Our guild’s command system is accurate to everyone, and it’s the kind of instant messaging with no delay in the whole army, so I mean after I finished talking with Banshee Bingfeng After that, it has been conveyed to the ears of all members of the guild through the military god. As for Russia, although there is no command system like ours, the retreat signal has been stated a long time ago, and now it is natural to understand what to do when you see the signal.

One wanted to run, the other didn’t intend to chase. Of course, it was quickly divided into two completely different parts and got out of contact, while the rest were a large group of players and NPCs from the Holy Lance League who were in a daze. It looks like not knowing what to do.

Faced with the two armies that were both retreating, the personnel of the Holy Lance League had no idea what the situation was now. I can only stand on the spot in a daze, without knowing what to do.

The personnel of the Holy Gun League are in a daze, but I am not idle. This kind of time is actually when there is a lot of trouble. Holding a Legion-class mobile communicator, I am busy bargaining with people.

"Did I say that you are short of money? Is it fun to care about me?" I shouted with the communicator.

The opposite Dragon Blue, the Crown Prince Terry of the Eagles, the president of the American Guild Sea King Palace in the game, was smiling hehe and said on the screen: "My Sea King Palace It’s not your Frost Rose League, just a little family property, it really can’t stand the tossing! Your family with big business doesn’t care about this little money, it’s life-saving money for poor people like us! So it should be me who told you just now That’s right! Why did you cry with me and become poor first?"

"Are you still poor? Do others want to live?"

"Aiya, we It’s really poor! Look at your Frost Rose League. There are thousands of battleships built without blinking your eyes. Our guild is an authentic ocean guild. As a result, the battleship is not even a land guild of yours. Many, do you think who the two of us are poor?"

When I heard each other’s words, I had no choice but to surrender: "Okay, okay, I won’t talk nonsense with you! Sure enough to pretend against this big guild Don’t be poor! I won’t fight with you anymore. I wiped out the fraction, 2.5 million barrels of crude oil, and the thing you promised. Get ready as soon as possible. I’m anxious to use it here."

" Is that right! Okay, I'll go busy first, and I can play with you when I have time." Terry cut off the communication and disappeared into the screen after he said it.

Being truthful, we weren’t buying and selling things just now when we were bargaining. The sea king palace provided us with the crude oil I just mentioned, and a very special piece of equipment. The thing was prepared for gold coin, which can increase her battle strength a lot, which is considered as a bonus. Crude oil is the main trading product. As for these things, what our guild pays is...intelligence and some small auxiliary actions.

As I said before, the reason why a smart person like the gun god rushed to Russia to grab technology, and after the failure, he non-stop attacked us Frost Rose League. This is all forced out. of. Normally, the spear god would never do this kind of have brain issues, but the current situation determines that he simply can't do the spear god.

The opening of the BUFF mission forced the guilds of various countries to complete the merger work of domestic guilds as soon as possible. The gun god knows that time is not and the others, so he takes risks to snatch Russian technology. After failure, it becomes if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, just like those gamblers who have already lost the red eye, because before He lost a huge sum of money that he can't lose, and now as long as there is a chance of a comeback, he will be gambled without the slightest hesitation. Therefore, the gun god rushed forward, but it was a pity that he lost again.

Gun divine ability understands that guild mergers are imperative, and he is not the only wise man in the United States, other guilds naturally understand. There are currently three most powerful guilds in the United States: the Neptune Palace, the Holy Lance League, and the Rainbow Alliance.

Although Terry’s Neptune Palace is large, it is a bit marginalized and cannot be said to be weaker than the other two, but because of the different direction of strength development, it appears to be slightly weaker.

The Holy Lance League and the Rainbow Alliance have always been almost on par before. The economic strength of the Rainbow Alliance is relatively strong, and the battle strength of the Holy Lance Alliance is relatively strong, but they are both relatively strong. The family has an overwhelming advantage, otherwise the gun god would not have to be so anxious to improve the battle strength of the Holy Lance League.

This time we attacked our Frost Rose League. The Holy Lance League is already cutting off one's means of retreat. However, although the battle is not over yet, as long as you are not a fool, everyone knows that there is no difference between it and the end. The Holy Gun League is basically over, and there is simply no possibility of a comeback. Under this circumstance, the annexation of the Holy Gun League is already a certainty, and there is simply no other probability.

However, although the annexation of the Holy Lance League is certain, it is still an unresolved matter who will be annexed.

Of course, the Haiwangdian and the Rainbow Alliance want the remaining family properties of the Holy Lance League. After all, the three parties were basically at the same level before, no matter who swallowed the Holy Lance League. After that, they will inevitably surpass the remaining one by a lot, and before the three parties are restraining each other and no one dares to move. Once there are only two remaining, guild wars will be inevitable.

The truth is there, and everyone can figure it out. But the problem is that annexing the Holy Lance League is not that simple, and the Rainbow Alliance and the Sea King Palace are very entangled.

The so-called a centipede dies, but never falls, this huge monster of the Holy Lance League will take time even if it collapses, so if anyone thinks that the Holy Lance League is now ready for combat, you can immediately Start to carve it up, then you are so wrong. Although the Holy Lance League now says that the building is about to fall, isn’t it still not falling? I rushed in, but I didn't snatch it. If I was hit by the fallen building, I would lose money.

The Sea King Palace and the Rainbow Alliance both thought of this issue, so although both sides sent people to pay attention to this battle, they did not dare to act rashly, although now they all know that the Holy Lance Alliance is actually over. But there is still no one to grab the site of the Holy Lance League, and this is the reason.

However, although the two dared not move, compared to Elsa’s stingy little woman, Terry is at least generous enough to understand the reason why he can’t bear the child and the wolf, so This guy found me directly and started discussing a deal with me.

The transaction content is very simple. Once the battle is divided, I need to immediately inform them that the Sea King Palace can do it, and then what we need to do in the guild is to slow down, not to kill the personnel of the Holy Lance League, and do not let them go, just drag it like this . As long as these people cannot go back, the merger of the Sea King Palace will not be subject to strong resistance, so that they can smoothly swallow the Holy Lance League, and the Rainbow Alliance, which is still waiting to see, will act immediately after discovering the operation of the Sea King Palace. The Sea King Palace also has a post move.

This latter move is actually simpler, as long as you stop the attack immediately. If the Rainbow Alliance rushes forward, the Sea King’s Palace will immediately retreat, and then our side will quickly end the battle and let the personnel of the Holy Lance Alliance return, and then the Rainbow Alliance will bite on the stone and wait for them to break their teeth. The Haiwangdian is just the oriole, and the praying mantis and the cicada swallow it together.

Of course, the precondition for the establishment of this plan is our cooperation, so this transaction will exist.

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