The second round shelling started very quickly, and basically no interval was felt. It seemed that just after the first round shelling ended, the shells of the second round shelling had fallen.

The battleship of the first round bombardment was half-destructed, and the second round’s attack targets were significantly reduced, so the firepower density was greater. So although the hit rate in this round was very low, the combined fleet’s The battleship felt worse than the previous round. A row of shells passed by, and the battleship in the front row that was considered to be intact was reduced by 80% in an instant. Except for a few battleship walked the lucky dog ​​excrement, none of them were fired in the dense rain of shells. The middle one passed through. Of course, there are obviously not many battleships with this kind of personality, so most of the battle started with collective COS submarines, which soon disappeared on the sea.

Basically, it can be said that the joint fleet ceased to exist after the second round bombardment. Although there are still nearly two hundred battleships on the sea, there are only three battleships that are truly intact among these battleships. . These three ships are not particularly defensive power, but their character is particularly strong, and they can escape from this kind of attack. But this is a small probability event, and this is not the case for the remaining 200 battleships. Except for the three battleships that did nothing at all, more than 60% of the remaining battleships have completely lost all the capabilities of the battleship, including sailing and attacking. Anyway, in addition to floating, this thing Basically, it can no longer be regarded as a battleship. Almost 90% of the remaining 40% battleships were damaged to varying degrees. Some were due to power down and the speed of the ship slowed down, some were unable to control the course, and some were damaged by the artillery system. Anyway, they were basically half-disabled. As for the last remaining battleship, it belongs to the submarine reserve, because they are either catching fire or sinking. It seems that sinking is a matter of time anyway.

The remaining two hundred battleships still maintained their previous course during the second round of shelling, but their escape methods had obviously changed. The three intact battleships are now running at full speed at full speed, and the injured battleship is still running, but they have already started the ZigZag route, and they are continuing to see our battleship that can be seen in the field of vision. Shelling. Their intention of this action is very obvious, even if they are ready to die, they have to pull back. The captains of the European guilds are not fools either. In this case, they all know that their battleship must not escape. The zigzag course is not to escape, but to persist for a while, and the shelling is just an act of venting anger before dying. After all, with the firepower of such a few battleships, it is simply impossible to penetrate the protective shield of our battleship.

After the second round bombardment, the First Cruiser Fleet began to report inquiring about new bombardment data. As a result, the Kristina only provided a few targets for them, and only required a few battleships to fire.

As soon as King Chuang saw this request, he knew that there was not much enemy left, so he assigned a part of the battleship to stop the artillery and distributed the task to the remaining battleship. In the end, there was only one third. The battleship that arrived took part in the third round of shelling. However, because the First Cruiser Fleet alone has more than 700 battleships above the fast cruiser level, even if only one third participated in the artillery operation, the actual number of battleships that fired was also more than 200. Besides, the battleship of this level basically has three turrets on the front deck. Even if the electromagnetic railgun simulated by Thunder Element is now fully replaced, each turret has only two cannons, and that battleship also has at least Six Sect guns. Joined the war.

There are only more than 200 remaining battleships in the combined fleet. The number of battleships participating in the shelling on our side is exactly the same as that of the other side, that is, one-to-one shelling, and each ship is responsible for one target. Six shells are responsible for one target. Judging from the previous record of our guild’s battleship, as long as it performs normally, each enemy ship will receive at least three to four shells. The facts and results are almost the same as predicted. After the third round bombardment began, the remaining joint fleet battleships here were quickly shot and burst into flames.

It was originally a battleship that had been beaten to a half crippled, and now it was shot again, and each ship was not only hit by one shot. The final result is of course as expected, the entire combined fleet is fast In the sinking, only seven battleships are still on the water, and only two of them are active. The remaining five are already floating without power, and it seems that sinking is a matter of time.

"Do you need a fifth round of shelling?" After the fourth round of shelling was over, the First Cruiser simply asked whether to come to the fourth round. After all, according to normal conditions, it is estimated that it is not expected It's the fourth round.

After seeing the few remaining targets on the sea, Kristina immediately replied: “Abandoning the fourth round of shelling, there are only seven battleships left in the enemy fleet floating. We ourselves It can be done."

"Understood." After the reply was completed, the cruiser immediately notified the ships to close the artillery doors and enter the sailing mode. On the other side, the Kristina and the remaining battleships were comprehensive Entered the trimming stage.

The last remaining seven battleships are actually already in a semi-paralyzed state. In this case, simply can't talk about fighting. It should be more appropriate to clean the battlefield.

Although Kristina was seriously damaged, her sailing ability was normal. At this time, she dragged the bare deck to the back of the joint fleet battleship, and then used the only remaining cannon. Aim at the battleship that has been tilted thirty degrees.

The distance between the two battleships is less than two hundred meters. This distance is basically equivalent to using a cannon to fight a bayonet. The only remaining cannon on the Kristina was directly loaded with a high-explosive shell, and then aimed at a large hole in the opponent’s hull and directly penetrated into the cabin. The opponent’s battleship was blasted in the next second. The whole part was broken into two pieces, and then it sank decisively. Within 30 seconds, only a few fragments of floating objects were still on the surface of the sea.

While the Kristina sank a battleship in a venting anger, the battleship that had chased up to the front was also the target of their own choice. It’s not easy to miss at such a short distance. Each battleship only fired two shots, and then all the remaining battleships began to sink into a state of preparation, and three of them were taken by the Kristina. The battleship with the human head was directly blown into two pieces, and disappeared on the sea in the blink of an eye.

"Huh, it's finally done." As the last battleship of the combined fleet sank, Sophie and we both ran to the deck. Although the command room below can direct the battle, it was too frustrated without an observation window, so everyone went on the deck after the battle.

I was about to talk to Sophie about the Kristina. I suddenly felt that someone was pulling my hand behind my back. I looked back and found that it was an eight or nine-year-old Little Sister. .

Because the battle was so frustrated before, I had forgotten that I also brought a lot of children on board. Now I suddenly saw such a Little Sister, I suddenly thought about it. stand up. "Oops, I forgot you guys!" I looked at Little Sister who was holding my finger in surprise, then turned awkwardly and squatted down, then leaned on her shoulder and asked, "Where is your head mother?" /p>

"Just now this battleship died when it collided head-on with the monster." It was not Little Sister who answered me, but a thirteen-fourteen-year-old boy behind her. At this age, many thoughts are basically the same as adults. These all are orphans, and are more mature than children with parents, so this child looks as calm as an adult.

When I heard his words, I quickly patted Little Sister in front of me and said: "Don’t be sad, it’s just hanging up once, and you will be resurrected when you go back. I can send someone to take you to level up for the lost level. Soon You can swipe it back."

"Big Brother, we don't worry about this, but what should we do with our mission?" the little girl asked boldly.

It’s nothing if you don’t say it. I’m even more embarrassed by that. Originally promised to take others to do the task, who knew that the task was done before the initial location, and even more than half of the team members died. This is really shameful. But now that this has been done, I have no other choice but to comfort them first.

"Since I promised to help you complete your task, I will be responsible for it to the end. We can go back first and wait for the resurrected leader and other children to do the task together. Is this okay?"

"Well, I listen to the Purple Moon big brother." The little girl nodded vigorously said.

I smiled and touched the little girl’s head, and then I heard the big child who had spoken before pointing to the rear and exclaimed: "Look, another fleet from behind is catching up. We only How can these remaining ships beat others?"

I looked back, and then explained with a smile: "Don't be afraid, that is the first cruiser of our Frost Rose League."

"Is it my own?"

I nodded and said: "Otherwise, how did you think the combined fleet was killed just now? Just rely on a dozen battleships here to block them No problem, isn't this too ridiculous to be wiped out?"

The boy thought for a while and said: "No wonder, I thought that your battleship is equipped with a secret weapon so powerful that it can be used as a weapon. It’s against a hundred!"

"We can do it with our battleship, but the premise is that we can’t surge up and the opponent can’t run away."

It’s us While chatting, the First Cruiser Fleet from the rear swiftly caught up. Because of deliberately waiting for the first cruiser in the rear, the remaining temporary defensive fleet battleships of the Kristina have been gathered together, and the speed has been reduced to a state of almost stopped.

The commander of the King Breaker, the 1st Cruiser Fleet, soon chased us near. I didn’t think it was far away before. After the 1st Cruiser Fleet approached, I realized how spectacular this large-scale battleship group is. . Unlike the European Union Fleet, although our First Cruiser Fleet has no advantage in the number of battleships compared to the previous Union Fleet, more than half of our First Cruiser Fleet are large battleships, and There are very few small ships that outperform. Such a fleet looks far more spectacular than a fleet with a large group of small boats and several large battleships.

"Purple Moon big brother, is this first cruiser the largest fleet of the Frost Rose Alliance?" The boy who asked me before looked forward to the huge battleship group on the nearby sea and asked. Almost all around us are now obscured by the battleship group. Because it is not in a fighting state, the formations of the battleship group are relatively dense, so at first glance, it feels that there are large battleships everywhere, and because they are close, it looks like these battleships are like floating islands, all of which are big and scary.

King Chuang knew that I was on the Kristina, so naturally he didn't dare to let Sophie report it, because that would mean I would even call it over. I am the president after all, so he can only take the initiative to come here to listen to Sophie's report. However, after seeing the situation on the Kristina, he knew that these battleships on our side might not be able to complete the task of changing defenses this time.

"Chairman." King Chuang greeted me first, then turned to Sophie and asked, "What's the matter with you? The cutting-edge battleship encounters some outdated battleships. After being beaten like this, where is your commanding talent?"

The King Chuang was angry over there. Sophie could only lower her head and dare not speak. After all, the battleship that had just arrived was turned into In this way, she also knows that she has a heavy responsibility. But I think Sophie is pitiful, and the situation this time is indeed due to a cause, so I stepped forward to help Sophie explain. The initial engagement was to test weapons, so I didn't take it seriously. I didn't expect that the opponent used rogue tactics and sacrificed his own people to forcibly surround us, and the guy named Poseidon was also an accident. A variety of reasons came together to come up with this incident, so Sophie's responsibility is actually not great. Even if King Chuang himself was commanding the Kristina this time, the result was not much better. The key is to test the command system's ability to withstand pressure initially, so Sophie gave up the biggest advantage of the guild's battleship-firepower and range, and directly played bayonet with the enemy, which caused a series of troubles afterwards.

"Since there is a president interceded this time, I won't say anything, but your fleet has been messed up now, it must be impossible to change defenses!" Chuang Wang looked towards me helplessly "President, what do you think should be done next?"

I thought about it for a moment and said: "Let the fleet turn around and go back to the great cultivator! As for the issue of changing defenses... Now in Indonesia. What's the situation with you? Do you know the situation?"

"I'm afraid I have to ask the military god about this." King Chuang said.

I nodded directly contacted the military god, and then repeated the question. The military god immediately responded: "The current situation in Indonesia is basically stable. There is basically no much friction between the occupied areas of various countries. It's a conflict between scattered players or small guilds. The situation is fairly stable. As for the Indonesian resistance group... basically that's the case. The battle strength of their group is very bad, although the attacks happen frequently. , But usually it doesn’t cause much loss, so there’s basically no need to worry about it."

"Since that’s the case..." I turned to the king and said: "The Kristina and its temporary fleet are now turning around immediately. Return to Isengard Dockyard for great cultivator. The Indonesian fleet stationed in Hong Kong is temporarily maintained in a semi-organized state. In addition, the escort fleet in this area will increase the battleship establishment by 50%, and the source of ships will be activated first. The modified battleship will be replaced in time. The normal defense will not be changed until the Kristina and its fleet are finished."

"This is the only way now!" Chuangwang nodded said afterwards: " By the way, when I came before, Hong Yue Vice-President said that this time it seemed that someone deliberately plot against us, so let me ask if you need revenge and go back?"

"You know that there too The United Fleet is actually the British guild. I heard about it through the ghost worm, but the information detected by my ghost worm will not be directly passed to the war god, so if Hong Yue they know With this incident, it can only show that the source of the news came from other places.

Sure enough, King Chuang said: “The information sent by our spies in Europe shows that there is a British guild who is advocating the threat theory of the Frost Rose League while gathering those mindless guys to join forces. Deal with us. This sudden appearance of the combined fleet may be the result of this group of people."

"I thought you didn't know it." As I said, I eavesdropped the information from the ghost worm. Speaking to King Chuang, of course, let the military god know about it by the way.

After hearing this, King Chuang asked immediately: "Since the opponent blatantly preached the Frost Rose League threat theory, it means that we have been treated as imaginary enemies. Do we need to do something against them? "

I thought for a moment and said: "It is indeed necessary to do something. Since those guys say something about the Frost Rose League threat theory, then we will threaten them. Anyway, we have a reputation. Already on the back, then simply turn it into a fact."

"Hehe, I like the president of you, and never suffer." King Chuang slapped his fist excitedly. Then he continued to ask: "But how do we get revenge? Can our navy catch something? To be honest, we have been idle pain in the balls recently!" Exaggeration is not a deliberate act of being obedient, but a fact. The Sea Territory environment near our guild can be said to be in a state of enemies on all sides. At that time, Masaga Matsumoto was still the real Japanese leader and was not a spy for our guild. At that time, the number of various battleships in the Black Dragon guild was only a lot more than us. Although our battleship had a technological advantage at the time, because the technological advantage was not very obvious, and the number was less than others, at that time our Frost Rose fleet was almost in a state of playing sports battles with the Japanese fleet. Everyone fights when they encounter it, and ran away when they found that the situation was not right.

At that time, although the navy suffered a lot of casualties, and the battle was evenly alternating between victory and defeat, at that time our navy was very full. Basically, from morning to night, there was almost no time to stop. . Later, as the technical force of our guild gradually became stronger, the number of battleships also increased, and finally completely defeated the Japanese navy. With the downfall of Matsumoto Masaga, Japan was almost without a navy for a long time. status. At that time, we controlled almost the entire Sea Territory of Japan, and there was simply no Japanese battleship around.

However, although our navy had already settled the Japanese navy at that time, the navies of the surrounding countries were still there, and at that time the Americans’ strategic center of gravity was also concentrated in the Pacific region. Therefore, in addition to our fleet To deal with the navies of the surrounding countries, there are also some frictions with the fleet of the American guild from time to time. Even the Russian fleet often appears in this area.

Under those conditions, our navy is naturally very busy. Various combat missions are kept aside, and from time to time they have to be sent to different places to participate in the support of land combat, which can be said to be very substantial. But now... the situation has changed dramatically.

Japan has now become our puppet country. Although the Japanese players don’t know about it, we know that, so we and Masaka Matsumoto are looking for various excuses to avoid friction between the fleets of the two countries, because this is for us Basically, it is internal friction. In addition, due to the recent changes in Japan’s strategy, Masaga Matsumoto, at our request, began to guide Japanese players towards South Korea and Russia. The fundamental purpose of this action plan is to make Japanese players our leading figure, to compete with Lao Maozi. Of course, by the way, let those swaying forces in South Korea come to a halt a little bit.

However, although this plan is very good, it is not good news for Chuangwang and others. Because Japanese players invaded Korea completely, and our guild deliberately released water, the result is that Korea is now basically in the hands of the Korean guild, except for some islands that are not connected to the peninsula. The original territory of South Korea has basically become Japanese occupation area.

Although Masaga Matsumoto is developing the Japanese navy, it is impossible to develop in South Korea, and the Koreans themselves now have no extra battleship to send out except for island defense. This result directly leads to the vicinity of South Korea. The Sea Territory has basically become a vacuum zone. The Sea Territory in Japan is in a delicate balance because of the relationship between Masaga Matsumoto and us, so it can be said that there is basically no fighting at the door of our house.

An Sheng is at the door of the house. Of course you can go to other places, but the problem is that there are no battles to fight in those places.

The battleship technology of our Frost Rose League is getting better and better. The recent naval battles have fully demonstrated our battleship strength to the guilds of various countries. As a result, the players from the small countries in Southeast Asia simply dare not follow We fight naval battles. In fact, just a little bit of brain will not do anything to attack our fleet. The guilds formed by Southeast Asian players are not large, and they are relatively poor. Their battleships are not only small in number, but also in general performance. Every time the player fleet of those countries goes out to sea, there are seven or eight or three or five ships and they leave the port, and the fleet of our guild passing by here is always three to five hundred battleships. How do you say that this scale is going to fight?

So the opponent's fleet simply dare not touch our fleet. Regardless of whether it is tonnage or the number of battleships, any indicator is different by several orders of magnitude. Let alone fighting, it is not even qualified for provocation. If you are not humble, if the opponent's fleet dares to provoke our Frost Rose fleet, our battleship does not need to fire the cannon, just drive directly at them. The biggest battleship in those small countries is the cruiser-level battleship, with a tonnage of no more than 7,000 tons. When we encounter a battleship of 70 to 80 tons, it will be over if we touch it. So, the two simply do not raise.

This door cannot be called. No one in Southeast Asia dared to move us. Indonesia was dismembered by us and sold to many guilds in different countries, and it was nearby. All areas are actually controlled by our guilds, and no forces dare to operate in such places.

It can be said that the entire area south of China is basically our sphere of influence, and there is no battle to fight at all. To fight, Chuangwang's fleet can only run east-west or north.

You can go to the West to find trouble for Europeans, but the distance is a bit far away. Although there are countries in the Middle East and the huge monster of India, players from these countries don’t seem to have much to the navy. Interested, except for some small fleets in individual countries, there is hardly any decent fleet in sight. If you go to Europe, there are a lot of enemies, and there are definitely battles you want to fight, but the problem is that you have to go around half of the Earth from China to Europe, and you have to come back for supplies and repairs after the battle. How do you calculate this cost? Moreover. We are not fighting for war. Wars are all about fighting for a certain kind of benefit. There is no good for us to run over and fight around?

If you can’t go west, only east and north are left.

Going east across Japan is the Pacific Ocean, and there are only two targets you can see. One is Australia and the other is the United States.

Australia’s navy is very powerful. Although this country’s military strength in reality is not very good, in the game, their navy is actually very strong. It's just that there is a weakness in terms of quantity. In terms of battleship performance, it is basically the same as that of the Americans. Compared with us, it is only slightly weaker. It is not a big gap.

Because Australia’s navy is unexpectedly strong, and neither of us has much conflict of interest so far, so even if we meet in the Pacific, we usually fire each other’s salutes, and then we work on our own. Yes, it was as if two gentlemen's strangers met on the road and nodded. Anyway, they were just passing by.

Australia has no fun, but there is some fighting on the American side. However, the scale of this battle is really... pocket-sized.

The most powerful guilds in the United States have a certain connection with our Frost Rose League. There is a lot of cooperation in interests between the two sides. Although they are not allies, they are actually It means that no one is willing to leave, because once the other party is missing, their own interests will be damaged. This situation has caused those large guilds to maintain a cold-eyed attitude toward our guilds. They are not confrontational or friendly. Anyway, they are in a state of permanent neutrality.

Of course, because the United States in reality is a federal country, their national system is maintained by law. But the problem is that there is no real law signing in the game, and there is no president like Lincoln. As a result, the American players in the game basically form a big league in the form of guilds. These guilds are like the actual state governments. The joint meeting formed by them is the United States government, but in fact this combination is not as powerful as in reality, because the actual U.S. military is in the hands of the president and has Various laws are used to maintain the unity of this country. However, the various guilds in the game themselves are armed groups, and there are not so many legal restrictions. The result is that this kind of union can only be combined for profit, and when it comes to arguing with each other, you can only see who has the big fist.

Because everyone has their own abacus, except for these large guilds that have interests in us, those small guilds simply don’t have so many scruples. They are all free forces, and most of them They all regard our guilds as invaders to the United States, so these guilds will attack the starting city of our guilds on the mainland of the United States from time to time.

Of course, the attack on the starting point city is impossible only from the land direction. Not all American battleships are in the hands of big guilds. Those small guilds also have their own fleets, so we should also stop these battleships. After all, it's not fun for artillery shells to fly into the city.

Because of these small guild fleets attacking us, our Frost Rose Fleet still has some battles to fight on the American side. But to be honest, this kind of battle is purely a child's play. The American navy is indeed very strong, but what they are talking about is the battleship mastered by their large guilds, while the battleships of those small guilds are partly built by themselves and partly bought from large guilds. These purchased battleships are expensive, so the quantity is very small. Although the number of battleships made by myself is still reasonable, the performance is too bad. Use these battleships like offshore patrol boats to attack battleships of the Kristina class, and you can imagine the result. The large battleships in the starting point of our household sometimes even did not wear the guns of the main turrets when they participated in the battle, because the captain felt that using the main guns to strike the boats was a waste of ammunition, so the main guns were not activated in many battles. Only use secondary artillery to fight.

Of course, battles of this intensity are impossible to use too many battleships, so although our guild's fleet stationed in the starting point city is equipped with large battleships, the number is very small, even small battleships. After all, this is the United States. It's true that those large guilds have a relationship with us, but isn't it an obvious provocation for you to put so many battleships in front of others? Therefore, in order to show that we have no intention of fully invading the United States, we can only arrange a small number of battleships in the starting point. The number of these battleships is small, but they are enough to deal with the invading fleets of the small guilds. Therefore, those large guilds can be understood as keeping our fleets just for defense, so they can also turn a blind eye. This situation is for both of us. There are benefits.

Because of this special situation, although our guild in the United States can be said to have been fighting constantly, for King Chuang, this basically cannot be called a fight. It is the same as if there is and not, even Even training is not very useful.

The U.S. can't count on it, and the northern side has become the final goal, but what is there? The Arctic Ocean in the game is not the Arctic Ocean in reality. In reality, the Arctic Ocean is divided into a freezing period and a navigating period, but in the game it has always been in a state called semi-freezing.

The so-called semi-frozen state means that the Arctic Ocean has been basically frozen all the time, except that there are many river-like channels on the ice. Some of these passages are very narrow, only one or two hundred meters wide, and some are as much as ten kilometers wide, enough to fight a small-scale naval battle.

For battleships in the Arctic Ocean, to fight, they must navigate between the rivers on the ice, and these rivers are not fixed. Sometimes they will suddenly widen, sometimes they will be completely blocked, and there are even a lot of dangerous icebergs in some places. Although these icebergs are impossible to sink large battleships, once these icebergs are smashed, their scattered ice will quickly freeze the sea surface nearby. The final result is that the battleship is stuck alive on the ice and completely changed. It became a fixed fort.

For this situation, the Russians have their own solutions. Their battleships all have the characteristics of icebreakers, which can break ice on the sea. This method determines that their battleship sailing capabilities are relatively special. In the open Sea Territory, the battle strength will not be too high. The battleship of our guild is generally not suitable for this kind of battle method. Therefore, the fleets of both sides will either go to Korea or Japan together. In the decisive battle of the Sea Territory here, you can either only stare at each other. Anyway, our battleship will not easily enter the Arctic Ocean, and the Russian fleet will not run out casually. After all, they are actually very dangerous when they are on the edge of the frozen area, because at this time they have no mobility, and the enemy outside the frozen area has the ability to move, so they become fixed targets, so the Russian fleet Unless you are sure that there are no enemies nearby, you will not enter or leave the Arctic Ocean at will.

In this weird situation, although the battle between us and the Russian players is very lively, it is a pity that there is basically nothing about the Navy. The result is that the current Frost Rose Alliance Navy has almost all become a transport escort, and there is nothing to do except for wandering around the world.

The king of Chuang, who is about to grow hair in his leisure time, heard this time that he wanted to retaliate against that British guild. How could he miss such a good opportunity? I didn’t go to Europe before because I didn’t have any interest there, and there was nothing to do after the battleship went. But it's different now. This time the British provoked us first, so we have a reason to act, and as long as there is a reason, it is reasonable to send a fleet.

Looking at King Chuang’s hurried roar, I deliberately pretended to hesitate for a long time, until the guy Chuang Wang was about to pull out his hair

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