Of course, the gorilla monster can't get through, because our three-dimensional blocking method is too thorough, and I am not the kind of impulsive person, knowing that the tactical goal is to delay time Rather than kill this guy, so I simply don’t approach the gorilla over there, and only let my pet be near him and interfere with his goal of approaching me. As for myself, I’m riding far away on the back of Night Shadow. Watching all this.

Compared with Asuka's high-speed maneuvering ability, Nightshade's explosive power is obviously better. The most important thing is that the ability of dream shuttle is activated very fast, almost comparable to instantaneous movement. No matter how good the acceleration of the bird is, it is also moving by aerodynamic force, so the trajectory of the movement is traceable. As long as the advance is calculated, it may not be missed. But the night shadow is different, once it disappears from a certain location, it reappears, it may be where it is.

However, in this strange place I also found a hidden restriction, that is, I seem to be unable to separate too far from the gorilla. Originally, my idea of ​​at first was to let Ling ride Yeying to command the demon pet to fight here, anyway, she can mobilize my summon creature. As for myself, the original plan was to fly up as much as possible, because the gorilla will definitely continue to fall down after being disturbed. In this way, if I fly up and he will fall down, the distance between us will increase. So as long as I am not stupid to court death, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he will definitely take me in no way.

However, this plan was soon invalidated when it was verified, because when I flew upwards for a certain distance, it seemed as if I was suddenly held by a force, and I couldn't move upwards anymore. This kind of power is not a wall blocking me, but directly acting on my body, pulling me down. And, when the gorilla fell down after being trapped, I would also be pulled down by this force. As a result, I didn't dare to fall how far the gorilla fell. The distance between us was always fixed.

Since I discovered this problem, I knew that there must be a distance limit between us, so I could only descend a certain height and cruise at the edge of the gorilla's sight range. This distance is not the limit of the distance between us, but it is almost the same. The reason why I no longer maintain the maximum distance is mainly because I will be pulled down when the guy falls, so if I maintain the maximum distance, I will frequently face the pulling force and be passively pulled down. This feeling is quite not good. Besides, in case that guy has any hidden long-range attack methods, I am simply unable to maneuver to dodge while being pulled by the maximum distance, so for safety, it is safer to keep a little closer. In this way, when he falls, I can calmly lower my height to adapt to the distance limit, and when the opponent launches an attack, I can also have more directions to dodge.

Although the distance between me and the gorilla is not the largest now, this distance has actually reached seven or eight kilometers. People with a lot of eyesight actually simply cannot see people at this distance, because here The size of a person at this distance is just a black spot the size of a needle tip. Basically, you need to stare in that direction for a long time to determine whether there is such a spot. Of course, the eyesight of both me and the gorilla is quite exaggerated, so we can actually see each other clearly, but this distance is actually beyond the range of most skills. After all, everyone in the game basically uses cold weapons, and the combat radius is usually within 100 meters. Even in the war mode, the engagement distance starts from seven or eight kilometers. From this distance, both sides’ artillery and guns are used. Legion-level spells are fighting, and ordinary players still need to fight at close range in the end, so because they don't need it, naturally no one will master this kind of skill that can attack within seven or eight kilometers. Even the Demon Archer, most of the skills' strike range is not more than one kilometer, after all, there are very few opportunities for ultra-long-range attacks.

Although the surrounding passages were blocked by my familiars, the gorilla obviously did not give up. After observing for a while, he suddenly made a jump action, and our crystal He immediately predicted the opponent's target and turned around and rushed over with a sickle, trying to pull the pumice stone away before it caught the pumice stone. However, what surprised us was that the gorilla's intelligence was not low, and it was just a fake action. As soon as the crystal turned around, he suddenly followed and moved towards a pumice stone in the opposite direction and jumped out.

Dragon Clan’s flying skills are very good, but after all, the weight is too large and the steering is impossible. So suddenly, it is not a simple thing to turn back after just completing a turn, so although I desperately want It was still half a beat slow to catch up.

Although the crystal was swayed past, the gorilla was not only surrounded by this group of people. Just when he was about to fall on the pumice stone, he suddenly watched When the two Fireballs flew over, they flew straight into his eyes and hurriedly used their arms to protect their eyes. When the gorilla released his arms again, he was surprised to find that the original footing point was flying all around. Open.

Pumice stone is not a solid thing. At best, it is slightly harder than ordinary stones. Under Mira’s destruction rays, it was instantly bombarded by one third, and the remaining 2/3/ Although 2021 is not too small, it cannot carry the weight of a gorilla at all. As soon as he fell on it, he felt the pumice under his feet sink suddenly, and the speed was very fast. However, it is always possible to have a foothold, so he quickly took off again, but this time it was even worse. As soon as he jumped up, he was hit by a white lightsaber that was longer than him. Not only his face was hit. The torn skin and gaping flesh flew across, and what's more terrible is that the huge impact completely changed his direction.

Lingling watched the gorilla who was knocked down and took back her holy sword with satisfaction. This was her full strength attack just now, and the formidable power was big enough to kill many high-level players in seconds. Of course, the gorilla is an ancient creature, even if it was divided by the Eight-Different Snake and they took away most of the power Avatar, it still surpasses us players by a lot, so this time it will not kill him, but it is not completely. no effect. For the gorilla, this was the first time he felt a huge threat to his life, because this level of attack would be enough to kill him just ten or twenty times.

Of course, although this gorilla is very afraid of this kind of attack, this is Lingling’s large-scale skill, which not only consumes super high mana and has a slightly longer preparation time, but more importantly, this skill has a long cooling time. , So continuous use is impossible, the gorilla is really worried. However, because he didn't know this, he would leave a part of his attention to stare at Lingling no matter what he was doing now, for fear that she would have another sudden attack. After all, the behavior of other people was just harassment to him, and only Lingling's attack could cause serious harm.

The gorilla who was smashed by the light of a holy sword from Lingling quickly found a new foothold, and then stabilized his body again, but at this time he didn't dare to jump around. Although the previous fake action deceived the crystal, it certainly won't work every time, so if you want another successful deception, you need to think of other ways.

If the average brainless monster is sure to keep trying stupidly, but this gorilla’s intelligence is still good, so he has come up with many methods to try, in addition to fake actions, he I also thought of the way that Xi'an jumped up and actively hit a small piece of pumice to change the route, and then landed on the real target. The advantage of this method is that it allows him to make one or two turns on the jumping route, which makes it impossible for us to determine the final landing point, thereby increasing the difficulty of interception. However, this method quickly proved to be ineffective, because there are too many people on our side, and almost all the targets he can choose are shown to death. No matter whether he can deceive us, there will always be someone. He will stay next to his target pumice stone. As long as it is determined that it is his foothold, he will immediately take action to destroy the pumice stone or make it move. Anyway, it is all sorts of troubles.

After trying many methods repeatedly, the gorilla finally realized that this is not the way. There are too many people on our side, and all of them can fly. They have the advantage of super mobility. The battle strength in the place where it takes root is basically no one in ten, and simply has no capital to fight against us, so even if we do not interfere with him in this way, but simply avoid him, he should not expect to catch up with us.

The advantage of intelligent creatures is that they can predict the future within a certain range based on the status quo. For example, this gorilla predicted that if this continues, he can only do useless work, so he decisively gave up and continued. Instead of thinking about other methods.

After standing on the pumice over there for ten minutes, this guy finally moved again. Because he hasn't changed places for a long time before, so this time it moved a bit and we immediately became alert. But what this guy did was not different from before. It simply walked to the edge of the pumice stone, then squatted down and grabbed the edge of the pumice stone with four hands, and then suddenly jumped.

This direct take-off method has been tried many times before, and it will be intercepted every time. It can be said that it has been proved that it is impossible to achieve. However, this guy didn't even care about his previous failures, so he did it again.

Although I don’t understand why this guy who looked pretty smart before suddenly became so stupid, we can’t just look at it or not? Ever since, when this guy took off again, our interference team immediately gathered around to make trouble. However, at this moment, the gorilla made an amazing move.

Sure enough, ten minutes of thinking is not without any effect, the gorilla finally thought of a way. Immediately after he jumped up, the crystal immediately moved towards the pumice stone he was aiming at and rushed over. Powered flight is of course impossible slower than jumping, so the crystal came first with a sickle, and saw that it had to stick the pumice stone with spider silk and drag it away as before. However, at the crucial moment, the gorilla suddenly raised his arm and threw it forward with all his strength. Following us, we saw a small white object exploding in the air. The group of white mist flew out with the air waves visible by naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it caught up with the crystal and the sickle, and then hit the base of the crystal's wings.

With a loud explosion sound, the white object instantly exploded into a ball of white powder at the base of the crystal's wings, and the crystal also lost balance with a scream and fell towards the bottom.

We were all stunned by this sudden change, but Ling reacted quickly and made the correct judgment in less than two seconds. "Plague, go down and catch the crystal and sickle. Xiaochun will help treat it. The others spread out, and the remote firepower is suppressed. That guy has small rocks in his hand!"

In fact, the gorilla just used it. The method is not so complicated. What he did is simply to hit people with a rock. The only difference is that his power was so great that a rock was thrown out at supersonic speed by him. When flying out of the hand, the burst of white aerosol was actually the shock wave generated at the moment of the stone breakthrough sound barrier, causing the water vapor in the air to be reduced to water droplets to form a white air mass. As for the later stones bursting into powder on the crystal body, this is of course because the speed of the stones is too fast, and dragon scales themselves are not fragile things, so in the end the stones can only burst and become one. Large pieces of stone powder.

To be honest, although this method seems very simple, it is really not something most people can use.

First of all, the source of this stone is a problem. This is the sky, not the ground. You are impossible to pick up small stones everywhere, so the stone that the guy just threw out must have been taken off the edge of the pumice stone under his feet when he jumped. The power requirement to pull a fragment from the pumice stone with bare hands is enough to stop the overwhelming majority creatures.

Second, even if you have the ability to pull down a piece of pumice, ballistics is still a problem.

This thing is a pumice stone, not an ordinary stone, its own buoyancy changes with height changes, and this change is not completely regular, so this thing will not draw a line during the throwing process A perfect parabola will have different trajectories depending on the direction of your throw, but it is certain that the trajectory will not be a straight line, and there will never be any regularity at all.

Because the flying trajectory of this thing is chaotic, it is obviously not a simple matter to hit a distant target. We must know that although giant dragons have a large target, their flying skills are also very good. If the flying speed of the stone is too slow, they can avoid it.

So, in the face of these difficulties, the gorilla used the simplest violent method-violent throwing.

We all know that the greater the force of throwing, the faster the stone will fly, and the faster the flying speed, the smaller the deviation of the stone itself due to its own buoyancy during the entire flight. And because the speed of the stone is fast enough, the target will not be able to make dodge actions within this time, thus ensuring the hit rate. This method may seem simple, but in fact the power required is amazing. The stone that just shot down the crystal was exploded into powder, so everyone didn’t understand the specific size, but judging from the flight trajectory, it also has a diameter of at least eighty to ninety centimeters, that is to say, the size of the thing. It's quite big. And the other party can accelerate such a big thing to supersonic speed in an instant, and this power can be imagined.

After the first attempt and the desired effect was obtained, the gorilla immediately began to disguise the pumice under his feet into a large amount of gravel in his hand, and then immediately aimed at a nearby piece of pumice that was slightly higher and jumped. Past.

Seeing this guy jumping again, our jamming team immediately dispatched, Lucky and Xiaosan outflanked from both sides, but just not far away saw the gorilla over there suddenly turned and moved towards Xiaosan thrown out A stone. This time the shot is still momentum is big, power is deep, and the speed is as fast as lightning. When Xiaosan came to his side, he was rubbed on his back by a stone, and the stone instantly turned into a powder moved towards a side bounce. Sputtering, but Xiao San also came in severe pain, the entire balance was disrupted, and he fell very rolling, but he did not completely lose control.

Fortunately, he discovered that this situation was immediately served by the long-range dragon flame bomb, but the guy fought hard for a few times and moved towards Lucky again and threw a stone. However, luck was higher than the junior third, and the reaction was much faster. A magic shield appeared in front of luck, and it was facing the rock at a sixty-degree angle. When the stone hits the magic array, it immediately shatters the entire magic array, but the pumice itself is also broken into a large number of small fragments and bounces back to the side, not hitting luck, and luck just roars after finishing all this. He rushed up and planned to fight hand-to-hand, but as soon as he flew halfway away, he heard Ling yelling: "Lucky, come back." Pumice stone, and then dived away. The gorilla obviously didn't want to let go of luck, so he roared and jumped over, but just when his paws were about to catch the tip of the lucky tail, suddenly a red beam was shot directly at the palm of the gorilla. The fried flesh was vague, and the gorilla capture plan was also forced to be interrupted.

The luck that escaped the catastrophe quickly pulled back to Ling's side. Ling glared at him and said to the surroundings: "No one is allowed to approach that guy without the master's order. Our task is to hold him back. He didn’t work hard with him."

Just when Ling’s tone barely fell, the gorilla over there trembled suddenly, and then the image of a gorilla about the size of a normal person changed from Separate above this subject. As soon as this newly appeared Avatar appeared, it flew towards one direction like a lightning, and disappeared from our sight in the blink of an eye.

Everyone froze for a while, and then Ling was the first to react. "Hahaha, someone has killed the Avatar he was in charge of, and that guy's power has dropped again."

Everyone also reacted when Ling said that. Once this guy’s Avatar dies, a new Avatar will be split, and then this ontology will be constantly weakened, and what remains is a very weak ontology in the end. But now it seems that the Avatar who has just been killed should be the Avatar of one of them in charge of Masaka Matsumoto, because the Avatar that was split out is a human-sized Avatar. If the Baqi Orochi is completed first, then the body in front of me is estimated to become a minimal state, or even disappear directly. The specific situation is not quite clear, but anyway, I can be sure, as long as the Baqi Orochi is. Once the side wins, the battle here can be over.

Although the reduced Avatar is only equivalent to the strength of one of our players, the people from our side are not ordinary people, so after cutting these, the battle strength of the gorilla in front of us will definitely decrease. That's a lot. Of course, he is still an existence we can't handle, but at least he is much easier to deal with than before.

We don't know how much the strength has dropped, but the size of this guy has shrunk, but it can be seen at a glance. The gorilla now looks more than forty meters tall, about one meter shorter than before. This ratio is not large, but this downward trend is good for us.

As we continued to entangle with that guy on our side, in a room around, the Big Snake was fighting with the gorilla monster in front of us.

Because I took on the most troublesome main part for him, Baqi Oro always felt a little sorry for me this time, so it was obviously a bit too desperate during the battle. In fact, it is said that this kind of battle is very easy to tell the winner, because the eight-pointed snake can fly, but the gorilla can't fly. As long as you choose a suitable battle environment, the Baqi Orochi can use long-range attacks to torture the gorilla monster all the way to death, and it is not difficult to pass through with zero injuries. After all, the gorilla monster in front of him is no longer the complete body at the time. All the attributes of the Avatar he dealt with are only close to the eight-pointed snake, which means that the other party has neither the attribute advantage nor any advantage to take. As long as the Baqi Orochi takes advantage of its flight and shoots a deadly shot, the gorilla monster simply does nothing wrong with him.

Of course, this is my estimation of the best battle method, but the problem is that I have overlooked the emotional problem of Baqi Orochi. I didn’t expect that the current Baqi Orochi will be so simple, although it has been found before that he is completely like two existences compared with the real Baqi Orochi, but the ghost car at this time is indeed such a simple It looks like a blank sheet of paper. The idea in his heart is actually very simple, that is, if you treat me well, I will treat you better. This kind of simple idea will never appear in the Eight-Different Big Snake in later generations, but the ghost car at this time regards this as its own code of conduct, so that when the main body of the gorilla monster is taken down by me, he It feels as if he owes me a debt, and then he chased the Avatar from here, hoping to get rid of the Avatar quickly to relieve my pressure.

Although his idea is good, it is a pity that he is completely wrong. The battle on my side was actually quite easy. I didn't even participate in the battle myself. Let alone procrastinate for a while, even the gorilla monster who stayed here for about a year is impossible to do with me. So, according to my plan, we could easily handle this gorilla monster. It’s a pity that Baqi Orochi thought about the situation wrong, he thought it must be nine deaths and still alive on my side, maybe it will die in the next second, after all, the strength of the gorilla monster in front of me is there, with my strength Not an opponent at all.

Because of this misunderstanding, Baqi Orochi gave up his advantage. He didn't stretch the distance to consume this guy with long-range attacks, but directly rushed up and started fighting with this gorilla monster. It's dead.

Although the starlight unlucky compass suppresses the strength of all Avatars on the same level as the combatants in each room, the problem is that the battle methods of different personnel and creatures are different, and the compass suppresses It's just an attribute, not a combat feature. Therefore, although the attributes of the Baqi Orochi and the current Avatar are roughly the same, they give up their advantages to fight melee against the gorilla monster, which is quite unsatisfactory.

It's not bad. Baqi Orochi is not stupid enough. He chose the sky environment, but not the pumice environment, but the cloud sea mountain top, which is the mountain top like plum blossom piles. Although the area of ​​this mountain top is not very large, it is at least much larger than the pumice stone, and the most important thing is that this thing is fixed and will not move, so the gorilla monster can fully leverage here and naturally battle The strength is much higher.

The battle between the two sides quickly became fierce. The big snake and the gorilla monster began to fight desperately. Of course, the result is not unexpected. The bird-shaped big snake is not the opponent of the gorilla monster at all. The beating was dying. Fortunately, this guy is not too stupid, at least he still remembers the rules here. If he dies, the Avatar he is fighting now will not return the power to the body, but will appear on the battlefield where I am in the form of a second existence. When the time comes, what I need to face is two big The orangutan is weird.

Because I still remember this, after discovering that he was about to die, Baqi Orochi finally stopped contacting the gorilla monster, but chose to extend the distance and start taking the other party in circles. All he can do at this time is to delay the time as much as possible. As Matsumoto Masaga and the others can kill a few more Avatars, so that I may kill the main body on my side and let everyone completely win.

The small mistakes made by the Baqi Orochi are the reason why I have not been able to wait for the gorilla monster to be completely sucked away. Fortunately, Matsumoto Masaga and the others are not as good as the Baqi Orochi. Smart brains, everyone chose the sky environment unanimously, and then each exhibited their strengths and began to deal with the Avatar they were assigned. In this case, the gold coin, which is best at long-range strikes, was the first to kill the one he was facing. Avatar, after all, her formidable power of the Ten Thousand Swords Array is too big. Facing an enemy equivalent to her own attribute, she was almost overwhelmed. And that’s why I found that another one was left within less than 20 minutes after I came up. The reason for Avatar.

After getting an Avatar on the gold coin side, Chi Fire Dragon Ji also took dogshit luck and killed an Avatar by accident. Chi Fire Dragon Ji has the worst battle strength among the people present, at least when facing the gorilla monster, the advantage is not obvious, so she should have only insisted on holding an Avatar, and then waited for our other rooms first. Only when the winner is divided can there be hope of victory. But what she didn’t expect was that the gorilla monster Avatar on her side was out of luck. When jumping on the pumice stone, she accidentally stepped on a large pumice stone, and when it fell, she knocked her head and appeared briefly. dizziness. At this time, Chi Fire Dragon Ji was not too far away from him, so he rushed up and attacked twice, and his character exploded. It turned out to be two critical attacks in a row and double crit. This is a critical attack and a crit attack. The damage is overwhelmed at once, and I don’t know how many times it is. I maimed the gorilla monster in one breath, and then when the gorilla monster wakes up, it is already seriously injured. He didn't insist a few times before letting Chi Fire Dragon kill him.

After Chi Fire Dragon Ji killed another Avatar here, the Avatar on my side immediately lost another Avatar, and this guy is starting to get angry this time. Because he also discovered that his strength is declining, and if this continues, sooner or later he will not be my opponent. When the time comes, he will really be over.

However, he is anxious to him. My strategy has not changed. I keep away from him and keep him away from him. Although this guy’s throwing attack has great formidable power, it’s actually not It can’t cause much actual damage to me and my demon pet. What's more, my team cooperates tacitly. There are not only attackers but also medical personnel like Xiaochun, so as long as he can’t cause continuous large-scale damage to us, This kind of stone-throwing trick is actually useless. As for the consumption of our magic power and life value... this kind of thing is as early as I expected, so the energy density in this world is set to the maximum in advance, which is three times. In this way, we have three times. The magic power recovery speed. Under such a premise, our magic power is simply equal to infinite, because we do not use magic frequently, the consumption is not large, plus three times the recovery speed, the consumption and recovery speed are almost the same. Under this situation We naturally don't have to worry about anything.

The situation on the main battlefield is very good. On the auxiliary battlefield on the other side, the Baqi Orochi has reached a deadlock, basically unable to count on it. Chi Fire Dragon Ji wins by accident, but there is not much hope of killing another Avatar. However, except for the two of them, everyone else is still in a good fighting situation, and I just have to wait for the gorilla monster here to continue to weaken, until the difference between me and his strength is not that big, it is me. Time to start.

I just watched the gorilla monster take away another Avatar, the height was reduced again, and then without the slightest hesitation, the tank gave that guy a shot from a distance. Of course, try to see if this guy is something I can deal with now. After all, as long as there is a fight on my side, I can constantly read out the other's attribute data. Unfortunately, after seeing the results, I knew that it was too early to kill this guy. Of course, if Matsumoto Masaga and the others can break out, then maybe. Moreover, I still don’t know the dilemma of the Baqi Orochi at this time, thinking that others have killed so many Avatars, why the Baqi Orochi is so quiet!

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