"I...I..." This Goddess obviously wanted to conceal under my questioning, but the current situation determines that she can't hide it simply because of the initiative simply Not on her.

"You can leave it alone, but in the end I think you should be clear."

When Goddess heard what I said, his whole body trembled, obviously thinking of the consequences. After a little hesitation, I finally nodded and said: "I am Goddess Esmeralda, the original goddess of Divine Race in Siberia. The proportion of imprints I leave in the core of divine force is not very small, but a lot. But I’m already dead in this Divine Race. What if I lose 30% of the Divine Soul?" Esmeralda is basically crying, but I can understand it now. Why is her battle strength so strange.

Esmeralda is the original Goddess of Divine Race in Siberia, which means that she was originally in charge of the core of divine force, and naturally, she has a deeper understanding and use of energy. The previous mental power performance and the magic semiconductor characteristics of her armor may be derived from this. As for why her ability is completely invalid for me... The reason should be in my attribute. I came from Dark Element, and now this dragon soul suit has been strengthened by Hades in the same way as the saints of the underworld. In addition, I also have a Hades Order on my body. I often go into and out of the underworld, and even touch weak water. This attribute It's already negative. But the specialty of Divine Race of Chaos and Order is energy neutralization, so I obviously have negative energy in my body, but the characteristics displayed show intermediate sexual energy, so Esmeralda can’t control my energy type. Naturally, there is no way to use her energy control ability.

According to this inference, I suspect that Esmeralda’s ability is ineffective for most of the chaos and order Divine Race members, because the Divine Race characteristics protect their energy characteristics unless they are originally Medium sexual energy, otherwise Esmeralda simply can't control it, because she doesn't know exactly what type of energy the opponent is, and if she wants to try a little bit, the hit rate is definitely not much higher than that of winning the lottery.

"In this case, I think you should have made up your mind. The long-term pain is better than the short-term pain. You can self-destruct Divine Soul Seal now."

So the urging is so urgent because as long as the Divine Soul Seal can't be removed, Esmeralda will be impossible to truly become independent, and secondly, I don't want to waste feelings and time to chat with a dead person. Although the self-destruct Divine Soul Seal record is not mortal like the reverse detonation of the main Divine Soul through the Divine Soul Seal record, but also not absolutely fine. In fact, self-destruct Divine Soul out of control will not only cause Divine Soul insufficiency and damage the battle strength and development potential of the god, but the key is that the moment of self-destruct Divine Soul Seal has a chance to cause death. Of course, this is also related to the proportion of Divine Soul Seal records. Generally speaking, if the Divine Soul Seal under 5% is detonated, the death rate is almost negligible, and 10% is already quite dangerous. As for 30%, this proportion does not mean death, but at least it is also the case of nine deaths and still alive. For this ratio, Esmeralda’s behavior is actually not much different from suicide.

After watching me for a few seconds, Esmeralda was finally nodded, and then suddenly closed his eyes and began to gather energy in an attempt to self-destruct his Divine Soul Seal. Seeing that she really started to self-destruct, I didn't really act as unkind. Although we must be as cruel to the enemy as a cave, but to our own people, I have never treated him badly. Although Esmeralda is not yet a member of our guild, as long as she is really willing to self-destruct Divine Soul, then she is basically a reserve member of our guild, so I won’t really let her risk it. With the mortal danger self-destruct Divine Soul.

Of course, the Divine Soul Seal still needs to be removed, but there is no need to take such a big risk.

As soon as Esmeralda started to gather energy, I already put my hands behind me. The Fenglong space quietly opened behind me. Fenglong personally held a small Power of Faith storage tank and stuffed it into my hand, and then retracted it.

Looking at Esmeralda who had gathered energy to Peak over there, I walked carefully to her, and then she suddenly opened her eyes and spurt a large mouthful of blood. At the same time, he kicked her over, then rode on her body, pointed the valve of the Power of Faith storage tank at her mouth, and stuffed it in. Esmeralda, who was surprised by my actions thinking that she had been fooled, did not wait for the expected pain, but suddenly felt a burst of super concentrated Power of Faith sprayed into her mouth. Before she could react, this Power of Faith had already begun to transform into divine force and automatically repaired Esmeralda's damaged Divine Soul.

Actually, Divine Race self-destruct Divine Soul Seal remembers that the loss of Divine Soul is the same as excessive bloodshed. It does not mean that you will die immediately if you lose the proportion, but because the loss of Divine Soul caused the Divine Soul. The injury gradually loses its life force and leads to death. Therefore, as long as a large amount of blood transfusion can be given like first aid, it is difficult to lose 30% of Divine Soul at one time. On the contrary, as long as the supplemented Power of Faith is sufficient, most Divine Races can fully recover with only 30% of Divine Soul left. This is also one of the reasons why the Divine Race forces attach so much importance to Power of Faith. After all, this thing can not only improve their strength, but also increase their survival security.

Esmeralda felt the huge benefits of Power of Faith in her mouth and immediately stopped struggling to suck hard.

Although most Divine Races know that as long as they have Power of Faith, they can explode Divine Soul Seal without limit, but Power of Faith this thing is difficult to collect. Each Divine Race is for eating In a state of not being full and starving, those gods who want to rebel are naturally impossible to hoard enough Power of Faith to help them rebel. After all, the amount of Power of Faith needed to repair the Divine Soul is very scary, compared to the ordinary gods. The amount required for cultivation is simply a ten-thousand-fold increase, which ordinary gods simply can't get.

Of course, although Power of Faith is a necessity for other Divine Races, and the supply is always in short supply, Power of Faith is not rare for us at Frost Rose. There are so many things that they can't be used up, and even the collectors dare not start working at all, because there is simply not enough storage equipment to store the collected Power of Faith.

Because the Power of Faith of our guild is too easy to come, we have always provided open supplies to the chaos and order Divine Race guys, and since this Esmeralda is going to join Once we are here, then naturally we can use Power of Faith with the same treatment as other Divine Races in chaos and order.

With the absorption of a large amount of Power of Faith, Esmeralda’s Divine Soul began to recover at an unimaginable speed. This shows how Divine Race is with sufficient Power of Faith. Terrifying. The original Baqi Orochi was nothing more than a sub-class high level Divine Race, but since it got the divine force core, it has become a cow. Under the unlimited supply of Power of Faith, it is almost the same as the invincible mode. Really gods block then kill gods if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas. The current Esmeralda is just like the eight-different snake. With the unlimited supply of Power of Faith, it can almost be said to be fully resurrected in an instant. Although this phenomenon is actually only the appearance, it will take some time to recuperate after returning. But in fact, the problem is not big anymore. I have to say that Power of Faith is simply Life Origin Spring for Divine Race.

Dry a whole bottle of 1 million units of Power of Faith storage tank in one breath, Esmeralda is like those big smokers who just finished smoking, the expression is really...still very ugly.

After sucking up the storage tank, Esmeralda turned her gaze to my side, and then looked at me as if asking for help, which was self-evident.

"Want more?"

Esmeralda was nodded, her expression was almost the same as that of a pug, she was almost wagging her tail.

"You should know the meaning of this thing to your Divine Race, but our Frost Rose League has a special way to get a lot of this thing. You should know what this means to you, so you I should be happy now that you made the right choice."

Esmeralda knelt down immediately after hearing what I said, and a bang made a hole in the ground. "Esmeralda will always remember the kindness of President Purple Moon, and I will definitely work hard for the prosperity of the Frost Rose League."

"Very good, the best if you can understand "I said to her: "Follow the mobile angel over there, he will take you to see Vina Patriarch, and put your Divine Soul Seal into the divine force core of Divine Race of Chaos and Order. You are a Divine Race of Chaos and Order. As for your loyalty...I don't doubt it, because after you understand the situation of our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, if you still think about rebellion, it can only show that you have an IQ. There is a problem."

Esmeralda nodded and said: "If you can supply that thing in large quantities as President Purple Moon said, only fools will betray you!"< /p>

After I asked the mobile angel to take Esmeralda away, I walked towards Ladamantis. At this time, Ladamantis was sitting on the ground and panting, while the Little was lying beside him. Giant usually reloads Knight, but at this time this guy is already in a state of venting more and less air.

"It's done?" Radamantis asked aloud when he saw me coming over.

I nodded glanced at the guy on the ground and said, "How is this guy?"

"Knocked out." Radamantis added after speaking. "This guy's stamina is very high. It took a lot of effort to get dizzy. He may wake up soon. If you plan to do something, it's best to do it as soon as possible."

"I want it too! But Do you think I’m going away because of the outside situation?"

"You can do it first. Although the situation here is not too good, it is not too bad. You should deal with this guy first. If there is anything that needs you, it will definitely be called you."

I thought about it and felt that what Radamantis said made sense, so I said hello to the god of war and brought this one on the ground directly. The guy went to Transmission Formation.

Of course, dealing with this guy cannot be done in Isengard Mobile Fortress. Using Divine Race products is one thing, and dealing with Divine Race in public is another. It's as if it's one thing for you to wear fur made of animal skins, but if you peel skins for animals in the street, it's quite another matter. Although this analogy is not very appropriate, the truth is similar. We can use things made with Divine Race body and Divine Soul, but we cannot handle a Divine Race in public. Killing a Divine Race in battle is not a problem, but if you use it as a tool, it won’t work.

After taking this guy to the Isinger Twin Cities, he used the Transfer Formation to go to the depths of the Underground City, and then went to the Huanyang Road that was specially connected to Isinger from the underworld. Over there in the underworld. This is where our guild has the most secrets, because our Power of Faith collection and processing work is basically concentrated here.

After dragging the Siberian Divine Race to this side, then went directly to Hades and their new Yama Palace. From the secret door on this side, you can go down to the Power of Faith collection and transfer center. In fact, it also has the function of a laboratory, which is responsible for some research work related to Divine Soul. Of course, because Divine Soul is too difficult to obtain, the researchers here are actually studying their own Divine Soul. This kind of behavior in other guilds is tantamount to death, because the Divine Soul is the foundation of everything for the gods, and it is the fundamental existence that determines the height and potential of their cultivation base. However, because we have an unlimited supply of Power of Faith, as long as we don't cut too many Divine Souls at once, there will generally be no problems. It is precisely because of this that those guys in our guild dare to study their Divine Soul.

"Hey, the president? Isn’t Isengard’s mobile fortress in need of manpower? Why are you still free to come back?" Seeing me appear, a chaos who specializes in supporting this department Order Divine Race came over and asked. This guy was brought by Hades from the Olympus Divine Race. His loyalty is absolutely guaranteed. Moreover, this guy is also a research genius. He is particularly good at transforming the soul, the artificial soul of our guild. In fact, part of it is his credit. However, although this guy has very good research ability, his battle strength is very bad. It can be said that he is a technical talent. That's why he is still here after the front line is hit like that. After knowing his characteristics, I directly ordered him not to participate in the war anymore. Anyway, with his battle strength, he is not much more, and he is not much less. It is better to send such talents to the battlefield to take risks. Feel at ease and get more results in the research institute to be more practical.

I lifted the guy in my hand and explained: "Not for this."

"This is...? Just captured?"

I nodded and said: "This guy is very difficult to deal with, I think you control it first, and wait for him to wake up and ask if there is any hope for him to join us. If not, use it as a waste Right."

"I understand this, but how does the president plan to use it?"

"I want a divine force essence maker."

< p>"Oh, I understand, don’t worry about this, as long as he is sure not to join our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, I can make it for you."

I nodded and said: "Then this guy will throw Now, I have something to do. Let’s go ahead."

After throwing this guy in my hand to the Divine Race members of Chaos and Order here, I went back to the Isengard Mobile Fortress. . Compared to the time when I intercepted Esmeralda and the super-resistant Siberian Divine Race, the situation here has changed a little bit.

First, the center of the battlefield has moved. The battle position has moved from the area between the second city wall and the third city wall to part of the area under the root of the third city wall and on the top of the wall. It feels that the front of the Siberian Divine Race has moved forward. However, although the combat position has moved forward, the personnel of our guild have basically been in place, and a relatively complete front has been formed. In other words, the situation is actually better than before.

"Military god. Report the current situation."

"In terms of the battle situation, we have gained the initiative on the battlefield. The high level personnel of the Japanese allies have just joined the battle and are taking over. The high level players intercepted the Russian high level players. The Divine Race in chaos and order has already suppressed the Siberian Divine Race under the cooperation of the high level players in the guild. The battle line has initially stabilized and I believe it will be reversed soon. Go back."

"How is the repair of Isengard Mobile Fortress?"

"The repair of the anti-gravity device has been completed, and the repair of the power pipeline will take a little bit of time, but if If necessary, you can use the emergency power to activate the gravity resistance device to make the city fly first. However, this plan has certain risks, so I did not decide by myself. May I need to activate it now?"

I groaned a little. opened the mouth and said: "Let's activate. Staying on the ground is also beaten, and the loss will only be greater. By the way, since the power pipeline has not been repaired, does that mean that most of the defense weapons in the city cannot be activated? "

"No, there are only a few that cannot be started. The power pipeline only supplies the energy consumption of the gravity resistance device. The armed system has an independent energy supply system, which is basically intact at present, just because of the previous The invasion of Divine Race in Siberia caused some external weapon systems to be damaged, so some weapons could not be used. However, most of the weapon systems in the city can still function."

"In this case, then. Wait for my signal for a while to activate the defense weapons to help us deal with the invaders in the city."


After explaining the military god, I asked again now. Wherever support is needed in the city, he flew directly over according to the guidance of the military god. However, what surprised me a little bit was that when I got there, I found that the situation was not as bad as I thought. On the contrary, a group of Siberian Divine Races were being beaten up by our people.

"Damn, the god of war, are you teasing me? This is dangerous? Are you saying that our enemy is dangerous?"

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