"Are you serious?"

"Keep your voice down." I covered my knotty mouth, and then deliberately acted very cautiously and moved forward. Said: "You know it by yourself, don't talk nonsense, otherwise it will be terrible if you are discovered!"

"What are you talking about?" Supreme Taoist saw us sneaky He looked a little confused, so he asked aloud.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be known to Supreme Taoist, so of course I immediately denied it: “It’s nothing, it’s just to comfort the Monster King."

It's not the kind of Xiaobai who doesn't know anything. Of course, he knows how important the things I just told him are, so immediately echoed: "Yes, we didn't say anything."

"Strange, what are you doing so nervously? I just ask casually." Supreme Taoist obviously felt that our reaction was a bit big, but he thought we were discussing some internal issues in the Frost Rose League, so he didn't care much.

After Supreme Taoist stopped paying attention to our side, many quarters immediately jumped up excitedly and asked again: "That... can I really use it in unlimited amounts?"

< p>"As long as you are not afraid of dying for yourself, I don't care anyway."

"That...that...that is really amazing. To be honest, I still think you are You are lying to me."

"If you lied to you, you will know it later. Oh, yes." I suddenly asked out loud, "Before you three were recommended by the Monster King. I haven't even asked what your abilities and original race are. In the future, even if you are members of our Frost Rose League, shouldn't you first introduce your abilities and original race or something?"

Dujie just heard about the Power of Faith that I whispered to him, and now he is naturally obedient to me. As soon as I ask him here, he immediately replied: "I am a multi-legged reptile. "

"Multi-legged crawlers?"

"It's centipede."

"Centipede? You mean that kind of vicious insect?"

Many shook his head: "I am not the same as those modern centipedes. Although I do have a certain degree of toxicity, but that is only used for self-protection, in fact, my ability is not above this. My real The ability is to use a knife."

"Use a knife? Your ability sounds strange!"

"The ability of the big brother is not strange at all," said Banshee. : "The ability of the big brother is actually the ability of Sabrewielder, because he is the ancestor of centipede, belongs to Ancient Species, and his defensive power is very powerful, so when you are in close combat, you can ignore your own damage and only need to attack the enemy. .Because of this ability, the multi-section big brother’s battle method is very overbearing, and there is no defensive action when attacking. It is completely a life-changing style of play. However, because his centipede can regenerate limbs. Yes, the defense itself is hard. Even if something is cut off, it can grow out in minutes. Especially this arm. The body of the multi-sectioned big brother has 3,600 pairs of limbs. After it becomes a human form, it can only be used In addition to the pair that came to walk, there were 3,599 pairs of limbs that could be used to turn into arms, so even if his arms were chopped off, it was fine, and they could be replaced immediately. Oh, by the way, our multi-section big brother has another specialty, that is, the speed is very fast and the body is very soft. It is soft and can be bent at will, so the attacking posture is often very strange. Many Ancient Great Monsters were planted on this before. "

It's obviously a bit sorry to be praised by his own little girl so many times, but he didn't argue with anything, it seems that this is his true ability.

Here The Banshee King on the side added in several sections after he finished speaking: "In fact, our Monster King's real ability is not to fight in human form. After all, the body of Great Demon itself is a very powerful weapon, and Innate's physical advantage is also a very good ability among us high-level existence. Like when I become the body, I can become a giant centipede several kilometers long. Not only is it strong as an ox, but the carapace on the surface of the body is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. The most important thing is that the 3,600 pairs of knife feet and the two large pliers on my body are very powerful weapons, even Divine Immortal's Indestructible Vajra Body can produce great damage. Oh, by the way, I also have some special spells, such as swallowing clouds and fog and terrain capabilities. Poisoning is also one of my specialties. "

After listening to the multi-section introduction, I immediately understood that his ability is basically some of the Innate features of the centipede body. As for the combat capability in human form, it is mostly expressed in the form of Sabrewielder. It came out. But think about the fact that a centipede can have so many legs. It’s a good idea to use a knife. I just don’t know if he can attack with several arms at the same time like Yeyue. Under Yeyue’s six-arm mode , The six golden snake swords are flying together, even if the sword technique Grandmaster encounters, they can only temporarily avoid the edge. After all, the six swords are six times the speed. If they are swung together, they are almost like a meat grinder. If you touch it, you will die.

After the long introduction here is temporarily over, the particularly burly Monster King over there can’t help but stand up and introduce himself. "President Purple Moon My name is Hasandik, and my body is a Golden Cicada. "

"Golden Cicada? Are you talking about it? "

"no no no, Golden Cicada is Golden Cicada. Although it looks very similar to that one, it is actually not a thing. "

"Does your ontology have any ability?" "

"Actually, my abilities are also very simple. "The guy said, suddenly stretched out an arm and placed it in front of me: "Then try your weapon. "

"You let me chop you? "I asked in astonishment.

The Hasandik nodded and said: "My ability is defense, so you'll know if you cut it." The defensive power of our Golden Cicada is definitely among the best in Ancient Divine Beast. "

"Divine Beast? Are you a monster? "

"Is there a difference between monsters and Divine Beast?" "Banshee over there asked: "Many of our tribes later became Divine Beasts, but we were caught long ago, so we didn't catch the good time. Besides, we are different from those disappointing contemporaries. Our abilities are relatively strong, so Celestial Court generally does not dare to let us directly become one of them, because we are afraid that we will engage in mutiny activities, or you won't have your turn to take in us! "

I nodded and said: "In this case, I believe it. As for cutting a knife, it won't be necessary. My weapon is so special, you will really get hurt if you cut it down! "

"What weapon I haven't seen?" How could it hurt me. If you let you chop it, chop it, what is it? "This Golden Cicada is still a barbarian. He doesn't speak his brains, he is a utterly vulgar person. But I didn't intend to care about him. Although this kind of person can sometimes irritate people by talking, they are all sincere to people, compared to others. Some hypocrites actually want to get along better.

I haven’t had time to explain here, but the Supreme Taoist who didn’t expect helped me explain it first. "I advise you to still Don't let President Purple Moon attack you with a weapon. He didn't lie to you. Even I have only seen one of his weapons. It is born with Law Power, which can cut off all existence in the world, and even cause and effect can be completely cut. So far, the things that can resist it can be counted with one slap. "

"So much experience? "Hassandiq was also shocked after listening. Although he didn't know me before, he was very familiar with Supreme Taoist, so he believed in what Supreme Taoist said. Just like someone said before, he knows best. Your people are often your enemies. When these Monster Kings fought Celestial Court back then, Supreme Taoist was already a member of Celestial Court’s main general, so everyone is a well-known figure, and Supreme Taoist can now praise me like this Weapons, they naturally believe that it is definitely not Mortal Grade.

Although the Supreme Taoist said that Hasandik didn’t dare to let me cut it off, they still offered to look at my weapons. I also have to figure out what my weapon is. Anyway, my eternity is the only weapon that cannot be dropped and cannot be broken. Naturally, I don’t mind showing it to others.

" Is my weapon. "I said that I took Eternal from the back of my left hand. Now Eternal usually shrinks into a round sphere when not in use, and then I install it on the back of my left hand, and only take it off when I need it. As for the scabbard hanging on my waist, what is inserted in the scabbard is actually a spare weapon. Although the attribute is also good, it can’t be mentioned on equal terms with eternity.

I heard about me. Weapon history, Hasandik and Duoqi and the Banshee king stared at my waist, didn't expect me to take out eternity from the back of my hand, and it turned out to be a spherical weapon.

< p>"What is this? Wang Banshee looked at the spherical object in my hand in surprise and asked.

I said with a smile: "This is what you want to see, my weapon-eternity." "

"Why is it a ball?" "Hasandik asked in surprise.

"Because eternity is a weapon with Artifact Spirit, and it has the ability to deform, it usually attaches to my arm in this shape. Do the deformation again when the time comes. "As I said, I held Eternity in the palm of my left hand, and then covered it under the palm of my hand like a magic backhand, and then the right hand reached under the left hand and held something and slowly pulled it outward, and with my arm Moving, a sword hilt was gradually pulled out from the palm of my left hand following the movement of my arm, and the length was still increasing. After the hilt appeared completely, it was the guard, then the blade, and finally a very gorgeous handle. The one-handed sword was pulled out from under the palm of my hand.

"Wow, this weapon is too horrible! "King Banshee is obviously very interested in this eternal transformation ability. Seeing that I pulled out a sword like a magic trick, he was immediately excited and jumped and jumped again.

Looking at King Banshee with surprise, he asked, "How much do you Monster King know how to spell, right? Isn't this kind of blinding skills a big deal, right? "

The Banshee king immediately corrected me when he heard what I said: "Of course I am surprised that it is not blindness, but that your weapon can actually be deformed, and I can feel it, there is a kind of entanglement on this thing. The powerful power on it, even if I have not been touched by my skin, I have already felt a tremor, and it feels as if I will be cut by this thing at any time! "

"You feel this way because the Artifact Spirit of this weapon was originally a monster, and it was also a monster knife. "

"This thing was originally a monster? "Strictly asked.

I nodded and said: "Its body is called Thousand People Slash. It is a demon knife from Japan. It was originally a torture knife used for law enforcement, specifically for cutting people. use. Later, because it killed too many people, a lot of grievances gradually entangled it, but because it is a torture knife, not a war knife for indiscriminate killing, it has a kind of majesty in itself, so although it carries a lot of grievances He didn't become that kind of very cruel monster, but became a monster that was very hostile, but didn't have many offensive Young Masters. After I conquered it, I smelted it with some Divine Weapon, and the weapon finally forged was this eternal weapon. However, now it is no longer a mere knife. "I said suddenly holding the eternal hilt with both hands and suddenly flipped over, oh la la, the opposite of eternity immediately popped out another blade, and it turned into a double-headed sword.

" This is a double sword? "Banshee Wang asked.

"We don't call this name now, but you can call it whatever you like. "As I said, I twisted my wrist again, and then separated. The double-headed sword automatically disconnected from the middle and became two long swords. I held one in each of my hands. I followed them and waited for them to speak. The hilt swords slammed together, then the wrist flicked, and the two swords merged into one. After dancing a sword flower, my wrist flipped, but the blade suddenly softened, and then it became a long whip. After a few swings, I flicked and pulled my wrist, and the long whip was shaken into a straight line by me, but it did not soften again, but immediately hardened and turned into the shape of a hook and sickle.

"You thing Can all kinds of things change? "Hasandik over there asked in surprise.

I nodded: "Theoretically, as long as the shape is not too complicated, it can be deformed. I used it occasionally to become a key before, almost as long as it can be used. Any lock opened by the key can be opened. "

"It's really an exaggeration! "

"In fact, compared to weapons, I am more interested in you now. "I have only finished demonstrating the eternal characteristics here, but Banshee Wang next to didn't expect looked at me and said such a sentence.

"What do you mean? "I looked at King Banshee here in surprise and asked.

The King Banshee said with a smile: "Don't be nervous!" What I mean is that you look great with weapons. Although you just showed off so many weapons just now, I can see that you are very proficient in almost everything. In this way, compared to this weapon that can control Myriad Transformations, you can control it as a master. On the contrary, it is more experienced. "

I can only smile sorry for being praised so much, otherwise I can’t be shameless and say that I am so good, right?

We are talking about weapons and discussing Everyone’s abilities, the abilities of King Banshee over there, have arrived at Sixteenth Layer Heavenly Prison before the introduction. The same as before. Only me and Supreme Taoist are allowed to enter. Others are not on the list, only Waiting outside. I briefly explained to them not to run around, and then I walked to the gate with Supreme Taoist and passed the post.

The guard at the gate was the same as before. , Directly swallowed the text, and then let us in. But before we went in, the guard asked if we had any space equipment or something, which made me very confused.

< p>Supreme Taoist explained to me while digging out things: "There is a Monster King in it, which has a very special ability. You can directly open other people’s space and equipment to get in and escape, or you can get things out of your equipment space. . So, if you don't want something stolen, it's better not to bring it in. "

"Then what...Is the Fenglong Space that comes with my Fenglong also not good?" "

"Of course. You'd better let your phoenix dragon wait outside, don't go in. "

Since Supreme Taoist has said so, of course I followed his advice. I called Fenglong out and asked her to wait for us outside, and then I checked the various things on my body. Finally, after confirming that all the equipment with storage space was left behind, I followed the Supreme Taoist and walked into the Heavenly Prison here.

Speaking of which, the Heavenly Prison is really one level and one level. They are different. The previous 14th-layer Heavenly Prison was a gathering place for gang of scoundrels, like a resort villa more than a prison. The 15-layer Heavenly Prison is slightly more reliable than the 14th-layer, but it feels different. It seems to be a Juyi Villa, which is a bit of a bandit gang. And this 16th-layer......

"Then what... Old gentleman! Did we go to the wrong place? "I looked awkwardly at the Supreme Taoist next to me and asked.

Didn't expect Supreme Taoist actually also looked like constipation and said: "This is not because we went wrong, but here it is. Such! "

I immediately became calm after listening, then pointed to the sign above my head, and then asked: "So? Is this Red Joy Courtyard too vulgar and misunderstood, or is it...? "

"You didn't understand the error, this place is the kind of place you think. "Supreme Taoist said very helplessly.

"My God! Who is this Red Joy Courtyard branch? Actually all chain stores have opened Heavenly Prison? And it's actually this kind of chain store? "

"Then what...It's actually not what you think!" "

Actually, the main reason why I am not so calm is that after entering the gate, this place feels like entering a county town. Although it is in the ancient style, it feels like it is actually in the county town. The same. The entrance just now is the city gate. After entering, it is directly a street, and the first store at the gate is actually Red Joy Courtyard. Originally, it was very impossible to see this kind of unit in the Heavenly Prison of Celestial Court, so Of course, I immediately denied my guess, but before I could find an explanation for this Red Joy Courtyard, I didn’t expect the door of the Red Joy Courtyard to suddenly open, and many beauties came out of it.

This beauty is not an antonym, but a real beauty, all of them are beautiful, and they have any style. The first ones that rushed up were heavy makeup, all of them looked like monsters. But I have to say that although this kind of dress is vulgar, it is a tune that men like, vulgar to vulgar, but it is unquestionable to tease male primordial desires. Of course, some people may not like this kind of tune. That's okay, because It’s not just a few girls who rushed out here. There are still a lot of girls standing behind them, some of them are standing under the steps of the gate. They also came out with the girls before, just walking three steps Stop one step, there is a feeling of wanting to refuse and welcome, and it seems that these girls are also the kind of pretty daughter in a humble family feeling, one by one is shy and timid, it feels like a first love. Of course, this is not the case. All. Behind these girls is a group of girls, they are standing on both sides of the gate. Although they are dressed in ancient costumes, they are very different. They look like a queen, giving people a very domineering feeling. They are a group of female leopards, that’s perfect. Besides, there are a few standing on the balcony on the second floor, looking condescendingly at me and Supreme Taoist below. They are different from the ones below, some of them look different. It looks like a queen, and some are proud ice-beauty, and some even look like divine poise and sagelike features like a female cultivator.

This place is also the best of Red Joy Courtyard. Yes, not to mention that the girls are surprisingly good-quality, more importantly, they are comprehensive! This ring is fat, thin and thin, just like a supermarket, only you can’t think that there is no one you can’t find.

As soon as the girls who came out saw us I surrounded it, and then dragged us inside. Fortunately, Supreme Taoist stood next to me, so I now have high resistance. After all, I can't lose face in front of the Supreme Taoist. Besides, I also know that 80% of these are monsters, so I was not really pulled in, but it seemed really embarrassing to be surrounded like this.

Supreme Taoist shook his head helplessly when he saw me like this, and then waved his hand, the women next to me suddenly took a step back, and then stared at us and all ran back inside. . However, just after they all went back, there were actually two others who stood by the door and peeked at us reluctantly. They felt like the kind of nymphomaniac girl. Their eyes were really... if it was a temperament, it would be a little bit unsteady. Maybe they rushed in.

"I said Supreme Taoist, what the hell is this?"

Supreme Taoist saw the girls finally returned before they relaxed and said: "Ai, this is the few who don’t Let you take away one of the Monster Kings directly. This Monster King is known as a hundred Fairy Maiden Hua, but it is actually a piranha flower. The ones you just saw are the little flowers that she bloomed. What has changed is actually piranha. If you really went in with her just now, I guess I can go directly to the Resurrection Hall to find you in a while!"

"So fierce?"

"Meng is no longer enough to describe her strength. We have a lot of Great Immortal folded here before. You said that we monastic Divine Immortal can't stand it with pure hearts, you are like this How many people died?"

"Isn't she caught? Why is she still so powerful?"

"This is called Lichao?" Supreme Taoist sighed: "You haven't seen her outside, if you see..." At this point, Supreme Taoist couldn't help but shudder, and then said: "Forget it, if you saw her at the beginning, It’s not today!"

"Isn’t the guy I told you invincible?"

"In some ways, she is indeed invincible. But from another aspect She is very fragile again."


"Because her abilities are only effective for men. If a female fairy comes over, she can only rely on Real ability to fight. But the real ability of this monster is also the middle level among the first-class, how powerful can't be considered, so it was captured alive by us. Oh, by the way, do you know who caught her in the first place? "

"The impossible is Empress, right?"

"That's not true, but it's not far away."

"Is it the Seven Fairies? "

"That's right."

"Seven fairies are so powerful?" By the way, all the fairies I met in Celestial Court before seemed to be soy sauce. The battle strength is basically scum. It's a level of scum. But now Supreme Taoist actually says that the Seven Fairies can deal with Ancient Great Monster, the contrast is a bit too big.

Supreme Taoist probably also knew what I was strange about, so he explained to me: "The battle strength of fairies is actually the same as what you see, not very good. But, the Seven Fairies are Exception. They have a set of Combined Assault Array with infinite formidable power. Even if I am trapped in it, it will take a bit of trouble to figure it out without a magic weapon. However, their abilities are also divided into people, and it is useless for you."


"Because this Combined Assault Array has a strong binding ability, but its attack power is insufficient. Once the formation is gone, they won’t be your opponent if they doubled by seven."

"What I said!"

"Oh right, the Monster we're looking for this time Where is the King?" I looked at Supreme Taoist and asked, "Isn't this 16th-layer only one Monster King can take away? You can take me directly?"

"You wait, I have to look at the map before I say it.” Supreme Taoist said, he pulled out a large map from his body, and then really opened it and began to study it.

Before I thought Supreme Taoist was joking, but he didn't expect that he was actually looking at the map, which made me feel a little dizzy and don't know what he was doing. "Lao Jun. This place is so big, why do you still have a map? Haven't you been here before?"

"I have been here before, but I don’t remember the way! Now, I can’t remember some things!"

Supreme Taoist continued to study the map after saying it, but at this time the door of the Red Joy Courtyard next to it was opened, and then I saw A beautiful girl stood at the door and beckoned to me. I looked at her in surprise, then pointed at myself, but the other side nodded said that it was me. Then I planned to go over and ask about the situation, but when I took a step, I suddenly felt wrong. I stopped quickly, and then directly drew out the eternity, and at the same time, the black devil's halo spread out instantly. "Bold evildoer, actually use Illusion Technique to cheat me!"

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