Ghosts are changed by humans, so things like rumors are probably possible, but this time it was really not a strategy, it was just an accident that made us run into it. When I heard the cry and scream in front of me, I ran back quickly, and found that everyone was all right, except that they were all squeezed together and stood there.

"What's the situation?" I hurriedly asked when I arrived at the scene. As a result, a group of people didn't speak, and they used their fingers in front of them. That goal. It turned out that there was a little child squatting in the corner of the alley in front. The cry came from her mouth, but to be honest, even if I knew it was a ghost, I looked at me from behind. I still don't think there is anything to be afraid of. "It's just a kid, are you so horrible?"

"No, that kid's face...!"

"Face?" I looked towards again suspiciously The little ghost over there, the other party was still squatting in the corner and crying quietly, looking very pitiful, but of course I knew it was a ghost, so I didn't plan to go and comfort him. But I probably guessed a little bit about the face they said. The face of this kid is probably very scary, so these people will be frightened like this. But I have nothing to worry about. Although the kid doesn’t mean that the battle strength is very low, but generally speaking will not be too strong, so I didn’t even look at the other person’s face. I went straight to take off the cloak on my back and put it on the other person. Meng, and then said to the group of people behind him: "Let’s go ahead."

The group of people were shocked when they saw my actions, but since I have covered them, they are all right. , Can only quickly walk past me.

This alley was originally not wide. Although this corner is a little wider at best, the kid squatted there already took up a small area. I wanted to block the kid, so I naturally took it. For most of the passage, other people were aggrieved in the past, but no one cared anymore at this time. Everyone passed me very quickly and ran forward. I waited until everyone had passed before opening the cloak on the kid, then turned around and wanted to chase those people. As a result, I felt my feet sink as soon as I sold it, and when I looked back, it turned out to be the kid just now. At this time the kid had turned around, and she was still hugging one of my legs. When I looked back, she just looked up, so our eyes inevitably came into contact with each other, but it was followed by a scream of "Ah", and the kid was thrown off as if hit by a cannonball. After going out, he even crashed through a wall and fell into the back yard.

Although I don’t know why this happened, I knew it might have something to do with the attributes on my body, so I didn’t care about it, turned around and continued to catch up with the crowd in front of me. Those people didn’t dare to go too fast without me in the vicinity. At this time, they were all waiting for me. After I caught up with the team, I overtook them and walked to the front. I originally planned to ask how to go ahead. I didn’t expect it. When they got to the front of the team, they found that the young man and the people in the team were looking at a door on the side in a daze.

"What's the situation?" I asked as I walked over, and when I saw the situation inside the gate, I instantly understood why they were all standing there in a daze.

Before entering the village, I have obtained a lot of information about this place from the other party. According to them, the principle of action here is to look for the general direction and not to deviate as long as you see the direction. Just enter the right door, and you can always get out in the end. However, now they seem to see the door, and the direction is correct, but they dare not move. As for the reason, just look inside the door to know.

The structure of the house behind this gate is not the same as the previous house. Behind this gate is not a house, but directly leads to the yard. If the average yard thinks that this group of people would go in directly, but now these people are all set outside the door and no one dares to go inside. The reason why this happens is entirely because the scene in the yard is too scary.

This yard is not big, it's only seventy-eighty flat, but in this yard it looks like a slaughterhouse, with blood and scum on the ground, not to mention, a corner of the yard wall is still piled up. With a row of large wooden barrels, it can be confirmed from the exposed part that the inside is all animal entrails, and there are many ropes pulled up at the edge of the yard, but what hangs on the ropes is not clothes to dry, but pieces of meat. . Looking at the tables in the middle of the yard, the Bone Cleaver Blade inserted diagonally and the remains that have not been completely decomposed have fully illustrated the function of the slaughterhouse.

The real slaughterhouse is bloody, but it will not scare players who have been battlefielded to the point that they dare not enter. What really keeps them from moving is that this place is not a slaughterhouse for slaughtering cows and pigs. , But the slaughterhouse where people are slaughtered. What lay on that table was not pork, but a half of the human body connected to the head. The corpse's skin had been stripped off, and it looked disgusting red and red. The yellow oil on the breasts shows that this is a woman, but she will never think of anything restricted even if she has no skin. On the contrary, most people will only feel fear, a kind of cudal vertebrae. Fear spreading upward.

In fact, apart from the table, the yard can be seen everywhere with various fragments with obvious human characteristics. Two corpses were lying curled up in the blood in a big tub not far away. On a pillar not far away, an iron hook passed through a man’s jaw and hung it on the pillar. The abdomen of the corpse was already covered. It was completely hollowed out, and there was still blood dripping from the empty interior, and it seemed that the processing time was not long.

If it is just such a hell on earth, what's more terrible is that this place is not unmanned. Before the cutting table was two meters tall, the ferocious-looking evil spirit was holding a large Bone Cleaver Blade in one hand and was chopping a human leg on the chopping board. In addition to this evil spirit, there are three living creatures in the yard. One of them is a humanoid that is only 1.6 meters tall but almost fat like a ball. Although this thing looks like a human, it is actually almost impossible to count as a person. After all, people are so fat that some people can do it, but this guy has several orc-like fangs in his mouth, which is even more terrifying. The thing is that this guy's face is full of sarcoma, and the people who look at it one by one are disgusted and want to go up and get a file for his face to be smoothed.

In addition to this fatty, there is an Unknown Creature with a height of less than one meter and two skeletal bones, but with an unusually big head, squatting there with a human arm tied up, although his back is facing On our side, listening to the sound and the blood dripping on the ground is enough to imagine that this thing is absolutely terrifying.

The last creature in this place looks quite normal. Although the translucent body is definitely a ghost, at least the figure is normal, and it's white, plus the curve, it can be confirmed at a glance. Female ghost. Of course, even female ghosts in this kind of place are not ordinary goods, because she is hanging human flesh pieces on the rope. At first glance, she looks like a housewife who is working, but the thought that she is not drying clothes but human flesh. The scalp is numb.

Although the courtyard door is open, the four creatures inside are all busy as if they can’t see the outside situation. I just turned a blind eye, and simply didn't respond. Of course, if they hadn't responded to this side, I guess I wouldn't be able to wait for me to come over.

"Go from here to continue the back route, right?" I asked the young man beside me.

The other party nodded and said: "It should be like this according to the route, but this..."

"Have you never encountered this before?"

< p>The other party shook his head like a rattle and said: "I have only seen a haunted house before. This is definitely the first time for this kind of regional slaughterhouse."

I nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, you are here. Wait, I'll go in and see the situation before talking."

"I don't dare to let me in now!" The other party said helplessly.

I smiled and then turned around and walked to the door. After looking inside, I stepped in. I didn't see it outside the door before. After I came in, I realized that there was a creature standing beside the door, and it was less than two meters away from the door. Before that, he had been sorting out a basket on a wooden shelf, in which there were baskets of hands and feet.

It’s completely different from the situation outside the door before. The door is like a barrier. The monster inside the door seems to be completely invisible to the people outside, but if the people outside come in. It's the same. When I stepped in, the eyes of all the creatures in the yard moved to me.

I did not act immediately, but stood at the door and did not move, because I wanted to understand the reaction of the creatures here to me. After all, I carry the order of the Hades, and my identity is different. Many Dark Element or the dead have a more friendly attitude towards me, so I don't need to fight each other every time. In fact, most of the time the undead creatures show respect and fear when they see me, it is rare that they rush to fight directly when they see me.

After about a second, the creature by the door reacted first. This is an existence that looks a lot like the old witch in the fairy tale world, the other's height is only less than one meter six, of course, it is mainly caused by the hunchback. The fat body is not as exaggerated as that fatty in the middle, but it is also quite fat. In addition, her face is super long, especially the chin, which is like a pendant. I doubt whether she will stab herself to death when she lowers her head.

Old Witch was stunned for a second, then suddenly reacted and took out a kitchen knife from behind, then screamed and rushed up. If I still can't see what she is going to do, it would be better to commit suicide.

Ding Dong...a red light flashed past, and the old woman’s half chopper and the whole head rolled into the middle of the yard together. The fat body continued to dash forward for two steps and then the foot fell on the ground. And until this time, the eternity in my hands had just completely condensed and finalized.

"Do you want to go together or come one by one?" I asked aloud looking at the strange flowers in the yard. As for Mao, do I feel like I am a villain who ran into private houses?

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