On my urging, the crowd of people from the cowering cautiously stepped into this purgatory-like courtyard on earth, but after entering, everyone appeared very scared. , Not only carefully avoided the corpses on the ground, but also carefully watched the human flesh that had been cut into pieces, as if those pieces of meat might rise up and attack them at any time.

I was too lazy to complain about those guys, turned around and walked towards the room in front of the yard. The back door of the house in front of this yard is just a small door. After opening this door, you can see the room inside. This is obviously a place like a kitchen, because you can see a large row of stoves and the like, and there are many shelves with cut pieces of meat and various bits and pieces. There was a yard in front of the kitchen. As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a dog barking. I stepped into the yard and immediately found two things tied to the corner of the yard that I didn't know if it was a dog.

In fact, strictly speaking, this should be a very rare thing-dog spirits.

Some people may not know that dog spirits are a very special and rare undead, because dogs usually reincarnate immediately after they die, and there is basically no possibility of incarnation of wraith. However, once it becomes a dog spirit, it usually won't be anything ordinary. I don't know what the Western legend is, but as the king of Hades, I still have a better understanding of the domestic system of management of dead souls.

According to the 103rd revised edition of Celestial Court’s Revenant Management Regulations, dogs should belong to Beast Dao, but even though they are Beast Dao, dogs are a kind of special existence. If Hades can also be bought, I think most people will find ways to bribe Hades to reincarnate as dogs when they know they need to switch to Beast Dao, because dogs have the fastest accumulation of merit among all Beast Dao's biomass. A creature, even a pig or a cow is not an opponent. According to the regulations of the Temple of the Kings, there is a corresponding merit value for any existence after a person is reincarnated and reincarnated after death. If you have a higher merit, you can be reincarnated as an adult, and if you have a higher merit, you can choose a family with good conditions, and you will not suffer for a lifetime. However, if your merits are unfortunately not up to the standards of life, then you can only be a beast, or go directly to hell or something.

Since merit determines the luck of the next life, being a dog is naturally a very good choice. After all, you are going to be a beast anyway. It is obviously quite good to gather more merit under the current conditions. choose. It is precisely because dogs are a kind of creatures that accumulate merit very quickly, so they rarely die in vain. Most dogs die of heart failure, almost all of them die unconsciously. This alone is more cost-effective than the pigs, cattle and sheep that Baibenbaihui would be eaten.

Because of these characteristics of dogs, plus the higher merits accumulated after death, in most cases the treatment is better. After death, there can be a special Ghost Messenger to pick up, so there is rarely After the dog dies, there are still wandering spirits hanging around, so it is naturally quite rare to be able to see the dog spirit. In addition, because dogs rarely have too complicated thoughts in their consciousness, they usually have no obsessions when they die, and obsessiveness or unwillingness is a necessity for the "spirit." This further reduces the probability of dog spirits appearing.

However, the appearance of the yard in front of me is indeed a dog spirit, and it is not one, but two. This is definitely a very rare existence.

Generally speaking Because dogs have a simpler mind, once they decide what to do, the progress is often exaggerated, because this race seems to be naturally very active, and once the goal is determined, it will be desperate Go ahead. This kind of morality determines that a dog’s soul does not enter the underworld but becomes a dog spirit. Then his cultivation base and strength will explode in a geometrical way. Compared with the human soul, the dog usually only needs to die after death. Within three to five days, you can fully control your special ability as a ghost. After about five weeks, the dog spirit will have initial mana. After a year, the dog spirit’s strength will be comparable to a wraith-level human soul. After five years, The dog spirit has basically become the existence of half-step ghost fairy Level 1. The dog spirit of more than ten years can even handle most of the ghost fairy, and the dog spirit of more than 50 years can directly kill all low-level gods. This strength The growth rate is simply blind.

Erlang Shen's Howling Celestial Dog is a dog spirit more than two hundred years old. Back then, that guy could chase the Great Saint and jump up and down, you can imagine how fierce this guy was. Didn't you see the Celestial Court and a large group of Divine Immortal and couldn't get the other Goku? As a result, Howling Celestial Dog chased the monkey from South Heaven Gate to Guanjiangkou just like chasing a rabbit. Is this record exploding?

Since the canine spirits are so strong, you can imagine the two canine spirits here since they can be chained here. They must be the canine spirits that have not been dead for a long time, otherwise, as long as this existence It is estimated that they can walk sideways in this ghost village in three to five years. How can they be chained here?

When I saw my appearance, those two spirits were desperately moved towards I barked, but I don’t understand the language of dogs, so I don’t know what they are calling, but when I leave In the past, the two dog spirits immediately became quiet, and just stood there quietly.

In fact, this low-level dog spirit looks quite scary. The black body looks like it is composed of black flame. The shape is not very stable, except that the eyes are not only the same as the light bulb. Like, and more importantly, there is a red light flashing in that thing, it looks like you have to choose someone and eat it.

Although it looks a bit scary, I am not afraid of this thing. After all, I am the King of Yama. This is what I often see.

I lowered my head and glanced at the two canine spirits in front of me. Suddenly, I realized that the eyes of the two canine spirits were not right. They seemed to be praying for something. After a moment of stunned, I suddenly reacted, drew out the eternal everything and passed by, the iron ropes on the necks of the two dog spirits silently broke. The two dog spirits lost their restraints and immediately rushed forward, but instead of biting me, they kept spinning around me and crawling on me from time to time, looking super enthusiastic. Although it has become a ghost, a dog is still a dog even if it becomes a ghost, and his personality has hardly changed. These two are definitely not bulldogs. They are probably working dogs or native dogs when they see people so kindly. But looking at this size, if they were of this size before death, they should be large dogs.

I was teasing the two dog spirits, and suddenly I heard an exclamation in the yard. When I looked back, it turned out that the group of people had finally followed up. As soon as I came in, I saw two dogs fighting. They rushed to jump on me, they thought I was attacked, so someone exclaimed.

After discovering this group of people appeared, the two dog spirits beside me immediately stopped frolicking. In a fighting stance, the black soul flame on his body suddenly soared as if it had come alive. The original dog spirit, which was more than one meter long and more than sixty centimeters high, suddenly became two two meters tall, about the same as a small armored vehicle. The huge monster, that shocked the group of people behind, and almost didn't run back.

"Quiet, this is a friend." I shouted at the two dogs. Sure enough, the dog spirit could understand human words, and the huge version of the dog spirit shrank quickly in a tumbling flame, and it became a normal size in the blink of an eye.

"Purple Moon, what is this?" The people over there are not stupid. They found that the two monsters were actually listening to me, so they were relieved immediately, and the young man who led the team returned Asked aloud.

I said indifferently: "This is a dog spirit, it is the ghost of a dog."

"Dogs have ghosts too?"

"All things have spirits, Any living creature has a soul, and it’s normal to become a ghost.” After I finished speaking, I didn’t care about those people, and went straight to the two chains that I had severed and checked them. I was caught by the two enthusiastic dogs before. There is no way to stop it, now naturally you can watch it casually.

From the fighting form of the two canine spirits just now, it can be seen that these two are definitely not the canine spirits who have just died. Although they have not reached the point of guarding the sky, they should be at least preliminary. It’s only right to enter the cultivation of ghosts and monsters. After all, they have been able to accurately control their own form. This is not something that a simple puppy can do.

As two ghosts, not to mention that Spirit Physique itself should have the ability to penetrate walls. These two have not weak mana. They were actually tied there by an iron chain, which shows that the iron chain There must be something different in the above, otherwise, just rely on Fan Tie's words, let alone ghosts, and even ordinary dead souls should not be able to hold them.

Sure enough, the iron chain in my hand felt a icy cold as soon as I started it, and it was certain that it contained quite pure Yin Attribute energy, and I vaguely felt that this thing was a bit familiar.

"Fuck me!" After turning the chain in my hand, I called out in surprise.

"What's the matter?" The people around have already walked into the yard. The courageous people even went to observe the two dog spirits. Suddenly they heard my scream and thought it happened. What happened, all of them nervously pulled out their weapons to guard the surrounding situation, but the two dog spirits didn't respond. This dog spirit also inherits the characteristics of a dog, not to mention the special aura of ears and eyes, and super energy perception ability. If an enemy approaches, they must have discovered it long ago, so I know that my barking is not because of an attack, so there is no reaction at all. .

Knowing that it scared the people around, I quickly explained: "It's not dangerous, but didn't expect to see this thing in this thing." I raised the chain in my hand.

"What is this?"

"Chasing the soul."

"This is a prop equipment?"

I nodded Said: "Holy Spirit level equipment, dedicated to undead players, has super extra damage to Spirit Physique, and can resist spell attacks. Black and White Impermanence uses this thing, but the level is higher than this, it should be ordinary Ghost Messenger is used."

"Do you mean this thing is from the Palace of the Yamas?"

"Ten Temples Yama has ten Yama Palaces. In addition, Magicites have their own In the office, the number of Ghost Messengers under Hades and Magicrate is not known. Although this kind of chain is not low level for players, it is standard for Ghost Messenger and is basically qualified to go out. The Ghost Messengers are all staffed. It should be normal to have the missing ones, but they didn’t expect to see them here. No wonder these two spirits can’t get rid of it, it turned out to be this thing."

I After speaking, I turned around and found that all the people around me were gone. The people who were still cautiously rushed into all the rooms of all directions frantically at this time, and many of them even ran back to the yard just now. After thinking about it, I came to understand that 80% of these people are looking for equipment.

Since there is a chain of Ghost Messenger here, it means that Ghost Messenger was killed or lost equipment here, then one piece is likely to mean that there is a second one, so I want to come to this place to find other equipment The probability is very high. When those people thought that there might be Holy Spirit-level equipment hidden in such a place, they no longer feared any ghosts, and rushed out one by one like a chicken blood.

I didn't stop them slightly smiled, but turned my head and looked towards the two dog spirits, and then asked: "Is there anything like this kind of energy in this place?"

< p>The dog spirit was nodded, and then one of them jumped directly to the window on the second floor and broke in without any hindrance. The dog spirit stayed in it for less than five seconds and then jumped out, with a lot of mouth. A piece of clothing.

I took the dress and looked at it. Sure enough, this is the dress Ghost Messenger wears when going out to do errands. Equivalent to is something like a uniform. It can be said that the equipment is lost, but it's not right to lose even the clothes here. The only explanation is that Ghost Messenger was caught or killed, which resulted in the Ghost Messenger uniform being left here.

Originally, I came to this place just to help the Tsar complete the task, which is regarded as an exchange, but now I realize that this place seems to be a big task for myself. As the King of Hades, I found out that Ghost Messenger, which was working outside, was attacked, and it was probably already killed. Of course I can't ignore this kind of thing.

After reading the clothes, I asked the dog spirit: "Do you know who this thing originally belongs to?"

The two dog spirits shook their heads together, obviously this thing They don't know how it came.

I thought for a while and said again: "Can you find the original owner of this thing based on the energy aura on it? Just like you used your nose to smell and track before."

< p>According to the explanation of Six Paths of Reincarnation, there are no different types of souls. Human souls are souls, and animal souls are souls. After all, some people are dogs in their lives and become adults in their next lives. This is in Six Paths of Reincarnation. It's a normal thing. Therefore, when the dog spirit gets rid of the limitation of the fleshy body, its intelligence will be greatly improved. Although it will not immediately return to human standards, it will not be much worse. Even quite complex problems can be understood, but The personality of the previous life will seriously affect their way of thinking. After all, the dog spirit has not gone to the underworld, and the memories of his life are still on him.

Unfortunately, both dog spirits shook their heads after I asked them. I don't know if they can't be tracked or for other reasons. I can't help anyway.

I thought about it a little bit and I probably understood something. It is estimated that it is not that these two dog spirits have no tracking ability, but that this thing did not appear recently. This thing may have been here a long time ago, and the Ghost Messenger probably hung up a long time ago, and now it may not even have a shadow, so the two dog spirit roots could not be tracked down.

Since I can't help, I can't help it. After putting away the Ghost Messenger service and the soul-seeking line, I walked to the row of houses in front of the yard. This time I didn’t need to find the way. Those guys have become fearless under the drive of money. Then they rushed into the house and searched for it. I know they must be unable to find anything, the dog spirit has taken the only remaining service here, and it is impossible to find other equipment here.

Although these people suddenly became more courageous under the urge of money, but soon some of them were unlucky. The first thing that appeared was a scream, and then the sound of fighting. Everyone immediately stopped their work and rushed to the front room. I also walked past in a leisurely manner. The reason why I was not in a hurry was because the czar didn't participate in the search, so he stood behind me, protected by the two dog spirits, and there was no danger at all, so I simply didn't care about anything. As for the life and death of those people, I didn’t intend to take care of them. They just dropped in with us. I said before entering the village. I will not protect them specially. If I can see where I can see in the vicinity, I’ll count. I don’t have to rush over in such a far-off situation. After all, the czar behind me is my client. If the czar is killed because I help them, then I’m putting the cart before the horse.

When I walked into the front hall with the Tsar, we found that there was already a pot of porridge here. The players who came with us were talking with a large group of ghosts wearing ordinary villager costumes here. I was in a horrible fight. Several players and a large group of ghosts have fallen down in the rather large hall. The door of the house has also been penetrated, and the surrounding walls are full of large and small pits. Obviously Someone is using skills in the room.

It can be said that these players and those ghosts are very ordinary existence, no expert on either side, so the casualties on both sides are so exaggerated. However, I didn't care too much about this situation. After all, neither side is considered "my own" to me. At most, the players are familiar with me.

After I appeared in the room and immediately shot, I turned around and looked at the two dog spirits beside me. "Want to eat?" I asked suddenly.

The two dog spirits immediately showed their white teeth. Although their expressions are not visible in the flame form, it is obvious that they want to eat very much in this way. I intend to bring these two dog spirits back. After all, the dog spirits are not ordinary things. They can’t be allowed to wander outside. At least they can be used to look at the door when they are brought back. Moreover, the strength of the dog spirits itself is relatively easy to improve. The door could not be better.

What can I say to two dog spirits that are about to drip? Point directly to the front: "Eat and be full."

My tone barely fell saw two black flames flash by, and then a player in the room who was fighting found his opponent. It's gone. Turning his head and looking at it, he found that one of the dog spirits was standing beside him with his head up and swallowing a humanoid fierce ghost desperately.

There is also a reason for the rapid growth of the strength of this thing. I don't know if it will inherit some of the previous physical abilities after becoming a ghost. Anyway, the dog spirit not only inherits the super perception ability of the dog, but also seems to inherit the digestive ability. All dog spirits can directly swallow other ghosts to strengthen themselves. Not only is the efficiency extremely high, but it can also generate divine might pressure in this way, and produce oppressive effects on all the same level or low-level Spirit Physique.

Just now, those players fought with a lot of hungry ghosts, and after so many ghosts died, they didn’t scare the other ghosts around. As a result, all the ghosts stopped, and they were all stupid. Looked blankly at the two dog spirits swallowing their companions there.

The two dog spirits did not let them wait too long. After all, the dog spirits are no longer dogs, and what they eat is not meat but Spirit Physique, so the swallowing speed is amazing, and it took almost two seconds to swallow a hungry ghost whole.

After eating a ghost, the two canine spirits immediately got energized, their heads turned around, and they swept around the remaining ghosts in the house as if they were picking food. At this time, those ghosts were completely blown up, and they didn't care about the people around them. These ghosts just turned around and began to flee in all directions. Unfortunately, there were only three doors in this house. One of them is the back door, which leads to the yard on the other side of the kitchen, and one of the other two doors leads to the next room, but there is a dead end and there is no other exit, so the only way left is the door facing the street.

In fact, I have seen before that this yard is a restaurant-like place, the slaughterhouse behind is the back kitchen, and now this place is the lobby in front, where the hungry ghosts are all diners.

I originally came to eat, but I didn’t see what I ate, but turned into other people’s food. Of course, these hungry ghosts didn’t want to stay as food, so they all rushed out of the street to run away. As a result, because the gate was too narrow, the ghost in the front rushed out quickly. You two dog spirits jumped up and sealed the gate. Most of the ghosts behind were blocked in the house.

Looking at the blocked dog spirit, those ghosts were taken aback for a while, then suddenly turned around and rushed towards me. The purpose was obvious, that was to run out of the back kitchen. But obviously, they got something wrong. Yes, the dog spirit at the front door is indeed the nemesis of Ghost Spirit, but am I just annoying?

"The King."

When. As soon as the king appeared, he slashed across the board, and the row of hungry ghosts that appeared in front were cut directly in the waist, and then they were not dead, all of them weeping and wailing on the ground. The king didn't even look at the remnant ghosts on the ground. He pointed the long knife forward, and the remaining ghosts stepped back. No one dared to run to our side.

Seeing that the ghosts had been frightened, the king directly thrust a long knife into a ghost who had been cut at his feet. The guy immediately let out a heart-piercing scream, and then Everyone melted into a kind of purple smoke at the speed visible to naked eye, and was absorbed on the king's long knife, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

After absorbing the ghost, the king smashed his mouth and said: "The taste is really weak, but forget it, it is better than nothing!"

Seeing that the king has absorbed one Hungry ghost, the other ghosts don't know what to do anymore. A super Ghost Spirit in the front, and two dog spirits who specialize in eating ghosts in the back. Doesn't this force them on the road to the absolute?

Although those ghosts finally made a lot of hard work, the result was already doomed. Even without the two canine spirits, the king alone would be enough to kill these hungry ghosts. Besides, there is still me in this place. Woolen cloth.

Those hungry ghosts were dropped every minute, the king and the two dog spirits absorbed and swallowed part of the ghosts respectively, and the remaining ones were all packaged into a black pearl by the king. . I know this thing is the compressed form of the ghost, I guess this guy is going to use it to honor Sha Yezi. Since Sha Yezi inherited the body, the king has started to react abnormally to her, and now he is in a state of strict control, which is called a servile.

After packing up the Remnant Soul here, the player team followed me to the street. This is not the alley just now. Although the street that is large enough for two cars to run side by side is not too wide, it is much wider than the alley before. But the environment here is still densely foggy, and you can't see the distant environment at all, only the quiet streets and the surrounding shadow houses.

"Is it to the left or right now?" I asked the young man who led the team.

"This is the second street. We are still on the periphery of the village, of course to the right, so that we can get close to the core of the village and walk a short distance."

I nodded and asked: "You have lost so much personnel, is it okay now?" The accident just now caused this group of people to lose nearly one third personnel, so I am a little worried about their configuration problems.

The other party didn't respond much, but calmly said that they were used to this situation. In fact, they are considered good luck this time. The success rate of this action is actually very low. They can only succeed once every three to four times. This time they get to this position to lose less than one third person, which is already considered very good. NS.

Since people don’t care about it, I don’t even care. Follow the other party’s prompts to go right from here. On the empty street, only the sound of our footsteps and breathing are intertwined. I don’t know why, the echo in this place is very loud. In the echo, our footsteps become a da da da sound. Just listen to it. It was like a large group of people walking together, but in fact, after the previous attrition, the number of people in that team was already less than ten. In addition, we are just over ten people. Under such circumstances, we shouldn't make such a sound.

Suddenly I realized that something was wrong, and I quickly turned around to look at it, but I was stunned there. It seems that my ears did not make a mistake. The reason why I heard such dense footsteps was not because of my auditory hallucinations, but because there were many people behind us.

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