Chapter Eighty-Four

Under the leadership of Captain Donovan, we quickly saw the so-called bar.

Like the style of this port city, this bar is also full of the medieval feel. The dilapidated face of the door gives people a very low-level feeling, but when you really go in, you will find that this place is actually not that bad. Of course, the first mention is that you have to ignore the strange smell in the air.

There are some seafarers who stray in this place, and the profession of seafarers is very dirty before the large-scale use of motor boats, because the navigation time at sea is too long, and the fresh water is basically very Noble items, so sailors rarely

to take a bath. It is very normal for them not to take a bath for a month at sea, and if a person does not take a bath for several months, you can probably guess the smell of the body.

The current bar is basically filled with this kind of taste, and not only do we have to enter here, but we also need to recruit a navigator here. This is really a guilty job. Although the decoration of this place is actually pretty good, the people inside

don't look as rude as expected, but the taste is really comparable to chemical poison qi.

"Woo..." The first real red appearance that opened the door was turned around by a strange smell, and then I smelled that smell right after me, and the mask came off automatically as soon as I moved my mind.

After seeing my reaction, Rose and Christina thought we were attacked. They took out their weapons and put on a fighting posture, only to see me beckoning to them. "Don't be nervous. Just isolate the smell. The smell inside is really unbearable!"

"Is it that exaggerated?" Gold coin jumped as he watched me Xia Yeying walked to the gate, and then instantly his face changed color in the next second, and he quickly turned around and rushed out. "Wow... I'm going to throw up!"

"It does look so exaggerated." Christina said while looking at the gold coin who was holding the wooden handrail and gagging. "We should take some measures in advance."

"That's it." Rose just lightly tapped on the back of Christina's head, and then lightly tapped on the back of her head, and then Jumped off Ye Ying and walked directly to the gate.

In fact, there are many ways to isolate the smell, and you don’t necessarily need a physical tool like a face mask. On the contrary, to deal with this smell or something, magicians have more ways to do it, but the rose is obviously not going to help gold One coin is also added, and Zhenhong and I don’t use this thing after putting on the mask.

Captain Donovan watched Rose and Christina walk in directly like this, and was a little surprised, but Rose clicked on the back of her head when she entered the door, and then waited for Donovan. When he really entered the room, he understood

why Rose and Christina behaved so indifferently.

The spell used by roses is just a very low-level ordinary spell, and its only function is to isolate strange smells. It is said that the inventor of this magic received a mission to destroy a monster that entered the city in the sewers of a large city. As a result, after several attempts, this guy found that he was fully adapted. He can't control the smell in the sewers, so he invented this kind of magic that can change the effect of smell. As long as he casts a spell on himself, he can guarantee that he will not smell any peculiar smell before the magic is lifted. Of course, the price is that your sense of smell is basically useless during this period, because even the smell is tampered with by magic.

"Okay, let's go in." Seeing that Gold Coin was still vomiting at the door, I just went over and lifted her up and brought her into the room. Of course, I didn't intend to kill her, so He also added that magic to her before catching her. In fact, many people in our guild have learned this technique. The main reason is that Isengard is an undead city. Although it was later opened to all world players, the residents in the city were treated Certain restrictions and adjustments, but because the undead creatures are the foundation of Aixin

, we also try to lean towards Undead Race here. This tilting method is to set up some undead active areas in the city, and then limit the undead creatures to only move in this area, and other players will be warned before entering these areas. This way If anyone wants to go in, it's his own business. It has nothing to do with us.

After we set up the undead gathering area, certain undead creatures will set up some special shops in this undead gathering area. Although these shops are mainly set up for the needs of the undead, some of them do have some very distinctive items. These items are often irreplaceable, and this feature determines Many people have to enter this gathering of undead to buy these things.

Although most of the players who can go to the undead gathering area to buy things do not care whether the opponent is undead, some low-level undead active in this area emit some unbearable stench. of. For example, low level existence in zombie

-rotten zombie. The smell of this existence is usually very scary, it is simply a walking biochemical weapon. So, if you don’t prepare an air filter magic for activities in this kind of place, you are simply having trouble with yourself


Because of this strange situation, most of us in the Frost Rose League have learned this kind of magic, and most of the rest who don’t know this kind of magic are pure warrior players. You don’t need magic, just pull the mask down.

After being dragged into the bar, I found that I did not smell the smell of sweat, body odor and all kinds of weird smells again. Gold coin finally came back to life again, and then began to observe carefully. here. In fact, when gold coin was observing this place

I was also observing this place. The observation angle of the stone and her was different. What I observed was mainly the composition of the people in this place.

The staff of this bar can be roughly divided into several types. One of them, and the most, is a group of very sturdy people who gather together. The biggest feature of these people is that they are all full of tendons, and they all belong to the type that only grows muscles but not brains. They are basically impulsive and irritable wild beasts. This type of personnel is actually the largest type of personnel in this place, because they are ordinary sailors.

In the age of sailing, sailors need to master a lot of skills, but this profession is not a high starting point. As long as you have enough physical fitness and no seasickness and other problems, be a seafarer. They are all very simple things, even

As for many low-level sailors in the navy, they come from this way.

However, although there are many of these people, they are not the most valued type in this place. After all, muscles always need brains to lead, so seafarers usually will not become the best group of people. , The real power is the group of people next to a Little Wu stand on the side of the bar. The stage and surrounding environment are obviously more luxurious than other places in the bar. Of course, the so-called luxury means that compared to other places here, before the standard side of our guild, the level of this place is also Level 1 of the ruins.

Captain Donovan probably noticed that I have been observing the crowd, so he took the initiative to come up and say: "Your eyes are really sharp enough, those people are the ones we need."


"The people we need? You mean navigators?"

"Not only navigators." Captain Donovan said to me: "These people are not just navigators. , Some of them were former deputy captains, and some were deck commanders and artillery experts. Anyway, the ones who can sit here are all elite seamen."


When we were observing the other side, the other side also noticed us. In fact, it is not only those people who noticed our existence. Now the people in the entire bar who have not seen us are probably the only drunks who drank too much and slipped under the table.

Those people are staring at us one by one, it feels as if something is wrong and they are about to kill us immediately. No, let's not say that the people in this place are too sturdy.

"What's the situation now?" Zhen Hong asked, looking at the people around him.

Captain Donovan did not answer our question at this time. Instead, he kicked the person on the side of a wine table, and then stepped on his bench and climbed onto the table. Then I stood on the table and shouted with the condescending loud

sound of the height of the table: "You scumbags are listening to me. I have a battleship, and now I need to go to the ice continent, but unfortunately The thing is that my people don’t know how to go. So, now I need a navigator. Whoever wants to go, this bag of gold coin

is his."

Following Captain Donovan’s words, the surrounding seafarers boiled almost instantly, instead of rushing to find us to fight, but enthusiastically surrounding them and asking for flattery. All around us were wiped out very quickly

and then a group of people brought us up to the table and put together three tables that looked like interviewers. Then other people asked us on the other side of the table if we needed seafarers or anything. The enthusiasm made us feel like we were going to be burnt.

"Are you all deaf?" Captain Donovan shouted with a very bad attitude: "I want a navigator, and I don't want to get out of it."

To be honest, it's really special to see a young girl who seems to be under eighteen years old stepped on a chair with one leg, shot in the sky with a musket in one hand, and claimed to be Lao Tzu.

Unexpectedly, the outbreak of Captain Donovan did not have any effect on the enthusiasm of these people. Instead, they all stepped aside, and then took those who knew the way and served as the navigator. The people let go to the front. During the whole process, I have shown 120,000 points of enthusiasm and piety, and my attitude towards us is incredible.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this situation is that human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food. The behavior of these guys is no different from that of modern people. Those of us who hire navigators are basically equivalent to a special group of employers, and those who are sailors are waiting for work. For those of us recruiters, even if they don’t like it anymore, they should behave as stubbornly as possible, because offending us will not only cause ourselves to be unable to find a job, but even worse, as long as we hint at it a little

There will be a lot of people who will take them directly as a gift to us for work. Therefore, if you want to find a job and don’t want to die, it’s not clear that the best way is to make a low profile in front of us so that others even want to use it. They come

There is no excuse to please us.

After Captain Donovan finished roaring again, those irrelevant personnel stood aside and asked the professional counterparts in the middle to compete here. As a result, Captain Donovan relied on his own sailing experience. I quickly selected two of them as the pilots of this time. The reason for the need for two people is probably because Captain Donovan feels that it is not safe.

Leaving the bar with two navigators, then we returned to the port. We originally planned to set sail right away, but accidentally encountered some strange things in this kind of place.

Just when we arrived here, we found a lot of people gathered on the pier. These people were fighting with each other, and it didn’t look like a life-and-death battle, but a group fight. , Because everyone is more restrained, so

we use weapons such as fists or wooden sticks. Some of them clearly have arquebus and sabers on their waists, but they have to fight with their fists. This clearly shows that it is not a battle method that really kills people.

Although the people on both sides don’t seem to really want to kill each other, we don’t care, not because our sense of justice is overwhelming, and we like to help each other, but because of one of the two sides of the battle. One side is actually the Donovan ship

the long crew.

"Leave me apart." Captain Donovan, trembling with anger, roared at the battlefield over there. Although she was just a girl who seemed dissatisfied with eighteen, the captain was Captain, the captain at sea is responsible for the lives of a ship’s people. He

is the law of the ship, even the Spiritual God of the sailors, so the seamen are especially in awe of the captain. .

After Captain Donovan’s roar, several of the seamen who approached heard the voice of Captain Donovan here, and then they planned to stop and listen to Donovan. Under the command of the captain, although they stopped, the other party did not intend to stop at all. As a result, those who stopped in this case were of course knocked down immediately. The situation is simply Fall on one side.

Captain Donovan was taken aback when he saw this situation, and then he realized that the people on his side had been defeated because of him. This was definitely the biggest insult to her. The angry Captain Donovan immediately drew out the wear on his waist

The sword wanted to go up and fight against the opponent, but before she moved, I signaled the gold coin to hold her.

"Don’t be impulsive, this won’t solve the problem." Zhenhong held Captain Donovan from life to death, but didn’t let go. Although Captain Donovan’s strength is not bad, he is really In front of the red face, there is no force to fight back, so naturally

can only be suppressed.

Although Zhenhong was able to hold Captain Donovan, I did not intend to make those people of Captain Donovan suffer. After all, we still rely on them for our mission! If these people are injured a lot here, even if we can still go to the ice continent, but

in this case, our mission will definitely be out of the question, so of course we still hope that we can safely take Donovan The captain’s entire ship left safely, instead of letting Captain Donovan take a navigator and ride with us on a mount.

Ice continent.

After instructing Real Red to hold Captain Donovan, I turned my head and gestured to Christina. Christina immediately understood what I meant, and then faced the crowd over there. There was a large-scale mental shock directly. Originally

The crowd in the melee instantly seemed as if all of them had been knocked on their heads. Everyone separated from their opponents in an instant, and then rolled around with their heads in their arms.

"Quiet." With Christina's voice, the people who were rolling on the floor suddenly stopped, and then some of them gradually recovered their mobility and slowly stood up. Of course, although these people got up,

Yes, they did not completely relieve from the headache. They still felt a little uncomfortable holding their heads, but even though they were made like this, these people were still lucky. Yes, because they wake up earlier than those under them.

Angrily kicked the enemy who fell under his feet and was still fighting with him. These awakened people began to realize our intervention, and then stepped aside to form a complete Defensive Array. Type, this posture is considered to be full

, which means that they don’t want to die with these people.

After seeing that the sense of the scene was under control, I walked up to the group of people, pointed to those people over there and asked Captain Donovan’s sailors: "Who can give May I explain what is going on?"

Captain Donovan’s men quickly answered my question, and the answer was not so strange. In fact, the situation described by the sailors speaking of which Captain Donovan is quite ordinary.

In fact, it was very simple at the beginning. Someone was supplying Captain Donovan’s battleship, but suddenly there was another battleship next to him. This battleship also belonged to Captain Donovan and they were hostile. National ships. The two countries are in a hostile state as in the previous

situation. However, although the fleets of the two countries meet at sea, it will evolve into a great decisive battle, but here is not the depths of the sea, but a third party, that is, a neutral port city. No matter which state-built these battleships belong to before entering the port, entering this port is the service object of this port. Therefore, all these battleships are fixed here and cannot be battled, otherwise Even if it is a breach of contract, not only will it lose a lot of reputation, but it will also be resisted by the majority of neutral countries. Therefore, even if the homicide is standing on the opposite side, these navies must exercise restraint.

The so-called restraint is that the battleship of the two countries should not have the kind of artillery battle in the port, but this can restrict the two battleships from fighting, but it cannot restrict the seafarers. Because the two countries are feuds, the hostility is very severe.

Although the people above gave orders not to let them fight a decisive battle in the port, the officers did not say that they could not fight in the port.

Because of this strange situation, the people on both sides began to compete with each other. They first competed over the supply of supplies, and they had to supply their own side first, and they did not accept the half-divided situation. .

Actually, as long as the battleship is not waiting to go to sea in a hurry, the replenishment work can be done slowly, and the previous replenishment is also at this rhythm. However, although the two sides should not rush to sea, they are doing their best

for their little bit of face. This kind of face is considered by the sailors to be hidden in everything.

Complete the supply before the other party, buy more supplies than the other party, and even snatch every laborer who comes to the port to work in order to let the other party show inferior aspects in every matter. .

Under this kind of thinking, the personnel on both sides can be said to be competing everywhere, and the final result of this situation is what we are seeing now. On the surface, the cause of their scuffle was because a worker had forgotten which ship he brought to send it to

, but both sides said it was something of their own, and then started to do it. Looting, and later the things fell into the sea during the looting process, which led to a complete melee between the two sides.

This kind of change is really special. I actually fought for a box that fell into the sea. The most important thing is that the two sides don't know what it contains. In fact, they simply don’t care about what’s inside. Everyone cares about whether they get face and whether they suppress the other party’s imposing manner.

In this case, it is strange not to fight.

"Okay, now the situation is roughly clarified, then, since you don’t really intend to kill each other in the port, then don’t waste time. Everyone, hurry back to the ship."

On my order, those crew members started to run back instinctively, but it took two steps to remember that their captain, Captain Donovan, did not speak before they did what I said. This But an insult to the captain!

Fortunately, Captain Donovan is not the kind of person who cares about such small things, so he doesn't react much to this situation, and is quite calm.

"Listen to me President Purple Moon's words and go back to the ship, we are ready to go."

I wanted to go before and heard Captain Donovan’s approval After that, the rest of the people naturally ran back to their own ship more quickly, and then the entire battleship began to quickly turn the bow of the ship to leave the post with the efforts of the seamen, and the other party and them

The battleship of those who are at war is also full of people. These people want to see if they can see some emergencies, because according to practice, the battleship of the two sides is not suitable for naval warfare in the port of a third country, but because of the hatred between the two countries,

So People on both sides are there very seriously looking for troubles with each other, like this is the best opportunity to start when leaving Hong Kong, looking for opportunities to bump into each other, or wipe it, this is all provocation. And the battleship of the two countries did not do this much before.

This time it may be destined to disappoint the other party. Captain Donovan’s battleship came to a halt after completing a U-turn in the harbor, and then saw two giant dragons descend from the sky, grabbing the ropes of the bow, and then fluttering and taking off. The battle

The ship also flew up, the speed is not fast, so the people on the battleship here are all watching with envy. In the gaze of those below, Captain Donovan’s battleship began to slowly accelerate, and eventually exceeded the ground's observation range.

"We just let them go?" The second officer of bloody nose and swollen face next to Captain Donovan asked Captain Donovan somewhat unwillingly.

Captain Donovan glanced at this guy, and then asked, "You are polite to the enemy, is this my style?"

All the crew shook their heads, because Dono Although Captain Wan was young, he never broke his promise in the process of commanding them to fight, so they all trusted Captain Donovan very much.

Just after everyone was nodded, Captain Donovan suddenly said to the sailors: "Pinch, is it true that I will just leave like this? No, I will never do that. . In fact, when you came back and turned around with the battleship, I have asked our friends to do a very interesting thing."

It’s in Dono. When Captain Wan was excitedly talking to others, the battleship on the other side began to slowly turn around after completing the supply, but just when the battleship was just lifted, he suddenly heard a loud explosion sound, whole

All ports shook, and the ship instantly turned into a big Fireball.

This explosion was of course not an accident, but because gold coin helped Captain Donovan install some explosives under the opponent's battleship. The formidable power of these explosives is actually not great. The key is that the opponent is a battleship, and the cannons used by the battleships of this era are all loaded with gunpowder, and their matchlock guns also need gunpowder. Therefore, these battleships are filled with a lot of gunpowder. In this case, when the thing on the bottom of the ship exploded, the things on the battleship were smashed along with it, and it was because the whole port was almost overthrown.

"The effect looks good!"

Christina, who was leaning on the side of the ship, saw the situation there because of the observation magic I set up, and you can see that in the screen. The whole process of the ship's explosion, so gold coin felt that the effect was good. But to be honest, I also think the effect

The fruit is really very good, and the other party was bombed to pieces.

Don’t mention the little entertainment here. The navigator called by Captain Donovan performed fairly well. The routes that the two said were exactly the same, which means it’s not a Certain people remember it wrong, but this is the right way.

According to the two navigators, the docking location they found for us was a medium-scale port here. There were not many people in it, but the business was very developed. Docking in this city will help us look for clues in the future. After all, the aimless search on wasteland and the search in the city, by contrast, most people will choose to search in the city.

After determining the course, our side unexpectedly received a very strange signal, and then immediately after I clicked to connect, I found that the situation was not right, so I hurriedly asked Captain Donovan and the others We found a quiet room for us, and then

we asked Christina and the others to come in together to fully expand the communication.

"Matsumoto Masaga?" Christina was visibly stunned when she saw the people in the picture. In fact, not only Christina, but even the rose on one side was stunned.

"That's not right!" Gold coin also shouted: "Aren't we in the mission space? Why can we receive your signal? Could it be that you have also entered the game."

Gold coin said "you" for a reason, because there is more than one person from Matsumoto Masaka in the communication screen. In fact, there are many people around Matsumoto Masaka now, except for August Xun, Sakura Rain God, and In addition to the three of Chi Fire Dragon Ji and the others, there are actually a few faces I haven't seen before.

Now we are facing two problems. 1. Normally, Masaga Matsumoto and the others should not be able to contact us now. The task space is independent. Although our crystal communicator system is quite good, it is not good enough to broadcast across the air.

To the point. Therefore, as long as you enter the mission, and the mission location is a closed map, not connected to the main map world, our crystal communicator becomes a display, except for several people entering the mission to each other within a certain range

Beyond communication, this set of things has become a complete waste.

In the face of this situation, we have thought of a lot of methods. It is said that the research institutes of the Frost Rose Alliance have invested a lot in this area, but we don’t know why, we just have no way to get a solution.

In fact, in addition to the question of how Matsumoto Masakah contacted us, I am more concerned about the second question, which is why Matsumoto Masakah appeared in our In the picture.

Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru, who are acting as spies in Japan, have always been protected as top secrets. Even the guild leaders have only recently learned part of it, and even There are still many senior guild members who don’t know this. In other words, in order to ensure that Masaga Matsumoto's identity as a spy will not be revealed, we even cheated ourselves. However, Matsumoto Masaka would appear in the picture with a stranger, and it was when he was in contact with me. This is equivalent to saying that Matsumoto Masaka gave all the secrets between himself and us to these people. As long as they go out and advertise what they just saw, we won’t have any problems, but the things that Matsumoto Masaga himself worked so hard in Japan will collapse in an instant, and the whole thing will be reversed. come over. Japanese players can't accept the fact that their supreme leader is actually a spy of the Frost Rose League.

Anyway, Matsumoto Masaka's appearance with this person in the picture is against the regulations itself, so this thing is very strange.

"You asked so many questions at once, how can I answer it?" Matsumoto Masaka heard that our question was like a cannon, and he didn't know how to answer it.

Christina directly said: "Speaking of the main point, let me talk about how you contacted us first?"

"This is actually very simple, because we let the guild start Gate of Truth, and then got a communication opportunity to communicate with you in the task for three hours."

Didn't expect it was actually a communication opportunity obtained by using Gate of Truth. Gate of Truth theoretically, as long as you make a wish and then complete the task, you can achieve your wish. However, there is one thing to note, that is, the difficulty of this task is related to the value of the things you need. Therefore, Masaga Matsumoto knew very well how valuable the things he got this time, because he knew how big the loss was.

After explaining the reasons for the establishment of this communication, Christina asked again: "Then this problem is solved, you tell us now, who are the people around you?"

"About these people...actually, they are not players, but NPCs." Masaka Matsumoto said after saying: "They are just a group of ordinary NPCs living in Japan, but we have recently trained them, Develop them into a

powerful spy force."

Matsumoto Masaga was very excited to explain the situation to us, and we quickly understood that Matsumoto Masaga What it means. These all are free NPCs are free NPCs that are ignored by players on the street, not because of how bad they are, but because they are too normal. Every city has a large number of free NPCs, so players will instinctively ignore these existences, so that they will not care about the actions of free NPCs. This situation leads to the birth of an idea, that

< p>If free NPC can't be used in combat, what about intelligence gathering?

Because players don’t value the existence of free NPCs, they sometimes even talk about confidential issues in front of free NPCs, but they never avoid them because they These guys have never been treated as threats.

However, once these free NPCs are trained to become specialized intelligence collectors, as long as they cooperate with some simple intelligence processing personnel, a large amount of useful information can be obtained. You only need to aggregate this information. Get a lot of useful

information. Of course, these things will be very difficult to deal with, but our Frost Rose League can solve this problem perfectly, because our Frost Rose League has a bug-like existence-the god of war.

As the intelligence center of the Frost Rose League and the logistics command system, the military god is very powerful. With the identity of the electronic computer, the military god can process various battlefield information in large quantities. The information collected by free NPCs

has no meaning in other guilds, because there is no time to process it, but it’s different here. We have a military god, so we can collect and merge it. This information and get useful things.

"Did you find anything when you contacted us at this time?" Christina asked.

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