The gunman who fired the gun was stunned for less than a second, and Pandora had already rushed up again, but the gunman and the other two behind him were already at this time. After reacting, the three long spears fired one after another, but it was Pandora that made the three gun gods startled to fall the chin. Pandora waved the long spear in his hand. Sparks flying in all directions drove all the bullets away. Kow to fly.

With the continuous shooting of three guns, Pandora rushed in front of the three gun gods, but at this time the gun gods behind also reacted and fired. Pandora turned around without turning his head and shot the bullet, then turned around and disappeared in place. The remaining four spear gods looked around for a long time without seeing Pandora emerging from anywhere, so he could only move carefully. Come together and stand back to back in a circle.

"Can the trouble be smaller now?" Pandora did not appear next to the gunmen, but on our side.

After hearing Pandora’s words, I smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Well, it’s much easier now."

Originally, our side was seven to twelve, and the number of people was small. , The battle strength is not as good as the opponent. But it's different now. Pandora killed the two spear gods as soon as he appeared, and now there are only four spear gods left, plus the six ice-bound Banshee, there are only ten people. For us, I will add Zhen Hong, Christina, and return There are seven people in total, including Masaga Matsumoto, Kaoru August, Sakura Rain God Hina, and Fire Dragon Hime, and Pandora counts as eight people. Although we are still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, eight to ten is far easier than before. Besides, our high-end battle strength is not the only one. We still have some hidden high-end martial power that are not used. If it is a last resort, we actually still have some hole cards.

After seeing Pandora appearing on our side, the gun god knew that there was no need to worry about sneak attacks, so he relaxed a bit, and then stood with the ice-bound Banshee and the others. As for the surrounding Russian guilds The presidents quickly stood behind them.

Our members of the Frost Rose League and the leaders of the Japanese guild quickly stood behind us when they saw the opposite reaction, and the people on both sides confronted each other in this narrow place. Just waiting for the boss on his side to give an order and start charging.

The current situation can be said to be on the verge of triggering, and at this time, all the players of the US-Russian combined fleet did not expect something happened.

The members of the US-Russian joint fleet, who were all focused on us, suddenly heard a huge metal rubbing sound from both ends of the Isengard Twin Cities. This rubbing sound seemed to be accompanied by zhi zhi The sound of the quack of the ice being crushed and cracking, and in fact what they heard was the sound of the ice cracking.

Just at the corners of the four city walls of Isengard Twin Cities, four huge metal claw-like fixing bolts are slowly being pushed by as many as thirty-two huge hydraulic rods as thick as a person. The splayed outwards, and along with the movement of the fixed bolt that spread out like a petal, the ice layer originally wrapped around the fixed bolt was squeezed away a little bit, and finally burst open suddenly.

Although the Twin Cities of Isengard are frozen, the ice is actually mainly those ordinary weapons, because the rotating mechanisms on those weapons are very ordinary structures, I never thought of it. To fight against the ice layer, so the force is very small, and it can only maintain the mechanical rotation. Once the external ice freezes, it will be completely stuck, and it will not be able to break free from the shackles of the ice layer. However, these fixtures are different. Because these things need to bear huge power, they were originally powered by large hydraulic equipment. The natural force is amazing, even if it is wrapped in a layer of ice. Hardly squeeze the ice layer to move.

Thanks to the powerful force of these huge holders, the ice layer is directly burst, and then the winning restraint device is released. The inner and outer metal rings rotate clockwise and counterclockwise to bind the inside. The device is released. The loosened device quickly detached from the ground, with a black liquid like a huge olive beard on the top, detached from the ground with a jingling sound and rose directly to the height between the two cities of Isengard Twin Cities.

Because the personnel of the US-Russian combined fleet are on the ground, they cannot see the operation of the four fixed devices, but the four huge black liquid crystals lifted into the air, but they instantly saw the threat Source, but unfortunately they really underestimated the defensive ability of Isengard Twin Cities. After the black liquid crystals rose up, before they even had time to decide what to do, the black liquid crystals actually moved first.

Two of the four huge black liquid crystals are located at the corner of the city wall in the inland direction, so they can't hit this side, but the remaining two black liquid crystals are on the beach. Although the flying black liquid crystal is not physically connected to the Isinger Twin Cities, it is covered with blue arcs. These arcs are like ropes connected to the corners of the two Isinger’s city walls at the same time. . At a glance, it is not an ordinary thing. However, this thing is not usually suspended, but is fixed in the restraint device on the corner of the city wall of the ground city in the twin cities of Isengard. It only unfolds during battle. This is why the opponent will be completely Did not expect to encounter the reason for this thing. Because people who have not attacked Isengard head-on will not know that Isengard’s Twin Cities actually have such a defensive weapon.

The four black liquid crystals that were suspended quickly lit up the golden flames, and then as the flames jumped, there were more and more blue arcs on the crystal surface, and the color gradually changed from blue. Convert white to golden. When the ice-covered Banshee noticed these black liquid crystals, the surface of the two black liquid crystals near the coastline flashed suddenly, and then a large arc moved towards the front of the US-Russian combined fleet personnel flew over. That's right, it wasn't an arc or a laser beam that flew over, but a large arc. The arc was like a big net thrown by fishermen. The moved towards the US-Russian combined fleet was covered on the heads, but all those who were swept by the arc began to swell as if they were inflated, and then In less than a second, it changed from the original size to a huge ball of meat, and then it banged and exploded, and then splashed out a large amount of red and white disgusting liquid.

"Ah..." This is a horrified cry made by members of the US-Russian combined fleet who are not covered, but are very close to the attack range, and the reason is that they have been sprayed all over their bodies. The liquid ejected after the explosion of Divine Physique.

These liquids themselves are not harmful, neither toxic nor corrosive, but what people are afraid of is not necessarily something that will harm themselves. Sometimes they are more dangerous than those that threaten their lives. , But the disgusting things that are even more unbearable. Now the liquid splashed out after these human bodies exploded is super disgusting, and those who were sprayed were instantly disgusted and screamed.

Neither the ice-bound Banshee nor the Spear God expected that the huge crystal would issue such a powerful attack. After taking a look at the situation in the field, one of the gun gods suddenly said to the frozen Banshee: "You stare here first, I will fix the two large devices."

In that gun god After turning around and running out, the remaining spear god stayed and continued to confront us with the frozen Banshee, while the spear god who ran out quickly came to the frozen sea outside the city wall.

Before, because of the angle problem in the city gate channel, only the top half of the two huge crystals could be seen, but when there is no block from the city wall outside, the whole crystal can be seen naturally. These crystals themselves look like ordinary black liquid crystals, in addition to being relatively black, they are also relatively large. However, now that the gun god outside discovered that these things are relatively large, the golden flame inside may be the source of its formidable power, so the gun god directly found a location and aimed the gun at it without thinking about it. A black liquid crystal, and then decisively pulled the trigger.

Bang... accompanied by a clear gunfire, a rotating bullet flew towards the huge crystal in front of it with terrifying kinetic energy, but at the moment when the bullet was about to hit, that huge Above the crystal, it seemed that there was a leakage of electricity, and a small arc leaked out and connected to the bullet, and then the gun god found that the bullet he fired had disappeared. Without warning, it just disappeared suddenly.

"What are you kidding?" The gun god sighed in surprise and immediately set up a long spear and started shooting continuously, but almost all his attacks were shot from the crystal as before. The tiny electric arc was broken down, and there was no way for any bullet to get close to the two huge crystals.

Seeing that this horrible thing could not be destroyed, the gun god had no choice but to take out a special bullet and load it into the barrel.

Although the battle strength of the Musketeer profession is relatively high and it is easier to practice than ordinary professions, this profession has a huge flaw, that is, burning money.

The attack power of the Musketeer depends on three parts: self, weapon, and bullet.

I won’t talk about my own factors. The attack power of any profession is directly linked to the player’s own attribute, so the musketeer’s attack power is also linked to his own attribute, but the attack power is related. It's not just a power attribute.

The weapon part is even simpler. To hit the same target with a rifle and a cannon, the formidable power of course is that the cannon is bigger. So a good musketeer will directly affect the battle strength of the musketeer to a large extent. Of course, other professions are the same. Weapons are very important to any profession.

Bullet, as the last element related to the attack power of the musketeer, is the fundamental reason why the musketeer burns money. Some people may think that the musketeer, like the archer, consumes a certain amount of ammunition to produce lethality, so since the archer is good to feed, the musketeer should also be good to feed.

In fact, this kind of thinking is totally wrong. Yes, archer and musketeer need to consume ammunition, but the problem is that archer arrows can be recycled, can the musketeer? In the leveling battle, the archer can recover the arrows shot by himself in most cases, and even if it is a PK or a boss push, as long as he wins, he can also recover his arrows. In this way, archer's arrow consumption will not be too large in normal leveling and PK.

However, the archer can recycle his arrows, but the musketeers can’t. Their bullets are all one-time, and they will be gone. It is simply impossible for them to reuse them. Even if you really want to reuse it, what can be recycled is just some metal fragments, which has no meaning other than as raw materials.

In addition to the recovery of ammunition, archer also saves money, that is, there are few special arrows, and basically all have the ability to automatically return.

Archer, like Musketeer, also has special ammunition. For example, the Soulchaser in my hand is a special ammunition. However, just like my soul chaser, the archer's special arrows are almost more than 80% with automatic return attributes, which means that they will regenerate by their side after a period of time. The real limitation of this kind of arrow is not the number of archer's weapons, but the time between their attacks. If time is not counted, the archer's return arrow is almost equivalent to infinite ammunition.

However, it is a pity that the Musketeers have no such treatment. No matter how precious their bullets are, they must be disposable. As long as you fight out, there will be no more.

archers spend millions of crystal coins to buy an arrow that is several times the size of Divine Item. The only limitation is that it cannot be used continuously, but they can always have this arrow. Want to buy a super bullet, and it's over with a click. A few millions of this trigger is gone, and money is not spent like that? Therefore, musketeers generally do not dare to use special bullets easily, but archer's special arrows are used very frequently.

There is one last point. Although archer’s special arrows are also available, but not many, their attack power basically relies on their own skills, formidable power and their own attributes, and the Musketeer’s skills are actually used to assist in improving the formidable power and hit rate of bullets. , Rarely use skills to replace bullets. So, musketeers have to spend money everywhere, but archer is super saving.

However, although the special bullets are expensive and dying, the current gun god has no choice but to use this special bullet. After all, the defensive ability of the above thing is he It has been tested. Ordinary bullets are simply impossible to do the slightest harm to that kind of thing.

After loading the special ammunition, the gun god pulled the trigger without hesitation. Although the bullet used this time is not particularly exaggerated, the price is as high as more than 1,000 crystal coins. However, after the bullet was fired, the gun god felt that he was about to cry, because his bullet was once again decomposed by the arc.

"Damn it!" I fully understand that this thing was impossible to be destroyed, and the gun god no longer wastes time. I just moved towards the passage in front and walked over. The battle over there is definitely in need of him now. participate.

In fact, when the gunman here fired the first shot, the battle on our side had already begun.

Pandora immediately disappeared in front of us at the beginning of the battle, and Christina did not use her best rainbow jet, but instead opened a huge colorful magic array above her head with a wave of her hand. With the appearance of this magic array, a large number of funny Barbie-sized elves with beautiful wings like butterflies on the back continued to fall out of the magic array above. These little Fairy are almost all little girls, but their height is only about 30 centimeters, and they look like dolls.

Although these little elves from Christina Summon look cute, but if you think these little fellows are good at dealing with it, you are wrong, because they will let you know what true fear is.

These little Fairy, which fell out of the magical array like it was snowing, flashed their wings as soon as they appeared in the air. Fairy sticks the size of the matchsticks they hold in their right hand. Of course, in my opinion, those things are not so much a fairy stick, but a staff is more suitable, because these things are just playing the role of a staff.

As soon as the little Fairy appeared by the summon, he immediately moved towards the US-Russian combined fleet and flew over, and then started launching magic missiles over their heads to attack these guys.

When I saw these little fairies, the players on the US-Russian combined fleet didn’t pay much attention to these things, but they didn’t realize it until these little fairies started to attack. These are simply not Little Fairy.

In fact, the little Fairy in the game is a special NPC. It also has battle strength, but it is very weak. It mainly relies on the auxiliary spell to help the player complete the battle, and does not directly participate in the attack. However, these things that are now appearing in front of everyone are obviously inconsistent with the little Fairy in everyone's speakers.

In fact, these are not Fairy, they are elemental spirits from Christina Summon. Christina's special race profession is the queen of elemental elves, which means that Christina is the leader of elemental elves, and these are her army-elemental elves Legion.

Elemental elves and those cute little Fairy are not all the same. Little Fairy is best at selling cuteness, while elemental elves are best at guiding and using elements. Although elemental elves are not a race that is good at killing, these guys are good at energy manipulation, so the battle strength can be imagined. The most important point is that the elemental spirits themselves are made up of magic elements, so they have no magic restrictions, and they can use any magic they can without restriction.

These elemental elves start casting spells as soon as they appear, and the magic they use is the element missiles that Christina is famous for, and they are very dense element missiles, but it is like a rainstorm like Christina. Unlike the large-area jets, the magic missiles launched by the elemental spirits are arranged one after another in a straight line, and are not spread out in a fan-shaped distribution like a fountain. Moreover, the magic missiles launched by Christina are mixed, while the magic missiles released by the elemental elves are single.

In fact, because it is an element, the element wizard can only use its own corresponding element magic, that is to say, Fire Element wizard can only use Fire Element magic, otherwise not only can’t use it, even if it’s true The use of it will also cause great danger. Therefore, elemental spirits are generally single-line. However, these elemental elves are not all of a different type of elemental elves. There are various types of elemental elves among them, so although each elemental elves launches a simple type of magic missile, there are so many The elemental elves of mingled together, and this magic missile changed back to the messy rainbow-like magic missile fired by Christina.

Although the magic missiles fired by the elemental elves are in a straight line, they are not magic rainstorms, but they can be regarded as magic machine guns. Therefore, the magic missiles of these guys instantly beat the US-Russian combined fleet personnel in the charge. Some people had to hold up shields or magical defenses to continue to rush forward, and because their vision was blocked, they just It can only move forward slowly, without the previous imposing manner of press forward.

Christina’s big move stunned the U.S.-Russian combined fleet personnel over there, and the remaining three gunmen saw the situation and immediately set up a long spear among the crowd and pointed it at in the sky. Christina, who is constantly releasing elemental spirits. "Finally it's my turn to show off." The gun god murmured in his mouth and pulled the trigger directly. This time he was very sure that Christina was not saved, because he had successfully shot, and it was impossible to avoid his attack at such a close distance. .

However, although the gun god thought he had already won one blood of his own, what he didn't expect was that the moment when the bullet was about to hit Christina, the three elemental spirits were suddenly in her The sides gathered to form an equilateral triangle structure, and then a golden light curtain suddenly appeared in the space between the three element elves. The light curtain is triangular and only appears in the triangular area between the three element spirits, so the area is small, and may not be as large as the screen of a computer monitor. However, although this light curtain is small, it just blocked the bullet’s forward path, and the bullet hit the light curtain at the moment the light curtain appeared, and then the light curtain shattered in the next second, and the three elemental spirits were also instantaneous. Cracked, a lot of cracks appeared in the whole body like a broken porcelain doll, and finally it really disintegrated into many small light particles and disappeared into the air. However, although the three elemental spirits are gone, the problem is that the gun god bullet is also gone.

"Your sister! This is okay?" The gun god is completely mad now, he never thought that his attack would be such a result, what a perfect angle, was actually An elemental sprite was blocked. The most important thing is that this elemental spirit is actually out of summon. It's not a familiar, and it's dead if it's dead, Christina didn't even turn her head.

In fact, what the gun god does not know is that the element sprites are immortal in the game settings. These guys are made of the elements themselves, and the elements are energy. Energy cannot be eliminated, it can only be transformed, from one energy to another. Elemental spirits themselves are composed of energy, so when they die, their bodies will disintegrate into a large number of elemental light particles, and then return to the elemental plane. After a long period of time, they will reconcile their consciousness and become a new element. Elves. This is the reincarnation of the elemental elves, they will not die, they just wait for the rebirth.

Because the elemental spirits are Undying and Inextinguishable, Christina doesn't worry about the life and death of these guys at all. Anyway, it doesn't matter if they can't die, it doesn't matter if they are consumables.

The gun god is depressed here, and he feels a bitter cold behind him if he doesn’t guard against it. He has felt this feeling once before, and that’s the kind of breath that Pandora brought when he sneak attacked them. , So this time the gun god didn't even think about it, and fell directly forward to the ground, then rolled half a circle and turned into lying on his back, then raised the gun and shot.

This series of actions of the gun god can be described as in one go, as if it has been rehearsed thousands of times, but it is a pity that even such a perfect action still does not keep up with Pandora’s rhythm, when he turns around What you see when you raise the gun is the light door closed in the air.

Pandora's teleportation ability is really abnormal. Although many players in the game will move instantaneously, but this kind of movement has a time course. There will be a gradual process whether it is started or ended. Generally speaking, this process can be completed in one second, for most people. It doesn't make much sense, but this time is enough for the expert to do a lot of things. However, this kind of instantaneous movement of Pandora was completed in an instant. The opening and closing process was so fast that there was no reaction time at all. The transformation was completed in almost one thousandth of a second, and it was completely gone as soon as the thought was moved. Because the speed is too fast, most people simply can't react and can't keep up with this speed at all.

Facing the empty space behind, the gun god can only turn around and look forward helplessly. Even if Pandora’s existence is unable to sneak attack, they can still produce tremendous psychological pressure, making them make mistakes in this situation, thereby restricting their team power. Therefore, the existence of Pandora in this situation is for us. The meaning of help is very big.

Just when the gun god here was disturbed by Pandora, the ice-bound Banshee was even more depressed, because she suddenly discovered a problem, that is, her completely underestimated our fighting cooperation. ability.

According to Frozen Banshee’s original idea, her battle strength can be evenly matched with me, but if you use the copy scroll, she will become several people, and rely on the number advantage to suppress me. . However, after the fight really started, she discovered that I hadn't come up to fight her, but directly bypassed her and went with the Russian guild leaders behind her.

According to the strategy planned with the Russian guild leaders before Banshee Frozen, those Russian guild leaders do not need to wait for the copy of Banshee Frozen Banshee and Gun God to fix us after the battle begins. All the experts on the side, but when I entangled with Banshee and the Frozen Banshee, we should take the opportunity to pass through our fighting area. This is why the presidents of the Russian guilds will go forward with Banshee and Frozen. The reason for the rush.

If the ice-bound Banshee really intends to be like an ancient war, the generals will come out to fight first, and then the army will fight again, then there is no need for her to bring the Russian guild leaders to the charge, but now The situation is that she not only led them to charge together, but also made these Russian guild presidents rush to the forefront.

In fact, many people don’t know that when the two armies are at war, the combatants in the front row are the easiest to avoid the opponent’s high level personnel, because the high level personnel will also choose the target, so the enemy’s high Level personnel will directly look for their own high level personnel, so that the high level personnel on both sides will be entangled in a decisive battle, and if the battlefield is completely mixed up, when the time comes, even if you want to find it, you won’t be able to find it, so that At that time, everyone can only attack people nearby, and simply cannot choose the target of attack.

Frozen Banshee thought I would target her, so as long as the presidents of the Russian guild rush along with her, I would let those Russian guild leaders go and set the frozen Banshee as the target. So their plan can be realized. However, the current situation is completely opposite. Instead of going to fight with Frozen Banshee, I rushed directly to the Russian guild leaders over there.

Frozen Banshee, of course, had to rush to help when she saw this situation, but she did not expect that the accident happened just when she was going to help. Several players from our Frost Rose League suddenly appeared around her and surrounded the frozen Banshee. This way, it was clear that she did not intend to let her leave.

Frozen Banshee was surrounded, but she knew she was strong, so she simply didn't take the people around her seriously.

"Get out of the way!" Frozen Banshee saw the player who was in the way, and with a wave of the crystal sword in his hand, she wanted to scare away the player who was blocking her, but she obviously looked down on us too much. The player of the Frost Rose League, what's more, what she simply doesn't know is that the player in front of her is no ordinary player.

Yes, the people surrounding the Frozen Banshee are not the most powerful players in our Frost Rose League, but they are undoubtedly elite, and they are not ordinary elites, but professional BOSS hunting teams.

The bank will have a special group to deal with those high level players or particularly powerful BOSS. The members of this group are specially selected, and their equipment, occupations and skills can be complementary , And just can suppress that kind of special powerful existence, so if you are surrounded by them, no matter how powerful you are, it will be difficult to come out, because they are specialized in this.

Actually, I have tested the combat team of these guys before. This kind of group is useless for some people, such as me, it is better to say Christina, for example, the gun god. The reason why it is useless to us is not because this group is not good, but because our offensive power is too strong. This kind of terrifying offensive power determines that no one in the group can stop our blow, so we can easily get rid of this group.

However, the ice-bound Banshee is not such a person. Her strength is only strengthened by the cold environment, but it does not really become so powerful, so she has no ability to handle our hunting at once. Kill any person in the group, so that her strength will be completely suppressed, even if it is strong, as long as there is no way to get one goal at a time, there is no way to leave the encirclement formed by our hunting squad.

There are six hunting squads like this. I feel that we have just blocked the six ice-bound Banshee in the team. Although the ice-bound Banshee is indeed very strong, there is no way to kill the squad. Kill the ice-bound Banshee, but this hunting squad can completely block the ice-bound Banshee's actions so that she cannot move.

When the ice-bound Banshee was sealed, my side was not idle at all.

Squad hunting relies on cooperation and numbers to pin down high level players like Banshee, which is actually a war of attrition and a kind of skipping grades to challenge. In this case, if the frozen Banshee cannot be killed, then it is a matter of time before our hunting squad is destroyed, so we are impossible to rely on the hunting squad to permanently limit the six frozen Banshee.

However, although hunting squad impossible to seal the action of the frozen Banshee forever, I don’t need them to do so. What I need is that they buy time for me so that I can All the presidents of the Russian guilds in front of them were killed.

In order to increase the first wave of impact, it is not the Russian guild soldiers who enter the passage now, but the elite assault team composed of high-level personnel headed by the Russian guild presidents. In addition to the Russian guild leaders, there are high level players in their Russian guilds and high level NPCs in the Russian guild. These all are the elites in the US-Russian combined fleet, as long as these people are killed, the forces behind are just large.

Don’t forget that the Twin Cities of Isengard have a huge undead transformation array. Once the elites of these Russian guilds are all dead, we can absorb enough soul summon out of the undead. The army, and then use the undead forces to fight against the miscellaneous soldiers of the Russian guild. Anyway, our undead Legion can support war by war, so that only those from the Russian guild will suffer. We are impossible to fail anyway.

Because of this idea, we still need to work hard to get rid of these Russian guild leaders and the elites of the Holy Gun League. Only when these people are dead, our future battles can become a reality. .

If you are fighting against an expert like the frozen Banshee, of course we need to deal with it carefully, but now I, Christina and Zhenhong and their task is to deal with the Russian guild leaders and their side The so-called guild expert. To put it bluntly, these people are elite soldiers in various guilds. Their battle strength is considered relatively strong in their own guilds, but compared with our world-class existence, they are completely inadequate.

"Quickly, quickly, now it's time to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers." I shouted as I slammed into the army of Russian guild leaders.

The first person I came across was a Russian guild president who was two meters away and looked like a polar bear. The three-dimensional president of this guy’s chest indicated that this guy is the guild president and not a member, because Member badges are flat. However, even the president of a guild, this guy is nothing more than a second-rate expert, and he hit me as soon as he met me.

Looking at the hammer that came with this Russian guild leader, I directly lowered my head and drilled under his hammer, and then raised my wrist and punched him in the stomach. pu chi, the claws covered by eternity passed through that guy’s belly and three sharp points emerged from behind, and then instantly retracted. I closed my hand and turned a half circle away from him, and then squatted down. Sweeping his legs to turn over another Russian guild leader, and then rolled over to him. The claws that popped out from the upper half of his wrists gently slid across his neck, and then continued to move forward, jumping on the spot, hitting a knee. He smashed

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