Although the two battleships on the sea are fighting fiercely, as a person, I am still quite small next to the battleship, so I didn’t receive special attention. I landed in it easily. Aboard the creature battleship of the Holy Lance League.

The surface of this dark red battleship is covered with a hard biochemical shell, but this thing is actually not exactly the same as I imagined. I felt quite elastic as soon as I landed on the deck. This thing is obviously not as hard as it looks, and I even felt a slight tremor in the muscles under my feet after I stepped on it.

I looked down at the dark red substance under my feet in doubt. I didn't care too much. I quickly walked to a certain position on the edge of overtime. I'm not sure if this is a hatch, because the entire outer wall of the battleship is covered by a layer of red muscle tissue. The original hatch is simply unrecognizable, but I didn't plan to walk anyway.

When Eternal was mentioned, a fierce sword aimed at the wall of flesh in front was inserted. Although the wall of flesh was quite solid and had a good defensive effect on shells, it was still far behind Eternal. I didn’t feel any obstacles at all. Eternity was easily completely submerged in the flesh wall. After piercing more than ten centimeters, the difference in touch was obvious. It should be that the blade hit the steel hull of the ship, but it’s eternal. Still went in without hindrance.

When Eternal fully penetrated into the bulkhead, I started to pull down forcefully, Eternal was smooth and everything went to the end, but when I pulled Eternal and planned to cut across, I just cut it open. The muscle tissue outside of the vertical line started to heal at a speed visible to naked eye. Before I went down for the second time, the previous cut had completely disappeared.

Looking at the bulkhead intact as before, frowned slightly, snapped his fingers, and Ye Yue appeared next to me. "Do me a favor."

"My pleasure." Yeyue directly supported the mechanism near her ear with one hand, and the red goggles in front of him bounced upwards, and the beauty of the twin pupils was so beautiful that it was so beautiful Flash, a large piece of meat wall in front of us turned into a big rock directly. After getting it done, Ye Yue put down the eyepieces, and then pulled out the snake sword with six arms and instantly cut the stone in front of him and the steel outer wall behind him into a pile of fragments. However, although the hole was opened, the muscle tissue near the mouth of the hole was not. In front of us, it grows again at an unimaginable speed, and as long as there is more than ten seconds, it will definitely seal the hole completely. The regeneration speed of this terrifying is really amazing.

"Can this thing regenerate indefinitely?" I asked with a frown, looking at the tentacles squirming on the bulkhead.

Yeyue turned her head and looked at me and said: "Master, I think Lilith has more say in this kind of thing, right? After all, she is a biological expert."

Not to mention that I had forgotten everything, so I quickly gave Lilith to Summon.

"Master, do you have something delicious again?"

Because Lilith’s special ability is so disgusting, I rarely let her out, every time I let her Come out to absorb a certain creature, so now as soon as it is released, Lilith will directly ask me if I have anything to eat.

I pointed to the flesh wall that was almost completely closed before and said: "You taste the taste first, and then tell me the characteristics of this thing."

Lilith turned her head and looked towards the front The flesh wall was almost closed, and then she stretched out a hand and pressed it on top of the flesh wall, and then saw that her hand seemed to melt and merge with the flesh wall, and then the flesh wall of the crimson surrounding it suddenly It began to change color, gradually changing from dark red to black, and quickly spread to all directions, so fast that our eyes could hardly keep up with the spread of that color.

"hey hey hey, tell me the characteristics of this thing first! Don't patronize and eat!" I hurriedly yelled as Lilith once eaten the whole ship. .

"Sorry, I was too excited for a while." Lilith was talking, but the movement in her hand did not slow down at all. The color of the ship has completely changed to black, and the hull The outer muscle tissue is rapidly shrinking and falling off at the speed visible to naked eye, and it is obviously completely necrotic. A large exposed steel hull can be seen in some areas, and more importantly, the interior of the hull is also beginning to be invaded. Those black organizations are spreading toward the inside of the body at a terrifying speed, and they are about to advance to the player who turned into a monster. While busy with all this, Lilith still said to me: "These things look disgusting, but they are actually the purest energy. I haven't found the core of energy yet, but it seems infinite at the moment. It's surprisingly delicious!"

"Energy? What energy?" I asked suspiciously.

"Look at your own experience bar." Lilith prompted.

I immediately opened the attribute panel when I heard her, and then I saw that my experience bar was increasing at a slow rate. Although it was not very fast, it was because my level was too high. , Every slight improvement of the experience bar means a huge amount of EXP, so don’t look at the slow growth of the experience bar now, but in fact, the EXP I’m inhaling is quite an exaggerated amount. It is conservatively estimated that the EXP absorbed just now is enough for a player to rise directly from Level 20 to Level 1,000.

"Oh, I seem to have discovered the source." I was looking at the experience bar in a daze, and suddenly I heard Lilith suddenly say that I found the source.

"Where is the source?" As soon as I finished asking, I remembered that at Lilith's speed, this would have completely eaten up the source, so I immediately added: "What is the source?"

"It's not a thing, it's a person."

"A person?"

"It's not a person either, this guy is the Ox Head Man branch of Beastman Race , The standard warrior player."

"The player?"

"Well, it's a player."

"You mean the muscle tissue that covers the battleship is A player made it?" I asked in surprise.

Lilith shook her head and said: "No, it wasn't the player who made it, those things were the player himself. He himself became a large mass of rotten meat, and then wrapped up all parts of the ship. "

"Those things just turned into by the players?"


After getting the affirmative answer, I frowned and thought about it, and then went on Said: "That guy was eaten by you?"

Lilith licked the corner of her mouth and looked at me and said, "Well, it tastes good."

"What... Now, let’s change the ship.”

Because the player on this ship has been eaten, it’s useless now even if I go in. Of course, before I left, I threw the beacon launcher into the room, and after a while, the ship torch, our long-range gun, would blast off.

I put Yeyue away, greeted Lilith, and I moved towards the nearest other creature and flew over. Lilith followed me on the railing on the side of the ship and jumped out. A pair of huge fleshy wings opened with a whirr from behind, and then flew over with me.

After successfully boarding the ship, I quickly turned around and said to Lilith: "I need that person. Please pay attention to me. Don't eat people again."

"You didn't say it before, but it's not that I'm disobedient!" Lilith quibbleed and pressed her palm on the hull next to her. In an instant, black began to spread, and a large hole was exposed in the steel deck in front of her. I cut the steel plate directly with Eternity and got in.

Lilith didn't swallow the player in one breath this time, she just helped me out and disconnected, and then followed me into the cabin.

The inside of this ship is the same as the outside, all passages are completely covered by fleshy walls, it looks as if we are walking in the intestines of a certain monster. Compared with the hardened carapace on the outside, the meat wall covering the passage in this ship is not hardened, and the muscle tissue at those stages can be seen from time to time, and some parts can also see tissues similar to blood vessels. , There is still liquid flowing inside, which is quite disgusting. But it's not bad, this thing has no peculiar smell, and the muscle tissue in front of this ship has a slight fragrance. Of course, it's not the kind of scent of food, but a very special scent, which smells nice anyway.

"Is there the location of the person who found the core after you just linked up?" I stopped at a fork in the road and asked Lilith.

Lilith pointed directly under our feet. "The fastest way is to drill down from here, go through two decks and then turn right. It is thirty meters away."

I nodded and used eternity to make a hole in the ground directly. , But the muscle tissue on the ground really quickly sealed the hole, and in the end, it was Lilith who helped me through the two floors to reach the one she said.

Different from the two levels above, we hit one player as soon as we got to this level, and there was another player in front of us who looked back very unexpectedly, and immediately after seeing us Go and touch your own weapons. I was holding Eternity in my hand, so I didn't say anything but a sword stabbed this guy's heart through.

Retracted Eternity and stepped over the corpse. After walking two steps forward, I found a fork in the road. So I asked, "Which way?" After waiting for two seconds, I didn't hear the answer and turned my head. I found that Lilith was standing next to the two players, with her feet connected to the faces of the two players, and they were pulling together, and the two people currently had nothing left but bones. "I said, can you stop eating first?"

"Am I hungry?"

"Come here quickly and tell me where is that person?"

"Go ahead and keep going." Lilith walked over as she said, and I quickly followed along.

Thirty meters is not very far. We arrived soon, but we ran into three NPCs and a player on the way, and they all entered Lilith's stomach. Although this Lilith looks like a beautiful girl with all kinds of coquettish, but her essence is a monster through and through. Among all my favorites, she is the most terrifying, and there is no one. This is not to say how strong Lilith's battle strength is. The key is that her ability is so disgusting, even my master sometimes can't stand her a bit.

Actually speaking of which Lilith should be regarded as an almighty creature. Her body has no fixed shape. The reason why she always looks like a beautiful woman is just because she knows that this is good for her. . Although everyone knows that people should not be judged by their appearance, there are not many people who can really do it. Most people will be more gentle when they see beautiful people, and in this world, although gender equality has been advocated for a long time , But I have to say that the status of men is still generally higher than that of women, so being a beautiful woman can better protect herself and gain sympathy. This is why Lilith looks like a beautiful woman. The real Lilith is actually a mass of flesh. She can change the cell structure of the body at will according to her needs, mimicking organs of any shape and function in order to better adapt to the environment and improve battle strength.

Because of this ability to change its form and function at will, Lilith’s battle method is actually very rich, whether it is melee, long attack or legal professions, it can be played well. However, although she has this ability, her self-loving ability is still her most disgusting and most powerful ability-swallowing, or organization assimilation.

As long as there is substantial contact, no matter where it is, Lilith can swallow and assimilate the other party’s cell tissue with her own cells and tissues, and establish a neural connection with the other party, forcing control of the other party so that it cannot resist and Quickly transform the cells in the opponent's body and turn them into a part of your Divine Physique. The power of this ability is undoubtedly strong, almost as long as a carbon-based creature encounters her, she can only hide and beat, and once she is close, she will almost die. Of course, the more powerful creatures have the stronger ability to resist swallowing, but this resistance can only slow down the speed of being swallowed, and cannot completely offset this ability. Therefore, even a great god of the level of Dainichi Tathagata was touched by Lilith. , He wants to get rid of, the only way is to seal his body first to slow down Lilith’s swallowing speed, and then cut off the swallowed area along with a small part of the unswallowed part, which is the so-called broken arm of a strong man. Only in this way can the swallowing effect be completely cracked. Of course, if the part that is unfortunately swallowed belongs to an indivisible part, then you have to wait obediently to die.

Followed Lilith to a certain door in the middle of the corridor, and then we saw a bunch of muscular tentacles stretched out from this door to connect to the surrounding walls and the ground, and then moved towards all directions Spread out. Obviously, all the meat on the battleship extends from here, and this place is like the heart, the core of the entire biological battleship.

Although there is no door in this room, because the entrance is completely filled with muscle tissue, I can't get in at all. The self-regeneration speed of this thing is too fast. It can't be cut at all, but Lilith is the nemesis of this thing.

I stepped aside and made a please gesture to the door. Lilith smiled and walked forward and gently put her hand on the edge of the door, and then saw that the surrounding muscles began to move quickly It turned black, then dried out, and finally turned into powder and fell off, and as these muscle groups collapsed, the door was finally cleared.

When I entered the room, I discovered that this place was completely covered by muscles, there was meat everywhere, and I couldn't see where people were.

"Where is that person?"

"It's right in front of you!" Lilith said.

I looked at the fleshy ball that occupies the entire room again, and then asked: "Is it only this?"

Lilith probably understood what I meant. Then he said: "Wait. I will trim the outside part a bit."

With Lilith's words, the mass of flesh in front of her began to shrink rapidly, and Lilith also raised her arm through a tentacle. Connect with the meat ball, and move closer to the meat ball. When Lilith was standing in front of the meatball, I had discovered that this thing was only about the size of a cow, and at this time, I realized that the meatball was slowly emerging from the center of the ball. A human head. This is a fairly normal human head, and it looks like it should have been a beautiful woman before, but now it has no sense of beauty.

A single head grows like this on the connecting points of a bunch of tentacles, and the head is bare without a single hair, and its surface is now covered with mucus, even the other’s eyes Became that kind of completely white state, obviously has no eyesight.

Lilith cut the link with the meat dumpling. This thing now looks like an octopus with a human head, and it is a bit deformed because the ratio of the head to the tentacles is very asymmetrical. However, at least now I can barely tell that this is a person.

"Hey, can you hear me?" I shouted.

"Who are you?" The other party obviously still has hearing and can speak, but her eyes are obviously really lost because she is constantly adjusting the position of the head when I am talking. Confirm the source of the sound.

"Does it matter who I am? Anyway, you should know that I am your enemy?"

"Then what are you waiting for? Just kill me. You just Isn't it doing this already?" The other party should have said that Lilith had swallowed most of her body, not that she had done something.

I looked at this player, frowned, because the opponent actually started to grow again after a short pause. The tentacles on his body are growing rapidly. If you don’t control it, it will probably be again soon. Cover the entire battleship.

I gave Lilith a look, and the latter raised his hand again and held down one of the tentacles, so the growth rate of the other party was immediately stopped. "If I ask you how you became like this, you probably won't tell me?"

"You still ask if you know?"

"Then I'm sorry." I looked. towards Lilith, raised her hand and clicked on her temple, and then said: "I need what's inside."

"I don't guarantee all, but I should be able to find a part." Lilith looked at me and said. I was nodded, and then the woman suddenly uttered a mournful scream, and then the whole burst into a cloud of white ash. "Oh, yes, master, I found what you want."

Lilith is not simply absorbing energy by devouring other people’s cells. Not only can she extract the superior ability of the other’s gene fragments to strengthen my attribute, but also can get the other's short-term memory by swallowing the other's brain. Of course, this only includes in-game memory, and it does not really read the player's thinking, only equivalent to read the game record of the player character.

"What did you read?"

"It's amazing." Lilith looked towards me and said, "They were ordinary players, but they used an injection. Then it became what it is now. Moreover, they can not only cover battleships, but also cover cities or the bodies of other creatures, and even multiplayer groups can become super giant monsters. But it seems that this form is to burn personal attributes. It’s at the expense of EXP, so I only absorbed EXP when I swallowed them just now."

Before Lilith swallowed the biological armor on the first ship, I knew that my EXP was fast. Ascend, and Lilith usually eats other creatures and only passes a small part of the attribute value to me. It has never passed EXP directly to me, and there is still such a large amount of EXP. Now I finally found the reason, it turned out to be because of the players themselves.

"Did you see where that kind of thing came from?"

"They were sent to them by the gunman before they set off. Only the gunman should know the specific source."

When I heard this, I was frowned, because it would be very difficult to get that thing. Of course, if you really want to get it, you can't get it, but in this case, the success rate is definitely very low.

"Have you seen any other useful information?" I asked Lilith again.

What surprised me was that Lilith actually gave a useful message. "In the memory of this woman, I heard a few people passing by here talking about the fact that the Gun God sold this thing to Banshee Frozen. The Gun God sold two hundred injections to Banshee Frozen at a very high price. It’s a lot of money to seal Banshee."

"Ice Banshee?" I thought about it for a while and suddenly reacted. "Military god."


"Count how many of the Russian battleships have become biological battleships?"

" There are still one hundred and seventy-eight ships, and one has just been sunk by the Frost Rose using particle ray cannon."

After cutting off the communication, I started to organize my thoughts. Gun God sold two hundred to Banshee Frozen. If I were Banshee Frozen, I would not use up all of this thing if I bought this thing. It is inevitable to leave some for research. This is why I just asked the military god to count how many such battleships the Russians have, just to confirm my guess. Now it seems that my guess is correct, and Banshee has kept a backup.

Since the ice-bound Banshee has a backup, that is to say, I might be able to grab this thing. Of course, the premise is that this thing must be a guild material, not a personal item. This is very important in the game, because guild materials cannot be put into space equipment, that is, they can be snatched. If it is a personal item, put it in your portable space equipment unless you happen to be able to explode that equipment. , Otherwise there is no way to grab it.

"I hope it's guild equipment!" Although I'm not sure, I still have the mentality to try it out. If you can get one or two, it will be developed.

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