The guard standing guard in the hall hurried over and took the scroll from the corpse's hand. I took the scroll from the guard and opened it to take a look.

It's really terrible military situation! The army that came to the battle was not only Light God Palace's own army, about 100,000 players joined the Light God Palace army and declared war on us. This is still a trivial matter. After all, the player level is not very high now, and the NPC can easily solve the enemy. The real problem lies in the back. The intelligence said that the army of Light God Palace was divided into two, and part of it went to Miyun City. This Miyun city is a port city, and the only purpose of Light God Palace's army running there is to take a boat. I'm not afraid to fight a naval battle. Isengard's firepower is absolutely invincible. NPCs can't play a hierarchical advantage at sea, but we take advantage! What I am really worried about is that Light God Palace uses ships to transport troops. In this case, not only will we not be able to implement the original plan of division and elimination, but we will even have to fight the enemy in advance.

It is 11 o'clock in the morning on the 29th. Under normal circumstances, the troops of Light God Palace will not arrive until noon on the 31st. But if they use ships to transport troops, it is possible that we will have to deal with the enemy's attack on the night of the 30th! I quickly notify General Wu to come down and discuss countermeasures together!

Alni walked in from outside while I was thinking of a solution. "Someone just notified me that the spy I sent out is back. Where's the man?"

I pointed to the table next to which the spy's body was still lying on it! "This is the information sent back!" I threw the scroll to her.

Al Ni caught the scroll and looked at it. "Cunning angels!"

Outside Sumei, eagles, roses and the others all ran in. Da Guofan shouted from a long distance: "I heard the guard said that there is intelligence back, what do you say?"

Al Ni handed the scroll to the eagle, and the eagle opened the scroll and read it out. It just so happened that General Wu came down and listened to the information together.

As soon as the eagle finished reading the general, he continued: "It seems that the situation is accountable! Let's go and look at the map and study it!"

Everyone ran to the top of the tower, hell The Eye opened the map again. I pointed to the map for everyone to see. "The enemy is here, this is Miyun City, and we are here. The enemy has left the city an hour ago and divided into two groups. Half of the troops marched towards Miyun, and the other half took the route we at first expected. Because of the two sides The troops are divided in half, so the numbers are very scary. We are impossible to eliminate any one. It is almost impossible to completely block all the way!" General Wu suddenly interrupted me and said: "You wait. How long will it take from here to here?" He pointed to the enemy's route to Miyun.

"About one day away!"

"Then how far is Miyun City from us?"

"It takes more than two days to walk. It should be there in eight hours!"

"How long will the dragon fly?"

"Forty to fifty minutes!"

Su Mei suddenly stepped in and said: "You don't want the giant dragon to go over and burn the boat ahead of time?"

"Why not? Those big lizards are so fast that they have time to come back and blow up the canyon after the boat is burned. If we intercept the enemy forces here, I think there is no problem at all! As long as our armies work hard, there is simply no problem! Moreover, the number of troops on this side will be much less after the enemy is divided. Maybe we may hope to get this before the enemy approaches. Half of the enemies are wiped out!"

I think it makes sense. It takes less than two hours to go back and forth at the speed of giant dragons. It simply does not affect our combat plan! "Okay, then! I'll ask the giant dragons to demolish Miyun City!"

"Wait!" The general stopped me. "Don’t go now, we have spies, don’t the enemy have any? Go now and let the enemy change the battle plan back to the original plan. Not only is there no benefit but it’s easy to beat the grass to scare the snake. Anyway, the lizards are fast. , Let them go tonight. When the time comes, the enemy happens to be on the way, it will take time to go wherever it goes, and it is good for our plan!"

"That's right! Let’s talk about it at night! But, shall our army set off right away? We also have a lot of infantry in our team, and the speed is not very fast!"

"Then let them go quickly!"

The war is finally about to begin, and hundreds of thousands of troops are waiting in neat rows on Isengard's central square. Those who can stand here are all high-level officers from various units. Tens of millions of troops are impossible standing here. Isengard doesn't have such a big square! The Dragon King and Al Ni formally handed over the command of the troops to me in front of everyone, so that I can dispatch these troops in a unified way!

The handover of ceremony is very simple, and it is over in ten minutes. I stood on the podium inside the central square and issued a call to fight. Magical Artifact spread my voice to every corner of the city, so that the troops outside the square can also hear my voice. (Look at how everyone’s knowledge is. This declaration is in a game. Who knows which game it is? There will be fine rewards for correct answers!)

I said in a slow and heavy voice: "Rose The players of the Alliance, the warriors of the Dark God Palace, the ghosts from hell, the giant dragons flying in the air, I would like to remind you of the current situation, and use this as the reason for your coming summon! No one can deny The crisis we are facing at this time, maybe we used to be hostile and attack each other because of some small things. But now, a more powerful enemy appears in front of us. This enemy threatens the interests of all of us. It should be ours. Race or camp identity, it’s time to let go of the hatred and conflicts between us and coordinate together!

A war that cannot be won is imminent, and we cannot lose our city, our friends, and us The land, lest we be divided and wiped out one by one in an instant. Peace is already not in, the cloud of war covers us. Before we defeat the enemy, where are you going to seek peace?

Light The immense power of God Palace is obvious. We have seen our companions flew into annihilation under the magic of angels, and we have seen our land trampled under the iron hooves of Paladin. No matter how powerful and invincible they are, they still symbolize Obstacles on our way forward!

Friends with me, it’s time to establish a new order! Unity is strength. We from different forces have united together. These forces will Condensed into a force and led by me. In this center of power, I will look at you. From now on, never let us fight each other again, nothing can destroy this rare unity, and never let We have the illusion of peace talks with the Light God Palace. Don’t let our enemies stand in our way, we will surely win a great victory in the end-don’t...remember...for...price!"

My declaration is over, there is no sound below! I looked around with a guilty conscience. What I just said wouldn't be so bad, right? Why is there no reaction at all!

When I was puzzled, I didn’t know where there was a sudden voice: "The forces of darkness will win! Defeat the light and let the darkness cover the earth!"

At this time, the talents below suddenly broke out. . "Sure victory! Sure victory! Sure victory...! Hit the Light God Palace! Let the light forces get out of China!" After a long time, it was the people below who had forgotten to cheer because they were too engrossed, and the voice came after the reaction. The whole Isinger was shaking.

I raised my hand to signal to the people below to be quiet, and almost instantly the whole city was silent. The discipline of the NPC army is surprisingly good! The military general next to him nodded and said: "If any country's troops can achieve such a neat and unified, then the battle strength of this force will definitely not be low!"

I whispered. Said: "The American troops have the worst discipline, and they are not as good at fighting!"


"At that time, they were well equipped, and under the same external conditions, the American soldiers The battle strength is not as good as the tribal armed forces in South Africa! The richer a country is, the more soldiers in this country are afraid of death, and the worse the battle strength. Tribal-armed soldiers dare to make body bombs, and American soldiers will call the air even when they see a bunker. Support, can it be the same!"

I'm nodded, and switch back to the front of the amplifier. "Soldiers, I announce that the defense of Isengard has officially begun. Victory can only belong to those who coexist with bravery and wit. We will now use our wisdom to compete with Light God Palace. Brave soldiers, now Let’s move forward to our ambush location!"


The Dark Legion’s troops actually sang a song together Strange songs, I don’t understand what they are singing at all. They use neither Chinese nor English, but they sound pretty good. It feels like some kind of march. The rhythm is quite exciting!

Except for the misty Legion because it was the city guard who couldn't leave the city too far, the dark Legion all left Isengard. Several millions of the regular army plus tens of millions of skeletons and zombies, even though they line up two hundred columns wide, they stretched a long way! There are many carriages on the periphery of Dark Legion, on which are various musical instruments, accompany the troops. Dark Legion obviously used this to coordinate the pace of the troops. Tens of millions of troops walk with one step, and the sound will definitely accelerate your heartbeat. The vanguard of Legion in the Mist had left for half an hour, and the last draped troops walked out of Isengard's gate, and the long line stretched to the horizon.

The advantage of players than NPCs is that they can use Transmission Formation, as long as they reach the city near the destination first, and then reach the destination on foot! This can save a lot of time, so the player team has not left Isinger for the time being. Because the giant dragons are fast, you don’t need to be too anxious to say that they have to deal with the battleship in Miyun City first!

I decided to use this short period of time to erect the Babel Tower first, and while the giant dragons were all around, I quickly transported the Babel Tower to the inner city to find a place for placement. In order to improve safety, we also built a circular building to enclose the tower.

When the Babel Tower was erected, I immediately heard the system hint: "The ruins system was established, and the player city Isengard got the Ruins Babel Tower. Would you like to confirm the receipt?"

"Confirm!" How can you not get the things you finally get back!

System hint once again said: "Babel has the guardian beast system, and receiving Babel will also receive long spear and become the city guardian beast. Unless the guild is disbanded, it will not be changed once confirmed. Please confirm whether Accept?"

I have experienced the battle strength of long spear. The strength is extraordinary and I am absolutely qualified to be a guardian beast. Besides, long spear is a flying creature, this advantage is great, warrior professions have almost no good ways to deal with aerial targets, and in this game, whether it is a player or an NPC, the most are warrior professions! "Confirm to receive!"

The system notice suddenly became a notice for the whole guild. "The Frost Rose Alliance successfully received the Ruins of Babel Tower, and the Ruins Guardian Beast was officially transformed into Isengard’s City Guardian Beast. All players of the Frost Rose Alliance can wait for a long spear of the same level as their own. This creature does not occupy the pet. Location, regardless of experience, can be resurrected like a familiar within a certain period of time after death. Since the Frost Rose is the first guild in this game to obtain the city guardian beast, a guild Totem quest is now awarded based on the actual situation of the Frost Rose. "

Guihui Totem is actually a kind of guardian beast in disguise, but it is different from the general guardian beast. The guardian beast's requirement is that its rank cannot exceed 900, but Totem's requirement is that its rank cannot be lower than 900. Once a guild acquires Totem, all cities in the guild except the main city can be protected by 10 Totem beasts, and the main city of the guild can get 100 guardian Totems.

Totem is not like the guardian beast which can be one per player, Totem can only be obtained at the city level, and Totem can not only help defense, but also participate in the offense. Totem is not restricted by cities. As long as the guild leader orders, Totem beasts can actively attack other cities, and the player's guild can even gather Totem beasts in all their cities to participate in siege wars! Totem beasts will automatically resurrect in their own city 3 hours after death, and they are the same as the city guards, and they do not lose level.

Although this thing is very attractive, like the guardian beast, there is no such guild in the whole world. Nothing else, because his conditions are more stringent than the guardian beast. Although the guardian beast is difficult to do, you can find an NPC to pick up the task at any time, and you can get it as long as you have the strength. But the task of Totem may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. It's rare to get a task if you fail to complete it, maybe when you can get another chance! I really didn't expect to let me pick up a Totem mission for nothing! Regardless of whether it can be completed or not, it is always a good thing to get it!

I opened the Guild Mission Reader, and there are now three missions floating in it. The first is to build a city, the second is this battle with Light God Palace, and the last is the Totem mission. I opened it and saw that the mission actually asked me to go to the Dragon Island Kaaba to find the Dragon King, and then help the Dragon King complete a mission to get a giant dragon to become the guardian Totem. haha! The dragon kings are here with me, so what task is not easy to handle! I quickly asked the Dragon King for Totem!

After listening to my explanation, the Dragon King didn't give me Totem right away. "What did you just say? Was it Totem?"

"Well! The mission said I wanted to find the Dragon King! Aren’t you the Dragon King? I think that mission is also free! I worked so hard for Dragon Clan I know you must be sorry to let me do the task again, so you can give me Totem directly!"

"Where did you say to find the Dragon King in that task?"

"Dragon Island Kaaba! What's the matter?"

"Dragon Clan is divided into five branches, my one is Asian Dragon Clan. The place where we live is called Emerald Island, not Ke Irbe! The Kaaba is in Europe, the settlement of the European Dragon Clan! Their boss seems to be called Leimen or something, I don't remember clearly, anyway, it's not in my control! You have to do the task but Europe finds him! "

"Isn't it!" I'm so happy! "Then do you know the specific location of that island?"

"Yes, I still have a map at home. When this battle is over, I will copy it for you!" The Dragon King is very generous. ! Forget it, anyway, after the war, I still have to go to Europe to get the Transnational Transmission Formation in Sky City, and by the way, finish the Dragon Island mission. By the way, Lin Yue is still on Long Island, and she happened to be picked up together this time!

The things in the city are all over. After the player team gets the guardian beast, they immediately set out to advance to the ambush canyon. Because I was going to attack the port with the giant dragon at night, I didn't follow it for the time being. Anyway, there is a military commander on the front line. It doesn't matter whether I am there or not!

I sat on the stool next to the city tree and asked about the completion of Isengard’s defense system. Wiener stood behind me and suddenly patted me and said: "Your neck is Crystal Magical Armored. Insect's Insect Queen, right?"


"Have you got a blood pool bubble yourself?"

"I am a player, What are you going to do? Besides, the thing is so dark and bubbling, I don’t want to go down!"

"You don’t need the help of the blood pond, but the beetle on your body wants it! These things bubble After being soaked, it will definitely strengthen a lot!"

Thinking about it, it does make sense. The Crystal Magical Armored Insect is only Level 20. Creatures with such a low level must be very useful, and they should indeed be bubbled! For the sake of strength, although reluctantly, I came to the blood pool. Standing on the edge of the blood pool hesitated for a long time, and after seeing the disgusting blood, his original determination began to hesitate again. When I didn't know if I should go down, Vina slammed me behind me. I fell forward with an unstable center of gravity. Vina didn't expect to be snickering. I lost my balance and I turned around quickly and grabbed her. As a result, the two fell together! With a splash and blood splashing, the two of us rolled into the pool together.

"Push!" I violently stood up from the pool, spit out the blood in my mouth, and quickly changed my breath!

Vina also stood up wet from the blood. "Really! I'm helping you make up your mind, why did you pull me down!"

"You are not from the light forces, what is the worst thing about the bubble blood pool!"


"I would kick my feet if I knew it!" Vina said angrily.

"hahahaha! You are called retribution!"

"I hate it!" The little Vina girl splashed me with blood, seeing that I didn't fight back, she didn't continue. "How is your beetle?"

I quickly opened the attribute and took a look, and it turned out that there was a change. The Level 20 crystal Magical Armored Insect actually evolved into a level 100 crystal beetle, and the number of my summon increased from 1 million to 1.2 million. It seems that the bubble is indeed right. The level 100 crystal beetle attribute is not much higher than the level 20 crystal Magical Armored Insect, but it has one more skill-swallow! The use of this skill is to eat. It's not a normal bite, it's a quick bite. The limitation of this devouring is that you can only eat non-living units, but this is also very good. Even if you can't eat the enemy directly, it's not bad to gnaw off the opponent's armor or anything! It would be even better if it were at sea again. It would definitely be a good helper to kill people and make better products by gnawing the enemy's battleship into a sieve!

Vina's clothes became red cloth and had to leave the blood pond to change clothes. My magic dragon suit is almost made of Teflon material. The dripping water is not sticky. As soon as I leave the blood pond, the blood water Just do it! Seeing that the time is too early, I rushed to find Dragon King ready to go.

Ten minutes later, more than 20,000 giant dragons rose into the air from Isinger, hovered in the air and flew towards Miyun City. The scene of more than 20,000 giant dragons flying in line in the sky is so magnificent. If the players under the daytime are sure to think they are mistaken! The giant dragons that are usually rarely seen also act in groups!

At this time, the city of Miyun is still peaceful. No one knows that all the giant dragons in the wild in Asia are moving here and preparing to wipe this port city from the map!

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