"Attention everyone, prepare for battle."

With a roar, the Russian players on the city wall became serious. This is a Fortress City in western Russia, named Bear Fort. This is a city built by players, its area is not very large, but the defense level is quite exaggerated. This is a pillar city in the region, which acts as a checkpoint, which can block and protect nearby cities from the enemy’s multi-faceted attack. Because his position is too superior, if he wants to launch an attack on nearby cities, The first thing that needs to be solved is this city.

According to everyone's opinion, we should not attack this city. After all, our second battle field is just a look, and there is no need to actually occupy the Russian city. But Rose and I mean the same thing, that is, the more realistic we play here, the safer Matsumoto and the others will be.

In essence, the real purpose of this battle is to undermine the Russian counterattack plan, and our so-called money-making operation is just incidental. Although the money-making operation seems to be very tempting, we can't be blinded by the immediate benefits, but in the end we lost the watermelon and picked sesame seeds. Our occupied area is where everyone's real interests lie. This is not the point, so success or failure does not matter.

Although the cooperative guilds hope that we don't touch this bear fort, they can't help it if our opinions are unified. Firstly, our previous decisions were very accurate, so they could not find a reason to refute. Secondly, it was written in the contract very clearly that before we completely stand on the Russian side, all the guilds participating in the cooperation will have the command. In the hands of our guild, they can only obey unless they intend to violate the agreement.

On the premise of not daring to turn our faces with us, Alliance players can only reach the outer circle area of ​​the Bear Fort under our command, and the Russian players who have known that we will come are also listening Immediately after the order, they were ready to meet our challenge on the city wall, but what they didn’t expect was that not only our troops appeared, but there was a huge silhouette following our big troops. .

In fact, Russian players have seen the shadow of this stage a long time ago, but at first they couldn’t believe it, and they finally confirmed the fact when they got closer, that is, Isinger Mobile Fortress not only acted as a jump this time. It is a tactical transport aircraft, and it is also used as a siege tank.

In addition to the Space Jump system and anti-gravity device, Isinger Mobile Fortress is also equipped with a crawler walking mechanism. We used this thing when we were in Japan. We used to travel a long distance in Japan and leveled several cities along the way. At that time, the Isengard Mobile Fortress was completely a giant mobile bunker. While using powerful firepower to help us siege the city, while relying on its own defensive power to resist the enemy’s attack, this time, we intend to move the original Use the method again.

Russian players were stunned when they saw Isinger Mobile Fortress come over, and then began to scold their mothers, but this is also such is human nature, after all, Isinger Mobile Fortress is a battlefield roller It's too bad balance. However, everything has been opened to the front now, and it is useless to say anything. Russian players have no other way except to prepare for a tough battle.

The long-range firepower weapon formidable power equipped on Isengard Mobile Fortress is much larger than the equipment on the Bear Fort, and our Isengard Mobile Fortress has an advantage in the starting range, so in Isengard Mobile Fortress. Before the grid mobile fortress entered the range of the city here, our Isengard mobile fortress moved towards Bear Fort and opened fire.

The Russian players in the Bear Fort saw a row of fires flashing from the Isengard Mobile Fortress from a distance, and then heard the whistle-like screaming sound, followed by a large area. Little black spots fell from the sky.

"Shelling, concealment!" Someone reacted quickly and shouted immediately. The nearby Russian players were immediately lying on the ground, and then there was a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

As a fortified city, Bear Fort’s firepower is also quite terrifying. Compared with mobile weapons, the large artillery in the city does not need to be moved, so they can be made very large and naturally have a considerable range. However, Isinger Mobile Fortress can actually start shelling out of the range of Bear Castle, which shows that the caliber of the cannon used by Isinger Mobile Fortress is significantly larger. Because they are all oversized heavy artillery, the formidable power of these artillery shells is naturally quite terrifying.

The number of shells fired by the first round shelling is actually not many, and the error is very large, because this distance is actually just the limit range for the artillery on the mobile fortress of Isengard. .

Along with the vibration of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, shells fell like raindrops. However, after waiting for a long time, many people found that they seemed okay, so they raised their heads boldly. I looked at it, and it turned out to be a joy. The guy jumped up directly from the ground, and laughed and said with a smile: "hahahaha, don't hide, the enemy's range is not enough, the shells have fallen outside the city."

With this guy Everyone jumped up one after another, and then looked towards the outside. At this time, the shelling hadn't completely ended, and there were still shells falling down, but almost all the shells fell to the ground outside the city wall. The ground outside the city was blown up by big pits, but the bear castle was not injured. The only effective hit was also more than ten meters outside the city wall, but because of the large caliber of the shell, it was indeed a brick on the ancient city wall that shattered a few pieces.

Those Russian players burst into laughter when they saw the situation, and the commanders were a little relaxed, but when they just relaxed, they suddenly saw the city wall suddenly rise. A ball of Fireball, and there followed a loud noise. A city wall that was as short as seven or eight meters long was directly blown up by one third, and the guards on it disappeared completely. The scattered stones fell on the inside of the city wall, smashing many houses, and some of them caused small-scale fires.

Although this is just a cannonball, this is to stop the laughter of the Russian players all at once. Those with foresight finally understood that although our shells did not hit the inside of the city wall, the range was already close to the city wall. In other words, we are actually very close to the range. However, the range of Bear Fort’s own fire is still several kilometers away from our Isinger Mobile Fortress, so after the Isinger Mobile Fortress comes into range, they may still be unable to hit the Isinger Mobile Fortress.

Only some people thought of this idea, but the laughter of the Russian players completely disappeared. After all, the city wall was hit and many people died.

Just when the Russian players were in the cold, on the other side, standing on the tower, I removed my eyes from the dedicated large telescope, and then said to the military god behind me: "No. , The range is still not enough, move forward 500 meters."

"But in this case, we may also enter the Russian range." Military god reminded.

The gold coin next to it also said: "Russia is different from ordinary countries. This is not the small country we usually bully. Their artillery technology is also very good. We may not be able to take advantage of it. "

When I heard the words of gold coin and the military god, I said directly: "You only think of the Russian artillery. Have you ever thought of our advantage?"

"We Advantage?"

"Yes. Although the Russians are very skilled, their cities are so big. Our Isengard mobile fortress is a high-level city, so our cannons are in specifications. They are all bigger than their cannons. Even Russian players can build cannons like ours, but their city level is there. Even if they have such cannons, they can’t hold their breath! So, our cannons There is definitely a range advantage. I have confidence in that. Moreover, you also know that our Isengard mobile fortress is much higher than their city. This height advantage can allow our artillery shells to fly farther. In the end, are you guys? Didn’t you notice?"

I suddenly asked about it. Gold coin and the god of war were a little confused, but Hong Yue who was next to him directly helped them solve their doubts: "Today is northwest wind, we It's basically a tailwind. Even with other attributes, our shells have a range advantage."

"So you said this!" Gold coin suddenly realized.

This is the fact. Today’s northwest wind just helped us a lot. Because it’s basically a tailwind, our shells have a natural advantage. Because of the height of Isengard’s mobile fortress, we also have an altitude advantage. The combination of these advantages produces even more advantages. Great range.

After getting my order, the military god commanded Isinger Mobile Fortress to move forward for five hundred meters, and then put down various supports and fixed them on the ground.

"Each gun position uses one cannon to shoot one shell. Let's try to hit a point." I said.

The god of war quickly conveyed my words, so the artillery positions and fixed fortresses on the front of Isengard's mobile fortress moved. After aiming at the bear castle, all the fortresses began to shoot in turn, and the bear castle There was also the roar of cannonballs flying into the air again.

Because of the extreme range shooting, our trajectory path is also messy, the flying shells deviate from very difficult to deal with, but, after all, the distance is shortened, so there is no more situation before. .

With the sound of howling, the first shell accurately landed inside the opponent’s city, and then there was a loud explosion sound, a small mushroom cloud skyrocketed, and four or five buildings were instantly raze to The ground, the surrounding players were even more dead and injured.

It was as if the Charge was sounded. As the first shell hits the ground, the shells behind it crackled down as if it were raining, and then the inside of the bear castle was completely messed up. Fireballs rose one after another among the received houses and houses. Not only did they blow up many houses and streets, they even set fire to many houses.

Looking at the Fireball rising around, the Russian players started to take the initiative to put out fires, but they did extinguish most of the fire locations quickly. After all, this is Fortress City, and general business. Cities are different. All buildings are constructed with combat needs in mind. Therefore, there are few wooden structures, mostly masonry, and naturally they are not easy to burn, even if they are ignited, they are easy to extinguish.

Although the fire is extinguished, the nightmare of Russian players has just begun. Although the first round of tentative shelling was a little messy, at least it all landed inside the city, so we immediately found something to do. The fortresses began to move towards the city here without interruption, firing strikes inside the city, and various ammunition detonated in the city. But Russian players have long been psychologically prepared for this aspect, so they are not too worried. After all, artillery alone cannot capture the city. We need to send people in to occupy the city.

Although the Russian players are very calm, our side is still unswervingly shelling for twenty minutes. Twenty minutes later, almost 2/3/2021 houses in this Russian player’s city were in ruins. What’s more miserable is that their city wall seems to have been chewed by a dog. There are gaps everywhere, and most importantly. The city gate was also blown away, leaving a pile of ruins. Anyone can easily climb over.

Faced with the completely collapsed city gate, Russian players could only make temporary repairs, and took the stones from the nearby bombed houses and piled them on the city gate, barely closing the gap here. .

Although it was very chaotic, the Russian players quickly extinguished the fire in the city and did a simple treatment of the city wall. At least it seems that the city’s defense is fairly complete, and thanks to the city With the wonderful design, many of their fortresses have survived.

At the beginning, the designers of this city didn’t know what they thought. They scattered the fortresses inside the city instead of placing them behind the city wall to form a unified shelling line, and because of this strange shooting , Resulting in no way for us to focus on the fort. The ones that were destroyed were the turrets that were unlucky enough to run into. Most of the turrets survived because they were stronger than civilian houses. After all, this thing is a weapon of war. The repair is particularly strong. As long as it is not hit directly, it will not be too big. questionable.

After the shelling was over, our side did not immediately let the player troops attack their city, because we also know that their fortresses are basically still alive, and now the charge must be done by the enemy’s baptism. Preparation.

What? You ask why we know that their turrets are still there? This is not simple yet? Because the giant mosquito outpost is listening on the side of Isengard mobile fortress, and now the enemy's city is almost full of our scout mosquitoes. What? You said that the giant mosquito outpost should be monitoring the frozen Banshee?

I rely on, you also believe in the false information that deceived Banshee into ice? Didn’t you see that it is players from other Russian guilds who are commanding operations here instead of the frozen Banshee? It is because the ice-bound Banshee heard that we would send a giant mosquito outpost to stare at her, so we deliberately performed a fake command scene behind her, but we didn't know that we didn't intend to monitor her at all. She was all alone singing a one-man show.

Let’s not mention the ice-bound Banshee who was tricked. The situation on our side has entered the Second Step plan. Because the enemy’s turrets are still alive, we directly start flying the battleship here.

The number of aerial battleships in our guild is actually quite large, but for reasons of confidentiality, there are only 20 ships that came out this time, which is even one percent of the total number of aerial battleships in our guild. Nothing. However, although only two dozen aerial battleships are here, unexpected effects can be produced at critical moments.

Just when the Russian players over there didn't know what was going on, our battleship had already flown from behind the Isengard Mobile Fortress, and then began to approach the Bear Fort. Originally, it seemed that the artillery fire stopped, and I thought we would start to move forward. What didn't expect was not a battle team but an aerial battleship.

"Look, what's that?" After seeing the aerial battleship on our side, the Russian players immediately got a little messy. Although it’s not a big secret that we have an aerial battleship, after all we have been using this thing very carefully, so many people know that we have aerial battleships, but really not many have seen them.

The aerial battleship that suddenly appeared did not approach the city here directly from low altitude, but after it appeared, it has been climbing at a forty-five degree angle. It looks like this is intended to fly all the way to Bear Fort. Go directly above.

The people on the Russian side are not fools. Once these spaceships fly over their heads, then things will be known without thinking about them, it's nothing more than bombing.

Although the liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb in the game is very expensive, but the explosives are not expensive at all, it is not too much to say that it is good quality and cheap. The reason why these explosives are not valuable in the game is mainly because they are less useful. First of all, because the items in the game will be refreshed, the skills of professionals are needed to make mines or bombs. If an ordinary person uses explosives directly, it can only be used now, and after a while, it will be considered discarded by the system. The item will be refreshed for you. And if it can't be used to pit people, it can only be used for mining or something, but the demand for that kind of explosive is not large, the output of this explosive is not small, and the price is naturally quite cheap.

However, because the players in the game have skills, although this explosive is very cheap, it is actually not very good considering the price/performance ratio. However, if explosives are made into bombs and thrown down from the sky, it will be different. This kind of bomb can be used by anyone, and as long as the spaceship is flying over the enemy’s head, it can be thrown down. This simple thing can be done by individuals. Considering the price of explosives, it is obviously very cost-effective to make an aerial bomb. matter. Of course, the premise is that you have to have a vehicle with sufficient carrying capacity, otherwise, letting the devil beast fly with a few bombs will be of limited significance.

No matter what, our aerial battleship is obviously very suitable for the job of dropping bombs, so Russian players also immediately discovered this situation. A large number of flying units began to take off from the city and moved towards our flying battleship and flew past.

"Have you finally come out?" Hong Yue, who was in a flying battleship, jumped onto an anti-aircraft gun and shouted: "Attention, all units, shoot freely, don't let those guys get close. "

Our guild’s flying battleship itself is an air unit, so there are quite a few air defense weapons and equipment. All the battleships here are equipped with a large number of multi-barrel rapid-fire guns. These rapid-fire cannons use the principle of multi-barrel rotating cannons in reality. After all, the structure of this thing is actually very simple, as long as there is a metal slide with a few. The spring can complete the firing of multiple barrels in sequence. As for how to make these barrels rotate... the electric motor can't do it, you always use the bicycle pedal, right? Therefore, the revolver guns of our guild are all pedal-type, and they need to step on and shoot at the same time. The biggest advantage of this control method is that you can use your own feet to control the rate of fire. When you need to step on it faster, the bullets will be very dense. If you want to save ammunition, it is simpler and just slow down.

Hong Yue was originally a mage, but he was also a violent, so he became fascinated by this thing after discovering this kind of foot-operated multi-barrel cannon. This time, she finally took the chance, and of course she was going to get addicted.

The excited Hong Yue stepped on the pedal frantically, and the gun she controlled was also frantically spurting out flames. The ammunition used by this machine gun is actually a small shell, with a caliber of 23 mm. The formidable power is quite good. At least it is used to fight those flying devil beasts. Except for the abnormalities like giant dragons, ordinary flying devil beasts. As long as you hit a triple miss, you can ensure that the opponent never wants to fly again. Even a single shot is enough to make the opponent crash landing.

Along with Hong Yue’s frantic fire, other gun positions also fired, and when all the anti-aircraft guns on this side began to fire, the special hatches under the flying battleship were also fired. Open it, and then you can see the air combat mobile angels falling out like dumplings.

Shuaa~ Throw out nearly a thousand air combat mobile angels. The Russian players on the opposite side are not calm in an instant. There are only more than 5,000 flying units on their side, and the opposite is just air combat. There are more than 1,000 types of mobile angels, and what's more terrible is that the Isengard mobile fortress below also flew up an air combat unit. That is the guardian long spear of our guild. These guys all over the world know that it is the recognized king of air warfare. Except for super devil beasts such as giant dragons, which can rely on the advantages of other attributes to suppress their air warfare ability, they are generally The flying devil beast saw them simply not daring to take off. Although the battle strength of these guys is not high, their mobility is too strong, and ordinary flying creatures can only be abused when they encounter them in the air, so our guild can always hold the air superiority.

The battle method of long spears is actually very simple. When using a sonic bomb when the distance is far away, although the formidable power is not great, because this is a special attack, it will directly damage the blood if you ignore the defense, so if you are hit, you will die. And if the distance is close enough, the long spears will use the long awl-like bone structure in front of them to pierce the cutting target. The formidable power of this attack method is great, but the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, it is easy to cause the long spear to lose its mobility, and once it is hit, it will fall with the prey. However, long spears also know their own problems, so they usually only use this trick at the last blow. Usually they use air superiority to deal with the enemy, and then use a sonic bomb to polish the enemy’s blood. Finally, the piercing skills were dispatched once to get it done.

Looking at the densely packed long spear below, those Russian air combat players almost didn't cry. Air combat mobile angels are already troublesome enough, and now there are still so many long spears running out, does this make it impossible for people to live?

Despite his unwillingness, the battle still has to be fought. Russian players can only fight the air combat mobile angels with gunfire under the play of long spears, and the result is what everyone expected. In less than five minutes, the Russian air combat players fell into a large area, and the remaining people only lasted 3 minutes, so the air combat ended. The air superiority gap between the two sides is obvious, and the Russian players are completely unable to fight with us in the air.

After successfully destroying those flying units, the air combat units on our side began to return, and those battleships flew over their heads as expected by the Russian players, following the bottom of these battleships. The hatch opened, and large bombs like syringes dropped from the sky, rushing towards the ground with a horrible whistle.

Boom... accompanied by a loud noise, the whole city seemed to tremble, a large area of ​​houses was razed instantly, and the surrounding players were killed and injured countless. Although the explosives configured by the players in the game are not as large as the formidable power of those magic explosives, they are cheap and not technically difficult. We can make these aerial bombs as large as possible without considering the carrying capacity. In this case, we directly produced this kind of super blockbuster one ton one by one. Moreover, this one ton is not the actual weight of the bomb, but the weight of the explosive inside. The actual weight of the bomb is about one ton nodded. Except for a layer of iron sheet and the inertial acceleration detonator of the tail section, the bomb is almost full of explosives. This ton of bomb formidable power can naturally be imagined.

Because it is not valuable, our aerial battleship brought a lot of these things this time, and threw a bunch of them down, and then the bear castle was completely finished. In fact, what those Russian players don't know is that in addition to the large formidable power, our bomb also has a great feature, that is, automatic guidance.

This so-called automatic guidance is not a high-tech, but a purely native method. We designed a hanging ring in front of the bomb, and then when using it, let an archer who can guide arrow skills stand next to the projection port moved towards the target to shoot arrows. There will be a rope at the end of his arrow connected to the ring in front of the bomb. , When he shoots an arrow, he will activate the bomb projector by the way, and then the arrow will go down with the bomb. In the process of falling, the arrow must be faster than the bomb, because the bomb is only in free fall, and the arrow has an initial velocity. Therefore, the guided arrow will lead the bomb moved towards the target in front of the bomb. Of course, the power of the guide arrow is very small, and it is impossible to carry the bomb to make a large-angle maneuver, but if we drop the bomb from high altitude, even a small deviation angle during the bomb falling can cause a huge deviation in the landing point, and the falling process The medium bomb is suspended in the air, and the force required to guide it to change direction is actually not large. Therefore, the bomb with a guided arrow in front is almost the same as a guided bomb. Within meters is absolutely no problem. With the formidable power of a ton of bombs, the difference between three meters and one meter is actually almost the same.

Because our bomb formidable power is huge, and the hit rate is terrifying, so the Russians finally found that their city defense weapons were completely reimbursed before the battle started. Except for a small bed crossbow, I don’t know if it survived because it was too small to be found. Other defensive weapons that looked a little bit like were all killed by bombs, and these bombs were also reimbursed when they were killed. One-fifth of the guards.

The enemy has already suffered heavy losses before starting to charge, and the player in charge of the city defense almost didn't vomit blood directly. However, the ice-bound Banshee handed this side to him, he couldn't escape right away, right? In desperation, this guy can only brace oneself and organize the rest of the staff to carry forward the style of hard fighting, holding on to the ruins of the city wall against the sky of artillery and bombs.

By the way, this city wall was completely reimbursed during the previous bombings. Although there are still a few City Wall sections alive, as long as we are not all 250 and 500, we definitely know that Go around, because in addition to these few City Wall sections, more than half of the city wall has been completely blown down. With so many entrances, you can walk wherever you want. Simply don't worry about the city wall.

It is very easy for the Russian players to organize a line of defense after throwing bombs on our side, and our side finally began to dispatch regular troops.

I saw a large army from the army that had been prepared in front of the Isengard Mobile Fortress opened up. It seems that this army has a very complete structure and looks very deterrent. However, what makes the Russians strange is that the speed of this team is very slow, and there are military bands around.

Although the magic musicians in the game can actually produce auxiliary buffs on friendly units on the battlefield, the situation of these people is not like they are turning on buffs, but just playing music. However, although our performance here is very strange, the team is still moving forward, so those Russian players can only wait for our team to get closer. After all, the rotten city wall can still block our magical attacks, better than they charge ahead and play field battles with us.

Those Russian players who thought they were about to die on the battlefield were ready to meet our offensive troops on this ruined city wall, but they waited for more than an hour. . The tension from the very beginning, to the doubts, to boring, and then to complete helplessness. The distance between the cities on both sides is indeed not too close. After all, this is the range of the artillery. However, our team should not walk more than an hour from the city wall, which is far away from the city wall. What's more strange is that in order to reduce casualties on the battlefield, offensive troops usually hope to get close to the city wall as soon as possible. After all, the slower you are, the more waves the opponent's city defense weapon can attack, and this will increase your own casualties. Although our air strikes have destroyed their defense facilities, there is no need for such a blatant show of superiority, right?

Those Russian players who were originally prepared to be brave enough to go to justice finally almost didn’t fall asleep on the battlefield. Looking at this speed, if they don’t do something, we can at least walk. It took an hour to get close to the city wall. This situation is obviously not the right way.

Finally, those Russian players who had been waiting for another half an hour finally couldn't bear it. One of the more impulsive guys jumped up immediately, and then shouted: "If I die, I will die happy, what's the matter with you?" Then he rushed out of the city wall moved towards our big troops started. Suicide charge.

Seeing this man charge ahead, the commander in charge of this line of defense immediately yelled and called the guy’s name to ask him to come back, but the guy was suffocated and wanted to die quickly. Forget it, he was not obedient at all, and ran the last part of the not-long distance in one breath, and then rushed into our line of defense.

After madly rushing up, this player immediately started fighting with our people. According to his idea, he attacked a complete infantry line by himself, and he must have been overturned on the spot. You may even be killed if you can't get close, and then you can't die again. However, the results were unexpected. He was indeed attacked by the archer and magician at first, but the problem was that he rushed past when he thought he was dead.

Of course, he is not invincible, so it is inevitable when he gets injured, but with six arrows in his body, he actually suffered two magical Fireballs, and he only lost one-tenth of his health. Although he is a tank himself, with high defense and thick blood, the problem is that this is the battlefield. When he is set on fire by the enemy, it is very simple to defeat him even if he can't lose a second after a round. But instead of being beaten and disabled, only one-tenth of his blood was lost. Isn't this too easy? Did the opposing group's bad luck all hit the lowest damage? But this is incredible, right?

It was too late to think that he had already rushed through the coverage area of ​​the long-range weapon, and then collided with the shield player in front. At first he thought he would be blocked, and then he was stabbed to death by lance behind him. When the two armies were fighting and attacking the opponent's infantry phalanx, the first few platoons of the offensive team basically died like this, without exception. However, just before he hit the shield, he was indeed stabbed three times by the lance protruding from the back of the shield, but he found that the opponent could not break the defense, and then he hit the shield in front of him, and then and The shield hand rolled into a ball.

According to his thoughts, he should be blocked, but after hitting it, he realized that the guy on the opposite side had very little power, and he didn't even block him. As a result, he himself did not expect to be able to rush over. Tripped over.

The group of Russian players behind such a weird thing almost stared out. One of the guys rubbed his eyes and said, "Isn't I dazzled? When did Bakanov become so fierce?"

"The ghost knows what's going on!" No one answered him with a question mark in his head.

In fact, this guy himself is a question mark, he simply doesn't know why he is not dead yet. However, since he wasn't dead, and he rushe

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