"You...you...!" Shadow Spring was shocked by me and pointed at me like a ghost.

I patted her hand: "Don't you, yours! I need you to help me with the task now! Talk about the price?"

The two beauties have not answered yet Behind me, there was a scolding: "Where is the monster, Qilin Fairy Mountain dare to rush!"

When I turned around, I saw a guy who was a few years older than me, a daoist robe, and it was us. Domestic Taoist priest! At this time, I suddenly noticed that this city seems to be very different from ordinary cities. The architectural style here is not like the mixed design of various styles in ordinary cities, nor is it like Isinger's all-European design. The buildings here are all antique Chinese buildings, and the flying corners are really beautiful. Some houses are low and graceful, with a sense of tranquility, while others are tall and square with imposing manner and grandeur. It really is a fairy mountain! It's so beautiful!

"Hello? What do you want? Why don't you answer?" The Taoist priest was very angry when he saw my attention run from him to the building next to him. "Who the hell are you?" This guy has already taken out the sword, and he seems to be planning to do it!

"Senior Brother don't get me wrong, this is our friend!" Zhenhong helped me out!

The guy called Senior Brother is still hostile to me even though he put the sword away. I can be considered a sensible person. From the looks of him, he knows that he likes one of Real Red or Shadow Spring. But it seems that they are not interested in him, so he became a deep-bowed man, and he was angry when he saw me talking to two beauties! He is hostile to him, so I still have to be courteous. Seeing him chewing ancient texts, I also said a few words: "Under Purple Moon, a member of Isengard, there is a party called Frost Rose League!" Halo, why do you feel so awkward!

"hmph! a nobody!"

Politeness does not mean blindly forbearing, this guy fails to appreciate somebody's kindness, I don't have to pretend to be a bear! "Be careful when you speak, although our guild is not very big, but you are just moving your fingers! Anyway, I am also a long time, and there are more than 10,000 people under you! Don't bark in a commoner background!" p>

"Who is disturbing here!"

We are now standing in a courtyard, and the so-called Eldest Senior Brother just came in from outside. At this time, an old man suddenly walked out of the back lobby, looking divine poise and sagelike features a Divine Immortal style. faint! Why does this Old Guy look so familiar?

"Arctic Star Monarch?" "Robber!" We both pointed at each other and cried out. The Old Guy in front of me has white hair and long white beard, except that the daoist robe has become very clean and beautiful. It is simply the irresponsible Arctic Star Monarch!

"I'm looking for you!" Old Guy stared at me furiously. "What's wrong with my house? You brat will vacate my house when I go out? You little bastard, return my house soon!" Old Divine Immortal whispered after reading, "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable! I’m guilty, Heaven and Earth are benevolence and righteousness, they both make that kid angry!"

Although I know I’m at a loss, but I know that now I’m surrendering and accepting defeat and I will not only leave things intact. I still have to vomit a lot when I go back. So I decided that people are ruthless and I am more ruthless! "Are you still asking for a house from me?"

Old Guy was said to be puzzled: "Why can't I take it? The deity just went out and came back to see that you moved my residence. Do not leave the tiles, even the pill room was taken away, what do you mean?"

I immediately said in a louder voice than him: "You are ashamed to say it! Obviously it is You have to study before I lend you the Fleshy body. When you are good, you don’t care if you run away. Only when I came back I found out that my Fleshy body was gone. Fortunately, my pets helped me stare more! It hurt me I turned over two Great Snow Mountains and chased for more than 100 miles before taking the fleshy body back. If it weren't for my demon pet's so loyal protector, I would be a solitary soul, unbound ghost now! You! Which is the most important thing about your house or your life? Heaven and Earth is the foundation. You are born empty. What is worth thinking about outside of your body, but my life is about reincarnation. Which one is important? Don’t talk about moving your house, I I still feel that I have suffered a big loss!"

Old Guy was stunned by what I said, and both eyes blinked. "I...I...!" I didn't say anything for a long time!

I will not give him a chance to explain and convict him first! "You made such a big mistake and caused so much damage to my young soul. Those houses are nothing but my nutrition. You haven't paid me the mental damages yet! You said, how do you compensate me? "


"Stop this and that! I don't make it difficult for you, what do you have for Immortal Pill baby, just give one hundred and eighty pieces That’s fine, or Divine Beast is also okay, but our guild mounts, do you have anything like a water avoider? Get me tens of thousands of heads! How! I’m benevolent! Huh? Why are you dizzy? Huh?" I turned my head and asked Real Red: "Is this Old Guy in bad shape?"

The three guys behind opened their mouths and looked at me for a long time without responding. They all seem to have What's wrong! "Hey! Arctic Star Monarch? Wake up! I can move by myself if I don't get up again!"

"don't, don't, don't! I'm up!" Old Guy finally got up . "Osa, you just go around me! Old fogey just let you take this thing, I'm going to beg for food!"

In fact, I just don't want to return his things, so I can blackmail him by the way Of course it's better. Now it seems that Old Guy is not too rich and can't push him into a hurry! "Let's do it! You have something good for me, I see it almost done!"

Arctic Star Monarch helplessly turned and led the way: "You come with me!" Hehe! Blackmail success!

Follow him into the back house, and didn’t expect that there was a yard in the yard! A loft appeared in front of it, just like the Hidden Scripture Pavilion in Shaolin Temple, similar to a tower, but relatively large and not high! There are only 5 floors in front of me. It is estimated that it is either a book collection or a treasure trove! The bottom door of the attic is locked, and there is an Eight Trigrams Array seal on the door. The guards standing on both sides seem to be not low-level!

Old Guy led me to the door. The two guards took the initiative to bow and then took out the key to open the lock. The strange thing was that the lock was still hanging on the door after they opened it, and it didn't open! The North Pole Star Monarch looked at the two and thought they stepped back to one side before they walked up and took out another key. After opening it, the lock was finally released! It turns out that it is the same as a bank vault, which requires several keys to be opened separately, and different keys are controlled by different people!


After the lock is removed, the door cannot be opened immediately. The Arctic Star Monarch uses the right hand to press the gossip on the door, and then the door opens 'S gossip actually lit up. Then he started to turn his palm, and the gossip actually followed, and the door opened automatically after turning a certain angle! It seems that there are very precious treasures inside, and it is definitely not ordinary things that are so tightly hidden!

After the gate was opened, the Arctic Star Monarch took me inside, but the first floor was actually empty! Following him, instead of going up the second layer, he went to the back of the stairs and turned a handle, and a downward staircase appeared on the ground. haha! The more hidden it is, the better it is!

I was dumbfounded after entering the lower room. A room of only a few square meters only has a stone table, and there are three things on the table. A pair of very beautiful long animal skin wristbands, they look very exquisite, and the protection area is large, almost covering the entire arm! A very gorgeous forehead, the exquisite carving with gorgeous gems is simply beautiful, but it doesn't look like a man in any way! The last thing is more exaggerated. It is a big knife imitating the shape of burning flame. There are 13 red magic beads asymmetrically inlaid on both sides of the knife. Although the attribute is not seen, it is definitely not Mortal Grade from the appearance alone!

The Arctic Star Monarch carefully picked up the big Blade Dao: "This is the ancient Divine Artifact collection of flames and the pure positive energy of between Heaven and Earth. There are 13 reds on it. It is the Tianyang Thunder Fire bead and the agglomerate of Scarlet Yang True Fire. The deity has been reluctant to use it, and I gave it to you today!"

"You are so generous, right?"


The Arctic Star Monarch said excitedly: "This is obviously an Ancient Divine Artifact, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, how do you say it is rubbish!"

"You are so stingy People suddenly became so generous to give me such a valuable item, of course I thought there was a problem!"

Old Guy coughed twice: "Actually, the deity is the male body, and this Divine Item is again Chunyang refining, the fire is too heavy, I can’t even stand the heat in a few seconds."

"Damn! I said you wouldn’t be so generous, it turned out to be too generous. Wang’s Divine Item, you can’t use this thing, how can I use it?"

"No!" The Old Guy began to explain again: "In fact, this knife is a fierce thing of Yanggang. The main reason is that Divine Immortal is too hot to stand up, so I dare not use it. But you are different. Although you have righteousness in your body, you have evil spirits. With your strength of darkness, you can suppress Pure Yang Flame a little bit, so that it won’t I was hurt by Pure Yang Qi!"

"It makes sense! I'll try it!"

I was about to reach out and was caught by the Arctic Star Monarch: "You want it, don't want it, but don't play in my Jibaozhai! This Divine Item formidable power is invincible, but you can open the mountains and split the sea. You don't want to make the buildings in my small building. It's demolished!"

I'm nodded! That's the case, really want to be as terrifying as he said, maybe just play around and go downstairs! "Then I'll put it away first, go back and try again!" It just so happened that the tooth of Sacred Dragon was destroyed. Since this item is our Divine Item in China, it will definitely not be too bad. It is just right to replace the tooth of Sacred Dragon! As for the Blade Technique, it's okay! In the past, European-style weapons were used. European swords are different from Chinese swords. European swords are mostly heavy swords. Therefore, when using swords, most of them are chopping, unlike Chinese swords that look like swords! By the way, doesn't it take a soul to repair the teeth of Sacred Dragon! This handle is a Divine Item made in China. It should be normal to have a soul!

"I mean Star Monarch?"

"What are you doing?"

"Does this thing have a soul?"

" You say Sword Servant? Of course there is, but that thing can be understood, but not described. Go back and explore for yourself!"

Halo! I don't know what he is talking about, what sword manual is not sword manual! Anyway, knowing that there is a soul is enough. Go back and merge it into the teeth of Sacred Dragon. It should be able to provide the soul you need!

Put away the treasure knife, and then said to the North Pole Star Monarch: "I accepted this knife, and it feels pretty good. What are these two pieces? Give it to me together!"

"This won't work!" The Arctic Star Monarch blocked me immediately. "This can only be given until the destined person comes!"

"Destined person? What is this?"

"This is a Chinese national instrument, I have to wait to hold it Only when the Chinese from other countries come, can you give it to him!"

travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily! National Instruments! China National Instruments will actually be here! Really heaven helps me! "You two are not the Heavenly Venerable series, right?"

"How did you know?"

"I know someone who holds a national instrument, her name is gold coin , I have helped her get 6 of the 10 parts, plus your two to make 8 pieces, and I also know that the last two pieces are in Tianzhu (that is, India)!"

< p>The Arctic Star Monarch obviously agrees, but can't believe me easily. "You bring her in person to let me see. If it's true, I'm willing to give it away!"

"That's good! You wait, don't leave!" Anyway, send the ring three times a day, and only use it today. Once again. I turned the ring directly and appeared on the camp outside the Dark Canyon. Regardless of the actual situation, go up and grab the gold coin and send it again. The Arctic Star Monarch only felt the silhouette of another person in front of him. "Look, this is Miss Gold Coin." I said to Gold Coin: "Show him your national artifact!" . "Yuntu boots, Heavenly Venerable tabard, white fox dress, Big Dipper gossip, Heavenly Venerable ring, Heavenly Venerable sword! They are indeed Heavenly Venerable's relics! Well! Take these two pieces too!" He took Carefully take that super long wristband to gold coin. "This is a ling fox cuff, which is immune to 35% spell damage, and can automatically restore your mana, allowing you to cast spells more quickly and continuously!" He took the guard over again. "This is the destiny orb, which can increase your attack power of Taoism, and can also provide you with a lot of Taoism skills! Give you these two things, I hope you can benefit the common people!"

gold Coin was still in a daze, I quickly patted her and whispered: "Use the scroll to go to the Lost City and wait for me!"

This girl also responded very quickly, and disappeared in a flash!

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