"Elsa? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be surrounded with the frozen chairman Banshee?"

The visitor did not answer The words of the presidents of these Russian guilds, but after scanning the crowd, they asked: "Why are you just a few? Others?"

"That's it." One of the Russian guilds The president of the meeting explained: "After the Frozen Banshee leader took you to take over the command of the main force, our side was under a large-scale attack by the Frost Rose Alliance, and the camouflage troops on the Bear Fort were no longer there. Disguised, but relying on the firepower of Isengard’s mobile fortress to push down the bear fort. Now our support point in this area no longer exists. There are some comprehensive cities nearby, and the battle strength is very common, and the main force All the troops are not at home, and the remaining city defense forces are simply capable of defending the city. Now the Frost Rose League and those coalition forces are taking advantage of this opportunity to seize our city in three ways, and according to the information returned by our intelligence personnel, they are in The looting policy is implemented in the cities that have been captured. This is the same as the result of the previous Frozen Banshee President’s speculation."

"I ask you what about the others?"


"They are all the guild leaders of the city that was attacked, and now they are all going to direct the battle." After the Russian guild leader finished speaking, he asked, "What's the matter with the main force on your side? Isn’t the ice-bound Banshee President already over? Why are you surrounded?"

After hearing this, Elsa said grimly: "The main force is not surrounded, just appearing around us. There are a large number of mobile hunting teams of the Frost Rose League. These people are air cavalry, and they are too fast. If our battallion horses catch up with them, they will run, and they will stare again as soon as our people are withdrawn. They are as annoying as flies. The people you sent to contact and the people we sent were intercepted and killed by these people, and we still couldn’t catch them. But they didn’t dare to attack our large forces, so they could only find them in circles outside. Opportunity to harass. In addition, because of the interference of these people, our main force has almost lost all its investigative capabilities. Now we simply dare not run around, for fear of being scammed again."

"But your main force The movement speed is so slow, what should our city do?" The Russian guild president said: "If this continues, our losses will definitely increase. These cities are all populous cities, if they are all robbed. If we are looted, our future development will be greatly affected!"

"I also know that your side needs our reinforcements, but now that is the case, what can we do?" Ai Ersa said: "Our main force there can be more or less deterrent to the Frost Rose Alliance and not let them be too arrogant. Potential, what are the consequences when the time comes, you should know better than me? "

That Russian guild leader is said to have nothing to do. In fact, he said that because he was anxious. Equivalent to is venting the grievances in his heart, but in fact He also knows that the ice-bound Banshee really can’t be blamed for this thing, because they really can’t hurry on their way, otherwise it’s too dangerous.

In this world things are like this, sometimes you do It’s understandable, but it’s still the same emotionally. Should you be anxious or anxious, should you be sad or sad. Although understanding the ice-bound Banshee's behavior is correct, but it is their turn to be looted, the guilds in those cities are naturally impossible There was no reaction at all. Except for the desperate resistance, that was left to complain about the frozen Banshee. Although they also knew that the frozen Banshee's current behavior was correct, but today this step, is it not the frozen Banshee? Was it wrong? Although the previous false information played a key role, the Frozen Banshee’s misjudgment cannot be shirked thoroughly, right? So, although not talking about it, in fact, many Russian guild leaders have already begun to treat the Frozen Banshee. I have an opinion.

In this stalemate, our guild’s offensive forces, with the help of Isinger Mobile Fortress, have taken all the three cities in the second batch in one go. Coming down, but because the advancement was too fast, the looting work in the first batch of the two cities has not been completed, so the cities here can only be looted by our main force. This will undoubtedly be delayed. The speed of advancing after the speed change. But this kind of thing is also impossible. After all, the troops on the second battle field are only a small part of our coalition forces, and most of them are guarding the main position on the other side, so there can be this The progress is pretty good. At least the guild leaders who participated in the action didn't have any complaints. After all, the immediate benefits were too much to grab, and it was useless to eat the bowl and watch the pot! /p>

Because of manpower problems, our speed is limited to a short period of stagnation, but our troops on the other side are not idle.

Seeing that it is close to dusk, the main battlefield is now The main force of the Russian offensive force over there has been killed by bits and pieces, and the final finishing work is currently underway. And Masaga Matsumoto is not the kind of person who can afford to live, so he is throwing the follow-up work to After a Japanese player under him took charge, he pulled out all the main forces here, and then pushed back along the road that was supposed to be a Russian player’s advancement route.

To be honest, take it with you. With such a large army coming out, Masaga Matsumoto feels quite exciting. Although he has also led the battle of Japanese players before, it is after all Japanese players and the number is limited. But It's different this time. On his side, he brings the main force of the multi-national alliance of Legion. There are close to 80 million players alone, and more than 300 million NPCs. With such a huge force, he only left more than 100 million NPCs and 30 million players to guard the occupied area, and all the rest must be brought out. That is to say, the number of people brought by Matsumoto Masaka is 250 million. .

What is the concept of a 250 million army? The front of the entire Legion is a 17-kilometer-wide front line, while the troops behind are several hundred li stretches. The first troops have reached the nearest city, and the follow-up troops have not yet come out on the occupied area. This means that there are many messy things in the game that don't need to be considered. If there is such a large army in action in reality, the logistics units behind it are estimated to be scary to death. However, in the game, because the player's consumption is very low, and the carrying capacity of additional space equipment is far beyond that of ordinary transportation vehicles, even such a huge army can even go out to fight with light equipment.

Of course, Masaga Matsumoto dared to do this because he has detailed battlefield intelligence here. He knew that Russia was about to be abused, so he dared to bring this army out to show off, after all We took a large number of commanders and almost all of the heavy weapons when we walked there, so there are only people left on Matsumoto's side. The field battle is still okay, and the siege is a bit strenuous.

I knew about the actions of Masaka Matsumoto from the Isengard Mobile Fortress. After all, Masaka Matsumoto’s battlefield command also relies on the military god for transit, so of course he can’t escape the battlefield dynamics. my eyes. However, I didn’t interfere too much with Matsumoto’s behavior. Firstly, there was no danger at all. Secondly, because I wanted Matsumoto to experience the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. The feeling in the hand. Not to make him cool, but to make him afraid.

Some people may say that the feeling of this subordinate should be high-spirited and vigorous, why should we be afraid? Being able to ask such words means that you are not a commander in command, because only those who have truly led a large army can understand the sense of responsibility that the safety of thousands of people is weighed on one's own head.

When commanding this kind of army Early-Stage, I was really excited. It was as if a child stole an adult’s car key to start the car. It felt quite excited. However, when the car really ran under their own control, most children would cry in fright, because at this time he would find that he could not make the car walk in a straight line like in the hands of the father mother. Looking at the snake-shaped car, I feel that I will bump into something at any time. The fear at this time is beyond the children’s tolerance. Therefore, most children who steal the car are fine if they don’t let the car really run. Once the speed really goes up , Most children will be scared.

Of course Masaga Matsumoto is not a child, but he does not have the ability to command an army of hundreds of millions. In fact, few people have this kind of ability, even I dare not say that I can do it myself. What I rely on is the helper of the military god, which is a meticulous aid, plus the share of Hong Yue, Ying, Rose, and Su Mei. This is the core of the efficient and stable operation of our guild command system.

Although Masaga Matsumoto has taken refuge in us, people’s thinking will also change, just like when she turned from an appraising Japanese nationalist to an anti-Japanese activist now, if I can’t Reasonably control Masaka Matsumoto's emotions, and it is possible for him to change back to Masaka Matsumoto back then. Of course, now his real body has come to our side and is supervised by us, so he has to weigh it even if he wants to betray. However, after all, Matsumoto's ability is quite good, so I don't want to lose this subordinate, so the best way is to put an end to this kind of thinking and prevent him from thinking about betrayal. And the reason why I am not against his behavior is to let him know that some things we can play easily, but he can't play well, so that he will rely on us, so he will not want to betray and other issues.

If you want to maintain a good relationship with one person forever, the best way is to avoid cracks and gaps between the two at first. I believe this, and do so.

Matsumoto Masaka just started to command the 250 million army. After the rally point, it was indeed as high-spirited and vigorous as I predicted for a while, and then when the army encountered a Russian city The problem arises.

Because the area spread by the 250 million army is too large, it is impossible to bypass the city, so the attack has become an inevitable problem. However, it wasn't until this time that Masaka Matsumoto discovered that the 250 million army is like the car started by a child. It is easy to move it, but it is not so simple to control him.

Originally, Masaka Matsumoto planned to temporarily stop at the periphery of the city, and then transferred the heavy infantry from the rear to the front to attack the city. After all, the cavalry was fast on the wings and forward during the march, and now the infantry was left behind. However, although he issued such a fame and fortune, but because these troops are too many, the result was a problem when they stopped advancing. Because some teams wanted to give way to other teams, they found congestion. After being pushed, the team in front directly entered the enemy's city defense area.

The Russian players in the opposite city didn't know if they were frightened or something. When they saw someone coming into range, they just shook their hands and fired them. Then there is no more. The attacked troops started to charge directly, and then all the surrounding troops moved. The follow-up troops did not know why they ran up in front of them, so they followed suit. Although Masaka Matsumoto gave the order not to advance through the military god, the striker had already rushed under the city wall by this time. Facing an attack from an enemy overhead, a fool would stand there and be beaten. Therefore, the siege operations of these front-line troops started without command at all, and it was a cavalry that rushed up.

After the battle began, the command became more chaotic, and the team that had just stabilized behind moved again, and it was already dark at this time, and the players here were even more difficult to command. Look at the frontline city. The explosions and fires caused by the battle in the country caused commotion. Then some troops crossed the line and attacked without following the command, and some did not move. And that unfortunate city was captured without command at all. It's not because of how strong the battle strength is on our side and how good the command is. It's just because of one reason-we have a lot of people.

After the battle was over, everything in the city was looted. Then Masaga Matsumoto flushed and exasperated ordered the team to regroup and count the casualties. As a result, it took more than three hours to settle the battlefield with the help of the god of war. report. Just for such a small city, the 250 million army was downsized by 100,000. This number of people is almost negligible under the large base of 250 million, but the problem is that they are only attacking an ordinary small city! The defensive power of this city can be said to be equivalent to no. If it is a normal battle, Masaka Matsumoto feels that with 20,000 to 30,000 people, he can conquer the city with no more than one tenth of the casualties. As a result, Now 100,000 people have been directly lost, just for such a big city.

What makes Matsumoto even more unbelievable is that the god of war gave him a report proving that a large part of these 100,000 people died of stampede and accidental injuries by friendly forces, that is to say, they He killed one hundred thousand people himself. The enemy killed less than a fraction of this number.

This time, it’s like three or nine heads pouring a large basin of ice water on Matsumoto Masaga’s pocket, instantly letting his previous high-spirited and vigorous and proudness go beyond the topmost clouds. . The first thing Matsumoto Masaka, who had eased from the extreme flamboyant mood, did was to order the team to rest in place, and then began to bring back the troops brought out in guild units. He was really shocked, and he also understood where his limits were.

Matsumoto Masaga will not mention here for the time being. On the other side, the army led by Banshee Frozen finally approached his city group after dark, but this is only approaching, not entering, so Banshee Frozen. For the time being, I dare not relax my vigilance. However, the facts also proved that she was completely correct in doing so, because those hunting squads that were only hunting in the periphery during the day turned out to take advantage of the dark night.

In fact, Banshee has been frozen since being surrounded, knowing that their troops have been downsizing. Our harassment of this troop has never stopped, but it is harassment after all, and we dare not do it. It's too much, otherwise the harassing troops will compensate themselves, so although the staff reduction has been going on, the number of casualties from the beginning to the end does not exceed two thousand. This number looks a lot, but compared with this army of over 100 million people, it is really one hair from nine oxen. Of course, the low casualty ratio is mainly because the ice-bound Banshee can hold her breath. If she can’t stand the mental torture of constant casualties and leads the team to chase after her, then I guarantee that their casualty numbers can be at least further behind. Add two zeros.

Although the ice-bound Banshee gave full play to the spirit of coward and moved safely all the way to the vicinity of his own city, we will not let them go easily.

Originally, Russian players should have an advantage after dark, because some places on Russia are in the Arctic Circle, which means that there is a polar night phenomenon on Russia, and most of the day is Night. In this case, Russian players should be more adaptable to night battles than players from other countries.

However, it is a pity that they came across the multinational coalition led by our Frost Rose League. Although the troops of those countries are myriad, and most of them are not good at night combat, we can't stand our guilds. As for why our Frost Rose League is so good at night battles... Just look at the pieces of undead in our guild troops.

Don’t forget that our guild was established by me, and I developed from Dark Element, so our guild was born in Dark Element at the beginning, including Isengard, the most important city. It is the magic city, originally a place where the undead crawled all over the floor. Therefore, there are a large number of undead creatures in our guild's combat troops and logistics troops. As a dark creature, undead creatures like the dark night the most. Therefore, the dark horse is our favorite.

After dark, the original celestial troops and generals began to retreat. Although they still maintained surveillance of the enemy, they had already broken away from direct contact. However, we did not give up the attack, but directly The undead forces were replaced by the harassment battle before the large-scale operation in the inner circle began.

In fact, our real action has not yet begun. Of course, we will give them an impressive battle before the ice-bound Banshee enters the city, but now they are still a little away from the city, which is not suitable. To do this kind of thing, so we need to warm up first.

After the undead Legion arrived at the outskirts of the frozen Banshee and their Legion, the first thing to do was the Lich army that we gathered, but this time they didn’t go directly in, but made a large piece of it. The fog of death. In order to create this mist, I also used the evil dragon guardian ring in my hand to help a bit, and then Christina came to play an evil wizard, directly borrowing the mana of thousands of high-level Lich to release a battle spell-Dark Sky Curtain .

This thing was originally used by the Undead City to block the sun, but it can also be used in the wild. The characteristic of Dark Sky Curtain is that it can absorb light and convert light energy into dark energy. The direct effect of this effect is to cause undead creatures to become highly active, even some newly killed corpses will quickly become undead.

After the use of this magic is completed, the original little moonlight is completely invisible. After that, with the heavy fog, the area where the ice-bound Banshee and them were was almost completely dark. It is not an exaggeration to say that they can't see the five fingers, because even the two people holding hands can't see each other at all.

Heicheng's movement speed can be imagined. The forwards almost always hold the torch in one hand, and the other hand uses the weapon in their hand as a guide stick to strike the ground forward, because at this time they simply can't see the way.

"Tell the people in front that you can’t stop. It’s okay to be slow. You can’t stop. This is because the Frost Rose Alliance found that we were about to get home and jumped over the wall in a hurry. We were counted as soon as we stopped. Can’t stop. In addition, tell the team in front to do a good job of the probability of dealing with sudden enemy attacks. With such a fog, they will not just scare us, and there must be back-ups."

The player who told me to listen to it immediately turned around and walked out. Unlike most people, she moved freely in the darkness. Although her vision range was suppressed to the point where she could only see within ten meters of her body at this time, compared to those who were blind, she was already quite good. The visible range of at least ten meters allows her to move as usual without hitting the wall to know that there is an obstacle in front of her.

Just less than ten minutes after the player notified Banshee's order to freeze Banshee, those Russian players who were groping in the dark suddenly discovered that the surrounding situation had changed. First of all, they found that the visibility around them seemed to have recovered a little bit. Originally, they couldn't see their fingers. Even though the torch in their hands looked dim, the torch burned extremely vigorously. But there is not much light. But now, not only the light of the torch has recovered, but also a faint blue and purple rays of light have begun to appear in the surrounding fog. Of course, the brightness is still super low, I can only say that I can barely see the silhouette of the silhouette, and the distance is not far, beyond the range of three meters, it is still invisible.

In addition to the recovery of light brightness, Russian players also found that the surrounding temperature was dropping, but they soon discovered that this was an illusion and a collective illusion. The region is not considered a high dimension in Russia, so the temperature is reasonable, which is just a few degrees below zero. This temperature is too normal in Russia, and simply won't make them feel cold. However, just now, these Russian players who are not afraid of the cold suddenly felt as if the wind was blowing around them, and when the wind blew on their bodies, they felt a kind of icy cold coming out of the bones, as if the whole person was going to freeze. . However, after using various methods to test, everyone confirmed that the ambient temperature has not dropped, and feeling cold is just a collective illusion.

In fact, I also blame the Russian players. Although there are many people in this country, there are very few undead types. The main reason is that the low-level undead cannot survive in too cold places, so the undead type here There are very few players. If there are more undead players here, they will definitely find that this is not the cold, but the result of the high concentration of negative energy in the surrounding air.

"Hey, did you hear any sound?" Someone asked among several Russian players who were moving forward.

"Voice?" The Russian player next to him listened carefully, and then said: "No! What did you hear?"

The Russian player next to him said nervously. "It's like a woman's cry."

"Why would someone cry in this place? Besides..." The guy was about to preach, but he suddenly got stuck in the middle of his speech because of this. He also heard the cry this time. This was a rather strange cry. He could be sure that it was a woman's cry, but it was definitely not a Russian woman's cry, because Russian women would not sob so quietly. This kind of cry made people feel extremely wronged. The voice is too delicate, and the Russian woman's rough character is quite bold even when she cries, absolutely not.

In fact, if Chinese players hear such a voice, they will definitely tell them immediately: "Don’t guess, this is the voice of a female ghost, because the cry of a female ghost in our country’s movies is like this Yes."

Although they don’t know who is crying, and they have not heard this sound before, it does not prevent them from comprehending the meaning. The two players felt a sensation from head to toe in an instant, because they seemed to self-taught understand that this was probably the kind of sound made by ghosts.

In fact, compared to tangible things, most people are more afraid of the unknown. So although the monster in the game is all kinds of strange things, everyone can adapt to it after a long time. But for those unknown things like ghosts, there are still many people who can’t adapt to it. Until now, it is often heard that players can calmly hedge against the more than 1,000-level Death Knight, but they are only caught by the 200-level wraith. Frightened and passed out. Although from the perspective of the game, a hundred wraith can't do a Death Knight, but Death Knight is basically indistinguishable from the normal except for a black body. On the contrary, the wraith is not only translucent but also regular. Her discevelled hair and an abstract face are all exactly the same as those ghosts in ghost movies. The result is that Death Knight is obviously very fierce, and no one is afraid of it. However, wraith is actually very delicious, but it scares a bunch of high level players not to fight.

Although this group of Russians are courageous, they are facing what they know and understand. Suddenly hearing this voice, they immediately think of those horrible scenes in their minds, and then these people The more I think about it, the more I am afraid.

Just as the Russian players here are getting more and more nervous, a silhouette of a woman with disheveled hair suddenly appeared in the mist of blue and purple. The shadow flickered, and the speed was very fast, but the result was that the group of people who were staring at the mist screamed in shock, because the silhouette face was too terrifying. In fact, a distorted face is more deterrent than an ugly monster face. The face just now was so distorted that it completely screamed a few big Russian men with a height of 1.9 meters.

Of course, the call here is to make the people around tense, but this situation is not an isolated phenomenon, but is happening everywhere. These Russian players are gradually becoming nervous, and from time to time they see all kinds of terrifying creatures in the vicinity flashing away, and finally some people can't help but erupt. He suddenly roared and moved towards a grimace and rushed over, and then slashed it down, but soon he was stunned, because the guy who was slashed suddenly became his own companion, and then that person Falling down in everyone's horrified eyes.

As soon as this situation appeared, it spread everywhere like a plague, and the ice-bound Banshee quickly understood the reason for this situation. After all, there are so many Russian players. Although the Undead is a weak project in Russia, because many spiritual things must be supported by the Undead, the ice-bound Banshee has specially supported and developed the undead players in Russia for a period of time. Because of her foresight, there are still some undead players in Russia, and these experts quickly discovered the problem and reported it.

"You mean dark energy?"

"Not dark energy, but negative energy." The undead player who came to report looked at the frozen Banshee and said: "Darkness Although energy exists as opposed to light energy, it is still energy in essence, a positive energy. The difference is that attribute and light energy are just the opposite. However, negative energy is a completely contradictory type of energy. Only undead creatures have energy in Dark Element, and this energy can neutralize with positive energy and disappear."

"But what does this have to do with the illusions around us?" A Russian The guild president asked.

The Necromancer player immediately said: "I said, it is not an illusion but an illusion."

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is. Illusion is a kind of image information generated by external means. In essence, it is a kind of light. The subject sees these fictitious rays, and then thinks that he really sees something there. This is an illusion. When using something When resisting skills, you can offset this kind of optical misdirection and see through the illusion. However, the illusion is something that you have imagined in your own mind, it is something that does not exist in the first place. There have been so many accidental injuries to yourself just now, Did any of you use the illusion cracking skills to find anything? Obviously not, which means that it is simply not an illusion but an illusion."

"Then how did these people's illusions come about? Just because of what you said. Negative energy?" Frozen Banshee asked.

The player nodded and said: "Yes. Negative energy is a kind of energy opposite to positive energy, which will neutralize positive energy autonomously. So when we are in this environment, the body will feel When it’s cold, because the body’s energy is being lost, but because the body has no problem, other reactions will not appear immediately, but it will just feel cold. However, as the energy erosion strengthens, the body will gradually lose energy, so It will get colder and feel weak in limbs. More importantly, psychic energy is also positive energy, so long-term exposure to negative energy will lead to excessive psychic energy consumption. This psychic energy consumption situation is like when a person is asleep Psychic energy is the same as in a dormant state, and we dream when we sleep. This is also a kind of hallucination, but it is caused by the dormancy of psychic energy when we sleep and dream. As long as the person wakes up, it will be fine. But if the psychic energy is depleted Although there will be no problems in a short time, the hallucinations will become more serious and life-threatening with the increase of time. In addition, because the attributes of legal professions and combat professions are different, so the legal professions The psychic energy is stronger and the impact is lower."

"It is no wonder that the hallucinations are all warrior-type players." The president of a Russian guild next to him said.

"Okay, we know the reason, so the question now is how to fight it?" Bingfeng Banshee asked.

The player thought for a while and said, "There are only two ultimate goals for solving the problem. The energy field is isolated."

"Which of these two methods is better?" asked a Russian guild president.

The player shook his head and said: "It is not easy. The environment we are in is a normal map, which means that there should be no high concentration of negative energy. So to solve this problem, we must first find the negative The energy is concentrated on the cause, and then we can consider how to solve the problem. But as it is now, I think we are unlikely to find the cause, and even if we find it, I don’t think there is a way to solve it."

This guy The words made the leaders of the surrounding Russian guilds nod their heads, because everyone knows that this phenomenon is definitely not a natural phenomenon, it can only be caused by our Frost Rose League, and now the surrounding area is completely dark. , And there is dense fog. They want to figure out the investigation situation is no different from their own courting death, so this method is basically unreliable.

"How do you isolate the isolation method you said?"

"The wizard is easy to handle. The magic shield can isolate negative energy, but it needs to continue to consume mana. But warrior players do Trouble. They are originally low in psychic energy and resist spell will not, so if you want them to resist this negative energy, you must find a way to fill their body with positive energy. Just let’s not say where we go to find positive energy. Matter covers their whole body, even if there is, this consumption will be very scary, and this consumption is still in progress, once those energies neutralize each other, we have to find positive energy materials to replenish it again. So in my opinion This move is more unreliable than 1st move."

"Isn't that hopeless?" asked a Russian guild president next to him.

"That's not true." The player gasped and said, "Actually, think about it from another angle. It is not easy for us to break the negative energy state. It should be more difficult for the enemy to maintain this state, right? We are now The environment they are in is a world of positive energy. They artificially create this negative energy environment, and with such a large area, those negative energies must be constantly neutralized by the surrounding positive energy. The negative energy that needs to be consumed during this period The energy is absolutely massive, I don’t think the enemy can last for long. So my suggestion i

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