Looking at our defense line being rushed by the mechanical beasts, the leaders of the Russian guild were all excited while yelling and leading the people behind to rush forward, but , Just as they excitedly prepared in a spurt of energy and rushed past, they were met with strong resistance from the Japanese guild leaders. Although they were already rushing forward desperately, they were completely unable to break through the madness. Line of defense formed by the Japanese. However, even so, the Russian guild leaders did not give up hope, because they also discovered that the number of these Japanese is not very large, and they have just killed a lot of them. Passed.

Just when the group of Russian guild leaders thought that victory was in sight, the abnormal vibration on the ground and the loud noise made them discover something was wrong, but they were fighting They couldn't separate the energy to pay attention to other things for a while, and could only continue to hack and kill the enemies in front of them. It's just that the danger will not disappear by itself just because you don't pay attention to him.

As the rumbling noise got closer and closer, soon both sides of the battle realized that there was a cavalry approaching at high speed behind the passage, because this kind of movement obviously did not look like a person stepped on it. . However, despite discovering this movement, the reaction of the personnel on both sides was to have nothing common with each other.

The Russian guild leaders are slightly uneasy here, while the Japanese guild leaders have a crazy grin, because they think that the cavalry behind have used their charge skills, and they are ready to fight with them. The enemies stepped on the meat sauce together. However, although they knew that they were dying, the Japanese guild leaders did not have the slightest timidity. On the contrary, their battle strength soared, because they no longer considered the issue of defense, and just wanted as much as possible. Of causing damage to the enemy. This situation is not uncommon, because Japanese players have always been like this. This kind of divine wind Suicide Squad spirit is very common in Japan. In reality, Japanese people often do this kind of thing, and the game is even more nothing difficult.

Just when the group of Japanese guild leaders prepared to perish together with the enemy with a mortal determination, the general loud noise of the dam broke and reached behind them, and then... The expected huge impact and death did not occur. The Japanese guild leaders felt that they were suddenly dark around them, and when they reacted, they discovered that a large row of huge silhouettes leaped over their heads and directly smashed into the crowd on the opposite side.

Heavy armor beasts are very scary creatures. The skeletons of these monsters are very special. Not only are they evenly distributed, they have high mobility, and more importantly, the skeletons of these guys are very strong and can bear. Great strength without breaking. Outside these sturdy skeletons is a weird body somewhat similar to a cross between a large carnivorous dinosaur and a modern cat. This body has the vigor and agility of a cat, and it also has the power of a dinosaur. If you don’t look at the head and tail, these things are actually like tigers with crocodile skin.

As a carnivorous creature, the head of a beast resembles a lizard, but its head is large and its jaws are strong. It has a very strong bite force at a glance. In addition, these guys have double rows of teeth. The teeth like daggers are all bent toward the inside of the oral cavity. Once biting the prey, it is difficult to loosen them, and the two rows of teeth can also produce a multi-point fixing effect, further increasing the fixing effect.

Of course, in addition to this huge and ferocious lizard head, these guys also have a very long tail, but this tail is not a fluffy tail, but a crocodile-like long tail. The difference is that the crocodile’s tail is just a dorsal fin that grows upwards, but there are hard bone tumors on both sides of the tail of this heavy beast. If this tail hits a person, don’t think about it. Also know how miserable the end is.

Those Japanese guild leaders who were waiting to die did not wait to die. All they waited for was blood on their heads and faces. Of course, the blood is not theirs, but the Japanese guild presidents opposite.

The first heavy beast smashed into the crowd like a bomb, overwhelming it instantly. With a weight of five and a half tons, this guy jumped up to four or five meters at a speed of eighty kilometers each hour, and then slammed down suddenly. Everyone had to get down. Although the leaders of the Russian guilds are powerful, they are not jacks. It is not bad to be hit by such a big guy to survive. It is basically impossible to hold on.

The first thing that the heavy armored beast just hits the ground is to bite a Russian guild leader in front of him, and then shake his head, the guy immediately screamed and flew to the side wall. , And then hit the wall with a chirp, and blood instantly sprayed out from the gaps in the armor, spreading an alternative abstract picture on the wall.

After smashing a Russian guild leader to death, the heavy-armored beast immediately pressed its paw to the next Russian guild leader, and then lowered its head to bite the guy’s head. The Russian guild leader’s reaction was pretty good. He stretched out his hand and tried to withstand the heavy armor beast’s mouth, but the heavy armor beast’s mouth was too big, and he simply couldn’t hold it, so he was bitten by the heavy armor beast. He lifted his arms, followed by a click, and the guy's arms were directly half short.

Spit out the broken wall in his mouth, the heavy beast immediately lowered its head and bit the head of the Russian guild leader, and then raised his neck to connect his entire head to a section of the spine. The bone was pulled down together. With a click, the head separated from the body was shattered, and the brain was licked into the mouth by the heavy armor beast. After smashing, smashing the mouth, the heavy armor beast seemed to be satisfied with the taste of the brain, and turned his head and rushed to the next target.

Originally, the rainbow-like Russian guild leaders didn’t expect the heavy armor beasts to be so powerful, and the people who were rushed to them turned their backs on their backs in an instant, but their counterattack against the heavy armor beasts had little effect. The skin on these guys is the same as crocodile skin, with amazing hardness. No matter how you cut it, it can only cause very slight damage. It is basically a trivial problem for these guys.

Because of the intrusion of these heavy armored beasts, the charge formation of the Russian guild leaders was completely disrupted, and the Japanese guild leaders were aware of the battle beasts of our guild. Immediately afterwards, he yelled and joined the battle. Although the heavy armor beasts are huge, they have amazing dexterity when fighting. Even if there are a group of Japanese guild leaders around them, they can freely kill one Russian guild leader after another. Meet the presidents of the Japanese guilds.

With the support of heavy beasts, the Japanese guild leaders finally completely suppressed the assault momentum of the Russian guild leaders, and with the ordinary combatants of Russia and the Holy Lance League one after another Joining the melee, the miscellaneous troops of our guild have also begun to join the battle. The reason for not allowing miscellaneous soldiers in the beginning was because the Russians adopted the backbone of Russian guild leaders as the breakthrough force. If we don’t have equal strength to intercept, it will only give the enemy a head, but now the other party The charge has been completely suppressed, and the remaining part can be used by the miscellaneous soldiers.

The melee on both sides was fierce, and it seemed that we were blocking the enemy's offensive, but I knew that the situation was getting worse.

There is no big problem with ordinary battle strength. The impact of the presidents of the Russian guilds has disappeared. Now it is just a war of attrition. Our guild is a defensive operation with a city behind it and sufficient supplies, so we are not afraid of a war of attrition. However, the real trouble is not these ordinary persons, but the frozen Banshee and the gun god.

Now there are five ice-bound Banshee and four spear gods, and the War Zone domain has been controlled by the enemy, which means that our hunting squad is fighting in the enemy’s encirclement, which leads to the situation Is getting worse rapidly. Those hunting squads usually specialize in fighting bosses, so they are very good at relying on cooperation to deal with enemies that are much stronger than them, but the premise that this cooperation can be completed is that the little brothers around the boss have been cleaned up. However, in this situation, the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers are all in the vicinity, which is equivalent to the younger brother who has not cleared the BOSS yet, and the main force will come up. In this case, the main force cannot concentrate on the BOSS. This is undoubtedly quite dangerous. . Because these people rely on teamwork to barely hold the guys in front of them, but there are miscellaneous soldiers around, the cooperation is difficult to be perfect, and once the cooperation is not perfect, many weak spots will be exposed to let the people inside. This is the biggest crisis now.

Once the Frozen Banshee and the replica of the Gun God ran out, our side simply did not have enough strength to intercept them. After all, the other party is now nine people, and we only have eight people, and the number is still less than the other party. Even the single-body battle strength suffers, which makes it even more incapable of the enemy.

"Pandora, where is it?" I was loudly shouting in the communicator while slashing the surrounding soldiers.

Pandora quickly responded: "I'm near you, do you want me to go there?"

"No, first go pick Christina, and then send Matsumoto Masaka and them all Concentrate, we can’t clean up the miscellaneous soldiers now. To clean up those clones, hunting the squad is almost impossible."


Pandora can be turned off by the enemy In the case of Transmission Formation, it is forcibly linked to Transmission Formation, which shows how strong her transmission ability is. It is naturally easier to transfer in such a small area. In a short while, Pandora brought all the scattered experts from our side to my side, and this time we are equal to eight people gathered together.

"What are we calling for?" Zhenhong asked after finding out that I had gathered everyone together.

"Hunting the squad is almost impossible. We are now focusing on cleaning up the ice-bound Banshee and the replica of the Gunslinger, so as not to let them threaten our line of defense."

"Eight fight one?" Matsumoto Masaga asked in surprise.

I nodded and said: "one strike certain kill, we don’t have time to spend with each other."

"Understand." None of the people present are ordinary people, and everyone understands it immediately. I got what I meant, and then turned to the nearest target together, which is the ice-bound Banshee, or a copy of the ice-bound Banshee, we don’t know the difference anyway. But it is certain that the other party will run into eight of us, and it will definitely not last 30 seconds.

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