After completing the preparations, Christina immediately began to explode magic missiles all the way, it felt like a twelve tube was placed on the top of a plow cart in the charge. Close to the gun, the ammunition firing speed is so fast that there is no way to observe it with naked eye. At least what I see with my dynamic vision is a continuous light curtain. I can't find any joints in the front. It feels like One magic missile followed by another magic missile ejected outwards, with no gap at all. Moreover, because Christina’s rainbow jet does not actually fire a single magic missile in front of her, but produces multiple magic missiles in a large area near her at the same time, so although there are actually a large number of magic missiles But they will not collide in the air.

The effect of the horrible magic missile jet torrential rain is almost exaggerated than the Yankee’s famous box bomber queue using carpet bombing. The zombie simply has no dodge space in the passage ahead, only in A large number of magic missiles have been explodes into waste during the torrential rain.

As the magic missiles on Christina's side began to spray, the mixed formation of Death God guards and Qilin warrior below also pushed the car forward desperately, although the ground was full of corpses. , But the weight of nearly eight tons of the plow truck plus the front shovel is enough to cut any obstacles into slices and easily crush them.

When the zombie in front was all down, the plow cart on our side almost ran out of wind speed, many Death God guards and Qilin warrior plus my pets full strength The driving plow carts were so fast that even for fear of not being able to keep up with Christina's cleaning speed, the four plow carts were running out of balance. On the way, collisions between the plow cart and the plow cart or between the plow cart and the wall occurred constantly. As a result, the four carts were running sparks flying in all directions, and it felt as if they would tip over at any time.

Although this kind of rushing look looks scary, you have to admit that the speed brought by this method is indeed quite satisfactory.

Kristina finally persisted for half an hour when nearly thirty high elves acted as magic batteries for her before she exhausted her magic power and stopped, and in the process we The plow cart can be pushed forward for eight kilometers. Eight kilometers in half an hour. Of course, this speed is very slow in transportation. An electric bicycle can run to a speed of more than 20 kilometers per hour. The eight hours and eight kilometers are converted to only 16 kilometers per hour, which is more than ordinary. People run faster, but they are definitely not as fast as most vehicles. But we are not engaged in track and field competitions. We are advancing assault against a large number of enemies. In history, there is no unit that can maintain such a speed in front of such a crazy enemy. After all, as long as normal people will not As scary as these zombies, they don't even know what scary is!

"Huh, I can't hold on anymore." Christina said, holding her forehead when she was lifted from the plow cart. When she came down, some of my demons helped her because she was too tired. The headaches and other problems caused by excessive use of magic have caused her current situation, and even walking by herself is a problem. Fortunately, there is no shortage of manpower on my side. I can find a few Qilin warriors to come out and get a stretcher to lift Christina down.

After Christina is done here, plus the previous real red efforts, we are actually about ten kilometers away from the starting point. Such a long distance is already very important for a passage. It's long, but we still haven't seen the end of this passage here. This is definitely quite amazing news. Not to mention the zombie group that fills the channel, the length of this channel alone is very abnormal. This is not a small tunnel. The passage is twenty meters wide and seven or eight meters high. All around are all slab-paved walls and the ground is already on top. The passage of this scale is more than ten kilometers in length. This amount of work is really scary.

Of course, "Zero" is a game. Even if a 10,000-kilometer-long channel is to be constructed here, it is just a matter of a slight modification of a parameter in the main system. However, although the channel of modification in "Zero" is very simple, this game has always paid great attention to rationality. In other words, if it is impossible to build an underground passage more than ten kilometers long in reality, it is unlikely that such a place will appear in the game. Of course, in reality, it is actually possible to build such a channel. After all, the level of science and technology in reality is sufficiently advanced. With the help of a large number of construction machinery, it is normal to build a ten-kilometer-long cross-sea tunnel in a few years. But here is the magic world. Although magic is more convenient than technology in a sense, the wizard is not a construction worker, and people will not come to you to specialize in tunneling. Therefore, even if you have the ability to build such a channel, it is quite unusual for such a channel to appear in the game world. The abnormal thing system generally will not be set unless there is a reasonable explanation for this abnormality.

The current situation is that this channel is so long, there must be some reason, and as long as this reason is known, its "long" should not be a strange thing.

I really want to know what is the reason for this, but I really can't collect any information when I am stuck in this place, so I finally decided to dispatch investigative means to investigate the situation here.

Although this passage is very long, but I have a favorite that is very suitable for this kind of thing. Taking advantage of Christina’s opportunity to come down to gold coin and take the initiative to take over, I directly took the dart summon out and assigned him to go ahead and help us investigate the situation ahead. At the very least, I need to know how long this channel is. .

This was originally a very simple investigation mission, but the results of this investigation made our previous opportunity to advance thoroughly listen.

The special ability of darts is called-moving at the speed of light. Of course, this is a theoretical value, which means that darts cannot actually reach that speed in most cases. This place is full of zombies, so there must be no way for the darts to get past the ground. All he can do is step on the heads of those zombies and run forward. As for the question of what was bitten...that simply don't worry. With the dart's ability to move at the speed of light, when the enemy sees him, he has already passed. It is meaningless to make any response at this time. Therefore, it is impossible to catch the dart. However, zombies' heads are not the ground after all, and stepping on these guys' heads will still affect their speed.

However, even if the moving speed is affected by the zombies, the actual moving speed of the dart is still more than 290,000 kilometers per second. This speed can definitely scare a lot of people to death, at least no one dares to say that he runs fast in front of darts. However, when I let the darts out to find the way, he came back to me only after five minutes had passed.

I have never let darts out to find the way for more than one minute before, because even for carpet searches, the speed of darts is enough to go through every corner in a very short time. However, this time the non-standard unexpectedly set a record five minutes after going out, and after returning, he reported an amazing result.

"What? You didn't see the end?"

This was not what I asked, but really red roar. In fact, if I don’t yell, I’m almost yelling out. At the speed of darts, more than 290,000 kilometers per second, I ran back and forth for five minutes without seeing the end of the passage. This is definitely not because the passage is too long, but it must be caused by other reasons, because it is impossible that someone can build a straight passage with a length of more than 40 million kilometers, which is more than N times the diameter of Earth. With this length, This passage will inevitably become an astronomical spectacle, which can be seen directly in space. After all, if a straight passage that is so many times longer than the diameter of Earth appears on Earth, it will definitely look like a chopstick inserted in the big fruit of Earth in the sky. But, in fact, we all know that that kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen. Let alone whether this kind of building can be built, even if it is really possible, then who built it? Why did they build such a path for brain damage?

So, this channel is absolutely impossible to be as long as 40 million kilometers, and its length must be problematic, and the most reasonable explanation is...

"We are in Illusion Technique?" Christina lowered her head whispered, although her tone was not sure, but we also felt that there was no other probability besides this. No matter how you think about it, a passage of more than 40 million kilometers long is an impossible thing, so the answer can only be that we have fallen into something like Illusion Technique, in fact, these all are our illusions.

Now that I think about it, it’s really thanks to me that I even let the darts take a look at the situation in front of me, otherwise we will be so boring to kill all the way, even if we are busy until tomorrow this time, we don’t expect to find an exit, and really At that time, we probably won't be able to get out again.

"We must have been in the Illusion Technique." Gold coin, who just learned that this channel had a problem, has stopped preparing for the big move, but directly joined the discussion. Now our plow cart line has also come to a complete stop, because it is meaningless to move on. We are impossible pushing the plow cart to run more than 40 million kilometers, not to mention that there are zombies everywhere, even if this is a straight ice slide that allows us to sit still and slide down all the way, it is impossible. Apart from the darts, the fastest one here is my demon bird, and even at the speed of the bird, more than 40 million kilometers means that he needs to use his maximum cruising speed, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. It takes more than four years of continuous flight around the clock 24 hours a day to reach the end. However, this is all theoretical data. The data just now is calculated based on the bird's maximum cruising speed of ten times the speed of sound, but in fact, the bird can only last for a few hours at this speed. It is basically impossible to fly for four consecutive years. Besides, even if Asuka can fly for four years, don't we have to do a task for four years? Therefore, the way to leave is definitely not to run along the passage.

Since running is useless, we need to discuss it now.

After the gold coin came down, the plow carts all stopped advancing, just defending in place to prevent us from being disturbed, and the four of us were called all the demon favorites with good intelligence, everyone Brainstorm together and start a discussion. However, after half an hour of discussion, the final result we got is still only one-this is the environment.

"If this is an environment, how can we get out?" Zhenhong asked.

"There are many ways to leave the illusion, but they need to be decided according to the situation." Emenes said: "I was an illusion Goddess before, but I didn't feel any problems with the situation here, so In other words, this is considered to be an illusion, it is also a very special illusion, at least I can't feel any difference at all."

"If this is an illusion like Emenes, Goddess can’t feel it. The environment we arrive, does that mean we can't get out?" asked gold coin.

I shook my head and said: "There must be a way to go out. There will be no dead ends in the mission. Difficulty can only show that you have not found a way or are not strong enough. There must be a way to go out here."< /p>

Kristina asked suddenly: "Should we try to dig a hole in the wall? Maybe the passage is infinitely long, but the outer wall of this passage can go out simply by digging. What?"

To be honest, I have thought about this problem before, but it doesn’t feel so simple, but now I can’t find a way, so I just don’t want and said. : "It's worth a try. It won't take long anyway."

Digging a hole or something does not take much time. First, let Zhenhong use violence against the walls and the ground of the all around the passage to shake all the big stone slabs into broken stones, and then the next step is to let the small dragon female use the Gravity Technique to blow down the broken stones. After leaving, we saw the situation outside the rock passage. However, this result stunned us.

"Damn! What's the situation?"

After the outer wall of the rock passage was smashed open, what we saw was not a new outer passage, nor mud, of course It's not something like lava, it's...the void. This passage is like it was built in space. After piercing the outer wall of the passage, there is a dark void world directly outside. You can even see the starlight in the distance, and some huge stars can also be seen in the nearby area, but Although it looks big, it's actually very far away, and it's just because the stars are so big.

It can be said that the situation outside this channel has completely destroyed our normal understanding ability. A channel built in space is really shocking!

"This It shouldn't be really space, right?" Zhen Hong asked while looking outside.

Kristina stood behind me and said, "Impossible. The gravity here is still normal, and there is no air leakage after we penetrated the tunnel. It seems that the outside is not a vacuum environment. Those The stars are probably phantoms like projections, but they are more weird than here, so I don’t recommend going out."

"No, we need to go out and have a look." I said and stood directly. The location where the passageway had been penetrated penetrated out and took a look. My entire upper body leaned out, but there was really no difference between the outside feeling and the inside of the tunnel. The air still existed, there was gravity, and the direction did not change. However, our surroundings are indeed imaginary, because I have turned eternity into a stick of several hundred meters long and I drew a circle around without touching anything, which means that even if this place is the environment, the physical structure outside is far from us. There are at least several hundred meters far away.

Although I didn't see anything, I didn't give up. Instead, I first pulled out the dragon's tendons and handed them to Zhenhong to tie them to the body, and then I jumped out. The advantage of this is that I can use the cable to pull myself back at any time, and there is air outside, so my wings can still be used. It doesn't really happen that the wings are useless in space.

After jumping out of the channel, I was immediately ready to fall down, because I had sensed the presence of gravity outside before, so I knew I would fall down, but the actual High Level I After I really jumped out, I realized that the situation was slightly different from what I imagined.

Gravity does exist, but the gravity here is only within one meter around the passage. This is the reason why I can sense gravity when I stretch my head out, but it actually exceeds this. After the range is the gravity-free range. Fortunately, although there is no gravity outside, it is not a vacuum. On the contrary, there is not only air in this place, but it seems that the oxygen content is quite high. I feel that the air here is even better than in the tunnel. After all, the tunnel is full of zombies. , It's strange that it smells good.

Trying to fly a short distance far away, feeling that the speed of my wings is too slow, I simply summon out the bird, and then dash forward. Asuka uses jet power, and there is oxygen here, so flying is not restricted. Of course, I don't dare to let the birds fly too fast, because I don't know what is going on in front of me. What if it is really a huge illusion, we fly so well and hit the outer wall? Therefore, I always keep Asuka at a speed that is much faster than I am, but in fact it is not as fast for Asuka. Of course, slowing down is not the main way. I also turned Eternity into a thin stick more than ten kilometers long. I held the center of the stick by myself so that I don’t have to worry about balance. Even though the length has increased, The eternal weight will not change significantly, so this stick does not affect the flight of the bird. I held the stick in this way, keeping the stick in a vertical position, that is, in the same direction as our flight, so that there is still a few kilometers in front of us. If there is an obstacle in front of you, the stick of eternal change should be the first to hit the outer wall, and then I will feel it, and then I can make Asuka quickly turn to avoid the stupid thing that hits himself to death.

After having this insurance strategy, I felt confident and bold to let the birds explore forward. As a result, we waited until we all flew to the invisible passage, and we still did not encounter any obstacles. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to create such a large space, so even if I continue to fly forward, I guess it is impossible to get out.

Since the horizontal flight is useless, it means that the exit is not in this direction, so I immediately asked Asuka to take me back. Since the end of the dragon's tendons was handed over to Zhenhong to hold, when we go back, we only need to fly back along the cable, even if we can't see the passage at all now, it doesn't matter.

The return process was very smooth. Following the pulling force generated by the wire take-up, we quickly returned to the gap where I left before, and then Christina and the others looked After arriving at me, the first reaction was to ask me: "Have you found the exit?"

I helplessly shook my head: "I flew out for hundreds of kilometers at least, but the result is still the same, nothing."< /p>

"Does that mean the direction over there is incorrect?" Gold coin asked.

"But if it's not outside, how should this passage go out?" Zhenhong asked.

Kristina said to the side: "That’s all I can think of. If it doesn’t work, I suggest you try violent methods, such as putting a big trick or something to try to use the limit. Can destructive power destroy this place? No matter how bad it is, we must be able to interfere with this illusion. Even if it can make the environment flicker, it will be of great help to us."

Tina’s proposal is the only one I can try, so in the end I did a big trick experiment. The reason why I came here is mainly because Zhenhong and Christina have not recovered yet, and the explosive power of gold coin is not good, so my big move is more powerful. However, the result did not have any effect. My ultimate move exhausted all my magic power, but the final effect was just like setting off fireworks, and nothing was produced.

"It seems that we must have a problem with our thinking somewhere." Christina said: "This task is difficult to hell, and it is impossible to do so. Our strength is relative. It is very exaggerated for the average player. If even we can't solve this environment, for the average player, this is a must-dead level that will never pass, and the system will not set this level, so we must have missed something. "

"The question is that we don't know what it is!" Real Red said helplessly.

"Do you have any other suggestions?" I looked at my familiar and asked. Compared to others' familiars, my familiars have good intelligence, and most of the members can be used as advisers.

Don’t say, in this case, someone really made a suggestion. "Master, I think I can try to ask the Mother Earth God for a favor." Jingjing said.

"Mother of the Earth?" I looked at Jingjing in surprise, and after thinking about it for a while, it seemed that there was indeed a certain probability of getting help.

Although in theory High Gods like the Mother of the Earth shouldn’t interfere with our players’ tasks, after all, they are actually the actual system rules in "Zero", and they are equivalent to half. Exist like a GM. The probability of such an existence to help out is very low, but, in fact, my personal relationship with Mother Earth is very good. Of course, this may be due to my affinity attribute. Anyway, Mother Earth seems to often provide me with some Small-scale help. Of course, these help have a common feature, that is, the mother of the earth does not seem to do anything abnormal, or that she does very little, but they are all key things, which can completely turn the situation around. .

Like this situation, if I ask the Mother Earth to help us directly break through the environment and get us out, of course the Mother Earth will reject me directly and unceremoniously, and may even throw me directly. come out. However, if I change the way, such as chatting with the Mother Earth, and inquiring about the actual situation of this place, I think the Mother Earth will not be absolutely tight-lipped, at least I am sure she will tell me if this place is true. It's an illusion, so we can also determine where we should think about getting out of here.

I didn't waste any time after I figured it out. I just talked to Christina and the others and opened the door of the earth and went in.

The last time I sent Pandora and Hades here to cultivate, I found that the mother of the earth seemed to be in a good mood. This time I came here, it seems that this mood still exists, that is to say, the earth The mother is in a very good mood now. This is definitely good news for me. The mother of the earth is in a good mood means that she may relax the restrictions on my requirements, and as long as the mother of the earth restricts me a little bit, the help she can provide will be very exaggerated.

"Mother of the earth, are you basking in the sun?" I said hello as if by chance. Of course, this method is actually very clumsy, because the gate of the earth is a one-way street. I am impossible to pass through and meet the mother of the earth, but I can only come in specially, so this way of greeting is like the first brother at It's the same as having a conversation with me for the first time, but this method is actually the method I need, because in front of the mother of the earth, my strength is so weak that it is almost negligible. It is like when Einstein, Superman, and a large group of outstanding politicians in history suddenly merge into one person. He has both strong individual strength and incomparable wisdom. In front of this kind of person, everyone’s intelligence and physical strength are the five scumbags, so instead of pretending to be sophisticated in front of him, it’s better to be weak and shy, because pretending to be experienced and strong is here. This kind of super-level existence will only make you seem unusually clumsy in front of you, but will not bring any actual goodwill. On the contrary, it is pretending to be shy and low-key. People may treat you from the perspective of caring for the weak and pitying the weak. Show more care.

To put it bluntly, the mother of the earth is actually like an adult with superior intelligence in front of me, while I am just a child, no matter in terms of strength or mind. . Therefore, at this time, I deliberately pretend to be an "adult" and try my best to make people feel that I am an "adult". In fact, it will only arouse disgust. On the contrary, it will behave normally. On the contrary, people will use a kind of "caring for the little child" psychology to me extraordinarily. tolerant.

Sure enough, my tone barely fell Mother Earth said with a smile: "You were pretended to be pitiful with me. I know you are in trouble outside. Why? This is for me Can you help?"

I deliberately scratched my head while smirking, and the mother of the earth also gave herself a cup of tea after squinting at me and said: "The place you are in is actually not an illusion. , So any illusion elimination method you use is impossible and effective."

"What? That's not the environment?" At this time, I really couldn't stand it. If the Mother of the Earth didn't joking with me, then it is really not an environment, then there is only one possibility...that thing really exists. However, a passage of more than 40 million kilometers long. Let’s not talk about how it appeared, even if it appears reasonable, how can we get there? Don't mention the zombie inside, even if it's a no-man's land? More than 40 million kilometers of no-man’s land is enough to trap anyone to death. "Then what...Mother of the earth, are you making me happy?"

"Am I like a cute and happy person?" The mother of the earth looked at me and asked.

To be honest, although the mother of the earth is the most amiable among all the High Gods, she really does not look like the type who likes to joke, and this thing is not so funny. .

"But if what you say is true, it means that the passage is at least more than 40 million kilometers long. Who can build such a passage? And how are we going to get there? Even if my fastest Familiar takes us, it will take us more than four years to run this distance. This is still the case of 24 hours a day without any resistance. But the actual situation there, I I’m afraid we may not have reached the other end in 40 years!"

"Have I told you that the passage is more than 40 million kilometers?" The Mother of the Earth suddenly said, and I It was suddenly taken aback.

"You mean that it is indeed a real passage, but it is actually not more than 40 million kilometers, but for some reason it makes us feel that it seems to have no end?" I am guessing. Asked.

The mother of the earth is really in a good mood, so she didn't talk to me in official accusations, she just told her what she really wanted. "You actually entered a law space. This place is real, not an illusion."

"The law space? What is it?"

"It's just a short strip. There is a space with its own laws. The world laws in this space are different from the outside ones. It has its own set of rules. The space you enter is a passage, but this passage is actually only two kilometers long. "

"What? Two kilometers? Impossible, right? We ran for more than ten kilometers and didn't come out!"

"I said, I won't talk to You’re kidding. The passage is really only two kilometers long, and its end and starting point are actually connected in a circular manner. Of course, I’m talking about circular connections at the spatial level, not forming a curved passage, so you feel that It is straight forward, but in fact it is not."

"It's not right!" I wondered: "When I let my pet go ahead and explore the way, he ran out more than four thousand. Ten thousand kilometers, if the passage is circular, he should catch up with us from behind after running two kilometers, right?"

"This involves another rule of this space. In addition to the continuous circular connection in space, there is also an axial change in time. In other words, if your familiar keeps moving forward, then he will return to the starting point after two kilometers, and Although this position overlaps with your location, it is different in time. That is to say, you overlap in space, but are staggered in time, so you won’t see each other, and your familiar keeps moving. Rush forward, and in the end it is equivalent to running to a later point in time. After blocking him and discovering that the passage is not over, he starts to return. At this time, he is actually telling Time Reverse. When he returns to the point in time you are at, and again When you get back to that space point, you will meet again."

I finally understood the characteristics of this passage through the explanation of Mother Earth. In fact, this passage can be compared with a spiral staircase. Assume that the height in the stairwell represents time, and the azimuth represents absolute position. Then, when you are on the east side of the Third Layer and the east side of the Fourth Layer, your location is actually the same, but the time is different. If a person keeps climbing up the steps, he will eventually return to the east side, but at this time he may climb to the tenth, eleventh or even higher heights, and in this case he is actually still on the stairs In the well, he didn't go out, just the height was different.

We are in this situation. We kept advancing in that passage. Although we had completed two kilometers one after another, we never went out. We always ran forward in this closed time loop, which means that we actually ran past. It took a long time instead of a long distance.

Now that the principle is clear, the next thing that needs to be solved is how to destroy this closed channel. However, before I have time to open my mouth, the mother of the earth said directly: "Don't ask me, although I I know, but I won’t tell you how to come out. You know our rules, and I won’t break the rules. But, with your IQ, knowing so much, shouldn’t it be difficult to come out?"

After thinking about it for a while, I directly bowed to the mother of the earth, and said: "I understand, thank you for your help, this time it saved us many lives!"

"It's OK , You hurry up, don’t bother me basking in the sun."

After the mother of the earth waved, I turned around and ran out, but Christina and the others immediately surrounded me when they saw me. Come up.

"How's the situation? Did you ask?" Real Red asked impatiently.

I nodded, and then shook the head again. Gold coin asked anxiously next to him: "You are nodded and shaking your head. Did you say that you didn't say it?"

"I said, but not complete." I directly said: "Mother of the earth She talked about the situation in this place, and told me the reason and principle of the formation, but she did not tell me how to break the game, but let us think about it."

"Huh?" Really red felt obviously. not much hope.

Kristina didn’t care too much, so she asked directly: “Tell me everything you know first, let’s listen to it and talk about it later.”

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