"Strange, where did the people go?" As soon as I arrived in the half-collapsed house, I saw a guy lying in the window sneaking around, seemingly Look for something like.

"Are you looking for me?"

"Not good!" Hearing what I said behind my back, the guy didn't even listen to him, so he just went The window jumped out, but it was a pity that he forgot to look at the feet before jumping. As a result, as soon as he flew out of the window, he saw a crystal clear and near-transparent net that seemed to be made of crystals appeared under him, and then he fell directly into the net without accident, and that net The six corners of the net are pulled to the center due to gravity, and then quickly knotted under the manipulation of six long dismemberments, and then a certain thread in the net is suddenly pulled, and the entire net is closed in an instant. The player inside was completely fixed in the center.

"What a joke! This tattered...huh?" The guy was trapped in the net and wanted to cut the net rope with a dagger and ran out. Who knows that he found this when he dropped the dagger and cut it to the silk thread. The thing is actually not under any force, the blade starts to slip as soon as it touches the silk thread, and because the silk thread is so elastic, it takes almost no effort.

"You are still resisting, you guy is really motivated." Just when that guy was fighting with the web, I jumped from the window and landed directly next to this guy. Seeing this guy still struggling there, I simply nodded to the sickle, and the sickle immediately pulled the guy directly in front of me knowingly, and then fixed my body with four long legs. The remaining four legs were quickly moved. The guy lifted it up and flipped in the air while pulling out the silk thread from the tail section and wrapping it around this guy. It was just seven or eight seconds that the guy was wrapped up like a mummy, except for the face that was still outside, no other places were visible at all.

Even if it is made into this kind of virtue, this guy still refuses to give up. He wriggles like a caterpillar on the ground and wants to run, but it is a pity that he can walk at this speed. Let's catch up with the child!

Although I grabbed an enemy casually, at this time, I didn't have much joy in my heart. On the contrary, I was mostly confused. It is said that the opponent's labor division mobilized so many people to arrange a huge trap to cover this surprise attack force, but judging from the quality of the person in front of him, the strength of this surprise attack force does not seem to be very good. Don't say it's me. The elite players in our guild are basically better than this guy. Even if our Frost Rose League is the first guild in the world, we should receive it like a cloud, but Russia has a large population base, and experts will always have a lot of them. Therefore, the other party is only impossible. So, if it wasn't for the lack of manpower, why is this surprise squad so weak?

I wonder if I don’t understand the other party’s intentions, but in this case, even if I interrogate the other party, they probably won’t tell me. Even using the expired Immortal Pill to extract a confession will be something later, and I don't have that idle time at this time.

Kick this guy to the side of a relief on the wall, and reach out to recall the sickle. I turned and left and said, "Send this guy to the special detention room."

On the ground The guy was wondering who I was talking to, and suddenly realized that the rare beast relief on the wall behind him suddenly came alive. Then he jumped off the wall and grabbed him, then turned and ran towards an entrance of the passage. .

I ignored the prisoner, and under the command of the god of war, I quickly found the other two of the invaders who dispersed. When I rushed to the scene, the two players here were sticking back to back to resist the surrounding attacks, and there were already seven or eight players and a large group of NPC guards lying on the ground beside them. It is conservatively estimated that this The two bastards have killed us two-three hundred people.

In fact, seeing this guy feels relieved in my heart, because this is in line with my previous guess. Although these two people are fighting together, even if they are separated, any one of these two people can definitely fight ten of them without feeling stressful when dealing with the guy I just caught. This is the case. The other side worked hard to cover up their original intention of launching the surprise attack. If this group of people is like the guy I saw before, then I really have to weigh up my previous guesses.

Although the battle strengths of these two Russian players are very strong, it is not enough to worry about now, not because I am here, but because these two players are about to die. The guards of our Frost Rose League are not Chinese cabbage that can be chopped casually. Although there were two to three hundred people lying on the ground, these two bastards were not getting better. The entire left arm of one of the guys was gone, and a huge incision in the chest could directly see the ribs. As for the minor injuries that were not serious, they were all over the whole body, and there was almost no good meat in sight. The other guy is not much better than him. Although there is no lack of arms or legs, his whole body is dark, and his hair is upright like a hedgehog. Obviously he was shocked. . In addition, this guy had a penetrating wound on his left abdomen, and a truncated gun tip was stuck there, showing a small section on the front and back. In fact, he didn't dare to pull this thing out now, because he would bleed and die in 30 seconds without the spear head being blocked there.

It’s clear that I don’t need to take care of it anymore. After seeing the battlefield situation, I didn’t stop at all and flew over them, because the next target was not far in front of them. The place. Of course, I can't just pass by here, and I threw away two throwing knives when flying over their heads. My dragon soul suit has never been a low-key costume. Of course, the two guys noticed my appearance at first, so they have been paying attention to me to prevent my sudden sneak attack. As soon as I threw out and flew two people, I immediately moved to defend, but they didn’t expect that the angle of the flying knife was not a big problem. The defense was simple, but the force attached to the flying knife was not. It's amazing. The guy with only one arm used his sword to fly a throwing knives, but the sword in his hand was also deflected, and he almost didn't get rid of it and flew out. Of course, the other guy had two hands. The same situation won't happen, but the huge strength made his waist unable to bear the strength, and the wound in his abdomen shot out a large amount of blood in an instant, and it was obvious that the wound was torn open.

Of course, most people don’t throw flying knives like this, because such a full throw cannot accurately grasp the position, and secondly, it is not conducive to their subsequent attacks. However, I didn't plan to hit any fixed position, and I didn't want to participate in the battle against them, so these scruples did not exist for me. Of course, my two throwing knives are not random.

Just as the two of them intercepted the throwing knives with all their strength, the surrounding guards immediately moved. Don’t forget that there is a perverted guy in the guild that can accurately command a single soldier. Therefore, before I take the action, the military god has arranged follow-up cooperation. These guards are under command almost simultaneously. There was a reaction.

The one-armed guy was originally shaken out of balance by the power of the throwing knife. As soon as he bounced off and flew, he saw two rhino-like heavy armored Swordsman standing side by side with a shield. Hit him. Because of the delay of blocking the throwing knives, the two people were in front of him when the attention turned back, and because the front width of the two heavy armored Swordsman was too large, he simply couldn't avoid it in a short time. In the end, the only thing he can do is to force his arms to block. However, the two Swordsman simply didn't plan to play any fancy tactics with him. After they arrived in front of him, they activated the collision skill synchronously as if they were one person, and then only heard a loud noise. The guy hadn't regained his center of gravity. Under the circumstances, I couldn't use any force at all, and I was directly knocked into flight.

The guy with a gun head next to him found that his companion had been attacked and wanted to rescue him. Unfortunately, the knife just now made his reaction slow. When he attacked with the knife, his collision skills were already Started, although he succeeded in slashing one of the heavy armored Swordsman, his companion had already been pretended to fly out.

Although these two people are powerful, they can't kill us two-three hundred people in one go. The reason why such a large casualty is caused is that they cooperate with each other and can remedy each other, so they are forcibly exhausted. So many of us. However, just now this completely ended their cooperation, because the guy with the broken arm was suddenly caught by three nooses flying out of his neck before he landed in the air. Although he swung his sword in time to cut off the rope attached to the back of the lasso, he was already pulled hard by the lasso at this moment of effort. Following the inertia of flying, he could fly out more than ten meters in one breath, and fell directly outside the encircling circle, and there was already a new encircling circle waiting for him here.

As soon as the man with the broken arm hit the ground, he knew he was out of help, because he and his companion were now in two encirclement circles. It was already an arrow at the end of its flight, but it lost cooperation again. It's hard not to die now.

Sure enough, just as he fell to the ground, four heavy shields suddenly rushed up around him, directly holding the shield and rushing up. He just got up and was caught in the center by the four heavy shield players who had just fallen to the ground. Although he swung his sword vigorously, the heavy shield player was good at defensive, and he would be injured when he couldn't circumvent the front shield. Getting a heavy shield is actually very difficult.

Although the man with the broken arm who was completely squeezed in the center tried to resist, but the power of the heavy shield hand was much greater than that of him. He was taking the line of heavy armor defense. Although Lin Mindu didn’t do anything. Dare to compliment, but definitely confident in strength. The guy who was completely trapped in the center felt like he had been stuffed into a garbage compressor. There were steel plates on all sides, and there was no possibility of movement at all. At this time, four small pieces suddenly appeared between the four shields. But before he could react, he saw eight long spears directly penetrated through the four gaps, and instantly pierced into his body.

The guy with eight shots in his body spurted blood helplessly, his body began to lose strength quickly, but our side did not underestimate the enemy at all. Before he died, he saw two lightweight warriors jump on the back of the shield hand, then stepped on the top of the shield in front, holding the long sword with both hands, and thrusting it downward. With a sound of pu chi, two thin swords were poured in from both sides of his head, and two silver tips of blood dripping out from both sides of his jaw.

After completing this beautiful combined attack, it was like hearing a starting gun. The fourteen players who participated in the attack around this guy scattered towards all directions, and then saw the guy in the center. The released body fell soft to the ground.

As soon as the defensive line is completed on this side, a gap is automatically opened and the guy on the other side rushes over, so that he can see that his companion is killed, which can cause a blow to his soul, as long as that guy When I feel confused, we have a chance to start here.

The guy with the abdomen over there just rushed to this side and saw the last scene of his companion falling down, and then roared angrily and rushed over there, but just when he rushed over there At that time, a mage suddenly appeared on our side and launched another bursting Fireball at the corpse on the ground. If this flame bomb hits, that guy is definitely the end of a skeleton doesn't exist. Although this is a game, the environment simulation mechanism of the game "Zero" determines that in addition to rational cognition, people's instinctive reactions cannot judge the game world and the real world at all. Therefore, even if you know it is fake, But many times players will still be scared by the death crisis, and will become hot-headed because of the death of their companions. This is not because people are stupid, but purely a normal reaction of perceptual thinking.

The guy in front of me is obviously hot-headed. If you give him time, he certainly won't save his companion's body without pressure. After all, it's just a game. After the player dies, it doesn't matter what the body is. However, in the melee now, the brother who was supporting each other and fighting the enemy with him a second before suddenly fell in front of him, most people would not be able to react for a while, and this guy also made a relatively normal reaction at this time. , Rushed straight up and slashed at the bursting Fireball, smashing it apart and saving his companion's corpse. However, this behavior is obviously a meaningless act of death in this case, so he immediately paid the price for it.

Burst Fireball is not a high level skill, but impact is definitely inevitable if you break it head-on. The guy with his own injury squirted blood and staggered along with his body. Without waiting for him to stand still, a series of bursting Fireball flew right beside him. The guy couldn't help dodge back quickly. He just stepped back two steps and suddenly felt a tingle on his leg. A feather arrow shot directly through his thigh. .

Because of the arrow in the leg, the guy’s follow-up reaction was half a beat, a Fireball hit his side directly, and the guy’s body flew out with a boom, and flew out at the same time. And his sword. Although the sword is still in his hand, it is a pity that the hand is already not in his arm.

The player who was blown out found his right arm was blown off from his elbow as soon as he landed, and his left hand hurriedly touched his waist to get a spare weapon, but it was empty. At first glance, the spare weapon was inserted along with the scabbard on the ground more than three meters away.

The guy struggling to get up struggling to pounce on his spare weapon, but it was a pity that he was stepped on the ground by a claw the size of a washbasin as soon as he touched the hilt of the sword. The last picture I saw was a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl that quickly approached.

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