When I looked back, the sight I saw almost made my eyes pop out, because it was behind Kristina, and I didn’t know when it would happen. An army.

Yes, it is really an army. Not only is the queue neat, but also well-equipped. Among them are not only the reloaded Knight, but also the heavy infantry that uses the combination of sword and shield and the long spear that uses the long spear, and even the formation of archer and division. The lineup is very powerful, and the number is scary. Looking at it, I can’t even count how many densely packed there are. Anyway, the number of areas that I can see at a glance is already over 10,000.

What? You asked me how I can see the lineup of tens of thousands of people in the dense woods at a glance? The answer is simple, because these soldiers are all... only two inches tall.

The army that appeared behind Kristina was not so much a soldier as a toy soldier. Although the lineup of this army is very neat, all the soldiers are only two inches tall. Even if Knight is riding on a horse, the height of the red tassels above his head to the ground is only a little more than three inches. Let alone war with such a small soldier, even if we don’t fight back, with the length of their lances and daggers, they are only equivalent to being pierced by needles. As for those archers...the bows and arrows shot by them anyway. Not much larger than the formidable power of toothpicks.

"Damn, what's the situation?"

"I don't know what's the situation!" Kristina didn't know whether to cry or laugh, said: "I just walked well, I suddenly felt a magic wave behind me. I thought someone was going to sneak attack me, but I saw these little soldiers as soon as I turned around!"

"Wow... so cute... "Because of my conversation with Kristina, the children of course also noticed the soldiers behind them, and then some of the little children yelled, but because Kristina stopped at the end of the line, they were excited. The little children did not rush over directly.

Although it is a bit scary to be trailed by at least one hundred thousand troops, but looking at their lineup, they are completely on the march, which means that they have no plans to fight us at all. Then, since there is no hostility, we don’t need to be nervous.

From the front of the line back to the end of the line, pulling a few children who were trying to get close behind me, I said directly to the little soldiers: "Where is your leader? Why are you following us?"


As my voice fell, the troops below started moving. The shield soldiers and long spear soldiers in front automatically gave up a passage to both sides, and then saw a pretty gorgeous four-wheeled carriage slowly moving away from it under the traction of eight pure white pocket unicorns. The rear of the army came out. After arriving in front of us, the roof of the carriage immediately spread to both sides, and then three little people appeared inside the carriage.

These are three villains who are obviously not soldiers dressed up. One of them is a woman, wearing a very gorgeous court gift, which looks a bit like a queen. There were also two women who followed this woman, but their clothing belonged to two professions. One of the women alongside the queen wore a movement method robes and seemed to be a mage, while the other was obviously a maid.

There are a lot of cavalry around this carriage. Among them, there are also a few high-level existences whose armor styles are obviously different from those of the little soldiers, but these people wear helmets, so they can’t see their looks. , And can't distinguish between men and women.

The people in the car began to say something to me after they appeared, but the problem was that the other person was too small, so I didn't hear what they said at all, but the other person was obviously aware of this. Question, so the mage among them pointed his staff at the queen next to him, and then I immediately heard a voice equivalent to normal people's speaking volume.

"Ahhh, audition. That, hello, powerhouse from outside. I know you must be very confused about our existence, but if you can give me some time, I will explain it to you. The current situation."

What else can I say after the other party has said that? Does it mean that I don't want to listen? "Okay, tell me, what are you doing with so many troops following us?"

"First of all introduce myself, we are giants living on the periphery of this island."

" ......" Facing the other party's self-introduction, I really want to ask, if you are also giants, then what are we? Super Hegemon?

The other party obviously doesn't have any sorry meaning to the name of his race, so he continued directly: "The magnificent city wall you saw before the giant beast canyon was built by us."


"giant beast? The magnificent city wall?" Kristina froze for a while before reacting. "Oh, you are talking about the big ditch full of insects and the 20-meter-high wall?"

"Although you have some problems with the wording, it should be what you said Those places." The other party was obviously dissatisfied with what Kristina said, but from our point of view, what Kristina said was obviously a normal thing. But if you think about it from another angle, it’s normal to call that big ditch the giant beast from the other side’s standpoint. After all, their height is only two inches, and the width of that big ditch is as high as 20 meters, yes. For them, it is definitely a very huge canyon. As for giant beasts... Considering their height, those insects are indeed quite large. And the city wall. As far as the city wall built by each city in the game is concerned, that city wall can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, not big, but not small. But again, considering that the builders are these little people who are only two inches tall... that should indeed be regarded as a very magnificent project of the century.

"Then what... your identity we have figured out, but why are you following us?" Kristina asked aloud.

The opponent paused for a while before he said: "In fact, this is not because we want to follow you, but we are about to fight for you."

"Huh? What do you mean? Explain?"

The queen thought for a while and said: "There is a huge cage in the Central Zone of this island, which contains many gods and creatures. If any one of them comes out, All have the power to destroy the entire world."

Although the queen said it was scary, we did not have any fear, because we already understood that the power she said could destroy the world is From her point of view. Considering their height and possible battle strength, the source of the powerful energy fluctuations that we have previously sensed on this island is indeed an existence that they absolutely cannot contend, so it is not too much for them to say that they are creatures that can destroy the world. At least those creatures are sure to destroy their world. As for our world... forget it! The creatures in our world that are more dangerous than those things are plentiful and easily available!

"Even if there are a group of creatures powerful enough to destroy the world, what does this have to do with you following us? There is also you saying that you are going to fight for us. What does this mean? Ours The battle strength should obviously be much stronger than you, right? What can you do to help us with your size?" Kristina's words were not merciful at all, but the other party didn't seem to care.

"You don't know something." The queen continued: "There is a powerful magical Formation in front of this. Unexpected changes will occur when you pass the Formation. When the time comes, Your original strength can destroy heaven extinguishing earth, and it will also become a weak existence without the slightest ability to resist. At that time, our role will be reflected."

"You mean there is A magical Formation will weaken our strength?"

"Not weakened, but completely sealed." The queen said very seriously: "Your strength will be gradually sealed back during the process of passing through that barrier. In your body, before leaving the scope of this huge magical Formation, your power is impossible to get a slight return, and we soldiers can copy from you about equivalent to one thousandth of your own strength after getting your authorization. When the time comes, our soldiers will gain stronger strength than they are now. They can fight for you and protect you until you want to leave there."

"So what benefits can you get in this process?" I don't think these guys are here to serve us as voluntary bodyguards. Even if someone is willing to help others, they have never heard of sending hundreds of thousands of troops to help others. Moreover, the other party even came out with the queen, so this battle obviously didn't come out to help, right?

"There are actually many good things about us. First of all, we can get a material that is vital to us in this huge prison. This thing is useless for you. It is very useful for us. But after entering there, we will encounter a lot of powerful creatures, so if we go in by ourselves, we will suffer heavy casualties and we will not get much benefit. So it is very uneconomical for us to enter there by ourselves. However, as long as you follow outsiders and get your consent, you can copy your strength and stack it on our own soldiers. This usually allows our soldiers to increase their battle strength by one to two times. In this Under the circumstances, our casualties will be greatly reduced, and we can obtain a large amount of precious materials. In addition, we need to enter the Formation over there without being restricted to our own strength. In fact, we need something. This thing is the previous giant beast. The souls of the giant beasts in the canyon.

In fact, many people have been here before you, and they have killed a lot of giant beasts, but only those killed near the canyon The souls of giant beasts can be captured by our people, and when the giant trees swallow the giant beasts, the souls will be eaten together, so only those giant beasts that you directly kill are meaningful to us. Moreover, every The soul of a giant beast can only allow one of our soldiers to enter the prison over there and resist the Power of Seal. Therefore, how many people we can send each time depends entirely on how many giants you kill in the canyon. beast."

After hearing the queen say this, I finally understand why there were such levels before. It turned out that it is not just to test the player’s combat capability, but also to provide the initial stage for the following levels. integral. Like just now, the two super destroyers Kristina and I killed tens of millions of insects over there in one go. As a result, the miniature soldiers who followed here became a super army full of pits. , If we only killed a few hundred insects, it is estimated that we should be following a small team with only a few hundred people!

With this recognition, Kristina and I both feel that the previous battle is less frustrated. Before, we thought that it was useless to kill insects because we were too strong. We didn't expect to be rewarded. Although we still don't understand what effect these little things can play. Although the other party also said, as long as we allow, the other party can borrow our strength to copy, and then get one-thousandth of our battle strength. Although the one-thousandth battle strength of Kristina and I is quite terrifying to these trivialities, but in terms of our strength, the one-thousandth battle strength in the outside world is not even as good as the ordinary one. The players are great. Regardless of whether Kristina and I pull out, we can easily slaughter tens of thousands of ordinary players without any mortal danger, but our battle strength is actually not tens of thousands of times that of ordinary players. It’s like supposing that there are ten people who can lift 100 kg of objects and one who can lift a thousand kg of items, let them fight, is this guy who can lift a thousand kg of items really can only deal with ten A person who lifts a hundred kg item? The answer is obviously not said. So, if you look at the attributes alone, the attributes of Christina and I are far from being a thousand times the average player, but if we fight with ordinary players, we can easily kill tens of thousands of people. This is the huge damage produced after the concentration of power.

After the queen’s soldiers copied one-thousandth of our strength, their battle strength can only be equivalent to the strength of a five-six hundred-level ordinary player. In the current game stage, this This kind of strength is definitely the five scum of battle, and it may even be the four scum of battle or the third scum of battle. Even if there are millions of soldiers like this, the scum is scum. It is completely normal to run into a dragon with a high level creature like luck to kill tens of thousands of people. Millions of soldiers are not enough for others to kill.

"You may think that our strength is very low, even if we absorb your strength, there is not much battle strength, but what I want to tell you is that the super creatures that are sealed in the prison are in a sealed state. We can’t move around at all. We only need to deal with the little monsters. The battle strength of those little monsters that can move around is actually not very strong. If we use our current strength, as long as there are more than 100 people, it can be harmless. Besieging a monster, and if you get your power, then as long as there are more than 20 people, or even a dozen people, you can besie a monster. Moreover, your strength is obviously much stronger than those who came before. , They can only kill tens of thousands of giant beasts each time, and I can only send two 10,000-strong teams at most once, but you directly asked me to send out all the troops, and there are unexpected giants. The soul of beast is not available. It can be seen that your strength is extraordinary. In this way, your strength is high, and after we copy the strength, the battle strength will be even higher. In addition, this time we came out in full force, with a total of five million troops. I can definitely flatten all the rare beasts in front of me."

After listening to this queen's words, I am really a little confident now, because I suddenly understood. Although their battle strength may really be only at the level of the five dregs, the problem is that the monsters they deal with are not good enough for the nine dregs. Although they are a little bit more powerful than the five dregs, they have not yet undergone a qualitative change. To the point, so relying on the number of people can pile up those monsters. Moreover, as the Queen said, not only can they get more power this time, but the number of people who came out is also unprecedented, and it will definitely be much easier than any time before.

After a simple exchange, we finally confirmed that the Legion composed of miniature soldiers is a force to help us, and we probably have no way to directly participate in the war with the second test card, so we can only rely on these little soldiers. Help us fight.

After the communication between the two parties was completed, the team began to move forward. After getting permission, the children began to harm those little soldiers everywhere. From time to time, they picked up one of them and put them in their hands for fun, although they were protested many times. , But helplessly their size is too small to really hurt people, so the protest did not play any role at all. Of course, the queen and those high level generals are impossible to be harassed, because they are all around me and Kristina after communicating with us.

According to them, it seems that there is some ancient covenant on their side, that is, outsiders like us will get their help when they get here, but although we will lose in the following levels All their own power, but they will completely obey our orders. Unless it is obviously a suicide order, they will follow it. And the existence of such a covenant means that the level behind this may not be a test of our own strength, but a test of our intelligence, because we have no way to participate in the war on our own, but can only become commanders. Of course, because the battle strength of these creeps will inherit one-thousandth of our strength, our battle strength is not completely useless in this level, but can be used as a bonus.

The reason why Christina and I have to communicate with the queen of the villains and the high level personnel is because we need to command them to fight afterwards, so we must figure out the specifics of these villains in advance combat capability and battle method. After all, if you don’t even know what abilities the soldiers in your hand have, no matter how smart a general is, it’s impossible to fully use the battle strength of your troops, right?

Just after we have almost understood the battle strength of the villains, a sloping mountain wall suddenly appeared in front of us and began to extend upward. This mountain can be seen from the outside of the island, but when viewed from a distance, I did not find that the side of the mountain is so steep. According to the Queen of the Lilliputian State, this mountain is protected by special forces. Not only is there no way to fly in the sky, it can't even climb on foot.

"Can't climb or fly, how are we going to get there?" Kristina asked.

The Queen of Xiaoren Country explained: "We don’t actually need to go up. This super biological prison is actually inside the mountain, and the top of the mountain you see now is just an illusion. In fact, this mountain is a phantom. The ring-shaped mountain range, as long as you cross the mountain, the other side is flat."

"Oh, then you must know where the mountain tunnel is?"

"It's not there "The Queen of the Lilliputian Country pointed to a place and said.

"There?" I followed her fingers and looked over, and almost no blood spurted out. "Damn it, is this a tiger hole?"

There is indeed a hole in the place that the Queen of Lilliput refers to, and it is not as exaggerated as I said, and it is not really only a mouse. The size of the hole. In fact, the height of this entrance is more than one meter, and the width has reached about two meters. As long as we bend over this kind of entrance, we can get in. However, the inside of this hole is gradually smaller as the naked eye can see, and the narrowest place that can be seen is probably only a medium-sized dog that can barely squeeze through it. This kind of width is basically as wide as a train tunnel for the guys in Xiaorenguo, but for us, it is a size that is absolutely unacceptable even if the armor is taken off. And let alone Christina and I, even among the group of children, it is estimated that few have been there. After all, human heads are notoriously big in the animal world. Dogs at this hole can only squeeze past them, so don't think about human heads!

"This, this...Are you asking us to dig a hole?"

"No no no, this mountain is blessed with magic, you can't dig it. Don't believe it You can try." said the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom.

To be honest, I really don’t believe it, so I just gave Kristina a look, and the latter quickly raised his hand and it was a lava bomb. As a result, there was a layer of earth- above the mountain. The light film of yellow disappeared in a flash, and the lava bomb did not produce any damage. However, when Kristina and I were surprised by the protective cover on the mountain, the guys in the Lilliputian were all dumbfounded.

The lava bomb released by Kristina is a high level magic. The formidable power is very large, and the effect is quite exaggerated. Even for people of our size, the lava ball emitted by this magic It's already much larger than the human body, and for these guys in the Lilliputian Country, it's almost like an alien meteor. Seeing that Kristina can throw this level of magic at will, the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom and the other villains finally have a more intuitive concept of our battle strength. Before, they just judged that our battle strength was very strong from the number of insects we killed, but they never thought it would be so strong. After all, we didn't try to run away at the time, but felt that there was no point in killing anymore, so we took the initiative to evacuate. Therefore, the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom estimates our strength based on the number of insect deaths, and our strength is actually far from our limit.

"There really is a magical barrier! So if you can penetrate it!" I said, I took out the eternal illuminating the mountain next to it is a sword. The yellow mask appeared again without any surprise, but in the stunned gang of Lilliputian guys, my eternity penetrated directly like a soap bubble, and then the tip of the sword touched it. The mountain, after feeling the slight resistance, directly penetrated the mountain and inserted it into the rock. I feel that the hardness of the Zhongshan body does not seem to be as exaggerated as imagined, but it is slightly harder than ordinary steel. The real trouble is the outer protective cover. Although my eternity can be moved, I can't turn eternity into a tool of labor to dig a tunnel, right? As for the existence of steel claws and trailblazers that are good at drilling holes, I have tried them, and none of them can walk through such places.

"You can actually hurt the mountain!" The Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom looked at me pulling out the eternity, her mouth started to tremble. They had never seen any creature that could destroy even the smallest stone on the mountain, but I easily made a hole in the mountain.

Although I was surprised that my weapon could destroy the mountain, they were relieved after learning that it was a law weapon. After all, the rule-like things are the ultimate existence in the game. They are completely unreasonable and based on the victory method, and there is no room for bargaining at all. As long as something without rules meets something with rules, the pairing will be finished at one touch, and there is no comparability at all. Although this mountain is protected by magic, after all, it is just that magic is not a law, so since eternity is a law weapon, it is not surprising that it can hurt the mountain.

After entering the power display on our side, the Queen of the Lilliputians immediately became more respectful towards us, and then they began to explain to us. The cave in front of us is actually a passage with a special magic attribute. The creatures entering here are equivalent to formally entering the scope of the huge magic prison, and the function of this passage is to shrink the body of a normal person to the same proportion. The same size as these villains in the villain. However, this passage has no effect on the villains themselves. In other words, as long as we walk into this cave and pass through the smallest position in front of us, our height will shrink to the same level as these villains. The same size.

For this thing, Christina and I did not have much reaction. After all, I have seen something similar before, and Christina seems to know that there is such a magic that can shrink people. However, although we did not have much reaction, the children were all very excited. They are all very excited, and they want to quickly get smaller to see what it looks like.

Although they all wanted to be small, but for safety reasons, I and the Queen of Xiaorenguo took the lead, and there were already tens of thousands of soldiers from Xiaorenguo before we entered. One step into this. They enter the interior to protect us in advance, because once through this passage, not only our size will be reduced, but our strength will also be completely sealed. When we enter the passage, our battle will disappear completely, and we will become an ordinary person. state.

Because the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom has already told us about the characteristics of this channel, when I entered the channel and sensed that suppressing power came, there was no panic, and my side The task scroll also gave a prompt synchronously, indicating that this is a normal situation. As for the children in the back... they are starting to be so excited now, because under their gaze, I walked shorter and shorter, and finally I reached the narrowest place and became the same size as the villain in Xiaoren Country. , All the children who were watching were excited and wanted to rush in immediately.

Because I got confirmation from the scroll, I was relieved to let them all in. However, after entering here, I felt very strange, because according to the meaning of the queen of the Lilliputian kingdom, we should have full strength after entering here. Any battle strength is right. In addition to being able to run, jump and walk freely, we will lose Any combat capability, but now, although I feel that my power has been suppressed for a large part, it is strange that it is not all. I can sense that my power can still be used, and it seems that the remaining ratio is as high as one percent.

One percent of the strength is naturally weak compared to my normal level, but we must know that our current situation is very special, and we can still perform one percent in this volume. The power output ratio of this power will be very terrifying. It can be said that although my total strength has been suppressed, in my personal feelings, it seems that my physical fitness has actually improved. This situation is actually not because my strength has really improved, but an illusion caused by the balance of power. Ability was suppressed, and my strength dropped to only one percent of the normal value, but the problem is that my weight is now less than one percent of the previous value. In this way, after the strength drops, the strength value corresponding to my unit weight has not decreased, but has increased, so the feeling reflected in the body is as if the whole person has become light and fluttering, and it seems that the whole body is full of strength.

"Queen Your Majesty, ask a question."

"Please speak."

"You are not saying that our power will be suppressed after we enter here, completely Did you lose battle strength?"

"Of course." The Queen of Xiaorenguo looked at me in confusion and didn't understand why I asked this. After all, she had said it very clearly before. People who enter here will not have any combat capability other than them.

After getting the affirmative reply from the other party, I drew Eternity in the eyes of the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom and raised my hand with a sword and swung it out. I saw the red light flashed on the blade, and it appeared immediately. A sword glow shot out, and it instantly crossed a big section of the road. It hit a wall. Although it was blocked by the light shield that popped up suddenly, the sword glow actually flew out. This situation almost dropped the chin of the Queen of Lilliput.

"How is this possible?"

"I am also strange!" I looked at my hands helplessly and asked: "Have you never encountered this situation before? "

The Queen of the Lilliputian country immediately shook her head like a rattle. "How is it possible? No matter how strong the previous person is, everyone here will become an ordinary person without the slightest ability, but you still retain the combat skills, and it seems that your physical fitness has not been reduced due to the shrinkage of your body."

"No, my stamina has been suppressed, and now only one percent of the normal value is left, but relative to this size, this strength is obviously too large. I can even walk now. There is a feeling of jumping up at any time!"

"It's too exaggerated! Is it because your strength is so strong that even the suppression magic here can't completely seal your power?" Queen of Xiaoren Country speculated.

After hearing the words of the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom, I was stunned for a moment, and then I remembered, maybe this is the reason, but if you want to prove it, you can only wait for Kristina to come in. understood. If Kristina’s strength is still part of it, it means that the seal here has an upper limit. Once the strength exceeds a certain standard, it cannot be completely sealed, but if Kristina’s strength is also completely sealed Now, that can only show that I am a special existence. As for what is special... It seems that there is nothing special in me!

After I greeted everyone to come in, the children scrambled to rush in. Kristina, as the post-breaker, naturally followed in quickly, so I saw her soon. Kristina, who had just entered here, didn't realize anything, but I immediately pulled out an ordinary porcelain bottle from the Phoenix Dragon space after seeing her enter and threw it directly at Kristina.

It was almost subconsciously. When she saw the porcelain bottle flying over, Kristina was thrown out by a magical beam. When she heard the bang, the bottle was exploded by Linkong. The Queen of the Kingdom looked at me and Kristina in surprise again, not knowing what to say. It's okay to say that one person is like this, but it's too scary to have two in a row.

"President, what are you doing?" Kristina asked in astonishment when she realized that I attacked her.

"Have you not found that your magic can still be used?" I reminded.

Kristina suddenly realized and exclaimed: "Eh! Yeah! How can my magic work? Didn’t it mean that all battle strengths are sealed here? Although my magic is blocked It’s more than half, but there is still close to one percent of the amount!"

"Then I understand." I said directly: "It seems that the seal here has an upper limit. Once someone’s strength If the seal exceeds a certain standard, the seal cannot be completely sealed. Our strength has obviously exceeded the rated range, so there is still some strength left."

"That..." We are talking, Xiaorenguo The queen suddenly came up, and her expression seemed very tangled.

I looked at her in surprise and asked: "What's the matter?"

The Queen of the Lilliputian country hesitated for a long time before saying somewhat sorry: "That... your strength It seems that it is not completely sealed, does it mean that you do not intend to let us copy the power? That... If you borrow our power to use it, we will help you to complete the task easily. So please you must help us and lend the power to Let’s copy it. If we must, we won’t get the necessary supplies this time, and many of our citizens will be starved to death!"

Although the other party’s words are a bit messy because of being too nervous, I I heard what she meant. What she meant was nothing more than because we still had the strength and worried that we would not lend them the strength so that they would not be able to get the materials they needed. After all, even if they enter here, without our power assistance, it will be very difficult to deal with the monsters here.

In fact, this situation is the first time that the Queen of the Lilliputian Kingdom has encountered it, so she will be so entangled, because the people before them will lose all their strength after entering here, and there is a monster in this kind of situation. Whereas, those players who do not have battle strength as it should be by rights need their help, and they also need players to lend them strength, so the two sides are in a mutually demanding relationship, and cooperation is naturally very simple. But now our strength is not only part of the remaining, it seems to be very difficult to deal with, so we don't have to protect them, but they still need our strength, which has changed from mutually beneficial cooperation to unilateral demand. Under such circumstances, as long as we don’t want to give them strength, they simply have no way of doing it. Anyway, our current strength is still much stronger than them. In this kind of place, their numerical advantage cannot be used at all, so naturally they cannot be threatened. To our safety. Besides, because of the an

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