"Although we often come here, the distance from this place to the entrance of the village is uncertain!"

"What does it mean that the distance is uncertain?"< /p>

"It's like this." A player from the opposing team came out and said: "This village has a burst mode that is activated from time to time. After this mode is activated, the entire village area will enter the hyperspace mode, and then The area of ​​the village will increase seven or eight times, and the road outside the village will also become very long, and there is no monster on the road with Naben, but it is not accurate in the burst mode. Anyway, as long as the burst mode is not encountered , The length of this section of the road is only about one kilometer, but if it enters the burst mode, the distance may increase to seven or eight kilometers, and there will be a lot of monsters in the middle."

"Then I hope we don’t run into it!"

Because we don’t know how far we are, we can only watch it first, but today our luck is not too bad, and we didn’t run into that legend. In the outbreak mode, I saw the entrance of the village only after walking less than a kilometer.

The difference between this village and ordinary villages is that it is almost embedded in the middle of a large forest. The outermost houses of the village are directly attached to the trees in the forest. There are no gaps at all, so The probability of bypassing the village is not great.

Under the introduction of the group of players, the czar and I have a general understanding of the rules of the game in this place. Anyway, just don’t care if you see ghosts, but if what you encounter is materialized Things need to be killed immediately, otherwise they will gather more and more, and it will be impossible to do it when the quantity reaches a certain level.

Although there are several hundred meters away from the village, you can already see the entrance of the village, but we basically can’t see anything in the village because the inside and outside of the village feel completely Just two worlds. Although the jungle we have just walked through is darker, it means that the trees are denser, but there is a purple black mist everywhere in the village, which is not only gloomy and cold, but also seriously affecting the sight. After I walked all the way to the entrance of the village, I could only see more than a dozen houses on both sides of the street, and the place farther away was completely hidden in a mist.

Of course, this kind of foggy environment has little effect on me. Anyway, there is a visual range of 50 meters, which is enough for melee combat.

"The czar, pay attention to follow me."

"I understand." Hearing my reminder, the czar immediately nodded and agreed.

I stepped into the village after confirming that this guy would not run around. However, just after I crossed the boundary marker at the entrance of the village with one foot, I immediately felt a black mist coming from the roadside. The boundary monument floated out and moved towards me quickly.

Almost instinctively, I pushed the czar sideways and pushed it out of the boundary marker of the village, and then swept back, but when it came to the black air, it immediately chased me and flew as if with automatic tracking. Come here, and the speed suddenly skyrocketed, and it was in front of me in the blink of an eye.

I found that this thing was just staring at me and chasing me. I no longer moved in a small area, but a little bit on the ground under my feet. My wings slammed forward, and the whole person got off the ground and swept back quickly, but the black air It was quickly entangled up again. I suddenly retracted my wings, my body sank, and slammed on the ground with a loud boom. Following Eternity, I was removed from the back of my hand and quickly extended to both ends to outline the shape of a hook and sickle gun.

Looking at the black air swooping down from the top of my head, I was in a squatting position because of the previous fall. I suddenly straightened my legs and leaped back, drew a beautiful V on the ground, and hooked at the same time. The sickle spear leaned upwards from the bottom left to the top right, relying on the speed at which I bounced. A purple lightning glow flashed by, and instantly cut through the black air.

Originally it was just a test, didn't expect that black spirit can really be destroyed. The eternal hook and sickle spear swept over and cut the mass of black energy in half, and a part of the black energy was directly crushed and disappeared. However, what I didn't expect was that the black air didn't disappear immediately after being cut open, but it was divided into two parts and flew towards me.

I noticed that two groups of black air were coming together, I quickly turned around, and the whole person rolled across the air. The eternal hook and sickle spear swung away again to accurately disperse one of the black air, but The other black gas couldn't escape anyhow.

After smashing a black gas, the remaining one accurately hit my wing, because I was thinking of using the wings to block it, but unfortunately the wings did not play any protective role. And the black fog doesn't seem to be an attack, because there is no obvious damage in my enrollment.

As soon as I landed here, the youngster among the players who followed me immediately came up and asked: "Purple Moon President, did you just avoid that Yin Qi?"

"You said that black mist is Yin Qi?"

"Black mist? Can you see?" The group of people around were obviously quite surprised.

I didn’t know why it was nodded, and then I asked, "What’s wrong? Didn’t you see it?"

Or the youngster who took the lead before said: "We know there is such a place here. Set up, as long as we pass from here, there will be a special energy attached to our body. You will feel as if there is a sudden cold air blowing into the clothes. It will make people shake uncontrollably, but nothing will be produced. Lethality. However, as long as you feel this chill, your attributes and everything will be restricted, and then the battle strength will drop drastically. But we have never seen any black fog. You just dodge and dodge again. It's an attack, can you see it?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, I saw a cloud of black mist floating towards me from the boundary monument, so I instinctively retreated , It turned out that the thing was still tracking, I had to jump and jump the dobby, and finally shot a part of it with the eternal hook."

"You actually shot a part?" Around that Helping people with their mouths open can squeeze into a fist.

"Don't be so surprised, this is normal. After all, I am different from you. I have a special title to fight against Yin Qi."

Everyone heard what I said. It was also relieved very quickly, because they all knew that my strength was not a day or two, and it was not strange to be able to do this kind of thing. But they still let me quickly see if the attribute has changed.

After listening to them, I certainly did. After all, I also want to know whether my attributes were affected by the last black fog. After opening the attribute and taking a look, I really found that my attribute has dropped to less than one-tenth of the normal value, and the attribute labels on the equipment have become gray, which means that these attributes are malfunctioning.

I have to say that the effect of Yin Qi is really annoying. It was exhausting to bring the czar with him, but now he is restricted to most of the attributes. The battle after this is really going to be blind! But think about it that the system will not deliberately cheat players. Since this place will greatly weaken the player's strength, then the monsters here should not be strong. Otherwise, how else would others play?

After confirming that this is a hurdle that must be passed, and there is no way to avoid it, I can only let the tsar enter the village. Not surprisingly, he was also attacked by the black fog. Of course, I did an interception test, but the facts proved to be useless. I can indeed disperse the black fog, but even if I successfully intercept one, the tombstone will immediately release two to make up for it, and as long as the target is exposed to the black fog, no matter how much, the effect is the same. Therefore, this building is simply misunderstood, and everyone has to pass this test.

After passing this boundary monument, less than ten steps inside is the first house outside the village. This is a very typical Chinese ancient architecture. The cyan-gray color brick wall and the rotten wooden door riddled with holes, together with the traces of peeling off the wall, all show the dilapidation here. However, although the buildings here are very dilapidated, they are not the kind that can be pushed down. In fact, I asked in detail before I went to the village. The main passages of this place are connected to the largest ghost house, and that place is basically unreachable, so everyone can only travel through the city outside the village through those open-door houses. Under this circumstance, some people will naturally think that if they don't follow the given houses with open doors, but instead forcibly destroy the structure of the haunted house or go through the door, would it be easier?

Some people think of such a problem, and naturally someone will try, and the result is...you can go through the wall, but then you don't expect to go out. This village seems to be alive, and some parts of it are like the vital points of people to the village, and the village will be very angry if touched. If you follow the opening and closing doors of the haunted houses in the village, the worst case is to spend a little more time. In the end, you can always pass, and usually the time is not too exaggerated. Even if you are unlucky, you can spend at most two or three times the time of others. However, as long as you destroy the outer wall of the house, note that it is the outer wall, and the internal structure does not matter. As long as you destroy the outer wall of the house, it will cause the entire village to come alive and start to oppose you. No matter where you go, all doors are closed. You can only smash all the passages thereafter, because there will be no more doors open, and the number of demons and ghosts you encounter during this period will show up. It grows in a geometric progression. If you can run out in a certain period of time, then you are considered an excellent one, but if you are slow, then I am sorry. After that, be ready to be overwhelmed by the monsters in the haunted house.

In view of the many blood lessons, the players who came here understand one thing, that is, death can not destroy the outer wall of the building, and absolutely can not overturn the wall, otherwise, be prepared to be played to death.

Because I knew in advance that there was such a setting, I didn't rashly destroy the wall, but chose to let those players help me lead the way. They are all veterans here, and this time everyone's destination is the same, they are all in the Chaotic Burial Mound behind the village, so the task of leading the way can be handled by the other party. And because of the cooperative relationship, they are responsible for leading the way, and I am responsible for clearing the passage. After all, even if this place restricts everyone's attributes, the attributes of high level players will still be higher than the ordinary person, but because of the proportional decrease, the absolute value of the attribute gap becomes smaller.

Led by each other, we walked along the empty street. This street is not wide. Although it is the main road in the village, it is only about four meters wide. Most of the two sides are double-storey buildings, and the wall height is generally more than three meters. After all, this is an ancient building. It is as low as the current building, so it is said that it is a two-story building, but it is actually on par with a modern three-story building.

The ground of the street is paved with large blocks of bluestone. It is not dirty, but it is quite slippery. It feels like it used to be bustling before, because the bluestones on the ground have been ground. Quite smooth, which is obviously the result of hard grinding by many people.

Because of the fog, everyone's visibility here is not high, but I soon discovered that my line of sight is actually the highest here. I thought that the fog density here is high, everyone can only see the range of 50 meters, but then I accidentally discovered that only I can see 50 meters away, and the sight distance of everyone else is only 20 meters away. Within meters, the most unlucky guy can only see the place seven or eight meter away.

Regarding the issue of this different vision range, these players know that the only thing that surprised them is that my vision range is a bit too large. However, considering that I am the kind of super high level player, they did not respond much.

After walking down this main road for a while, the Tsar guy suddenly bumped into my back. I looked back at him suspiciously, and found that this guy actually looks like a cowering Quail. He shuddered after seeing my inquiring sight, "Don’t you think it’s gloomy here?"

hearing this I looked around and found that the surrounding light is indeed darker than the village entrance. A lot, and the temperature is obviously much lower than before. When we talk, we can actually spray white mist from our mouths. However, these all are environmental factors. In fact, apart from our attributes have been limited, no one has been substantially affected.

"Adjust your mentality, there will be no danger if I am here to protect you. But if you scare yourself like this, I can't help it."

" I don't want to either! But the atmosphere here is really scary!" The czar said aggrieved: "It's like a haunted house, knowing it's fake, but most people are still scared, okay?"

I shook helplessly and said: "Then I will be out of trouble. I can only protect your safety, and I can't help you with your psychological problems."

"I'm fine, you Just leave you, I'm just a little nervous."

"Your legs are trembling. This is called nervousness? You can't wait for Chaotic Burial Mound, you will be exhausted first."< /p>

"This is instinct, I can't help it!"

"Okay, it's the same for the first time." One of the girls next to the group said:" When I came here for the first time, I was scared and crying."

The player who led the team also immediately said: "Yes! Even now, we have been here dozens of times, or It’s still scared every time. It’s okay when there are many people. Once you’re in an order, you’re really scared. Don’t you know, this copy is basically the same virtue as the haunted house in the amusement park. It’s especially scary. It's really mixed with attacks, so you can't guard against it!"

"Is it that exaggerated? I think you are not very relaxed now?" I glanced around. The people around said.

The guy who led the team immediately said when I was not nervous because we didn’t get anywhere. As long as it’s not in burst mode, the first-stage main road in the village is an absolute safety sector. If anything appears, you must find the first open door to go through, and ghosts will start to appear on the next street."

"No wonder you are not afraid!" said the czar.

I looked at the czar and couldn't think of any way to help him. I can help with this battle problem, but he is afraid that I can't help him. Reluctantly shook his head and walked forward again. The others immediately followed and started to move, but after only a few steps, I suddenly stretched out my hand to signal everyone to stop.

"Didn't you say that the first street is an absolute Safety Sector?"

"Well, what's the matter?" The young man next to him asked in confusion.

I reached out and pointed to the roof of the house on the left front. I saw that the window on the second floor was open. Through the window, I could just see a white line hanging on the beams of the house. Aya, a middle age person is hanging on the white Aya and dangling slightly. This is clearly a corpse that hangs himself. Considering that this is a ghost village, that means that 80% is a Hanged Ghost.

I didn't say that everyone hadn't responded yet. As soon as I pointed out the situation there, everyone around me saw it, and then everyone responded. Many people quickly took out their weapons and then stood on guard. The nervous expressions on the faces of a few of the girls were almost the same as the czar just now.

In fact, many players who have never been to this kind of ghost copy will wonder what everyone is afraid of. When fighting in the game, corpse mountains and blood seas are commonplace. How can a corpse be terrifying? Yes, a corpse is indeed not terrifying, especially in the case of broad daylight, where there are all people around. But, can you imagine, what if there was a dead body hanging in the elevator at two o'clock in the morning? Can you still walk in calmly, press a floor, and then calmly wait for the elevator to rise to your door and walk out?

So, the scary thing is not the dead body, but the atmosphere. The ghost village itself is blocked by fog, and the visibility is not high. In addition, the light is not good, and it is particularly humid and cold, so normal people will naturally become nervous here, let alone seeing a corpse at this time, even if it is suddenly A meow can scare many people.

In fact, if we just walked over there, the point is that now that I point you like this, everyone has discovered the Hanged Ghost over there, and what’s even more frightening is that everyone looked towards there. At that time, the corpse with its back to the window turned around, and then there was a grinning smile on the green purple face.

"Ah..." Everyone felt a tingling scalp after seeing the smile, and a tingling tingling all over the body as if it had been electrified, and one of the girls even screamed.

In fact, this is pretty good, and there is another unreliable one at the scene, that is, the czar. Fortunately, this guy is still a Russian hunk of eight meters and eight meters. He actually sat on the ground very good-for-nothing and pointed at it, shaking his whole body, obviously already scared to the point where his body was out of control. Fortunately, this guy doesn't have any feces and urine, otherwise it would be really embarrassing. Of course, shame is also his shame, it has nothing to do with me.

"This, this... should be just an accident." The leader of the team said with a trembling voice: "The other party hasn't come out, let's leave him alone, go, go."

< p>This guy reminded everyone that everyone immediately started to move forward, but when I pulled up the tsar on the ground and prepared to move forward, the door on the first floor of the house where Hanged Ghost was found next to him was unexpectedly unpleasant. It opened slowly with the sound of friction. In this gloomy place, so quiet that even our own breathing can be heard, the friction sound of the slow opening of the lacking lubricated wooden door is almost as if it is blowing in everyone’s ears. I felt shuddering, and some people even sweated.

"I said you guys have been here dozens of times anyway, as that?"

A girl who was trembling in fright next to him shouted directly: "You touched dozens of times. Stool and then you will feel that the bowel movement is not disgusting?"

I know that she is only venting the fear in her heart when she speaks so aggressively, but there is some truth in what she has to say. Although people are adaptable, but also not to say that you can completely ignore certain things. They have been here dozens of times, and it is estimated that the only improvement is that they will not immediately scream and run away after seeing these horrible things. At least on the way here, I listened to them breaking the news. The first time they came here as a team, the whole team collapsed as soon as they saw a ghost and ran away. Not only did they not run away, but they also maintained an attacking formation. This is progress. However, the fear still exists, but they can be overcome.

"Can't you enter?" I looked at the open door and asked the people around me.

The youngster wiped the cold sweat dripping from his temples, and then said: "As usual, the first door opened is right to go through, but before we walked there, the door was open. It’s never been opened in front of us. This..."

"You mean you don’t know what to do?"

The other party nodded and said: "This is with us I used to walk differently!"

"You don't know how to go, so let's try one's luck?" I said and took out a coin. "Go forward, not backward." The other party thought about it and there seemed to be no good way, so he just nodded. I saw that the other party nodded immediately bounced the coin up, and then caught the falling coin, opened it and found that it was heading. "It seems that God wants us to enter!"

"Ah..." I just said that there was a scream behind my back, which made me shiver. It was not because of my guts, it was too sudden. .

"Damn, there is more to it?" I asked angrily.

Behind a girl sitting on the ground shaking her fingers and pointing at the window on the second floor with her mouth open but there was no sound. She was obviously frightened and lost her voice. I could only look in the direction of her fingers. It was discovered that the Hanged Ghost before actually disappeared.

"Damn it, it really seems to be Hanged Ghost!" After I sighed, I started to walk forward, and there was a cry immediately behind me.

"What are you doing?"

"Go in." I turned around and looked towards those people and asked puzzledly.

After hearing what I said, the people around didn't know how to answer. This place is like this. Although it is scary, you still have to brace oneself and go forward. It feels like watching a horror movie, scared, but still want to watch it. These people also know that if you want to make money, you must go to Chaotic Burial Mound, and the waist Chaotic Burial Mound must pass through this ghost village. Therefore, this haunted house must be entered. Helpless, everyone had to slowly keep up, but they all kept a short distance with me, and they were obviously very scared.

The streets of the ghost village can be said to be quite dim, and the light intensity is only slightly better than that of the moonlight night. As for the room...I can’t see my fingers, but It is indeed dark enough. But black is only for others, it is not a problem for me, I have perfect dark vision, in this kind of place it is like wearing an infrared night vision, everything is obvious at a glance. Compared to the fog outside, the darkness in this room has a much smaller effect on me.

Although I am brave, I am not reckless. I didn't walk into the house directly. I just walked to the gate first, then stood there and looked inside.

This is not a house of a big family, but a very ordinary house. Inside the main door is the lobby, and the area is about 100 square meters. It can be said that it is basically empty. There are altars on the wall facing the gate, and there are at least seventy-eighty spiritual positions in the densely packed row above. "It's a ghost village!" After I finished speaking, I walked in directly, because there is really nothing in it. The whole lobby has nothing except the altar and the spiritual position on it. It is empty and it is nothing worthwhile Things to pay attention to.

After entering the lobby, I walked directly to the side of the altar bar. The group of people behind and the czar also came in at this time, but they all stood at the door and did not go inside. I looked at the altar, everything was covered with dust, but there was no spider web. Look left and right, there is a small door on each side of the wall where the altar is, and you should be the back hall when you go through it. I just walked over. This small door has only a door frame, and you can see the back yard when you reach the door.

This yard is not very big. There are houses on the left and right sides and at the back. In the center of the yard is a slate-paved floor. There are some wooden structures in the middle. It's all turned into a pile of rotten wood, and you can hardly see the original look.

There is a rocking chair in the middle left of the yard, which is different from the surrounding things. This thing looks very clean, as if someone uses it frequently. When I walked to the courtyard and everyone walked to the small door, the rocking chair suddenly swayed slowly.

"It really looks like a ghost!" I turned my head and glanced at the group of people behind, and all of them looked like ghosts.

Yes, they just saw the ghost expression because they really saw the ghost. Just when I turned my head, an old lady slowly appeared on the rocking chair. This old lady wearing a padded jacket looked very rich, but she was only in good shape. Her face seemed to be blocked behind a piece of frosted glass. The same is totally unclear. After the old lady appeared, there was a draught in the yard, and everyone trembled uncontrollably.

I keenly sensed the abnormality in the yard, and then turned back immediately. Of course, I saw the old lady. However, the old lady over there hasn’t been moving yet. In the crystal at the corner of the yard on the right, there was a crackle sound like a fracture first, and then... a pale palm suddenly stretched out from the mouth of the well. , And then slowly landed on the edge of the well.

Everyone who wanted to enter the yard when they saw this situation all retracted into a small door and squeezed into a ball, as if it were safe like this, only I was still standing in the yard.

Soon after the palm of the well appeared, the other hand also stretched out, and then slowly, the head of a dishevelled hair stretched out from the mouth of the well, and then the body. Although the opponent's actions were weird, like severe arthritis, the speed was not too slow, and he quickly crawled out of the well. At this time, it can actually be seen that this is a female ghost. It's just a black hair covering the entire face, so you can't tell what it looks like. Only the scarlet's eyes flash in the hair gaps from time to time.

The female ghost who crawled out completely crawled towards me on the ground with her hands and feet in an extremely weird posture, constantly making weird crackle noises along the way, accompanied by the similar sound from her throat Yu screamed like a voice.

Seeing this horrible scene, the group of people behind are already on the verge of being scared and paralyzed, but because their limbs are weak, they didn't run, mainly because they couldn't run. The female ghost on the opposite side quickly approached my feet, but instead of running, I squatted down and looked towards the female ghost. After all, she was crawling on the ground and the height was too low, so she couldn’t see her face if she didn’t squat down. !

The female ghost quickly crawled over the last distance, and then reached out and held my ankle, then lifts the head and opened her mouth to scream at me. Because the head lifted, her hair also slid to the sides, and this was the first time that her face was exposed. Originally, the other party's roar was purely to scare people, but she only stopped halfway through her roar. It's not that she didn't want to yell anymore, but stopped in fright. Yes, the female ghost was scared by me, because I suddenly stretched out a hand to pinch her chin and lifted her head up like a molester.

I looked at this face carefully from left to right. The facial skin presents an abnormal azure, and the purple blood vessels under the skin are densely covered. The facial contour is quite round, but it is not baby fat but swollen. The female ghost was obviously drowned, and the body was soaked in the water for so long that it swelled.

The other person’s eyes are the same as before. They are completely scarlet, with some black lines in the middle. They should be blood vessels and the like, but the eyes protruding out are very difficult to deal with, most of them It is also caused by water.

Although this face is scary, I don't have much reaction. I am actually more afraid of disgusting smell than disgusting look. There is no smell on this female ghost, so I don't mind at all. But the other party probably didn't expect that someone would treat a water ghost like this, so my actions actually frightened her.

"Look at your teeth are quite white, you should have been a beautiful woman before you were alive? It's a pity! It's swollen so that you can't see it anymore!"

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