"Since you know this kind of thing in advance, you have to destroy the other party's plan." Rose bowed her head and meditated for a while and said, "But we are on the mission now, and choose It’s a ten-fold penalty mode, so it’s impossible to quit the task rashly. Then, what can be done is to complete the task as soon as possible."

"What about the things here?" asked Masaka Matsumoto road.

"Onitou Nobunaga's plan is also impossible. The results will come out in minutes. Even if it is spent with money, it will take time." Christina said: "As long as we move fast enough."< /p>

"Really, it would be nice to know the news!" Zhenhong said: "We have chosen such a difficult task, if it were simpler, it would have been completed."

"There is no way to predict this thing in advance, so it's useless to say anything now." Rose said: "Okay, we are like this. On the matter of Oni Te Nobunaga, please pay more attention to Matsumoto's affairs. If you need anything, please contact the military god or Hong Yue, the personnel and materials of the Frost Rose League are at your disposal. Of course, the premise is to hide your identity. Your task is not to directly destroy the ghost hand Nobunaga’s plan, but to hold him . Of course, it’s best if you can finish it directly, but you don’t need to go ahead, as long as you can slow down his progress."

Matsumoto Masaka nodded and said: "Augussuki and the others Three in, plus some secret support from the guild, I think it’s not a problem to hold Nobunaga on the ghost hand, that is, that damn eight-pointed snake is really a trouble. Although this guy is a Divine Race, but a little bit of Divine Race It doesn’t look like it, it’s always mixed among the players. Many of our actions were unwarranted by this guy, and we couldn’t beat him. And most importantly, this guy serves the Japanese players in name, so We can’t find an excuse to attack him on a large scale, so..."

"We know the situation on the Baqi Orochi. If necessary, we can consider asking Hongye to ask white jade Qilin for another shot. , I can definitely live him. In addition, if something big happens and needs the help of super battle strength, I still have a hole card here."

"Do you still have a hole card?" "Matsumoto Masaga asked in surprise.

I nodded and said: "Don’t think that I only have this thing on my body. After all, I am the president of the Frost Rose League, but there are too many good things in my hand. , You can tell the military god to give you the No. 2 item in my private vault."

"What is it? Can you fix the eight-pointed snake?"

"The thing is not a big deal, but it is a token. With this thing, Black Qilin promised to do something for me, so as long as you hold this token, you can summon Black Qilin to help fight once. The target is designated as the Eight-Different Orochi. With the strength of the Black Qilin, the Eight-Different Orochi can at least be severely damaged, and even if he is not dead, he can peel off his skin. At least for a short time, he will absolutely not have the strength to mess with you again. But be careful. , This is the choice of as a last resort, because this promise is only one time, very precious."

"I understand this." Matsumoto Masaka said: "I knew you still have such a big one in your hands.' Confident'exists, I'm not so worried. Okay, I'll go hold Nobunaga Guishou and them first, and give them some trouble. You can complete the task as soon as possible and come out to help."

" Okay, we will contact you when we come out."

After the communication with Masaga Matsumoto was over, we immediately began to speed up the progress of the task. First of all, of course, let Captain Donovan hurriedly take us to the ice continent, but this thing is not going to be fast. After all, it is quite an exaggeration to take the spaceship forward by the flying familiar, unless we go forward lightly, just take it. A few guides then use the long spear mount to fly over, so that it can double the speed. In the case of the stone, there are too many variables to face.

The task given by system is to let us take a boat to the new continent, and if we fly over, system will not say that we violated the rules, she will still think that we have completed the task, but because We have destroyed the original settings, so additional interference factors will inevitably be added to the mission. It's better to let lucky them pull the boat faster like this.

The game "Zero" is a high degree of freedom game, but the price of not playing cards according to the routine is the straight increase in the difficulty of the task. Of course, the system never lets players work in vain, so in addition to increasing the difficulty of changing the character process, it usually increases rewards, and because the middle process has changed a lot, there will be a lot of extras in the entire task. If you are not too troublesome, you can complete all of these side tasks, and the rewards afterwards are definitely very generous.

However, although this task system is such a system, we have to face this system carefully, because high rewards mean high risks, and once you fail to complete the task, the rewards are high. Gao has nothing to do with you. What really needs to worry about is the severity of the punishment. In fact, the increase in task difficulty is not only the task reward, but also the damn task penalty, so the high-level tasks are not as good as everyone thinks.

We need to be in a hurry now, so increasing the reward is simply a matter of no consideration, and it should be PASS off directly, so we must not exceed the bottom line of the task flow allowed by the system now. We have to make it appear that should appear in the task process, but we can make some small adjustments in the details, so that the system will not modify the settings, and the task can be completed smoothly and quickly. Of course, mastering this degree of interference task flow is also a technical task. Novice players can't master this degree and want to take advantage. In turn, there are many people who are pitted by the system.

Under the traction of the two dragons, Captain Donovan’s battleship quickly reached the ice continent, and this is also due to our navigator. The excellent performance of these two people allowed us to directly find the port in the target very accurately.

After sending us ashore, Captain Donovan returned with her battleship, and they were not able to help with the subsequent missions.

After our beautiful continent, Deng Li, we discovered that this continent is not really a continent. Strictly speaking, this place should be regarded as a floating ice area. The so-called ice continent is actually a giant ice floe, which floats in the Arctic region on the map, which is roughly equivalent to the actual Arctic Ocean. The ground of this continent is made up of ice. If you dig down, you won’t see mud or lava in the end, but will dig through the ice and fall into the sea. So this continent is made up of a whole piece of giant ice floes, there is simply no such thing as a continent.

Although the structure is a bit strange, the economy of this place is quite developed. The reason for this phenomenon is mainly due to a mineral called high-energy crystal that won in this area. This mineral was told to us by Captain Donovan, but because there is no this thing on the ship, we are not sure what this high-energy crystal is. However, based on the information that Captain Donovan told us along the way, this so-called High Energy Crystal Eight Achievement is a certain kind of magic crystal, but the specific level is temporarily uncertain.

Because the high-energy crystal production of this ice continent is very high, the surrounding countries on the continent will send people here to buy high-energy crystals for a long time. Doing high-energy crystal business terminal, and the continuous expansion of the terminal in use has formed a group of port cities. As for cities in inland areas, there are generally three situations. The first is to discover the high-energy crystal mining area, and then the miners settle down in the vicinity area. The places where they live will become cities in the process of continuous expansion. This is the source of the most important cities on Hanbing Road.

The second city is a bit colder than the previous one, and its development is slow, but it is relatively more durable. The cities near the mining areas all existed with the existence of ore. Once the ore was emptied, the cities in the mining area would immediately begin to decline. Although it would not really become a dead city with no one left, depression is the inevitable end. And the second city-the transit city is relatively stable.

These so-called transit cities were actually material transit points at first. Because it is impossible to grow any crops on this ice continent, if you want to eat, you need to consider transporting it in from outside. If the coastal cities are better, they can fish. But it is impossible in the inland area of ​​the ice continent. Although there is seawater under the ground, normal people will not think about digging a tunnel or something in the face of an ice layer more than 80 meters thick. More importantly, in these places, even if you dig down the tunnel, it is useless, because the severe cold will cause the sea below to freeze quickly. As long as the maintenance of this hole is stopped a little, the hole will be re-opened in less than five minutes. Sealed, and continued to grow and accumulate, and finally fully restored to the previous situation. All that said, fisheries cannot be developed at all in this kind of place.

Because these inland cities do not have any food to produce on their own, they can only rely on outside transportation. Port cities can live on food delivered from foreign countries, while inland cities can only rely on the merchants in the port cities for transportation. Because of the harsh climate of the ice continent, transportation here is definitely not as simple as imagined. of. The situation of driving and driving on the highway can only be in a modern country with a normal environment. In this place, the environment and technological conditions do not allow this to happen, so the main means of transportation of the transportation team is the sled. . Of course, there is no need to use a dog sled in the game, there is a devil beast that is more suitable for this environment can be used. These things run at the same speed as a dog, but they are very powerful and have good endurance, so only one or two can pull a sleigh as big as a container.

However, even with the help of these devil beasts, there are still many dangers on the road, so what the transport team here can do is to constantly set up transfer stations during the transportation, and the transport team stops in these places. , And then complete the replenishment and training, so that you can face the next journey in the best state, which also makes the subsequent transportation pressure drop significantly.

Because this kind of transfer station is very important for transportation, and the main materials transported are directly related to the people’s livelihood, so there is always a lot of people coming, people going in the transfer station. . The flow of people this year is actually equivalent to business opportunities. The high flow of people means that business is better. So some service industries have gradually begun to appear in this place, such as replacing ice skates for sledges and polishing ice skates, and some people are for the past. Provide more distinctive video, entertainment and other services, so more business opportunities appear. In this way, these transportation cities gradually developed step by step.

Because it is just a transit stop for goods, the development scale of these transit cities is not very large, and they are basically micro cities. However, because new mining areas will always be discovered, even if the old mining areas are exhausted, the establishment of new mining areas and transportation supply routes need to extend from the original route point to the new route point, which makes the previous supply city It's still working. So I said that although the scale of this kind of city is not very large, even if the mining area is exhausted, these cities will not be easily abandoned. Unless one day the entire mining area of ​​the ice continent is lighted up, there will always be transportation cities. Stay alive.

Different from the previous two cities, the Third Type city of the ice continent is a pure Fortress City city.

These so-called Fortress City cities are actually huge garrison points. The cities among them are not very large, but the defense forces in them are very high, and there are many adventurers gathered here. . Of course, the adventurer here does not refer to the player, but a special NPC here, which can be regarded as an existence similar to Bounty Hunter. But these guys are not hunting humans, but hunting the devil beast on the ice sheet.

Although the climatic environment of the ice continent is very harsh, there are still many kinds of devil beasts that are not afraid of cold. You must know that for devil beasts, there are many places where life seems impossible. They All can be easily adapted.

The city we just arrived is a port city, and after we walked around the city, we found that this ghost place was really cold, even if it was me and Christina and they both put it on My own cold-resistant clothing, but in this place is still cold and shivering, but we are all high level players, although we feel very cold, but the attribute points are not affected at all, and we will not directly deduct blood because of the cold. What.

We braved the cold wind for half a circle in this city, and then we understood what our mission was. The system didn't give any task prompts, but directly let the NPC ran over to hire us in a way of asking for help.

The NPC who was arranged to advance the task said something relatively simple. First of all, this guy is a wealthy man in this place. He specializes in mining high-energy crystals. But recently, his family broke down, and the reason is that he recently acquired a giant mineral vein.

The area and reserves of this vein are very amazing. More importantly, the mining depth of this place is not deep, so the cost of the ruling should definitely be very low. However, after buying this super high-energy crystal mine with all of his own funds, the NPC encountered very serious trouble.

When he happily summoned a large number of workers to prepare to mine this vein, everything he showed at the beginning was normal. The ore yard soon produced the ore, not only the fineness is very good, but also the output is very large. This guy who thought he was going to make a fortune had a major event just a few days before he was happy.

It was not an accident to be precise, but a creature was suddenly dug in this mining area. The shape of this creature is similar to Archfiend wearing full body armor. Not only is the body very fit, but also very powerful. It can easily defeat various local high-level existences.

This creature was originally frozen in the mining area, but with the mining and digging, this guy actually dug it out. Moreover, unlike the general situation, the whole body of this guy is made up of a faint blue, which looks a bit like sea water.

Because the body composition is easy to find, this guy has the ability to heal himself, and he can regenerate infinitely as long as he stands on the ice.

In the face of this kind of creature, the people that the NPC paid for are basically all reimbursed here. The sacrifice of these mercenaries requires him to pay the pension, and because the mining area has never been able to resume mining, this guy's money has always been out of it, and this guy has already emptied the family property before buying the mine. Yes, he still owes a lot of money, so he can now be said to be completely finished.

However, although this guy is about to become a complete pauper, he is still a rich man in name. He holds the mineral ownership of that giant vein in his hand, so his actual assets are actually very exaggerated. The only problem is that he can't get the money.

In this case, the guy's three sons and his only daughter decided to share the troubles for the father, and then the four siblings killed the vein together, planning to solve the monster by themselves. The result is of course very tragic. Although the four siblings are all fighting professions, they are not enough in front of this thing. His three sons were killed on the spot, and his daughter was arrested by the monster. And this guy came to ask us for help this time, in fact, the main purpose is to save his daughter, not to snatch the mineral veins, but it's okay to merge these two things into one.

Of course, this guy has invited many people to deal with that monster before us. He is so downhearted now. A large part of the reason is that the deaths of those people brought him a lot of compensation. Jin owes money, this is the last reason for his real bankruptcy.

Although he still holds the ownership of the mining area, no one wants to help him because he has no money. Then this guy started to work around. He directly promised others that as long as anyone can help him rescue his daughter and take back the mining area, this person can own 30% of the mining area.

This move should have been good, after all, as long as the monster is dealt with, you can get 30% of the profits of a super mining area. This is definitely a profitable thing. However, this good thing has not attracted enough advertisers. It's not that this condition is not attractive, nor is it because the adventurer here doesn't want to accept it, but because of the intervention of third-party forces.

Because this guy used to borrow money when he bought the mine, if he can't quickly organize people to destroy the monster and resume mining, it means that he has no money to return the money to the local credit agency. This institution actually performs the functions of a bank, but here it is not called a bank, and this actual bank is actually the industry of the biggest power here-the Frost Knight Group. In other words, if this NPC who came to us has been unable to find someone to help him clean up the mining area, as long as his debt time comes, the Ice Knight group can directly own his entire mining area for free, and he is right There is no way at all.

Compared with suffering untold hardships to get 30% of the mining area after the battle, the method of the Ice Knight regiment is obviously simpler. They don't have to do anything, as long as they speak out, let people not take the task of this guy, and then they can wait for this super mining area to become their own directly. This kind of thing is really very profitable, so it caused the Ice Knight group to ignore whether it was good or not, and directly issued a wind statement stating that they wanted this mining area. This kind of thing is a big blow to the credit industry's credit and other things, but the Ice Knights simply don't want to care about it this time, at least they think this mining area is worth the price of their credit.

Under this situation, naturally no one dared to take on this task, so in desperation, this guy kept increasing the allocation quota of the mining area, and now it has become 80%. As long as someone is willing to help him restore production in the mining area, he can get 80% of the income of the mining area. This is definitely a very exaggerated price.

Unfortunately, the strength of the Frost Knight regiment this time around is basically the same as our Frost Rose League’s status in China, so let alone 80%, no one would dare even if it was 100%. pick up! After all, the strength of the Ice Knights here is too strong, if they are unhappy, you will definitely not be able to sustain it even if you get this mining area.

"You are outsiders, you shouldn't worry about the threat of the Knights of the Ice, so please, must help me!" The NPC knelt down and pleaded with tears. "As long as you can save my daughter, the mining area can give you all, as long as you pay a bian family fee to make me feel at ease for the rest of my life, it is enough. I believe that this amount of money is less than one-thousandth of the value of the mining area. , Don’t you refuse?"

Christina looked at this guy and said: "We can follow the mission, but you need to provide us with information about the Knights of the Ice. The more detailed the better, and There is the situation of the previous dead mercenaries fighting the monster. We have to say it. We need to collect enough information."

"Okay, I said, I said it all."< /p>

Just as this NPC was introducing us to the situation, in Japan on the main game map, Masaga Matsumoto was really busy at this time, not for anything else, but for us to give him before. Assigned tasks.

"Damn it, what should I do!" Masaga Matsumoto sat alone behind the table, his helmet was placed on the table, and his hands were desperately scratching in his hair. It felt as if he was planning to make himself bald. And what caused all this was the intelligence information record in front of him. According to the information recorded on this thing, when Masaka Matsumoto reported the situation to us, Nobunaga Onisite and the others actually started to take action, and the player they trained this time hasn’t figured out the specifics. Who.

as the saying goes know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated, but now Masaka Matsumoto doesn’t even know what the person he’s going to deal with is called, how can he know the enemy? What’s more terrible is that when we were doing the task, we told him to hold Nobunaga Guishou, but Nobunaga Guishou moved too fast, and he started acting so soon, and the Frost Rose League hasn’t even mobilized it yet. Get up, Masaka Matsumoto simply doesn't know how to intercept Nobunaga Onitou and the others.

In fact, speaking of which this time is very serious, because Matsumoto Masaka is thinking from the standpoint of our Frost Rose League. If you stand in the position of a Japanese player to consider this issue. Nobunaga Guishou spent money to strengthen a high-level player. This matter has an effect on the overall battle strength of Japanese players. So the things Nobunaga Onitou did should be considered a good thing for Japanese players.

However, the problem is that Masaga Matsumoto and the others are simply not pure Japanese players. Since joining our Frost Rose League, Masaga Matsumoto is ours. The interests of Japanese players are not what he needs to consider. We The interests of the Frost Rose League are what he needs to consider.

Although Masaga Matsumoto knows that according to his current position, he should help us Frost Rose to destroy the actions of Nobunaga Demon. But he is still the leader of Japanese players on the surface. For Japanese players, his image is positive, very brilliant and great. Therefore, Matsumoto Masaka has no reason to call on his gang of Japan loyal to him to completely deal with Oni Shou Nobunaga. Previously, those people followed Matsumoto Masaga to beat Nobunaga Onishou. That was because we and Masaga Matsumoto worked together to award the shit bowl directly on Nobunaga Onishou’s head. The result is what the majority of Japanese players thought Nobunaga Onishou did. It's not good for Japan, so they will stand on Matsumoto's side from the point of view, and are willing to help him fight the civil war against Oni Shou Nobunaga.

However, this time the incident is clearly that Nobunaga Oni is helping Japanese players improve their strength. It is positive and positive. Masaka Matsumoto has no excuse to make trouble. Not to mention calling those players to sabotage this action, even Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru themselves cannot be dispatched, because as long as they are discovered, other players will doubt Matsumoto Masaka’s motives. This will Affected Matsumoto Masaga's dominance in Japan, so it is absolutely impossible to do things.

The people under his staff couldn't move, and he couldn't get on it. Matsumoto Masaka also promised us to hold Nobunaga on. "How on earth is this going to be delayed?" Masaka Matsumoto clutched his head desperately, thinking about what to do.

"I think we can consider letting the Frost Rose League provide some support." Chi Fire Dragon Ji said.

"The Frost Rose Alliance can indeed provide reinforcements, but what excuses should I use to intervene and interfere with this operation?" Matsumoto Masaka asked: "Onitsuka nobunaga's actions are very secret. Yes, if the personnel dispatched by the Frost Rose League directly and accurately found the location of Guishou Nobunaga and the others, it would be tantamount to admitting that there was a spy from the Frost Rose League in disguise. It was a very unwise decision. "

"What should I do then?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked.

Sakura Rain God Young suddenly said: "no no no, Masaga-kun Matsumoto, we can still ask the Frost Rose League to provide reinforcements, but the way of reinforcements can be changed."

"How to change the law?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

"Actually, the method is very simple!" Ying Yu Shen Hina said: "We only need to send someone from the Frost Rose League to beat us, and then we stumbled upon the ghost hand letter during the battle. If you grow them, and then involve them in the battle, you can delay and interfere."

"This method...seems to be really okay!" said August Xun.

Matsumoto Masaka thought for a while and said, "It's useless to say anything here. Although Purple Moon said that the forces on the Frost Rose Alliance are for us to dispatch, after all, it is Frost Rose. The forces of the league headquarters, we are stationed abroad, and the anti-guest master will hate others over there."

"No one cares about this thing in the Frost Rose League, right?" Ying Yu Shen asked: "I joined the Frost Rose League because everyone in the Frost Rose League is very enthusiastic. Everyone works hard for their dreams. They never intrigue each other over trivial things. In fact, the Frost Rose League can get to this step. , The extremely low internal cost of internal friction is actually his greatest advantage and motivation. How much stronger were those large guilds than the Frost Rose League? And the original President Purple Moon was not as invincible as it is now. However, because the guilds The various internal struggles of the personnel in the guild consumed the resources of their own guilds, and as a result, the speed of development became slower and slower. The Frost Rose League has always maintained its original dream and surpassed those large guilds step by step with its own efforts. It is the dream of the Frost Rose League, and this is the driving force of the Frost Rose League. Therefore, I think that although those interpersonal relationships and other things need to be paid attention to, there is no need for this kind of thing to adversely affect our task arrangements. If it is another guild , I will agree with you, but in our Frost Rose League, I suggest that the most direct method is better."

August Xun smiled and said to Matsumoto Masaga: "I'll just say Well! A guy like you was a bureaucrat for too long, so he was cast off the altar. Now he has been rescued by the president again, but your old habits have come out again!"

Matsumoto Masaga laughed awkwardly, and then said: "Well, in that case, I will contact the headquarters now and see what they say." After Matsumoto finished speaking, he directly used the communicator to communicate with the military god. Then briefly talked about the current situation and the plan they analyzed and completed.

After listening to the report here, the military god said after only a few seconds of silence: "Wait a minute, I will help you get Hong Yue and the Frost Rose League think tank in."< /p>

"Hey, Masaka Matsumoto, has something happened to you again?" Hong Yue asked as soon as he came up.

"What does it mean that something happened again?" Masaka Matsumoto said grimly: "The thing I said before has broken out. Nobunaga Kisou moved too fast, he actually started to move ahead of time, Purple President Moon, they can’t get out of the task, so I’ll contact you for help if I have something to do. We have already figured out a solution here. We just talked to the army god, and the army god said that he is alone in this kind of thing. There was no way to make a decision, so I took you all in."

"That's it!" Su Mi's voice suddenly intervened and said: "Military God, tell me about their plan."< /p>

The military god then gave a simple report on Matsumoto Masaga's plan, and what is better than Matsumoto Masaga and the others is that the military god directly concretized the plan. Not only have several sets of variable schemes been designed, but also only simulated schematic diagrams have been made. This kind of battlefield tactical plan is the specialty of the military god, and his ability to deal with this thing is stronger than Nuwa. This is not to say that the computing power of the army god surpasses the main server Nuwa itself, but because the army god is specialized in this.

Just like many people who play games will find that the hardware data of those video game consoles is actually not as high as our personal computer hardware data, but they play games smoothly than computers, and the screen is also It's much more beautiful. This is the difference between professional and unprofessional. Game consoles are used to play games. Its circuit design and other internal structures are all specially optimized for games. Therefore, the performance is obviously not better than that of personal computers, but it is better than personal computers for playing large-scale games. In contrast, the hardware data of personal computers is higher, but because there are too many competent tasks, it is not very special.

"That's it!" After reading the information, Su Mi understood what they meant, and then said, "Don't make a decision in a hurry, let us analyze it here. I will give you an answer in five minutes. "Sumi immediately cut out the communication system after she finished speaking, but Hong Yue didn't really wait there, but introduced Masaga Matsumoto about the resources available in the guild.

"Purple Moon is not here, the high-end personnel have been taken away, and some of the remaining people on our side need to guard the guild, so there are not many active people. As for chaos and order Divine Race...that’s not good! Purple Moon isn’t a bit difficult to play in front of us in front of this Divine Race!" The chaos and order of the Rose League Divine Race is actually very polite, even if it is not the request of President Purple Moon, they will probably help us. If the other Divine Race simply won’t ignore you The situation of Baqi Orochi on Guishou Nobunaga’s side is almost like this, every time the Baqi Orochi came up with some electrons, and then Guishou Nobunaga and the others followed suit. It was never the Baqi Dasnake cooperated with Guisou Nobunaga. They, so every time Guishou Nobunaga is always so passive, because the plan is not specified by him."

Hong Yue nodded and said: "so that's how it is. But ours The situation is indeed the same. I can talk about the situation with Vina. The Divine Race of Chaos and Order should dispatch one or two people, but it will be impossible to appear on a large scale."

"This kind of action Too many people are useless." Ying Yu Shen Chi said: "Sister Hong Yue, is there a medicine pill that can completely abolish the player's attributes? I really want to hear someone talk about it before. You can bring some this time. When the time comes find a way to eat one for the person who needs training, even if their plan fails completely."

"We do have this thing, but the key is Isn’t it too obvious that we directly put medicine on them?"

Matsumoto Masaka also said immediately: "That’s right! The plan this time is a chance encou

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