"Okay, we are all here, can we start?"

"Of course." The crocodile monster said very quickly and quickly: "Since you have decided Okay, please stand up to their respective positions."

When I heard this question, I quickly turned around to see the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom outside the court, and the other party immediately shouted at us: "You are under your feet. The area marked by the line is the battle grid. Only one person can stand in each grid. There is a red line in the center of the chessboard. This side of the line is all our grids. As long as one person has one grid, there is no fixed position requirement. But it is best to put the mage and archer behind so as not to be attacked in advance by the other party."

When I heard such a prompt, I already understood how to arrange the positions.

"All the warriors come to me. Kristina, you take the division to the back and separate a little bit. Don't get too close. The archer goes to the edge of the chessboard to find a place by himself, and all of them are scattered for me. "

The personnel on our side immediately moved after hearing my command. Kristina formed a loose array with twenty wizards and stood at the back of the chessboard. Although the area of ​​this chessboard occupies almost the entire lake, it is actually only slightly larger than the football field. This distance is basically a full-screen attack for the wizard, which means that the firepower can cover the entire field regardless of standing, so there is no need for the wizards to get close to the War Zone and hide directly outside the War Zone. Just carry out fire coverage. The position of the archer actually means the same thing, but the three archers are divided into three directions, because the archer’s attack only has two ways of direct shot and projectile. Although it is still a full-screen attack, the accuracy is impossible and the wizards have the same magic as tracking missiles. In comparison, they need a sufficient shooting angle and cannot be blocked by their own people, otherwise the archer will have to use a projectile attack, and when the number of people is not enough, the archer's projectile is actually a fight for character, and there is no accuracy at all. At all.

Except for the division and the archer, of course, all the rest are warriors, but I didn’t let all these people pile up by my side. After all these people were gathered together, I started to direct them separately. On our side of the red line, a canine-toothed wave of defense line was discharged.

The purpose of the warrior group's expansion is of course to build a defense line to prevent the enemy from crossing our defense line to directly attack division and archer, but this game itself is not the same as the general game, here is not simply based on the first attack victory. If you are out of the game, that is to say, it is possible that you may use your own pieces to eat other people's pieces, and as a result, your pieces will be eaten instead. Moreover, in addition to the possibility of anti-eating, there is a problem that the opponent's attack may not be aimed at only one square. Although every square on this chessboard is actually a four-meter by four-meter square, the problem is that many magics cover far more than sixteen square meters, so in case our people gather together, it’s very likely It will be a big move by the other party. Therefore, it is inevitable to distribute personnel, and there must be at least one square between two people, otherwise it will definitely suffer a big loss.

After all of us were in place, the giant crocodile monster immediately opened his mouth and blew to the board without waiting for me to speak. I saw a burst of white smoke suddenly rising from the edge of the board, and then followed. The airflow blown by the crocodile monster quickly swept across the entire chessboard. Fortunately, this kind of smoke has not always filled the chessboard, otherwise we would really suffer. When the white smoke completely swept over the chessboard, we found that the half of the chessboard opposite the red line was completely occupied by a large group of creatures that have nothing common with each other.

"Damn... don't you want to play like this?" As soon as I saw the chess piece on the opposite side, I was completely spartan. Although the queen has told me that the number and types of the opponent's pieces are uncertain, the problem is that this time is absolutely unique, because the entire chessboard on the opposite side has been completely occupied by the opponent's pieces, basically I can see The densely packed areas are all combat creatures, and there is almost no one where there is no one. In terms of military strength alone, the opponent's number is at least five times more than ours, and it seems that the opponent's chess pieces are not weak in battle strength, so I now start to suspect that the previous crocodile monster's suggestion is purely cheating us!

After hearing my complaint, the crocodile monster on the opposite side laughed and said with a smile: "Don’t complain. This is a luxurious reward I specially prepared for you. Most people don’t like me. Give them so many benefits."

"Do you call this a benefit?"

"Now I'm afraid you don't believe it. You will gradually understand after a while. , Remember to thank my Lord Crocodile for his generosity."

Although I have doubts, I can only say this as the other person’s head is wrong, or I am just playing with us. Play, but in any case, we still have to follow other people's rules. After all, what can we do if we can't beat us now?

"Okay, let's start now. Who of us will move first?" I asked aloud.

The crocodile said strangely: "The right of way depends on luck." With his words, a huge dice with a diameter of more than one meter suddenly appeared in front of me, and then the crocodile continued: "This dice has six For each side, you can choose the odd number to represent yourself or the even number to represent yourself, and then throw the dice out by yourself. When it stops, the upward side shows the number whose number is displayed first."

I nodded and said: "Then I will choose a pair." After I finished speaking, I threw the dice out. The dice was unexpectedly very light. After being thrown out, it flew up high in the sky, and when it fell, it started to mess around again. Jump, the elasticity is actually very good, but no matter how elastic, there will always be a stop, seeing that the dice is about to stop, and the number above is clearly four, which is our number, and according to the current situation The rolling force is also impossible to turn it over again, so I almost think that we moved first. However, at this time, suddenly a centaur archer in the opponent's array raised his hand and shot an arrow at the dice. The dice that had been almost stopped were flipped forward immediately after being hit like this.

"Damn! Can I still interfere with it?" I exclaimed.

The crocodile monster haha ​​laughed and said with a smile: "It is not said in the rules that it is impossible! But now the game has started, so be careful not to leave the square where you are."

After hearing the other party’s words, I looked at the dice that was obviously about to be completely still and immediately made the other party startled to fall the chin. I saw that I grabbed the eternity in my hand and made it stretch quickly, and then it changed directly. It became a large tongs more than five meters long and clamped the dice that was about to stop, and turned it over in front of the crocodile monster. It was placed on the chessboard, and because I was not throwing but placing the dice with eternal change pliers, the dice was completely stabilized almost when I let go of eternity.

"So we should go first, right?" I asked aloud after placing the dice.

The crocodile monster, who was so surprised that he forgot to close his mouth, reacted at this time and quickly said: "Okay, you can go first. You can only command one chess piece to move at a time and the total time for the action is one. minute, as soon as the time is up, no matter what you are doing, you must stop immediately. If the person who continues to move or attack after the violation timeout will be directly killed by the magic on the chessboard. Then start now, from the moment your chess pieces start to act Start timing, the time will first be behind the two sides of the team, you must not overtime."

I nodded, and then I saw a huge red dial appearing in all four directions of the chessboard at the same time. There is only one pointer on it. Looking at this scale, it is estimated that one turn of this pointer is exactly one minute.

Because there are timers on all sides of the board, I don’t worry about timeout. After thinking about it for a while, I didn't rush up directly, but first asked: "Well, if the wizard does not move and starts preparing the magic, will the timer start?"

"Of course. I said. It’s not moving but taking action. You start preparing magic, or archer starts to aim. It’s starting to act."

I nodded again, and then asked: "Can I summon the pet to help?" "

"Yes, but except during the action, you must stand in the same square with you at other times, and your attack target must be the same target. Summon a large number of creatures are not allowed to attack multiple at the same time Target. Of course, if you have time to kill a target within the action time again, of course you can continue to attack the next target."

After confirming these two rules, I immediately responded. Kristina shouted: "Kristina, the first kill is for you, do you know how to do it?"

"Understood." Kristina immediately took the staff in her hand after answering. Pushing into the ground forcefully, followed by circles of substantial energy shock waves, and then quickly sweeping across the valley with her as the center. At the same time, Kristina’s equipment also began to look like Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Change, when the rays of light are over, Kristina has turned into a golden light gleaming elemental queen form, which is her strongest ultimate form.

It took three seconds for the queen of elements to transform. After completing the transformation, Kristina immediately held the staff in front of her as if praying and recited the super long incantion, and at the same time, The horrible magic wave is beginning to gather above our heads, and the intensity of this energy wave is still increasing crazily at a very exaggerated speed. Even the crocodile monster on the opposite side was taken aback. Didn't expect Kristina. There is such an exaggerated magic.

Because the movement time of the chess piece is only one minute, it took three seconds to transform, plus the preparation interval has actually passed by five seconds, and Kristina’s incantion actually read this time. It took more than forty seconds to finish. As for what she was reading, she couldn’t hear her completely, because her speech speed was so fast that she couldn’t recognize it, but that’s not a problem, as long as the magic doesn’t fail, she can read it fast. It doesn't matter.

After all the incantion was finished, Kristina suddenly opened her white light shining eyes, and then raised her staff with one hand and pointed forward while shouting: "thunder-judgment."

Following Kristina’s conclusion, a golden magic array almost the size of the entire chessboard suddenly appeared on top of our head at a height of more than a dozen meters and aligned at an angle of 45 degrees. I saw that the patterns in the magic array suddenly began to rotate, and the speed was getting faster and faster. When the magic array completely turned into a rotating golden light wheel, no magic patterns could be seen anymore. Three seconds have passed, and now there are only twelve seconds left in the action of one minute, but it was these twelve seconds that shocked everyone on the field, including the villains of Giant Race.

When the golden light wheel was completely formed, a golden light cone about two meters long and less than two centimeters in diameter was sprayed from its center point. If this light cone alone is of course nothing, but the key is how many of Kristina’s magic can be killed by a single body? Sure enough, before the first steel cone completely flew out of the light wheel, more light cones almost rushed out of the light wheel crazily, one by one. Fortunately, the light cones that fly out are not scattered, but all converge toward the center. When it finally falls on the chessboard, the attack range is actually just a circular area with a radius of more than one meter. But... Thousands of light cones in one second are all concentrated in such a large area, the result can be imagined.

The guy who was regarded as the first target by Kristina was beaten into a sieve by a dense cone of light without even using it for a second, and then the huge magic array disc began to slowly rotate laterally. When I got up, the position of the light cone scanning began to move with the movement of the array, so the light cone that was originally emitted in a straight line immediately swept out a long light whip, and any target that was scanned did not last for a second. Yes, basically as long as it touches it, it will be broken into pieces immediately, except for the scum, nothing intact will be left.

When the one minute action time arrived, Kristina had to forcibly terminate the operation of this skill, but it was just the twelve-second burst that was forcibly fired on the opponent's line. A long passage of flesh and blood was created. All the chess pieces within this range were blasted into scum. There were simply no wounded, and all the people who were touched died so much that they could no longer die.

"Damn, give me one minute and I can kill all the enemies here!" Kristina said unwillingly, and besides herself and me, the others around At this time, people were completely shocked by her violent opening, and even forgot to speak. Those little children who were still shouting for Kristina’s elder sister to cheer at the beginning were also silent at this time. The shocking education of this is really too scary. This attack method is not a level of battle with the face-to-face combat that everyone knows before. It can be said that this is simply a massacre with a rapid-fire cannon. No, the rapid-fire mechanism. The cannon does not have such an exaggerated attack power, this is simply using a rocket launcher as a machine gun!

"I have to say that I underestimated your battle strength." The crocodile monster looked at the messy chessboard on his side and said in surprise. Just now, Kristina reimbursed him for nearly eight in just one attack. One part of the chess pieces, according to this attack method, if his people can't get Kristina in seven rounds, then our side can almost clear the field. Of course, in fact, even if Kristina attacked seven times in a row, it was impossible to completely wipe out all the opponent's personnel, because the rotation speed of the magic array was very slow. This time it was because the opponent's personnel were very dense, almost The entire chessboard is full, so when the magic array moves, a large group of nearby people can be emptied at one time. Once the opponent's number drops, this kind of attack will be wasted in the moving process. Impossible has always been like this. Damage output.

I looked back at Kristina with a smile and stretched out her thumb to praise: "Good job. Keep up the good work."

"President, I seem to have found something ."

"Haha, did you finally find it?" The crocodile monster over there said with a smile: "How about? I let you participate in the war and didn't lie to you?"

I glanced at the crocodile monster suspiciously, then turned my head and looked towards Kristina. Kristina, who knew what I meant, quickly explained: "President, the opponent's pawn has a reward for removing the seal. As long as one pawn is killed, we can restore five thousandths of our strength. I just killed the opponent in total. Seventy-eight people, now 39% of their strength has recovered, plus the previous 1%, I can already use 40% of the strength of my peak state."

" There is such a thing?" I looked at the combat creatures on the opposite side in surprise, and then said: "Then give me the opportunity to attack next time. I also need to recover some battle strength."

"Okay." Of course Kristina didn't have any comments, and directly agreed to my decision.

The crocodile monster on the opposite side moved after our action was over, but he didn’t seem to be directing it with words, because we didn’t see him making any movements at all, so we met on the opposite side. A creature in front of the camp that looked like a leopard and a tiger suddenly accelerated moved towards me and rushed towards me, but to my surprise, this creature did not fight me head-on, but went straight through the square where I was. Headed in the direction of the head aunt behind us.

"Fuck me!" Seeing this situation, I was anxious and didn't know how it was half-good. The current leader aunt doesn't have any battle strength at all, but we can't go to help. We can only watch the giant cat creature move towards the leader aunt quickly assault at lightning speed.

The speed of that creature is too fast. It dashed half a chessboard distance before and after five or six seconds and rushed in front of the aunt of the group leader, and then jumped up and it was a direct one strike certain kill. The grown-up mother was instantly seconded. The children watching the battle on the shore all yelled anxiously when they saw this situation, but unfortunately they were not allowed to play, so they could only be there in a hurry and couldn't help.

The tiger and leopard-shaped creature that got the head aunty turned around without stopping at all, and rushed towards the division over there. The fast naked eye could hardly catch it, and it was there in the blink of an eye. Next to the last Mage, and then separated by seven or eight meters, there was a pounce and wanted to make another spike. Unfortunately, the Mage is a combatant after all, although it is not a melee type, but it is not so unbearable. The mage was ready when the tiger and leopard rushed up. When the thing was about to pounce on him, the mage immediately crushed a gem in his hand, and then an oval protective shield immediately unfolded. The monster slammed into the magic shield. The huge impact brought the wizard to the ground several somersaults before getting up again, while the monster turned flexibly on the ground and jumped on again, only this time. The mage was already prepared, and quickly took a step back. A green hazy ball of light flew out when the staff pointed to the front.

The tiger and leopard form monster twisted in the air and forcibly got through under the light group, but because of forcibly adjusted the attack angle, it did not pounce on the wizard this time. The mage is obviously also an experienced high level mage. The light group just now was clearly calculated in advance. After the monster flashed the light group, it happened to land in front of him, and the mage had already launched a thunder formation in this place. As a result, the monster was electrocuted as soon as it fell.

According to the rules, the defending party is not allowed to counterattack, but it does not say that it is not allowed to interfere and arrange traps to intercept. For example, the previous light group was auxiliary spell, not offensive, so it did not violate the regulations. As for this thunder formation, it was arranged before the monster landed. It can only be said that the monster stepped on it himself, and no one can blame others. All this was calculated, so that the monster was obviously confused but could not fight back with the rules.

In fact, less than thirty seconds have passed since the time here. The speed of the monster is really lightning fast. It is simply not something ordinary people can handle, but now he is completely lost. The paralysis effect brought by the strong electric shock made the guy feel as if he was drunk, and his limbs were completely unable to coordinate. The speed he was proud of was completely useless at this time. What's worse is that the mage is still constantly hitting him. Negative type magic, although it doesn't hurt blood, but it makes that guy and Ben can't continue to attack.

Thirty seconds passed quickly, and when the one minute time limit was reached, the monster had to stop in place and enter a static state.

"haha, it seems that Giant Race is sending elites this time!" The crocodile monster over there immediately understood the reason when seeing the mage's performance.

The queen of the Lilliputian country outside the chessboard here immediately said: "This time the guests are so powerful, how long will we have to wait if we don't tell this opportunity to fight it?"

< p>The crocodile monster nodded and said: "It makes sense, but you have to be careful. The pawns I sent out this time are not waiting for you."

"That...isn't it our time?" I Asked aloud.

The crocodile monster nodded said: "You can start at any time."

After getting the answer, I shouted directly to Kristina without saying anything: "Kristina, love. , First restore all your strength."

"Huh?" The crocodile was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted and said: "haha, it turns out that you said that Second Step was your move and you lied to me. Ah! I understand, you are afraid that I will kill the little mage before her strength is fully restored, hoping to use myself to cover her."

I didn't explain anything, because Chris Di Na has already started her action. When Kristina had only 1% strength before, it took a long time to prepare for ordinary magic, but now she has 40% strength and it is different. Kristina, who was instructed to slap her wings directly, rose from the chessboard, and then raised her staff in the air and aimed directly at the most densely populated area of ​​the opponent’s line, and started chanting. It takes a long time to read it for fifty seconds.

At the end of the fifty-second incantion, the entire action time was less than ten seconds left, but in the last few seconds, I saw the tip of Kristina’s staff suddenly A small red light group flew out. This light group is different from the previous magic array. It does not emit any magical fluctuations, and you simply can't even feel its existence. But it was such a small magical light ball that rose up in the wind after leaving Kristina's staff, and when it reached the top of the opponent's line, it had expanded into a huge Fireball with a diameter of at least ten meters.

Without the slightest warning, the Fireball flying above the opponent's array suddenly exploded directly at a height of more than two meters above the ground. The Fireball, which was originally extremely quiet and did not emit any strong light or sound, seemed to be transformed into a small nuclear bomb at that moment. A huge mushroom cloud rose instantly, and at the same time a powerful shock wave swept across the entire board and swept me and the front row. The warriors all blew over a big somersault, and finally had to use their hands and feet to slam on the ground to barely ensure that they were not blown out of the chessboard all the way. We need to know that our location is actually quite far away from the location where the Fireball exploded. People who are directly near the explosion point can imagine the result.

Because everything was obscured by the flame at the moment of the explosion, we didn't see the effect of the attack until the explosion over there ended.

Sure enough, the longer Kristina’s incantation, the greater the magic formidable power, and it is different from the previous magic. Although the previous magic spell chanting time was forty seconds, the release process did not reach the limit and was forcibly terminated by Kristina because the action time arrived. That is to say, the formidable power of the magic was not fully exerted. However, this magic just now belongs to the kind of instant burst type, so it is equivalent to releasing all of its power in an instant, and because the current Kristina's strength is forty times that of just now, so The formidable power of this magic can be imagined. The dazzling magic rays of light are still shining around the entire chessboard, which is the result of the collision between the shock wave and the magical Formation that protects the audience that comes with the chessboard.

Such a terrifying formidable power once again surprised the crocodile monster over there. Although he had already tried his best to think of us as hard as possible with previous experience, he was shocked to see the result. . There are only less than two hundred people left on the entire chessboard currently belonging to the crocodile monsters, and these people are all concentrated in the peripheral zone on the left side of the chessboard, because that position is the farthest position from the explosion center.

"Damn, you keep a few for me anyway! I still have to apply the seal!" Seeing the result of the explosion, I hurriedly turned around and shouted to Kristina.

Christina said a little apologetically: "The time is too short and I have no time to control the formidable power, but isn't the remaining one hundred goals enough for you to reply?"

" Is this enough? One is only five thousandths, and two are only one percent. I need one hundred and 98 goals to fully recover. It’s just enough. How can there be so many here? Not to mention the rest. Surely everyone can let me kill, right?"

"That...I can't help it!"

"You two shouldn't sing the double song there. You guys Are you mocking my chess piece for being too weak?" The crocodile monster said with a slight discouragement: "Okay, it's time for me to act. Even if I have a good impression of you, I can't lose too badly, but I will try my best."

As the crocodile monster’s voice fell, among the remaining chess pieces on the opposite chessboard, the human-shaped pieces suddenly turned around and disappeared on the chessboard. The next second this guy suddenly appeared on the chessboard. In the division of our side, the next sword gave the mage who had previously fought with the meow creature in seconds. It has been less than two seconds since the guy started to act, and in the blink of an eye, we were missing a mage, and the next process was almost the guy's slaughter performance. All the wizards who were close to him are a single shot, and simply have no hindrance. No matter what methods those wizards use to deal with it, it is completely useless.

There are only twenty wizards on our side. That guy took almost one second to complete all the wizards in less than thirty seconds, and then appeared next to an archer in the next second. There are currently two archers left on our side. One of them was blown out of the board because it was too close to the explosion point of the magic before Kristina. When that guy approached the first archer, it was the same as dealing with the mage in one stroke, without any pause at all, and then immediately disappeared in the same place again in the next second.

According to the previous rhythm, we all looked towards the position of the last archer. The guy immediately began to look around nervously to prepare for the other's sudden attack, but unexpectedly, this guy was not by the archer's side. Appeared, but suddenly a body emerged from Kristina's side.

"I rely on your uncle!" Kristina, who was suddenly attacked, couldn't help but swear swearing. The embarrassing movement of a roll on the spot finally avoided the fatal blow, but the other party However, his attack continued to follow without pause.

In fact, the current Kristina has recovered all her strength. She was so embarrassed just now because she didn't expect her to suddenly become a target. Now that it reacts, it is naturally impossible to let the opponent's hand. With one stroke of the staff directly with one hand, only a sound of fire star accompanied by a splash once again opened up the opponent's attack.

The guy who failed two consecutive attacks did not leave, but teleported to Kristina’s back again and attacked for the third time. Unfortunately, when he appeared, he suddenly found himself standing next to him. In a pale-yellow transparent mask. This mask is actually known to everyone, that is, the wizards have just learned to spell and have been using their magic shields until they become the gods. However, Kristina’s magic shield is not placed on herself, but directly on the other party. Body. This kind of change in the way of using magic is actually not uncommon in games, but everyone has made some small usage innovations within the scope of magic attributes, such as this kind of magic application that completely exceeds the scope of the rules. It is a unique existence, and no one has discovered that the protection magic can still be on the enemy before.

The guy who was circled by the light mask found helplessly that he had entered a magic prison. Not only could he not smash the eggshell no matter how he attacked, but he could not even get out of the teleportation ability. , And what made him courage entirely to break is that this light egg is accelerating, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Because there were only ten seconds left when the guy was trapped, the speed of the bare egg was so fast, it flew up to several hundred meters high in the blink of an eye and was still rising. When the time reached the one minute limit, Kristina immediately withdrew the magic, and then saw the guy screamed from a small black spot and fell from the sky, and finally fell on the board with a chirp. It became a meatloaf.

This method of Kristina is a reasonable circumvention of the rules, because the rules say, you can only defend in the round before you move, and you cannot actively counterattack the opponent, so Kris Dina directly used a magic egg to send the other party to the sky, and then after the other party's action time arrived, she lost the right to counterattack, so she took back the magic as it should be by rights, and at this time, that The guy was high in the sky, and after he fell down, he was completely dead. It had nothing to do with Kristina, which effectively circumvented the restrictions of the rules.

"I really don't know what to say." The crocodile monster looked at the mud-like chess piece and shook his head helplessly, and finally could only say to me: "You continue."

Since we have acted, I am not polite anymore. Action at first I started the Divine Domain integration directly. It took two seconds to complete the integration. Then I transformed into a copy of Thunder's attribute. The next second I appeared next to the nearest opponent's piece, and the eternally changing short cone was directly at A skylight was opened on the opponent's forehead, and he immediately appeared next to another target in the next second, and then poke in the opponent's head in the same way. It's done again. With the help of the lightning movement of thunder and the eternal absolute breaking of defenses, my attack is just like the previous slaughter of the other members of the division. Basically, two enemies can be dealt with in one second. After 50 seconds, the time is up, and I have been continuous. Stabbed more than a hundred targets.

"haha, it is true that part of the power of the seal can be restored." Feeling the power in the body, I estimated it, my current strength is almost 58% of the peak state, according to this efficiency, I just need to do it again. I can kill all the remaining enemies. When the time comes, I can at least restore the strength to more than 90% of the peak state. Of course, it may be a little difficult to fully restore.

"There is nothing to say. Your strength is the only thing I have seen in my life. If it weren't for the strength being suppressed by the Rule, I would not be your opponent!" The crocodile blame exclaimed.

I said with a sm

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