Of course I know that the mission level that the other party said must be difficult. After all, the other party was willing to give up a set of Holy Spirit equipment and a large amount of money for this level, but my goal is not money. , So simply what the Holy Spirit equips is not in my consideration. What I want is the parasite contained in the injection on that guy, and this thing is of course impossible and easy to get, after all, most of the parasites are not equipped with anti-installation. Therefore, I need his cooperation to help me walk the path of truth.

The Gate of Truth in this guild is a special equipment similar to the high level wishing technique. As long as you stand in front of the door and make a wish, a corresponding task copy will be generated behind the door, and as long as you attack the copy Success, you can achieve your wishes. This function can be said to be quite awesome. Although the pay and the gain are essentially one-to-one correspondence, in reality, what everyone pays and what everyone gets is actually not corresponding. We often pay more. In return, because what you do is always impossible. When your method or process is wrong, you will end up doing useless work or a lot of extra work. In addition, the interference of external factors will also affect the ratio of your pay to return. However, none of this is a problem in Gate of Truth. The tasks generated by Gate of Truth correspond to your wishes, so your direction is always correct, and as long as you get to the end, there will be rewards.

Of course, the probability of task failure also exists, and the failure rate is not low, but this is based on your wishes. Making the wish that was originally impossible, the task is naturally too difficult to complete. Therefore, in general, Gate of Truth is relatively reliable.

Actually, in theory, even if I don’t buy this guy, I stand in front of Gate of Truth and say I want the injection, and Gate of Truth will generate a task and really prepare an injection for me. , But the problem is that the task corresponding to this kind of create something from nothing is absolutely terrifyingly difficult, even I dare not try it easily, so I finally chose to buy this guy, and then my wish can be obtained out of thin air A tube of injection becomes a method or tool to obtain a reverse parasitic process, and such a desire is obviously much less difficult. Even if I want to further reduce the difficulty, I can also specify a one-time extraction tool, so that because the required item is simplified, the difficulty of the task will decrease.

After the other party and I reached a cooperation agreement, I explained the cooperation method to him. First of all, we both signed a system guarantee agreement. According to the content of the agreement, we must first find a way to return to Isengard, and then I will find a way to obtain the parasite from him, but it cannot affect the function of the parasitic part of him. During this entire process, neither of us shall disclose the content of the cooperation to the outside world, and I cannot disclose the source of the parasite after the agreement is completed. The entire agreement is valid for only three days. If I can't extract the parasite after three days, I still treat the other party as completing the agreement.

Because this agreement was written in detail, the other party signed it easily after reading it. I smiled and shook hands with him and said: "Happy cooperation."

The other party shook my hand obviously a little awkwardly, and then asked: "You only have three days, can you go back in time?"< /p>

"Of course, who do you think I am?" After I finished speaking, I directly confirmed the direction, then put away most of the pets and summoned Asuka. "Come on, you should know this? With him, it will only take seven or eight hours to fly back to the country directly. Besides, we only need to fly to Egypt."

"Your guild also has it in Egypt. Stronghold?"

"It's no secret. Our city has a Transmission Passage. Many tourist-type players teleport from Isengard to transit there, and then visit the pyramids in Egypt. "

"You Frost Rose League are really exaggerated!"

"Is this an exaggeration? Have you never seen the real exaggeration of our guild. Okay, come up first, If you slow down, you can see the rare beast here."

The bear paw climbed on the bird and asked: "What rare beast?"

" That." I said and pointed forward, so the bear paw saw a huge creature not far ahead that was leaping out of the gravel and swiftly approaching us. "Demonized sandworm, 750 Level 10 demonized creature, the battle strength is not strong, but the ability is very disgusting, and very much. But this is not the point, the point is that there is a certain chance of these guys to give birth to a lord-level biological desert. Lord, that is a 1,500-level creature, and there are a lot of them. Of course, the ability is even more disgusting."

"Then let's be a quick gun!" The bear claw without fighting spirit is actually very daring. Little, the guy who faced me so bravely before was nothing more than a brief emotional outburst because of the sudden gain of strength, and now his usual character is shown after he calms down.

Of course, I don’t want to fight those disgusting sandworms. Although the battle strength of these things is not very good, they have a few very annoying characteristics. They like to swallow a person in one bite, and then drill into the sand. Even if you can dig a hole in its stomach and crawl out, you will find that you are already in the deep underground, and if you don’t have the ability to make a hole, most of it Will be trapped to death under the ground. However, even if you have a way to come out, there is actually no good, because the sandworms are almost impossible to kill. The life force of these guys is similar to that of earthworms, but they are more abnormal. They can continue to survive even if only the head is cut, and because it usually does not leave the sand completely, only an Avatar body is exposed, so in most cases you Attacks on it can only damage part of its body. And this guy will run away if he gets too badly injured, and then you will find that you have no benefits after playing hard for a long time. There is neither EXP nor equipment. The only thing you get is a sour and smelly disgusting slime. . Therefore, although this thing is not strong in battle strength, it is said to be the first in the Ranking List of creatures that players hate most in the desert.

Although the sandworm is disgusting, this guy can't fly, so we avoided those things smoothly after taking off. In fact, the sandworms don’t even have eyes, they can’t see at all. Their hunting depends on the fluff on the body to sense the vibration of the ground to determine the target position, so as long as they fly, they are invisible in the sight of the sandworms. .

After smoothly leaving the area where the sandworms are located, we directly moved towards the nearest Egyptian border and flew over. At the current speed, we should be able to reach there soon. However, there is an isolation zone on the border between countries, and Ethiopia and Egypt are also two countries, so this isolation zone still exists.

Because it is a desert country, the isolation zone between these two countries naturally has desert characteristics. In fact, this isolation zone is an area covered by a sandstorm with a width of 150 kilometers. The intensity of the sandstorm in this area is similar to that of a crusher. The average person only has bones left in five minutes. Moreover, this one hundred and fifty kilometers is an absolute no-fly zone. After all, dozens of strong winds of East, West, North, and South are blowing in circles, even a giant dragon can't fly!

"Huh? I'm in the isolation zone so soon?" Seeing the sandstorm belt that looked like a wall in front of me, the bear claw sitting next to me shouted with excitement.

To be honest, although sandstorms are very harmful, they are actually spectacular when viewed from the outside. Of course, if you need to go in, it’s not very good, and we now need to walk through this sandstorm belt. What’s more terrible is that it’s absolutely impossible to fly in this area, and sometimes it’s even necessary to land on all fours, because Even so, you may still be swept high in the sky by the wind.

"Flying bird is a jet flight system, fast speed is normal. But after this one hundred and fifty kilometers will be strenuous!"

"Are you sure we are going on foot In the past?" Bear Claw obviously didn't want to enter this isolation zone, because such a place was too dangerous for him. Of course, I'm talking about him before, and he should be fine now.

"I originally had many ways to go through here, but because of you, I can only walk there."

"Why don't you believe me if I am there? "

I held my fingers and counted to him: "First, the width of the sandstorm belt is only 150 kilometers, and the maximum distance of my directional non-coordinated transmission is 138 kilometers, which can be done at one time. Teleport to the edge of the sandstorm, and then another short-distance teleportation is OK. Second, although the width of the sandstorm area is 150 kilometers, the height is only 20,000 meters, and the maximum ceiling for flying birds is 28,000 meters. I can fly over from above, but after I bring myself, the flying bird's ceiling is only 22,000, and I can’t even fly 18,000 with you, so I can’t fly with you. Third. , My Familiar Night Shadow has the ability to cut into the range of biological thinking waves and jump in the range, but it can only take me to jump with you, you can’t get in. Finally, I also have a Familiar who is good at punching holes, which starts from below the ground. A one-hundred-and-fifty-kilometer-long passage was not a problem for him at all. But here is a desert, so the opened passage will collapse, and there is no way to form a stable passage, so he is the only one who can pass. It is possible to swap positions with my own demon temporarily, so his past is equivalent to my past, but I don’t know how to get you over. So, the only way I can think of now is to tie the two of us together, and then I’ll take you to climb over. Although it’s a bit slower, it’s at least feasible."

Bear Claw was obviously quite depressed after listening to me. Of course it was not because I deliberately belittled him. On the contrary, he was depressed. What I said is the truth. Although he successfully parasitized the unknown superparasite, he only improved his environmental adaptability and battle strength. In some respects, he still couldn't compare with my almighty summoner.

"This is for you." After landing on the ground, I took out a rope from my body and handed one of it to the other side. "Tie it to your body. Pay attention to it. When the time comes, if you are blown away by the wind, this is your only security."

"Can this thing withstand it?" Bear Claw looked at the rope thick with the little finger in his hand and asked.

"Don't underestimate this thing. This is not a public material, this is equipment, Holy Spirit level."

Xiong Claw heard that this thing is actually Holy Spirit level immediately. I picked up the rope in surprise and asked: "This thing is Holy Spirit grade? Holy Spirit grade rope?"

"Whether you believe or not, it is Holy Spirit grade rope anyway."

"I just want to know the difference between a Holy Spirit rope and the rope I bought at the grocery store."

"The difference? Strong tensile strength. In your hand This one can be used directly in a tug boat, and it is stronger than the chain behind the anchor. It is also lighter. This rope weighs only 15 kg, which is considered a very light rope. Oh, by the way, this thing has the most powerful ability. This is it." I took out a device about the size of a melon in the middle of the rope and showed him it. "This is the rope with its own take-up device, both ends can be retracted freely. Don't look at this thing is so big, it has its own compression space, after the rope is released, the length of the rope can reach up to five kilometers, which is definitely enough for you. . Moreover, if you fix both ends of the rope, this thing can also be used as a pulley, holding it can slide from one end of the rope to the other end, even uphill."

" This is really an amazing rope!" Xiong Claw sighed as he flexibly tied the rope in his hand for a few knots. It seems that this guy often plays with rope. As soon as the bear claws tied the rope looked up, they saw my strange gaze, and he quickly explained: "I used to be a sailor. As a sailor on a sailboat, knowing how to use rope is a basic skill!"

"You don't need to Explain, I understand, I understand."

"What do you look at? You clearly don't understand."

"Trust me, I really understand." I Deliberately patted the other person on the shoulder and said: "Tie it, come with me."

Fix the other end of the rope on my body first, and then I walked into the dust storm area first. To be honest, the design of the sandstorm isolation zone in the game is not particularly obtrusive, and its outer circle area is not particularly dangerous. Although you will be affected by sandstorms as soon as you step into the dust storm zone, the outermost wind within 500 meters starts from Level 5, and then increases as you move inward, and finally upgrades to a horror that can shred the human body. storm. Of course, the most dangerous thing in a sandstorm is not the wind, but the flying sand. These sands move densely and at high speed in the air, and the effect is similar to sandpaper or a grinding wheel. It has a very terrifying grinding and cutting ability. As soon as our equipment enters this area, it will start to lose durability. Most equipment will not last long before it starts to have problems. After that, once the equipment is durable, the player will lose all defenses and start to use the fleshy body to resist sandstorms. At this time, those The sand particles moving at high speed will peel off the skin and flesh of your whole body like someone rubbing with sandpaper on you. This horrible effect is even more terrifying than Lingchi. After all, Lingchi is one blade after. The cutting of another, this is just a little bit of scraping!

After entering the dust storm zone, I began to bend down and move forward a little bit, and the bear claws quickly entered the dust storm, but it was not his armor but himself that he used to resist the dust. Biological shell. This layer of biological shell can be regenerated, and the speed is very fast, so this thing is actually the most suitable way to protect against sandstorms, but according to the content I asked from his mouth along the way, this thing is actually not true. Infinite regeneration, but requires the consumption of magic to support.

In fact, the biggest difference between successful parasitism and parasitism failure is that the successful parasitism consumes magic power, and the failed parasitism consumes EXP and attribute values. Magic power can be regenerated. Although EXP and attribute values ​​can also be increased, the difficulty is much higher than that of magic power recovery. Therefore, the failed parasite will only quickly consume the player's EXP and make its account invalid, and the successful parasite Although the explosive power was insufficient afterwards, the victory was stable and lasting without side effects.

After entering the sandstorm area, the bear claw immediately adjusted his appearance. Because it is a perfect parasitic, he can adjust his appearance at will. In the end, this guy gave himself a tortoise-like shape. . With four short legs and a huge carapace, this shape is very suitable for the environment of this place. Short legs mean sticking to the ground, so that the wind resistance is small, and the big pot lid on the back plays a role in resisting sand and sand. However, even if it becomes this form, it does not mean that it is absolutely safe.

The isolation zone on the national border is not only the threat of the natural environment this, otherwise, with the wisdom of players, they can definitely think of solutions to those rigid natural disasters. In order to deal with this situation, the system directly added multiple complex natural disasters on the border, and also added a similar to the level BOSS to block everyone's course of action, so that the variables within the blockade will increase, and the player Can't deal with this constantly changing blockade and can only choose to take the channel set by the system, or consider other methods.

The main blocking method in this sandstorm zone is sandstorm, and the sand on the ground is actually the second blocking method, because this is not a simple sand, but quicksand.

"Woo..." The bear claw guy was walking and suddenly found his body began to sink, and then he couldn't pull out his leg no matter how he moved, and then the guy twisted desperately I hope I can get myself out, who knows that it’s okay if I don’t move. Once he moves, he sinks faster. Soon the sand has completely swallowed his four legs, and the surface of the sand has risen under his neck. Originally, Bear Claw wanted to ask for help in this situation, but what was helpless was that he poured a mouthful of sand into his mouth and couldn't say anything.

Fortunately for this kid, there is a rope tied between us. Although the guy’s hum is covered by the sound of the wind, the rope suddenly stretches straight as I walk and pulls me. Living. As soon as I felt the rope stretched straight, I knew something was wrong. Looking back, he found that there was only a hemispherical tortoise shell left on the ground, and most of the guy's body had been sunk in the sand.

"What an idiot!" Looking at the bear's claws already trapped in the quicksand, I helplessly summon the trailblazer to support him from below, and then push it out. "You idiot? Haven't seen what desert creatures look like? Turned into a tortoise, why are you not a fish?"

"I..." The bear's paw that opened its mouth again really ate again He took a mouthful of sand, and then immediately went dumb.

The helmet on the armor is fully enclosed, and I am not affected at all when I speak in this place. "Don't you, me, hurry up and change the look."

The guy that Xiong Claw was scolded by me for a long time finally became smart once, and directly applied to team up with me. Although we have reached an agreement before, but the two sides did not establish a team, mainly because this guy feels awkward to team up with me, so there has been no team, anyway, we are not doing tasks, and there is nothing at worst if we are not a team. , So I ignored him. Now this guy couldn't hold it back anymore.

After clicking the confirmation, the guy's voice immediately appeared in the team channel. "You are talking about what I can become? The environment in this place is so bad. If I don't become like this, don't I make trouble for myself?"

"You are not convinced if you are stupid. The sand is soft. Yes, there are only two ways to avoid sinking. Either make a wide sole to disperse the pressure. Or make a scorpion-like sharp long leg. Although every time the foot will sink into the sand, the sharp long leg can relax. Pull it out, so don’t be afraid to get caught. Also, you don’t have to use a shell to block it if you want to resist the sandstorm's sanding effect! A layer of soft hair is fine too!"

"This ......"

Bear Claw really has nothing to say this time. Originally, he still wanted to quibble, but now he had to admire it, at least he didn't think that he could use the soft hair to resist the cutting action of the gravel.

Although these sands hit the surface of the object at high speed can have the same effect as sandpaper polishing, but if it is soft hair, there is no need to worry about this, because the hair is soft, and the hair will be deformed after the sand hits it. Consumption of impact, so that strong friction will not occur without a hard collision, and naturally it will not quickly erode the surface. Therefore, using soft hair to block the sandstorm's sanding effect is actually more effective and easier than a hard shell.

The bear paw who learned the lesson quickly changed himself into a form. This time this guy directly turned himself into a big crab with long hair. The legs of a crab are the same as the legs of a scorpion. Although it is easy to sink in the sand, once it sinks deep enough, the deep sand will squeeze the invader to ensure sufficient support, and because the legs are enough It's slender, so it doesn't take much effort to pull it out. At the same time, the eight long legs can ensure that there are at least four points supporting the ground at the same time, which can distribute the pressure, so that it is more difficult to sink. As for the hair of that suit, of course it was modified based on my ideas.

"How about? I didn't lie to you? Is this structure much easier to use than before?" I asked again, looking at the bear claws that had become hairy crabs.

Xiong Claw admitted: "It's really good. Okay, let's go quickly. I always feel a little unsafe in this place, as if someone has been staring at us."

After hearing what Bear Claw said, I was slightly surprised and asked: "You can actually feel it."

"What's the matter?" Bear Claw looked at me in surprise and asked: "Is there really something in the vicinity?"

I nodded and said: "I thought you couldn't find it, but now it seems to be looked down on you."

Xiong Claw didn't argue with me, and It was nervously asked: "What is it around us?"

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