Although I don’t specialize in appraisal, I also have an Appraisal Master professional skill, so after the appraisal, the purple pill is actually used to increase the sense of existence of the world, but This thing has neither a numerical value nor a clear explanation. It is also our own guess that the existence of the world is the system occupancy rate, so how useful this thing is is still unknown. Of course, since the little crocodile is responsible for giving rewards, he said that this is the most valuable item and it is naturally the most valuable, at least it should be much more effective than the two pills that Kristina and I divided.

After thinking about it again and again, I finally swallowed this pill directly. Firstly, it was spoils of war. Secondly, I was a while, and the system occupancy rate was higher than that of ordinary people. , And the real meaning of the occupancy rate is that it is higher than the occupancy rate of others, not that the average value of the guild’s data is higher. In fact, if players form a team, as long as one person in the team has a particularly high degree of attention, it is enough to exceed any team with a higher average occupancy rate than them. So, this kind of data needs to be icing on the cake instead of provide timely help, and it can be used for me to get the most benefit.

Although Kristina and I used three pills, we did not use the remaining four pills directly, but planned to take them back and distribute them as guild rewards.

The little crocodile immediately said after watching us distribute the pills: "Since you have used the second reward on me, then my guide will let you recover the cost. So I I suggest you better follow me to the next mission level right now, because that mission level has been activated from now on, and the longer the delay in the process of getting there, the more difficult the next level will be. ."

"Then don’t have to wait." I said goodbye to the Queen of the Lilliputian and the soldiers who helped us, and then summon luckily took all the remaining personnel with me and Kristina took the little crocodile and climbed the bird directly into the air. "Now show us the direction."

"Over there." The little crocodile didn't delay time, and pointed directly to the location of the mission.

Because we flew past the air, we reached the location in less than one minute. This so-called second mission location is actually not far from the lake, but a large piece of grass has to be crossed in the middle. But don't think that a piece of grass will pass through. Normally, this grass, which is slightly larger than the school’s large playground, seems to be able to run over it at once, but don’t forget that we are only two inches tall now. For us, this piece of grass was originally waist-deep, but now it is almost comparable to a large piece of primitive forest. If we hadn’t been able to fly, we wouldn’t know how long it would take to pass through this dense grassland.

According to the little crocodile, there are still many small creatures in this grassland, so if we want to get past it, we need to fight. Although our battle strength has recovered a bit and pieces, those small creatures can't threaten our safety at all, but being able to pass from the sky saves a lot of time, isn't it?

When we flew over the grass, we saw a small stones pile. Of course, this small stone pile is based on the size of a normal person. For us now, this place is basically the same as the pyramid construction site. almost. There are many small stones scattered around a semifinished product stone pyramid that is almost three meters high. These stones seem to have carved marks, many of which have been polished into rectangles. Obviously, it can be used directly as long as it is transported to the bottom of the pyramid.

In addition to these small stones and the unfinished pyramid, we also saw a lot of small tools here. These tools are just suitable for our current height. It shows that the original building of this pyramid is and Our creatures are about the same size.

As soon as we landed, the little crocodile began to shout: "Hurry, hurry, send your personnel to build the pyramid, and then you and the girl will go outside to prevent the enemy from invading. Your second The task of this level is to complete the construction of the pyramid within a limited time."

"I rely on? Which bastard is this task designed?" Kristina looked at the pyramid behind her and exclaimed: "Although more than 80% of that thing has been completed, the remaining workload will be at least several thousand people working for a day or two, right? We have only forty people here. This is for us to do a few. Moon?"

"That’s why the previous levels will affect the difficulty of subsequent levels." Little Crocodile said: "You have recovered a lot of strength in my level just now, with your battle strength , It’s definitely very fast to build this thing now. But you have to quickly build a defense line, there are many humanoid creatures similar to the previous Giant Race, but although they are close relatives to the Giant Race, the character of this race is similar to that of the Giant. Race is the opposite. They are very cruel and have a strong offensive. After a while, they will start to snatch your stones and attack you. You must resist their harassment while building the pyramids. The more you move Faster, you can grab more stones that have been carved, which is helpful to speed up the progress of the project, but if you move slowly and the carved stones are robbed by the opponent, you have to resist the attack while using it. Those tools have been quarried and processed into stone by themselves. The carved stones scattered in the vicinity should be just enough, so if the other party grabs a piece, you have to carve it yourself. The more they grab, the more engineering tasks you have. Trouble."

When I heard about this, I dared to waste time, so I turned around and put the gate of the earth on the ground, and then started to command Qilin warrior out to build a line of defense. At the same time, the Death God guard was also summoned by me. Came out to participate in the defense mission.

I don’t know if it’s because of the rules of this place. The gate of the earth did not become smaller when it came out. It was still normal in size. From our perspective, it is simply a connecting to heaven penetrating the earth. Super gate, and the Qilin warrior inside was still a normal size when he walked to the gate, but as soon as he stepped out of the gate, it immediately became the same size as ours. As for those Death God guards, they are a summon and come out in a state of the same size as me. However, although the size has shrunk to the same size as ours, the number of my summon surprised the little crocodile next to it.

The summon number of the Death God Guard is equal to the square of my level number divided by one hundred. At present, I have more than two thousand two hundred levels. After the square is divided by one hundred, the result is more than 40,000. It looks close to fifty thousand. That's not counting. In addition, I can summon more than 20,000 Qilin warriors, and the Death God guard will make more than 70,000 people.

There are more than 70,000 people, even if they are only two inches tall, this summon is scary enough. Under my command, the Death God Guard immediately built an impermeable human wall around the entire pyramid, and this human wall is not only one circle, but five or six rows thick. Under this dense formation, any enemy on the dare to attack defense line needs to face the siege of our large corps. As for Qilin warrior...their mission is not to fight, but to act as construction workers. With more than 20,000 Qilin warriors working together, the speed is naturally fast. And large familiars such as Lucky and Plague are used as heavy lifting equipment. Those building stones that are too large for us, they can be put together like building blocks, and they can be put together much faster than us.

The little crocodile originally planned to tell us some precautions, but when he saw this formation, he simply hid and drew a circle. What else to mention about this defense? The original mission did not intend to push the player on the road to extinction, so although the savages who come to make trouble are very fierce, they always appear in groups of three or four. The main function is to harass rather than annihilate, so the attack intensity is actually It's not very big, and now there is no chance of winning in the face of the entire corps that is treating our side seriously. When the first group of savages rushed out of the grass and planned to rob the rocks, we immediately flew out a large magic bullet. As a result, the group of savages hadn’t seen how many people the enemy had this time. Was put down directly.

The battle method of Death God guards is not only about melee combat. Their battle template is not the guards with jackal heads of Anubis. Although the two are indeed exactly the same, they From the moment I got the Death God tattoo, the Death God guard that I came out of summon copied the battle method using myself as a template. Therefore, my Death God Guard is not only Martial Demon weekends, but also summon combat creatures to help. Of course, the impossible from Death God Guard summon is as sturdy as my giant dragons, but Dangdang cannon fodder is no problem. of.

Because my Death God guards have copied my almighty attributes, so this time the savages are tragedy. Basically, as soon as they leave the grass, they will be bombarded by intensive magic, and luckily they didn’t die. He will be dismembered by a group of Summoned Beasts immediately, as for those who can survive after this... Anyway, I haven't seen such a person appear.

"This should be the last piece." Kristina said as she watched fortunately she placed a huge stone slab on the eight pillars.

This pyramid is not the pointed pyramid of Egypt, but the flat-topped pyramid similar to the Maya. At the top of the pyramid is actually a platform, and there is something similar to a pavilion on the platform. . Of course, this is not the kind of octagonal pavilion in China, but a super simple pavilion. The roof of the pavilion is a whole stone slab. There are no walls underneath it. There are only eight uprights, which are divided into two groups and stand on the four corners of the stone slab to support the flat roof above. This is all about this pavilion.

"Hey, the pyramid is built, what shall we do next?" I asked aloud.

The little crocodile climbed up the pyramid and looked at the various structures. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he walked to the pavilion at the top, and then said: "You send someone to look inside the pyramid. There will be four sarcophagi. Three of them are fake, and a zombie will appear after opening, but don’t be afraid, the battle strength is not strong, you can get it with three or five people. The remaining real coffin There is also a zombie in it, but there are a lot of gold objects around that zombie, you have to get those gold objects here with the zombie. Be careful not to break that zombie, it's still useful to look back."

I nodded directly leading Kristina and ran into the pyramid. The internal structure of this pyramid is very simple. There is a door on the front, and after entering it is a ladder. After going down to the bottom, there is a rectangular room. There is a passage on the four walls of the room, and each passage is not far out to a room of the same size. The four sarcophagi that the little crocodile said were in each of the four rooms. Because there are no side roads and mechanisms, we ran into the first sarcophagus without using one minute.

"I don't know if this is true!" Kristina asked, looking at the sarcophagus.

"It's not an at worst monster anyway, just open it and have a look." As I said, I pressed my hand directly on the cover of the sarcophagus, and then pushed it out to one side. The lid of the coffin was very thick, but unexpectedly it was very light. I flew out without exerting any force.

Kristina squatted on the ground looking at me with lingering fear and shouted: "President, you murdered?"

"Sorry, forgot that we have shrunk now!"

Actually, now I have thought about why the coffin lid is so light. In fact, the reason lies in our size. Because we are only two inches tall, this coffin is also in the same proportions as ours, so the coffin cover is only two and a half inches in length, and the width is only a little over an inch. Such a large stone slab is only three to five centimeters thick. With the strength of a normal person, it can be pinched with only two fingers. Although I am getting smaller now, the attribute still maintains 90% of the normal value, which means that my strength has hardly decreased. And because everything here is built according to our proportions, I suddenly forgot that the stone slab in front of me was actually only a little bigger than the matchbox, and then used all my strength to lift the stone slab to the west. The result was of course it was just off the fly. If it weren't for the fast flash, Kristina would almost have been shot by the slate and flew out. Although the slate itself is not heavy, it can't stand me with too much force!

Just after the slate over there was lifted off, a cloud of pink smoke rose up in the sarcophagus. Although I don’t know what kind of gas it is, but what comes out of the sarcophagus is not a good thing, so I put the mask down and retreated to the wall decisively, and Kristina also immediately added an air filter Formation to herself. , Retreated to my side with this.

The red gas seems to be slightly heavier than the air. After emerging from the sarcophagus, it immediately slopes along the edge of the sarcophagus like a waterfall, and soon the whole room is on the floor. Are covered with a layer of this pink gas.

Just when Kristina and I could not help taking the risk to look closer to see if there was nothing in the sarcophagus, all of which was red smoke, a slender white palm suddenly Stretched out from the sarcophagus, and then suddenly grabbed the edge of the sarcophagus.

With the appearance of this hand, we seem to hear some whistling sounds, which seem to be caused by the friction of cloth, but because the sarcophagus is quite deep, we don’t know what’s going on inside. . After waiting for a few seconds, something unexpected happened to us. A head slowly stood up from the sarcophagus, and Kristina and I, who were already ready to welcome an ugly and ugly zombie, were stunned when they saw the beautiful head in front of us.

Yes, it's a beautiful head. A silver light gleaming soft hair is slightly curly, slightly pale and overly pale, on the melon-shaped face is a pair of dark red, cute big eyes that seem to be a little awake, with the right nose and light purple lips. , Although it is a little weird, it is definitely a beauty, and at least it is at the level of that kind of regional beauty. There can be one or two this level out of hundreds of thousands of people.

"Ha..." The beauty who sat up from the coffin first looked around with her eyes half-opened and breathed, and then slowly got up from the coffin with her hands bent over. And it was only at this time that we discovered that this big beauty, who is likely to be a zombie, was wearing only a translucent white pajamas, and her long silver hair was dragged down to the waist.

"What's the situation now?" Kristina looked at the cute zombie younger sister and didn't know what to do.

I heard that this kind of problem is not knowing what to do. To be honest, I don't often encounter this kind of situation, but now I should always do something. After thinking about it for a while, I still made the most correct judgment. "First use the control spell to limit her actions. I'll see if this is the target we need."

"Okay." Kristina said, she just wand a little, a light circle. Immediately flew out, and then accurately set on the beauty of zombie. As if she had just found us, the first reaction of the beautiful zombie who was suddenly tied up was not to resist but to scream, just like an ordinary beauty who wakes up early and finds herself standing next to a strange man who she doesn’t know. reaction. But the problem is... you are also a zombie anyway! Please have a zombie dignity, OK? Has anyone ever heard zombie screaming? Moreover. Isn’t the zombie’s vocal cords very hoarse because of dryness? What's the matter with this high pitched tone?

"Who...Is this considered a sonic attack?" I ran to the coffin quickly while covering my ears, and then I took a look at the more high-pitched screams of the beautiful zombie . "Damn!" It was useless after a glance, because the coffin was full of pink smoke, and compared to the ground outside, the smoke on both sides was about to condense into substance. In the face of this situation, I had no choice but to let go of my hands covering my ears, and then reached out and touched it directly against the magic sound of the super high decibel.

Although this coffin is not small, because the sarcophagus is relatively thick, the space inside is actually not large. I didn't touch everything from the front to the middle. Of course, it's not really nothing. At least I touched a pillow and a silk mattress or something. As for the other side of the foot... it seemed that I still felt a piece of stuffed stuffed toy. Of course, the shape of this stuffed toy is a bit weird, because this stuffed toy that looks like some kind of doll always reminds me of the ugliest creature in Undead Race-hate.

A zombie beauty holding a hatred doll? How did this weird creature appear in such a place?

"Hey, Christina, Silent Formation!" Suddenly remembering that this voice can be stopped, I hurriedly shouted to Christina.

Christina also suddenly realized that she quickly released a silent Formation to cover the beauty zombie in. Christina and I were relaxed at the same time the Formation was completed.

"Huh, it's finally quiet!" Kristina said with lingering fear.

"Why didn't you use it earlier?"

"Didn't you remember it for a while!" After Kristina said, she took a look and said "silent" there. The screaming beauty zombie asked, "Should we change our strategy slightly in this case?"

"Normally speaking, it should be." I nodded agreed with Kristina's opinion.

Although according to the task flow, we should now directly knock out the beautiful zombie in front of us, and then turn her into a real corpse, or a state of many pieces of minced meat, this is what What a good player should do. After all, apart from being more beautiful in appearance, there is nothing wrong with the goal of the strictly speaking beauty zombie and little crocodile. The little crocodile said before that the zombie in the coffin is not strong. Although this beauty zombie is very beautiful, she is indeed a zombie, and she only screams is indeed not strong, so there is no problem with the intelligence of the little crocodile.

But. Although it is wrong to judge people by their appearance or to judge people by their appearance, this is just a game after all, not a perverted killer training center. Therefore, the characteristics of the game determine its content will not be so abnormal. If there are cute little children or very innocent beauties or helpless old people directly in the game, then usually will not be the target that needs to be killed, because if the game is set in this way, once the player starts to adapt to this situation, Basically, it can be confirmed that this player has been completely transferred from a normal person to a perverted murderer. After all, even if it is a real murderer, it is rare to see a child who can start without the slightest hesitation.

Based on this idea, the zombie beauty in front of us should not be the target for us to kill directly. After all, if this is the case, then this setting is a little bit abnormal. Of course, we are not entirely sure that our guess must be correct, because the old man and child in the game are indeed not the targets to be killed, but the beauty is not necessarily the case. After all, I have also encountered examples of battle creatures that are very difficult to deal with although they are very beautiful before. It’s just that those so-called beauties actually have some other things on them, such as wings and horns. , The tail or something, anyway, it's not like a normal human being. However, the zombie beauty in front of me is completely a standard human except for the color that is different from normal people! Of course, it is said that the standard human being is based on our current ratio, and it can only be regarded as a miniature figure based on the ratio of normal people.

"Skeet." As I shouted, Skeet immediately rushed in with a group of ringtones Knight.

"Boss, what's the matter?" After Sgoth came in, he looked at us in surprise. After all, he was next to him during the mission, so I knew that there was only a zombie that was not very powerful. As a result It's a bit strange that two powerful people like Christina and I came down to the point where they needed reinforcements.

I pointed to the beautiful zombie who was still screaming in the coffin over there, and said, "Send two brothers over and carry her out. Don’t worry, she’s already bound by magic, she won’t Moving."

Scott glanced at the beautiful zombie over there, then turned his head and looked towards me and asked in surprise: "This is... that zombie?"

I nodded, and then asked back: "Understand why I called you?"

Scott nodded and said: "I understand."

"Okay, go to two people That’s it, the rest follow us to the next room. With this kind of warning, I’m not sure what can be found in the next sarcophagus!"


After carrying out the beautiful zombie, we quickly moved to another room, the previous steps were the same. Push open the coffin lid, then pink smoke, and then a zombie crawled out of the coffin. Although the zombie at this time is different from the previous one, they have one thing in common, that is-they both It's a beauty.

"Is this place specializing in the collection of beauties? I actually made two zombie beauties in a row, wouldn't the other two be like this?" Kristina said depressedly.

In fact, Kristina’s words were unfortunately made. We found the gold objects mentioned by the little crocodile in the third coffin, but at the same time we also found the third beauty zombie from that coffin, and then we opened the fourth coffin without believing in evil, and as expected Got the fourth beauty.

Looking at the rows of beautiful women in front of you, the children who followed us all started talking in surprise. Zombie is a relatively common creature in the game. You can often encounter such creatures in some dark areas, and a large part of them are low-level monsters. Of course, it is not to say that zombies are all easy to deal with. At least some zombies are still very troublesome, such as some domestic zombies in China.

Compared with domestic zombies, European zombies are basically scum, and the high-level goods among domestic zombies are invincible in the ability to compete with giant dragons, but the attributes of domestic zombies are not the same. It's too obvious that when you encounter a Taoist profession that specializes in playing zombie, you will be killed to death, so it has not shown how exaggerated battle strength. But if the opponent does not have a Taoist priest, especially a Taoist priest who deals with zombie, it will definitely be considered the top three existence in battle strength among monsters of the same level.

Of course, the four in front of them can't be regarded as high level zombies, at least they are not high level at all in terms of battle strength. The first zombie that came out only screamed, and I still don’t mean to stop. The second zombie that came out is a mute, there is no sound at all, just looking at us shiver coldly with panic eyes , I don’t know if she is a weak human little girl. We are zombie. As for the third zombie we need... this is actually a queen. A queen's outfit...cough cough...I'm talking about the queen's outfit with a robe on the back of the armor, not the kind of erotic series. Anyway, this is a queen zombie, but the problem is that battle strength is completely asymmetric with identity. Although she is the only one of the four zombies who knows to resist, the problem is that the battle strength really does not exceed five! The method of attack was to knock someone with a scepter, and the arm strength was at best the output standard of a normal woman, and I didn't feel a little deterrent.

The last zombie is the most normal one of the four zombies, because the whole body of this zombie is green, it really looks a bit zombie. But so! Although the color of this zombie is normal green, she is a loli zombie with a height of 1.2 meters, and she is wearing a gothic evening dress, which gives people a very strange feeling. But among the four zombies, this one is the only zombie who didn't resist and showed no fear.

"Then this our mission goal?" I looked at the little crocodile and asked.

Little crocodile said with a laugh: "I'm not wrong! Four zombies, the battle strength is not high, what's the problem?"

"The problem is nothing wrong. , I always feel that the way this monster unfolds is strange!" Kristina said, touching the wrist of the loli zombie with her stick, and then said: "Look, this color is very similar to zombie. But do you see this finger? Where is she stiff? This softness is no less than that of a pianist's finger! And this skin... It's really enviable and hateful! In addition to the different colors, this smoothness is really... …"

"If you want, I can tell you how to maintain it." Surprisingly, the loli zombie actually spoke. She is the only one of the four zombies that is not tied up, because she has always been very quiet, and she is very cooperative in everything, and simply doesn't mean to resist at all.

When I heard the other party's initiative to speak, of course I immediately walked over and asked: "Did you four know each other before?"

Zombie Lori nodded said:" The one who has been screaming over there is my second sister, and there is my third sister who is as timid as a mouse and squatting there. I am Old Fourth, and the queen over there is the eldest sister."

< p>"Are you four sisters?"

Zombie Loli nodded said: "Don’t you see that we look alike?"

"Sorry, your weird complexion It's really..."

"I know that this kind of recognition is really problematic, but you didn't kill us immediately, so you can be sure that you are reasonable people. Then, according to the rules, I can Tell you the password I know, but you have to help us lift the curse on us."

"Then wait a moment." I first called a pause, then turned and looked towards the little crocodile and asked Said: "Thank you for explaining what is going on?"

"Sorry, I can’t disclose too much information because of the rules, but I tried my best to avoid conflicts between you and these zombie princesses, so I told You and them are very weak, so you won’t use killer moves directly at first. As for the subsequent judgment...that is your test, so I can’t warn you in advance."

I’m nodded. Accepting this explanation, and in fact, as the little crocodile said, if he hadn't told us in advance that these zombies were not powerful, we might have used a big move to explode the coffin together. So, we did not make a mistake thanks to the help of the little crocodile.

"So, does it mean that we can know the truth now?" Kristina asked.

The little crocodile nodded said: "Your test has been completed, so I can tell you the truth now. In fact, the next level requires four passwords, and this password is not with me, and It’s in the minds of the four of them, so if you kill any of them before, then your mission will be a complete failure."

Hearing this answer, Chris and I Di Na was shocked, thanks to we didn't really kill these beauties, otherwise it would be extremely unlucky this time. Each zombie Princess of the four passwords only has one paragraph. If we kill any of them, it is equivalent to destroying the password by ourselves. The following levels can only end without a disease.

"Huh, really hanging!" Kristina sighed.

I nodded and turned to the loli zombie over there and asked: "That's good, I already know your situation, then do I need us to help you?"

< p>Lolita zombie nodded said: "First I will tell you a password, and then you have to complete the 1st Step work according to my password, and then you can proceed step by step. You can't remember if you tell you too much now , So you should move first."

"What do you want to do?" Kristina asked.

"First you need to use a lot of manpower, and then start collecting stones." Loli Zombie said.

"You want stones again?" Kristina asked in surprise: "I just built a pyramid, what are you going to do this time?"

"Build a pyramid that is exactly the same." Luo Li Zombie almost sent us all on the ground with a word.

"Are you sure you are not joking with us?" Kristina asked in surprise: "The previous pyramid itself is only more than half completed, and it took us so long, you Now we want us to rebuild an exactly the same one, don't you kill us?"

"Are you called Christina?" Lori zombie suddenly asked.

Kristina’s puzzled nodded asked: "What are you doing?"

Lori zombie said with a smile: "Then Miss Christina, if I tell you, build The new Pyramid will improve your attributes. Would you like to waste a little time to accomplish this?"

When the little loli zombie said this, his expression was like a demon who tempted humans to sell their souls The same, but Kristina was tempted. In any case, it is a very good thing to improve the attribute, if it is just to build a pyramid, it is indeed not a big thing. After all, we don't really have to rely on a few people to build it. Don't forget that the Death God Guard and Qilin warrior are below. We have tens of thousands of people here to help, and there are a large group of giant creatures that are even better than Crane to help us build these stones, so the construction work should be very fast.

"Since this is part of the mission, there is no way." I asked aloud, "What are the requirements for the new pyramid? Is it exactly the same as this one? There are also requirements for the location of the building. Is it?"

"Of course." Lori zombie said: "The new pyramid needs to be built at that position." Lori zombie pointed at it, and then we looked at her fingers together, and found that The location she pointed to was actually halfway up the mountain. In fact, that place is a platform protruding from the sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, but the area is not very large. Of course, putting down a pyramid of this size on it is not a problem. After all, the pyramid is actually only three meters high, and the bottom side is only more than two meters long, which is not really big.

Of course, we unconditionally obey this request. Anyway, it's just a change of position.

Following my order, both the Qilin warrior and Death God guards were turned back against the summon, and then a large group of people on our side began to fly directly to the platform over there by lucky. The height of this platform is actually not very high, it is about seven or eight meters above the ground, but because of our current size, it still looks quite high.

I just didn’t see it from below. After I came up, I found that the area of ​​the platform was actually larger than it looks below. If you squeeze it on top, it’s not a problem to put down the two pyramids, but what we need It's just a pyramid.

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