Because the destruction caused by the explosion on our side was too serious, the underwater city of the Russian players has already been destroyed a bit severely, so when we started to run , Banshee's plan to pursue the ice-bound Banshee had to be abandoned because of the collapse of the city's internal structure.

I didn’t feel much excitement after successfully evading the pursuit of Russian players, because it was not a particularly happy thing at first, because even the ice-bound Banshee they really caught up, except they would Apart from delaying our evacuation time, there is actually not much practical significance. The things in my hand have been loaded into the Phoenix Dragon Space or the Earth Gate. Both will not pour out items because of me, so it is actually impossible to recover the lost item. Besides, in terms of the battle strength of our group, although there is huge pressure when facing these Russian players, if it is just self-protection, in fact, simply is not a major event, we can easily handle it.

Under such circumstances, we can say that we are not worried that Russian players will catch up. Of course, it is actually a good thing for us that no one is following.

"Are we escaping now? Why do I feel that the direction is not right?" While following me, Ichiro Kakuda asked me where I was going because he found this route Looks like it's not the direction to leave here.

For Kakuda Ichiro’s question, I didn’t answer it, but Mahong replied it for me: "Of course I’m going to get something."

"Do something?" Kakuda Ichiro There seemed to be no reaction for a while.

Masaga Matsumoto asked where Ichiro Kakuda was silly and reminded us: "You didn't pay attention to the information before, right?"

"Information? What information?" Ichiro Kakuda Asked stupidly.

"You really didn't see it!" Ying Yu Shen Hina said suddenly: "In addition to the research base in this mobile underwater city, there is also a set of small-scale production for verifying the results of the experiment. Facilities."

"Oh, so we were going to grab production facilities!" Kakuda Ichiro said suddenly.

Matsumoto Masaka couldn’t help but said: “It’s not going to grab production facilities! If it’s us, grabbing a production line and going back may be useful, but the technology of Frost Rose League is What are they doing with the production line? Besides, I told you that this is a research base, and everything is just researched out. How can there be a dedicated production line?"

"Then you said Production facilities."

"The production facilities used in the laboratory are a collection of special production methods and supporting hand tools. Although it can be regarded as a production facility, it is actually just a very special manual workshop. That’s it, it’s different from a real industrial facility.” I explained directly: “The important thing in that kind of facility is the technicians rather than the equipment, because the equipment in this kind of facility is actually very simple, after all, it depends on technology. Workers do manual processing, so they are not very lazy on equipment. Besides, this kind of facility itself cannot provide any reverse engineering research value, so it is useless to grab it. Our goal this time is the things processed by this workshop. Since they have this kind of production facility here, there must be some finished products, and most of the things that go back to produce finished products for verification are things that have passed theoretical tests, even if there are still problems, but compared to those imagined pictures It’s already a big step forward. So I plan to bring all these things back, so that we can study against the technical data of the snatch."

"Oh, now I understand. "

"hey hey hey, when it comes to technological achievements, we also want to be targeted by the Russians." Zhenhong suddenly reminded us.

When I heard the words really red, I looked back, and I just saw a group of steel rare beasts moving towards us on the back passage, and the speed was even faster than us. , Seeing to catch up.

"Damn, this thing is too fast, isn't it?" Masaga Matsumoto couldn't help but see the monsters rushing up behind him.

Others looked back when they heard what we said, and found that the thing that caught up seemed to be the kind of rare beast in iron armor that they had encountered on the ceiling on the side of the research data storage room.

At first, I did think that these were the same kind of rare beast, but when those things got closer, I realized that there still seemed to be some differences in these things.

These monsters chasing us seem to have two things in common. One is that they have external steel armor on their bodies, and the other is that the muscle tissue of crimson is directly exposed, and the skin tissue is not visible.

From these two things in common, it can be seen that these creatures should all be of the same type, but their previous differences are also quite large, so I am not sure whether this is an individual difference or a difference Types of biological weapons. However, at least this thing now shows the same situation.

The running speed of these things is very fast, no matter what posture they run, the speed will be very exaggerated, and at the beginning, I didn’t pay attention to the distance. I only found these when the other party chased us near. Things can even climb walls. After chasing us, they immediately jumped onto the side wall of the passage and started chasing us along the side wall or hanging upside down on the ceiling, and this strange way of movement turned out to be faster than on the ground, obviously. These guys are more adapted to this way of running upside down.

Although I don’t know why these creatures are running so fast, these things have indeed surrounded us now. Although the front has not been blocked, as long as the two monsters on my side rush Get in front of me to block my way forward, then the monsters behind can close the encirclement circle and completely surround us, and this situation makes me simply unable to slow down, because as long as I slow down, it is equivalent to trapping all of us. In the encirclement.

Although I also know that in this case, the deceleration will be surrounded, but now it is impossible to decelerate in this situation, because the production area is already in front.

According to the initial setting, this production is divided into four parts: raw material storage area, processing and production area, experimental area, and storage area.

These four parts can determine the specific division of labor from the name, so we can directly remove the goal of the experimental area. The remaining three areas are the locations we need to grab, and the most valuable of these three areas is not the storage area, but the processing area.

The processing area is the so-called production workshop, but it is a little different from what we told Ichiro Kakuda before. This place is not worthless, but very valuable. Those special skilled workers, of course, are played by NPCs in the game. After all, players rarely have life occupations that can be cultivated to this level. Being able to produce the most cutting-edge weapons with bare hands in this kind of place, these people are no longer able to handle the skills of the average level. Therefore, all the processing personnel that appear here are at least Grandmaster Level processing technology. Therefore, these people are not only valuable, but it is not an exaggeration to say that they are invaluable.

Except for this processing workshop, the remaining parts are the raw material storage area and the storage area. These two places are equally important, but neither is the kind of facility that needs to be emptied.

Although speaking from a certain perspective, the things in these two areas are quite valuable, but our task here this time is to snatch the technical achievements of the Russian players, not here. Sanguang policy. We can toss here because Isengard Mobile Fortress and Divine Race of Chaos and Order, including those Japanese players and Chinese players who cooperated with us, fought hard to fight the enemy on the main battlefield. This opportunity is very precious. And for our actions here, every minute and every second outside will produce huge casualties and losses. Therefore, we must not delay time here, but must complete the task quickly.

Because of this, all of our every second here has a time cost, so many things that seem to be very valuable to us should actually be the kind of things that are not worth taking. , Because the time cost of moving those things is higher than the value of the item itself. In this case, the more we take, the more we lose money.

Under this state of time is money, it is obviously inappropriate to sweep the three areas one by one, and the Russian players are not stupid. We attacked the technical data area before because of the special area over there. Important, so the Russian defense forces are all concentrated in the past, but if we are still here one by one, the other side will definitely make some countermeasures, and with previous experience, they will probably choose to burn both jade The way of and stone keeps us from getting those things. This situation forces us to complete all the strong multi-tasks in a short time, and we can't make the Russian players react, because they react, we don't expect anything.

"Attention everyone, prepare to act separately." I said after looking at the surrounding situation: "Matsumoto Masaka, you take Kakuda Ichiro and August to the raw material warehouse. Sakura Rain God Young, Chi Fire Dragon Ji, Christina, and Zhen Hong, the four of you will go to the finished product area, and gold coin and Bingbing will follow me to the production area."

"Understand." The crowd dispersed immediately after a loud promise. The monsters following us also immediately divided into several teams moved towards different directions to catch up.

There are only four monsters behind our group, but the problem is that Bingbing is not the main battle system, and the battle method of gold coin is limited here, so in fact, it can really play all of it. It is only me who has battle strength. Fortunately, even if I am alone, the battle strength is not bad.

"You two are going to grab someone, here I will block."

After rushing to the production workshop over there, I shouted out and assigned the task, and then turned around to block At the entrance of the passage.

After all, this underwater city is completely sealed, so the internal space is not very spacious, and the structure is similar to a large ship. Those areas where items are produced and stored require a particularly large space, so special large rooms are built, but other places are not so spacious. For example, this place where I stopped. The reason why I am stuck here is because this place is narrow enough, and there is only such a road. As long as I don’t let go, the other party will not expect to catch up with the gold coin and gold coin in front of me unless they walk over my body. Bingbing. As for if you really want to beat me through here...just think about this kind of thing, don't expect too much.

The four monsters over there stopped after seeing me stop, and it seemed quite vicious, one of them looked a bit like a combination of a dinosaur and a bear The creatures even drooled down.

Although the shapes of the four creatures in front of them are all steel armor with red muscle tissue, their body structures are quite different. One of the monsters, as I just said, is a combination of a bear and a dinosaur. The guy’s head looks like a dinosaur, but it’s not a Tyrant Dragon but a Lophosaurus. As for the body, except that it has no hair, it is almost like a bear, and there are steel armor everywhere on the body, which is particularly difficult to deal with. Kind.

One of the remaining three is a creature that looks like a large lizard walking upright. This thing uses the hind limbs to walk upright, and the forelimbs are estimated to have become special weapons. The claws on it are quite exaggerated, and there are things like horns on both sides of the head of this thing, but this guy’s horns are not backward but forward. .

The shape of the third rare beast is very similar to that of the second one, but it is very difficult to deal with on all fours, and its tail is obviously alienated. It has a large pliers on it, which looks like this. It is an assault weapon.

The last monster is the smallest of the four creatures, but the body structure of this thing is most in line with the natural characteristics of the creature. The strong and perfect body structure gives people the feeling of a bodybuilder. Of course, the shape of this thing is not human but animal. The body structure is similar to canine creatures, but it is big and very strong, but it is not as exaggerated as the guy with the bear body.

The four creatures started roaring and demonstrating at me after I stopped, but this situation only lasted less than five seconds before it ended, because their apparently high intelligence has discovered gold coin He and Bingbing left first. Under this circumstance, they naturally didn't want to be blocked by me any more. They directly rushed forward from the rare beast who walked upright with horns on the head.

In the face of this monster that rushed up, I plan to have a quick sword cuts through tangled hemp. First, I will kill one with a powerful skill. Because there are four enemies here, I am now in a situation where there is no summon creature. The status is used, so I don’t want to have too many enemies. However, before I actually started to do it, something suddenly went wrong outside. Just as the first monster was about to enter my strike range, suddenly the entire seabed city swayed to the side. The monsters who lost their center of gravity all hit the side wall, and even I suddenly tilted because of the city. And I almost fell. Fortunately, my balance was pretty good, so I jumped directly to the side wall, so I didn't get knocked down.

The tilt did not last forever. The city that had just crooked a bit quickly returned to balance, but the city is now full of people. The moment just now caused a lot of trouble to the people here.

I was still wondering what was going on, and suddenly I heard the radio in the city. A female voice broadcast in Russian: "Attention all personnel, this city has been attacked from outside. At present, there are multiple damages to mobile devices in the city, and there may be severe shaking and loss of balance. Please be prepared for everyone."

"External attack?" I was stunned when I heard such a notice suddenly.

The Russian city was attacked from outside, but this attack was not arranged by us, that is to say, there is a third party, no, it should be the fourth party that participated in the attack. but. I think this third party is likely to be the gunner, because they obviously came to snatch the technical information before, but we were upset by it later. Based on what I know about the gun god guy, he is not so easy to give up, so they must have found this underwater city in some way, and then brought people to retaliate.

Their purpose may not be to snatch technology, but to sink the city completely, thereby undermining our snatch plan.

In fact, if you think about it from another angle, it is not difficult to understand the similarity of the gun god.

The idea of ​​the gun god is actually very simple. The Russians have technology, and the Americans have their own. We Frost Rose Alliance also have their own technology. As for Japan...the Americans have never taken them seriously.

However, if this operation is successful, we will get Russian technology and make the Frost Rose League and the Japanese become stronger. Although Japan becomes stronger, it is not a big problem for the Americans, because they are confident that they can handle the Japanese, but if we Frost Rose League get Russian technology, it is obviously a very dangerous situation for them Americans. This will further increase the technical gap between us, and when the time comes, the gun god will become even more unassuming when facing us.

Because of this, the idea of ​​the gun god is very simple. Since fair competition can't rob us, then simply use some means to destroy the city directly, so that everyone has no technology, and then the situation will return to the previous state, although it will not be higher, but it is also Not worse.

If the gun god wants to destroy this underwater mobile city, there is no need to enter it, so they simply use special underwater combat weapons to launch an attack on the underwater mobile city. And they thought well. The first target of the attack turned out to be the mobile devices of this underwater mobile city, that is, those long legs.

Although the long legs of this underwater moving city look slender and slender, the reason why this thing looks thin is because it is too long. If you really want to speak of which, The legs of this guy are super-materials made of pure high level metal and magical inscriptions. The hardness of these things is enough to ensure that they can bear the gravity and the torsion of the propulsion of the underwater moving city. The latter is the main driving force of the city’s propulsion. The torsion that must be assumed during the movement is very huge, so in fact these The diameter of each long leg is more than seven meters.

Solid metal over seven meters, and magic array protection, the hardness of this thing is actually quite exaggerated. But it is a pity that the weapons used by the Americans are not ordinary goods, but liquefied magic crystal steam weapons. The explosive power of these things can be doubled underwater, and the consequence of direct hits at close range is not to directly smash these long legs, but to make them twisted. In addition, these long legs themselves need to bear a certain amount of torsion, so once the long legs are attacked, when it starts to drive the underwater mobile city forward, it will cause the original problematic long due to the huge torque output by itself. Broken leg. This is like if a person has bone fractures, if they do not pay attention to self-cultivation and then perform high-intensity exercise, the bone fractures will directly become fractures. Therefore, the Americans only exploded the long legs of these underwater mobile cities to crack the bones, and it was actually caused by the Russian players' own driving equipment that actually broke them.

Although a few legs were broken by the bombing, but fortunately, there were many legs in the underwater mobile city of the Russians. Even if they were broken some, the impact was not great. In addition, this underwater mobile city itself relies on buoyancy to levitate, and its own pressure on the legs is actually not great. Even if there is no support, it should theoretically hover in the water in a steady state. The reason for the serious tilt just now is not because the city itself crooked, but because the long legs were not broken when they moved underwater and the city moved forward. The power output by the long legs was uneven, and the result was that they pushed themselves crooked. NS.

Of course, the Russian side has no good way to deal with this situation, but even if they have a way to deal with the troublesome Americans, they probably can't fight with all their strength. After all, we are still here.

Although I’m not sure whether the Americans’ specific thoughts are the same as I thought, since this has happened now, I can just take advantage of it. Taking advantage of the chance that the monsters lost their balance due to the tilt of the ground, I made a decisive attack, and then easily killed one of the monsters, but when I planned to come the second time, the surrounding walls didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, a section of steel bar that was rushed in from the side was straightened into two sections. The monster over there couldn't rush through, and I couldn't get through it at all.

Anyway, I didn't intend to fight these monsters to the end. Since they couldn't get through, I didn't care about the situation there anyway, and went directly after gold coin and Bingbing.

The efficiency of gold coin and Bingbing is pretty good. When I got here, what I saw was the corpses all over the floor and the row of halal children who slept in the corner. It was obviously life. Professional NPC.

After seeing me appearing, gold coin pointed directly at the sleeping NPCs and said: "I ran a few, and some of them were killed by their own people, and the rest is here. "

I am nodded to talk nonsense. I threw all these people into the gate of the earth, and then greeted gold coin and Bingbing quickly to reinforce other places.

Furthermore, on the side of Masaga Matsumoto and Ichiro Kakuda, although their task is to collect raw materials, not all the things in the raw material warehouse need to be taken. And unlike the other team and our group, they have a certain advantage here, which is the indestructibility of the raw materials.

The skilled workers we want to rob can be killed, and the finished technical achievements that Christina and the others rob can be destroyed, but the raw materials cannot be destroyed. Only a few of these metal ores or various strange materials can be destroyed, but most of them are hard to destroy. Although they can change the shape or form of these things, the characteristic of the raw materials is that they only provide a certain attribute. As long as the attribute does not disappear, it does not matter even if the form or appearance is changed.

Although the tasks assigned by Masaga Matsumoto and Ichiro Kakuda are simpler, the Russian side did not intend to give them these things in vain, but the guard over there really reflects the fighting nation. Characteristics, that ruthless Jin is really nothing to say. After discovering that the battle strengths of Masaga Matsumoto and Ichiro Kakuda were much higher than their own, and that this underwater mobile city was indeed already internal trouble and outside aggression time is limited, these guys turned on a special switch directly, and then they didn’t. When Masaga Matsumoto and Ichiro Kakuda reacted, they discovered that a row of sixteen circular pipe openings suddenly opened at the four corners of the warehouse. Immediately after the opening of the pipe openings, a large amount of seawater began to flow. Into the warehouse. Masaga Matsumoto and the others just froze for a while. The water under their feet has gone.

"Asshole, are these Russians lunatics?" Kakuda Ichiro almost scolded his mother looking at the hurried mouth of the waterfall ahead.

Masaga Matsumoto has no time to comfort him now, and directly reminds him: "Hurry up and load things and how much you can take. Be careful not to take the wrong one. Pick the most valuable one first."

Originally, Ichiro Kakuda and Masaga Matsumoto are not suitable for this kind of work, because they are Japanese and do not have our Fenglong as a storage space, so the number of things to carry will definitely not be too large. But because we knew in advance that Matsumoto Masaga and Kakuda Ichiro did not have enough storage space, we specially arranged for them to accompany them in their actions. These phoenix dragons are temporarily loaned to them and need to be returned after the mission is completed.

Of course, Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru actually both have phoenix dragons in their hands, but it’s not convenient for Kakuda Ichiro to know at this time, so they didn’t show up and let us make-up. Apparently sent them one more each.

With Matsumoto's reminder, Kakuda Ichiro's action is fairly fast, but it is a pity that August Kaoru has no way to join the porter's mission, because she still needs to continue to block the Russian players behind. Those Russian players did not give up here because the water inlet valve was opened. They are still fighting, but because the expert was called away by the ice-bound Banshee before, there are not enough manpower on this side. Simply can't stop the wolf-like invaders. Can watch things being evacuated a little bit.

Although the work efficiency of Masaga Matsumoto and Ichiro Kakuda is pretty good, it is a pity that the speed of the drainage outlets designed by the Russians is so fast that they just took them away. One-tenth of the materials stored in the warehouse was forced to abandon this place.

Compared with the two teams in front of us, the task of the team is obviously much smoother in the end. Christina led the team not only to get a lot of practical things, but also some accidentally discovered NPC technicians over there to pack it.

Finally, when our three groups came together according to the guidelines, half of the location we were in was already submerged in the water. Looking at the waist-deep water, I can only take everyone away quickly. This underwater mobile city is obviously about to end. The American attack not only destroyed many long legs for propulsion, but also opened a few large holes in this thing. We had already injured the internal support structure due to our previous battles. Several large holes were exploded. In addition, the act of actively flooding the warehouse by the warehouse just now directly led to this huge underwater mobile city. It began to sink at a speed many times faster than the normal speed.

Considering that this underwater city is fighting outside, this thing may be paralyzed at any time, so there is no need to consider the place below the city where we enter. Most of these places will be suppressed in the end, and they will definitely not be able to get out, so we need to move up.

Originally, there were no elevator-like equipment in this underwater mobile city, but now because the underwater mobile city has been severely destroyed, these facilities have basically been paralyzed. The only thing we can walk is the stairs, but all the stairs are now retreat channels, so there are so many Russian players inside. As a result, these people start to attack as soon as they see us, which makes us have to fight these guys. Up. Fortunately, those we encountered were ordinary players in this city, and some of them were not even combat-type, so the hindering effect on us was almost no.

Relying on our high strength, we rushed to the upper structure of this underwater mobile city at a speed many times faster than that of Russian players who are familiar with the road, but we only found out that this place is actually It's not much better than the following.

Our location is the top position of this huge underwater mobile city, but here is not a small cabin, but a huge through-deck. From the structure of this thing, it can be determined that this place is likely to be expandable on the sea. As long as the top cover is opened, this place can be turned into a place such as a landing platform.

However, because of the huge through-deck, the upper area has almost become a huge pool, because there are several large holes just above our heads, and the sea is using crazy speed Pouring into here.

"Boss, the water pressure in those places is too high, I am afraid we can't get out?" Looking at the big hole that crazily poured into the sea, Zhen Hong asked.

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