"Where is another one?"

"Where is it here." I said while holding another crystal core. Seeing the crystal core in my hand, Evil God immediately reached out to take it, but I quickly avoided his claws. "What are you doing?"

"Come here." Evil God said as it should be by rights.

"Why are you taking it?" I asked pretendingly in surprise.

Evil God looked at me with an unidentified appearance, and then said: "We have an agreement. I will give you those colorful magic crystals, and you will help me get the crystal cores. Why? You have to change your mind. Is it?"

"But didn't the crystal nucleus have been given to you?"

"Yes, but you only gave me one piece."

"Does our agreement require two yuan?"

Evil God obviously didn't expect this problem, but after a little bit of a daze, this guy still said very seriously: "Since we have reached an agreement The agreement, that thing is mine, don’t you have to breach the agreement?"

"The agreement is clearly written in black and white." I directly showed the agreement. "It says that as long as we bring back a complete crystal nucleus and give it to you, it will be considered as completed. As for how much we get in the process, it has nothing to do with you."

"hmph, this is your strong word. Of course the crystal nuclei you get in the process of doing the task for me are all mine."

"You guys are really unreasonable enough to make trouble. But we are too lazy to talk nonsense with you, hurry up, give us the things and we will leave, you don’t have to bargain with us anymore, we won’t give this piece anyway."

When Evil God heard it, he immediately became angry, and he slapped his hand. A large group of fully armed Dark Knights suddenly appeared in the rooms around this storey. Then I saw a few high level Lichs standing behind the counter next to it. , Obviously the other party has prepared a lot of people.

"It looks like you are planning to have trouble with us." After I finished speaking, I looked at the agreement that was still floating in the air, and then said, "Aren't you really afraid of me applying for agreement arbitration?"< /p>

"hmph, agreement arbitration? You guys are not even willing to buy a guarantee agreement, but you still apply for arbitration. Do you think you can scare me with a fake agreement? You dare to write High God’s name, do you think High God is so easy to invite?"

I now understand why this guy is so confident about our agreement. It turns out that it’s not that he is not afraid of High God, but this guy at first I didn't think that our agreement was a valid agreement. After all, the status of High God is too exaggerated, so it is impossible to give people a guarantee at random, so this guy thinks that it is just a fake guarantee agreement, but it has no effect. Unfortunately, his guess was completely wrong.

"Since you want to say that, then I have nothing to say." I glanced at the Evil God, I clicked on the agreement, and said: "Apply for arbitration."

After High God's guarantee agreement applies for arbitration, High God will come forward in person. This is different from the general guarantee agreement. System guarantees are executed directly, and you won't see anyone appear to deal with this matter.

The difference between the two agreements is obvious. The system guarantees that because no one appears, there is no issue of handling impartiality, because the system does not favor any party. However, this kind of guarantee agreement The penalties of the system are relatively weak, unless you directly write down how to punish when signing the agreement, otherwise the penalties that the system comes with are very weak. However, because High God will be there in person, as a living individual, High God will have a certain influence on the judgment because of his emotions. To put it simply, High God's punishment may be much more severe than the system's punishment. After all, these guys are originally aloof and remote. It is already quite unpleasant to run a trip for this kind of agreement. Of course, in this case Will not handle with care.

The Evil God over there obviously didn’t expect our agreement to be true. He thought it was just an ordinary fake agreement, because High God’s agreement simply did not attach divine force or anything else. What kind of power, so people think that this thing is just ordinary paper. However, in fact, High God's agreement is not really without adhesion, but because the way of adhesion is special, Low God can't sense it.

Although the Evil God on my side knew that this thing was true at the moment I activated the agreement, but at this time he has no choice but to brace oneself.

As the agreement shined, a door suddenly appeared in front of us, and this door is very familiar to me, because this is the door of the earth that I often use.

After the door of the earth appeared, it separated to the two sides automatically, and then the mother of the earth was seen walking out of it.

"There are people who even dare to violate my agreement. They are really not afraid of death!" After the mother of the earth came out, she looked around, then turned to me and asked: "You are the one who applied for arbitration. Is it?"

I nodded and said: "The content of the agreement is here, but the other party asks for additional things. If we don’t give it, we will turn our face and not pay us. I have no choice but to start arbitration."

Mother of the earth nodded and said: "Okay, I understand." Then she turned to Evil God over there, and then asked: "Do you admit what he said?"

< p>Evil God stared at Mother Earth for a long time before saying: "Are you really High God?"

"hahaha, there are still people who can't sense the divine force of High God. "Christina laughed when she heard the other guy's question.

In fact, everyone on our side laughed, because this question is so funny. The surging energy fluctuations in the mother of the earth are like a torch in the night, and in such a close case, even a person with zero magic induction can feel the slightest abnormality in the air, even more how this guy is still a god, and he has no response to High God's divine force.

"Are you kidding me?" Mother Earth was amused by this guy. "Did you not sense the divine force on my body?"

"No, I can sense some, but this kind of energy intensity is..."

Before finishing talking about Mother Earth, she was taken aback for a while, and then immediately stepped back several steps, and then suddenly shouted to me without any warning: "Purple Moon, go grab the thing in his hand."

"Huh?" Of course I was a little taken aback when I heard such a request, because I had no idea why Mother Earth made such a request. However, this hesitation was only for a few tenths of a second. Regardless of the reason, Mother Earth has a lot to do with me. Although she will not help me blatantly, in fact, the hidden help that Mother Earth has given me is still very much. So no matter what angle it is, the golden thighs of the mother of the earth must be hugged tightly. Just for this golden thigh, even if the mother of the earth asks me to single-handedly challenge the eight-pointed snake, I can't say no! Even if you are killed in battle, it is absolutely fine to have the Mother of Earth, so this kind of time is not a time to consider what and why. All that is needed now is to do it.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing that I just stopped for a few tenths of a second and then suddenly rushed to the two, the Evil God over there immediately stepped back and asked loudly.

For the other party’s question, I directly responded with action. I just hit this guy’s forehead with a punch and hit it down, but the guy moved quickly and caught mine with one hand. Fist, but I reacted faster. With the help of his arms, I stepped directly on his stomach and jumped up. My legs clamped his head and then quickly exerted force on the waist and twisted back. That guy suddenly lost his center of gravity. I took my place in the air and turned it one hundred and eighty degrees in the air.

Along with a loud explosion sound, the guy's head hit the floor directly and entered the room below. At this time, Christina and the others immediately moved.

Evil God’s men rushed up. Even Iorigus, who was still fighting with us before, did not fall, and started to join the siege of us, but Bing Xin did not make a move. As she said, she is just one of the guides hired by the other party to help us complete the task, not the other party's subordinate, so when we brought the crystal core back, her task was completed, and there was no need to go again. Desperately for the other side.

Even if Bing Xin did not join us in the battle, the situation on the scene is still very few enemies. The Evil God has at least prepared no less than 50 people here, but there are only a few people on our side. ? Although our battle strength is good, the manpower prepared by the other party is not ordinary, and the worst one can be used as a boss outside. You can imagine that more than fifty bosses gather together, how terrifying is this kind of battle strength? Although all of us are experts, we rely on a few people to deal with fifty bosses, and it's a melee. It's not clear that I can't find it happy?

"Purple Moon, demolish the house." I was chasing the backing Evil God, and suddenly there was the sound of roses behind me. Without even thinking about it, I shook my arms and bent over to take the photo. It was a palm split on the ground. With a loud explosion sound, the floor of the entire floor was cracked with huge gaps, but it did not collapse immediately.

Just after I slapped the floor with a slap, Zhen Hong rushed to the vicinity of one of the supporting pillars, and then raised his hand and slammed it up. It feels like you are hitting foam. The stone pillar that requires four people to hug is broken in an instant, and the middle piece is completely transformed into a dusty structure.

The really red this fist destroyed the supporting structure of the house, and my chopping broke the horizontal pulling structure of the house. As a result, the whole building began to collapse toward the center. I looked at Rose, but only heard Rose yelling: "Leave me alone."

After hearing this, I didn’t call Rose to leave and leave like in the romance drama, let alone me. Shouting that I won't leave you alone, but really just turned around and rushed towards the Evil God over there. Inside the collapsed building, a lot of masonry and rubble fell one after another, but I did not care about these things at all, relying on the strong armor, so I rushed straight up.

Under this situation, the fighting crowd stopped fighting one after another. For the time being, they first tried to protect themselves, and the building finally collapsed completely under our destruction, instantly turning into A pile of rubble, the smoke and dust that was raised made the undead in the whole city looked towards this side in surprise. You know this big mall is a more famous mall here, but now, this mall has collapsed. This is definitely big news.

When many undead creatures rushed to the collapsed shopping mall, the smoke and dust had almost spread. In fact, there was not much smoke and dust, but the original tall building became only about two stories high. ruins.

As everyone looked at the ruins in a daze, there was a sudden noise on the ruins, and then some undead found a few stones rolling down from the top of the rubble. When everyone's attention was focused on the rolling rocks, they suddenly saw a huge broken wall weighing more than a dozen tons in one place. In fact, although this piece of rubble itself weighs more than ten tons, it requires more strength to lift it, and the reason is that there are other things pressed on and around this thing, so it is actually very heavy. Heavy. However, even with such a weight, it still failed to stop the person below.

In the surprised eyes of the undead, the rubble slowly rose up a little bit, then suddenly flew up a few meters and then began to fall again, but the rubble that hadn't completely fallen suddenly banged With a blast, the rocks flew everywhere, but fortunately, there were undead around, otherwise there must be a lot of casualties among the onlookers.

After the rubble was shattered, a white and red body finally crawled out from below, standing on the rubble mountain and stomping fiercely, the white dust on his body was immediately shocked as if it had encountered something. Flew up, and then automatically separated from her.

"Boss, where are you?" After the real red came out, she shouted from the rubble.

Just after the real red side shouted, I suddenly saw some light coming from under the rubble pile over there, and then followed by the red light flashed, a circle of rubble in a certain position Suddenly they all flew up, and then I saw gold coin and Christina jumping out from below together.

"Christina, gold coin, are you okay?"

"This is just something, what can be the matter?" Gold coin looked around and asked, "Sister And the boss?"

Boom. Just after the question of gold coin, the rubble next to it suddenly exploded a big hole, and then I was seen getting up from below, and there was another explosion not far away, and then the rose came out.

"Where is the mother of the earth?" Seeing us out, Christina immediately noticed that the mother of the earth did not appear.

"Don't worry about her. Can she be a High God who can be killed by a brick?" After I finished speaking, I immediately said, "Did you see that Evil God?"

< p>"It seems that I saw him in that position when it finally collapsed." Gold coin pointed in that direction.

I walked over as soon as I heard it, but I just walked nearby and suddenly heard oh la la, a piece of rubble by my feet flew out suddenly, and one hand under the rubble Stretched out and grasped my ankle accurately.

"You fellow, don't want to hurt my master." The voice of the fellow Eorrigos came from under the rubble. I have to say that this guy is really a loyal loyalist, and he still doesn't give up the task of protecting his master.

I didn't show any mercy to him at all, I kicked his hand away, and then moved towards Evil God and walked. However, due to the delay of Eorrigos, I still failed to arrive early. Just when I was almost there, the rubble suddenly exploded, and then I saw that Evil God stood up with a group of men.

And obviously, these rubbles are not dangerous to us high-level personnel. In fact, to us, bricks and rocks are like soft plastic, although there are more things. Throw us down temporarily, but it is a matter of time to come out, and there is no such thing as injury.

"hahaha, if you want to get this back, you are impossible to do it." That Evil God is obviously a brave guy, he didn't run away when he got something, but still showed off there. I don't have the slightest softness to such a fool.

Just as the guy was laughing, a white light flashed suddenly, and then the guy's laugh suddenly changed because he found that the crystal core in his hand was missing.

"Good job." Taking the crystal core from the dart's mouth, I smiled and looked towards the Evil God over there.

Looking at his hand in surprise, Evil God suddenly yelled angrily and pushed away the man in front of him moved towards me and rushed over.

"Scythe." I turned around and threw the crystal core out, and this time it was not one but two. The sickle appeared like lightning, and at the same time it spewed out two small cobwebs, directly hitting the two crystal nuclei, and then took the crystal nucleus and stuck it on the back of the bird who had just been summoned by me.

After catching the crystal nucleus, Asuka immediately turned over and resumed its normal flight attitude, and then accelerated to take off moved towards high altitude, and the Evil God below simply had no other choice but to look in a hurry. Although he is a god, but unfortunately he can't fly, so there is no way to face the air superior devil beast.

However, although Evil God can't fly, it doesn't mean that his men can't fly. Just as Evil God yelled in anger towards the sky, two of the men behind him immediately opened the bat wings behind him and flew. However, just as they flew up, they discovered that there were two more targets suddenly above their heads.

Jingjing held up the shield shining with white divine light and shouted: "Holy Shield-full protection."

Lingling followed the holy sword and shouted: " holy sword-judgment."

Light God power is poison to dark creatures, of course the reverse is also true, but at least it is now certain that neither of the following two flying guys can adapt to Light God power, so When Jingjing and Lingling appeared, they immediately suppressed their ability to fly.

Evil God was very happy to see his men flying up, but didn't expect was intercepted. He was about to order more people to fly, but he was suddenly overthrown by a huge force.

"It's not a good habit to glanced around when fighting." Zhenhong pressed Evil God on her body, and her fist rained down on this guy, instantly knocking it out of human shape. Even for Divine Race, defensive power is still not enough in the face of real red fists.

Seeing that his boss was beaten by someone, those Evil God's men immediately rushed up again. Unfortunately, half of his men were buried in the ruins, and the ones that came out were obviously not enough. Suppress us, so under our interception, no one can help the Evil God, and can only watch Real Red beat this guy like a pig.

To be honest, True Red’s attack power is too terrifying. As long as a normal person is caught by her, the best way is to quickly find a way to break free, otherwise once he is controlled, Zhenhong can output his own attack power without limit, and in this case, most people usually can't support it. one minute.

Just when Real Red beat the idiot Evil God, we suddenly opened a door to the earth again, and then saw the mother of the earth walk out of it unscathed. I knew that trifling was nothing but rubble, how could it hurt Mother Earth?

"What about things?" The Mother Earth didn't care about the unhuman Evil God being beaten on the ground, but directly asked where the crystal nucleus was.

I saw that the form here has stabilized and directly sent the message to Asuka. Asuka swiftly swooped down from the mountain sky, but the Mother of the Earth unexpectedly asked directly: "That thing In the sky?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, I was brought up by a demon."

After hearing this, the mother of the earth said immediately: "Don't let him down yet. ."

Although I am still puzzled as before, why the Mother Earth has such a requirement, but the requirement of the Mother Earth must be implemented. I am still clear about this. Going directly up with a message, the flying bird immediately changed to level flight, and then climbed again. After I felt Asuka had finished turning, I asked the Mother of Earth: "What happened just now? Why did you let me grab that thing?"

The Mother of Earth looked around and said: "Let your people end the battle first, and then I'm telling you."

I immediately said: "No problem."

In fact, other people after Evil God was maimed. It shouldn't be a problem, and the Mother of the Earth made an exception this time and made a direct shot. Of course, she didn't take action to deal with those little ones, but gave each of us a blessing. However, although it is just a blessing, the effect of this blessing is a bit scary. All of us became invincible in an instant. Although nothing else changed, we didn't feel at all how others beat us. No pain or itching, no blood damage, no shock. Anyway, it feels like everyone else has become made of cotton, and the strength is so small that we can't respond to any attack.

I know that this ability is temporarily lent to us by the mother of the earth. Impossible exists for a long time, so I started slaughter all sides while the blessing was effective. Anyway, I'm already invincible, so I don't need to worry about blocking and other issues, just let go of your hands and feet to kill.

In this case, the enemy was quickly cleaned up, and even the Evil God was completely wiped out by us. This guy has already feuded with us, and keeping it is a scourge, so it's better to just kill it.

After solving the Evil God here, I released my own familiars to surround this place. Previously, Evil God promised that our colorful magic crystals are still under this rubble, so I can't leave them alone, I have to dig them out. But it’s obviously not a good idea to let the mother of the earth wait, so we changed it a bit and let the familiars guard here and do excavation work. Of course, people still need to stay to watch, so gold coin and true red are the most popular. Enter the gate of the earth with me, only Christina and Rose entered with me.

In fact, there is not much danger outside here. Although we demolished a house, the undead in this place have their own lives. Everyone has developed a habit and will not interfere with each other. , There is no affiliation, if we kill Evil God, naturally no one will come to trouble us.

After explaining the work outside, Christina and Rose entered the gate of the earth, and the mother of the earth was already waiting for us here.

"Don’t talk first." Seeing us coming in, Mother Earth didn’t ask us to ask questions, but told us to shut up, then motioned to us to sit, and then began to say: "I I know you are very puzzled as to why I would break my habit and actively interfere with your actions, but I can explain this, as long as you listen to it, you can ask if you have any questions after I finish talking."

Of course we have nothing to say here, nodded agreed.

The mother of the earth saw our nodded and began to say: "The first thing you need to tell you is that the kind of thing you were fighting for before has a very special ability."

"Special ability?"

"Stop talking." Mother Earth glanced at me, and then said: "This kind of crystal nucleus is normal under normal circumstances, but once High God appears Around these things, these things will absorb Law Power from our body, and the law is the foundation of our High God, and is everything to us. Once our law is absorbed, it means that our strength will begin to decline, even If it is serious, it can be life threatening.

Although the mother of the earth said that we should ask after listening, I still couldn’t help asking: "Your consciousness is that the kind of crystal nucleus can kill Dead High God? "

The Mother of the Earth didn't teach me this time, but directly said: "In theory, this is the case. As long as the number of this crystal nucleus is large enough, and the time with us is long enough, then it can kill us. However, this is only theoretical. To achieve that effect, at least two hundred such crystal nuclei are needed, and even if there are two hundred, it is impossible to immediately take effect on us. It needs to be close to us for a long time, such as a month or longer, before it is possible. Kill us. If it's only a few seconds, it's not a big problem. However, this is something that can hurt us after all, so I must be careful. In addition, the ability of this crystal nucleus to absorb our laws is also related to whether we cast spells or not. Still we start to use our own abilities, the absorbed energy will start to drain faster, which means that as long as this thing is present, we can’t make a move. Otherwise it will be sucked up faster. "

"Then what shall we do now? Destroy these things? "Christina asked.

"The processing method is actually very simple. "The mother of the earth took out a scroll from her body, and then handed it a small crystal stone.

I looked at the thing in my hand in surprise and asked: "What is this? Huh? "

"Although the crystal nucleus is a huge hazard to our High God, the hazard itself is not so urgent, so we pay attention to it and do not need to be so careful. So, for the sake of helping me this time, I decided to give you some benefits. "The Mother Earth said immediately after finishing speaking: "The scroll just given to you is a map, and the crystal stone is a token. The crystal nucleus in your hand has absorbed part of my divine force, so it is very difficult to destroy it. However, these crystal nuclei do not necessarily need to be destroyed. You can transform and integrate them into the equipment, which will bring you unexpected benefits. "

"What are the specific benefits?" "Christina couldn't help asking.

Mother Earth said with a smile: "When the time comes, you will know. "

I heard here that I really want to take out the crystal nuclei collected by Ling and the others, but the Mother of the Earth has made it clear that this thing is for her It’s a kind of harm, so I can’t do this now, otherwise it will affect Mother Earth’s perception of me.

Mother Earth seems to have guessed my thoughts, and suddenly said: "Your hands There are not only those two crystal nuclei that absorbed my divine force, are they? "

I nodded admit it. Anyway, there is no need to hide the mother of the earth.

Mother of the earth nodded said: "If you still have it, I will teach you a way . In fact, this kind of crystal nucleus does not necessarily need the power of High God, you can bring it close to the Low God family, and their abilities can also be absorbed, so using this thing can also absorb the power of Low God to strengthen yourself. when the time comes After all your spars have absorbed enough energy, you can follow the map I gave you and find a person who lives there. He will help you talk about the fusion of crystal nuclei and equipment, and then you can get some unexpected abilities. "

"Sounds great, this is really good news. "

For this kind of thing, of course, we are always willing to come, and I have already figured out where to recharge these things. Baqi Orochi is the best target. Just think of a way. Using this thing to absorb the power of the eight-pointed snake, then we can get high level equipment enhancement materials, and also can weaken the eight-pointed snake by the way, why not do it?

We understand here. After the reason, I said goodbye to Mother Earth and left the gate of the earth, and the clean-up work outside was fairly smooth. Soon we found all the colorful magic crystals, and we also found some other good equipment in the ruins. Although these things are not what should be given to us in the transaction, since the other party is dead, of course we will not be stupid not to take these things.

After all the things are in hand, we will start to This hot spring of the dead was explored on a larger scale, but the follow-up exploration results revealed that this place was actually a huge barracks. The lake full of bones around is actually the reserve of soldiers here, as long as there is Power of Darkness, it can be quickly Resurrect those bones to become new members of the dark forces, and the most amazing thing about this place is that there is no leader.

Of course, we will not let go of this kind of place, and we will directly meet the people here with the high level undead. After the interview, I briefly talked about the situation of our entry here, and then euphemistically expressed the hope that they could be hired. As a result, these guys are just like the standard little brother templates in those novels. I heard that they wanted to recruit people, although they did not accept them. He bowed his head, but gave a very, very simple level.

They asked to compete with me, and they were to compete separately. Each Undead Race group here has a leader, and then I just have to compete with These leaders fight and win, this group agreed to join our Frost Rose League, and in my opinion, this is simply a free bonus. The facts are the same as I thought. If these guys are tied together, they may cause some damage to me. Influence, but if we separate...it’s not an opponent at all, okay?

After we simply deal with these guys, this whole city will all become the possession of our Frost Rose League, and after regaining this place, we will again Leaving the hot springs of the dead to complete the remaining tasks, which is the defense task of the mine that should have been completed initially.

This task speaking of which is much simpler. Because of the help of the dead, So the last time we went there was not a few of us, but a whole legion. After the entire undead Legion arrived at the mining area, we immediately cleaned up this side, and then we soon received a prompt that the mission was completed, and After the task was completed, we also got the task reward, but this reward made us a little confused.

According to the ones selected before entering the task West, we thought that the reward we got was something like high level equipment or attributes. Shui knew that the final reward was actually the mission level we completed.

Many people may wonder, how to reward this mission level? Yes, normally this thing is really not rewarding, but it is much simpler under abnormal circumstances.

The hot spring of the dead we recovered is actually a special city, and its core is actually a stone. As long as you put this stone in the hands of which force, the city belongs to which force, and I got the stone after I got the recognition of all the undead here, so after the mission, we brought the stone out , And what followed was actually the hot spring of the dead man.

In fact, the hot springs of the dead speaking from a certain perspective is a special edition of Isengard’s mobile fortress.

As a mobile fortress, Isengard mobile fortress can fly in the sky, so it is called a mobile fortress. And the hot spring of the dead is actually a mobile fortress, but it is different from the mighty and domineering moving method of Isinger Mobile Fortress, the moving method of the hot spring of the dead belongs to the mysterious department.

The movement of the hot springs of the dead is not by flight, but by teleportation. It can jump directly to the target area according to the meaning of the owner, and then replace this area to make itself a part of the area. Give a simple example. Assuming that the clearing in front of Isengard is used as the jumping position of the dead person’s hot spring, then as long as the location is set, the dead person’s hot spring will appear directly on the up ahead clearing area of ​​Isengard, and that The original earth and rocks in the open area will be transported to the location where the dead person's hot spring was before.

The characteristic of this kind of transmission is that it can perfectly match most of the environment and landforms, and the speed is immeasurably fast, and it is completely instantaneous. Don't look at it as a city, but the transmission preparation time is only five seconds, which is faster than the player's Transmission Scroll. Also, the teleportation mode of this hot spring of the dead is different from Isinger Mobile Fortress. Isinger Mobile Fortress can usually use one of three modes: flight mode, ground movement mode, and water surface movement mode to move, but in a hurry The reason for this is that the transmission of Isengard Mobile Fortress consumes a lot of energy, and the energy is provided by the magic crystal. The magic crystal itself costs money, so it becomes Ai Singh Mobile Fortress costs money every time it moves, and the cost is quite high. This is why we did not let Isinger Mobile Fortress jump around every day.

However, the hot spring of the dead does not have such a problem. Its transmission is completely free. No matter how far the jump is, no money is needed.

Of course, for the sake of balance, the system will not allow such things that can jump around, so the system has made certain restrictions on the hot springs of the dead.

First of all, although the jump in the hot spring of the dead does not cost money, the jump still requires energy, and it is

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