I carefully pulled Feng Yin Misty aside. "Let’s talk about why you think I should support the overall situation? Do you know everything about me?" Feng Yin Misty looked at me. "Have you forgotten that there is a spy with me? Hong Yue told me everything."

"What do you mean?"

"All!" Feng Yin Miomi patted My arm: "Everything that happened after my younger sister entered your guild, as well as some things before she entered your guild. There is one thing that may surprise you. You

My girlfriend and my younger sister are actually in a very good relationship. I think you should know nothing about it, right? We can’t guess the secrets between women. You’ll never know what they don’t want you to know. I’ll tell you. These are just

to let you know that I am very clear about what happens in your guild. When your guild resists the monster’s siege, the composure you show is definitely not something ordinary people can do."

"Stabilization is not all that a leader needs!"

"But being able to calm is an indispensable and important quality for a leader."

"But mine The tactical command ability is really...! I think the small military advisor in our guild is more competent than me!"

Feng Yin Misty interrupted me: "You still don’t understand a commander in chief. The true role of. This time everyone chooses the chief, that is, the highest command. The highest command often has to face the overall grasp, that is, the strategy. As for commanding a battle, those are The work of the generals. The battle just ended has shown your strategic decision-making ability very well."

"Why didn't I see it?"

"That's because You have always been low-key! Don't sloppy with me, I know what kind of person you are. On the surface, you often make all kinds of small mistakes, but you never make strategic mistakes. According to Hong Yue told me

Yes, the battle of Light God Palace this time was caused by building a city against you?"

"What happened then?"

"But at the end of the battle What has become? The duel between Light God Palace and Dark God Palace? What a terrifying enemy is a commander who can mess up the enemy's strategic intentions! The point of Light God Palace in this battle

The commander’s tactical thinking is definitely better than you. It can be said that he is a war artist, but he is only a commander. No matter how good his tactical thinking is, the strategic decision will still be the same. It seems that you have been lighted by Light throughout the war. God Palace leads

Run with your nose, but you are actually running with Light God Palace all the time."

"That's just luck...!"

Feng Yin lifts up mistily One hand prevented me from continuing. "Don't tell me luck, luck is also strength. Besides, a change in strategic deployment is definitely not affected by one or two accidental lucky events. You also

Xu didn’t notice your own characteristics, but You have the ability to divert the enemy’s attention in unnoticeable influence and change the direction of war to the direction you want. It can be said that this is a strategic instinct. I don’t know how you did it.

, But you did. Don’t underestimate your act of pulling Dark God Palace and Dragon Clan into the water in this battle. It seems very simple, but most people at this time can’t think of this and don’t have that ability

. Even with vertical and horizontal, four words speaking of which is easy to do. Our country now has a lot of people who eyes high above the top. It is very rare to have someone like you."

"Damn! I feel like Divine Immortal to you! But I know myself, I won't do it as the commander in chief. Do you know what tall trees attract the wind?"

"So you are afraid of this?" Feng Yin Misty thought for a while dragging his chin. "But this is for the benefit of the Chinese players, can't you sacrifice it?"

How does Feng Yin Miaomiao understand my difficulties. Father wants me to go to a foreign country to do sabotage. If I become a leader, I will be noticed everywhere, then how should I proceed? "Aren't you the president of China's largest guild? You

Why don't you do it?"

He took me and pointed to his guild. "The Hot Blood League is actually a loose guild, and our command is not completely unified. It looks like we are a guild, but in fact it is more like a guild alliance, which is why

It’s the reason why China’s largest guilds rarely go to war."

"I mean you come to be the leader and I will help you when you need it." Feng Yin Miaomiao suddenly looked bad. Looking at me with a smile, I took two steps back in shock. "Why do you look at me like this?"

"You brat is not honest."

"I'm not honest?"

"Also saying that you are not outstanding in strategic thinking . Just say you can’t be the commander-in-chief yourself, just ask me to be a puppet!"

"Damn! How can I...!"

"Don't explain. I just need to understand. "Feng Yin Miaomiao came over and said quietly: "Anyway, I am a public figure. When an actor is my hobby. We will work together to act. I will fight for this position, but you

It's the actual commander, I'm only responsible for spreading the word."

"Yes!" Although it is a bit treacherous to say this, I have to admit that Feng Yin Miaomiao guessed all of my consciousness. "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Feng Yin Miaomiao and I shook hands vigorously. "I will be your spokesperson from now on."

"I have a question."

"What's the problem?"

"You help me like this, you What did you get?"

"Look, it's showing up again. Everything is based on interests. You are born a politician."

I deliberately made a very sinister Smile. "Do people who know too much...?"

"Aiya! Taboo!"

The two of us each returned to the front of our guild with a smile. As soon as I came back, Rose and Hong Yue gathered together.

"What did you say to my brother?"

Rose also said: "That is, after watching you two change so many expressions for a while, what's the secret?"

"You have to ask me if it is a secret."

"Tell me!" Rose pleaded.

I am in a good mood now, joking with Rose. He leaned in her ear and whispered: "Secret."


Rose still wanted to ask, but I stopped it because Feng Yin Miomao had already stood up. Amplifying the array.

"Everyone. The point of arguing here is not very meaningful. I will give you a method, and everyone can accept it when you decide." The people below all pricked their ears and prepared to listen to his method. Then he said: "The method is very simple

, let’s see who gets the most of the national instruments. Let’s seize the time to collect the national instruments. This way, on the one hand, it does have practical meaning for Chinese players, and on the other hand, it distinguishes everyone’s Ability."

"However, national equipment is not something that can be obtained by strength. Luck is also very important!" There are still objections!

"How about this!" A female Alliance Leader came out. "For this PK team fight, look at the overall strength of the downside. Although being able to fight does not mean that the president is powerful, it shows that his commander and calling ability are very good. Otherwise

Some experts have gathered. Although it is not necessary to be the leader of the guild, it can be used as a reference. The rest will be searched for national equipment and "Agree!" This time, many people are nodded. NS.

The eagle standing next to me smiled and said: "It really made you guessed right. Actually there is a ** plan."

"Of course, or why should I? I want you to pick whoever can fight!"

Hong Yue confidently said: "Don’t worry, all the Goddess leagues are able to fight, not to mention that they were filtered by you last time, and the rest They are all core characters, and the battle strength is naturally not bad."

Kristina, who represents the German Women’s League player, stepped up and said: "Although we used to focus on technical research, we have It was the guard team back then, and the most capable one is here."

I suddenly remembered a German player’s skill, very difficult to deal with. "Christina, are there any Teutonic warriors among the players you are here this time?"

"There are a few, but that kind of profession requires strength. Our guilds are all women. There are not many professions. What do you want a Teutonic warrior for?"

"Cut people!"

"Cut people?"

"Teutonic warrior skills Honor hit is no stronghold one cannot overcome, and attacking such a high skill can definitely be achieved in seconds."

"However, the interval between the use of honor hits is very large!"

< p>"How about it is a team battle! If you can't stand it, isn't there someone next to you?"

"Who is in charge of the command this time?" Hong Yue asked. "If you don't come, I will come!"


"You can't!" Damn it! Hong Yue will definitely be disabled in three or two hits, and I'm not trying to grab the Alliance Leader's throne. "Eagle! You are in charge of the command. I will not participate in the war after the meeting. You go up and fight. Please pay attention, the previous battle is for me to fight well, but if you fight against the blood league, I hope you can fight and defeat. Don't let people see the weak spot."

"Why defeat?" Hong Yue is a fair and reasonable character, and I don't understand this very much. "Although he is my brother, I don't need to..."

"I am not because of this relationship. In short, I lose beautifully. I will fight hard against other guilds and try to win every game quickly. ." This arrangement can push Feng Yin Misty to the throne, and I will not be seen by others.

To be honest, taking so many MM appearances in itself is suspected of our strength.

We just finished the discussion and started to say on the stage: "Since everyone agrees to use this as a reference, let's have a team fight between the guilds. I will immediately apply for a temporary non-damaging PK. Area, everyone, wait a minute."

The non-damaged PK area is a temporary stage better than the martial stage. In this area, the PK does not drop equipment or loses the level. However, to apply for this kind of area in the field, you need to pay a fee, and you must specify the personnel in the area, otherwise it will not be used even if you stand in the area, which is a very troublesome function. Although it is not very useful in normal times, it is quite suitable for situations like today.

The regional application is over soon. Every one of us has received the confirmation message. After confirmation, it is equivalent to being in this region. The PK can not drop the level and the equipment will not explode, and the death will be resurrected immediately.

Everyone soon gathered on the lake behind the conference venue. The Northern Alliance made it clear that it was prepared in advance to come to a group PK, and the MM who made comments was probably arranged by them. Otherwise, this impossible venue is prepared in advance, and even the auditorium is ready! It seems that Misty Rain, the president of the Northern Alliance, is not a simple character. He must think that his guild has a strong battle strength, so he designed this PK conference, simply because he wants to gain the supremacy by himself. .

Although the venue has been arranged in advance, it will take time for so many people to enter the venue. By the time we were all in place, it was already past 9 o'clock. Yanyu stood on the temporary rostrum and said to everyone: "There are more than 3,000 guilds participating in tonight

, but not every guild wants to participate in the competition. 54 of them signed up. For guilds, we are divided into 27 groups for knock-out competition, and each group has people watching the game. If two powerful guilds are divided into one group, we will arrange another playoff."

Of course, the guild bosses of us were on the draw. I don’t know if God deliberately made trouble for me or if I was too lucky, I was the first to draw a team with the blood ally! Feng Yin Miomio came over and patted me on the shoulder. "

Are we really fate? 54 guilds can let us be grouped together!"

"How do you say we fight this time?"

< p>Feng Yin Miaomiao walked back and said: "I still want to fight and fight, the key is that you have to control it."

I'm so depressed! It seems that my great ideal needs to be planned well. Originally, I planned to maintain our leading position but never make it to the top, but now it’s the First Stage that meets Feng Yin Misty’s blood ally. If we want to push the blood ally to the throne, we must lose to Confederate. But what if First Stage is defeated and eliminated? Although the Northern League said that it will look at the situation of the game to pick out early eliminations that occur because two strong teams are divided into a group to avoid too large errors, but who knows how to be strong? Woolen cloth? What a headache!

I told Sumei and Xiaoyao about my thoughts, and wanted these two military advisors to help me advise, but the two little fellows discussed together for a while and formulated a three-point plan for me. Operational policy. First, the imposing manner must be sufficient, and if you lose, you must lose too much. Second, failure will not allow the opponent to leave too many people, and the blood alliance must be defeated. Third, destruction. It's best to break all around the arena. Because of these three policies, my plan that I didn’t intend to participate in the war was also broken. The first two points are nothing, and I must do it myself if I want to destroy them.

The 27 battles started at the same time. Because some registered teams are very small, it is stipulated that each team only needs to have a team of 405 people. But there is one thing to note. The lineup you play for the first time is the future lineup, and you can’t change the staff, so the staffing selection must pay attention.

Feng Yin Miomao brought 405 cavalry to the field. It is estimated that he wants to come to a group to charge. It's messy on our side. The first one is 100 steel claws. Team battles don’t care about the battle method. The enemy won’t tell you any rules. This

Secondly, the leader of the team’s foreign guild must be selected. Of course, the competition You don't have to remember the means, any summon creature can be played. There are too many MMs in our guild, and the melee strength is not good. Putting the guardian beast on the front can avoid close contact.

Behind the steel claws is 200 Order Knights. This is a unique profession that our guild has. It not only has high attack power, but can also use ranged attacks. Behind the Order Knight are 50 Teutonic scholars selected from the German guild. These are characteristic professions in Germany, equivalent to Chinese Taoist priests and martial artists. Behind it is a mixed battallion made up of a chaotic wizard of 100 people. This is also the characteristic profession of our guild. Outsiders don't know their battle strength. At the end of the team are 50 sacrifices to the temple of chaos and order. Similarly, this is also the special profession of the guild. They used to be dark sacrifices and light sacrifices. Since our guild has a god of chaos and order

< p>The temple, all of them have been transferred to chaos and order.

In addition to the 400-person team, the remaining 5 places are commanders. First of all, I must participate, and the cavalry team is in charge of me. Kristina will be in charge of the largest team of wizards. After all, she is known as the first fort in Germany, so don't be too wasteful. As a resurrection mage, Rose is of course responsible for directing the sacrificial battallion. Although Ziyue is not a Teutonic warrior, she is after all a dragon rider with super high battle strength. Anyway, there is still a dragon in the family. Finally, Bingbing, the characteristic character of the club, is absolutely indispensable. It's a pity that all the status recovery ability has been lost.

The personnel of both sides are in place, ready to decide the outcome. The sound of a horn is the opening signal, and 27 battle groups begin at the same time. The audience chooses their favorite venues to watch, but our side is the one with the most people. It’s not because of our outstanding performance, but because we have the most beautiful women! sweat!

"Charge!" Feng Yin gave an order, long spear pointed forward. The 405 flying horses ran forward in unison. The horse's hoof wrapped in thatch is not slippery on the ice, and the speed is still so fast, and the horse can rely on its wings to stabilize the body without worrying about falling.

The charge started over there and we also started fighting here.

405 steel claws against 405 knights, there is no problem at all. The greatest formidable power of Knight's charge is reflected in the impact, but the steel claw is a devil beast of strength, and the dragon can't stand it. Can the flying horse hit it? But we can't get rid of all the Knights of the Blood League. We have to leave some to let them win, so we have to act!

The battallion cavalry rushed up in an imposing manner. The players in the guild were notified in advance, and they all carefully controlled the guardian beast with their own thoughts. As soon as the cavalry contacted the steel claws, there was a sound of metal collision. Some of the Knights were knocked over by the heavy horns of the steel claws. Some unfortunately hit the sharp horn and even died on the spot. But under deliberate control, most of the Knights passed through the gaps in the steel claws. Now it's time for our cavalry to perform.


Heavy cavalry's attack depends on the strength of defense and attack, but our order Knight defense is very general, completely exaggerating the attack power. Speaking of a shortcoming, it is actually to cooperate with our sacrificial team. All professions are

basically balanced, with low defense and high attack. The sacrifice of life is about to make up for it and the priests don't care at all. But we still can't really fight them, otherwise it would be bad if we lost the cavalry.

The priests who were instructed by me hardly added blood to us, so the casualties on our side would increase a lot. At the same time, because our attack was high, there were also a lot of casualties on the War Blood League. It seems tragic enough

, it is estimated that we can show our strength.

In the Knight melee, I saw Feng Yin Miomiiao rushing towards me. It's time for the two of us to perform. Our task is to destroy, mainly to destroy the surrounding things, let others know our strength. I specifically did not ride a dragon.

I didn't bring in the demon pets. The difference in strength between the two sides is still quite large.

Feng Yin Miomao rushed past me, and our two weapons touched each other. In order to avoid interrupting his weapon, I used the eternal side to touch his gun. Feng Yin Misty, who rushed past me, circled around to my side. I waved my eternal wrist and turned my sword into a whip, and threw away with a sword. The attack range was more than ten meter away. In order to increase the effect, specially input magic power to force out the chaotic fire on the weapon. Eternal with flames swept out like a strip

Fire Dragon, Feng Yin Miaomiao turned over and flashed out, and his mount was severely broken. After cutting off Feng Yin’s misty mount, the flames did not stop, and the referee watching the game discovered that my weapon was swayed at his side

, but it was too late to evade. With a sword down, the referee of the Northern League was split in half by me.

The audience next to me was taken aback, but they haven’t slowed down yet. Feng Yin Mimiao and I have been beaten outside from the melee crowd. Feng Yin Mimiao and a heavy sword slashed my steel claws. Two steps back, I slipped and fell under the foot

I took the opportunity to retract the steel claw to make people think that the steel claw was hanging. When I fell to the ground, I waved an eternal and fierce force toward Feng Yin Mistle. Feng Yin Misty retreated again and again and finally retreated to the guardrail of the audience. I saw the opportunity to jump up and cut it down with a full force

Feng Yin Miaomiao quickly dodged the attack to the side. As a result, my sword turned into a slash at the audience.

bang! A sword fell to the ground, and the surrounding ice was completely shattered with me as the center. Because my weapon fell on the side of the fence on the battlefield, half of the big hole was in the auditorium. The huge pothole and dustpan reached the outside

audience, there was a break in the place where I was. The ice cubes on both sides were sheathed. The audience on the ice all slid towards the middle hole. A huge ice cave appeared. I fell into the ice cave. Amidst the screams, more than 300 people fell into it.

In the ice hole, there are still a large group of people sliding into the ice hole behind.

Behind our team also did not disappoint, the super magic of the mage battallion appeared. A small mushroom cloud rose up, and a huge hole appeared in the entire venue. Not only the people from our guild and the blood ally, but also the audience on the other side of the venue also fell.

In the end, our guild was wiped out. A Knight of the War Blood League struggled and finally climbed onto the ice. The referee clearly saw that our side was not an ordinary fight, he himself was attacked by us. Besides

If we say that we are an ordinary guild, those who fall into the water will not do it.

Until 11 o'clock, the battle is over. 28 qualifying guilds. Originally 27 winning guilds plus our guild, a special selection guild, totaled 28.

Draw lots to fight in groups again. After several consecutive rounds, a total of 5 guilds, including the specially selected teams, are left for the final battle. The 5 guilds are: Northern Alliance, Warm Blood Alliance, Frost Rose Alliance, Bright Alliance, Feather Alliance

. The following duel will be a one-on-one duel between these 5 alliances. After ranking the order, use this as a reference, plus the strength of looking for national equipment to comprehensively select the leading guild.

Because the time is too late, the Northern Alliance proposes that everyone go offline first and wait until tomorrow night to continue. Everyone's online time is not short, and they are offline one after another. Tomorrow’s decisive battle will be the Chinese guild’s preliminary decision to establish a unified order.

The battle is over!

I took everyone into the forest by the lake and Kristina walked over and said: "Didn't expect that the Chinese guild will be reunified so easily. I don’t know when in Germany. Can you unite!"

"Kristina elder sister, do you think the Chinese are so simple?" Su Mei said: "The ancient Chinese martial arts circles called themselves martial arts, they elected The person is called the Wulin Alliance Leader, which is the same as the leader of this Chinese guild. However, the Sects in the martial arts have never stopped attacking each other. China is a complicated nation. Pay more attention to understand us."

Christina knocked Su Mi on the head. "The one you don't know the most is you! What do you think in such a big little head?"

I stopped them and said: "Okay, all go offline! Gather here at 8 o'clock tomorrow night . Members in Europe and Japan pay attention to the time difference. Okay, disband."

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