"Isn't it difficult to do it!" Looking back at the fallen corpse, I retracted Eternally.

Lingling stood by my side and looked at the corpse over there and asked suspiciously: "But why is there an energy response?"

"Huh?" I heard such a question. I immediately noticed that this guy's corpse really had an energy response, and the current energy response of this thing was rapidly increasing at a very terrifying speed. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. A wonderful change has taken place.

Generally speaking, the energy response of a creature is fixed, and the specific size depends on the creature’s own energy intensity and energy control. The higher the energy intensity, the more obvious the biological fluctuation range, and vice versa, the more difficult it is to find. The stronger the controlling power of the magical power, the weaker the fluctuation, because he can suppress the energy leakage on his own, and vice versa, of course, the stronger it is. The combination of the two determines the specific energy intensity of a creature, but it is mainly the first attribute, that is, the strength of the creature's own energy fluctuation attribute has a more severe impact on the actual fluctuation.

Under normal circumstances, the energy fluctuations of these creatures are a fixed value, and only in a weak state or a state of excitement, there will be some small changes. If it comes to large-scale changes, there are generally only two cases. First is a sudden decrease in energy. This situation generally means that the creature has died or blocked its own energy. Usually if you follow a target and find that the other party's energy fluctuations suddenly disappear, it is probably that you were discovered, and then the other party carried out energy shielding. The second situation is naturally a surge in energy, and this situation is generally accompanied by two possibilities. Either the target is preparing for a big move, causing its own energy to be activated, and because of the active casting of the spell, the control of its own magic power is reduced, so it will show a surge of energy. Either the other party intends to self-destruct. When the target creature starts to enter the self-destruct preparation, because of the high concentration of energy in the whole body, the original control method will no longer be able to restrain this energy. At the same time, because of the highly unstable energy, the energy fluctuation of the target creature at this time will be special. severe.

Now that the body of this Great Demonic God is already in a different place, then he is impossible to be the first situation. The only thing left is the second case, which means that the other party is gathering energy and planning to self-destruct.

According to the normal situation, it should be the same as we speculated. The other party is planning to self-destruct, but the actual situation is different from what we thought. The huge Great Demonic God's corpse began to squirm after the energy was highly concentrated, and a big bag suddenly bulged in the belly of this guy's corpse, and it was obvious that something was squirming inside.

"Damn, isn't this thing mother's fault?" I was taken aback when I saw this, but I couldn't leave that thing alone. As long as it is not playing self-destruct, there is nothing at worst. I ran over quickly, and then looked at the big bag that was squirming over there, and I really wanted to open it.

It was strange enough that something that seemed to be a fetus suddenly appeared. Of course I can't let this thing go. Besides, the Great Demonic God was originally a very dangerous thing, and the thing that came out of his stomach was probably not an unthreatening creature, so it was necessary to check it.

I decided to do it after thinking about it, but the other party didn't give me this opportunity at all. Just when I was about to take a look, the bulging bag suddenly bulged up high, and then I heard a tearing sound. The Great Demonic God's belly was torn directly from the inside, and then we just Saw a scarlet's head popping out of the abdominal cavity of Great Demonic God.

The thing in the belly of Great Demonic God is of course impossible to be as big as the body of Great Demonic God, but this humanoid structure comes out of the belly of Great Demonic God after all, so its actual volume is also Not small. In fact, when this thing completely crawled out of the body of Great Demonic God, we saw the whole picture of this thing.

First of all, it can be determined that this is a humanoid creature, and secondly, this creature should be a female, because I have seen obvious secondary sexual characteristics, and it is very spectacular. Finally, the size of this creature is about two to five times that of a human being, because the height of this female humanoid creature seems to be at least five meters in height.

Although it can be seen that he is a female, and the whole body is naked, but at present, this guy can't let the male creature show any desire, unless the other party is abnormal. After all, this female creature had just crawled out of the belly of Great Demonic God, and she had torn the belly of Great Demonic God and got out by herself, so this guy is now covered with a thick layer of red plasma. The inner plasma has dried up, leaving only some black coagulum, while the outer part is full of new blood, so the red and black are mixed together to look quite oozing.

The female creature crawling out of the belly of Great Demonic God in blood and water, after coming out, simply looked around and suddenly jumped from the ground in the next second. To be honest, I didn’t expect this guy to have this level of jumping ability. She almost jumped more than 50 meters away, and at the highest point, she was nearly 30 meters above the ground. high. This kind of jumping ability can no longer be simply considered as good jumping ability.

"Damn it, don't let her run."

Although the Unknown Creature that just came out jumped out, the target was obviously not us, but went straight to the nearby Thai players To go. Although I don't want to protect these Thai players, I released this big boss. I have to remove the hidden danger of this thing in advance, otherwise the thing will come to me sooner or later. This is a hidden setting in the game, that is, whoever finds the trouble will go back to whoever the trouble is. Of course, unless the trouble can be solved in advance, then there will be no problem. However, once the trouble is not solved, when it comes back on its own, you will find that small troubles become big troubles, and big troubles become disasters.

"The gun god, where did you die?"

"I am here!" Although I can't control the gun god's actions, this kid is riding now My demon, Ye Ying, and I can remotely remotely control Ye Ying with my heart contact, so after one of my thoughts, Ye Ying appeared by my side with the gun god.

"You fellow, if the task entrusted to you was not completed well, you ran to the clearing soldiers. Are you going to be lazy?"

"When did I be lazy?"


I pointed to the female creature over there and said: "If you are not lazy, go and get rid of that thing. It just came out of the belly of Great Demonic God. It's probably not a good product."

In fact, I obviously underestimated the strength of the female creature, because after this guy jumped to the side of a Thai player, he stomped the opponent directly on the ground, then raised his hand and slapped his head. Flew out.

After slapped the player’s Thai player’s head with a palm, the female creature immediately picked up the corpse from the ground, and then directly pointed the broken neck of the corpse to her mouth, and followed the arm to exert force. He began to squeeze the corpse, and the blood that was already sluggish immediately sprayed out, all of which was poured directly into his mouth by this guy.

Until the corpse in her hand could no longer squeeze any blood out, the female monster threw the corpse out, and then moved towards another target and rushed forward, only this time Thai players are obviously defensive, and immediately lost a skill when the female monster just landed. It's a pity that the female monster's reaction speed is a bit abnormal, almost when the player throws the skill, she has already made the dodge action, as a result, the opponent's attack is of course missed.

After successfully flashing an attack, the female monster immediately rushed up and bit the guy's head directly, then spit out her head, pointed her big mouth at the broken neck and sucked again.

When the gun god was called back by me, it happened to see that the female monster was sucking the blood of the second person, and then after assured me that the trouble was solved, the gun god directly raised Ye Ying, and then Raised the gun and aimed at the female monster. However, this female monster seemed to have a dangerous perception ability. Almost the moment the gun god put it into the scope, the female monster suddenly looked back towards the gun god's side. The gunman who had just aimed directly saw a look looking at him, and felt that the gunman immediately realized that he had been discovered after his eyes met, but he did not hesitate or be afraid, anyway, the distance was very long, so he directly The trigger was pulled.

The attack of the gun god is very decisive, but the opponent's reaction is even more abnormal. The female monster actually let go of the bullet when the gunman fired the shot, but the corpse in her hand was shattered by the bullet and she lost a lot of blood.

The prey in her hand was smashed, and the female monster moved towards the gun god very angry and roared. The sound was not loud, nor was it very sturdy. It didn’t look like a wild beast or a monster. sound. I guess that if this female monster speaks human words, her voice might be relatively crisp. After all, she can maintain this tone even with a low growl, so normal speaking will certainly not be too unpleasant.

After losing her prey, the female monster didn't try to attack the spear god, but turned around and jumped in the other direction and rushed over. This time it was a team of players, about a dozen Thai players gathered together, although the number can not be said to be many, but the professional configuration is complete.

The gun body felt relieved after seeing the opponent rushing to this group of people, because he felt that these people also had a certain battle strength, and it should be able to hold the female monster temporarily. This way He has a chance to start. However, to everyone's surprise, the female monster threw away a thin red line with one hand in the air before landing, and then saw that the player below was hit by the red line and immediately died. However, this is only the beginning. The female monster who has not yet landed has completed her posture adjustment in the air. Before landing on the ground, step on the shoulders of two players standing side by side at the same time, and then use the impact to turn them over at the same time, and then when the other party fell to the ground, she bounced up again and directly knocked the player in front of him. On the ground, he opened his big mouth and bit the opponent's neck with one bite.

Originally, we hadn't noticed, but now we saw this female monster biting a person and found an abnormality. This guy's size seems to be getting smaller as he continues to suck blood. When she just came out of the belly of the Great Demonic God, the female monster was more than five meters tall, but in just a short while she had shrunk to the feeling of only two meters and eight meters. Although this body is still very large, she is relatively tall. Compared to before, it's not so cross-cut anymore.

Although I saw this change not far away, I did not remind the gun god in time, because I thought the gun god could quickly fix this female monster, but it was the gun that disappointed me. God even fired five or six shots and was dodged by this female monster. For this kind of result, let alone me, even the gun god himself is starting to get crazy.

At first, we all thought that the female monster’s neural reflexes were extremely fast, so she could dodge attacks, but as the gunshots continued to miss the target, we began to gradually discover some abnormalities. Obviously, this female monster is not superior in response nerves, but has some ability similar to prediction. The reaction time of this ability is actually very short, no more than three seconds at most, but with the reaction speed of these creatures in the game, if the opponent's attack intention can be discovered in advance, three seconds in advance are enough for anyone to successfully dodge a non-area attack.

Because the female monster kept showing this kind of dodge action before we attacked, we all gradually discovered the difference of this female monster. Her ability obviously has the ability of prophecy, and this ability is actually very rare in the game.

If the language is a story-like game with a well-arranged plot, of course, there is no problem. Anyway, the world script is written. As long as you look at the following information in advance, anyone can predict the future. NS. But the problem is that "Zero" is an online game, and its content is completely open. In addition, there are so many players always interfering in the development direction of this world in the game, so it is very difficult to predict anything in "Zero". After all, you are impossible to know which players will react in the next second.

However, although the prophecy is very difficult to achieve, it is also not absolutely impossible to achieve. The long-term prediction is not yet available, if it is only a few seconds later... In fact, it can be simply predicted. This kind of system is the so-called prophecy system, and this system appears in the game, I guess 80% of it is the military's experimental plan. The reason why Army God was put into the game was because the company wanted to try to see whether Army God, a battlefield manager-type computer, could really take on the role of commanding the army. Up to now, the military gods have performed very well and brought great convenience to our guild.

This language system might be a kind of predictive system like a military god. Although the prediction time of a few seconds is of little significance to strategies and tactics in reality, if it is equipped to individual soldiers, or armored vehicles, aircraft and other equipment, its use can be imagined. Imagine if the pilot can know in advance how the enemy pilot will turn in the next second, will the probability of shooting down the opponent be greatly improved? Even if the advance amount is only a few seconds, that is a very exaggerated ability.

Now no matter where this prophecy system came from, this female monster must have similar abilities anyway, so what we need is to capture this monster as much as possible. But... Judging from the current performance of the Gunslinger, it is really not easy to catch this slippery monster.

"Can you guys get it done?" Just as the gunmaster was chasing the female monster without disconnecting the gun, I suddenly heard Christina's voice.

I turned my head to look at Kristina suspiciously, and then asked: "Why did you come here? Exhals is done?"

Dina shook her head and pointed to Exhals, and then said: "The magic array has been completed, but I just found out that I was in trouble."

"What happened?"< /p>

Christina explained with a smile: "It's not a major event, but my magic crystal is gone!"

"Magic crystal?"

"en. The magic array needs energy. For such a large sudden Transmission Formation, but also to ensure that the target is safely delivered to the specified location, this energy consumption is naturally very large. All the magic crystals on my body are filled in. However, the energy tank has only increased by more than ten percent. I really don’t have any extras! I just want to ask if you have any extras in your hand and use them first."

"magic I don’t have much crystal with me!” I took out a box as I said, and then opened the lid of that box, but what was exposed inside was a box full of magic crystals. There are not only white ones, but also red, blue, and green ones. Anyway, various types and levels of magic crystal are available here. "Is this enough?"

"If it's all white, it will be enough, but unfortunately, you have a lot of magic crystals that are not white. The magic crystals of too high level can't be filled in. We need energy balance, so the magic array Only the same type of magic crystal can be installed on it. The white magic crystal is the lowest magic crystal. If you use all the red magic crystals, it’s okay, but the cost is..."

I nodded that I understand, and then ask Said: "Then how bad is the white magic crystal here?"

"Oh, wait for me to calculate a little bit."

Kristina was there while pointing her finger I counted the number on the head, and finally nodded and said: "It's calculated, plus mine is just three yuan!"

"Damn, where do you let me go at this time I'll find it for you... Oh no, there are really here."

"What did you think of?" Kristina looked at me and asked.

I pointed directly to the summon altar not far away, and said, "Isn’t there a summon altar over there? I don’t believe that their summon don’t use magic crystal."

As a common ore in the game, magic crystal is naturally the most widely used ore. In the game, magic crystals are as important as oil and uranium ore in reality. These magic crystals can be said to have penetrated into all aspects of players' game life, so the summon altar this thing will also use magic crystals.

Just do it. Kristina and I quickly ran to the altar over there. We thought we could pick up the magic crystal directly, but we jumped on the way before we arrived. A few Thai players stood in front of us and put on a fighting posture. The meaning was obvious, just not letting us pass. Since the other party is like this, of course we can't just turn around and go back, so Christina and Ruthless will take the lead.

Actually, according to the habits of Thai players, they usually do it first, but because they saw the Great Demonic God thing that I missed before, these guys are now somewhat dreaded to me, so there is no They simply didn't dare to take the initiative to attack when they were directly threatened. After all, if my strength was to deal with them, it would definitely be as simple as running an ant.

Although they already know that I am more powerful and cannot attack casually, the altar behind it is very important. Even if they know that I can't beat these guys, they can only brace oneself. But... no matter how brave you are, you can't change the inevitable result of the huge power gap.

"Hey...a bunch of trash!" Kristina looked at a large group of people who had been thrown down by her instant lightning ring, and then walked over with disdain.

After killing this group of Thai players, there was no other defense in front of the altar. We quickly found a few magic crystals on the altar, and then quickly returned to Exhals and took Klee The magic array of Stina has been perfected. In fact, when Kristina came to find me, the magic array was almost complete. All that was missing was three magic crystals. Now the magic array on the other side of the magic crystal lights up as soon as the magic crystal is installed.

"OK. The operation is normal." Kristina said to me, looking at the magic array that was gradually lit up: "President, please contact the downstream meeting and pay attention to the reception, and reserve a large Transmission Formation for us. Come out, Ike Sals can’t squeeze into those regular Transmission Formation."

"If you don’t tell me, I really forgot it!" Thanks to Kristina’s reminder, I quickly notified me. On the guild side, the military god immediately arranged this for us. The Transmission Formation to receive Exhals was designed on the Isengard Mobile Fortress. The reason for this arrangement is because I don't want too many people to know that Ixals has arrived in our guild city. Such powerful creatures must of course be hidden. It is best to enter our guild secretly, because only then can they suddenly pop out at a critical moment and give the enemy a completely unprepared.

As the preparations for the Transmission Formation over there are completed, Kristina also immediately activated this Transmission Formation. Although it was arranged on the ground, it used some precious materials, plus Kristina. Dina's super-high magic control ability, so this simple version of Transmission Formation finally started successfully. When Axals disappeared by our side, I immediately contacted the military god to confirm whether Axals was received there. I didn't want to engage in another oolong like last time.

Fortunately, everything went well this time. The military god has already reminded that there is a super huge giant dragon on the Transmission Formation side that has been transmitted. I know it must be Axals after hearing the description.

Since Exhals has successfully transported back to Isengard Mobile Fortress, there is nothing for us here. Of course, the female monster still has to be dealt with first.

Actually, it is a bit exaggerated to say that they are female monsters. Although the blood looks scary and looks like a monster, it can still be seen from the outline of the female monster. In fact, there is no abnormal superfluous structure. Except for a slightly larger body, she is basically a perfect human female shape, and she is quite good in figure. As for the face... Although it is not quite clear with a layer of plasma, it feels that the facial features are correct and the lines are not exaggerated, so at least it is certainly not too ugly.

Of course, even if it grows into a Heavenly Immortal-like shape, a monster will always be a monster. Anyway, I have never seen anyone drink a headless corpse as a wow ha ha like her. In addition, it seems that this guy seems to be getting smaller and smaller in the process of constantly sucking blood. Now she is only about two meters tall. Even in reality, there are people who can grow to this height. It's just relatively small.

Because Exhals has been sent away, all my familiars have gathered to my side. At this time, I moved to the vicinity of the gun god, so my familiars are also natural The ground gathered over. Under our gaze, the gun god this guy is obviously about to run away. Just in the few minutes when we transmitted Exhals, the gun god this guy had already emptied a whole magazine. You must know that the magazine used by Gun God is not an ordinary magazine. This is a space ammunition bag that he heavily hired NPC forgers and space magicians to make. This kind of magazine is fine if you say it is a magazine, but if you want to say it is a magazine, it is not bad. This kind of magazine can be loaded with hundreds of cubic ammunition at a time, and the types of ammunition can be mixed. Then, with the control magic array on the gun, you can choose the type of ammunition to be released at will, which is better than in reality. All automatic loading machines are easy to use.

However, such a magazine called a mobile arsenal was shot out alive. How can you say that the gun god can calm down?

"Why is this?" The Gunmaster saw that we were all around, and he himself was still busy sniping the female monster, and finally couldn't help but explode. With the crazy roar, the gun god this guy directly took out an unidentified ammunition the size of a thermos from his body, and then screwed it directly on the front of the muzzle as if using a grenade, and then aimed at the female monster over there.

Speaking of high level players like me, there are many forums outside that specialize in my equipment, attributes, skills, etc., and the gun god, as the fifth in battle strength list, naturally has many people studying. Therefore, I actually know the skills of the gun god. As soon as I saw that the Gun God guy screwed up this thing in his hand, I hurriedly blew the whistle, and a Space Jump of Night Shadow came in front of me. Before the gun god who suddenly lost the target hadn't reacted, I hurriedly pulled it off the back of Ye Ying, then pressed it to the ground and shouted at him: "Okay, don't go crazy! "

The gun god was still a little stunned until he was yelled at. First, I was stimulated before, and second, my behavior was indeed a little too much. But I can't help it! Just like the gun god knows my equipment attributes, I also know some of his equipment attributes, and I know the thing he just planned to use.

The thing that the gun god just planned to screw on the muzzle and launch it actually has a very domineering name called Blizzard. I also have a skill called Blizzard, but it is not the same as Gunslinger. This is not a skill but an equipment.

Blizzard is a one-time consumable, which itself is defined as a kind of ammunition. When used, it can be fired by screwing it directly on the muzzle, which can be said to be relatively simple. However, although the installation is simple and the launch is easy, the formidable power of this thing is definitely not simple. In fact, after launching, this thing ejects about 20,000 to 50,000 small rockets from the front end. These rockets are only about the thickness of a pen, which is about the same size as the liquid magic crystal steam missile that we equipped with the mobile angel. However, our liquefied magic crystal steam missiles are all equipped with a single shot. Even if necessary, at most a few mobile angels can fire all rounds together, and even so, they can only be launched at the same time. That's terrible. However, the gun god’s gadget fired tens of thousands of ammunition, and the number would be adjusted according to the enemy’s strength, at least 20,000 rounds and at most 50,000 rounds.

This blizzard will not stop once it starts to fire. From the moment it starts the attack, rockets will be continuously fired out of the bullet nest at the muzzle, with a density of about fifty rockets per second. After that, until all the rockets are launched, the gun god can continue to shoot with this thing like a machine gun. Of course, if it’s just this, there’s nothing at worst. The key is the small rockets. They are not blasting type weapons, but...destroying types.

Each time this kind of small rocket explodes, a sphere with a radius of two meters will be created. Anything within this range will suddenly disappear as if it was gnawed. Therefore, if the gun is free to use this thing to attack a mountain, he can use this thing to dig a tunnel on the mountain, and even a bit of earth will not be produced, because all the rocks or earth in the tunnel Have been eroded away.

With the formidable power of this thing, once the gun god starts to use it, the result that can be encountered is that the female monster will definitely be eroded and even the dregs will not be left, let alone what catches the life. However, in comparison, what is more terrible is that the erosion ability of this thing is too exaggerated, so once this thing starts to attack, it will often cause terrain changes and cause natural disasters. For example, in the two previous uses of the gun god, the gun god dug a large hole directly in the ground in a plain area, which caused a volcano to erupt, and a volcano was created on the plain alive. Large-scale earthquake. Fortunately, that place belongs to a deserted area and did not cause much harm. In the second use before, the blizzard hit a mountain, and then hollowed out the mountainside alive. The entire upper part of the mountain crushed the rest of the mountain, then the whole collapsed and rolled down from the top of the mountain, and finally buried the mountain directly. A small village at the foot. Of course, the gun god was still lucky, because it was not in the United States, so the accidental killing of the player will not be a PK red name, so he did not become a super red name like my previous avalanche, and he was still a red name. The kind of purple.

Because I understand how powerful this thing is, I dare not let the gun god use it here. This place is Thailand, very close to our country. In the unlikely event that another volcanic tsunami or something happens, Thailand will suffer heavy losses and we will have to follow the bad luck, it is not worthwhile. Besides, what the Gun God signed with us is not a contract of the kind of tasks, but a time-based employment contract. In this type of contract, the gun god destroys the bullets and the magic potion or healing potion used and repairs equipment. We are required to reimburse the money.

The formidable power of the blizzard just now is so big, but the gun god has only used it twice. Thinking about it, it will definitely not be because the formidable power is too big to dare to use. After all, as long as you are not in your own country, theoretically There should be no need to worry about attacking too much formidable power. The reason why the gun god does not use this thing frequently is purely because this thing is not only super low in output, but also expensive and scary. Even with the financial resources of our guild, it is impossible to support my use of this weapon. The gun god’s holy gun league is much poorer than us, and it is naturally even more unusable. Therefore, the gun god guy has always regarded this thing as a mountain protecting treasure. Although he has always prepared two shots on his body, there are not many opportunities to use it.

The gun god just got red eyes, so I took this thing out, but I don't want to be taken advantage of. When he caught the storm, it was refreshing to sweep wildly, and then I had to pay for it, so I wouldn't do that kind of idiot thing.

The gun god who was awakened by my roar also realized that this thing should not be used, so he didn’t say anything, just got up from the ground and screwed the blizzard warhead off and put it back in again. go back. Seeing him return to normal, I comforted him for a while, then pulled on the reins and turned over and jumped onto the night shadow.

The gun god who was originally pulled down by me didn't react much, but when he saw me jump on Ye Ying's back, his expression was a bit disappointed. He had fallen in love with the feeling of coming and going like the wind just after riding Yeying for a while, but unfortunately, he reacted when I stepped on Yeying again. The mount was not his.

In the reluctant gaze of the gun body, I directly retracted the familiars, and then rode the night shadow straight at your Banshee monster.

At this point in our delay, the female monster has already gnawed several Thai players in one breath, and when I rushed over on Yekage, she just threw away the last one that was sucked up. Mummy. At this time, the height of this female monster had shrunk to about 1.8 meters. Although she was still quite tall, she was not really scary anymore. However, in the process of shrinking her figure, her energy response has been constantly rising, and I was not until she was many times stronger than before.

I don’t know if I’m full, or think I’m more dangerous. This female monster no longer hunts and kills the Thai players, but turns around and makes a deterrent action. She opened her arms at me, bowed slightly, her expression was very hideous, and her mouth was still making a meaningless roar, but she didn't sound terrifying because of the tone.

I started to frown when I looked at the other person’s reaction, because the other person had obviously absorbed enough blood. I just thought that this guy didn’t suck blood anymore because he valued me, but it doesn’t seem to be the case now. Her actions have the dual intent of deterrence and provocation, and there is no meaning of warning, so she is not afraid, but hopes that I will fight with her.

Originally, I could directly start a fight with this kind of monster, but now I a

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