The giant dragons have all gone to rest and heal. Players in Asia are basically offline. Dark Legion will not be able to come back until at least 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. Now Isinger Looks very deserted! I was thinking about Bright Legion's intentions alone, and the more I thought about it, the more strange it became! I have a lot of clues in my hand, but I can't connect them together. I feel as if I understand something but I can't grasp the main points!

"President?" Three beautiful silhouettes suddenly jumped out from the side.

I looked up and saw that it was the three leaders of the Women's League brought back from Germany. We arranged it before the start of the war. The Asian players were responsible for the defense between 8 and 24, while the German players were responsible for the latter half of the night. This arrangement is mainly to ensure that Isinger has someone at all times, and the German players are in different time zones from ours. They don't have to stay up late in the middle of the night! Now it's past zero, and German players have begun to go online one after another.

"You are here?"

"Well! How is the battle going?" Catalina is very concerned about the battle.

"Fight with Light God Palace this afternoon, but there were some minor accidents. The ambush became an encounter, but the overall effect was okay, basically completing the predetermined goal, except that Dragon Clan suffered a little casualty. It's bigger!"

"That's okay!" Kristina (the mage known as the fort) patted her chest in relief. "What about Dark Legion?"

"There were basically no casualties, because the number of enemies actually touched in the end was less than planned, so the casualties decreased accordingly. Now Dark Legion has left the ambush location and is heading back. "I remembered that these German MM research did not know how it was progressing, so I asked: "How about the technology you bought from Germany last time?"

Kristina said: "Because the super artillery contains a large amount of Chinese technology, it is currently undergoing blueprint transformation, and there will be no products for the time being. The structure of the continuous-fire crossbow is relatively simple and has basically been finalized, but because the factory has not been completed, it is temporarily unable to mass production. Only a few were assembled by hand, and they have been installed on the city wall! The iron armored ship, thinking that the dock has not yet come out, and it will take a long time to have production capacity, so we haven’t researched it yet and concentrated on dealing with a few other items!"< /p>

"After all, there are no results?" After doing research for a long time, nothing came out!

"That's not it!" Woma stood up and said: "We have completely mastered the floating technology and produced many products. Especially the Sky City plan you explained, we have basically completed it! "

"So fast?" When I knew that floating technology can lift large things into the air, I immediately thought of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the flying mountains in Chinese mythology. Isinger is exactly carved out of a whole mountain, and its underground part is also made of rock, and the connection is tight and will not loose. In other words, Isinger is a whole, even if he flies, he won't drop any bits and pieces! As soon as I got the technical information in Europe, I wanted to make Isengard a city in the sky, but I knew it would not be easy. So I handed over the plan to the highly skilled MMs of the Women's Federation. I didn't expect them to produce results in a short time, didn't expect to have results so soon!

Woma said: "The Iron Crusader’s research has already achieved considerable results, and it has basically entered the practical stage, so we can quickly transform it into practical use. Moreover, the flying machine is originally a design principle, so Isinger There is no big difference between flying and letting the elevator fly. Just amplify the instrument proportionally and increase the output power!"

"How is the progress now?"

"The equipment has been completed, the knowledge has not been ordered by you, and the installation has not started yet!"

"What are you waiting for? Quickly install!" haha! I don’t have to guess what Light God Palace’s plans are. I’m not afraid of what they have plans! After the flotation equipment is completed, Isinger can fly. Although the damn floating technology does not know the reason, once it is activated, it will remain horizontally still. It can move up and down but not left and right. Even if there is an external force, it can't move at all! If the external force is large enough, it will only deform the floating object and not allow it to move! However, it is enough as long as it can be moved up and down. Raise Isinger to the sky, how can you attack the city if I don't touch it? As long as the two magic light cannons are resolved again, there will be nothing to threaten Isengard. We have long spear and giant dragon. On the air force, who is Isinger’s opponent?

I found a way to deal with Light God Palace, I quickly pulled the three of them to see the floating device! Woma took me into the core part of Isengard, which is under the Spirit Gathering Tower. This is the geometric center of Isinger. Because Isinger is highly symmetrical, this is also the center of gravity of Isinger.

Go down through thousands of stairs to the outside of the core. Two hundred demon spirit knights and one hundred dark patrols guard here. Behind them is a huge copper door with a width of 10 meters and a height of 10 meters. . The two door panels of the gate are made of pure copper with a weight of one hundred tons, and are as thick as one or two meters. There are half magic arrays on both sides of the door, and they can be combined into one when they are closed. Seeing me approaching the guards on both sides immediately saluted, a demon spirit Knight leading the team came up and said: "Sir City Lord!"

"Open the door!"

Demon spirit Knight immediately Turning around and beckoning to open the door, those dark patrollers immediately began to think of incantion. The magic pattern on the door suddenly lit up, and the door slowly slid to both sides. Because there were only 4 of us, the door only opened a slit more than two meters wide and stopped!

After passing through the gate, I entered the core of Isengard's power. This is an absolute forbidden place. No one wants to come in except to get my order. Every time Woma and the others came to conduct research, I first greeted and informed these guards before they could enter. Now I know that they used to run here some time ago to do this thing! The power core provides energy for the entire Isinger. Night lighting, urban drainage system, automatic gates, magic crystal cannons, mechanical winches, etc., these things all rely on the magic crystal of the power core to operate! Now this power core was obtained from Atlantis, but it cost a lot of money at the beginning. The magic crystal in the power core, which is one lap larger than basketball, was the largest one I could find at that time.

After entering the gate, we actually entered a place similar to a balcony. The core room is a large space, and it is indeed empty. This terrace protrudes at the half waist of the room, only twenty meters wide and more than eight meters protruding. Because of the lack of face-to-face, you can't see the opposite side, the roof and the bottom of the room at all, so it gives people a feeling of infinite size!

In the middle of this terrace, there is a step that protrudes beyond the stove. The steps are only more than one meter wide and slope upward, but the angle is not very steep, extending five or six meters from the terrace. At the end of the steps is a circular platform. There is an arc-shaped bow beam across the center of the platform. In the middle of the bow beam, there is a three-fingered grappling hook extending downward from the original disk, and there is an upward tray at the corresponding position on the ground, which seems to be used to fix something!

Now the magic crystal that powers Isinger is floating between the two holders, emitting a soft light evenly, except for the red magic warning on both sides of the steps to prevent people from falling. Outside the lamp, this magic crystal is the only light source in the room!


"Isn't this still the core of the previous power?" I looked at the platform and said.

Woma leads me to the platform, and then points to the west. "Did you see it below?"

I took a closer look and found that the ground of the platform had been replaced with a transparent material, and there were some large instruments under the platform, and some large pipes were connected to the instruments. "This is the flight instrument?"

"No! This is only the power conversion part, because the energy required for takeoff far exceeds the power of other equipment, so energy cannot be obtained from the city power pipeline. We set up for it A new dedicated line is installed. The main reason is that the city pipeline is overloaded. If it explodes, it will not be good!"

"En! That's it! But what about those flight controllers?"

"The host is under this room, but it's too dark to see here. There are 108 extensions, and the symmetrical branches are in different locations in the city. But none of them have been installed yet!"

" Install, install it immediately, I need them to run right away!"


I followed the three of them to see the extension of the magic anti-gravity device, those Things are erected metal boxes, looking like a giant computer group of the dragon's edge, but they are bigger! The installation lasted until 6 o'clock in the morning, all the equipment was basically almost the same, and a large group of players and NPCs were doing the final debugging.

My private chat suddenly rang. It was a German MM who arranged to guard Babel Tower. She wanted to study the technical principles of Babel Tower. I asked her to help me monitor the actions of two Bright Legions by the way. . "President, something happened, you'd better come and see!"

I quickly ran to Babel Tower, and after entering, the MM immediately pulled me to the screen. "Look!"

The screen clearly shows the bright Legion stationed in the canyon. It doesn't seem to be anything special. It's just a red line on the ground. I don't know that the bright Legion is drawing on the ground. What is the line! The German MM asked me to zoom out the screen and look at the entire camp. I immediately saw the problem as soon as I pulled it up! The entire camp is covered with that kind of red line, and it can be vaguely seen that this is a magical array! Bright Legion actually arranged a magical array the size of the entire camp! Now this magic array is obviously not finished yet, and many mages are still painting, but it seems that it is not far from being finished!

Hurry up and switch the screen to the bright Legion in Rock Valley. It can be seen that they have stopped cutting trees, but the clearing that was cut down happens to be a huge circle. What is even more strange is that the open space here is also painted with a magic array, and it is bigger than the one painted by the bright Legion in the canyon!

The German MM continued: "Look at the army in the canyon again!"

I cut the picture back to the canyon. She continued: "Pay attention to those giant carriages! You make me pay more attention, so I often observe, but you see. Did you see anything?"

I finally found something wrong after watching it for a long time! "Two missing?"

"Look at the characteristics of the box again!"

I looked at the box. Although those cars have been disguised, the stacking of boxes is still different. Last night I paid special attention to the placement of boxes on the other two carriages with magic light cannons. And now... "Magic Light Cannon passed away?" Two carriages passed away equipped with Magic Light Cannon, the rest are fake! I quickly found the waterwheel again. "The waterwheel is also passed away?"

The German MM said: "I just discovered that the waterwheel disappeared. It was because the waterwheel was passed away, so I looked for other carriages and found two The carriage passed away with the magic light cannon! According to the situation, it was passed away very early! Look here again!" She switched the screen to Guangming Legion on the side of Rock Valley, and then the screen zoomed in on a place in the woods.

I recognized it for a long time before I was surprised and said: "Isn't this the carriage for the magic light cannon?" The carriage was camouflaged by a lot of leaves, and I couldn't find it if I didn't pay attention! "When did you find it?"

"Just now! I called you because I saw it!"

"The two places are so far apart, so heavy equipment is impossible It is shipped so quickly, unless it is Transmission Formation! Is it really Transmission Formation? But what do they do to transport this thing from here to there? Isn’t this getting farther and farther?"

"Then I don't know anymore!"

The behavior of Light God Palace is getting more and more weird. Now it seems that the unfinished magic array is the key. I rushed to find Vina. Although her power was sealed, her memory was not lost. She should recognize the magic array! I found Wei Na and took her to take a look, and she immediately recognized the magic array. "This is a large asymmetric Transmission Formation! Draw a large magic array with complex structure on the ground, and then draw a small guide magic array where you want to go. Then you can send all the things from the large array to Go to the opposite side. This kind of array requires a lot of ruby ​​dust to draw the magic array, and the precision is extremely demanding, so it is rarely used! But this kind of array only needs a simple small magic array to guide the place of appearance, so it is very suitable for fast Deploy the Transmission Passage. This is commonly used in sneak attacks on the battlefield."

I probably know what Light God Palace is going to do now! It looks like they are planning to use Transmission Formation to send the troops here at once, but it's not quite right! "Vina. You said that as long as the small array can be guided, how big is the small array?"

"About fifteen meters in diameter."

"Does that mean Light God Palace? As long as we send someone to draw this magic array near us, we can send all the troops over?"

"No! I just said it. The accuracy of this magic array is extremely demanding, so I want to draw temporarily. It’s almost impossible! If the Light God Palace sends someone over to paint, it will take at least 20 mages to paint for 8 hours here! A little distraction will be over! Normally, those who use this kind of Formation will do the magic beforehand. The array is carved on the stone slab, and then the whole stone slab is transported to the destination. A round slab with a diameter of 15 meters is not difficult to transport! The magic crystal cannon is much larger than that and it is not still transported away!"

"Slate? That is impossible! It is understandable that Light God Palace sent a few wizards to run over. It is impossible to bring a stone slab of this size without being discovered. Unless they can make holes and walk underground! Wait!" I suddenly thought of something!


Underground...! underground……! Under the valley...! The south is rainy, so is Rock Valley. The mountain is high, water seeks its own level, and the water on the mountain will surely converge into a river under the mountain. But don't talk about rivers around Rock Valley, not even creeks. So where did the water go? evaporation? impossible! This is not tropical, not so much evaporation! store? There is no lake nearby, where can I save it? That is, there is no surface runoff and no evaporation, that is, it has infiltrated into the ground!

Such a large amount of water enters the ground, and it must flow. There are many limestone rocks in the mountainous areas of the rock valleys, which are easy to corrode, and they will surely become underground rivers after long-term erosion. Could it be said that Light God Palace uses the underground river to transport troops? In this way, those rafts can be explained. But it's not right! How big can the underground river be? Ten meters wide is rare, this is a game, not necessarily according to reality, I plan to make the underground river bigger, 20 meters wide will be dead!

Although the Guangming Legion of Iwatani is almost infantry and does not carry any heavy equipment, there are 15 million troops after all! When will the 15 million military be transported by a 20-meter-wide river? So impossible is a troop transport. Then the only possibility is...

Stone slabs? The underground river is not large and the transportation capacity is limited. The magic array is demanding and difficult to make temporarily, and the magic array slate is not easy to conceal and transport. But if you put two things together, it will be easier to understand!

Suddenly I figured everything out! I got the information yesterday and later saw the strange behavior of Light God Palace. All of this is easy to explain! What a big scam has been set up by Light God Palace for us to drill! They may even know that we are going to intercept them at the mouth of the canyon, and they are even willing to exchange 5 million troops for the success of this scam!

Bright Legion at first, when he was out of the city, he released a message saying that the soldiers were divided into two groups, and they were all fake! They only separated because a magic array could not transmit 30 million troops at the same time! In order to confuse us, 15 million cavalry and wizards passed through the canyon with a large number of siege equipment, just to make us think that they are acting according to our plan, and let us relax our attention to the other army, and the fact is that we do. Ignored Iwatani's 15 million troops!

Now Iwatani’s troops are almost all infantry, and they simply don’t carry any siege equipment. The false claim to be transported from the Miyun waterway to the landing near Isengard is in fact deliberately letting us attack Miyun! The players of Hongchen Qiufeng who guard Miyun are just non-staff members of Light God Palace who are preparing to sacrifice. The temple deliberately let us destroy Miyun! When the city of Miyun ceased to exist, they pretended to fail and ran back embarrassedly. In fact, they diverted halfway and ran to their real goal-Rock Valley. The only reason is that Rock Valley has an underground river leading to near Isengard! These 15 million troops circled such a big circle, and yet sacrificed Miyun City to cover the two slabs to reach the Rock Valley smoothly! With the help of the underground river below the rock valley, the two stone slabs with the guide demon array can be quickly sent to a place near Isengard.

The reason why the troop that passed through the canyon has to know that there is an ambush is to deliberately attract our troops out of the city! I suddenly thought of a more terrifying scam again!

Dark Legion is undoubtedly the main force of this defense, but Bright Legion deceived Isinger out of Dark Legion at the cost of 5 million troops. On the other side, the troops carrying the slabs are likely to arrive at Isengard before the Dark Legion, which means that the Bright Legion may use Transmission Formation to rush to Isengard in front of the Dark Legion. When the time comes, only Dragon Clan and the city defense forces are left in Isengard, but the army of Dark Legion is blocked outside the city! As long as Bright Legion turns around and eats Dark Legion first, and then turns around to attack Isengard, then we will lose!

Now I know why Guangming Legion stopped advancing through the Canyon after losing 5 million people. That's because they don't need to advance anymore. The task of this unit is to lead the Dark Legion out of Isengard, and hold the Dark Legion for a few hours. Now their mission is completed, so there is no need to continue chasing, instead they stopped and started camping and arranging the magic array!

No wonder the Air Force of Light God Palace will appear in the sky before the war. No wonder that only 5 million troops are blocked by us. No wonder the Light Legion that crosses the canyon camps in place. No wonder Light God Palace is divided into two troops. Road, no wonder the two separate units have their own characteristics, no wonder the defense of Miyun City is so weak, no wonder the 15 million Bright Legion will go to Rock Valley to cut trees!

The plan of Light God Palace is too detailed and too big! They planned it before the war. Since the army of Light God Palace left the city, we have been in a scam, and even recruiting players to crusade us is just to find some dead ghosts in Miyun!

Now I think about why the 5 million troops we surrounded and annihilated did not have wizards, and they were almost all low-level Human Alliance NPCs. It turns out that they were to be sacrificed. The Human Alliance’s NPC level was low, not offensive. The main force, it doesn't matter if you die! This is the wishful thinking of Light God Palace!

It’s already 7 o’clock. According to time calculations, Light God Palace’s troops will appear on the outskirts of Isengard within an hour, and Dark Legion is still more than a hundred miles away, and it will reach 8 I won’t be able to come back after I click! When the time comes is just blocked outside the city, without the support of the city, the dark Legion will surely be wiped out soon. According to calculations on plains without city walls, it is conservatively estimated that after the light Legion completely wipes out the dark Legion, there will still be eight to nine million troops left. These forces of Asingri cannot stop so many troops anyway! This is over!

Our only hope is that the floating system can be installed before the light Legion eats the dark Legion. When the time comes, Isinger can only fly in the sky for a few days until the fighting time is over! It's a bit miserable, but it's better than being captured! But Al Ni, who was going to take this opportunity to make a big profit, lost 30 million troops in unfathomable mystery, and didn't catch any of them. I wonder if he will take me out of my anger?

Why did the originally good plan suddenly change into the team? No, I definitely can't let this happen. The only thing to do now is to find the two stone slabs with the guide array and destroy them. As long as there are no stone slabs, all the plans of Guangming Legion will be ruined. When the time comes, the two armies have to run over from the land and delay one day in vain, so that they will not have much time to attack the city, and the defense will be much easier!

Yes! Must destroy those two slabs! I rushed out of Babel and shouted to the side: "Plague!"

A gust of wind passed, and the plague landed next to me. "What's the matter?"

"Immediately take all the giant dragons out of the city, search the area around Isengard, looking for two stone slabs with a diameter of more than ten meters. The stone slabs are engraved with a magic array, and there may be a small number of enemy elites. Protection. Once you find the target, call your partner immediately, and at all costs you will also destroy the two slates!"

"Yes!" The plague whizzed and flew out, after circling a circle above Isengard. Other Dragon Clan also followed out.

I called Vinda again. "Quick! Send all the troops you can mobilize out of the city!" I described the slate to Vader and asked him to take someone out to find it. Anyway, Isinger's defense team has been soaked in the blood pool, even if it is blocked outside, it can be resurrected once after death. This resurrection is not a resurrection in situ, but a resurrection in Isengard’s barracks, which is equivalent to returning to the city! (Dark Legion has no chance of resurrection)

Isinger's guards can't leave the city too far and can only find them in the vicinity, while Dragon Clan is in charge of a little further away. I have sent out my lesser dragon cavalry and steel silver bee, and finally it rang out with the Crystal Magical Armored Insect. There are a lot of these guys, and they are most suitable for finding something, so I also sent them out. I don't believe it can't be found. As soon as you find it, summon Dragon Clan can come and besieged. Even if the opponent has a high level unit guard, the giant dragon should be able to destroy the slate!

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