"Damn, doesn't this mean fighting to the end?" Looking at the blocked passage, Christina and I went straight to Sparta. If it's normal, dealing with a spider monster the size of a car would be one trick, but the problem is that not only has our size been reduced to only two inches high, but the more deadly attributes are almost suppressed. In this case, the only way to deal with this big spider monster is to continuously create small wounds for it, and then rely on the in-game damage accumulation method to drain this guy’s health bit by bit, and finally consume it alive. .

To be honest, I have almost never used this kind of battle method since I passed the 800th level. Not because I don't have such a combat capability, but because I don't need it. It can be said that killing monsters alive is the most normal in the game system, but it is the least recommended battle method. The reason why it is normal is because the attributes of all creatures in "Zero" are digitized, so relying on this continuous subtraction game, sooner or later, the target's health can be polished. But the actual situation is that monsters’ health is generally more than three times that of players at the same level, and the health of elite monsters is eight to twenty times that of players at the same level. Little BOSS and his like have no health. Fifty times lower than players at the same level. As for those big bosses that can be counted...Thousand times the health value is the entry standard, 10,000 times the health value can only be regarded as a normal state, and 100,000 times the health value is not without it.

Faced with the powerful life force of monsters, relying on countless small injuries to accumulate all of the opponent's health is obviously very unreliable. Therefore, those guilds that brush BOSS need to use thousands or even tens of thousands of people to besiege BOSS one day, one night, or even two or three days, just to be able to drain the opponent's health. Of course, this is still ideal data. In fact, BOSS will return blood in real battles, but the speed is not generally fast. After fighting for a day or two, you can imagine how much health it regained during this period of time. What’s more terrible is that the bosses are not lying there and letting you slash them. They will fight back, and it’s a large-scale one. They will also self-medicate. Although there is often a limit on the number of times, they can reply by a percentage each time. Tens of percent of the health value, in addition, these guys will call for reinforcements, if you can't beat you, let the younger brother go on, and then step aside and rest for a while. In the end, when I really found that I couldn't handle it, the BOSS would suddenly bless their hearts, and then turned their heads and ran away. With the health and physical quality of the bosses, as long as they run away with one mind, few people can stop them. Therefore, it is actually the least cost-effective way to slowly consume blood in the process of pushing BOSS. It takes a long time, consumes a lot of time, and is easy to do in vain work.

Faced with this situation, the players came up with a way. Isn't "Zero" claimed to be a true simulation of the laws of nature? Then the creatures in reality will definitely not survive as long as their vitals are destroyed, so there should be such a setting in the game. In fact, this kind of conjecture was already known to everyone in the game Early-Stage when they first came out of Novice Village. After the 200th level, there are almost no players who don't know this. But the problem is, everyone knows that critical attacks can quickly and easily handle any high level monster, but can you hit it?

Monster is not a fixed target. People can run, jump and counterattack. It is not as simple as imagined to accurately hit the key point in a sports battle. So, even if this is a secret that everyone knows, in fact, ordinary players still have no choice but to play attrition wars with BOSS. Only the small group of Peak players can really do the critical attack. Of course, this so-called small group of Peak players actually has a large number of players. There are such people in many large and medium-sized guilds, but they are not too many to be allocated to each guild. Moreover, even players who can achieve critical attacks must be ranked. For example, Christina and I can do one strike certain kill as long as we catch a chance. Basically, as long as we spot the chance and hit it, most of the battle is over. But after all, we are the first or two in the battle strength list, and most players can't do this kind of thing. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the so-called players who can achieve critical attacks are occasionally hitting a monster once or twice to greatly reduce the battle strength and life value of the monster. In the end, the boss must be slowly worn to death by the method of exhaustion.

In view of the above reasons, all players must try their best to use critical attacks to cause as much damage as possible to the monster as long as they have the opportunity. I can’t do this stably until I reach level 800, but after that, as long as it’s not the big powers that are familiar to the world’s names, or hidden super bosses, ordinary BOSS-Rank or small bosses, I basically do it. You can easily move in seconds. This is not entirely because of my high attack power, but mainly because I can hit the key every time. Otherwise, with those monster's super life force, even with my attack power, it is impossible to kill them without dozens of effective hits.

However, the current situation can be said to be terrible. Christina and I are only two inches tall. An attack with this size is impossible to cause a critical attack effect anyway, even if it hits a position such as the heart or throat, with the length of the weapon in our hand, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate the real key. It is also impossible to put a needle eye a few millimeters deep in the enemy's throat. Besides...Who can tell me where the spider's throat and heart are?

If you can't carry out a critical attack, it will only be a hard waste. It's just the life force of this monster...

"What about that thing?" Since fighting is a must, there is no need to hide. I directly started asking the Queen of the Lilliputian about the whereabouts of the spider monster, because we haven't seen the monster that should have appeared here.

We are also very confused about our problem with the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom, because according to normal circumstances, after we enter this range, we simply don’t need to look for it, and that thing will come out on its own initiative. .

"It's weird! Normally, the monster always jumps out immediately by itself. What's going on today?" The mage who was next to the queen asked suspiciously.

When we were wondering where the monster went, we suddenly heard a very harsh scream from the front. This sound sounded a bit like the cry of a pig. Of course, it was not the kind of contented grunt that a pig made when eating, but a scream similar to the kind of scream made when a pig was killed. However, this is not all the sound. Just as I heard that scream, another roar-like sound followed.

"This is...?" After listening for a while, Kristina suddenly frowned and asked: "How many monsters are there?"

The queen said unsurely: "Because there should be only one spider monster. Our people have been here and back for more than ten thousand times, and have never found a creature other than that spider monster!"

"Isn’t it found out." As I said, I said to the children around me: "Wait here and don’t move, I’ll go see what’s going on." After I finished speaking, I didn’t wait for the children to answer me. So summon went out of Asuka and jumped up. Kristina quickly grabbed my arm and jumped up. Asuka immediately accelerated and shot away, and flew directly in the direction of the sound, but we hadn’t had time to fly far to the other side. The monster appeared by himself first.

Following a burst of flying sand running stone, the cave in front seemed to have been blasted by a directional blast. A large group of crushed stones flew out together with a lot of dust. Two silhouettes entangled in the back of the thing. However, before the two silhouettes landed, they separated in the air and became two individuals landing separately, and only then did we finally see what it was flying out.

There are two creatures that have just appeared. Among them, the one with its back facing us is a relatively common giant spider. Although I don’t know what kind of monster it is, this monster with a similar shape is It is a very common type in the game, and they basically belong to a subspecies of a known monster population. If nothing unexpected happens, this spider monster with its back facing us should be the creature that the Queen of Lilliput said they would often encounter before. As for the other one...

To be honest, I don't know what kind of creature it is. First of all, the shape of this thing is completely different from the thing on Earth. Although the creatures in the game are all kinds of strange things, of course there are some quite strange creatures, but this one is still a very rare creature.

First of all, this creature is not much smaller than that spider monster, at least equivalent to the size of a miniature family car. In addition, this guy's body structure is also very special. It has a main torso similar to peanuts, which is a structure with two large ends and a thin middle. However, because the two ends are basically the same in size, it is impossible to tell which one is the head and which one is the tail.

A total of 16 pairs of limbs grow on this strange peanut-like torso, that is, a total of thirty-two stretched moving parts. However, these moving parts are not a neatly arranged structure that grows under the body like centipede's legs, but are randomly distributed in all directions on the body of this creature without the slightest regularity.

In addition to these limbs with strange growth positions, its limb structure is also very strange. The limbs of this thing are not the structure of arthropods, but the structure similar to amphibians, which is a structure closer to our mammals. Each of its limbs and feet is composed of three joints, and the range of motion is very large, and there is a structure similar to the foot growth at the tips of the limbs and feet, but the structure of the sole is very similar to the sole of a frog, not only has knuckles, And there are webbeds in between.

According to the existence of this kind of fins, it can be judged that most of this creature can move underwater, and in fact its skin also shows this, because its skin looks almost like a frog , It seems to be a kind of slippery skin with mucus, and there are a lot of yellow-green spots on the surface of the skin, which looks a little nauseous.

If only these structures are mentioned above, the shape of this creature can only be said to be rather strange, but if you add the characteristic of not being able to find other organs, it is really weird. In fact, the body of this creature is not only indistinguishable from the head and tail, but even the eyes, ears, mouth and nose are all invisible. It can be said that this creature simply cannot find the two existences that a creature needs most-eating. Mouth and excretion.

No matter what kind of organism, unless you can photosynthesize like plants, or simply can carry out cell nucleus reaction, otherwise you need to take in energy from the outside. And if you want to take in energy from the outside, the most basic thing is that you need an intake of energy substances, that is, the oral cavity in a popular sense. Of course, if it is a silicon-based lifeform, a power interface is enough, but the problem is that this one obviously belongs to the category of carbon-based organisms, so this thing must be eaten. However, we can't find anything that can be regarded as an oral cavity in this thing, and even its skin looks like it is completely sealed, and there is no gap or opening at all.

We really don't want to encounter this kind of weird creature, because any such irregular creature is almost equal to no weakness. Although the creatures on Earth look different, everyone still has a lot of common ground in the evolution process. The monsters in the game are mostly based on the existing creatures on Earth to imagine and expand, so those monsters are even long. It’s more weird, and you can usually find a rough spot. It's just that this creature doesn't even know where its head is. How do you say it's going to find the key?

"What about a strange creature!" Kristina said while looking at the Unknown Creature falling on the ground in front of her.

I wanted to say something to Kristina, but suddenly I saw the Unknown Creature over there and suddenly lifted my body up a bit. Seeing it, this posture seems to be The appearance of jumping. Therefore, I made a decisive decision and directly pressed Kristina back onto Asuka's back, and then ordered Asuka to turn away at the maximum speed.

It turns out that my decision was very correct. The Unknown Creature actually jumped up when we turned, and at the same time, at least three long legs stretched out towards us. This guy's foot structure is similar to that of a frog, but the finger bone seems to be more flexible and obviously has the ability to grasp. However, the speed and flexibility of Asuka are not covered. After the size is reduced, the thrust-to-weight ratio increases. As a result, our speed does not drop but rises, and we get out of that guy's attack range in the blink of an eye.

When the Unknown Creature here failed to launch a surprise attack on us, the spider monster there also started to move at the same time, but its target was not us, but the Unknown Creature in front of us. I saw that spider monster suddenly jumped in the direction of Unknown Creature, and shot a spider silk directly in the air, and then staged a real version of Spider-Man, directly sticking the spider silk to the top of the cave, and then resembling Mount Tai. The same swung past.

Because it was the next step to jump, the spider monster had completely grasped the trajectory of the Unknown Creature over there, so it immediately threw it to the ground. However, the Unknown Creature was not obediently surrender after being pounced from the air, but instead stepped on and kicked the spider monster by taking advantage of his many legs. Although there are no claws, the Unknown Creature's limb strength is obviously not small. The spider monster has clearly successfully pushed the Unknown Creature to the ground, but there is no way to launch the final blow.

The last blow of the spider is obviously its fangs or stings on its tail, but these two things grow on its torso, and both are relatively short. It needs to be close to Unknown Creature. In order to launch an attack. However, the resistance of Unknown Creature made this spider monster no way to get his body close to it, so fangs and stings were not used, and he had to rely on himself. Those eight sharp knife feet cut this Unknown Creature. It’s just that the knife foot, which could cause a lot of damage to the enemy, encounters this Unknown Creature, but it becomes a useless item, because the skin on the surface of the Unknown Creature is not only super elastic, but also tenacious, which is more terrible. The mucus on the skin surface of this thing is actually very slippery. The spider is so strange that the blade of the Unknown Creature’s body can’t be pierced with the tip of the knife. As long as it is slightly harder, it will slip, completely holding the guy. There is no way.

"What shall we do now?" Seeing the two monsters over there are in a stalemate, Kristina asked me what to do.

I looked at the monster over there and it started to be a bit embarrassing. To be honest, from a rational point of view, I actually prefer to kill the spider monster first. The reason for this view is mainly because the attack by the spider monster just now has fully proved that this Unknown Creature is actually inferior to the spider monster in terms of sports warfare. That is to say, this creature should be lower than the monster in terms of battle strength. The spider is weird. However, although rationally I think this should be done, from my emotional and Sixth Sense aspect, I feel that the Unknown Creature should be killed first.

I can understand the emotional judgment, because the shape of this creature is too weird, so it has an impact on my biological instinct, so that I instinctively hate this shape, and I hope to eliminate it directly . However, the aggressive impulse of Sixth Sense makes me a little puzzled.

It is said that my Sixth Sense is still quite strong, but that is in reality. Although I can often make correct judgments in the game, it is the result of reasonable predictions, not Sixth Sense. However, now I really feel that this creature should be wiped out immediately.

Although I don't know why I have such an idea, since I have already thought about it, I should just do it. Anyway, the order should have little effect on the entire battle.

After making up my mind, I immediately took Kristina and flew in the direction of the two fighting monsters, but Kristina got up from the bird’s back immediately after we finished the turn. , And then the wings on her back spread out, and her feet lightly touched Asuka's back, and the body immediately separated from Asuka's back due to air resistance.

Without Christina on Asuka, my scruples will be gone. Directly let Asuka accelerate forward, and at the same time I stood up from Asuka’s back, but instead of jumping off, I inserted my feet into the groove on Asuka’s back and fixed it so that I wouldn’t be caught without using my hands. Throw it off, you can fight while standing on the back of Asuka.

After confirming that I fixed it, Asuka's speed suddenly increased, and I turned the eternity in my hand directly into a long knife ten times the length of my body, and then the long knife It was on the side of the body, directing Asuka to rush up and flew past the side of the Unknown Creature.

Because I have been laying the blade of eternal change horizontally there, when the bird flew past the Unknown Creature, the eternity naturally cut through that guy's body. Unlike the futile attack of the spider monster, Eternal will not be cut into the opponent's skin because of the good toughness. It is not a simple matter to make Eternal slip. You have a corresponding law. After all, eternity is a law-like weapon.

Because the speed on our side is so fast, when Asuka and I sliced ​​open the side of the Unknown Creature and got out of the attack range, the Unknown Creature began to scream violently, and at the same time it’s A long thin line gradually appeared on the skin, and then fluorescent green mucus began to flow out of the thin line. During the period, the god child also had some small particles that looked like glowing lights.

Obviously, my attack just now caused this guy to bleed, and the wound was huge. However, what makes me feel surprised is that I thought I would take advantage of the victory to kill the Unknown Creature spider monster, but after the Unknown Creature was injured, he took the initiative to give up the attack, and then went back as if he had been frightened. He jumped several times and hid in the corner over there in one breath.

"Damn! I'm in big trouble!" Seeing this, if I don't know what's going on, there is a problem with my head, so I didn't hesitate at all, and directly shouted to Kristina: "Kristina, all-round shield!"

Kristina's battlefield intuition is very good, so she actually started preparing before I called it out. Thanks to Kristina's high reaction speed, Kristina had just completed the magic, and after a light blue mask wrapped the Unknown Creature in it, the creature suddenly began to swell. It’s like pouring a certain acid on the surface of an object, and then the object begins to dissolve, and at the same time it begins to foam. This Unknown Creature did not dissolve in this process, but simply produced a lot of blisters. And these things are piled on top of each other layer by layer. In the end, the entire Unknown Creature's corpse is completely turned into a huge sarcoma, which feels like a huge pile of small pieces of meat piled up. The fleshy sore tissue seems to be as disgusting as it is.

Just after the disgusting flesh group gradually increased and eventually expanded to seven or eight times the volume of the Unknown Creature corpse, the body of this creature finally reached its limit, and then just listened to a loud explosion sound, This thing exploded directly, and various disgusting organs mixed with mucus flew around. Fortunately, Kristina completed the magic barrier ahead of time, so all the pieces of meat that flew out were blocked, and because The magic barrier has no adhesion, so they slid to the ground one after another. However, when these things touched the ground, we immediately understood why the spider monster had to run so far.

I saw that Unknown Creature's corpse fragment was blocked and slipped to the ground. All the ground that touched the mucus or meat immediately began to sink downwards at a speed visible to naked eye, and at the same time There was also a chi chi chi chi sound on the ground, as if cold water touched the red iron.

Such a terrifying reaction has proved that Unknown Creature’s corpse is super corrosive. Even the spider monsters over there are scared to hide far away, but let me compare The weird thing is that this monster was just cut in the skin by me, and it wouldn't be so easy to hang up, right? If you want to talk about the past, I certainly don't think. It's normal to lose a monster like this with my attribute in a second. But the problem is that my current attributes are only one percent of the usual ones! In this case, the monster in front of me was killed by me with a single knife, which is rather strange.

Although Unknown Creature died strangely, I didn’t care about it either. For one thing, I thought it might have consumed most of its health before fighting with spider monsters. On the other hand, it is also possible that the characteristics of this monster itself are the same as balloons, as long as the skin is pierced, it will immediately die.

Although it is impossible to confirm what exactly caused the death of Unknown Creature, the key issue now is not the Unknown Creature, but the spider monster over there.

According to the Queen of Lilliput, the battle strength of this spider monster is very strong. According to their speculation, even if some of my attributes are copied, their soldiers probably still need tens of thousands of people. Only by working together can we hope to kill this monster, and there will be considerable casualties during this period.

In view of the judgment of the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom, I probably define this spider monster as a monster of about one thousand levels. A monster of this level is not considered a high level monster in the eyes of ordinary players at present, as long as the player is not too low level, the monster of this level can generally be singled out. However, at present, we are only two inches tall. This kind of figure is going to fight against creatures as big as this car, the difficulty can be imagined. Besides, our attributes have also been suppressed to the point where only one percent remains. Under this circumstance, dealing with a one-thousand-level monster is as difficult as asking me in the heyday to deal with a five-six thousand-level monster.

I originally thought so, but what made us feel surprised again was that the spider turned around and moved towards the depths of the cave and ran over after the Unknown Creature corpse here exploded. At first, Christina and I stared at the other side for fear that the other side was just going to change directions and start fighting, but who knew that the guy just ran over and disappeared this time.

"Eh, Queen Your Majesty. Can you ask what kind of situation is this?"

The queen obviously doesn't know how to explain my question, but the one next to her The wizard cautiously inferred that it might be because of the exploded corpse.

I originally suspected that Unknown Creature's corpse had a problem. Now that I heard the other party say that, I just took this opportunity to run over and study it. Of course, while we are studying this thing, the soldiers of the Lilliputian Nation should not be idle. They are responsible for cutting off the spider silk and clearing a passage for us to go out.

The inspection of the Unknown Creature corpse was carried out very quickly, because we soon discovered that this thing was almost impossible to inspect, because it was evaporating at a speed that the naked eye could see, and soon Completely disappeared on the ground. However, before these things were small, the ground they were on had sunk more than one meter deep because of the existence of these things.

The depth of more than one meter is simply a sinkhole for us now, and even in terms of the size of that monster, it can corrode a large pit of one meter deep on the limestone ground. Come, the acidity of this guy is also evident.

Only the corpse evaporates quickly, so our research can only be dismissed. Fortunately, the speed of the soldiers is very fast, and a passage has been cleared at this time.

In fact, opening the tunnel closed by spider silk is not as complicated as imagined. Obviously, the soldiers of the Little People's Kingdom often encountered the spider silk of this monster, so they even brought special medicines specially used to deal with the spider silk of this guy. This medicine seems to be able to carry out a certain chemical reaction with spider silk. As long as the spider silk is sticky and very tough, as long as it touches this thing, it will immediately become a kind of non-sticky, like a shortbread. The slightest elastic substance. In this case, what the soldiers really need to do is to pour those medicines on Su Si, and then wait a few seconds before going up and tapping it.

Using this method, the soldiers can almost move forward at a speed not slower than walking, and we quickly passed through the blocked area to the outside of the cave.

The outside of this cave is indeed a valley, because the entrance of the cave is relatively high, so you can see most of the mountain within the valley from here.

This valley is surrounded by mountains, and there is no open exit. It is estimated that there may be no other entrances and exits except the passage we entered. Of course, even if there are other entrances and exits, most of them are secret roads and the like.

The area of ​​the valley itself is not very large, and the environment is not very complicated. There is a small lake that is not too big under the mountain opposite to us, and around this lake is a large green area, and there are basically large tracts of forest near the opening on our side, but these forests The plant density is not very high, and the trees here are not very large.

Of course, the so-called not very tall is based on the standards of normal people. With our current height, these things are no longer a big problem. With our current height of two inches, even a dwarf shrub can be regarded as a big tree, and as long as the plant is more than two meters in height, it can basically be regarded as a towering giant tree for us. As for these trees that are generally four to five meters high...it is nothing at ordinary times, but in our view now they are almost catching up with World Tree.

"Chairman, do you feel there is an abnormal fluctuation here?" Kristina asked as soon as she left the entrance of the cave.

After hearing Kristina’s question, I was also frowned and said: "I just found out. It seems that we were locked by something as soon as we entered."

" Can you feel that you are locked?" The Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom who has been following us suddenly asked.

I turned my head in confusion and looked towards her and asked: "Don’t the previous players feel this way?"

Nodded, the Queen of the Lilliputian Country, said: "You are obviously and ordinary The outsider is different. From the very beginning to the giant beast valley. All the things you do, all the results you get are different from those outsiders we met before. Although the outsiders we met before Individuals have different levels of accomplishment, but their processes are the same, except that the situation on your side is completely chaotic. It is simply a situation that has never happened before. We don’t even know whether to bring You go to the next step."

"The next step?" I looked at the Queen of Xiaorenguo and asked, "Are you still responsible for being a guide?"

Nodded and said the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom: "We are not only responsible for being your guide, in accordance with the ancient covenant, we also need to make the final dedication for you, and this process may cause a large number of casualties of our personnel. Of course. Well, because of your outstanding performance in the first level this time, even if we fail all subsequent levels this time, the gains will be more than those outsiders brought us."

< p>The explanation of the Queen of the Lilliputian did not help us understand what the task will look like. On the contrary, it made us even more puzzled. After Christina continued to inquire, the Queen of Lilliput simply asked us not to ask. , When it comes to the place, it will naturally understand.

When we agreed not to ask questions, the Queen of Lilliputian immediately began to command her troops into two parts, one of which is about 10,000 people, and the rest are all Assigned to the second team.

Although the number of this ten thousand troops is relatively small, it can be seen that almost all of the strongest troops in the entire 500-strong Legion are here. Although the remaining ones are not miscellaneous, they are obviously weaker than this ten thousand people.

After the two teams were separated, the Queen of Lilliputian began to command the team of 10,000 people to follow us and move forward, while the huge Legion disbanded on the spot and began to run into the forest. . Kristina looked at the troops without following up and asked the Queen of the Lilliputian in confusion: "How did they disperse? Aren't they afraid of a monster attack?"

The Queen of Lilliput said with a smile "From the beginning of the cave to the position we will go to, everything here is harmless, so even if they are allowed to act alone now, there is no danger. On the contrary, the ones who really need to face the danger are actually harmless. It’s still us."


"Yes." The female mage who was next to the queen said: "We will be responsible for your pawns. Complete the Life and Death Battle flag instead of you. If we pass, you can pass. If we fail, you can only return the same way, and each of you will experience a roulette with only one third probability. Bet, the person who loses will die here, the person who wins is only allowed to leave, the mission is still a failure."

"You mean that we will meet in a while. A chessboard?" I asked in surprise.

The Queen of Xiaoren Country thought for a while and said: "It is indeed a chessboard, but instead of playing with ordinary chess pieces, we use our Giant Race warrior to act as chess pieces, and you outsiders want Acting as a chess player. Of course, you can also choose to fight on your own, but the outsiders before you have no battle strength at all and are completely sealed, so they have not chosen to fight on their own. And, even if they can, I think They won’t do that, because if you just play off the court, even if you lose, you still have a probability of one third surviving, and if you play directly on the court, all the pieces of the losing side will be killed. .So..."

"It's cruel!" A little child couldn't help but said.

"Don't be afrai

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