Three small submarines were dropped in the exit below the moving city before they started to close slowly, and due to the distance, we were not able to reach the vicinity in time before it closed, but This kind of large exit usually has a small opening in the vicinity area, which is like a small door above the door of many units. Normally, the door is generally closed, and only the small door is used for entry and exit.

Although this mobile city has an obvious Arabic style, it is still a man-made object anyway, so it is inevitable that some customary designs will be preserved, and this small door is one of them. The door was completely closed when we arrived near the gate, but we quickly found the small entrance.

This is a small entrance such as an overhaul channel. The outer hatch is a round cover with a diameter of more than one meter. It can be controlled by the simplest rotary handle, and it can be used inside and outside.

I beckoned to Zhen Hong, and then pointed to the thing, and then took out the weapon and put a guard posture next to him. Zhen Hong knew how to hold the handle in the past, while the others were They are ready to fight.

Although this kind of gate is very difficult to turn underwater due to pressure problems, but under the power of True Red, even if this thing does not turn at all, True Red can directly unscrew it. Turning the handle very easily, the door quickly relieved the pressure, and soon lost the pressure and was pulled open by Real Red, and the moment the door opened, I was the first to get in. But the situation inside is not dangerous. This is just an overhaul channel, usually no one is there, so there are no guards inside. However, I still urge everyone to enter the small drainage room in this door as soon as possible. After all, this is part of the city of others. We cannot guarantee whether this thing has a similar control system with Isengard Mobile Fortress. If it is the Isinger Mobile Fortress, if any closed gate is opened, the city tree will immediately find and track the target. If it is detected that it is not one's own person, the guards of the whole city will immediately know that we have been invaded.

Of course, the city tree of our guild is a very rare and special existence, so generally speaking, other guilds may not be able to obtain such a control system. But it does not rule out the probability that other guilds have certain special control capabilities. So, we need to speed up from opening that door, because the other party probably already knows that someone is coming in.

Because this overhaul channel is not the main channel, the drainage tank behind the door can barely squeeze in six people. There are too many people on our side, and we have to divide it into two groups.

Me, Masaga Matsumoto, Ichiro Kakuda, Christina, and gold coin entered the first round, and the others were assigned the second time. After closing the drainage compartment, there is a manual switch on the wall, but it is not the kind of thing that automatically drains when you press it. This thing is not so high level. In fact, this drainage device is a crank, which needs to be rotated continuously to drain the water out of the room little by little. Normally, this drainage method requires a person to shake for more than ten minutes to pump out all the water in the room, but we don't have so much time to wait, so I directly get Brigitte out to let her help.

Bridges are constructed creatures like Inverite, which is a structure similar to robots, and are different from ordinary artificial construct creatures. Both Inverite and Brigitte are the same. A fairly high-end construct creature, it looks similar to the style of the Divine Race unit in the famous sci-fi game Interstellar. The whole body is densely covered with rune and crystals, and the structure looks very different from human creation. However, although the appearance is different from the mechanical body built by humans, the characteristics of the mechanical body are the same, for example-the wrist can rotate infinitely.

If the handle is made to be shaken, no matter how hard you are, the speed will not go much faster. After all, people's speed is not very fast. But letting the mechanical body come is not so much trouble. Brigitte reached out and pinched the center of the crank instead of the handle, and then her wrist began to turn. Because her wrist can rotate 360 ​​degrees freely, there is no need to let go, and she can continue to accelerate. As her wrist rotates faster and faster, the handle of the cranking handle also turns, and in the end it almost becomes a fuzzy piece, and it is completely unclear.

The advantage of this ultra-high rotation speed is the ultra-high drainage speed. The water in the room drops rapidly at a speed visible to naked eye, and it is completely drained within ten seconds before and after. Amazingly fast.

The floor below this room is a mesh design. There is actually a distance below the floor, where there is something similar to a float used in a toilet tank. The structure of this thing is very simple, just a lever plus a rubber ball. When there is water in the environment, the buoyancy will hold up the rubber ball and drive the lever to pry the latch at the other end to lock the door. The connecting hatch cannot be opened at all.

When we gradually drained the water, the water level continued to drop after being lower than the floor, and the floating ball under the floor lost its buoyancy and began to sink due to its own weight. The result was natural Just pull out the latch on the other side so that the door can be opened.

This kind of design is actually very simple. An ordinary person only needs a few simple tools to complete it, and it doesn't have much technical content. So, some things that look very high-tech are actually far less complicated than imagined. When people who don't know hear that the door can be opened automatically according to whether there is water in the room, they may directly think of electronic induction or intelligent control, but they actually use a float and a spring latch. Most of the technologies used by the Russians in this city are in a similar situation, and they have handled extremely complex projects in a very simple way.

This design style is a characteristic of the Russians. In addition to reducing the technical difficulty, this characteristic also brings two benefits. The failure rate is low.

The simpler the thing, the lower the failure rate. The hammers used at home and the mechanical forging hammers of the factory are theoretically hammers, but the hammers at home will not fail, and the mechanical forging hammers There will be problems from time to time. This is the problem of failure probability of complex items. Although the Isinger Mobile Fortress of our guild is much more advanced than the Russian underwater city in terms of technology, we have to admit that the Russians beat us in terms of failure rate. At the beginning, Isinger Mobile Fortress had two or three cases where the main power pipeline was hit, causing the entire city to lose power and fall directly to the ground. Fortunately, we predicted this situation in advance and installed an emergency engine, otherwise Isinger would move. The fortress had fallen apart a long time ago.

We succeeded in getting into the internal passage after we drained the water, but Brigitte was left in that room by me, and I will help Zhenhong them to come in later.

Take advantage of the real red when they entered the hatch, Masaga Matsumoto and I had already deployed defenses in this room. The interior of this hatch is not a large room, but a small passage, about three to four meters long. There are a lot of tools and other things on both sides of this passage, which feels like an inspection cabin. There is a gate at the end of the passage, which may be used in case the hatch on this side leaks. But now this hatch is open. It is estimated that it should have the same design as the inverted door just now. As long as the room here is flooded, the punched ground will let the water flow into the sink under the ground first, and once the sink enters the water If the floating ball floats up, the switch will be touched and the gate will be closed to close this side. This is basically an automatic waterproof door.

Matsumoto and I walked to the end of the aisle, sticking to the walls on both sides of the aisle left and right, and looked at the situation outside.

The outside of the passage we entered is a horizontal passage, but the length is not too long. On the left side of the horizontal passage there are about seven or eight meters before the end, and there is a hatch over there, but it is closed now, so I don’t know what is going on on the opposite side. The channel on the right is a little longer, maybe more than ten meters, and has a little arc. There are also doors at the end of the same on the right, and there are two doors, one of which is at the bottom of the passage, and the other is on the side wall.

In addition to these three doors, there is actually a small door a little bit in front of the passage where we are, but this door is different from the other three. Although the other three doors have different shapes, they are all relatively large doors. Only this one is relatively small and can only allow one person to pass through.

At this time, all the doors in the passage are closed, so we don’t have to worry about anyone discovering us. Let Matsumoto Masaka continue to stay here, I returned to the bottom of the channel, the gold coin and the others are still draining, you can hear the obvious mechanical turning sound. But soon there was a creak from the turnstile in front of us, and the gate was pulled open.

True Red came out first. After taking a look at me, he asked me how I was doing. I directly replied: "This is a closed compartment, possibly a Level 2 waterproof compartment, without guards. "

True Hong dared to speak only when she heard that there was no guard. "We are here now, how do we find the location of those research institutions?"

"The more reliable method is to grab the tongue, but the problem is that the player must not touch it, even if it is grabbed. I won’t say it when I arrive. But the NPC is not necessarily safe. As long as the missing time is a little longer, it will definitely attract the attention of others, so once we scratch our tongue, it means that we are about to be exposed.” Christina said.

August Xun, who just came out of the hatch, said: "I think we should catch our tongue. When we open the hatch, the alarm may have been triggered, so one more probability is actually dangerous. The coefficient hasn’t changed much. In addition, even if we don’t catch our tongue, we will be found out sooner or later even if we rush around here, so the risk will always be there. At any rate, catching the tongue can quickly determine the target position, otherwise it will take longer. Our chances of exposure will only be greater."

Masaka Matsumoto stood at the passageway and said, "Purple Moon, President Purple Moon. We should grab our tongues."

I think this is the only more reliable method. We simply don't know the existence of this underwater city in advance, so it is naturally impossible to collect information here in advance. If the area of ​​the city under the tree is not large, it’s fine, but this thing is obviously not small, and the internal space of this man-made object will definitely not be flat like a normal city, but should be like a ship, with the interior divided into Layer by layer, this virtually increases the number of cabins. We have to find the target cabin among so many cabins. Although it cannot be said that it is like finding a needle in a haystack, it is not a way to rely on blind touch. Just like August Xun said, there is also a probability of being discovered in chaos here, so it makes the same sense whether you can catch your tongue or not. Of course, if we can find the command room, it would be another matter.

"Then follow August Xunde’s suggestion. Let’s grab a tongue and ask about it." As I said, I turned around and walked towards the lateral aisle over there, and then asked: "Which way do you think is better? Reliable?"

Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun both shook their heads, because they can say that they don't know anything about the structure of this large-scale equipment. Gold coin thought for a while and said: "I suggest to the left."

According to the location and direction we entered here before, the left hand direction of the passage is probably pointing to the tail section of this huge beetle-shaped city. of. Because the position of the hatch we just entered is probably on the chest of the beetle, which is the junction of the head and abdomen, our left and right sides should point to the head and tail section respectively.

Gold coin consciously explained: "This kind of large equipment, the head should be the warhead. After all, if there is a battle, the head is mostly aimed at the enemy, so the impossible will be fragile. The facility is placed on the head. The more reliable setting is that the head is all combat compartments for installing weapons and small vehicles. The chest position in the middle is probably the position of mechanical components such as the power system. From what we see now The situation has also proved this. The tail section of the city is the largest area, and relatively safe, so the living area and experimental facilities are most suitable here. But I think it is unlikely that such a large tail will all be the experimental area, so 80% of what we are looking for is in the middle of the tail section. The outer layer may also have defense weapons and parking spaces for small ships."

The analysis of gold coin can be said to be quite in place. So we accepted it completely without any objection. First, we carefully closed the entrance we entered, and then moved to the hatch entrance at the bottom of the left passage.

We listened first through the door, and found that the opposite side of the hatch seemed quite noisy, which means that the noise on our side probably won't attract the attention of the other side. Since I was not afraid of the sound to disturb the other side, I also directly discussed with Masaga Matsumoto and the others here. Everyone still thought it would be better not to open the door directly, so I finally released a few ghost worms, and then used them to blur myself. The characteristics let it get through the door.

After the Ghost Worm Gate passed through the gate, I immediately saw the situation behind the gate from the shared vision. Quite unexpectedly, behind the door is not a room but an elevator.

"This thing is an elevator?" Matsumoto Masaga asked in surprise.

I nodded and said: "It's not surprising. We entered from below this city, so this place is considered the lowest cabin. Isn't it strange that there is elevator access inside?"

Matsumoto Masaka nodded asked: "What's the situation above?"

"My ghost worm is still moving, please wait for a while."

The walls of the elevator went all the way up, then out of the roof, followed the Range Rover above the elevator and climbed all the way to the upper level of the elevator shaft. At this upper level, there is a gate, which is the elevator door. The ghost worm carefully blurred itself and then passed through the door, and then I saw the situation outside the elevator.

The location of this floor is just over two meters above our location. The distance is not great, but the situation inside is different from ours. The noise inside that floor was very terrifying, and through the eyes of the ghost worm, I could see a row of huge machines in the room working back and forth. But because part of this thing extends into another room, only part of the structure can be seen, and there is no way to guess what this thing is for. In addition, in addition to this machine, this room also has a lot of pipes and valves. It looks like a steam engine during the industrial revolution. There are steel parts everywhere, and some steam will be sprayed out from time to time. It looks very backward. Look like.

Before I noticed that the technical route of the Russians is different from ours. Now I understand it thoroughly. The technical route adopted by our Frost Rose League is actually a technology that meets the content of the game after accepting various settings in the game. Its main body is the use of magic and energy, so the technical equipment of our guild is often It doesn't look like an industrial product on Earth. After all, you won't see a large piece of gemstone on a machine in a factory. But our guild equipment will have it, because our equipment uses a lot of magic institutions, these things are based on the magic array, if there is no magic gem as an energy node, it is difficult to operate. Therefore, the equipment of our guild looks shiny. However, the Russians are not actually studying these magical technologies in the game. Of course, it is not that they do not use magic at all, but that they do not use magic as the main direction of attack, but use the machinery they use in reality. The technology has all been simplified and copied into the game.

Although the equipment in front of me is still not sure that it is a steam engine, I can already be roughly certain that these eight achievements are a magical version of the steam engine. Although it uses a magic array instead of coal, the working principle is still to boil water to produce water vapor and push the piston to work, so even if it is heated by magic, it is still a steam engine. This is completely different from the technology of our guild. The magic device we use directly uses magic energy to generate kinetic energy, without the need for water vapor as a transformation medium.

I can’t make a direct conclusion about which of the two designs is better. On the surface, of course our technology is better, but when you think about it, this kind of steam engine also has its own advantages. It can only be said that each has its own strengths, and the equipment of our guild is slightly stronger.

After observing the equipment in this room, I let the ghost worms scatter and climb directly to several entrances and exits of this room. The structure of this room is quite strange, it feels like a partitioned and part of a long corridor. There are diamond-shaped arches on the left and right sides of the passage, and there are watertight gates on the arches, but they are all open now, so you can see from the doorway that there are still long passages before and after, all of which are all such equipment working on top and bottom. , As for the people who take care of these equipment... Indeed there are, but the number of people is very small, and they are not near here.

Although I was sure that there was nothing dangerous on the upper floor, I didn’t take Masaka Matsumoto and the others up immediately. Instead, I let the ghost worm go up and explored the situation on the upper floor of the elevator. . This elevator does not only have two floors. In addition to the floor where we are and the floor where the mechanical equipment above is located, there are two floors above it. The ghost worm quickly went up to the entrance of the upper level, and then got out.

The structure of this layer is similar to the one below, but there are no running machines here, only a lot of pipes and some meters, and this layer is not as exaggerated as the height of the lower one. Because the volume of the machinery and equipment is very large, the floor just below is as high as more than seven meters, and the height of this floor is only two meters. Part of the area is blocked by pipes and other things, and the actual height is not two meters, which is very tall. People even need to lower their heads to avoid hitting things.

Compared with the layer below, although there are not many facilities on this layer, there are a lot of people. There are many workers who look like workers walking back and forth on this layer in work clothes full of greasy dirt. , From time to time you need to stop and take a look at the meters next to it. Sometimes I will leave after checking the meter. Sometimes, after checking the meter, I will turn the valve next to it according to the above numbers. It doesn't seem to be very busy, but it always needs adjustment from time to time, and I can't really take it off.

Obviously, the Russians do not have a high degree of equipment automation. Although the technical defects of our guild’s magic equipment are also obvious, at least our things should not be controlled by so many people. Even the large anti-gravity engine array on the Isengard Mobile Fortress is only equipped with three special magicians and more than a dozen laborious workers. It looks like this, I have seen at least 30 at this moment. Several staff members are out.

From this floor upwards is the last floor reached by the elevator. After this floor comes out, it is directly a small room, and there is a door on the side of the room, but like the bottom, the door is open. From this gate, there is a traffic network similar to a seabed tunnel. Because this place itself is inside a mobile city, the road is actually completely closed, just like a tunnel, and we found that the elevator comes out of the side of the tunnel, which feels a bit like a maintenance tunnel.

Although the passage outside the elevator room is very similar to the tunnel, there are still some differences. The first is that this is not entirely a lane, but most of it is a sidewalk. Only in the middle, there are two lanes, one front and one back, for limited traffic vehicles, and the few cars I saw are all animal-powered, and there is nothing at all. The feeling of modern vehicles is nothing more than a transformation of the devil beast version of the carriage bull cart.

However, although the vehicles on the ground are very ordinary, there are also some high-tech things in this place. In fact, everyone should have heard of this thing, because it is an elevated tram.

In fact, this tunnel is three-dimensional. In addition to people and vehicles on the ground, there are several railroad tracks on the top of the passage. A special vehicle will hang under this rail like a cable car. Moving, and compared to ground vehicles, these things are much faster. However, these upside down gondola-like things are fast, but because of track problems, there is no way to turn, and they can only move along a specific track. In other words, if these vehicles are not something like subways or buses, they are special line vehicles used by certain departments. They can only go back and forth between two specific points and cannot move at will.

Although there are a lot of people coming and people going in the above passage, no one is specially guarding the entrance and exit. Those people obviously have their own things. This situation clearly shows that we have not been discovered yet. It seems that the Russians really do not have the city management system as developed as ours. Even if we opened the external hatch, they didn't know. Of course, this can only be a small entrance like the access door we entered. If the main door is opened, no one knows that it is impossible.

Although it can be said that there is no danger in the upper layers, the specific layer from which to go is obviously also a problem.

After I talked to Masaka Matsumoto about the situation I will see, everyone was hesitant. Kakuda Ichiro frowned said: "The uppermost passage is obviously the most convenient. You can reach anywhere you want, but there are many people over there. The two floors in the middle are actually not very different. There are few people and all of them are mechanical equipment, but they can be reached. There won’t be much music in the place."

"Why don't we grab our tongue and ask?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked.

Kakuda Ichiro nodded and said: "This is a good idea."

Christina followed: "Which layer do we catch?"

"Of course I caught it from the nearest one." Kakuda Ichiro said, "There are fewer people here, so it's easier to catch people."

"No." Gold coin said: "It's because there are few people so I can't move. There are too few people here, and they must know each other. If one person is missing, others will notice immediately. Unless we arrest all of them, it will be difficult not to reveal our whereabouts."

"Then just grab them all, there are not many people in total anyway."

"Impossible." This time it was Kaoru August who interrupted Kakuda Ichiro. "The other party's arrangement of manpower means that these devices need to be monitored at all times, otherwise there will be no constant patrols. If we capture one or two people, there is nothing at worst. The remaining people can also complete the work, but if we take These people are all caught up, and the equipment is left unattended, and problems will soon occur."

"That's true too!" Kakuda Ichiro sighed.

"I think it's better to grab from the top road?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji said: "Although there are a little more people on the road above, the people over there are from all parts of the city. Yes, they don’t know each other, even if there are one or two missing, no one will find out for a while. And even if these people have some jobs, they will be noticed by others because of their disappearance. The city is so big, they don’t know that people are there. It’s not easy to find us where we are missing. Therefore, I think it’s better to catch people from above. As long as you don’t be seen during the arrest process, you can say that there is no problem in a short time. As long as we can know the exact The target location, when they notice that someone is missing here, we may have already arrived."

"It makes sense. Then we will catch people from the top."

Although The flow of people in the uppermost area is higher than that in the lower area, but because most of these people don't know each other, it becomes unusually easy to catch people. I let a few ghost worms stick to the wall on the side of the passage as my eyes, and then looked at the pedestrians. Soon we locked on three goals.

These three people are obviously NPCs, and one of them is walking in front of the hand holding this thing and is constantly turning over, seemingly very serious, while the other two have been talking. Attention is not around. Of course, the biggest reason why they were chosen as the target was that the three people were walking close to the wall, and the people behind them were far away, so they would not notice the disappearance of the three people.

Depending on the positioning of the ghost worm, we can accurately know the time when the three people passed the door of our elevator. Then, the prepared sickle waited with a mouthful of spider silk mucus. At the moment of the signal, the spider silk was sprayed out.

The speed of the spider-like creatures is very fast, almost as fast as lightning. When the three people passed by the elevator, they simply didn't expect someone to attack them, so there was no resistance. They were sprayed all over by the spider silk mucus, followed by the spider silk and were quickly pulled back. The three people were also dragged in in the blink of an eye. The whole process was less than 0.1 second, and the one who reacted the fastest even just It's time to open your mouth, but it's not time to make a sound.

After the three people were dragged in, they were knocked out by me, Masaga Matsumoto and Real Red one by one, and then we quickly walked along the elevator shaft back to the bottom of the passage where we at first arrived. Among.

The three people were tied up with spider silk again, and after confirming that they could never move, let the sickle use the spider silk to hang the three of them on the top of the passage, and stretched horizontally with the spider silk In midair, they’re hanging in midair. They can’t use much effort, and even if they want to shake, it’s useless, because the horizontal spider silk will stabilize, and they simply can’t shake themselves. Was tied up into a silkworm pupa-like body.

We awakened three people immediately after fixing them, but these three guys were obviously not battle-type personnel. Not only did their clothing look civilians, but the most important thing was these people. I can't feel the slightest fluctuation of magical power in my body, and I don't even have much muscle. In other words, these people are not practitioners, nor are they physically active, they can only be relatively leisurely life occupations.

When the three woke up, they seemed to be yelling, but they soon discovered that their mouths were stuck and they could only make the sound of wu wu. Considering that there was a row of huge machines roaring above his head, even the dog's ears could not hear this movement.

The three guys soon realized that their yelling was futile, so they finally calmed down, because they had tried it. Apart from yelling, struggling was just as useless. The spider silk on the body is not high in hardness, but the toughness is amazing, it can't be pulled and pulled constantly, even a warrior can only be hung there obediently, even more how these three bodies have no power to bind chickens.

"It looks like you are already aware of your situation." Looking at the three people who stopped struggling, I walked over and said, "But don’t worry, as long as you cooperate well, I don’t mind giving you A way to survive."

"wu wu..." One of them hummed as if to say something.

I gestured, Kakuda Ichiro immediately grabbed the knife on his waist, drew the knife like lightning, and then inserted the knife back like lightning, without seeing him at all. What you can see is that the knife seems to be pulled out a little bit, and then plugged in again. However, the spider silk on the mouth of the guy on the opposite side was cut all at once.

I said calmly: "You have already seen his speed at which his sword is released, so if you can lift yourself and yell faster than he can cut your neck, you can Give it a try."

"Don't worry, we won't resist." The guy who was let go of his mouth movement said wittily, and the remaining two people were desperately nodded and said they would obey us. .

"Very well, let me ask questions now. You can say whatever I ask." I winked, and Zhenhong and gold coin immediately went up and liberated the other two people's mouths. Came out. "Now it's up to him to answer. You two usually don't talk. If you feel that what he said is incomplete or has errors or omissions, you can add, but you are not allowed to interrupt before he finishes. Do you understand?"

The three people are nodded together to show that they understand.

I said with a smile: "Yes, your attitude is very good. After a while, I will knock you out and stay here. When you wake up, you can leave by yourself. We This time I just want to get something and not to damage this place, so you can rest assured that your lives will not be threatened."

The first point of threatening others is not to make them feel that you are not. saved. If we say that we want to destroy this underwater city, in terms of NPCs like them without battle strength, it is basically sentenced to death, so we can’t let them think that they are dead, only they still have the desire to survive. , Can be threatened and controlled by us.

"If you have any questions, please ask, we must tell you everything we know."

"Very well. Then, first tell me your names and identities. one by one Come."

The three people immediately started to introduce themselves in turn, and then we knew that this sneak attack was really lucky, and they caught three researchers directly. These three people are researchers in the mechanical transmission department and part-time mechanics, and the reason why they appear here is actually related to the small submarines we have seen before.

Actually, the submarines that were going to be dispatched were not three but four, but because the propeller of o

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