Looking at the ghost ships that are gradually being drawn closer, the battleships of the US-Russian combined fleet can no longer be polite. Previously, I couldn’t see the enemy’s position from a long distance, and I didn’t dare to open the cannons. Now I can see it. Of course, it’s not polite. , And then accurately hit the ghost battleship that was close at hand, and then... went out from the other side.

Despite being dragged by the enchanted anchor hook, the complacent members of the US-Russian combined fleet did not expect the battle to be far beyond expectations. In the first round of shelling, there was no ghost battleship explodes into waste as expected. Instead, all the ghost battleship explodes into waste passed through the opponent’s hull and shot into the opposite sea. Only a few ghost battleships were actually shot. , And was penetrated the deck and blew up a lot of wood chips. However, high-explosive grenades filled with huge might explosives can't produce much damage to these wooden shell battleships. The wooden battleship that was expected to disperse after a single shot actually survived the shelling. Even if some shells did hit, they only had the effect of armor-piercing bullets. For these ghost battleships, it was nothing more than extra. Just a few holes.

Because the first round shelling completely exceeded normal expectations, there was a brief sluggishness on the US-Russian combined fleet, but the ghost battleship side would not hesitate. After the opponent's round of shelling, the ghost battleships opened fire one after another, and the dense rain of shells roared, instantly opening a large number of holes in these large battleships.

After another round of beatings, the US-Russian combined fleet finally reacted and realized that the battleship in front of us had the ability to counterattack, so the artillery continued, but the ghost battleship on the opposite side was fictitious. Most of the artillery shells They will pass through the hall as if only the phantom was hit. A few shells occasionally happened to hit the ghost battleship and hit the ship's hull when it was materialized, but it felt like the shell was damp. The formidable power dropped by more than 90%. Large-scale artillery battles are almost the same, and hitting these wooden boats is just smashing some pieces of wood. It is possible to sink at least a few hundred rounds by sinking the opponent.

The shelling of the US-Russian combined fleet began to bombard the ghost battleship continuously, but the ghost battleship was stronger than them, and it continued to fight back against the opponent's shells.

The battleship of the US-Russia combined fleet is a modern battleship, with large tonnage, large artillery caliber, and much thicker armor, but these are all useless attributes. When facing the ghost battleship, only the thickness of the armor is meaningful, and the material is completely meaningless. You use diamonds as a dealer and wood for armor, the defensive power is exactly the same. As for the large tonnage... this is a bit useful, at least the blood bar is longer and resistant to beating. The caliber of the artillery...the armor-piercing projectile is actually not much different between the large caliber and the small caliber. As long as it can be penetrated, the difference between a 10-centimeter hole and a 5-centimeter hole is not very big. Of course, if the blasting ability of the cannonball is still there, then the large-caliber formidable power can be displayed. Unfortunately, when facing the ghost battleship, no matter what the cannonball will turn into a solid armor-piercing projectile, it simply does not explode.

The only attribute that really works is the rate of fire and the number of guns. If you have more cannons, you can fire more shells in a short period of time, and the high rate of fire has the same effect.

However, it is a pity that although the battleship of the combined US-Russian fleet has a large tonnage and a large gun caliber, their number of naval guns is completely inferior to less than five of them. A big wooden battleship.

The battleship of the sailing era used multi-deck artillery, and each layer was equipped with a large row of artillery. In reality, those early sailing battleships can have one-sided firepower of twenty or thirty artillery, even more how is in the game.

Because of the existence of various magics in the game, and there are also many magic plants with hardness comparable to steel, which can replace ordinary trees to provide super wood, so some wind battleships are larger than in reality. Those so-called big battleships are several times larger, and almost every guild has one or two sailing battleships with more than 200 artillery guns on one side. Even some large guilds will have that kind of super large sailing ship, and the number of artillery on one side is more than 500, and the firepower will definitely scare you to death.

However, the modern battleship pays attention to the layout of the central axis, and the caliber of the guns must be unified, so except for the three to five main turrets, there are not many secondary guns left. Although the ghost battleship of the Mist Fleet is not the kind of monster-class sailboat that can run around with a thousand artillery, its unilateral firepower is still considerable. Basically, each ship will have at least 150 artillery on one side. The opposite US-Russian combined fleet battleship usually does not have more than 50 single-sided gun barrels. In other words, in terms of the number of artillery, the ghost battleship is actually more than three times the large battleship that beats them five or six times.

Of course, at least one thing about modern battleship is very good, and that is the autoloader. Therefore, the battleship of the US-Russian combined fleet has an advantage in the rate of fire of the artillery. On average, the guns on the ghost battleship can fire five shots with two shots. However, this rate of fire advantage cannot completely offset the weakness of the number of barrels. As a result, the players of the US-Russian combined fleet were finally horrified to find that their battleship and the opponent's cautious confrontation could not beat others.

"Don't bring this, right?" Looking at the ghost battleship that had been shot at least a thousand rounds around, the crew of the US-Russian combined fleet almost collapsed. Eight-and-a-half of these more than 1,000 shells were hit, and they went straight into the water without hitting anything. Although the remaining one hundred came to hit the target, because they only wear it and don't explode, it basically has no effect except for blasting the opponent's hull. What is even more annoying is that the ghost battleship itself is not scientific, it does not rely on the buoyancy of water to float up at all, and it does not abide by any laws of physics at all. Even if the bottom of the boat is sieved, it is still not one drop of water can leak out. If the mast is interrupted, the speed will not decrease. Sailing against the wind is not slow at all. Even the sailing of a motor boat is somewhat affected. These guys with a sail can actually be faster than a motor boat in the case of sailing in the wind. You say this Where do you go?

Finally, the most depressing thing for players on the US-Russian combined fleet is the shells.

The formidable power of large-caliber naval guns of modern battleships is very scary. Even those large battleships of our Frost Rose League have been shot more than 100 rounds in a row. However, the ghost battleship froze with their artillery and ate more than a thousand shells, and they were still able to fight, but when they wanted to continue, the players of the US-Russian combined fleet found that their shells were almost gone.

Although it was said that this time it was a decisive battle, the question is who is all right to go out with tens of thousands of shells? There are so many that I can't hold it! The shells used by battleships are also smaller than gasoline drums, weighing half a ton per shot. How many more shells do you expect those battleships with their own armor to weigh tens of thousands of tons to carry?

What's even more annoying is that their battleship is almost out of shells, but the ghost battleship on the opposite side is a cool one. More than a hundred cannons never stopped from beginning to end. At least 5,000 rounds were fired back and forth, but it turned out to be still beating. This is clearly the rhythm of unlimited ammunition!

I originally came up with the method of enchanting the anchor hook and thought it would be able to turn it around. Now that I’m done, I just pulled an immortal palm into my hand, and I couldn’t throw it away!

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