"Everyone, get out of the way." After confirming that Isengard's mobile fortress is ready, I immediately reminded all my personnel to dodge. Mila and Gangfang, who were fighting with the two giant golems, immediately withdrew and backed away, and the mobile fortress of Isengard discovered that this side had been emptied and immediately began to attack.

The top of Isinger Mobile Fortress, like the Twin Cities of Isinger, also has a Spirit Gathering Tower. The difference is that the Spirit Gathering Tower on top of Isinger Mobile Fortress usually does not have the Eye of Hell above it. , Only when it needs to be used, a device that resembles a human-insect mouthpart at the top of the Spirit Gathering Tower will open, and then the Eye of Hell will move over from the Twin Cities of Isengard. At this time, the Spirit Gathering The tower is the complete version of the Spirit Gathering Tower.

Just now when I informed Isengard that the mobile fortress was ready to attack, the Eye of Hell had already teleported over. At this time, seeing that our attack route had been cleared, the Eye of Hell was suddenly changed from orange red. Turned into a scarlet, and immediately afterwards saw an orange beam of light as thick as a mountain tunnel sprayed out from the eyes of hell, and directly straddling a distance of tens of kilometers, it accurately hits and tries to move forward because no one is blocking it. The body of a giant golem. Although this giant golem is more than twenty meters tall, which is a lot taller than the sixth layer building, this beam of light still directly covers half of its body, and then directly passes through this guy’s body and continues to Before, after a big invisible hole was punched in the ground behind the giant golem, it was regarded as a stop.

After the beam of light is small, look at that giant golem. At this time, this guy is still walking forward, but his movements are getting slower and slower, and the part above his waist is The whole is gone, only a large piece of semi-melted metal remains at the waist connection.

This sudden attack not only stunned another giant golem, but even our staff were mouth opened wide in surprise. The previous momentum of the giant golem falling from the sky is obvious to all. The impact did not cause any problems. As a result, the entire upper body was evaporated by this beam of light in less than five seconds. This formidable power is too great. It's scary. But what these people don’t know is that the Eye of Hell on Isengard Mobile Fortress requires a large amount of soul energy as a supplement for each launch. What’s more important is that this thing has a mandatory cooling limit, and each occurrence requires an interval of two. It takes more than 14 hours to do it again, which means that this thing can actually only serve to deter the enemy's cutting-edge forces, and it is not very effective for large-scale invasions. Of course, as long as you can kill the opponent's most threatening existence, the battle afterwards will be much easier. For example, now that one giant golem is missing, the pressure on our side is immediately reduced by more than half.

Without the upper body of that giant golem, after another seven or eight steps, he was suddenly tripped by a soil slope at his feet, and then the entire lower body lost balance and fell forward, eventually crashing. It hit the ground with a sound and didn't move anymore. I couldn't see it when I was standing before. After the thing fell down, everyone discovered that the abdomen of this thing had been completely filled with molten metal. This shows how big the formidable power of the beam of light just now is.

One giant golem fell down, but the other giant golem just froze for a while and then accelerated the moved towards Isengard’s mobile fortress and rushed over. This guy, as I guessed before, is indeed With a super high level of intelligence, this guy realized that he could not target me after finding out that his companion had been killed, because now there was a bigger threat in front of him.

After changing the target to Isengard Mobile Fortress, the giant golem immediately rushed up, but before it ran far, the giant Golem was at the top of Isengard Mobile Fortress. A blue arc suddenly appeared above the Spirit Gathering Tower. After this arc jumped at the top of the Spirit Gathering Tower, the surrounding arc began to increase one after another. Soon the entire top of the Spirit Gathering Tower was surrounded by the arc. At the same time, a blue ball of light appeared at the original location of the Eye of Hell. The arcs that appeared around the spirit gathering towers began to gather toward the ball of light, and as the arcs gathered, the ball of light began to roll and grow, and soon the ball of light that was originally only the size of a ping-pong ball became a diameter. A huge ball of light of three or four meters.

Looking at this huge ball of light, the giant golem has realized that the formidable power of this thing is certainly good, but he knows that it must not be stopped at this time, because it is too late even if he turns around and escapes. Now, it's better to fight for it, maybe there is a chance of winning. However, Isinger Mobile Fortress is a fortress after all, if it is destroyed by the enemy so easily, then it is not a fortress.

Just when the giant golem ran more than 8,000 meters away from Isengard Mobile Fortress, the ball of light suddenly flew out from the top of the Spirit Gathering Tower, and then flashed like lightning. The speed moved towards that giant golem ran into it. The giant golem saw the ball of light flying, but immediately put an arm in front of it to try to block this thing. As a result, the light ball hit the giant golem but it penetrated directly like a sponge with water. Seeing that the giant golem suddenly trembles like a cramp, and with the violent tremor, this guy's whole body is instantly covered with arcs, and at the same time its body begins to disintegrate rapidly at the speed visible by naked eye, almost In just a few seconds, a giant golem over 20 meters high was completely broken down into fragments all over the floor, and many parts of it had melted into lava.

Seeing the death of the last golem, the people around finally recovered, returning to their posts and getting busy, and our Frost Rose League quickly sent a team. The professional carried the half giant golem back.

The structural strength of this giant golem is completely beyond the normal range, and the ability to act is too bad for the sky. This thing must contain technologies that we don’t have, so I’ll go back and study it for sure Can find something useful to us. Of course, even if there is nothing useful to study on this thing, it is still very valuable, because I discovered before that this thing does not seem to be made of ordinary stones, but uses a very special kind of magic. Material. The magic materials on such a huge golem are absolutely invaluable, and they can be reused when they go back and refine them. Therefore, even if it is recycled as a waste product, the value of this thing will never make us lose money.

After the giant golem was pulled away, I immediately summoned out the bird and returned to the valley where I found the ice-bound Banshee before, but what I saw here is a huge Of the basin.

"I rely on it, is it so amazing?"

This basin simply didn't exist before, and I flew back according to the map coordinates, so the location is impossible. , So it's not difficult to guess what's going on here. Obviously, the valley I found by tracking the ice-bound Banshee before should be just an entrance, and there should be a huge group of underground buildings below, so it can be said that the whole below is hollowed out. However, the ice-bound Banshee finally found me following, and sent the two giant golems to chase me away. After that, Banshee made a very decisive decision, which was to evacuate this gathering point while I was being pursued, and did nothing but to destroy the secret base directly after the evacuation. Because the bottom of this secret base is hollow, the upper part will collapse to form a large basin after the support points are blown up. This is the origin of the landform I saw before me. However, just self-destruct and destroy the entire base just after I discovered it, this ice-bound Banshee is too exaggerated.

Although Banshee's practice of freezing Banshee is quite radical, at least she has succeeded anyway, that is, I will never find any valuable clues from here. Maybe you can find something by digging in this place, but the amount of work...think about it, forget it, and with that effort, won’t I do anything else?

Since this side has completely lost its tracking value, I didn't stop here, jumped on the bird and left quickly, and went straight to the giant mosquito outpost.

Also, the time I found the giant mosquito outpost was really coincidental, because when I approached the giant mosquito outpost, I found that there was a squad Russian player surreptitiously facing the giant mosquito. The outpost is close. Obviously, the other party discovered the location of the giant mosquito outpost and planned to carry out a surprise attack on this side, but I was surprised that the giant mosquito outpost had no response at all.

In fact, this situation cannot be blamed on the personnel at the giant mosquito outpost, mainly because the group of Russian players who attacked the giant mosquito outpost was followed by a player who was more powerful. This guy's abilities are very special, he doesn't have much actual battle strength, but he is a rare talent for any guild, because his ability is absolutely invisible.

Absolute invisibility is different from general invisibility, because in addition to invisibility skills, there are anti-invisibility skills, and there are more than one. Although due to the consumption of anti-stealth skills, everyone is impossible to drive the anti-stealth anytime and anywhere, but as long as they happen to run into it, or find a clue, you can quickly find the enemy in the invisible state. However, this absolute invisibility is different. The characteristic of this absolute invisibility is that even if it is scanned by the opponent's anti-invisibility skills, it will not be discovered immediately, but it can only show up after seven or eight seconds.

Don't think that seven or eight seconds is very short, this skill is useless. You should know that because of the characteristics of anti-stealth skills, everyone quickly scans when looking for enemies. Impossible takes pictures of a certain position endlessly, so if this absolute invisibility can be held for seven or eight seconds after being scanned Really visible, it is almost equivalent to immunity to anti-invisibility skills, because the opponent will think that there is no one here after scanning this absolutely invisible guy, and then people’s attention will shift, and this The time is usually no more than three seconds, sometimes even one or two seconds. Relatively speaking, this guy's delay time of seven to eight seconds is very powerful.

In fact, this guy’s ability can not only make his body invisible, but he can also make people near him become invisible with him, and these people who are invisible by him are absolutely invisible. In this way, this guy can fully evade the detection of anti-stealth skills.

Because of this guy’s special ability, the giant mosquito outpost has obviously scanned the surrounding area many times, but was avoided every time. As a result, the giant mosquito outpost has no idea that anyone has arrived. They are nearby. As for why I was not affected, it was mainly because I used the anti-stealth ability to look at that position for a long time, and the reason why I would do this kind of weird thing is because I sensed that there is energy here before. The reaction, but I couldn't see anything in the end. I thought it was strange that I looked at this side with the anti-stealth ability for a long time. As a result, I found the silhouette of those guys as soon as eight seconds passed.

Seeing these people cautiously approaching the giant mosquito outpost one by one, I didn't immediately rush down and start shouting and screaming, but I thought of a good way as soon as my eyes turned.

The life of the player in the game can be said to be infinite. Death is nothing more than degrading experience and randomly exploding equipment, so players do not want to die, but they are not afraid of death. Anyway, the loss of death was not too great to be able to bear. It was great to bury your head and train for a period of time and make up for it.

Since the players are not afraid of death, killing them will not affect the enemy too much. Therefore, in the guild battle, neither side is too obsessed with killing each other’s players, although there are conditions. Everyone will not mind causing more casualties to the other party, but you really won't care too much about this. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether these people are killed or not. Anyway, they are just small characters and will not have any decisive impact on the battle. However, although these people themselves are only small roles, they can play a big role if they are used well.

Looking at those people quietly touching the back of the giant mosquito outpost, which is the abdomen of the mosquito, and the location of the entrance to the giant mosquito outpost. One of the guys who looked like the leader gestured to the people around him, which meant that he was about to prepare for battle, and then two of them began to move carefully towards the entrance of the giant mosquito outpost. However, although I intend to use them, I don't really intend to sacrifice the giant mosquito outpost. Just before those people moved near the entrance behind the giant mosquito outpost to start their actions, they suddenly felt that there seemed to be a sound coming from nearby, so those people immediately turned their heads and looked towards the source of the sound.

As these people turned their heads, they immediately found a huge invisibility enveloped them, and then saw an extremely huge dragon descending from the sky, with a terrifying wind pressure. It slammed into a place less than two meters away near them.

When the giant dragon descends, it can actually control the falling posture, but I did it deliberately, so luckily it almost hit the opponent directly, and deliberately used wings without a ride, the result is the following People were blown up by the airflow that was lucky to land, but they didn't dare to speak out, for fear of exposing their existence.

I used to be riding a bird to act, so I deliberately changed the lucky big monster as a mount, and this happened to give these guys a bit of suffering.

Because I landed with such a lucky target, the giant mosquito outpost was impossible to know, so the door behind the giant mosquito outpost opened immediately after I landed. Of course, the people inside had actually communicated with me in advance. When I was in the sky, I told them that someone here was planning to sneak attack them, and told them to pretend not to know this, and acted a scene with me. .

In the opened door, a player of the guild quickly walked out, and then saw the person jumping from Lucky, I immediately said: "President, when have you followed the ice-bound Banshee?"

The surrounding sneak attackers who had just recovered from the airflow caused by the lucky landing suddenly heard this, and their ears immediately stood up. Compared with the attack on giant mosquito outposts, this kind of news is of course very valuable, so these people did not immediately start to act. So, they were also guilty in their hearts. Although I can’t see them in their perception, they also know that once they start to act, I must know that there are people here, when the time comes, even if I can’t see them, with my lethality, they It might be choking if you want to retreat. So the leader of these people quickly used gestures to tell his subordinates not to do anything, just check the situation.

From a lucky point of view, seeing that they have all stopped activities there, I know that my plan is half successful. His body did not look back at their direction, but the confidant and the opposite player in the guild said: "Don't mention it. I have already followed the frozen Banshee to find their lair. Who knows how unfathomable mystery was in the end? I was discovered, and the ice-bound Banshee didn’t know where he got the giant master golem. Didn’t you see the battle strength? It’s not a bit stronger than our mobile angel! Thanks to two, otherwise it’s really troublesome. ."

"Where did they find such a powerful golem?"

"How do I know! Anyway, it has been resolved by the heavy weapons on the Isengard Mobile Fortress. It’s a pity that when I go back to find the lair, Banshee is frozen and they have already evacuated and blown up the base. Now there is only a basin left over there."

"That's not a waste of work. Is it?"

"Who said it was not?" I pretended to be quite sad and sighed, and then continued: "By the way, what's the situation on your side? Those Russian guild leaders have What are you talking about?"

"It's all chores, worthless information. The quarreling ability of those guys is first-rate, and the commanding ability is not second-rate."

I nodded said: "Russia is also more icy Banshee. If that's the case, you should evacuate here soon. You don't need to monitor the presidents of the Russian guild anymore. It's useless to monitor it anyway."

"Okay, but where are we going from now on?" The player asked, "Should we go back to China to rest or stay here?"

"You guys now Don't go home yet, we still have big moves on the Russian side." I said.

Those surrounding Russian players immediately became excited when they heard this, because they suddenly realized that they had discovered important information.

Sure enough, the guild player over there was also excited and asked: "What big move? Can I say it now?"

I deliberately pretended to think There was a pause for two seconds before he began to say: "Forget it, you belong to the frontline support force anyway. It's okay to tell you in advance, but it's best not to talk to others before the start of the operation, even the insiders of the guild. "

When the player in the guild heard this, he stood straight and said: "I promise to keep the secret."

The surrounding group of Russian players heard this in their hearts. Happy blooming, thinking in my heart: "You keep secrets, we will not help you keep secrets, we will report to the superior when we go back. Haha, this time I will definitely get a lot of rewards."

When the Russian players were excited about the benefits of their own self, I said: "You know about convening those foreign guilds to develop the occupied areas with us, right?"

Players in this guild immediately nodded and said: "Of course I know this. Now the whole world doesn't know about this. It's probably only the isolated Human Race, right?"

I nodded. "What you know is only superficial. In fact, inviting those guilds to cooperate and develop together this time has brought a lot of unexpected benefits to our guild. We have gained a lot of direct and indirect benefits from this incident. It’s scary. So we, the guild leaders, discussed it together. Since this cooperative development model is so profitable, we simply don’t do two things to make things bigger."

" What's the matter?"

"Didn’t the Russians make a devil beast before and plan to rely on that thing to resist our invasion?"

"You didn’t give that thing Did you kill it?"

"So the Russians’ counterattack plan is a failure. It will take time for them to solve the new counterattack plan, and this time allows us to do a lot of other things. Guilds Decided that we will take the opportunity to open up a second battle field, and then we will invade again on the other side of Russia to establish a second colony."

"Open another colony?" The player who was talking to me pretended to be I was surprised and asked: "But will we have so many people?"

"Of course not."

"Then what district shall we use to develop the second colony? "

"That's why we have the following plan."

"What plan?"

"We plan to come up with an empty city strategy. "

"empty city strategy? What do you mean?" The player pretended not to understand, but actually I asked the Russian players about the details of this plan, and those Russian players listened carefully. Some even turned on the record crystals for fear of missing important information.

I explained very cooperatively: "We are going to open a second colony, but we don’t have enough manpower, but we don’t want to waste this ready-made benefit, so after our research, we decided to play an empty city. strategy. We and the participating guilds will increase troops here, but this increase is definitely not enough for us to open a second colony. However, we can transfer manpower from the current occupied area and merge with new troops. , And then use the teleportation ability of Isengard Mobile Fortress to engage in leapfrog tactics, send all the personnel to the west of Russia at one time, and then open the second colony."

The bank will play family. Immediately after it was finished yelled: "Damn, you guys took everyone away, what about the occupied area over here?"

"That's why I said this is an empty city strategy." I laughed He explained: “Although we have taken away the Isengard mobile fortress, we don’t know how many Russians are inside our line of defense. As long as our outer line of defense doesn’t move, they won’t know that the occupied zone here is actually There is only an empty shelf left. Moreover, once we open up a second colony, the Russians will definitely deal with the crisis of the second colony first. After all, Russia’s population, economy, and industrial centers are in the western region, and the eastern region is almost all wasteland. For Russian players, the west is the focus, so if there are problems on both sides, the Russian side must first consider solving the western problem rather than the eastern problem. Besides, the first colony now has a rough defense prototype, and they have missed it. For the best time to counterattack, if you forcibly attack the first colony, you will have to face the fortress group formed by Jiancheng’s guns. In contrast, the second colony has not yet established a solid defense, which is almost equivalent to a field battle. If you are under the command of Russia Which side will you attack first?"

The player in the guild immediately said not even think: "Of course, we will solve the invasion in the west first. This is too obvious."


I continued with a smile: "So, we emptied the people in the first colony and it’s okay, because the Russians simply won’t attack the first colony."

"Ken Wan What if they go?"

"This kind of thing is not very probable. After all, the Russians don’t know that the first colony has become an empty shell. As long as their commanders have a normal IQ, they will definitely go first. To solve the crisis in the west, and not to trouble the first colony. Besides, is there a 100% certainty in this world? As long as the odds of winning are large enough, it is worth taking a risk. If everything is necessary Waiting for 100% safety to do it, then we guess we will be over."

Listening to my words, the few Russian players around were all excited and almost didn't jump up on the spot. Because although they knew they might get one this time Some useful information, but I didn't expect it to be at this level. This is almost the same as winning a Mark Six lottery! However, for the sake of this intelligence, they cannot expose themselves even if they are excited, because once we know that our words have been heard, the subsequent actions will definitely make targeted changes, so that the intelligence eight achievements are useless. . It is for this reason that although these people are now extremely excited, they are even more afraid to move. As for the attack on the giant mosquito outpost, of course it was impossible.

While these people were excitedly suppressing their impulses, I continued: "However, although we sing empty city strategy, you have a very important task. I You need to build a reconnaissance network near the first colony. If the Russians really start to attack the first colony, you need to report it in time to ensure that we can bring our troops back as early as possible, so as to reduce losses."

The player who was talking to me said: "But our giant mosquito outpost is not for battlefield reconnaissance! Our specialty is infiltration and intelligence gathering behind enemy lines. Such a large area of ​​battlefield information interrupts us and it’s not easy to do it. !"

"This is also a problem!" I pretended to be thinking: "Let's do it. You first withdraw from here to Isengard Mobile Fortress and rest for a short time, tomorrow In the morning, you must keep an eye on the frozen Banshee. If the Russians act, there must be movement on the frozen Banshee, so just staring at the frozen Banshee will have the same effect. As long as there is news from the frozen Banshee, you have to Report to us immediately so that we can immediately mobilize troops to intercept Russian troops. Of course, if they attack the second expansion point according to our plan, then don’t worry about it."

"Okay, this matter We are good at it."

"Very well, the plan is so set. You guys also hurry up, there is no longer the value of monitoring." After I finished speaking, I went straight to the neck of luck. . "Okay, let's go."

Fortunately nodded, he turned around on the spot, but when he turned around, he deliberately moved a little bit bigger, not only stepped on one of the guy’s legs, He also swept other people away with his tail. The guy who was stepped on his leg stared with big eyes, but he didn't dare to speak out, so he could only use his hands to cover his mouth and try to suppress his voice.

Seeing the miserable appearance of that guy in the corner of my eye, I suddenly gave birth to a bad eye. I deliberately turned my head and stopped the guild player who was about to enter the giant mosquito outpost, and then said: " By the way, I have one more thing to tell you."

The guy who was lucky enough to step on the leg thought that we were going to fly away soon, but he was still trying his best to endure it, didn’t expect me again. After stopping, his eyes widened for an instant, but he didn't dare to say one more word, so he could only continue to keep silent. After all, if such important information is lost because of him, then his guilt would be serious. .

Looking at that guy’s painful expression, I deliberately talked to the member for a long time without words, and then said: "Okay, I will say so much, and then I will let the military god tell Your specific action plan. Let’s go first."

"Good chairman."

After the farewell, I patted Lucky's head, Lucky immediately jumped upwards under my feet. Then the wings snapped suddenly, and the body pulled up instantly. Several players around wanted to come over and pull up the injured player, but they just came over, and didn't expect luck, but suddenly turned their heads and came down again. Just stepped on one person, but this time it was ruthless, and directly smashed all those people under. Of course, luck controlled the power, only smashing these people to death. Looking at the miserable appearance of the group of people below, I didn’t stop there. I just jumped off and pretended to have something forgotten to the player in the giant mosquito outpost. Back.

This time after we really flew up, the people below immediately dispersed to all directions. Now this group of people are wounded, they look so miserable and miserable, but they can’t bear it. Speak out, because the giant mosquito outpost has not left yet. If it's normal, they can use their absolute invisibility to leave quickly, but the problem is that they are simply not in normal mode now. If their whole body is injured, they will inevitably cause blood stains, footprints, sounds and other situations to expose themselves. After all When the whole body is injured, the movement is out of shape, and few people can really move as flexibly as when there is nothing wrong. In order not to be found, they have to wait where they are now. Anyway, they also know that the giant mosquito outpost is going to leave soon, so they can move only after the giant mosquito outpost leaves.

Of course, the giant mosquito outpost knows their situation, so I deliberately waited for a while, until half an hour later, he slowly flew up, and then turned towards Isinger Mobile Fortress. Flew in the direction of the past.

"Damn, I finally left!" Watching the giant mosquito outpost disappear into the sky, a Russian player immediately sat up from the ground, and then took out the medicine from his body and started to heal himself. I didn’t dare to move before lying on the ground, and I was afraid that there would be a space fluctuation detector on the giant mosquito station, so I didn’t even dare to open the package, so naturally I couldn’t get the medicine. Now the giant mosquito sentry station immediately after the few people don't want to leave, it is important to heal their own injuries first, because at this speed they will hang back if they are not treated.

After a few people managed to deal with their injuries, they quickly left this place and rushed back to report the letter. Of course, this kind of thing needs to be reported immediately, otherwise there will be nothing after the time has passed. Worth it.

"What? Are you sure what you are saying is true?"

An hour later, Frozen Banshee, who was just called by the president of a Russian guild, asked in disbelief. road.

The president of this Russian guild was the president who helped people before. Those people died as members of this guild. Of course, after they got the information, they first came back and reported their boss. The president of his guild went to Frozen Banshee to report the situation.

The president of the Russian guild was not angry when he heard Frozen Banshee’s questioning, so the knot took out the memory crystals recorded by those people before. Frozen Banshee saw this thing, of course he knew it was the evidence, so he immediately snatched it and poured magic power into it and started watching.

This was originally recorded on-site. Naturally, there is nothing to refute, so the ice-bound Banshee no longer doubts after reading this. At least he knew that the president of the Russian guild and his men had not lied. As for the authenticity of the intelligence...Although the news was quite shocking, the ice-bound Banshee did not think of anything wrong after thinking about it.

Although I thought of this tricky plan on a temporary basis, I am not making up it randomly. Speaking of which is both motivated and feasible, and it is actually very credible if you analyze it a little bit. Of course, there is credibility and credibility. We don’t have such a plan. Then the credible things are fake, but the problem is that the ice-bound Banshee can’t see through these in the game. She can only learn from Analyze the feasibility of this matter from your own perspective and then judge the credibility of the intelligence. Unfortunately, from her point of view, the feasibility of this matter is very high, so she also believed this argument.

"It looks like it is necessary for us to convene those guilds on the Western Front for a meeting." Bingfeng Banshee said.

The president of the Russian guild that provided information was also nodded and said: "We should say that all the guild presidents in Russia are convened. It’s our entire Russia business. We need to unite in an all-round way to get things done this time."

Banshee and the president of the Russian guild were both nodded. The people below naturally started to act immediately. , Summon the presid

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