After Masaka Matsumoto said that all the salvaged sunken or captured ships belonged to them, all the Japanese guild leaders jumped up in excitement.

Since Masaga Matsumoto led these Japanese guilds to "expulse" the Chinese guilds headed by our Frost Rose League from Japan, the most important thing these Japanese guild leaders want to do It is to restore the original large fleet. A Japanese island country, there is no inland, and there is no indifference. The most important thing is that the natural resources are severely biased. Some things are produced very large, but there are many things that you can't find at all. This geographical environment determines that Japan is very dependent on shipping. Japan without maritime traffic can only be a small third-rate country. Of course, Japanese players are not willing to be a small third-rate country. Therefore, they need shipping support, and smooth shipping is required. To maintain the large fleet.

However, the first thing our Frost Rose League did before invading Japan with a large group of Chinese guilds was to completely destroy Japan’s maritime power. Later, the Super Spy Program was launched. Masaga Matsumoto, the Japanese player leader, was instigated to become a member of our Frost Rose League, and under our operation, we transferred the security of the Japanese territory under our control to Matsumoto Masaga’s hands, and thus became Japan. The player created a great national hero. However, even if Masaga Matsumoto brought these Japanese players to restore Japan’s territory, Japan’s maritime power has been struggling all the time. The construction of a battleship is not just about money, it also involves technical strength, production capacity, basic resources, etc. aspect.

Of course, the game is impossible like the real world, but the basic requirements are still there. First of all, you have to have money to build a battleship, right? Who can help you build a ship without money? With money, you also have resources. In the game, build armor and collect iron ore. You can't turn into a ship out of thin air, right? Moreover, the complexity of battleship is many times more complicated than armor. Iron ore is just basic resources, and you need many other rare resources. The types of resources required for the large-scale battleships of our guild are basically more than 20,000, and the complexity is by no means as simple as imagined. This is why it is obvious that players are people who have experienced baptism in modern technology, but there are still wooden shell battleships everywhere in the game. It's not that they don't know how powerful modern battleship is, or that they don't want to build it, but that they don't have the ability to build it. They collect this resource alone, does not raise.

Don’t think that when our Frost Rose League fights other guilds, they are all super-advanced battleships fighting modern naval battles. Just think The naval battles in the game are all modern naval battles. In fact, the reason why everyone feels this way is entirely because those who dare to fight against our Frost Rose Alliance must be quite capable guilds, so it is not surprising that people have iron armored ships. However, the actual situation is that most guilds are actually still using wooden sail battleships as the main fleet group, and these guilds will also purchase some ironclad ships as the backbone of the guild fleet. This is the actual situation of naval battles in the guilds of various countries. There are not many guilds that can be used for this thing of iron armored ships, and there are fewer guilds that can be built by themselves, and there are only a few guilds that can build large iron ships.

For example, in China, there are five guilds that can build modern armored battleships. One is our Frost Rose League, one is the Northern Alliance, and three are three commercial guilds. They don’t How to directly participate in the battle, but the production capacity is very strong. However, these three guilds can actually only build a light cruiser that level of battleship at most, and no matter how big it is, only us and the Northern Alliance can build it. Among them, the Northern Alliance can build the largest standard battleship, and the super battleship can only be built by our Frost Rose League. As for the battleships of the small guilds, they are basically purchased from our five guilds.

Because Japan is close to the sea, it has invested heavily in ship manufacturing. When it was not occupied by us before, there were about a dozen guilds in Japan that could build their own armored battleships, and three of them could. Building battleships, and the number of berths for building large battleships is only one less than that of our country. It can be said that the production capacity is considerable.

However, after being occupied by us once, after Masaka Matsumoto took over and regained control of these places, the actual number of slipways dropped to less than one-tenth of the original number, and most of the rest were There is only one small berth that can be used to build battleships, and it is not yet possible to build large battleships, only pocket battleships.

In Japan now, although some players have recharged and exchanged funds from outside to meet their money needs, the resources are not enough. Those tens of thousands of resources are not available at all. Even if they collect some, it is enough to save one or two. For a ship, there is actually not a big difference between having and not having battle strength. In terms of construction capacity, I said before that there are only a few slipway left, even if the resources are sufficient, don't expect mass production. Finally, the technical strength may be the only part of Japan that has a bit of confidence. Because technical resources are mainly two parts, technical materials and technicians, and these things can be taken away, so although most of the country was occupied at the beginning, the loss of this part is not too great for Japan, so it is basically satisfied need. However, not to mention that there are only two problems to be solved. Even if the three problems are solved, only one is impossible to get the battleship. So, now suddenly I heard that you can get a captive or sinking battleship, and those Japanese guild leaders would be so excited.

Don’t think that a sunken ship is useless. Even if the ship sinks, everything is still there. Some ships can be used directly by repairing the holes, even if they are completely blown up, they can be dismantled and recycled. Don’t forget that Japan’s most lack of resources is resources, and these sunken ships are equivalent to a proportion of resources. Just take them back and add a little more lossy resources to get another ship. This is a good thing they usually can't think of.

Also. Let’s not talk about the ships that were taken by the captives. After getting back, a large part of the sunken ships can be used for repairs. Ship repair is different from shipbuilding. As long as there is a dry dock, it can be repaired. There is no need to occupy production. Slipway, there is actually a certain difference between the two. The production berth is more like an automated robot production line for the production of cars. Although the shipbuilding in the game is assisted by NPC and some large-scale machinery, it is basically equivalent to automation for the players. The dock is actually just a rudimentary factory building, at best, it is equivalent to a repair shop. There is a big gap between the technical content of the two, so after the war, the shipyard in Japan was repaired very quickly, and until now, there are only one shipyard that can be used and three under construction.

Because Japan is in urgent need of developing its navy, and they happen to lack relevant resources, the captives and sunken ships of the US-Russian combined fleet left in this battle are absolutely astonishing. of. Of course, if it were not because Masaga Matsumoto is ours, I would never give the Japanese such an opportunity, because it will expand their war potential, which is not a good thing for us. However, because Masaga Matsumoto is ours, the strength of Japanese players is now approximately equal to our strength. This is the basis for the implementation of this plan.

After a period of excitement, the Japanese guild leaders who were dazzled by the good news finally regained their ability to think, and then one of the guys who responded quickly asked the question first. . "But this Monarch, once these ships arrive in our hands, our strength will inevitably be greatly enhanced, and our relationship with the Frost Rose Alliance... You know, we have not been very harmonious, and the Frost Rose Alliance has always been doing things. Not one drop of water can leak out, this kind of behavior that will obviously strengthen us, they shouldn't be so simple, they agree to it?"

Matsumoto Masaga smiled and looked towards that guy, not only He didn't say anything, but praised: "I thought you would only think about it after you go back. It seems that everyone's IQ is much higher than my estimate. Yes, these benefits are not in vain. Fight against the Frost Rose League. For so long, you should all know what their virtues are. If you want to benefit from the Frost Rose League without paying the price, it is purely courting death. In fact, these ships this time are only part of the deal."

"Then what do we need to pay for these ships?" The Japanese guild president who spoke before wanted to ask seriously: "The Frost Rose League will not do a loss-making business, so what they ask for should be It’s not a common thing, right?"

"Yes, it’s not a common thing, but it’s not important to us."

"Is it something we don’t need Something?" a Japanese guild president asked quickly.

"It's not useless." Masaka Matsumoto continued: "Purple Moon and I talked about the trading target of three kinds of minerals and more than 30 kinds of special biological materials. The list is here, and I will print it. More than a dozen copies, you can pass them around. Just as you know that the Frost Rose League will not easily provide the conditions for us to grow stronger, we certainly don’t want them to grow stronger, so Purple Moon intends to use this batch of leftovers from the war. Battleship and other conditions are used as the bargaining chip to start trading with us. We sell the items on the list, and the Frost Rose Alliance provides us with all kinds of materials needed to build the battleship, and the two sides trade with each other at the international standard transaction price."

"It sounds good." A Japanese guild president asked: "But you just said there are other projects?"

"Yes. The battleship wreckage and the battleship from the captives. It's just a part. Purple Moon has promised me. They will send an engineering team to build ten large slipway for us. Of course, we are responsible for the salary and construction materials of these people, but you know the construction team of the Frost Rose League. Fast speed and good quality are famous. So, as long as the agreement is reached and our own slipway is completed in a week, we will have 13 large slipway and unlimited supply of various resources. When the time comes, we will We can start mass production of large-scale battleships. As long as we deploy them properly, it’s not a problem to launch two battleships on each berth every week. In this way, we can have 26 battleships in one week, and within two months we can return to battle. The first 80% level. This is the case with the Young Master force ship."

Listening to Matsumoto’s statement, the Japanese guild leaders were stimulated by the bright prospects, and they are now No one has raised any objections at all, and everyone is looking forward to what Matsumoto Masaka said can quickly become a reality.

Seeing that the atmosphere is almost there, Masaga Matsumoto once again opened the mouth and said: "Okay, everyone knows the situation now, let us start to act. The benefits of the Frost Rose Alliance are not so good. Take it, if you don’t pay, there is no return. You don’t want to go back empty-handed, do you?"

"Of course." Because of the situation, they had to cooperate with us to deal with the US-Russian combined fleet. Now they really hope to completely fix the US-Russian combined fleet, because as long as the US-Russian combined fleet sinks, they will have the materials to build new ships.

The Japanese guild leaders returned to their fleet and spread what Matsumoto Masaka said. Then the Japanese players below also started to boil, and our guild is here We used this time to complete the final supply, and estimated that the time the Japanese guild president should have completed the task transmission, we began to officially issue the departure order.

"Attention to all ships of the combined fleet, I am the god of war, and now I am taking over the command of the fleet. All battleships please accurately execute all tactical instructions to ensure the victory of the battle. Then, now I order, the whole ship will start , Turn to an azimuth angle of 78, and maintain a speed of three."

With the command of the military god, the entire fleet began to leave the port one after another, and then slowly accelerated to a speed of three knots, and when everyone’s speed reached three knots, the army God again asked the ships to accelerate to a speed of ten knots. When everyone's speed came up, the fleet began to collectively accelerate to 15 knots, 20 knots, and finally stabilized at 22 knots. The reason why I can’t drive to full speed is because some of the Japanese battleships in the fleet have poor performance and the highest speed is only 28 knots, and the maximum speed of 28 knots. If you maintain that speed, these ships are estimated to be unable to wait for the United States. The appearance of the Russian combined fleet burned its own propellers. Therefore, in order to ensure safety, we finally chose the slowest safe cruising speed of the battleship, which is 22 knots. At this speed, all battleships can guarantee a stable speed.

After our main fleet left the port, the Fog Fleet was dragged by our battleship while sailing. These ghost ships can only increase their speed when they find the enemy. Now they are sailing in this state. The speed simply can’t keep up with our fleet, so we have to be dragged forward by our battleship. Fortunately, the displacement of the ghost ship is equal to zero, and towing is just a meaning. Even if a small sampan is used to drag the entire mist fleet, it will not add anything. resistance. Of course, the premise is that the Fog Fleet will cooperate with you in sailing, and if they pull against you, it will produce quite a lot of resistance.

After all the battleships on our side departed from the port and sailed to a suitable speed, the aerial battleship that has been in the center of the fleet began to pressurize the solar furnace, and as the solar furnace was gradually activated, the surrounding Japan Players on the battleship looked at the draughts of the battleships in front of them with some envy and jealousy. In the end, even the bottom of the battleship rose from the surface of the water, and slowly rose from the surface with the falling sea water. Into the air.

Several Japanese battleships are just in front of the Frost Rose. The Japanese players on the ship almost witnessed the Frost Rose out of the water, and finally looked up at it. When the huge flying battleship flew over their heads and was covered by the huge black shadow, one of the Japanese players couldn't help but envy and said: "When will we have such a spaceship?"

"There will be, as long as we don't go the wrong way." The guild leader next to the player patted his shoulder and said, "Didn’t I tell you? Matsumoto Masaga The Purple Moon guy has talked about it. As long as we are willing to open a trade, the Frost Rose Alliance will help us build ten large berths. Soon we will have our own battleship. And we got back so many from the Russians before. Technology. Now the technicians in the guild are still sorting. After all the sorting is completed, maybe you can find some technology that can build a flying battleship. Until then..."

" Let's wait until then! Now we can only build surface ships before talking." Said a pretty beautiful woman next to the president. This woman is the president of another Japanese guild, but her guild is rather special, and she doesn't have her own battleship, so she took a downwind. However, although she does not have her own battleship, her guild is definitely a first-class battle in terms of big battles. Even the power under Masaka Matsumoto's hands may not be able to win against this woman's guild, because This woman's guild has the most sea beasts in Japan. All the players in her guild are good at driving the Sea Beast to fight, so every time they go out to fight in the guild, a large group of ocean rare beasts are dispatched, not even ships.

Of course, this kind of power is okay against normal fleets. It will be fine if we run into our Frost Rose Alliance fleet. After all, our Frost Rose Alliance has a lot of Sea Beasts. There are divine creatures that move in the water, and their Sea Beasts are obviously not enough compared to those mythical existences. But at least her position in Japan is still very good, because after the Japanese fleet was destroyed, only they can continue to get the resources they need from overseas. This is also a good reason for the development of this guild. After all, the external traffic in Japan is almost completely cut off, but they can transport things inside. This exclusive transaction is naturally super profitable.

In the eyes of the players on the Japanese side with envy and hatred, our flying battleships lifted into the sky and raised their heights, and then suddenly one of the flying battleships shot out with a dazzling look. White light aircraft. After this thing was launched, it immediately began to accelerate moved towards the front and flew over, almost disappearing in the blink of an eye.

In fact, it was a special reconnaissance aircraft that just flew out. The principle is the same as the attack aircraft used before. However, unlike the attack aircraft, this aircraft is used for reconnaissance, so the structure is more extreme. This thing not only has no armor, but also no weapons. In addition to the power system and a simple shell, there is only a reconnaissance pod that is slightly larger than a basketball. It is precisely because the things that can be dispensed are not installed, so the total weight of this thing is more than 100kg. The ultimate flying speed can reach almost eighteen times the speed of sound. When necessary, you can even use the built-in magic device for short-distance jumps. The speed is absolutely incomparable. . Of course, the investigative ability is the strength of this guy. Because the flying speed is super fast, this guy hardly has to worry about being intercepted. Even with a beam weapon, you need to aim to hit it. The speed of this thing determines that no one can aim at it in motion at all, so this guy can be close to the enemy for detection, and can transmit the detected intelligence back in real time.

The US-Russian combined fleet soon discovered the appearance of this thing, and the players in our guild riding long spear in the sky turned around and left after seeing the appearance of this thing. NS. The appearance of this kind of aircraft indicates that our large forces have arrived, so they no longer need to keep stalking.

The aircraft made a slight deformation immediately after it reached the US-Russian combined fleet. The front end of the aircraft, which looked a bit like an egg from below, suddenly separated to two sides to form a similar "mountain." The shape of the word. The aerodynamic shape of this forward-swept wing aircraft is far more than any aircraft used by our guild before. Because this guy has no combat needs, it can unscrupulously strengthen the aerodynamic shape, which naturally produces the best aerodynamic shape of the guild. Aircraft.

After the transformation was completed, the speed of this thing immediately dropped, from the original eighteen times the speed of sound to eight times the speed of sound. Of course, this speed is still fast and scary, and this thing not only maintains an astonishing speed of eight times the speed of sound, but it also rushes around over the opponent's fleet. The beam weapons of the Holy Gun League and the Russian anti-aircraft guns fired and intercepted, but this thing almost ignored all attacks and flew around the fleet at a terrifying speed, sometimes even only a few meters from the sea. The distance between the two battleships passed through the gap between the two battleships, and this behavior was like a provocation, the angry ice-bound Banshee and the gun god almost did not vomit blood.

"Attention, all units, what you are seeing are real-time images shot by our spy." The voice of the god of war came from the communicator, and the portable communicator obtained by the battleship of the Japanese fleet was projected from above. The three-dimensional images of the Japanese players were amazed, and this terrifying detection method allowed them to understand why the previous naval battles suffered every time.

Of course, the military god did not care what they thought, but continued: "Now pay attention to these battleships that are being surrounded by spy. Please try to observe their weapon system so that you can have a general idea of ​​the future battle. Acknowledgement. In addition, please pay attention to the formation of the opponent's fleet. When the opponent enters the fog, the opponent will not dare to change randomly. Therefore, we can calculate the distance between the opponent's battleship based on the current fleet information. If I cannot provide you with precise guidance Information or because of some accidents, you are unable to receive my command. Please extend the artillery fire according to the current enemy fleet formation. It should have the greatest tactical effect."

Introducing various arrangements and handling of special circumstances, it can be said that the matter is fine. Anyway, the Japanese fleet personnel listened bluntly. They didn't expect our command system to be like this. It was actually accurate to this point. To this extent, it can be said that as long as you are not a fool, you can basically achieve the expected tactical goals according to these operations.

As time goes by, the distance between the two fleets is getting closer, and we can finally start to act.

"Attention to all battleships, now you will start to adjust the sailing mode and enter the serpentine maneuvering state. Please move according to the guidance information you hear. Don’t pay attention to the movement of the battleships around you, each of you Battleships are all independently commanded. It is normal for all the movement states to be different. Don’t think that you have misheard the instructions. Now, please start the maneuver mode."

At this time, the military god no longer uses universal Broadcasting, but began to conduct individual and precise command for each ship. This kind of thing is a trivial matter to the military god. After all, so many people commanded them during land warfare. Although these battleships are large, a ship is an independent individual, and commanding is no more complicated than commanding a group of people. The number of ships in the fleet is much less than the number of personnel in land warfare, so it is actually quite an easy job for the god of war.

The captains of the Japanese fleet listened to the communicator constantly reminding them how much to turn left and how much to turn right, as well as telling them that the speed of the battleship was fast or slow, and they suddenly felt a moment. confused. The reason they are confused is because they are not sure why the god of war pays so much attention to themselves.

In fact, this situation has happened to our guild players before, because the military god is a computer, and he can talk to tens of thousands of people at the same time without interfering with each other. But the problem is that humans can’t do this, and the god of war is a player on the outside, so when many people find that the god of war keeps reminding themselves what to do throughout the battle, there will be a god of war that has been paying attention to it alone. My own misjudgment, the result is that many people are wondering why the army god always pays special attention to himself when he puts the army in command and does not command. It was not until a long time later that the players in our guild confirmed that the military god was not actually paying attention to himself, but was actually commanding more than one person at the same time. As a result, many players in the guild began to say that the god of war is not actually a player, but a special NPC, but we have never explained this, and no one really came to ask me anyway.

Although some Japanese players have experienced this personal command method of military gods during the previous Russian battles, most people in the navy don’t actually know this, but , Even if I tried it once before, this time it still made them feel very uncomfortable. But this kind of feeling as if the coach is running behind you while instructing you on what to do. To be honest, it is really safe. As long as you get used to this mode, you will find that this is the limit state of command. Of course, human beings will never be able to do this kind of command mode, not to mention that the brain can't react, even if you have that kind of thinking speed, how do you plan to talk to tens of thousands of people at the same time with just one mouth?

When the fleet entered the serpentine maneuver, the battleship of the mist fleet suddenly left the formation, no longer guided by our battleship, but began to move forward independently. Of course, their speed is slower. There was no way to get ahead of us. However, under the command of the god of war, our fleet actually moved out from the middle divided into two in the north and south directions, so now it is actually the Fog Fleet that is still sailing head-on with the US-Russian combined fleet. NS.

According to the plan, the Misty Fleet will approach the US-Russian combined fleet from the front, and the Misty Fleet itself has been in the fog. Therefore, the US-Russian combined fleet is almost impossible to threaten them outside of the fog, even if it fires indiscriminately. , Fixed long is just to get a few shots, which is of little practical significance.

Our main force will be divided into two parts and will advance in the northeast and south-east direction at an angle of forty-five degrees with the route of the mist fleet. When the US-Russian combined fleet completes contact with the Misty Fleet, our two fleets will be located on the same longitude line as the US-Russian combined fleet, and they will be located 120 kilometers north and south of the combined US-Russian fleet. 120 kilometers away. After that, our two fleets will turn inwards and turn around, driving side by side in the same direction as the US-Russian combined fleet. Due to the internal turning, after the turn, our two fleets should be exactly 80 kilometers away from each other. After that, our fleet approached the combined US-Russian fleet until the distance was reduced to 50 kilometers. At this distance, even the naval guns of the Japanese fleet should be able to obtain the battleship of the US-Russian combined fleet. At this time, the Fog Fleet, which has been hiding near the combined US-Russian fleet, will truly begin to attack the combined US-Russian fleet. Because they have a visual range advantage in the mist, as long as the mist fleet does not take the initiative, the US-Russian combined fleet will definitely not be able to spot them in advance. Of course, they should know what this is immediately when they enter the mist, but invisible means invisible, and it's useless if they know it. As long as the mist fleet doesn't want to fight, they can't take the initiative to fight back.

When the Fog Fleet and the US-Russian joint fleet begin to engage in fire, the tracking locators pre-installed on the Fog Fleet’s ships will function. Fang's special equipment reads the position information, and then erases the position of the Fog Fleet ship from the angle of the bombardment where I set the battleship, so that unless we miss it, there will be no accidental injury. At the same time, the batch of positioning projectiles previously supplied by the Fog Fleet will also start to work. This projectile has only a small amount of charge and low explosive power. A large number of locators are pre-installed inside. With the explosion, these locators with magnets will be used. Attached to the enemy's battleship, while the Mist Fleet’s own ship is a ghost ship, or wood, and will never be attracted by the locator. Therefore, these locators will be scattered and attached to the surface of the enemy ship with the explosion. Our signal collection equipment can roughly trace the outlines of enemy ships by reading the position information of these locators. With these virtual outlines, our main force, that is, the two fleets located outside the fog You can directly follow the shooting parameters provided by the military god for shelling.

Of course, the US-Russian combined fleet will know that we are in the vicinity after being bombarded, but it's the same as we said before. What use do they know? In the mist, the shelling came from both sides at the same time. The only judgment they could make was to know that we were near them, but they couldn't judge the distance and direction at all. In this case, even if they fire randomly, they are basically unlikely to hit us. Even if dogshit luck hits a few shots occasionally, it is not a problem at all for us. Anyway, we do not expect a lossless victory in such a large-scale naval battle. , Even if a part of the battleship is sunk, it is normal, not to mention just a few shells.

Although this tactic has been set a long time ago, what the Japanese fleet knows is to sail in accordance with our requirements, and the specific arrangements are not clear. Therefore, when our two sub-compartments and the United States and Russia When the combined fleet was at the same longitude and started turning inward from both sides to catch up with the combined US-Russian fleet and sailing side by side, the Japanese players finally breathed in their breath and began to marvel that our plan was so perfect.

"My God! This was actually planned in advance!" A Japanese guild captain couldn't help but exclaimed after looking at the fleet location information projected above the communicator. There is a large gray area in the middle of the green dot matrix. This is the fog area, and now everyone knows that the US-Russian combined fleet has already gotten in. As for what will happen next, this is basically no more guessing.

As for why the U.S.-Russian combined fleet has to dive into the mist... This question is actually very easy to answer. The US-Russian combined fleet is to force us to make a decisive battle, so they need to sail to China's coastal waters non-stop. Although the fog of the Fog Fleet can be seen at first glance, there is a problem, but the problem is that they can't wait. If you circumvent this cloud of fog, then the delay will be immeasurable, and this cloud of fog was clearly directed at them before, and they also know that we will have a ghost fleet, so they probably know that they are around. But to go, so instead of wasting time to turn, it is better to rush directly, anyway, the battle strength of the Mist Fleet itself is actually not too exaggerated. It's a pity that they didn't expect the Fog Fleet is only the first wave, and our main force is waiting for them outside the fog.

"We are in place, can we start?" After the squadron was turned, King Chuang used the communicator to notify me, because I was not on the Frost Rose at this time, nor in eternity. No., but on the ghost shi

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