Because of the damn crow’s mouth attribute of the grass baby, I have to turn to the Supreme Taoist beside me for help. Fortunately, the Supreme Taoist is also a great ability, and it is also true for this kind of thing. Somewhat means.

"The crow's mouth you mentioned is actually a side effect of the ability of the linguistic spirit, mainly because the ability of the linguistic spirit involves the law of causality, so there will definitely be some unpredictable situations in it. But this This kind of thing is not beyond control," Supreme Taoist said.

I am very humbly asking: "I don’t know how to control it?"

"Wait for me." As Supreme Taoist said, he looked around, then suddenly pointed Take the stone that I just broke a corner of. "Come on, do me a favor, and flatten this thing for me. I want to use it."

I didn’t say anything in the past, I pulled out the eternity and swept it lightly, and then took it back in an instant, the opposite The layer on the top of the stone flew out with a bang, leaving a very flat surface.

Supreme Taoist looked at the plane nodded, and then began to dig out things from his body. At first I didn't know what he was going to do, but when I saw the brush, I knew it. This is going to be a picture talisman!

The Taoist talisman is a very historical auxiliary tool, similar to the Western magic scrolls, but most of the magic scrolls are disposable, and the talisman can sometimes be repeated. in use. Supreme Taoist, as a Taoist, is of course very good at picture talisman.

Here, Supreme Taoist started to draw talisman when he prepared things, but instead of using a normal talisman, he used a golden paper that I had never seen before, and then dipped it with a brush Something that didn't know what was blended, and the liquid that looked a bit like blood began to picture talisman.

With the power of Supreme Taoist picture talisman, of course, you don’t have to work hard. It only took less than five seconds from the beginning to the end of the writing. The speed is amazing. The symbols on the talisman are also super simple, I think The kindergarten children should be able to copy it after seeing it a few times. However, this little thing that doesn't look very good, I believe its effect is absolutely in place.

Sure enough, Supreme Taoist picked it up and blew it twice after finishing the painting, then handed it to my hand. And while starting to draw the second picture, he said: "Put this thing on his forehead, although he can't completely suppress his crow's mouth, but as long as he says something bad, the formidable power will automatically be halved. And, when he next time When you say something good, the reduced half of the formidable power will be superimposed, which means that the formidable power of his speech is increased in disguise."

"So good?" I was pleasantly surprised. Holding the talisman and said.

Supreme Taoist smiled and handed the second one that was just completed to my hand, and then said: "Is this a good one? Then you underestimate my talisman. But I will talk to me first. Please explain, this thing cannot touch water, especially dirty water. Anything that is not clean will cause the talisman to fail immediately if you touch it. There is also a limit to the energy on the talisman, which needs to be removed after a period of time. Add energy."

"How do I add it?"

"Use your magic or divine force, any energy will do. Just enter it directly. But enter You must take it off first. I will give you two for you to use when you charge up."

"Is it strong to hold something? Doesn't it suddenly fall off when you fight?" "

"It’s too strong. After all, it’s just the golden paper, but there is energy protection on it. As long as it is not directly attacked, it should not fall by itself. Oh, also One thing is that after the thing is pasted, only the person who posted it can tear it off. If someone else pulls it down, it will become very tight. Although it is not impossible to remove it, it may be torn off along with the skin."

"Okay, I understand. Many thanks, old gentleman." After I finished speaking, I turned around and lifted the grass baby away, and then slapped Talisman directly on his forehead with a snap. I put the grass baby down again to take a look, and then I nodded and said with satisfaction: "Well, it looks like a little zombie!" The grass baby angrily lifted up the talisman in front of him and said: "But with this thing hanging in front of me, what should I do if I walk and fall?"

"You don't have to worry about this." I said directly: "You just don't cheat us, I will summon someone to be you in the future. The mount is okay."

"This is what you said."

"I said it, so don’t worry. I promise you won’t be embarrassed in the future. And this You don't have to carry things all the time. I will tear them off when I get back to our guild."

"Are you not afraid that I will let you be unlucky again?" Caowa asked.

I said with a laugh: "You too underestimated our Frost Rose League, right? Don't worry, there will be two in our guild that will specifically counter your existence, and I will let you live with them in the future. Make sure it's okay."

Actually, the two restrained grass children I said are auspicious and wishful. The lucky value attribute of these two foodies shows infinity. To make them unlucky, you must have Heaven Defying Level and other strengths. Anyway, in my opinion, no one can really hurt the two of them yet. Even the only punishment that the president of me can punish them is to make them lose weight. After all, luck is too high, even if you want to beat and scold you, you dare not dare! If you attack them, it will definitely cause some natural disasters and man-made disasters to interrupt your attack, and you must be the one who is unlucky in the end. I have not forgotten that the last few spells used to smash their wizards with meteor fire rain and were killed by their own flaming meteor. Therefore, even if I want to punish them, I can only reduce food rations and let them. Exercise more to achieve it. After all, this is not a harm, and it will not trigger a lucky counterattack.

Fixed the crow's beak of the grass baby, we arrived at the periphery of Fifteenth Layer Heavenly Prison very smoothly. Unlike the 14th-layer Heavenly Prison above, the Heavenly Prison here finally looks a bit like a cell.

The outside of this 15 layers Heavenly Prison is still the same two guards, Ghost General, let us in after we get the post. However, the grass baby did not appear in the announcement, so she could only wait outside. In order to be afraid of him running around, I had to release the king to accompany him here, and I walked into the Heavenly Prison here with Supreme Taoist.

The gate of Fifteenth Layer Heavenly Prison is a stone gate with a jack gate, which is much more formal than 14th-layer. After entering, it is not a place like a courtyard resort, but a place like an ancient yamen lobby. There is a high platform in front of the gate, and a seat is set up on it, and the two sides are placed Many instruments of torture and sticks really look like a government office.

Although this place looks like a place for interrogation of prisoners, it has obviously been useless for a long time. Although there is no dust, the contents are very old and basically all Organized together, it does not seem to be used frequently.

After bypassing this lobby, you can see a Dao Academy wall. A gate is opened on the courtyard wall, and after passing through it is a large courtyard. It may be a bit wrong to say that it is very large, because this yard can no longer be called large. Compared with this football field, it is the same as the comparison between Street Center Park and Tiananmen Square. The area of ​​this place is simply big enough for military exercises. Moreover, not only the area of ​​this place is super large, but there are also various sports equipment. Although they are all ancient items, they really have the feeling of a military camp Martial Training Stage.

There is a row of houses on each side of this huge yard. The houses are all two stories, but the size of the interior is unknown. Considering the design of 14th-layer Heavenly Prison, the house here is probably also using compressed space, so the area inside is difficult to determine.

When we came in, the square was not empty, but there were about seven or eight people sitting or standing there exercising, and the other two obviously showed that the existence of Ghost Messenger was on the side. The stick on the ground doesn’t know what it’s doing.

As soon as Supreme Taoist and I appeared, everyone on this side caught the attention. Those guys who were exercising suddenly stopped, and the Ghost Messenger on the other side also stopped immediately, but they After seeing the Supreme Taoist next to me, the two immediately put down the stick and ran over.

"I don't know the Supreme Taoist's method of driving, excuse me for not going out to meet you, please forgive me." Two Ghost Messengers rushed to us and immediately bowed on one knee and bowed.

Supreme Taoist is not a person who likes to take a stand. He waved his hand to get them up, and then asked: "Are the Monster Kings still there?"

"Supreme Taoist , Fifteenth Layer Heavenly Prison is holding the seventeen Monster Kings, all of them are there."

Supreme Taoist nodded said: "Go and ask them to gather in the square. I have something to tell them today."

"Yes." After getting the order, the two Ghost Messengers separated immediately. One of them ran to the houses on both sides to shout, and the seven or eight Monster Kings in the square were immediately called together.

It’s not the same as the 14th-layer Monster King. Although these 15 layers of Monster King are also quite loose, you don’t feel the slightest looseness in them, or Saying that they simply don't have the kind of slack and lazy breath, but it gives people a sharp feeling. These seven or eight Monster Kings are standing there, like seven or eight Divine Weapons, and they are the unsheathed Divine Weapon. Although they don’t show their sharp edges, you can see that this thing only needs to be out of the sheath. It must be the result of the five steps of blood splatter.

Such a horrible atmosphere shows that these guys definitely have a lot more experience than those Monster Kings of the 14th-layer. Although the two sides are only one layer behind, the power contrast is definitely the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Although the venue here is very large, the Ghost Messenger speed is not slow. Soon the doors on both sides were called open, and then one after another Monster King came out of his room. Came into the square here, and quickly gathered to this area in front of us.

These Monster Kings are not all obediently and honestly standing there after they arrive here. Although these guys are Ancient Great Monsters, they absorb pure Spiritual Qi and don't get dirty, but they are still Demons, so their temperament is very different from celestial troops and generals. After those guys arrived, they stood up and stood up immediately. Some people stood there with their arms folded and watched, while others found stone locks for practice as stools to sit or lean on. Anyway, they were in various postures. Both. However, even if it seems that these people are very sloppy, the aura on their bodies reminds others all the time that they are very not to be trifled with.

After all these guys arrived, Supreme Taoist said: "Dear Monster King, you have been locked up in this Heavenly Prison for many years. Even if there was something unpleasant before, it should be now. It’s time to let go. It just so happened that President Purple Moon came to Celestial Court today to contact us, hoping to ask us for some powerful Spiritual God to help them develop the land, but you also know that our Celestial Court’s god position is fixed. You can't move. So, the Jade Emperor thought of you."

"Are you planning to let us out?" One of the Monster King, who was leaning on a wooden stake, asked aloud.

When I heard the sound, I turned my eyes immediately, and found that this was a very young Monster King. Of course, the monsters here are all monsters, so what they look like can only be a reference. There is a doll that is close to ten thousand years old waiting for us outside. How old do you think the youngster here should be?

The other party seemed to feel my gaze after the question, and immediately moved his gaze to me, and after looking at me up and down, suddenly he slightly nodded to me, as if saying hello. This action made me feel a little bit overwhelmed, mainly because the behavior of these guys before seemed rather arrogant, but he suddenly greeted me, which was a bit strange.

I was wondering over there, Supreme Taoist suddenly started to talk to these guys about the provocation this time, and because they wanted to listen to what the Supreme Taoist said, the sight of the Monster King was also Just moved away.

I was waiting for Supreme Taoist to explain all the rules before being let by Supreme Taoist. At this time, the seventeen pairs of eyes over there were already concentrated on me.

The very young Monster King who spoke before said: "You seem to be very strong, why do you need someone like us?"

" No matter how strong the power is, it’s just a person, let’s talk about it. Is there anyone who thinks that their power is too strong? Besides, we have an expert here, and they are not without it. To be honest, come here this time Before, the guild city of our Frost Rose League was just invaded. The other party’s power has already extended to our doorstep. How can you say we don’t respond?"

"You just plan to Revenge or want to kill the opponent completely?" Another Monster King asked.

I looked towards the Monster King and said: "Vengeance is only the 1st Step, but my ultimate goal is to gradually erode the opponent's territory and finally wipe them out completely."

"Ambition Not bad.” The Monster King who was questioning said: “If you have any needs, please tell me, as long as I can go out to fight, I’ll be satisfied.”

The Monster King over there is finished. A Ghost Messenger immediately came up and said: "That Monster King is a war mad, he likes to fight, and he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't fight for a day."

I smiled nodded after listening, and then glanced again. The surrounding Monster King then said: "Although there are only 17 people on your side, I have only five places this time, and one has already been used up. And I plan to keep one place in the 16th-layer, which means , I can only choose three of you to go out with me. I don’t know if you want me to choose the people, or do you arrange a priority?"

To be honest, according to the current situation The best thing I should do is to choose the individuals I need based on the strength and ability characteristics of these Monster Kings. But these all are Monster Kings will become a member of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order in the future, which means that these all are high level. Talent. Of course, these extraordinary resources cannot be treated simply. Even if you pay others, whether employees will work hard for you, it still depends on how well you treat these employees. Therefore, without affecting the majesty, I am very polite to the Divine Races in my guild. Not because I am afraid of them, nor because I can't control them, but because I hope they can truly identify with our guild, become the elite force in our industry, and even work hard for us.

The seventeen Demons here are all Monster Kings, and all of them are very powerful Monster Kings. Those who can be imprisoned here are not ordinary people. Any one of them will play a huge role in our guild. And I discovered that the gods from Demon actually have an advantage in action than the orthodox gods.

system seems to have set personality for those Divine Races of the Demon department, and their behavior is often very impulsive. Just look at Peacock and Xinghuo. The main body of the peacock is an ancient Peacock King. It is from Demon itself, so she is often very proactive in combat. She dares to do some projects even with system restrictions. On the contrary, although Xinghuo is from Gao Tianyuan Divine Race and belongs to the Ghost God department, she has stayed in Buddhism for a long time and has always appeared in the image of Bodhisattva Guanyin, so her behavior is biased towards the righteous god, her own thinking She is more open-minded and can quickly think of some solutions to problems, but she herself appears a little cautious in combat. She mostly follows the Peacock to perform auxiliary and remote support tasks, rarely takes the initiative to rush forward.

If a general guild builds its own Divine Race, these two Divine Races are definitely needed, because one is an activist, like a military officer, and the other is a thought, similar Civil officials, the combination of the two can form a stable and complete Divine Race force. However, the situation of our guild is slightly different. Because according to the system setting, Divine Race of the guild should be a service to the guild, but it is higher than the existence of the guild, which is a bit similar to the court. It itself serves the ordinary person, but its own functions are higher than that of the ordinary person. However, our guild is stronger because of the relationship between Vena and me and my own strength, so the chaos and order Divine Race is actually more like a subordinate organization of our Frost Rose League, although the status of these gods is still very high. , But Hong Yue and the guild leaders can mobilize the chaos and order Divine Race. This other guild is impossible to happen.

Because the Divine Race of Chaos and Order can be commanded by us at will, it does not need a complete command system, that is to say, it does not need a decision-making layer. For this reason, what the Divine Race of Chaos and Order needs is a large number of deities that can directly participate in action, and the Demon deities are obviously higher than the regular deities in terms of action. For example, the limited number of genuine gods in our guild are actually used by us as operatives, but in fact, in a Divine Race, these gods should all exist as decision-makers.

Based on this situation, these Demons will now become very useful existences once they join our guild. Their mobility will far exceed those in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order.

In fact, the Divine Race of Chaos and Order has just completed the framework that a formal Divine Race should have. There are not many gods that can be assigned to act.

Vina is the main god, the peacock and the star fire are the protectors, and they are personal guards. The three of them should simply not walk around, but because the chaos and order Divine Race only has so few people, so they can only Let them be dispatched frequently. As for Hades's Underworld, although there are many people, their main job is to take care of those things in the Underworld. Of course, the most important thing is to secretly operate Power of Faith. Therefore, I simply dare not use the gods in the underworld at will.

After removing these high level gods, there are actually few people left in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. So, these demons are very meaningful to us now.

Because these guys mean a lot to us, that's why I'm so polite to them. And because we ourselves need the power to act, no matter which of these demons is on our side, it is a very useful existence. Therefore, it doesn't make much sense to choose not to choose, and it is better to be personal.

I said this here, but the Monster Kings over there didn’t get together and started discussing, but stopped there one by one. You look at me, I see you, don’t know where to make eye contact What, but this situation did not last long.

After simple breathing and eye contact, the young Monster King who was the first to speak before suddenly asked: "Should we really choose whatever we want?"< /p>

I nodded confirmed: "There are only three places, you can arrange them at will. Moreover, after half a month, I will get another six places, and after every half a month, I will have one more place, so you Sooner or later, I can get out."

After listening, the Monster King first looked at the Medicine King behind him, and then suddenly looked towards the Demon that Ghost Messenger had previously said he was a war madman and said: "Doron. You count as one."

"Hahaha, I knew you would give me a spot. How about? Is the second one for the little girl?"

< p>The young Monster King nodded over there shouted at the other side: "Sister, the second place is for you."

"many thanks big brother." One seemed to have only sixteen. The seven-year-old female Monster King immediately bowed and thanked the Monster King.

"Let's give the last place to many quarters!" The Monster King said at last.

It seems that this young Monster King should be the boss here. Although he used eye contact before speaking, he didn’t actually say anything, so his current decision should be made by himself. And the surrounding Monster King didn't argue, just let him choose, which shows that he must have any incomparable prestige here.

I originally thought that the quota was set, but the Monster King who was named over there suddenly said with excitement: "I think this quota should be given to someone else. Boss, you just Don't take care of me. Anyway, I will be alive in a few days." The guy who talked was a dry old man who seemed to be in his sixties. He was as thin as a corpse, very terrifying. Moreover, this guy's face is also very strange, he doesn't look like a human being, but it gives people a strange feeling. In addition, this guy has big buck teeth, all sticking out, looking quite ugly.

To be honest, Demon's style is basically chosen by himself. This guy did this, not because he was not good at learning skills, but there must be other reasons. However, here are all Super Monster Kings, so things like those who are not good at learning skills will definitely not happen. Then there is only one explanation, that is, the appearance of the guy i was deliberately chosen by him.

"You bastard." The Monster King who was regarded as the big brother over there cursed back, then stood up and said angrily: "It's rare for us to survive until now, and now we have finally gotten out. If you have a chance, are you going to die in this place? How about your persistence at the beginning?"

"But I am like this, what can I do if I go out? It's better to give you the place."


"There will be places soon. It's not just us who can go out. Why are you so stubborn, big brother?" The Monster King, who was called the little girl before, also persuaded.

Looking at them like this, I was very puzzled, and then I thought about it or asked: "I don't know what happened to this Monster King? Why don't you want this place?"


After hearing what I said, I immediately looked towards me and said: "Many thanks, the President Purple Moon helped us get free, but I know my own body, I have not very long to live. If you wasted a place to take me out, it’s just taking a dead person out. It’s not worth it! So, I think you should leave the place to someone else!"

"Are you hurt? "I looked at this guy named Dujie in surprise and asked.

The little girl Monster King over there hasn’t answered yet, “The big brother Dorje has injuries on his body, and he can’t absorb Spiritual Qi in this place, so he can only rely on himself. If it weren’t for our brother sisters who took turns helping him to suppress the damage, it would simply not be able to survive now. However, as time goes by, our strength is getting weaker and weaker, so the monster core of the big brother is already Cracks began to appear. And the big brother's own cultivation ability is quite special, this ability needs to be suppressed, otherwise it will hurt his body. But you also know that we are now..."

"But we went out Wouldn’t you be able to get Spiritual Qi? Why don’t you go out?"

The sighed sighed said, "This is all fate! If you could be hundreds of years earlier, it would be nothing. .But now...unless I use an inexhaustible amount of high level Spiritual Qi or other energy to supplement me, it’s simply too late!"

"Inexhaustible?" Hear the word I was stunned suddenly, because our guild seemed to be there.

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