold coin had come over, so I looked back The location of the Indian wizard over there, of course, didn't see anything. After all, the Flying Sword was used up to be recycled, and the body of the Indian wizard was broken and there was no scum left.

"Are you moving very fast?"

"A voodoo mage, what can this cost? By the way. The situation here seems to be under control. , Will we continue to squat here or what should we do?"

"There is nothing worth keeping here, so we will retreat as soon as we get it done, and what else we need to use after we decide? Our battle strength."

"Well, I understand." After gold coin turned around to join the battle group, but when she was War God, the whole person suddenly flew backwards. At that moment, I even saw a glare of golden light.

Turning to look towards the opposite direction of the direction where gold coin flew out, except for a small town, there is nothing worth noting at all, but gold coin was obviously knocked off by something just now Yes, and according to the flight trajectory, the impact must come from that direction. If I can't see the target, there are only three situations I can think of. First, the attack came from out of line of sight, that is, an ultra-long-range strike. Second, the attacker can teleport and run away as soon as the attack is completed. Third, the attackers took advantage of the terrain to hide.

Regardless of the reason, at least it is now certain that there is an attacker over there with long-range strike capability. After all, they are all around here, and the attack from the other side is absolutely impossible to come from our side.

After I figured it out, I immediately turned my head and looked towards the side of gold coin. As a result, I just saw gold coin sitting up from the ground with a hand on his chest and an expression of pain. It was quite accurate just now. It hit her heart position, but the equipment attribute of gold coin was very good, the attack failed to penetrate the outer magic shield, and the result was that gold coin flew by relying on the impact. Of course, the fall was not light, and it seemed that the magic shield on gold coin must have dropped a lot.

"Are you okay?"

"I can't die! But it hurts!" Gold coin raised her palm as she said, and I suddenly realized that she was holding a piece in her hand. Purple red things.

"What is that?"

"Bullet!" Gold coin glanced at the thing in his hand and said, "Should it be? Anyway, it was caused by this thing hitting me just now Hurt."

I moved towards that side with one hand, and the little thing immediately flew over and fell into my palm. I picked it up and looked at it. This thing is just a small piece of metal, but It is certain that this is a bullet, because the end of this thing still maintains the basic shape of the bullet, but the front part has been completely deformed.

Christina standing next to me reached out and took the bullet and took a look, then put it in front of her nose and smelled it, and then said: "This is a mixture of fine gold and amethyst dragon scales grass powder. The product should be a certain alloy with high hardness. It may be a special bullet."

At this time, gold coin had already crooked his chest and walked over, frowned the bullet asked: "This What is it? Tungsten core armor-piercing bullets?"

"This should be regarded as fine gold armor-piercing bullets." Christina said: "Amethyst gold has the characteristics of high hardness and is not easy to deform. Amethyst dragon scales grass powder can be improved. The high temperature resistance of metal produces a small amount of demon-breaking attributes. Although I don’t know how this alloy is made, it is at least a high-hardness demon-breaking warhead, and it is also due to the amethyst dragon scales. High temperature resistance, it can withstand the high temperature brought by high-speed flight."

"If this is a magic-breaking armor-piercing projectile, wouldn't it be the one that attacked me...?"

" Jingjing." I suddenly reacted and shouted.

"Holy Shield." As soon as Jingjing appeared, she set up the Holy Shield directly facing the city, but in the next second, she heard a loud "Dang" bang, and Jingjing flew horizontally. Got out.

"Fuck me!" Gold coin looked at Jingjing flying past our heads in surprise, and then suddenly reacted in the next second and quickly threw out the sword pouch to release a large amount of Flying Sword.

Seeing the action of gold coin, everyone on our side also reacted. I directly held the dragon shield in most areas of the mutual aid body, Christina brushed herself a set of seven-color magic shields, the whole body was really red with golden light shining, and there were two miniature Divine Dragons flying around her. Most of the remaining people have their own divine ability and try to spread and hide as much as possible, in order to reduce the probability of being attacked.

"The gun god, must be the gun god guy." Terry said after me at this moment.

I turned my head and looked at Terry, who followed me wretchedly, and said, "Since that guy asked the Holy Spear League to help the Rainbow League deal with you, you should have thought of this step, right?"


"But I didn't expect him to go directly to the war!"

"You should have thought of this kind of thing a long time ago." After I finished speaking, I suddenly shouted to a nearby place: " Grab ice, big pot of rice, you two will take everyone to find cover, don't be busy attacking. Real red, Christina, gold coin, come with me to solve the trouble."

Since you know that the attacker is 80% Gun god guy, of course we are impossible here waiting to be beaten. To deal with this kind of long-distance career, of course, there is a chance of winning by posting it. Of course, too many obstacles on the opposite side is also a trouble. If there are not so many obstacles, let Christina use magic to fight the gun god guy, and it should be able to handle it. It's a pity that there are too many obstacles on the opposite side, but we are in the open space outside the city. If we don't get close, the terrain will be too bad for us.

For this kind of simple question, we can think about it. The gun god on the opposite side is naturally clearer, so even if we know it, we can’t just rush up, because the guy on the other side will definitely prevent us from doing this.

"Christina." I looked at the town on the opposite side, and I called out aloud.

Christina knowingly activates the incantation, and then points the staff forward. Numerous colored light beams suddenly burst from the top of her staff, and then fly forward in a fan shape, but they are flying to the city. When Wall was in front of him, he did not continue to move forward, but suddenly moved towards the ground and banged down. With a loud noise, the entire city wall was filled with smoke and dust. Now let alone the aim, I can't even see if there is anyone on the other side.

All the people present are experts, no need to remind, as soon as the explosion ended, our group jumped up and started to rush towards the city wall, but we just charge ahead less than 100 meters, but the front Suddenly a strong wind blew away all the smoke and dust.

Almost as soon as the smoke dissipated, a red light suddenly lit up on the top of the opposite city wall. I was almost instinctively on one side. I suddenly felt a huge force on my right shoulder. With a loud bang of "Dang", I flew up at an angle, and after turning four or five somersaults in the air, I fell heavily on the ground.

"Your sister! This is a sniper cannon, right?" I didn't dare to stop after falling dizzy and eyes blurred. I quickly rolled over and jumped to the side, but it suddenly exploded after the ground next to me. Mission Fireball, the waves of anger blasted me away in an instant.

Although I was continuously attacked, Christina and Zhenhong didn’t mean to stop. Instead, they rushed forward at an accelerated rate, in order to use this time to get close to the city wall, but they didn’t expect it. Yes, when they ran more than fifty meters, the target on the opposite side suddenly moved from me to Christina.

A string of flashes suddenly lit up next to Christina, who was flying forward at high speed, and the whole person suddenly fell from the sky, sending the smoke and dust on the ground everywhere. Gold coin took a surprised look at the location where Christina had fallen, but did not immediately go to help, but suddenly put her little finger into her mouth and whistle. The snow-white Heavenly Fox ran out of the void. Gold coin saw her running by when she reached out and hit the back of Heavenly Fox and then turned over and rode up. Heavenly Fox also accelerated a forward dash and disappeared instantly. in the air.

A crimson bullet scratched the place where Heavenly Fox just disappeared, but unfortunately it didn’t hit anything. In the next second, gold coin and Heavenly Fox landed on the city gate, and True Red also took the opportunity summon Divine Dragon, then jumped on the dragon head moved towards the city wall and rushed straight away.

It was really red that this shouldn’t be dangerous, but what made her didn’t expect was that when she just jumped on the dragon’s head, the gun on the opposite side actually rang again, and This time it hit a dragon horn of Divine Dragon under her body. With a click, half of the dragon horn instantly exploded into countless fragments and flew around, and the really red Divine Dragon also screamed and hit the ground one by one, and Zhenhong himself was thrown out because of the sudden shock.

Gold coin looked at that silhouette on the city wall below from the sky, and immediately jumped off Heavenly Fox. The attack on the real red just now revealed the exact position of the opponent, so gold coin aimed at that guy and jumped down this time. People have already brought their sword array summon in mid-air with gold coin, countless flying swords formed a huge tornado-like vortex moved towards the ground slammed into it, while gold coin was holding a Heavenly Venerable sword volleyed into the air. Step by step towards the roof where the opponent is.

The blow that was inevitable originally thought that there would be no big obstacles, but I didn’t know that the guy below didn’t evade, turned around and raised the gun to the gold coin himself in the sky, and then directly He pulled the trigger.

We couldn't hear the gunshots outside the city, we only saw a red beam of light flashing past, and then there was a loud noise that shook people's ears. The tens of thousands of Flying Swords controlled by gold coin suddenly lost control collectively, as if rustling sound like a heavy rain fell on the top of the city wall with a dense explosion, while gold coin herself leaned back and began to fall from a high altitude. That magic familiar also disappeared in midair in an instant.

The demon of gold coin suddenly disappears instead of saving its owner. There is only one possibility, that is, gold coin has died. The owner's death familiar will die. This is a common setting in the game. The reason why my familiar will not be like this is because Ling has a loyal heart. When I die, Ling can replace me as the commander of the familiars. And material sustenance, only when Ling and I are both dead and yet not resurrected, will my other familiars die. But gold coin does not have this ability, so her death caused her familiar also to die with it. As for those Flying Swords, because no one controls them, all naturally fell down.

Seeing this horrible result, Zhen Hong and Christina, who just got up, were very surprised. Although gold coin is not a defense system, she has many abilities, and gold coin itself has a defensive ability. It's not weak. I was hit by a bullet from the front and I was not killed, but now it has been seconded. This result is really amazing.

"Damn it, don't be stunned, charge!" I just froze for a few tenths of a second, and then suddenly reacted and reminded Zhenhong and Christina loudly that the two of them also reacted quickly and started charging quickly. .

After the gold coin was shot down on the opposite city wall, the silhouette immediately got up from the top of the city wall and walked to the side of the city wall. At this time, because of the close distance, I can already see this person clearly.

As we guessed before, this person is the gunman, but his appearance is not very good at this time, because he has one on his shoulder and one on the side of his chest. Handle Flying Sword, apparently just after the gold coin died, her skills still caused a certain amount of damage to the gun god, but unfortunately no one controlled it in the final stage, resulting in the skill not fully displaying the formidable power, just hurting the gun god, and Did not kill this guy.

After re-arranging his weapon on the city wall, the gun god immediately filled the gun with a bullet with shining rays of light, and then quickly aimed at the frontmost real red.

Because the distance is close enough, I saw that the bullet filled into the barrel by the gunner is not ordinary ammunition. The bullets that glow are usually bullets with attributes, so I immediately faced the real red one Bian yelled: "Go away, don't pick it up!"

It's a pity that I called it too late. The gun god’s muzzle burst out a cloud of white light, and then a comet-like light cluster hit the real red chest like lightning. With a golden light shining, I could only watch the real red spurting blood. Fly back, and after falling for tens of meters, she turned a dozen somersaults on the ground before she stopped sliding, and after that, she didn't react any more, and she didn't know whether it was alive or dead.

If I was only suspicious before, now I can be sure. The gun gods are definitely not pure magic bullets, they must be gold coin bullets bought with money. This thing not only needs to complete special tasks to be eligible for purchase, but the quantity is scarce and requires a large amount of funds to exchange, so except for a few local tyrants, most people can't afford it. However, the gun god is obviously one of the few who can play and is eligible to buy it. Moreover, judging from the red formidable power that just dropped a shot in seconds, the price of that bullet is at least over 100,000 crystal coins.

You get what you pay for, and the reputation of system has always been strong.

"Really red, how are you doing?" I didn't care about continuing the impact, I loudly shouted at the real red side. It's not that I don't know the priorities, but that I need to be sure of the true red state before I can decide the next step.

Neither Zhenhong nor gold coin are ordinary people, they are the holders of national instruments. Every country will have at least two sets of national equipment. If there are players with outstanding strength and outstanding performance in the country, such as mine, there will be a third set of national equipment, that is, the outstanding player will be The main equipment has been strengthened as a national weapon.

My dragon soul suit is a strengthened national weapon, which is slightly different from the national weapon on True Red and gold coin.

This kind of real red and gold coin is called native national device, which is generated by system, not strengthened. This kind of national weapon adds more attributes to domestic players, that is, it is more useful for team battles and national warfare, but this kind of national weapon also has a disadvantage, that is, it will explode every time it hangs.

As long as the national weapon holder is killed, the national weapon on his body will inevitably explode one or two pieces, sometimes even three or four pieces. Anyway, the national weapon holders are similar to the red names when they are killed, almost all of them are big explosions, and the national weapons of the national weapon holders are of great significance to the players of a country, so any country will not easily Allow the national instruments of your own country to be snatched by players from other countries. So, this is actually a stimulating element used by the system to stimulate battles between countries, and play a role in making it easier for players from different countries to fight each other.

True Red and gold coin are the holders of this kind of national equipment, and gold coin has just been killed, which means she must have dropped at least one or two pieces of equipment, and I have to go there Take back the national equipment of gold coin, otherwise the loss will be too great. However, Zhenhong was also attacked, and now he does not know his life or death. If True Red is really stunned, then I have to change my strategy and grab the True Red equipment first, because she is closer to me and the enemy is far away, so I have a better chance of getting it back, and gold coin You must ask Christina to grab it over there. However, if Zhenhong is not dead, then I should protect gold coin's national equipment. Zhenhong can choose to leave it alone or let Christina come back for cover according to her situation.

After my voice asked, Zhenhong didn't answer me, but she slowly raised a hand and shook it slightly towards me. Seeing this action, I at least knew that Zhen Hong was not dead, but it was a problem even to speak according to her appearance. Naturally, she couldn't move. So I made a decisive decision and immediately shouted to the other side: "Christina, protect Zhen. Red, give it to me in the city."

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