Even provide timely help and icing on the cake have come out, fools all know how to choose.

"Then I can only blame the other side for bad luck." Zhen Hong said.

Although Rose understood what I meant, she didn't immediately start fighting. Instead, she asked her assistant first. "Do you have any reference opinions?"

"I can't help with this. This is limited information."

"Then there is no way." I said "Let’s take off first, don’t get close to the battleship of both sides, let them exchange fire first, look at their approximate weaponry, and then start fighting. Although their artillery doesn’t look very good, it’s hard to guarantee that it’s not a particularly powerful weapon. I don’t want to. When I first entered the task, there was damage."

"For a difficult task, caution is necessary." Christina also agreed with me.

Everyone started taking off according to my request. Although they did not leave the sight of the fleets on both sides, the meaning of disharmony was already obvious. In fact, our behavior made the captains on both sides relaxed, because they knew we were both very difficult to deal with characters when they found out that we could fly, and both sides were worried that we were each other’s people, so they all Fearful. However, our current behavior at least shows that we are not the other person, so their mood is a little better, but anyway, we are a hidden danger here after all, but they have no time to take care of us under the current circumstances.

After we pose on our side, the battleship on both sides gradually enters the range. The two sides did not use any tactics such as seizing the upper air, but each put up a long snake formation, and then moved closer together in a figure eight on the sea. Those who didn't know thought they were going to merge into a fleet. However, in fact, this is simply not about merging the fleet, but about making two columns and starting to fight.

Because the cannons of the sail battleship are mainly concentrated on both sides, it is necessary to aim at the enemy from the side in order to attack. This mode of two-way battleship of both sides can just play the maximum firepower. Of course, one's own firepower is the strongest, and the enemy is also the strongest firepower, so this tactic usually occurs when both sides have enemies, and the positions of both sides are not suitable for grabbing the upper hand. If you can grab the T-head position, most fleets will consider grabbing it. After all, such a position can ensure that your own firepower is the greatest, but most of the enemy's artillery can't fire.

The fleets of the two sides are obviously hatred as deep as the sea, and the decisive battle started directly when they met, and even the transport ships did not fall. Although the transport ships are used for transportation, the transport ships in these sailing ships are not without any weapons. They are only half of the cannons of the battleship, is not that absolutely does not have armed, so at this time the transport ships are also on the battlefield.

"Hurry up, fire a few shots and let us see your firepower." Zhenhong mumbled in the sky a bit too late.

The two sides seemed to have heard Zhenhong's words, and the battle began as soon as she finished speaking. The battleship between the two sides was almost as if an appointment had been made, firing at the same time almost within a second. The battleships of the two sides fired successively with sideboard cannons when the distance was only seventy-eighty meters. In an instant, they saw the flames flashing and smoke filled with gunpowder in the middle of the fleets of both sides, accompanied by fragments of wood flying everywhere.

The battleships of both sides are basically similar in structure. The battleships are equipped with three-layer gun positions on one side, the highest one is the deck gun position, and the lower two are in the cabin. The number of gun positions on the deck is slightly smaller, and the two floors below are a row of twelve guns, which means that there are more than 30 guns on the side of the battleship, which is more than the number of cannons in modern battleships. Of course, the modern battleship can destroy a fleet here with just one gun.

The two sides seem to use solid bullets, because although the hit rate is surprisingly high, the damage is very general. After a round of bombardment between the two sides, each ship has eaten at least ten-twenty shells. , Even this front-mounted cannon rarely misses at a distance of less than 80 meters, and the hit rate is as high as 80%. In the case of modern battleships, the ten-twenty shells fired by the opponent is basically useless. After all, the formidable power of modern shells is too scary, but the solid shells here are obviously not so powerful. Although I hit the ten-twenty shell, most of the battleship did not change significantly, except that there were many holes on the side of the ship.

After a round of shelling, the two sides turned to the two sides in a tacit understanding, and then the entire fleet fell off and lined up in two columns again, and then began to bombard with the cannon on the other side. But this time the shelling was not so neat. Everyone fired them randomly, some were fast and some were slow, and the firepower density was different. Some ships even fired a few shells sporadically. Of course there are still sturdy types.

Two rounds of shelling seemed unremarkable. This is exactly the standard naval battle mode of the era with sail battleship and front-mounted guns. After confirming this, we are going to start shooting. However, just before we started and we hadn't flown a few meter away, the largest ship in the fleet we originally planned to help gave us a shocking appearance.

Originally, this flagship was just a little bigger than the other ships in this fleet, and there were only a dozen more artillery pieces, which didn't seem to be an exaggeration. However, just after the two fleets finished shooting on the other side, the flagship suddenly turned towards the fleet over there. This action was quite strange.

After the second round of shelling was over, the later fleet turned outwards as usual, and most of the ships in the fleet turned outwards, only this flagship turned inward. , Let his bow aim at one of the opponent's battleships. Then, in our surprised eyes, the head-shaped bow of the giant dragon at the bow of the flagship opened the dragon's mouth, and then we saw a dazzling white light shot out of the dragon's mouth. , And crossed the distance between the two at a speed no less than that of a cannonball and directly hit the battleship that was being aimed at and was turning.

It’s nothing if you just launch a white light. The key is that this olive-shaped beam that looked three to four meters long actually exploded violently after hitting the battleship. It was not an ordinary violent explosion, but as if a large-caliber blasting grenade with a caliber of more than 400 millimeters directly hit the middle of the ship's hull. With only a bang, the battleship was completely exploded in a large amount of blue and white flames. With the sky full of wood fragments, even the two battleships near it were ignited by flames.

"Damn, what is this?" We were taken aback when we were about to fly forward.

Rose looked towards Christina and asked: "Do you feel any magic?"

"Thunder Element magic, but I have never seen this fluctuation, I don’t know what it is Magic." Christina said: "It may be some kind of spherical lightning or something."

"But what I just saw is obviously a beam of light!" Zhen Hong said.

“Some spherical lightning will be very bright and will leave an afterimage on the human retina when moving at high speed. You can still see a white dot. The light is just an afterimage, it's actually just a ball of light moving at high speed."

"But this formidable power is too terrifying, right?" gold coin asked.

"It shouldn’t be the problem of formidable power." Rose said: "Of course, the formidable power of that thing is very large, but this effect is mainly due to the low strength of the sailing battleship itself, so it will be used once. Blast. If our guild’s steel battleship would not be like this."

"As long as the ammunition and magic crystal on the ship are not ignited by electromagnetic induction, the steel battleship can actually shield ball lightning." Christie Na said. "The metal shell of the battleship will shield the current on the surface of the hull like a Faraday cage and then lead it into the sea. There is only voltage and no current in the ship, so there will be no electric shock. But those sensitive equipment may be possible."

< p>"hey hey hey, who are we helping now?" Zhenhong asked: "The fleet here looks weaker, but this secret weapon...if it can fire continuously, the opponent's fleet will not give it at all. Let's play?"

The two fleets here actually only have two dozen ships each. The side that we originally planned to help, that is, the side that had just suddenly launched their arrogance, they had a total of 23 ships, nine of which were battleships, and the remaining 14 were transport ships with only two rows of guns. The number of battleships on the other side is even smaller, with only 20 ships, which is three less than this side, but there are 14 battleships over there, and the remaining transport ships seem to have more firepower than the transport ships here, so it’s true. To speak of which, the battleship over there actually takes advantage.

However, if this lightning weapon can be used multiple times, even if it is not a burst type, as long as it comes in a short time, the opponent will definitely not be able to hold it. After all, as long as this thing is aimed at, it will completely solve the opponent one at a time. Moreover, if the opponent is dense enough, there may be more than one at a time. Just now, the battleships on both sides were ignited. Although the fire was extinguished later, because the sails burned out, the two ships have basically lost their battle strength now. Sailing battleship is hateful at this point. Without a sail, it cannot move, and if it cannot move, there is no way to fight, and it will become a living target. In other words, one attack with the secret weapon just now is equivalent to reimbursing three ships. Fortunately, the two injured and unable to move are both transport ships. If the two capital ships collapse there, the other side can now run away directly.

After Zhenhong asked, the few of us hesitated. According to the previous statement, we should provide timely help, but now we don’t know who is better. So who needs charcoal is not sure. In this way, we are not knowing what to do instead.

"Why don't you see it again?" Rose suggested.

Because we don’t know who we are going to help anymore, we all agreed to look at it again.

The flagship, after killing the opponent’s capital ship, turned around and merged with its own formation and began to set up a long snake formation, but it seems that they are going to gain the upper hand this time, because there is one ship in the opponent’s fleet. The ship was completely destroyed, and two other ships caught fire, causing their sails to become useless, so that it would be impossible to move. So the opposing fleet began to hesitate whether to rescue these two ships first, but after such hesitation, they missed the opportunity and the opponent ran ahead.

A sailing battleship sails by the wind, so there is no way to decide the course at will like a motorized battleship. Once you miss the opportunity, you will lose your advantage immediately. When you have already lost a battleship, you will be defeated by the opponent. If you get the upper hand again, it will really be over.

Faced with this situation, the fleet on the opposite side decisively chose the same tactics as the other party-a trick.

I saw a battleship in this fleet, which was previously regarded as a transport ship, suddenly opened the tail section of the ship behind, and then I saw a lot of Unknown Creatures about the size of a small calf. He jumped into the sea from the open door over there.

The shapes of these creatures are very strange. At first glance, they look like wolves with no fur, and their bodies are all swarthy. But, in fact, it is not without hair, but a very dense layer of fur, just like the fur of an otter. Moreover, this thing is obviously an elite of amphibious warfare, because their tail proportions are a little too long, and the upper and lower ends of the tail have vertical fins that can be erected and laid down at will. As long as this thing is erected and matched with the swing of the tail, it can become Very good underwater propeller, so the underwater mobility of these things should be quite good. Moreover, these guys also have a very good characteristic, that is, they can hold their breath very well, or they have gills, anyway, this guy didn't come out after he got into the water.

As soon as these things were launched into the water, they spread out and moved towards the fleet over there and swam past, the battleship on the opposite side fired its cannon, and then these guys dived, completely unable to see where they were going. These sailing battleships are still in the era of pre-loaded guns. Of course, there are impossible anti-submarine weapons. Besides, even with modern anti-submarine torpedoes, it is almost impossible to hit the dolphins. The moving speed of aquatic creatures is too fast, and the flexibility is very high, so it is difficult to aim.

These guys lost their target after they got into the water and they couldn't shoot them, but they decided to continue to gain the upper hand. As a result, they just arrived in the right position and began to line up to fight back. The creatures finally arrived near these battleships.

Just as the battleship lined up, the sea surface suddenly exploded from the side of one of the ships, and a creature of that kind jumped two or three meters high from the water, and then sharp and powerful claws With a buckle on the ship's board, he climbed directly to the position of the bottom layer of the gun window like a flat ground, and then dexterously lowered his head to drill in.

As the first Sea Beast came out of the water, the surrounding battleship began to have Sea Beast climb up the battleship one after another, and then the inside of the battleship began to mess around. At first, there were only screams and fighting sounds, but soon one of the battleships suddenly exploded with a bang, and a hole of several meters wide was opened directly on the side of the hull. The situation inside was obvious at a glance. With the explosion of this ship, another ship suddenly began to turn away from the formation. Although it had the intention of turning back, it missed the position and had to wait for the entire fleet to pass through and line up to the back of the line, otherwise it Forcing it in will cause the battleship behind to lose its position, and then the fleet will be broken into two.

The chaos continued. Although the fleet managed to get back in the end, the artillery fire was sparse after passing near the fleet. Many battleships only fired a few shots, and Just after the shelling was completed, another battleship exploded, and this time it was even worse, and it was completely disintegrated.

Although the visual effect is not as exaggerated as the lightning weapon, but I have to say that these Sea Beasts are actually quite powerful, especially since it seems that the Sea Beast here is still in battle. Maybe the opponent's fleet can It might even be tossed and fell apart. However, people are not easy to bully. After the fleet passed by, the flagship really pointed the bow of the main battleship over there again, and then decisively another shot of lightning. This time it was exactly the same as the last time, and it completely shattered one of the opponent's capital ships with just one shot. However, because they learned a lesson this time and divided the fleet very far, no collateral damage was caused.

After the two fleets separated, they started to circle again, and then re-searched for a position and planned to fight. At this time, Christina looked towards me and asked: "President, it seems that their strength should be similar. Which side do we specifically help?"

"I think both sides are the same, because now the casualties on both sides are not small, and anyone who helped is considered to provide timely help." Rose analyzed: "However, I think It is possible that there is an unplanned benefit to choose from."

"Unplanned benefit?" I looked towards Rose in doubt, because I didn't expect any unplanned benefit.

Seeing that we didn’t understand, Rose explained: “Obviously, the party we originally intended to help possess some kind of energy technology, that is, the lightning attack. And the other party holds a kind of Sea Beast Training method. So, if we help the original party, maybe we can get the principle of this energy weapon, and improve it with our technology, it should be a good weapon. After all, their technology can make this formidable. We have no reason to be inferior to power weapons, right? As for the other side, helping them should be able to get a new Sea Beast as a new type of weapon for our navy. Although our weapons are now very advanced, they are not. Don’t admit it, these Sea Beasts are actually very useful. Their method of sneaking into the battleship to kill the crew is equally useful to modern battleships. After all, no matter how advanced the battleship is, the people inside are still the same."

< p>"It makes sense. So how do we choose?" Christina looked at me and asked.

I am also a little hesitant about Christina's question. Energy technology is indeed a good thing, but I also like Sea Beast, after all, I am a summoner! However, it seems that you cannot have both! Wait, have it both? Looks like it is not impossible!

As long as the thunderbolt weapon is given medicine, we may be able to use reverse engineering to research it out. As for the training of Sea Beast, this seems to be enough to capture a prisoner. Of course, the premise is that the sample cannot be damaged, and the captive must know the domestication method. There are risks on both sides, but both are feasible, which is really embarrassing!

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